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Laplace Equation

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|T X, T/2Sx<I

solution by the separation of variables.

Consider the heat flow in a mnetal plate of uniform thickness, in the directions parallel to
and breadth of the plate. There is no heat flow along the normal to the plane of the
tet u(x y) be the temperature at any point (x, y) of the plate at time t is given by
= c (u +
u ...(1)
(x,y + 6y) (x+ 8x, y+ y))
Inthe steady state, udoes not change with t.
Ou = 0
(x,y)|A (x+ öx, y)
(1) becomes u+ u= 0

This is called Laplace equation in two dimensions.

Partial Ditferential

u u 0 which satisfies the conditions

Example 13. Solve
u (x, 0) = 0
u(0, y) = u (l, y)=
(4.M.I.E.TE, Winter 20)
and u(1, a)

u= X(*).Y())
uand in (1), we have
Putting the values of
X"Y + XY = 0
X"= -P² X y- p² Y= 0
= Ply ..4)
A.E. of (3) is m² + P=0 or m =t
X = c Cos p x+ ©z Sin px.
A.E. of (4) is m²-p'=0or m=t P..
Y= ge+cyety
(2) we have
Putting the values of X and Y in
e+ C4ey
u= (ci cos Px +c sin Px) (C;

Putting x=0, u=0 in (5) we have

C; =0

(5) is reduced to u = sin Px (C, e + C¡ e)

On putting x = 1, u = 0, we have
0= 2 sinpl (C,e+ c4 ey
C2 #0 :. sin pl=0= sinn T

Pl= nT P=
Now (6) becomes
n Ty .)
u= C sin nTX
On putting u= 0 and y = 0in (7) we
0 = C2 Sin nTX
1 (Cy + ca)
Cg t C4 = 0 or C3 =-C4
(7) becomes u = C C3 Sin
PartialDifferentialIEquations 727

puttingy aand n sin in (8), we get

Puttingthis value in (8) we have

n7 X e - e | sinh
SIn 0f Ans.
n ta

Example 14. Arectangular plate with insulated surfaces is 10 cm wide and so long
comparedto its width that it may be considered infinite in length without introducing an ap-
preciabie error. If the temperature along the short edge y = 0 is given by
u(x, 0) = 20 x, 0<xs5
= 20 (10-x), 5 < < 10
while the two long edges = 0andx= 10 as well as the other short edges are kept at
Eind the steady state temperature at any point (x, y) of the plate.
Salution. In the steady state, the temperature u (x, y) at any point p (I, y) satisty the
uou = 0 ...(1)
p (y)
The boundary conditions are
u (0, y) = 0for all values of y ..2) 0°C 0°C
u(10, y) = 0for all values of y ..3)
u(x, o) = 0for all values of x ..4)
u(x, 0) = 20x 0<xs5
= 20 (10 -x) 5<x< 10 ...5) X=0 X=10
Now three possible solutions of (1) are
u =(CeP* + C2e (C, cos py + C4 sin py) ...(6)
u=(C; cos px+Cç sinp(C, e) + Cye ..(7)
u = (Cyx+ Cio) (Cuy + Ci2) ..(8)
Of these, we have to choose that solution which consistent with the physical nature of
the problem. The solution (6) and (8) cannot satisfy the condition (2), (3) and (4). Thus, only
possible solution is (7) ie., of the form.
u(z, y) = (C, cos px +Ch sin px) (C; e +Cyey .(9)
By (2) u(0, y) =C (C, eP" +C4 e)=0 for all values of y
C =0
(9) reduces to u(x, y) = C sin px (Cs eP +Cy e P) ..(10)
By (3) u(10,) =C, sin 10p (C;eY +CyeP)0 Ch+0
sin 10 p =0 10p= n T or p =
n Tt
Partial Differential Equationn

0 as y ’ o
Also to satisfy the condition (4) i.e., u =
CG = 0
Ca sin pxey
Hence (10)takes the form u (, y) = C,
where b, = C; C
u (1, y) = b, sin px.e Y form
satisfies (2), (3) & (4) is of the
The most general solution that

u(r, y) = S) b, sin px eP

n t
where p= 10
Putting y=0, u(x, 0) = ) , sin px
in the interval x = 0and x = S amd
This requires the expansion of uin Fourier series
from x= 5to x= 10. 10
b,=o 20 xsin px dx+o 20(10-x) sin px dx

b, =4J xsinpx dx+4) (10-*) sin px dk

sin px

-5cos 5P sin 5P sin 10P.5 cos 5P. sin 5P

+ P
= 4
P p2
2sin 5P sin 10P n 1
- 4

2 sin 5 sin 10 800 400
10 10 sin nt
= 4
n' n'2 2 nr
100 100
800 800 ifn is odd.or b, =
= 0 if n is even. = t (2n-1'7
temperature at any point (x, y) is given by
On putting the value of b, in (5) the
800 -1y+1 Sin (2n -1) TX e (21-)12
u (r, y) = (2n-1)2 10

Exercise 9.18
variables, a particular solution of the equation
1. Find by the method of separation of
a'u,du =0
2ecos y
Ans. u =
to 2 cos y whenx=0.
that tends to zero as x tends to infinity and is equal
2. Solve the equation: Ur t uy =0

u (0, y) =u(, y)= 0 for all y,

u (x, 0) = k 0<x<I
PartialDifferentialEquations 729

lim u(x, y) = 0 0<x<T (4.MLE.TE,Summer 2003)

Ans. u(r, y) = 5 b, sin nxe ", k= b, sin nx

Solvethe boundary value problemsubject to the given conditions :

u 0sxsl10, 0sy <oo
u (0, y) = 0 for all y, u(10, y) =0 for all y
u(x,o) =0 in 0 <x<5, u(x, 0) = 20 (10 -x), 5sxs 10
sin (2n- ) 7x
800 (27- 1) Y
e 10
= 20 x 0sxs5 Ans. u (x, y) = 10
n= 1
(2n - 1)
Find the solution of Laplace's equation V2y=0 in cartesian coordinates in the region
0<x S a, 0 S ys bo to satisfying the conditions y= 0 on x= 0, x = a, y = 0 y = b
(A.M.IE.TE., Winter 2001)
y= x(a-x), 0<x<a.
sin sinh (2n + 1) TY
8a? 1
Ans. r = (2n +1)nb
(2n + 1)³ sinh

5. An infinitely long uniform plate is bounded by two parallel edges and an end at right angles to them.
The breadth is . This end is maintained at a temperature uo at all points and other edges are at zero
temperature. Determine the temperature at any point of the plate in the steady state.

(A.MJ.E.T.E., Dec. 2005) Ans. u (, y)= e sin x+;e sin 3x+e sin Sx +...
6. Solve 20, given that
() V=0 when x =0 and x=c; (ii) V ’0 as y ’ 0; (iii) V= Vo when y=0.

Ans. V(r, y) = y b, sin " e c,V=b, sin "T*

n=1 n = l

x = a, y = 0 and
7. The steady state temperature distribution in a thin plate bounded by the lines x = 0,
y= 0, is governed by the partial differential equation
u,& u = 0.

Obtain the steady state temperature distribution under the conditions

u (0, y) =0, u(a, y) =0, u (x, o )=0
0sxs a/2
u (x, 0) = X,
distance on
O. The points of trisection of a tightly stretched string are pulled aside through the same
opposite sides of the position of equilibrium and the string is released from rest. Derive an expression
the string always
Tor the displacement of the string at subsequent time and show that the mid-point of
remains at rest.
u.1 u+ u. 0
Example 15. Solve
y the method of separation of variables.

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