Merchant of Venice Thesis Topics

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Struggling with writing your Merchant of Venice thesis? You're not alone.

Crafting a compelling and

academically sound thesis can be a daunting task, especially when dealing with complex literary
works like The Merchant of Venice. From analyzing characters and themes to exploring historical
contexts and literary devices, there's a lot to consider.

But fear not! Help is at hand. At ⇒ ⇔, we understand the challenges students face
when it comes to writing theses, and we're here to make the process easier for you. Our team of
experienced writers specializes in literary analysis and can assist you in developing a strong and
insightful thesis on The Merchant of Venice.

With our help, you can explore a wide range of thesis topics, including:

1. The portrayal of Shylock: Victim or villain?

2. The theme of justice and mercy in The Merchant of Venice.
3. Gender roles and expectations in Renaissance Venice.
4. The use of comedy and tragedy in Shakespeare's play.
5. Anti-Semitism in The Merchant of Venice: Historical context and contemporary relevance.
6. The role of wealth and materialism in the characters' motivations.
7. Friendship and loyalty among the characters.

No matter what aspect of The Merchant of Venice you're interested in exploring, our writers can
guide you through the process of developing a well-researched and thought-provoking thesis. We'll
work closely with you to understand your unique perspective and help you articulate your ideas

Don't let the challenges of writing a thesis hold you back. Order from ⇒ ⇔ today
and take the first step towards academic success.
How do you like the young German, nephew to the Duke of Saxony? Invoking the supremacy of
justice, she says he may have a pound of flesh but not a drop of blood, with the threatened penalty of
death if he does not follow her terms exactly. Antonio’s Christian affect —which is here seen as one
who is ever-ready to serve and accommodate others—and it is. Though Shylock is seen as a cruel
and spiteful character, if one takes the time to seriously analyze the story, you will find that Shylock’s
behavior is not without reason. The inscription on this casket reads, “who chooseth me must give
and hazard all the hath.” He is saying here that if you choose this casket you must go through and
put up with what might ever come your way with Portia, this might put some men off picking it as it
sounds negative and so does the fact it is in the lead casket. Upload Read for free FAQ and support
Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. These
juxtapositions throughout the play highlight the inequality between characters and their unfounded
discrimination against one another. The powerful and intelligent portrayal of women is really
heartening especially when we know the time it was written. This attitude and state of mind may
have very likely contributed towards his unmoving thirst for revenge against Antonio and his fellow
Christians. She thinks human beings should be merciful as God is, therefore is greater than power,
majesty or law. There are many less close, or less significant friendships I haven’t mentioned, but
they still give the play life, so can’t be dismissed. ANTONIO (ANTHONIO-Q1 ), a merchant of
Venice, friend of Bassanio. First of all the juxtaposition of Venice and Belmont is highlighted as,
throughout the plot it keeps going back and forth between the two so their contrasts become
highlighted. The effect of iambic pentameter is so that the lines flow well and they do not have to
rhyme for this to happen. Shylock—perhaps as a compensation for his own sense of lack—(and this
is something we also see later in. By pitting mercy against justice in his climactic scene, Shakespeare
suggests that everyone struggles with competing urges to complain and forgive. What was the impact
of the First World War on the Police and Policing in Gr. First of all the juxtaposition of Venice and
Belmont is highlighted as, throughout the plot it keeps going back and forth between the two so their
contrasts become highlighted. Portia forgives Bassanio for leaving Belmont on the night of their
engagement, putting aside her own wishes and encouraging him to help his friend. These
relationships are affected by gossips and rumours, which due to the close community are flying
around all the time. Shakespeare indicates that even though all is going well, there was danger
lurking around the corner which would upset the life of Antonio. Bassanio rushes back to be with his
friend and he comes with twice the amount given to save his friend. This lawyer of which the letter
speaks is called Balthazar, but when Balthazar enters it becomes apparent to the audience that the
lawyer is in fact Portia in disguise. Friendship, love, mercenary attitude is given equal importance as
themes in the play The Merchant of Venice. This isn’t the first time we see Portia act cruelly though
she’s just as much racist as the others in the court which we see in Act 1 Scene 2 when she says “If
he have the condition of a saint, and the complexion of a devil I had rather he should shrive me than
wive me.” She shows she thinks Prince Morocco to be savage, lustful and devilish. In my essay I
intend to show that, while the above may be true, Shylock had been driven to this state by years of
prejudice and abuse. Here again, knowing that most of Antonio’s money is tied up in his. Up until
the 19 century, this disease was thought to have ath. They are narrow minded about their beliefs and
this brings about the conflicts.
Portia can have her wish and remain faithful to her father’s will. She says that having a sceptre
symbolizes earthly power, but it is far more important to show the quality of mercy which earns
respect, which is the proper characteristic of true royalty. You should not use the exact words of this
or any other resource without giving credit to the source. These two lines are superfluous and appear
too bold for either Salarino or Salanio—sounding more like. As well as feeling upset and lonely after
Jessica running away, he must have felt betrayed as his only child, his own flesh and blood has
eloped with a Christian, one of the “enemy”, as well as hearing that Jessica had exchanged one of
his most treasured possessions for a monkey. The characters in the play, however, do not know this.
The dramatic moments of the play end here with Shylock making his daughter as his legal heir.
Shylock sees that he has been cornered, and asks permission to leave the court. However, the non-
prescriptiveness of Shakespeare's writing does not mean he did not intent to challenge his audience’s
preconceived ideas. One cannot help noticing that Bassanio's fight for Portia is nothing more than
pure romance. I. iii brings to us the first sign of conflict between Antonio and Shylock,
foreshadowing the horrendous event that is to happen later. Portia proceeds to gain Shylock's respect
by reminding the court that Antonio must pay the bond with 'A pound of flesh, to be by him cut off
nearest the merchant's heart.' Portia asks Shylock whether he has the scales ready to weigh the
pound of flesh, to which he replies 'I have them ready'. It is best to think things over carefully before
putting words on paper. Englishman, and swore that he would pay him back when he was able. We
are not told whether this is true or if Antonio is just generous in not charging interest to his clients.
The Merchant of Venice SparkNotes Literature Guide EBOOK EDITION Ace your assignments
with our guide to The Merchant of Venice. Furthermore, Antonio's lack of justification for why he so
despises Shylock, serves as an example of the hollowness on which prejudice is formed without
reason. “Neither Jew nor Christian in this play lives up to his formal or assumed profession of faith,
but neither profession is thereby in itself invalidated”. Through his use of Shylock as example,
Shakespeare had shown the aversion of Jews to Christians. However, at the time, 'god-fathers', was
also a nick-name for the members of a jury, a body of twelve men, who would have been needed to
pass sentence on Shylock. Bassanio attempts to secure the money he needs from Shylock, a usurer,
or a moneylender that charges high rates of interest. This line refers to people who smile so much so
that their cheek muscles have atrophied and now keep their. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should
his sufferance be by Christian example. There are many less close, or less significant friendships I
haven’t mentioned, but they still give the play life, so can’t be dismissed. In return Bassanio would
do the same and would even give up his wife for Antonio. Bassanio sees this as a possibility that his
friend may live, but Antonio is not optimistic and says. Shylock, who is gratified with this
judgement, compares Portia to 'Daniel' who, in the Apocrypha, was instructed by God to give a
verdict against two 'elders' who had tried to rape the celibate lady Susanna. Fearing this many
eligible suitors refused to go through the test. Also the end scene shows that mostly everyone lives
happily ever after and all is well. She states that Shylock shall have only his 'justice', so she instructs
him to prepare to cut the pound of flesh, but she warns him, if he should cut any more or less than a
pound, even in the 'estimation of a hair' then he shall lose all that he owns. Despite the proposal of
love from Bassanio to Portia, when asked to confess the truth. He then directly states his hatred,
which is based on Antonio's religion.
How do you like the young German, nephew to the Duke of Saxony? The villany you teach me, I
will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction (Shakespeare 51). Throughout the
play Shakespeare satirizes Jewish stereotypes and depicts acts. However, at the end of the plot
Shylock neither gets his pound of flesh or his three thousand ducats back. Going Short. Short and
Sweet: Reading and Writing Flash Fiction; Word Stories. Portia had heard about Bassanio and hoped
he would come to try his luck. So, in the play, Antonio, Bassanio, Gratiano and many more of the
Christians feel resentment towards Shylock the 'alien'. One had gold, the second silver and the third
had lead. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make
your writing easier are also offered here. I cannot choose: Portia is powerlessness; she cannot choose;
she is bound by her father’s conditions and. On the contrary, you should feel free to modify or adapt
any outline toward your purposes. Rabiya Husain LIPIDS UNIT ONE BIOMOLECULE
or Bangladesh Economic Zone Authority recruitment exam question solution. Bassanio remembers
that Portia had told him never to detach himself from the ring for any reason, and, recollecting this,
he refuses. We see Portia is aware of this when she tells Bassanio 'It must not be, there is no power
in Venice Can alter a decree established.' When he asks her to break the law to save Antonio. Share
to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. In addition, the Sals, who are unmitigated
supporters of Antonio. Bassanio is upset by this and asks him 'Why dost thou wet thy knife so
earnestly?', and Shylock replies that he intends to take what is rightfully his. And range from very
strong ones such as between Antonio and Bassanio to mere acquantancies such as the one between
Solanio and Antonio. This annoys him endlessly and brings out the real anger in Shylock. Upload
Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel
Next What is Scribd. This line refers to people who smile so much so that their cheek muscles have
atrophied and now keep their. There are many less close, or less significant friendships I haven’t
mentioned, but they still give the play life, so can’t be dismissed. Write a review Update existing
review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. The money is borrowed under the
terms that if Antonio is unable to repay the money within three months then Shylock may take a
pound of Antonio’s flesh. By pitting mercy against justice in his climactic scene, Shakespeare
suggests that everyone struggles with competing urges to complain and forgive. The moral and
ethical decisions of all the characters raise questions about their integrity, which conflict with
existing stereotypes, and require the audience to reassess their own prejudices. Despite the
Shakespearean genius that floats through it, there have been countless debates on its anti-semitic
references. Shylock represents a type of law that does not allow mercy which follows the teachings
of the Old Testament, which seem to dissociate justice and mercy. First of all Portia who is one of
the main characters, her key speech was based around mercy. It is considered as Anti-Semitic because
of William Shakespeare's depiction of Jews as despicable.
Then if you compare that to Shylock’s, another main character, his speech was based around revenge.
Such as the love of a friend which is explored through Antonio and Bassanio, These two friends are
extremely close and Antonio would just about give his live or do anything for Bassanio. Jessica and
Lorenzo repeatedly note the necessity of good humor; it is in the nature of lovers to merchant of
venice essays and to make false promises, so we must try to laugh and see what is best in one
another. She repeats many of Jesus’ teachings like in Matthew 5 when he says “Blessed are the
merciful, For they shall obtain mercy.” This can be related to when she says “ We do pray for mercy,
And that same prayer doth teach us all to render The deeds of mercy.” By this she means that we
should all show mercy if we accept to receive it because no ones sin free and justice was done then
nobody would be righteous enough to obtain salvation. He is upset that Bassanio has transferred his
affections for him to a woman, Portia. Yes, yes, it was Bassanio—as I think so was he called. 62. It
is accepted to have been composed somewhere in the range of and Merchant of Venice: Portia Essay
Words8 Pages The Merchant of Venice is a play set in a very male and Christian dominated society
where other religions and women rights weren’t very well accepted by the community. In addition,
the Sals, who are unmitigated supporters of Antonio. During the time of the trial, it was revealed that
Shylock was going through a troublesome time, not only with Antonio, but also with of his only
daughter Jessica, who had eloped with Lorenzo, a Christian. This feeling is disrupted when you
remember a few scenes back you heard Shylock say of his daughter when she ran away with some of
BIOMOLECULE PRESENTATION BEZA or Bangladesh Economic Zone Authority recruitment
exam question solution. We also learn at the start of the play when Antonio lends Bassanio the
money, he breaks his own rules. While there is valid textual support for both sides of the argument,
what is important to consider is whether Shakespeare's intention was to write an anti-Semitic play, or
rather, to raise questions about racial prejudice and religious persecution. Following the reported
disappearances of all of Antonio’s ships, the bond goes unpaid and Shylock takes him to court. He is
often generous to his friends, especially Bassanio when he helps him out with a loan of ducats.
However, through the prism of anti-Semitic attitudes Shakespeare exposes the reality of racial and
religious bigotry and prejudice, highlighting its illogicality and posing a direct challenge to his
audience. How do you like the young German, nephew to the Duke of Saxony? What say you then
to Falconbridge, the young baron of England? Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language
(EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. The well-being of the
citizens depends on the support and guidance they receive from those with power and influence in.
Despite much talk and action revolving around finance I still feel that passion manages to emerge in
the form of love, hatred, friendship and selflessness. Lorenzo was willing to go against his religion
and what other people would say was despicable behaviour to be with Jessica. The hatred between
Antonio and Shylock was based around many things, but as Shylock said plainly. The Duke now
realises that there is no way that he can legally save his friend's life, but, he states that 'upon his
power' he may dismiss the court unless Bellario, a famous lawyer whom he has called to the court to
ask him of his opinion, can attend the hearing. Shakespeare's works are renowned for allowing
multiple readings of the same text, depending on the readers' perspective or director's interpretation.
She thinks human beings should be merciful as God is, therefore is greater than power, majesty or
law. He then directly states his hatred, which is based on Antonio's religion. Shakespeare uses this
technique a lot in his plays. As well as merely gossiping, they also keep the audience up to date with
the play, by talking to each other about past events. Therefore when a man marries a wealthy woman,
her money passes into his control.
Again, this emphasies the conflict between love and money. Bassanio’s companion Gratiano falls in
love with Portia’s servant and this marriage also take place. Hence, Gratziano is saying that Antonio
is going to get jaundice as a result his depressed. Thus, he will repay them with revenge more cruel
than the way they have treated him. Shakespeare has a great talent for making the reader change
sides and feel many different things for one character. That he shows himself as a charitable
neighbor: for he borrowed a punch in the ear from the. Must it be so?: (a) i.e., it should not be that
way and we must do something about it—such as get together for a. From what we come to know
(and something which Bassanio intimates in. However she complains about the restrictive terms in
the will. Shylock represents a type of law that does not allow mercy which follows the teachings of
the Old Testament, which seem to dissociate justice and mercy. Then if you compare that to
Shylock’s, another main character, his speech was based around revenge. This does though illuminate
fundamental differences between the Old Testament followed by Jewish people and the new. Yes,
yes, it was Bassanio—as I think so was he called. 62. God made him so, therefore, let him pass for a
man. Yet because of the powerful speeches and the dramatic appeal it can be considered as one of
his more serious plays. If Nerissa did know of the lords’s departure beforehand then. This feeling is
disrupted when you remember a few scenes back you heard Shylock say of his daughter when she
ran away with some of his money. Antonio is bad for Shylocks business as he lends money without
interest, with him gone there is less competition for Shylock. Shortly after this conversation ends
Shylock enters. Writing is a highly individual activity, and you should never feel bound to any of the
outlines. This image is supported by Shylock’s later description of Antonio as one who. Then
Shylock is allowed to carry out his agreement but Balthazar says that since the agreement spoke
about only flesh and not blood, not a drop of blood should come while taking the flesh. This short
line could resulted from a smudge mark, rendering. The caskets all come with one rhyme for the
suitors to think about and consider when they are making their choice. Shylock is hoping to find a
way to entrap Antonio, to gain an advantage on him, then to use that opportunity to. By pitting
mercy against justice in his climactic scene, Shakespeare suggests that everyone struggles with
competing urges to complain and forgive. Feeding fat indicates that Shylock will take delight in, and
indulge in, his. Despite his constant sacrifices, Antonio becomes irritating when he seems to brood
on his sense of perpetual martyrdom, merchant of venice essays, and Gratiano urges him to abandon
his silent grievances and enjoy his life. In five tolerant, effortless acts, Shakespeare shows us that we
are destined to have these arguments—with others and with ourselves—every day of our lives.
Everyone else in the courtroom wants Shylock to spare Antonio and take the money so to show a
type of law that has room for mercy so and follows Christian and Jesus’ teachings even though these
chracaters don't even follow the teachings of Christ themselves.
Again, this emphasies the conflict between love and money. The Merchant of Venice is a romantic
comedy which goes a little further to make it a more serious play of Shakespeare. This leads to the
characters in Venice not taking money for granted and they value money as they keep it all to
themselves. Bassanio rushes back to be with his friend and he comes with twice the amount given to
save his friend. Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions: fed with the
same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same winter and summer as a Christian is?”
(3.1.49-54). When Shylock seeks his revenge, feeling himself to be a victim of society, and calls for
legal justice he is cruelly tricked and humiliated by his Christian enemies. An audience at the time
would be outraged at this and their hate and resentment towards would certainly heighten. Popular
pages: The Merchant of Venice, merchant of venice essays. In my essay I intend to show that, while
the above may be true, Shylock had been driven to this state by years of prejudice and abuse. Portia
emphasises the irony in this further by saying. The Jew of Malta by Christopher Marlowe, published
a few years prior to the Merchant of Venice had been very successful and centred around a Jewish
villain, Barabas. Firstly, you have Portia who still respects her father’s wishes regarding the terms of
the caskets left in his will. This does though illuminate fundamental differences between the Old
Testament followed by Jewish people and the new. Going Short. Short and Sweet: Reading and
Writing Flash Fiction; Word Stories. Shakespeare indicates that even though all is going well, there
was danger lurking around the corner which would upset the life of Antonio. Janus: the Roman god
of exits and entrances, who has two faces (not two heads) which looks in opposite. The lawyer's
clerk, who is Nerissa dressed as a man, arrives with a letter from Bellario. As well as feeling upset
and lonely after Jessica running away, he must have felt betrayed as his only child, his own flesh and
blood has eloped with a Christian, one of the “enemy”, as well as hearing that Jessica had exchanged
one of his most treasured possessions for a monkey. Bassanio needs money to woo Portia, so
Antonio agrees to sign a bond with Shylock, a Jewish moneylender, guaranteeing a pound of
Antonio's flesh if the loan is not repaid. Shylock’s initial intention was to humiliate Antonio, and to
put him at a moral disadvantage, which later turned more. He was certain that he could repay his
debt without any hassle. Afraid of his own shadow, he draws a sword to fence with37. These
relationships are affected by gossips and rumours, which due to the close community are flying
around all the time. Jesus of Nazareth who conjured a demon out of two men and cast it into a herd
of pigs (Matthew 8:28-33); or to the. Antonio had loaned the money from Shylock the contract being
that if he failed to repay the debt a pound of his flesh would be removed. The friendships cross sex,
age, race, and class boundaries. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our
reviews, only customers who have downloaded this resource can review it Report this resource to let
us know if it violates our terms and conditions. Lorenzo (and not with Salarino and Salanio.) Hence,
the familiar and history-based phrase, you say, was likely. However, he puts the picture of Portia in
the least expected casket; this would be the lead casket. She states that Shylock shall have only his
'justice', so she instructs him to prepare to cut the pound of flesh, but she warns him, if he should cut
any more or less than a pound, even in the 'estimation of a hair' then he shall lose all that he owns.
Scottish suitor), or c) leaving the references as they are, to four (and delete the English and Scottish
suitors). One.
The final and arguably harshest punishment is that Shylock must convert to Christianity. This
suggests Shakespeare's intention was not to promote anti-Semitism, but rather to highlight the issue
of religious discrimination and its questionable rationale. However this can be compared to Belmont,
which is very much the upper-class city. But there is nothing that Antonio can pinpoint as the reason
for his worry. By pitting mercy against justice in his climactic scene, Shakespeare suggests that
everyone struggles with competing urges to complain and forgive. He doesn’t even know what he’s
done wrong and thinks Shylock is probably doing this just because he’s jealous of him. I remember
him well, and I remember him worthy of thy praise. We first hear of this abuse in Act One Scene
Three during Shylock’s speech during discussion with Antonio and Bassanio. Give us your email
address and we’ll send this sample there. It is accepted to have been composed somewhere in the
range of and Merchant of Venice: Portia Essay Words8 Pages The Merchant of Venice is a play set
in a very male and Christian dominated society where other religions and women rights weren’t very
well accepted by the community. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in
Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Also at the end of the play, in my
opinion Shylock deserved what he got so justice was served. In doing this, Antonio has struck the
ultimate blow, forcing Shylock to become what he hates and to leave his wealth to someone who has
already robbed him of a lot of money and stolen his daughter. Barrow Motor Ability Test - TEST,
characters and possessions, for example you could say Shylock loves his money. Nerissa is saying
that the one who chooses the right chest (and wins Portia) will be one whom Portia rightly. The
rectification above, contains three rhyming lines of ten syllables each, yet the meter does not
conform. Generally there is a quite tight knit community within the Christians, and they have a
rivalry with the Jewish community who are also quite close to each other. God made him so,
therefore, let him pass for a man. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Antonio is
often sad and depressed; the cause of this sadness is not known but it is often said it is because he is
an isolated character. Englishman and Scottish suitors added in a later draft. It is not as if Shylock is
an unfeeling man, as is frequently portrayed amongst the Elizabethan audience. This, however, would
require the scene to be staging in the market, with. The superficiality is mostly around the appearance
as the three caskets are gold, silver and lead. It seems more likely that Gratziano would commend
silence in a craggy old maid (who. Who was this lady to whom Bassanio swore to meet with in
secret (and to keep the whole meeting a secret. Popular pages: The Merchant of Venice, merchant of
venice essays. They are narrow minded about their beliefs and this brings about the conflicts.
Shylock is then forced to convert to Christianity and give up his wealth.

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