Questions For The Breadwinner
Questions For The Breadwinner
Questions For The Breadwinner
Chapter One
1. What is Father’s job and why is Parvana able to help him go to work and stay
2. Who lives in Paravana’s family, and what kind of housing do they have?
4. How did the rule of the Taliban change the lives of Paravana’s family?
Chapter Two
1. Why does Parvana have to go to get water for the family? Why does the water
2. Why doesn’t the family talk to the neighbors or invite friends over?
3. Why does the family sell their things? Why would they sell Paravana’s good
6. Why do the four soldiers burst in the room and take Father away?
Chapter Three
2. Why did mother decide to go to jail to try to help Father? What was the walk to
jail like?
Chapter Four
1. Describe how Mother and Parvana looked and felt after the long walk to and from
the prison.
Chapter Five
1. Why was Parvana scared to go shopping alone? How were women supposed to
shop? Why did the Talib hit Parvana with the stick for shopping?
2. When Parvana ran away and upset some food along the way, she was clutching
bread too tightly, and she ran into someone. Why did the person notice how she
was carrying the bread? How did the person help Parvana’s family?