Ansi GPTC Z380 1 2022
Ansi GPTC Z380 1 2022
Ansi GPTC Z380 1 2022
GPTC Secretary
(202) 824-7339
[email protected]
February 1, 2023
Enclosed is ANSI/GPTC Z380.1, Guide for Gas Transmission, Distribution, and Gathering
Piping Systems, 2022 Edition, which includes Addenda 1 and 2.
Your purchase entitles you to receive future notification of the issuance of addenda. Addenda are
formatted to enable the replacement of pages in your Guide with updated pages. Addenda are
available for free downloading from the GPTC webpage at or paper copies may
be purchased at for a nominal fee.
On behalf of the Gas Piping Technology Committee and the American Gas Association, thank you
for your purchase and interest in the Guide.
The changes in this edition are marked by wide vertical lines inserted to the left of modified text, overwriting
the left border of most tables, or a block symbol ( ▌) where needed. There was one Federal Regulation
update for this period. 13 GPTC transactions affected 16 sections of the Guide.
Editorial updates include application of the Editorial Guidelines, adjustments to page numbering, and
adjustment of text on pages. Only significant editorial updates are marked. Editorial updates as indicated
“EU” affected 10 sections of the Guide. Most sections were impacted by page adjustments throughout the
The table shows the affected sections, the pages to be removed, and their replacement pages.
Part 191
191.23 TR 19-32 13/14, 15/16 13/14, 15/16
Part 192
PART A Amdt. 192-132 17/18, 19/20, 21/21a
17/18, 19/20, 21/22
192.7 Amdt. 192-132 31/32, 35/36 31/32, 35/36
192.8 TR 22-44 43/44 43/44
192.9 Amdt. 192-132 45/46 45/46, 46a/47, 48/49
PART C 69/70
TR 19-24 69/70
192.123 95/96
TR 19-03 95/96
PART D 131/132
EU 131/132
192.205 TR 19-44 145/146, 147/148 145/146, 147/148
192.756 TR 19-06
425/426 425/426, 426a/426b,
PART O Amdt. 192-132
453/454 453/454
192.917 Amdt. 192-132 465/466, 467/468 465/466, 466a/466b,
192.923 Amdt. 192-132 507/508 507/508
192.925 TR 22-05
525/526 525/526, 526a/527
192.927 Amdt. 192-132
531/532 thru 537/538 531/532, 533/534,
535/535a, 536/537
192.929 Amdt. 192-132
547/548 547/547a, 547b/548
192.933 Amdt. 192-132
557/558 557/557a, 557b/558
192.935 Amdt. 192-132, TR 19-24 561/562, 563/564, 561/562, 562a/563,
565/566 565/566, 566a/567,
192.941 Amdt. 192-132 575/576 thru 579/580 575/576, 577/578,
GMA G-192-1 TR 19-24
645/646, 649/650 645/646, 649/650
2022 Edition
Author: Secretariat:
Gas Piping Technology Committee (GPTC) Z380 American Gas Association
Accredited by ANSI
Addenda to this Guide will also be issued periodically to enable users to keep the Guide up-to-date
by replacing the pages that have been revised with the new pages. It is advisable, however, that pages
which have been revised be retained so that the chronological development of the Federal
Regulations and the Guide is maintained.
As part of document purchase, GPTC (using AGA as Secretariat) will try to keep purchasers informed
on the current Federal Regulations as released by the Department of Transportation (DOT). This is
done by periodically issuing addenda to update both the Federal Regulations and the guide material.
It is the responsibility of the purchaser to obtain a copy of any addenda. Addenda are posted on the
Committee’s webpage at The GPTC assumes no responsibility in the event the
purchaser does not obtain addenda. The purchaser is reminded that the changes to the Regulations
can be found on the Federal Register's web site.
No part of this document may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without
the prior written permission of the American Gas Association.
Participation by state and federal agency representative(s) or person(s) affiliated with industry is not to be
interpreted as government or industry endorsement of the guide material in this Guide.
Cover photos of meters and pipeline with gauge provided by permission of Spire Inc. (formerly Laclede Gas
Company); cover photo of welder provided by permission of the Southern California Gas Company.
Copyright 2022
400 N. Capitol St., NW
Washington, DC 20001
All Rights Reserved
Printed in U.S.A.
The guide material presented in the Gas Piping Technology Committee's (GPTC) "Guide for Gas
Transmission, Distribution, and Gathering Piping Systems" (Guide) contains information and some "how
to" methods to assist the operator in complying with the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 49 as
• Part 191 - Transportation of Natural and Other Gas by Pipeline: Annual Reports, Incident Reports,
and Safety-Related Condition Reports
• Part 192 - Transportation of Natural and Other Gas by Pipeline: Minimum Federal Safety Standards
Parts 191 and 192 are typically referred to hereinafter as the "Regulations."
The recommendations contained in the Guide are based on sound engineering principles developed by a
committee balanced in accordance with accepted committee procedures and must be applied by the use
of sound and competent judgment. All guide material is of equal importance and validity, whether
immediately following the Regulations or in Guide Material Appendices.
The guide material is advisory in nature and contains guidance and information for consideration in
complying with the Regulations. As such, it is not intended for public authorities or others to adopt the Guide
in mandatory language, in whole or in part, in laws, regulations, administrative orders, ordinances, or similar
instruments as the sole means of compliance.
The operator is cautioned that the guide material may not be adequate under all conditions encountered,
and should not restrict the operator from using other methods of complying with the Regulations. Following
the Guide does not ensure that an operator is automatically in compliance with the requirements of Parts
191 and 192. Operators of intrastate facilities are also cautioned that some states have additional or more
stringent requirements than Parts 191 and 192. Operators of both intrastate and interstate facilities may be
subject to state-specific damage prevention requirements.
Operators should recognize that certain activities may also be impacted by other agencies, such as United
States Coast Guard (USCG), Transportation Security Administration (TSA), Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). For example, TSA has issued
pipeline security guidelines to assist pipeline operators in addressing the management of security-related
threats, events, and responses.
The Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act became effective on August 12, 1968. It required the Secretary of
Transportation to adopt interim rules within three months which were to consist of the existing state
standards, where such standards existed, or the standards common to a majority of states where no state
standard existed, and to establish minimum federal standards within twenty-four months. The safety
standard for gas pipelines and mains, in the majority of the states, was the American National Standard
Code for Pressure Piping, Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems, B31.8. Thus, the interim
minimum safety standards were essentially B31.8 Code requirements.
Between August 12, 1968 and August 12, 1970, the Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS) of the United States
Department of Transportation (DOT) developed safety standards which would be applicable to gas facilities,
with the exception of rural gas gathering systems. As a result, Title 49 Part 192 of the Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) "Transportation of Natural and Other Gas by Pipelines: Minimum Federal Safety
Standards" became effective November 12, 1970.
Since the sponsoring organization of the ANSI B31.8 Committee was The American Society of Mechanical
[Issued by Amdt. 191-6, 53 FR 24942, July 1, 1988 with Amdt. 191-6 Correction, 53 FR 26560, July 13,
1988; Amdt. 191-14, 63 FR 37500, July 13, 1998; Amdt. 191-24, 81 FR 91872, Dec. 19, 2016; Amdt. 191-
26, Oct. 1, 2019; Amdt. 191-30, 86 FR 63294 Nov. 15, 2021]
(a) For the purpose of Safety-Related Condition Reports, "in-service facilities" are those that are pressurized
with gas, regardless of flow conditions. Facilities that are not "in-service" are completely depressurized
and isolated from all pressurized facilities by valves or physical separation.
(b) Section 192.605 requires operators to have procedures enabling O&M personnel to recognize
conditions that potentially may be safety-related conditions. See Guide Material Appendix G-191-3 for
charts useful in determining if reports must be filed.
(c) See 4.4 of the guide material under §192.605 for actions to consider in response to safety-related
conditions. See guide material under §192.617 for failure investigation, when applicable.
Filing safety-related condition reports.
[Effective Date: 07/01/2020]
(a) Each report of a safety-related condition under §191.23(a)(1) through (9) must be filed
(received by the Associate Administrator) in writing within five working days (not including
Saturday, Sunday, or Federal Holidays) after the day a representative of an operator first
determines that the condition exists, but not later than 10 working days after the day a
representative of the operator discovers the condition. Separate conditions may be described
in a single report if they are closely related. Reporting methods and report requirements are
described in paragraph (c) of this section.
(b) Each report of a maximum allowable operating pressure exceedance meeting the
requirements of criteria in § 191.23(a)(10) for a gas transmission pipeline must be filed
(received by the Associate Administrator) in writing within 5 calendar days of the exceedance
using the reporting methods and report requirements described in paragraph (c) of this
(c) Reports must be filed by email to [email protected] or by facsimile to
(202) 366-7128. For a report made pursuant to § 191.23(a)(1) through (9), the report must be
headed “Safety-Related Condition Report.” For a report made pursuant to § 191.23 (a)(10) the
report must be headed “Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure Exceedances.” All reports
must provide the following information:
(1) Name, principal address, and operator identification number (OPID) of the operator.
(2) Date of report.
(3) Name, job title, and business telephone number of person submitting the report.
(4) Name, job title, and business telephone number of person who determined that the
condition exists.
(5) Date condition was discovered and date condition was first determined to exist.
(6) Location of condition, with reference to the State (and town, city, or county) or
offshore site, and as appropriate, nearest street address, offshore platform, survey
station number, milepost, landmark, or name of pipeline.
(7) Description of the condition, including circumstances leading to its discovery, any
significant effects of the condition on safety, and the name of the commodity
transported or stored.
(8) The corrective action taken (including reduction of pressure or shutdown) before the
report is submitted and the planned follow-up or future corrective action, including
the anticipated schedule for starting and concluding such action.
[Issued by Amdt. 191-6, 53 FR 24942, July 1, 1988 with Amdt. 191-6 Correction, 53 FR 26560, July 13,
1988 and Amdt. 191-6 Correction, 53 FR 29800, Aug. 8, 1988; Amdt. 191-7, 54 FR 32342, Aug. 7, 1989;
Amdt. 191-8, 54 FR 40878, Oct. 4, 1989; Amdt. 191-10, 61 FR 18512, Apr. 26, 1996; Amdt. 191-23, 80 FR
12762, Mar. 11, 2015, Amdt. 191-26, Oct. 1, 2019]
(a) The preamble to Amendment 191-7 ("Interpretation and Statement of Policy Regarding Discovery of
Safety-Related Conditions by Smart Pigs and Instructions to Personnel") states:
"Discovery of a potentially reportable condition occurs when an operator's representative has
adequate information from which to conclude the probable existence of a reportable condition. An
operator would have adequate information for each anomaly that is physically examined. Absent
physical examination, discovery may occur after the data are calibrated if the "adequate information"
test is met. However, the adequacy of the information that pig data provide about anomalous
conditions is contingent on a concurrent indication from a number of factors from which an operator
could conclude the probable existence of a reportable condition. Among these are the sophistication
of the pig being used, the reliability of the data, the accuracy of data interpretation, and any other
factors known by the operator relative to the condition of the pipeline."
(b) See Guide Material Appendix G-191-4 for a form useful for reporting a safety-related condition.
National Pipeline Mapping System.
[Effective Date: 10/01/15]
(a) Each operator of a gas transmission pipeline or liquefied natural gas facility must provide the
following geospatial data to PHMSA for that pipeline or facility:
(1) Geospatial data, attributes, metadata and transmittal letter appropriate for use in the
National Pipeline Mapping System. Acceptable formats and additional information are specified in the
NPMS Operator Standards Manual available at or by contacting the
PHMSA Geographic Information Systems Manager at (202) 366-4595.
(2) The name of and address for the operator.
(3) The name and contact information of a pipeline company employee, to be displayed on a
public Web site, who will serve as a contact for questions from the general public about the operator’s
NPMS data
(b) The information required in paragraph (a) of this section must be submitted each year, on or
before March 15, representing assets as of December 31 of the previous year. If no changes have
occurred since the previous year’s submission, the operator must comply with the guidance provided
in the NPMS Operator Standards manual available at or contact the
PHMSA Geographic Information Systems Manager at (202) 366-4595.
(c) This section does not apply to gathering pipelines.
[Issued by Amdt. 191-23, 80 FR 12762, Mar. 11, 2015; Amdt. 191-30, 86 FR 63294 Nov. 15, 2021]
Operators will need to reflect changes due to service conversion or product change
(see §191.22(c)(1)(vi)) on subsequent National Pipeline Mapping System submissions.
(ii) A single customer, if the system is located entirely on the customer’s premises (no
matter if a portion of the system is located in a public place).
[Amdt. 192-27, 41 FR 34598, Aug. 16, 1976; Amdt. 192-67, 56 FR 63764, Dec. 5, 1991; Amdt. 192-78, 61
FR 28770, June 6, 1996 with Amdt. 192-78 Correction, 61 FR 30824, June 18, 1996; Amdt. 192-81, 62
FR 61692, Nov. 19, 1997 with Amdt. 192-81 Confirmation, 63 FR 12659, Mar. 16, 1998; Amdt. 192-92, 68
FR 46109, Aug. 5, 2003; RIN 2137-AD77, 70 FR 11135, Mar. 8, 2005; Amdt. 192-102, 71 FR 13289, Mar.
15, 2006; Amdt. 192-103, 72 FR 4655, Feb. 1, 2007]
(a) The guide material presented in this Guide includes information and some acceptable methods to
assist the operator in complying with the Minimum Federal Safety Standards. The recommendations
contained in the Guide are based on sound engineering principles, developed by a committee
balanced in accordance with accepted committee procedures, and must be applied by the use of
sound and competent engineering judgment. The guide material is advisory in nature and should not
restrict the operator from using other methods of complying. In addition, the operator is cautioned that
the guide material may not be adequate under all conditions encountered.
(b) While the GPTC Guide is intended principally to guide operators of natural gas pipelines, it is a
valuable reference for operators of other pipelines covered by Part 192. The user is cautioned that
the unique properties and characteristics associated with other gases (e.g., toxicity, density,
corrosivity, and temperature extremes) may require special engineering, operations, and
maintenance considerations. Also, the unique properties and toxicity of other gases can represent
significant hazards that need to be considered but are not specifically addressed in the Guide.
Operators of petroleum gas distribution systems and smaller natural gas systems (e.g., master
meter operators) may benefit from information provided in the "Guidance Manual for Operators of LP
Gas Systems" and “Guidance Manual for Operators of Small Natural Gas Systems” available at
(c) As used in the Guide, the terms Personnel, Employees, and Workers refer to operator employees
and, unless specifically noted otherwise, include other personnel (e.g. contractors) used by operators
to perform Part 192 functions.
Additional state requirements may exist for intrastate facilities. A NAPSR document (“Compendium of
State Pipeline Safety Requirements & Initiatives Providing Increased Public Safety Levels Compared
to Code of Federal Regulations,” 2nd Edition 2013) provides additional state requirements and is
available at
The operator is responsible for the work of a contractor performing tasks covered under Part 192. The
operator should ensure that contract personnel are familiar with applicable procedures prior to the start
of work.
For offshore pipelines, responsibilities have been assigned to the Department of Transportation and the
Department of the Interior in accordance with their Memorandum of Understanding dated December 10,
1996 (Implemented per Federal Register, Vol. 62, No. 223, November 19, 1997). See Guide Material
Appendix G-192-19.
A reference for hydrogen pipelines is OPS Report No. DOT.RSPA/DMT-10-85-1, "Safety Criteria for the
Operation of Gaseous Hydrogen Pipelines," (Discontinued).
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has issued letters regarding application of their
standards to working conditions that are regulated by PHMSA-OPS. See Guide Material Appendix G-
PHMSA-OPS considers applications from operators for special permits (waivers) under §190.341 to use
new technologies, alternative design, materials, or inspection frequencies providing the resulting level of
safety is comparable to or exceeds that in the current regulations. See guide material under §§192.107,
192.328, 192.611, 192.939, 192.943, and 192.1013.
Note: A “special permit” was previously referred to as a “waiver” by PHMSA-OPS. State terminology may
differ (e.g., waiver, variance).
[Effective Date: 05/24/23]
(1) An onshore area that is within a potential impact circle, as defined in § 192.903, containing
(i) Five or more buildings intended for human occupancy; or
(ii) Any portion of the paved surface, including shoulders, of a designated interstate,
other freeway, or expressway, as well as any other principal arterial roadway with 4
or more lanes, as defined in the Federal Highway Administration’s Highway
Functional Classification Concepts, Criteria and Procedures, Section 3.1 (see:
cations/fcauab.pdf), and that does not meet the definition of high consequence area,
as defined in § 192.903.
(2) The length of the moderate consequence area extends axially along the length of the pipeline
from the outermost edge of the first potential impact circle containing either 5 or more buildings
intended for human occupancy; or any portion of the paved surface, including shoulders, of any
designated interstate, freeway or expressway, as well as any other principal arterial roadway with
4 or more lanes, to the outermost edge of the last contiguous potential impact circle that contains
either 5 or more buildings intended for human occupancy, or any portion of the paved surface,
including shoulders, or any designated interstate, freeway, or expressway, as well as any other
principal arterial roadway with 4 or more lanes.
Municipality means a city, county, or any other political subdivision of a state.
Notification of potential rupture means the notification to, or observation by, an operator of indicia
identified in §192.635 of a potential unintentional or uncontrolled release of a large volume of gas from
a pipeline.
Offshore means beyond the line of ordinary low water along that portion of the coast of the United
States that is in direct contact with the open seas and beyond the line marking the seaward limit of
inland waters.
Operator means a person who engages in the transportation of gas.
Outer Continental Shelf means all submerged lands lying seaward and outside the area of lands
beneath navigable waters as defined in Section 2 of the Submerged Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1301) and
of which the subsoil and seabed appertain to the United States and are subject to its jurisdiction and
Person means any individual, firm, joint venture, partnership, corporation, association, state,
municipality, cooperative association, or joint stock association, and including any trustee, receiver,
assignee, or personal representative thereof.
Petroleum gas means propane, propylene, butane, (normal butane or isobutanes), and butylene
(including isomers), or mixtures composed predominantly of these gases, having a vapor pressure
not exceeding 208 psi (1434 kPa) gage at 100 oF (38 oC).
Pipe means any pipe or tubing used in the transportation of gas, including pipe-type holders.
Pipeline means all parts of those physical facilities through which gas moves in transportation,
including pipe, valves, and other appurtenance attached to pipe, compressor units, metering stations,
regulator stations, delivery stations, holders, and fabricated assemblies.
Pipeline environment includes soil resistivity (high or low), soil moisture (wet or dry), soil
contaminants that may promote corrosive activity, and other known conditions that could affect the
probability of active corrosion.
Pipeline facility means new and existing pipelines, rights-of-way, and any equipment, facility, or
building used in the transportation of gas or in the treatment of gas during the course of
Rupture-mitigation valve (RMV) means an automatic shut-off valve (ASV) or a remote-control
valve (RCV) that a pipeline operator uses to minimize the volume of gas released from the pipeline
and to mitigate the consequences of a rupture.
Service line means a distribution line that transports gas from a common source of supply to an
individual customer, to two adjacent or adjoining residential or small commercial customers, or to
multiple residential or small commercial customers served through a meter header or manifold. A
service line ends at the outlet of the customer meter or at the connection to a customer's piping,
whichever is further downstream, or at the connection to customer piping if there is no meter.
Service regulator means the device on a service line that controls the pressure of gas delivered
from a higher pressure to the pressure provided to the customer. A service regulator may serve one
customer or multiple customers through a meter header or manifold.
SMYS means specified minimum yield strength is:
(1) For steel pipe manufactured in accordance with a listed specification, the yield strength
specified as a minimum in that specification; or
(2) For steel pipe manufactured in accordance with an unknown or unlisted specification, the
yield strength determined in accordance with §192.107(b).
State means each of the several states, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of
Puerto Rico.
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system means a computer-based system or
systems used by a controller in a control room that collects and displays information about a pipeline
facility and may have the ability to send commands back to the pipeline facility.
Transmission line means a pipeline or connected series of pipelines, other than a gathering line,
(1) Transports gas from a gathering pipeline or storage facility to a distribution center,
storage facility, or large volume customer that is not down-stream from a distribution center;
(2) Has an MAOP of 20 percent or more of SMYS;
(3) Transports gas within a storage field; or
(4) Is voluntarily designated by the operator as a transmission pipeline.
Note: A large volume customer may receive similar volumes of gas as a distribution center, and includes
factories, power plants, and institutional users of gas.
Transportation of gas means the gathering, transmission, or distribution of gas by pipeline or the
storage of gas, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce.
Underground natural gas storage facility means a facility that stores natural gas in an
underground facility incident to natural gas transportation, including—
(1) A depleted hydrocarbon reservoir;
(2) An aquifer reservoir; or
(3) A solution-mined salt cavern reservoir, including associated material and
equipment used for injection, withdrawal, monitoring, or observation wells, and wellhead
equipment, piping, rights-of-way, property, buildings, compressor units, separators, metering
equipment, and regulator equipment.
Weak link means a device or method used when pulling polyethylene pipe, typically through
methods such as horizontal directional drilling, to ensure that damage will not occur to the
pipeline by exceeding the maximum tensile stresses allowed.
Welder means a person who performs manual or semi-automatic welding.
Welding operator means a person who operates machine or automatic welding equipment.
Wrinkle bend means a bend in the pipe that:
(1) Was formed in the field during construction such that the inside radius of the bend
has one or more ripples with:
(i) An amplitude greater than or equal to 1.5 times the wall thickness of the pipe,
measured from peak to valley of the ripple; or
(ii) With ripples less than 1.5 times the wall thickness of the pipe and with a
wrinkle length (peak to peak) to wrinkle height (peak to valley) ratio under 12.
(2) (i) If the length of the wrinkle bend cannot be reliably determined, then w rinkle
bend means a bend in the pipe where (h/D)*100 exceeds 2 when S is less than 37,000 psi (255
MPa), where (h/D)*100 exceeds (47000— S)/10,000 +1 for psi [324— S)/69 +1 for MPa] when S
is greater than 37,000 psi (255 MPa) but less than 47,000 psi (324 MPa), and where (h/D)*100
exceeds 1 when S is 47,000 psi (324 MPa) or more.
(ii) Where:
(A) D = Outside diameter of the pipe, in. (mm);
[Amdt. 192-13, 38 FR 9083, Apr. 10, 1973; Amdt. 192-27, 41 FR 34598, Aug. 16, 1976; Amdt. 192-58, 53
FR 1633, Jan. 21, 1988; Amdt. 192-67, 56 FR 63764, Dec. 5, 1991; Amdt. 192-72, 59 FR 17275, Apr. 12,
1994 with Amdt. 192-72 Ext., 59 FR 49896, Sept. 30, 1994, Amdt. 192-72 Ext. Correction, 59 FR 52863,
Oct. 19, 1994 and Amdt. 192-72 Ext., 60 FR 7133, Feb. 7, 1995; Amdt. 192-78, 61 FR 28770, June 6,
1996 with Amdt. 192-78 Correction, 61 FR 30824, June 18, 1996; Amdt. 192-81, 62 FR 61692, Nov. 19,
1997 with Amdt. 192-81 Confirmation, 63 FR 12659, Mar. 16, 1998; Amdt. 192-85, 63 FR 37500, July
13, 1998; Amdt. 192-89, 65 FR 54440, Sept. 8, 2000; RIN 2137-AD43, 68 FR 11748, Mar. 12, 2003;
Amdt. 192-93, 68 FR 53895, Sept. 15, 2003; Amdt. 192-94, 69 FR 32886, June 14, 2004 with Amdt.
192-94 Correction, 69 FR 54591, Sept. 9, 2004 and Amdt. 192-94 DFR [Correction], 70 FR 3147, Jan.
21, 2005; Amdt. 192-98, 69 FR 48400, Aug. 10, 2004; RIN 2137-AD77, 70 FR 11135, Mar. 8, 2005;
Amdt. 192-112, 74 FR 63310, Dec. 3, 2009; Amdt. 192-114, 75 FR 48593, Aug. 11, 2010; Amdt. 192-
120, 80 FR 12762, Mar. 11, 2015; Amdt 192-122, 81 FR 91872, Dec. 19, 2016; Amdt 192-124, 83 FR
58694, Nov. 20, 2018; Amdt 192-125, Oct. 1, 2019; Amdt. 192-129, 86 FR 63294, Nov. 15, 2021; Amdt.
192-130, 87 FR 20940, Apr. 8, 2022, Amdt. 192-132, 87 FR 52224, Aug. 24, 2022, with Correction 87
FR 64384, October 25, 2022]
Abandoned pipeline is a pipeline that is physically separated from its source of gas and is no longer maintained
under Part 192.
Abandonment is the process of abandoning a pipeline.
Adhesive joint is a joint made in thermosetting plastic piping by the use of an adhesive substance that forms
a bond between the mating surfaces without dissolving either one of them.
Ambient temperature is the temperature of the surrounding medium, usually used to refer to the temperature
of the air in which a structure is situated or a device operates. See also Ground Temperature and
Bell-welded pipe is furnace-welded pipe that has a longitudinal butt joint that is forge-welded by the
mechanical pressure developed in drawing the furnace-heated skelp through a cone-shaped die. The
die, commonly known as a "welding bell," serves as a combined forming and welding die. This type of
pipe is produced in individual lengths from cut-length skelp. Typical specifications: ASTM A53, API Spec
5L. See also Furnace-butt-welded pipe and Pipe manufacturing processes.
Bottle is a gastight structure that is (1) completely fabricated by the manufacturer from pipe with integral drawn,
forged, or spun end closures; and (2) tested in the manufacturer's plant. See also Bottle-type holder.
Bottle-type holder is any bottle or group of interconnected bottles installed in one location, and used for the
sole purpose of storing gas. See also Bottle.
Carbon steel. By common custom, steel is considered to be carbon steel where (i) no minimum content is
specified or required for aluminum, boron, chromium, cobalt, columbium, molybdenum, nickel, titanium,
tungsten, vanadium, zirconium, or any other element added to obtain a desired alloying effect; (ii) the
specified minimum content for copper does not exceed 0.40 percent; or (iii) the specified maximum content
does not exceed 1.65 percent for manganese, 0.60 percent for silicon or 0.60 percent for copper.
All carbon steels may contain small quantities of unspecified residual elements unavoidably retained from
raw materials. These elements (copper, nickel, molybdenum, chromium, etc.) are considered incidental
and are not normally determined or reported.
Cast iron. The unqualified term cast iron applies to gray-cast iron that is a cast ferrous material in which a
major part of the carbon content occurs as free carbon in the form of flakes interspersed through the
Christmas tree is an assembly consisting of valves, fittings, pressure gauges, and connecting
components used at ground level atop a wellhead to control the flow of gas into or out of the well.
Cold-expanded pipe is seamless or welded pipe that is formed and then, expanded in the pipe mill while cold,
so that the circumference is permanently increased by at least 0.50 percent.
Compressor station is a pipeline facility installed for the purpose of mechanically increasing the gas
pressure on a pipeline system or for reducing back-pressure on upstream gas facilities to enhance flow.
Other facilities that might be located at the same site but not actually part of the compressor station
include measurement, treatment, processing, and pressure control.
Continuous-welded pipe is furnace-welded pipe which has a longitudinal butt joint that is forge-welded by the
mechanical pressure developed in rolling the hot-formed skelp through a set of round pass welding rolls.
It is produced in continuous lengths from coiled skelp and subsequently cut into individual lengths. Typical
specifications (see §192.7): ASTM A53, API Spec 5L. See also Furnace-butt-welded pipe and Pipe
manufacturing processes.
Control piping is pipe, valves, and fittings used to interconnect air, gas, or hydraulically operated control
Copper Tube Size (CTS) is an alphanumeric sizing convention for copper or plastic components comprised
of the letters CTS preceded by a dimensionless number (e.g., ½ CTS). The CTS "size" is indirectly related
to the nominal outside diameter used in the design of copper tubing (§192.125) or plastic tubing
(§192.121). In all cases, the actual nominal outside diameter, using the CTS sizing convention, will
measure 1/8 inch greater than the nominal CTS size. For example, ½ CTS tubing has an actual nominal
outside diameter of 0.625 inches (0.500 + 0.125 inch).
Cross bore is an intersection of an existing underground utility or underground structure by a second utility.
This typically occurs when the use of trenchless technology results in direct contact between utilities or
underground structures that compromises the integrity of either.
Curb valve is a type of service-line valve installed for the purpose of shutting off gas supply. It is typically
installed below grade at or near the property line.
Deactivation (Inactivation) is the process of making the pipeline inactive.
District regulator station or district pressure regulating station is a pressure regulating station that controls
pressure to a high- or low-pressure distribution main. It does not include pressure regulation whose sole
function is to control pressure to a manifold serving multiple customers.
Double submerged-arc-welded pipe is a pipe having longitudinal or spiral butt joints. The joints are produced
by at least two passes, including at least one each on the inside and on the outside of the pipe.
Coalescence is produced by heating with an electric arc or arcs between the bare metal electrode or
electrodes and the work. The welding is shielded by a blanket or granular, fusible material on the work.
Pressure is not used and filler metal for the inside and outside welds is obtained from the electrode or
electrodes. Typical specifications (see §192.7): ASTM A381, API Spec 5L. See also Pipe manufacturing
Dry gas is gas above its dew point and without condensed liquids.
Ductile iron (sometimes called nodular iron) is a cast ferrous material in which the free graphite present is in
What documents are incorporated by reference partly or wholly in this part?
[Effective Date: 05/24/23]
(a) Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part with the approval of the Director
of the Federal Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. All approved material is
available for inspection at Office of Pipeline Safety, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety
Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590, 202–366–4046 https://, and at the National Archives and Records Administration
(NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, email
[email protected], or go to federal-register/cfr/ibr-locations.html. It
is also available from the sources in the following paragraphs of this section:
(g) Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc. (MSS), 127 Park St. NE.,
Vienna, VA 22180, phone: 703–281–6613, Web site:
(1) MSS SP–44–2010, Standard Practice, ‘‘Steel Pipeline §192.147(a).
Flanges,’’ 2010 edition, (including Errata (May 20, 2011)), (MSS SP–
(h) NACE International (NACE), 1440 South Creek Drive, Houston, TX 77084, phone: 281–228–6223 or 800–
797–6223, Web site:
(1) NACE Standard Practice 0102—2010, “In-Line Inspection of §§ 192.150(a) and 192.493
Pipelines,” Revised 2010—03—13, N(NACE SP0102).
(2) NACE SP0204-2008, Standard Practice, "Stress Corrosion §§ 192.923(b), 192.929(b) introductory
Cracking (SCC) Direct Assessment Methodology," reaffirmed text, (b)(1) through (3), (b)(5)
September 18, 2008, (NACE SP0204); introductory text, and (b)(5)(i).
(3) NACE SP0206-2006, Standard Practice, “Internal Corrosion IBR approved for §§ 192.923(b);
Direct Assessment Methodology for Pipelines Carrying Normally Dry 192.927(b); (c) introductory text, and
Natural Gas (DG-ICDA)," approved December 1, 2006, (NACE SP0206) (c)(1) through (4).
(4) NFPA–70 (2011), ‘‘National Electrical Code,’’ 2011 edition, §§192.163(e); and 192.189(c).
issued August 5, 2010, (NFPA–70).
(j) Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (PRCI), c/o Technical Toolboxes, 3801 Kirby Drive, Suite 520,
P.O. Box 980550, Houston, TX 77098, phone: 713–630–0505, toll free: 866–866–6766, Web site: (Contract number PR–3–805).
(1) AGA, Pipeline Research Committee Project, PR–3–805, ‘‘A §§192.485(c); 192.632(a); 192.712(b);
Modified Criterion for Evaluating the Remaining Strength of Corroded 192.933(a) and (d).
Pipe,’’ (December 22, 1989), (PRCI PR–3–805 (R–STRENG)).
(2) [Reserved]
[Amdt. 192-37, 46 FR 10157, Feb. 2, 1981; Amdt. 192-51, 51 FR 15333, Apr. 23, 1986; Amdt. 192-68, 58
FR 14519, Mar. 18, 1993; Amdt. 192-78, 61 FR 28770, June 6, 1996 with Amdt. 192-78 Correction, 61 FR
30824, June 18, 1996; Amdt. 192-94, 69 FR 32886, June 14, 2004 with Amdt. 192-94 Correction, 69 FR
54591, Sept. 9, 2004; RIN 2137-AD77, 70 FR 11135, Mar. 8, 2005; Amdt. 192-99, 70 FR 28833, May 19,
2005 with Amdt. 192-99 Correction, 70 FR 35041, June 16, 2005; Amdt. 192-102, 71 FR 13289, Mar.15,
2006; Amdt. 192-103, 71 FR 33402, June 9, 2006; Amdt. 192-103, 72 FR 4655, Feb. 1, 2007; RIN 2137-
AE29, 73 FR 16562, Mar. 28, 2008; RIN 2137-AE25, 73 FR 62148, Oct. 17, 2008; RIN 2137-AE29 (#2),
74 FR 2889, Jan. 16, 2009; RIN 2137-AE42, 74 FR 17099, April 14, 2009 with RIN 2137-AE42 DFR
Confirmation, 74 FR 30476, June 26, 2009; Amdt. 192-112, 74 FR 63310, Dec. 3, 2009; Amdt. 192-114,
75 FR 48593, Aug. 11, 2010; Amdt. 192-119, 80 FR 168, Jan. 5, 2015; Amdt. 192-122, 81 FR 91872, Dec.
19, 2016; Amdt 192-124, 83 FR 58694, Nov. 20, 2018; Amdt 192-125, Oct. 1, 2019; Amdt 192-128, Jan.
11, 2021, Amdt. 192-132, 87 FR 52224, Aug. 24, 2022]
(a) Standards and specifications recommended for use under this Guide, and the names and addresses of
the sponsoring organizations, are shown in Guide Material Appendix G-192-1. See Guide Material
Appendix G-192-1A for documents previously incorporated by reference in the Regulations.
(b) Operators are cautioned that significant changes have been made between the 43rd and 44th editions of
API Spec 5L. Significant changes include pipe dimensions, manufacturing tolerances, chemical
composition, welding methods, inspection criteria, and pipe grade naming conventions.
Note: For additional information regarding the changes, see API’s comparison document referenced in
API’s letter dated August 2008, "Re: Comparison of API Spec 5L 43rd edition and ISO 3183 (2nd ed.)
/API Spec 5L 44th edition." Revised edition titled "Detailed comparison of API 5L (43rd) & API 5L (44th)
Requirements," printed June 9, 2009 and available at:
(2) Area 2(c) example. In Figure 192.8B, Segment A contains 5 houses within the 1000-foot
segment. After sliding the 1000-foot corridor to the next dwelling unit, it is determined that
Segment B also contains 5 houses within the required 1000 feet. Sliding the 1000-foot corridor
to the next dwelling unit, two houses drop out of the corridor and there are not enough houses
in Segment C to cause this segment to be regulated. Therefore, the regulated segment begins
150 feet from the upstream side of the first house in Segment A and ends 150 feet from the
downstream side of the sixth house.
150 Feet
150 feet
150 feet
150 Feet
Segment B
1000 Feet
Segment C
1000 Feet
The following flow chart (Figure 192.8C) is to assist operators in identifying the type of gathering line
and the requirements to be followed for that type of line.
What requirements apply to gathering pipelines?
[Effective Date: 05/24/23]
(a) Requirements. An operator of a gathering line must follow the safety requirements of this
part as prescribed by this section.
(b) Offshore lines. An operator of an offshore gathering line must comply with requirements of
this part applicable to transmission lines, except the requirements in §§ 192.13(d), 192.150, 192.285(e),
192.319(d) through (g), 192.461(f) through (i), 192.465(d) and (f), 192.473(c), 192.478,
192.485(c),192.493, 192.506, 192.607, 192.613(c), 192.619(e), 192.624, 192.710, 192.712, and 192.714
and in subpart O of this part.
(c) Type A lines. An operator of a Type A regulated onshore gathering line must comply with the
requirements of this part applicable to transmission lines, except the requirements in §§192.13(d),
192.150, 192.285(e), 192.319(d) through (g), 192.461(f) through (i), 192.465(d) and (f), 192.473(c),
192.478, 192.485(c), 192.493, 192.506, 192.607, 192.613(c), 192.619(e), 192.624, 192.710, 192.712, and
192.714 and in subpart O of this part. However, an operator of a Type A regulated onshore gathering
line in a Class 2 location may demonstrate compliance with subpart N of this part by describing the
processes it uses to determine the qualification of persons performing operations and maintenance
(d) Type B lines. An operator of a Type B regulated onshore gathering line must comply with the
following requirements:
(1) If a line is new, replaced, relocated, or otherwise changed, the design, installation,
construction, initial inspection, and initial testing must be in accordance with requirements of this
part applicable to transmission lines. Compliance with §§ 192.67, 192.127, 192.179(e) and (f), 192.205,
192.227(c), 192.285(e), 192.319(d) through (g), 192.506, 192.634, and 192.636 is not required;
(2) If the pipeline is metallic, control corrosion according to requirements of subpart I of this
part applicable to transmission lines except the requirements in §§192.461(f) through (i), 192.465(d)
and (f), 192.473(c), 192.478, 192.485(c), and 192.493.
(3) If the pipeline contains plastic pipe or components, the operator must comply with all
applicable requirements of this part for plastic pipe components;
(4) Carry out a damage prevention program under §192.614;
(5) Establish a public education program under §192.616;
(6) Establish the MAOP of the line under §192.619(a), (b), and (c);
(7) Install and maintain line markers according to the requirements for transmission lines in
§192.707; and
(8) Conduct leakage surveys in accordance with the requirements for transmission lines in
§192.706 using leak detection equipment and promptly repair hazardous leaks that are discovered in
accordance with §192.703(c).
(e) Type C lines. The requirements for Type C gathering lines are as follows.
(1) An operator of a Type C onshore gathering line with an outside diameter greater than or
equal to 8.625 inches must comply with the following requirements:
(i) Except as provided in paragraph (h) of this section for pipe and components made
with composite materials, the design, installation, construction, initial inspection, and initial testing
of a new, replaced, relocated, or otherwise changed Type C gathering line, must be done in
accordance with the requirements in subparts B through G and J of this part applicable to
transmission lines. Compliance with §192.67, 192.127, 192.179(e) and (f), 192.205,192.227(c),
192.285(e), 192.319(d) through (g), 192.506, 192.634, and 192.636 is not required;
(ii) If the pipeline is metallic, control corrosion according to requirements of subpart I
of this part applicable to transmission lines except for §§192.461(f) through (i), 192.465(d) and (f),
192.473(c), 192.478, 192.485(c), and 192.493;
(iii) Carry out a damage prevention program under §192.614;
(iv) Develop and implement procedures for emergency plans in accordance with
Addendum 1, June 2022
Addendum 2, February 2023
(v) Develop and implement a written public awareness program in accordance with
(vi) Install and maintain line markers according to the requirements for transmission
lines in §192.707; and
(vii) Conduct leakage surveys in accordance with the requirements for transmission
lines in §192.706 using leak-detection equipment, and promptly repair hazardous leaks
in accordance with §192.703(c).
(2) An operator of a Type C onshore gathering line with an outside diameter greater than
12.75 inches must comply with the requirements in paragraph (e)(1) of this section and
the following:
(i) If the pipeline contains plastic pipe, the operator must comply with all applicable
requirements of this part for plastic pipe or components. This does not include pipe
and components made of composite materials that incorporate plastic in the design;
(ii) Establish the MAOP of the pipeline under §192.619(a) or (c) and maintain records
used to establish the MAOP for the life of the pipeline.
(f) Exceptions. (1) Compliance with paragraphs (e)(1)(ii),(v),(vi), and (vii) and (e)(2)(i) and (ii) of
this section is not required for pipeline segments that are 16 inches or less in outside
diameter if one of the following criteria are met:
(i) Method 1. The segment is not located within a potential impact circle containing a
building intended for human occupancy or other impacted site. The potential impact
circle must be calculated as specified in §192.903, except that a factor of 0.73 must be
used instead of 0.69. The MAOP used in this calculation must be determined and
documented in accordance with paragraph (e)(2)(ii) of this section.
(ii) Method 2. The segment is not located within a class location unit (see §192.5)
containing a building intended for human occupancy or other impacted site.
(2) Paragraph (e)(1)(i) of this section is not applicable to pipeline segments 40 feet or shorter
in length that are replaced, relocated, or changed on a pipeline existing on or before May
16, 2022.
(3) For purposes of this section, the term “building intended for human occupancy or other
impacted site” means any of the following:
(i) Any building that may be occupied by humans, including homes, office buildings
factories, outside recreation areas, plant facilities, etc;
(ii) A small, well-defined outside area (such as a playground, recreation area, outdoor
theater, or other place of public assembly) that is occupied by 20 or more persons on
at least 5 days a week for 10 weeks in any 12-month period (the days and weeks need
not be consecutive); or
(iii) Any portion of the paved surface, including shoulders, of a designated interstate,
other freeway, or expressway, as well as any other principal arterial roadway with 4 or
more lanes.
(g) Compliance deadlines. An operator of a regulated onshore gathering line must comply with
the following deadlines, as applicable.
(1) An operator of a new, replaced, relocated, or otherwise changed line must be in
compliance with the applicable requirements of this section by the date the line goes
into service, unless an exception in §192.13 applies
(2) If a Type A or Type B regulated onshore gathering pipeline existing on April 14, 2006, was
not previously subject to this part, an operator has until the date stated in the second column to
comply with the applicable requirement for the pipeline listed in the first column, unless the
Administrator finds a later deadline is justified in a particular case:
(3) If, after April 14, 2006, a change in class location or increase in dwelling density causes
an onshore gathering pipeline to become a Type A or Type B regulated onshore gathering line, the
operator has 1 year for Type B lines and 2 years for Type A lines after the pipeline becomes a regulated
onshore gathering pipeline to comply with this section.
(4) If a Type C gathering pipeline existing on or before May 16, 2022, was not previously
subject to this part, an operator must comply with the applicable requirements of this section,
except for paragraph (h) of this section, on or before:
(i) May 16, 2023; or
(ii) An alternative deadline approved by PHMSA. The operator must notify PHMSA and
State or local pipeline safety authorities, as applicable, no later than 90 days in
advance of the deadline in paragraph (b)(1) of this section. The notification must be
made in accordance with §192.18 and must include a description of the affected
facilities an operating environment, the proposed alternative deadline for each affected
requirement, the proposed alternative deadline for each affected requirement, the
justification for each alternative compliance deadline, and actions the operator will take
to ensure the safety of affected facilities.
(5) If, after May 16, 2022, a change in class location, an increase in dwelling density, or an
increase in MAOP causes a pipeline to become a Type C gathering pipeline, or causes a Type C
gathering pipeline to become subject to additional Type C requirements (see paragraph (f) of this
section), the operator has 1 year after the pipeline becomes subject to the additional requirements
to comply with this section.
(h) Composite materials. Pipe and components made with composite materials not otherwise
authorized for use under this part may be used on Type C gathering pipelines if the following
requirements are met:
(1) Steel and plastic pipe and components must meet the installation, construction, initial
inspection, and initial testing requirements in subpart B through G and J of this part applicable to
transmission lines.
(2) Operators must notify PHMSA in accordance with §192.18 at least 90 days prior to
installing new or replacement pipe or components made of composite materials otherwise not
authorized for use under this part in a Type C gathering pipeline. The notifications required by this
section must include a detailed description of the pipeline facilities in which pipe or components
made of composite materials would be used, including:
(i) The beginning and end points (stationing by footage and mileage with latitude and
longitude coordinates) of the pipeline segment containing composite pipeline material and the
counties and States in which it is located;
(ii) A general description of the right-of-way including high consequence areas, as
defined in §192.905;
(iii) Relevant pipeline design and construction information including the year of
installation, the specific composite material, the diameter, wall thickness, and any manufacturing
and construction specifications for the pipeline;
(iv) Relevant operating information, including MAOP, leak and failure history, and the
most recent pressure test (identification of the actual pipe tested, minimum and maximum test
pressure, duration of test, any leaks and any test logs and charts) or assessment results;
(v) An explanation of the circumstances that the operator believes make the use of
composite pipeline material appropriate and how the design, construction,
operations, and maintenance will mitigate safety and environmental risks;
(vi) An explanation of procedures and tests that will be conducted periodically over the
life of the composite pipeline material to document that its strength is being
(vii) Operations and maintenance procedures that will be applied to the alternative
materials. These include procedures that will be used to evaluate and remediate
anomalies and how the operator will determine safe operating pressures for
composite pipe when defects are found;
(viii) An explanation of how the use of composite pipeline material would be in the public
interest; and
(ix) A certification signed by a vice president (or equivalent or higher officer) of the
operator’s company that operation of the applicant’s pipeline using composite
pipeline material would be consistent with pipeline safety.
(3) Repairs or replacements using materials authorized under this part do not require
notification under this section.
[Amdt. 192-72, 59 FR 17275, Apr. 12, 1994 with Amdt. 192-72 Ext., 59 FR 49896, Sept. 30, 1994, Amdt.
192-72 Ext. Correction, 59 FR 52863, Oct. 19, 1994 and Amdt. 192-72 Ext., 60 FR 7133, Feb. 7, 1995;
Amdt. 192-95, Correction & Petition for Reconsideration, 69 FR 18228, Apr. 6, 2004; Amdt. 192-102,
71 FR 13289, Mar. 15, 2006; Amdt. 192-120, 80 FR 12762, Mar. 11, 2015; Amdt 192-124, 83 FR 58694,
Nov. 20, 2018; Amdt 192-125, Oct. 1, 2019; Amdt. 192-129, 86 FR 63294 Nov. 15, 2021; Amdt. 192-
130, 87 FR 20940, Apr. 8, 2022, Amdt. 192-132, 87 FR 52224, Aug. 24, 2022]
This guide material is under review following Amendment 192-124 and 192-125.
(a) See §192.1 for gathering lines excluded from the provisions of Part 192. Also, see the "Glossary of
Commonly Used Terms" under §192.3 for definition of "Otherwise changed."
(b) See Guide Material Appendix G-192-22
Outer continental shelf pipelines.
[Effective Date: 03/08/05]
Operators of transportation pipelines on the Outer Continental Shelf (as defined in the Outer
Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1331) must identify on all their respective pipelines the
specific points at which operating responsibility transfers to a producing operator. For those
instances in which the transfer points are not identifiable by a durable marking, each operator will
have until September 15, 1998 to identify the transfer points. If it is not practicable to durably mark
a transfer point and the transfer point is located above water, the operator must depict the transfer
point on a schematic located near the transfer point. If a transfer point is located subsea, then the
operator must identify the transfer point on a schematic which must be maintained at the nearest
upstream facility and provided to PHMSA upon request. For those cases in which adjoining
operators have not agreed on a transfer point by September 15, 1998 the Regional Director and the
MMS Regional Supervisor will make a joint determination of the transfer point.
[Issued by Amdt. 192-81, 62 FR 61692, Nov. 19, 1997 with Amdt. 192-81 Confirmation, 63 FR 12659,
Mar. 16, 1998; RIN 2137-AD77, 70 FR 11135, Mar. 8, 2005]
Petroleum gas systems.
[Effective Date: 08/06/15]
(a) Each plant that supplies petroleum gas by pipeline to a natural gas distribution system must
meet the requirements of this part and NFPA 58 and NFPA 59 (incorporated by reference, see §192.7).
(b) Each pipeline system subject to this part that transports only petroleum gas or petroleum
gas/air mixtures must meet the requirements of this part and of ANSI/NFPA 58 and 59.
(c) In the event of a conflict between this part and NFPA 58 and 59 (incorporated by reference,
see §192.7), NFPA 58 and NFPA 59 prevail.
[Amdt. 192-68, 58 FR 14519, Mar. 18, 1993; Amdt. 192-75, 61 FR 18512, Apr. 26, 1996 with Amdt. 192-
75 Correction, 61 FR 38403, July 24, 1996; Amdt. 192-78, 61 FR 28770, June 6, 1996 with Amdt. 192-78
Correction, 61 FR 30824, June 18, 1996; Amdt. 192-119, 80 FR 168, Jan. 5, 2015 with Amdt. 192-119
Correction, 80 FR 46847, Aug. 6, 2015]
1.1 Introduction.
Personnel involved in the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of petroleum gas systems
should be thoroughly familiar with the applicable provisions of the Federal Regulations and referenced
NFPA Standards (see §192.7 for IBR).
Figure 192.11A depicts the standards applicable to petroleum gas plants that supplement natural gas
systems, as described in §192.11(a).
(RE: TITLE 49 CFR PART 192, NFPA 58 AND 59) (RE: TITLE 49 CFR PART 192) (RE: NFPA 54, (ANSI Z223.1))
FIGURE 192.11A
What general requirements apply to pipelines regulated under this part?
[Effective Date: 05/24/23]
(a) No person may operate a segment of pipeline listed in the first column of paragraph (a)(3) of
this section that is readied for service after the date in the second column, unless:
(1) The pipeline has been designed, installed, constructed, initially inspected, and initially
tested in accordance with this part; or
(2) The pipeline qualifies for use under this part according to the requirements in §192.14.
(3) The compliance deadlines are as follows:
Pipeline Date
(i) Offshore gathering pipeline. July 31, 1977.
(ii) Regulated onshore gathering pipeline to March 15, 2007.
which this part did not apply until April 14, 2006.
(iii) Regulated onshore gathering pipeline to May 16, 2023.
which this part did not apply until May 16, 2022
(iv) All other pipelines. March 12, 1971.
(b) No person may operate a segment of pipeline listed in the first column of this paragraph (b)
that is replaced, relocated, or otherwise changed after the date in the second column of this paragraph
(b), unless the replacement, relocation or change has been made according to the requirements in
this part.
Pipeline Date
(1) Offshore gathering pipeline. July 31, 1977.
(2) Regulated onshore gathering line to which this March 15, 2007.
part did not apply until April 14, 2006.
(3) Regulated onshore gathering line to which this May 16, 2023.
part did not apply until May 16, 2022.
(4) All other pipelines. November 12, 1970.
(c) Each operator shall maintain, modify as appropriate, and follow the plans, procedures, and
programs that it is required to establish under this part.
(d) Each operator of an onshore gas transmission pipeline must evaluate and mitigate, as
necessary, significant changes that pose a risk to safety or the environment through a
management of change process. Each operator of an onshore gas transmission pipeline must
develop and follow a management of change process, as outlined in ASME/ANSI B31.8S, section
11 (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7), that addresses technical, design, physical,
environmental, procedural, operational, maintenance, and organizational changes to the pipeline
or processes, whether permanent or temporary. A management of change process must include
the following: reason for change, authority for approving changes, analysis of implications,
acquisition of required work permits, documentation, communication of change to affected
parties, time limitations, and qualification of staff. For pipeline segments other than those covered
in subpart O of this part, this management of change process must be implemented by February
26, 2024. The requirements of this paragraph (d) do not apply to gas gathering pipelines.
Operators may request an extension of up to 1 year by submitting a notification to PHMSA at least
90 days before February 26, 2024 in accordance with § 192.18. The notification must include a
reasonable and technically justified basis, an up-to-date plan for completing all actions required
by this section, the reason for the requested extension, current safety or mitigation status of the
pipeline segment, the proposed completion date, and any needed temporary safety measures to
mitigate the impact on safety.
[Amdt. 192-27, 41 FR 34598, Aug. 16, 1976; Amdt. 192-30, 42 FR 60146, Nov. 25, 1977; Amdt. 192-102,
71 FR 13289, Mar. 15, 2006; Amdt. 192-129, 86 FR 63294 Nov. 15, 2021, Amdt. 192-132, 87 FR 52224,
Aug. 24, 2022]
See Guide Material Appendix G-192-17. Also, see the "Glossary of Commonly Used Terms" under §192.3 for
definition of "otherwise changed."
Conversion to service subject to this part.
[Effective Date: 03/24/17]
(a) A steel pipeline previously used in service not subject to this part qualifies for use under this
part if the operator prepares and follows a written procedure to carry out the following requirements:
(1) The design, construction, operation, and maintenance history of the pipeline must be
reviewed and, where sufficient historical records are not available, appropriate tests must be
performed to determine if the pipeline is in a satisfactory condition for safe operation.
(2) The pipeline right-of-way, all aboveground segments of the pipeline, and appropriately
selected underground segments must be visually inspected for physical defects and operating
conditions which reasonably could be expected to impair the strength or tightness of the pipeline.
(3) All known unsafe defects and conditions must be corrected in accordance with this part.
(4) The pipeline must be tested in accordance with Subpart J of this part to substantiate the
maximum allowable operating pressure permitted by Subpart L of this part.
(b) Each operator must keep for the life of the pipeline a record of the investigations, tests,
repairs, replacements, and alterations made under the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section.
(c) An operator converting a pipeline from service not previously covered by this part must
notify PHMSA 60 days before the conversion occurs as required by § 191.22 of this chapter.
[Issued by Amdt. 192-30, 42 FR 60146, Nov. 25, 1977; Amdt. 192-123, 82 FR 7997, Jan. 23, 2017]
The following are some of the types of steel pipelines that might be converted to gas service under this
(a) Gas pipelines abandoned prior to effective date of Part 192.
(b) Liquid petroleum pipelines, such as oil or gasoline.
(c) LPG pipeline systems.
(d) Nonjurisdictional pipelines.
(e) Pipelines carrying chemical or industrial products, such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen, air or liquid
(f) Slurry pipelines.
The following are examples of appropriate tests and inspections that may be used to evaluate pipelines
where sufficient historical records are not available. See §192.14(a)(1).
(a) Corrosion surveys.
(b) Ultrasonic inspections.
(c) Acoustic emissions.
(d) Material and tensile tests. See Appendix B to Part 192.
(e) Internal inspections.
(f) Radiographic inspections.
(g) Pressure tests. See §192.619.
Generally, the segments to be inspected should be at locations where the worst probable conditions may
be expected. The following criteria should be used for the selection of inspection sites.
(a) Corrosion surveys (inadequately protected segments, poor coating, stray currents, and interference).
(b) Pipeline component locations.
(c) Locations subject to mechanical damage.
(d) Foreign pipeline crossings.
(e) Locations subject to damage due to chemicals, such as acid.
(f) Segments subject to coating deterioration due to soil stresses and internal or external temperature
(g) Population density.
For pipelines being converted under this section, the operator should review it’s procedural manual for
operations, maintenance, and emergencies and its public education program for compliance to Part 192
prior to placing the converted line into a natural gas service.
Rules of regulatory construction.
[Effective Date: 11/12/70]
Customer notification.
[Effective Date: 05/04/98]
(a) This section applies to each operator of a service line who does not maintain the customer's
buried piping up to entry of the first building downstream, or, if the customer's buried piping does not
enter a building, up to the principal gas utilization equipment or the first fence (or wall) that surrounds
that equipment. For the purpose of this section, "customer’s buried piping" does not include branch
lines that serve yard lanterns, pool heaters, or other types of secondary equipment. Also, "maintain"
means monitor for corrosion according to §192.465 if the customer's buried piping is metallic, survey
for leaks according to §192.723, and if an unsafe condition is found, shut off the flow of gas, advise
the customer of the need to repair the unsafe condition, or repair the unsafe condition.
(b) Each operator shall notify each customer once in writing of the following information:
(1) The operator does not maintain the customer's buried piping.
(2) If the customer's buried piping is not maintained, it may be subject to the potential
hazards of corrosion and leakage.
(3) Buried gas piping should be-
(i) Periodically inspected for leaks;
(ii) Periodically inspected for corrosion if the piping is metallic; and
(iii) Repaired if any unsafe condition is discovered.
(4) When excavating near buried gas piping, the piping should be located in advance, and
the excavation done by hand.
(5) The operator (if applicable), plumbing contractors, and heating contractors can assist in
locating, inspecting, and repairing the customer's buried piping.
(c) Each operator shall notify each customer not later than August 14, 1996, or 90 days after the
customer first receives gas at a particular location, whichever is later. However, operators of master
meter systems may continuously post a general notice in a prominent location frequented by
(d) Each operator must make the following records available for inspection by the Administrator
or a state agency participating under 49 U.S.C. 60105 or 60106:
(1) A copy of the notice currently in use; and
(2) Evidence that notices have been sent to customers within the previous 3 years.
[Issued by Amdt. 192-74, 60 FR 41821, Aug. 14, 1995 with Amdt. 192-74 Correction, 60 FR 43028,
Aug.18, 1995 and Amdt. 192-74A, 60 FR 63450, Dec. 11, 1995; Amdt. 192-84, 63 FR 7721, Feb. 17, 1998
with Amdt. 192-84 Confirmation, 63 FR 38757, July 20, 1998 and Amdt. 192-84 Correction, 63 FR 38758,
July 20, 1998]
How to notify PHMSA.
[Effective Date: 05/24/23]
(a) An operator must provide any notification required by this part by –(1) Sending the notification
by electronic mail to [email protected]; or (2) Sending the notification by
mail to ATTN: Information Resources Manager, DOT/PHMSA/OPS, East Building, 2nd Floor
E22-321, 1200 New Jersey Ave. SE Washington, DC 20590.,
(b) An operator must also notify the appropriate State or local pipeline safety authority when an
applicable pipeline segment is located in a State where OPS has an interstate agent
agreement, or an intrastate applicable pipeline segment is regulated by the State.
(c) Unless otherwise specified, if an operator submits, pursuant to § 192.8, § 192.9, § 192.13,
§ 192.179, § 192.319, § 192.461, § 192.506, § 192.607, § 192.619, § 192.624, § 192.632, § 192.634,
§ 192.636, § 192.710, § 192.712, § 192.714, § 192.745, § 192.917, § 192.921, § 192.927, § 192.933,
or § 192.937 a notification for use of a different integrity assessment method, analytical
method, compliance period, sampling approach, pipeline material, or technique ( e.g., “other
technology” or “alternative equivalent technology”) than otherwise prescribed in those
sections, that notification must be submitted to PHMSA for review at least 90 days in advance
of using the other method, approach, compliance timeline, or technique. An operator may
proceed to use the other method, approach, compliance timeline, or technique 91 days after
submitting the notification unless it receives a letter from the Associate Administrator for
Pipeline Safety informing the operator that PHMSA objects to the proposal, or that PHMSA
requires additional time and/or more information to conduct its review.
[Issued by Amdt. 192-125, Oct. 1, 2019; Amdt. 192-129, 86 FR 63294 Nov. 15, 2021; Amdt. 192-130,
87 FR 20940, Apr. 8, 2022, Amdt. 192-132, 87 FR 52224, Aug. 24, 2022]
leakage. If it is to be welded, steel pipe that has not been manufactured to a listed specification must
also pass the weldability tests prescribed in paragraph II-B of Appendix B to this part.
(d) Steel pipe that has not been previously used may be used as replacement pipe in a segment
of pipeline if it has been manufactured prior to November 12, 1970, in accordance with the same
specification as the pipe used in constructing that segment of pipeline.
(e) New steel pipe that has been cold expanded must comply with the mandatory provisions of
API Spec 5L (incorporated by reference, see §192.7).
[Amdt. 192-3, 35 FR 17659, Nov. 17, 1970; Amdt. 192-12, 38 FR 4760, Feb. 22, 1973; Amdt. 192-51, 51
FR 15333, Apr. 23, 1986; Amdt. 192-68, 58 FR 14519, Mar. 18, 1993; Amdt. 192-85, 63 FR 37500, July
13, 1998; Amdt. 192-119, 80 FR 168, Jan. 5, 2015 with Amdt. 192-119 Correction, 80 FR 46847, Aug. 6,
Listed specifications are shown in Section I of Appendix B. The user is cautioned that there may be more
recent editions of some of these specifications than those approved and listed in Section I of Appendix B.
(Removed and reserved.)
[Effective Date: 03/08/89]
Plastic pipe.
[Effective Date: 01/22/19]
(a) New plastic pipe is qualified for use under this part if —
(1) It is manufactured in accordance a listed specification;
(2) It is resistant to chemicals with which contact may be anticipated; and
(3) It is free of visible defects
(b) Used plastic pipe is qualified for use under this part if -
(1) It was manufactured in accordance with a listed specification;
(2) It is resistant to chemicals with which contact may be anticipated;
(3) It has been used only in gas service;
(4) Its dimensions are still within the tolerances of the specification to which it was
manufactured; and
(5) It is free of visible defects.
(c) For the purpose of paragraphs (a) (1) and (b) (1) of this section, where pipe of a diameter
included in a listed specification is impractical to use, pipe of a diameter between the sizes included
in a listed specification may be used if it —
(1) Meets the strength and design criteria required of pipe included in that listed
specification; and
(2) Is manufactured from plastic compounds which meet the criteria for materials required
of pipe included in that listed specification.
(d) Rework and/or regrind material is not allowed in plastic pipe produced after March 6, 2015
used under this part.
[Amdt. 192-19, 40 FR 10471, Mar. 6, 1975; Amdt. 192-58, 53 FR 1633, Jan. 21, 1988; Amdt. 192-119, 80
FR 168, Jan. 5, 2015; Amdt 192-124, 83 FR 58694, Nov. 20, 2018]
Each operator should establish that new or used pipe complies with the requirements of the applicable
ASTM piping specification (referenced in §192.7) for the type of plastic pipe, such as ASTM D2513 for
polyethylene (PE), ASTM F2945 for polyamide 11 (PA11), ASTM F2785 for polyamide 12 (PA12), or
ASTM D2517 for thermosetting plastics by one of the following methods.
(a) Inspection and testing by an accredited laboratory with written certification.
(b) Inspection and testing by the user.
(c) Written certification from the manufacturer at the time of purchase. Included as part of this
certification should be copies of the production quality control records referenced by lot and shift
(Removed and reserved.)
[Effective Date: 03/08/89]
by the manufacturing specifications applicable at the time the pipe was manufactured or
(b) For steel transmission pipelines installed on or before July 1, 2020], if operators have
records that document tests, inspections, and attributes required by the manufacturing
specifications applicable at the time the pipe was manufactured or installed, including
diameter, yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, wall thickness, seam type, and chemical
composition in accordance with §§ 192.53 and 192.55, operators must retain such records
for the life of the pipeline.
(c) For steel transmission pipeline segments installed on or before July 1, 2020], if an operator
does not have records necessary to establish the MAOP of the pipeline segment, the
operator may be subject to the requirements of § 192.624 according to the terms of that
Storage and handling of plastic pipe and associated components
[Effective Date: 01/22/19]
Each operator must have and follow written procedures for the storage and handling of plastic
pipe and associated components that meet the applicable listed specifications.
(a) The resistance of plastic pipe to deterioration from UV exposure can vary greatly. Except for ASTM
D2517 “Reinforced Epoxy Resin Gas Pressure Pipe and Fittings”, the plastic pipe standards
incorporated by reference in §192.7 address outdoor storage. For ASTM D2517, the operator
should request the manufacturer of the plastic pipe to provide a written statement specifying the
time the product can be stored outside without loss of properties that qualify it for buried gas piping
application. Regardless of the plastic pipe used, the operator should ensure that the UV exposure
time is not exceeded.
(b) When storing outdoors, cumulative exposure periods should be considered. The Pipe Production
Code marked on the pipe includes the date of manufacture. In general, most manufacturers store
pipe outdoors prior to shipment, and allowance for this period should be made. Exposure time can
be minimized by issuing from storage on a "first-in, first-out" rotation, with the date of manufacture
used as a control. The pipe with the earliest date of manufacture should be issued first for
(c) To limit UV exposure time and prevent degradation, plastic pipe may be stored indoors away from
UV exposure or outdoors with a protective cover.
(d) Plastic materials vary in their ability to resist damage from fire, heat, and chemicals. Care should
be exercised at all times to protect the pipe from these hazards.
(e) Fittings, riser and other components should be stored in a manner which limits UV exposure and
helps preserve the adhesion of marking labels until time of installation.
(f) For limitations and considerations on the use of plastic pipe temporarily installed above ground,
see guide material under §192.321.
(b) The impact and ductility properties of plastics should be evaluated when the material is intended
for use in facilities subjected to low temperatures. Lower temperatures will affect thermoplastic pipe
by increasing stiffness and vulnerability to impact damage.
(c) For coiled pipe, lower temperatures will require more effort to uncoil the pipe, and it can spring back
forcibly if the ends are not anchored or restrained. The forceful movement of the loose pipe ends
becomes more pronounced in cold weather and personnel should be aware of this for their own
safety. Extra precautions should be taken when installing larger-diameter coiled pipe (>3-inch) in
cold temperature conditions. The manufacturer of straightening and re-rounding equipment should
be consulted for recommendations regarding low-temperature equipment operation.
[Effective Date: 11/12/70]
This subpart prescribes the minimum requirements for the design of pipe.
[Effective Date: 11/12/70]
Pipe must be designed with sufficient wall thickness, or must be installed with adequate
protection, to withstand anticipated external pressures and loads that will be imposed on the pipe
after installation.
The minimum wall thickness for pressure containment as calculated under §192.105 may not be
adequate to withstand other forces to which the pipeline may be subjected. Consideration should be
given to stresses associated with transportation, handling the pipe during construction, weight of water
during testing, buoyancy, geotechnical, or geological forces, and other secondary loads that may occur
during construction, operation, or maintenance. Consideration should also be given to welding or
mechanical joining requirements.
The minimum wall thickness for materials other than steel pipe are prescribed elsewhere in Part 192.
See §§192.123 and 192.125.
See Guide Material Appendix G-192-13 for design considerations. Numerous references are available
for the calculation of external forces on pipelines. Methods include reliance on experience, empirical
formula, and finite element analysis. A partial listing of references follows.
(a) API RP 5L1, "Recommended Practice for Railroad Transportation of Line Pipe" (see §192.7 for IBR).
(b) API RP 5LW, "Recommended Practice for Transportation of Line Pipe on Barges and Marine
Vessels" (see §192.7 for IBR).
(c) API RP 1102, "Steel Pipelines Crossing Railroads and Highways."
(d) API RP 1117, "Movement of In-Service Pipelines."
(e) ASCE 428-5, "Guidelines for the Seismic Design of Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems" (Discontinued).
(f) GRI-91/0283, "Guidelines for Pipelines Crossing Railroads."
(g) GRI-91/0284, "Guidelines for Pipelines Crossing Highways."
(h) PRCI L52292, “Guidelines for Constructing Pipelines Through Areas Prone to Landslide and
Subsidence Hazards.”
Design formula for steel pipe.
[Effective Date: 07/13/98]
(a) The design pressure for steel pipe is determined in accordance with the following formula:
P = 2 St x F x E x T
P = Design pressure in pounds per square inch (kPa) gage.
S = Yield strength in pounds per square inch (kPa) determined in accordance with §192.107.
t = Nominal wall thickness of the pipe in inches (millimeters). If this is unknown, it is determined in
accordance with §192.109. Additional wall thickness required for concurrent external loads in
accordance with §192.103 may not be included in computing design pressure.
(b) If steel pipe that has been subjected to cold expansion to meet the SMYS is subsequently
heated, other than by welding or stress relieving as a part of welding, the design pressure is limited
to 75 percent of the pressure determined under paragraph (a) of this section if the temperature of the
pipe exceeds 900 oF (482 oC) at any time or is held above 600 oF (316 oC) for more than 1 hour.
[Amdt. 192-47, 49 FR 7567, Mar. 1, 1984; Amdt. 192-85, 63 FR 37500, July 13, 1998]
The nominal wall thickness (t) should not be less than that determined by the considerations given in the
guide material under §192.103.
[Removed and Reserved]
[Effective Date: 01/22/19]
[Amdt. 192-31, 43 FR 13880, Apr. 3, 1978; Amdt. 192-78, 61 FR 28770, June 6, 1996 with Amdt. 192-78
Correction, 61 FR 30824, June 18, 1996; Amdt. 192-85, 63 FR 37500, July 13, 1998; Amdt. 192-93, 68
FR 53895, Sept. 15, 2003; Amdt. 192-94, 69 FR 32886, June 14, 2004 with Amdt. 192-94 Correction,
69 FR 54591, Sept. 9, 2004; Amdt. 192-103, 71 FR 33402, June 9, 2006; RIN 2137-AE26, 73 FR 79002,
Dec. 24, 2008; Amdt. 192-114, 75 FR 48593, Aug. 11, 2010; Amdt. 192-119, 80 FR 168, Jan. 5, 2015;
Amdt. 192-124, 83 FR 58694, Nov. 20, 2018]
The pressure-temperature relationship with petroleum gases should be such that condensation will not
occur when using PE piping.
(a) When making a hot-plate saddle fusion on PE pipelines, the probability of a blowout increases with
an increase in pressure or a decrease in wall thickness. This should be considered, particularly when
performing hot-plate saddle fusion on PE pipelines as follows: 1-inch and 1¼-inch pipe with an SDR
greater than 10, and 2-inch, 3-inch, and 4-inch pipe with an SDR greater than 11. Where this is a
concern, the pipeline pressure may need to be reduced during such fusions. Alternatively, a heavier-
wall thickness could be used than that required by the pressure design formula. See PPI TR-41,
"Generic Saddle Fusion Joining Procedure for Polyethylene Gas Piping."
(b) Electrofusion tapping tees may be used as an alternate to hot-plate, fusion tapping tees to reduce
the probability of blowouts when hot tapping PE pipes. The manufacturer of the electrofusion fitting
should be contacted for recommendations.
(c) Mechanical tapping tees may be used as an alternative to heat-fusion tapping tees to avoid the
possibility of blowouts when tapping PE pipes.
4.1 General.
Liquid hydrocarbons such as gasoline, diesel fuel, and condensates, either inside the pipe or in the
surrounding soil, are known to have a detrimental effect on PE and PVC plastic piping materials. PA 11
piping is not affected by liquid hydrocarbons. Contact the piping manufacturer for specific
Pde-rated = De-rated design pressure, gauge, psig (kPa).
P§192.121 = Design pressure, gauge, psig (kPa) determined under §192.121.
DFC = Chemical Design Factor determined in accordance with Table 192.123i.
TABLE 192.123i
(b) If PE or PVC pipe is to be exposed intermittently to liquid hydrocarbons, the pipe manufacturer should
be consulted to determine the appropriate DFC.
4.3 References.
(a) PA pipe.
(1) "An Evaluation of Polyamide 11 for Use in High Pressure/High Temperature Gas Piping
Systems," T.J. Pitzi et al., 15th Plastic Fuel Gas Pipe Symposium Proceedings - 1997, p. 107.
(2) "Polyamide 11 Liners Withstand Hydrocarbons, High Temperature," A. Berry, Pipeline & Gas
Journal, December 1998, p. 81.
(b) PE pipe.
(1) PPI TR-9, "Recommended Design Factors and Design Coefficients for Thermoplastic Pressure
(2) PPI TR-22, "Polyethylene Piping Distribution Systems for Components of Liquid Petroleum
(3) "Mechanical Integrity of Fusion Joints Made from Polyethylene Pipe Exposed to Heavy
Hydrocarbons," S.M. Pimputkar, 14th Plastic Fuel Gas Pipe Symposium Proceedings - 1995, p.
(4) "Strength of Fusion Joints Made from Polyethylene Pipe Exposed to Heavy Hydrocarbons," S.M.
Pimputkar, 15th Plastic Fuel Gas Pipe Symposium Proceedings - 1997, p. 309.
(5) GRI 96/0194, "Service Effects of Hydrocarbons on Fusion and Mechanical Performance of
Polyethylene Gas Distribution Piping."
(c) PVC pipe.
"Prediction of Organic Chemical Permeation through PVC Pipe," A.R. Berens, Research
Technology, November 1985, p. 57.
(5) The holder, connection pipe, and components must be leak tested after installation as
required by Subpart J of this part.
[Amdt. 192-58, 53 FR 1633, Jan. 21, 1988; Amdt. 192-62, 54 FR 5625, Feb. 6, 1989; Amdt. 192-68, 58
FR 14519, Mar. 18, 1993; Amdt. 192-85, 63 FR 37500, July 13, 1998; Amdt. 192-119, 80 FR 168, Jan. 5,
For the definition of the bottle-type holder, see guide material under §§192.3 and 192.175.
Transmission line valves.
[Effective Date: 10/05/2022]
(a) Each transmission line, other than offshore segments, must have sectionalizing block
valves spaced as follows, unless in a particular case the Administrator finds that alternative spacing
would provide an equivalent level of safety:
(1) Each point on the pipeline in a Class 4 location must be within 2½ miles (4 kilometers) of a
(2) Each point on the pipeline in a Class 3 location must be within 4 miles (6.4 kilometers)
of a valve.
(3) Each point on the pipeline in a Class 2 location must be within 7½ miles (12 kilometers)
of a valve.
(4) Each point on the pipeline in a Class 1 location must be within 10 miles (16 kilometers)
of a valve.
(b) Each sectionalizing block valve on a transmission line, other than offshore segments, must
comply with the following:
(1) The valve and the operating device to open or close the valve must be readily accessible
and protected from tampering and damage.
(2) The valve must be supported to prevent settling of the valve or movement of the pipe
to which it is attached.
(c) Each section of a transmission line, other than offshore segments, between main line
valves must have a blowdown valve with enough capacity to allow the transmission line to be blown
down as rapidly as practicable. Each blowdown discharge must be located so the gas can be blown
to the atmosphere without hazard and, if the transmission line is adjacent to an overhead electric
line, so that the gas is directed away from the electrical conductors.
(d) Offshore segments of transmission lines must be equipped with valves or other com-
ponents to shut off the flow of gas to an offshore platform in an emergency.
(e) For onshore transmission pipeline segments with diameters greater than or equal to 6
inches that are constructed after April 10, 2023, the operator must install rupture-mitigation valves
(RMV) or an alternative equivalent technology whenever a valve must be installed to meet the
appropriate valve spacing requirements of this section. An operator seeking to use alternative
equivalent technology must notify PHMSA in accordance with the procedures set forth in paragraph
(g). All RMVs and alternative equivalent technologies installed pursuant to this paragraph must
meet the requirements of §§192.634 and 192.636. Exempted from this paragraph’s installation
requirements are pipelines segments in Class 1, or Class 2 locations that have a potential impact
radius (PIR), as defined in §192.903, of 150 feet or less. An operator may request an extension of
the installation compliance deadlines requirements of this paragraph if it can demonstrate to
PHMSA, in accordance with the notification procedures in § 192.18, that those installation
[Amdt. 192-27, 41 FR 34598, Aug. 16, 1976; Amdt. 192-78, 61 FR 28770, June 6, 1996 with Amdt.
192-78 Correction, 61 FR 30824, June 18, 1996; Amdt. 192-85, 63 FR 37500, July 13, 1998; Amdt.
192-130, 87 FR 20940, Apr. 8, 2022]
(a) Where the distance between valves on a combined segment of a new offshore-onshore pipeline
exceeds the valve spacing requirements for onshore pipelines, consideration should be given to the
installation of a block valve at the nearest practical location to the land juncture of the pipeline
(b) Sectionalizing block valves and blowdown valves associated with Type A and Type B gathering
lines might need to be installed or relocated when any portion of a line is replaced, relocated, or
otherwise changes.
(a) Riser designs must be tested to ensure safe performance under anticipated external and
internal loads acting on the assembly.
(b) Factory assembled anodeless risers must be designed and tested in accordance with
ASTM F1973–13 (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7).
(c) All risers used to connect regulator stations to plastic mains must be rigid and designed to
provide adequate support and resist lateral movement. Anodeless risers used in accordance with
this paragraph must have a rigid riser casing.
Records: Pipeline components.
[Effective Date: 07/01/2020]
(a) For steel transmission pipelines installed after July 1, 2020, an operator must collect or
make, and retain for the life of the pipeline, records documenting the manufacturing
standard and pressure rating to which each valve was manufactured and tested in
accordance with this subpart. Flanges, fittings, branch connections, extruded outlets,
anchor forgings, and other components with material yield strength grades of 42,000 psi
(X42) or greater and with nominal diameters of greater than 2 inches must have records
documenting the manufacturing specification in effect at the time of manufacture, including
yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, and chemical composition of materials.
(b) For steel transmission pipelines installed on or before July 1, 2020, if operators have
records documenting the manufacturing standard and pressure rating for valves, flanges,
fittings, branch connections, extruded outlets, anchor forgings, and other components with
material yield strength grades of 42,000 psi (X42) or greater and with nominal diameters of
greater than 2 inches, operators must retain such records for the life of the pipeline.
(c) For steel transmission pipeline segments installed on or before July 1, 2020, if an operator
does not have records necessary to establish the MAOP of a pipeline segment, the operator
may be subject to the requirements of §192.624 according to the terms of that section.
(a) Records for pipeline components installed in steel transmission and Type A gathering lines should
be traceable, verifiable, and complete to establish or confirm the MAOPs. The records requirements
of §192.205 are not applicable for Type B or C gathering lines (§192.9).
(b) Records may include the following.
(1) Mill test reports, which might have the following data.
(i) Heat numbers.
(ii) Steel chemistry.
(iii) Yield strength.
(iv) Ultimate tensile strength.
(v) Pipe grade.
(vi) Pipe wall thickness
(vii) Manufacturing process.
(2) Purchase requisitions and orders.
(a) Whenever feasible, platform piping below the lowest deck level should be located inboard of the
vertical plane established by the intersection of the outermost structural members of the platform and
the high water level.
(b) Whenever feasible, pipe risers should be located along faces of a platform other than those where
boat landings are provided. Additional protection may be afforded by the installation of boat bumpers
or encasement. When risers are installed on facings of a platform where boat landings are located,
they should be located inboard of the boat landing or otherwise protected by bumpers or framework
comparable in mechanical strength to the boat landing. When pipe risers 6 inches and smaller in
size are installed, consideration should be given to furnishing additional protection in the proximity of
the water line by installation of a structural member of greater mechanical strength.
3.1 Onshore.
See Guide Material Appendix G-192-13.
3.2 Offshore.
When designing and constructing offshore pipelines, consideration should be given to the placement of
subsea taps, valves, bypasses, and other appurtenances to avoid or mitigate damage from anchors,
nets, etc. It should be recognized that other federal and state agencies have established regulations that
can affect the design and construction of offshore pipelines.
Installation of pipe in a ditch.
[Effective Date: 05/24/23]
(a) When installed in a ditch, each transmission line that is to be operated at a pressure
producing a hoop stress of 20 percent or more of SMYS must be installed so that the pipe fits the
ditch so as to minimize stresses and protect the pipe coating from damage.
(b) When a ditch for a transmission line or main is backfilled, it must be backfilled in a manner
(1) Provides firm support under the pipe; and
Addendum 2, February 2023
(2) Prevents damage to the pipe and pipe coating from equipment or from the backfill
(c) All offshore pipe in water at least 12 feet (3.7 meters) deep but not more than 200 feet (61
meters) deep, as measured from the mean low tide, except pipe in the Gulf of Mexico and its inlets
under 15 feet (4.6 meters) of water, must be installed so that the top of the pipe is below the natural
bottom unless the pipe is supported by stanchions, held in place by anchors or heavy concrete
coating, or protected by an equivalent means. Pipe in the Gulf of Mexico and its inlets under 15 feet
(4.6 meters) of water must be installed so that the top of the pipe is 36 inches (914 millimeters) below
the seabed for normal excavation or 18 inches (457 millimeters) for rock excavation.
(d) Promptly after a ditch for an onshore steel transmission line is backfilled (if the construction
project involves 1,000 feet or more of continuous backfill length along the pipeline), but not later than
6 months after placing the pipeline in service, the operator must perform an assessment to assess
any coating damage and ensure integrity of the coating using direct current voltage gradient (DCVG),
alternating current voltage gradient (ACVG), or other technology that provides comparable
information about the integrity of the coating. Coating surveys must be conducted, except in locations
where effective coating surveys are precluded by geographical, technical, or safety reasons.
(e) An operator must notify PHMSA in accordance with § 192.18 at least 90 days in advance of
using other technology to assess integrity of the coating under paragraph (d) of this section.
(f) An operator must repair any coating damage classified as severe (voltage drop greater than
60 percent for DCVG or 70 dBµV for ACVG) in accordance with section 4 of NACE SP0502
(incorporated by reference, see § 192.7) within 6 months after the pipeline is placed in service, or as
soon as practicable after obtaining necessary permits, not to exceed 6 months after the receipt of
(g) An operator of an onshore steel transmission pipeline must make and retain for the life of the
pipeline records documenting the coating assessment findings and remedial actions performed
under paragraphs (d) through (f) of this section.
[Amdt. 192-27, 41 FR 34598, Aug. 16, 1976; Amdt. 192-78, 61 FR 28770, June 6, 1996 with Amdt. 192-
78 Correction, 61 FR 30824, June 18, 1996; Amdt. 192-85, 63 FR 37500, July 13, 1998, Amdt. 192-132,
87 FR 52224, Aug. 24, 2022]
When long sections of pipe that have been welded alongside the ditch are lowered in, or where excessive
depths are encountered, care should be taken to avoid jerking the pipe or imposing any strains that might
kink or put a permanent bend in the pipe. Where these conditions are encountered, the use of slack loops
should be considered.
1.3 Inspections.
(a) Onshore.
(1) The condition of the ditch bottom should be inspected just before the pipe is lowered-in.
(2) The surface of the coated pipe should be inspected as the pipe is lowered into the ditch. Coating
lacerations indicate that the pipe may have been damaged after the coating was applied.
(3) The fit of the pipe to the ditch should be inspected before backfilling.
(b) Offshore.
(1) The surface of the corrosion preventive coating should be inspected before weight-coating.
(2) The weight-coating should be inspected before the pipe is welded.
3.1 General.
Backfilling should be performed in a manner to provide firm support under the pipe.
3.4 Consolidation.
If trench flooding is used to consolidate the backfill, care should be taken to see that the pipe is not floated
from its firm bearing on the trench bottom. Where mains are installed in existing or proposed roadways
or in unstable soil, flooding should be augmented by wheel rolling or mechanical compaction. Multi-lift
mechanical compaction can be used in lieu of flooding.
(a) Consider temporarily marking facilities during installation with paint, flags, or other means to help
prevent damage in areas where continued construction is expected. This includes pipelines that are
not energized.
(b) Check for and remove previous markings that might confuse others working around the facilities.
Installation of plastic pipe.
[Effective Date: 01/22/19]
(a) Plastic pipe must be installed below ground level except as provided by paragraphs (g), (h),
and (i) of this section.
(b) Plastic pipe that is installed in a vault or any other below grade enclosure must be completely
encased in gas-tight metal pipe and fittings that are adequately protected from corrosion.
(c) Plastic pipe must be installed so as to minimize shear or tensile stresses.
(d) Plastic pipe must have a minimum wall thickness in accordance with § 192.121.
(e) Plastic pipe that is not encased must have an electrically conducting wire or other means of
locating the pipe while it is underground. Tracer wire may not be wrapped around the pipe and contact
with the pipe must be minimized but is not prohibited. Tracer wire or other metallic elements installed
for pipe locating purposes must be resistant to corrosion damage, either by use of coated copper
wire or by other means.
(f) Plastic pipe that is being encased must be inserted into the casing pipe in a manner
that will protect the plastic. Plastic pipe that is being encased must be protected from damage at
all entrance and all exit points of the casing. The leading end of the plastic must be closed before
(g) Uncased plastic pipe may be temporarily installed above ground level under the following
(1) The operator must be able to demonstrate that the cumulative aboveground exposure of
the pipe does not exceed the manufacturer's recommended maximum period of exposure or 2 years,
whichever is less.
(2) The pipe either is located where damage by external forces is unlikely or is otherwise
protected against such damage.
(3) The pipe adequately resists exposure to ultraviolet light and high and low temperatures.
(h) Plastic pipe may be installed on bridges provided that it is:
(1) Installed with protection from mechanical damage, such as installation in a metallic
(2) Protected from ultraviolet radiation; and
(3) Not allowed to exceed the pipe temperature limits specified in §192.121.
(i) Plastic mains may terminate above ground level provided they comply with the following:
(1) The above-ground level part of the plastic main is protected against deterioration and
external damage.
(2) The plastic main is not used to support external loads.
(3) Installations of risers at regulator stations must meet the design requirements of §
[Amdt. 192-78, 61 FR 28770, June 6, 1996 with Amdt. 192-78 Correction, 61 FR 30824, June 18, 1996;
Amdt. 192-85, 63 FR 37500, July 13, 1998; Amdt. 192-93, 68 FR 53895, Sept. 15, 2003; Amdt. 192-94,
69 FR 32886, June 14, 2004; Amdt 192-124, 83 FR 58694, Nov. 20, 2018]
1.1 Handling.
For guidance to protect pipe during handling, see guide material under §192.69
2.1 Contraction.
The piping should be installed with sufficient slack to provide for possible contraction. Under high
temperature conditions, cooling may be necessary before the last connection is made. See 3.5(f) of the
guide material under §192.281.
2.3 Backfilling.
(a) General. Blocking should not be used to support plastic pipe. Plastic pipe should be laid on
undisturbed soil, well-compacted soil, well-tamped soil, or other continuous support. If plastic pipe is
to be laid in soils that may damage it, the pipe should be protected by suitable rock-free materials.
(b) Backfill material. Backfilling should be performed in a manner to provide firm support around the
piping and to protect the piping from damage. Plastic piping materials could be affected by rock
impingement. The backfill expected to come in direct contact with the pipe should be free of rocks,
pieces of pavement, or other materials that might damage the pipe. Rocks or similar material can
cause stress concentrations that could limit the long-term performance of the piping system should
pipe contact occur.
(1) Consult the pipe manufacturer for guidance to determine the appropriate backfill for its plastic
piping material.
(2) Maximum particle size for materials within 6 inches of the pipe, including bedding materials and
other initial materials that might damage the pipe, are shown in Table 192.321i.
TABLE 192.321i
(3) Beyond the 6-inch zone, the final backfill should be free of materials that might damage the pipe,
such as rocks (3 inches or larger), pieces of pavement, or construction debris. Additional
guidance on backfill is provided in ASTM D2774, “Standard Practice for Underground Installation
of Thermoplastic Pressure Piping.”
(c) Consolidation. If trench flooding is used to consolidate the backfill, care should be taken to see that
the piping is not floated from its firm bearing on the trench bottom. Where mains and service lines
are installed in existing or proposed roadways or in unstable soil, flooding should be augmented by
wheel rolling or mechanical compaction. Multi-lift mechanical compaction can be used in lieu of
flooding. Care should be taken when using mechanical compaction not to cause excessive ovality of
the plastic pipe.
3.1 General.
(a) The casing or abandoned pipeline should be prepared to the extent necessary to remove any sharp
edges, projections, dust, welding slag, or abrasive material which could damage the plastic during
or after insertion.
(b) A support sleeve or plug should be used to prevent the plastic pipe from bearing on the end of the
casing or abandoned pipeline.
(c) Maps or other records should indicate plastic pipe that is inserted in a casing or an abandoned
Installation of plastic pipelines by trenchless excavation.
[Effective Date: 01/22/19]
Plastic pipelines installed by trenchless excavation must comply with the following:
(a) Each operator must take practicable steps to provide sufficient clearance for installation
and maintenance activities from other underground utilities and/or structures at the time of
(b) For each pipeline section, plastic pipe and components that are pulled through the ground
must use a weak link, as defined by § 192.3, to ensure the pipeline will not be damaged by any
excessive forces during the pulling process.
(a) See Substructure Damage Prevention Guidelines for Directional Drilling and Other Trenchless
Technologies under Guide Material Appendix G-192-6.
(b) See weak link guide material under Guide Material Appendix G-192-15B, Section 5.
[Effective Date: 11/12/70]
This subpart prescribes minimum requirements for installing customer meters, service
regulators, service lines, service line valves, and service line connections to mains.
Customer meters and regulators: Location.
[Effective Date: 10/15/03]
(a) Each meter and service regulator, whether inside or outside a building, must be installed
in a readily accessible location and be protected from corrosion and other damage, including, if
installed outside a building, vehicular damage that may be anticipated. However, the upstream
regulator in a series may be buried.
(b) Each service regulator installed within a building must be located as near as practical to
the point of service line entrance.
(c) Each meter installed within a building must be located in a ventilated place and not less
than 3 feet (914 millimeters) from any source of ignition or any source of heat which might damage
the meter.
(d) Where feasible, the upstream regulator in a series must be located outside the building,
unless it is located in a separate metering or regulating building.
[Amdt. 192-85, 63 FR 37500, July 13, 1998; Amdt. 192-93, 68 FR 53895, Sept. 15, 2003]
(a) Where practical, no building should have more than one service line.
(b) Meters should normally be installed at the service regulator. When more than one meter is set on
a particular premises, they should typically be set at one location. If meters are installed at multiple
locations on the premises, the operator should consider providing a tag or other means to indicate
that there are multiple meter locations.
(c) Outside, aboveground meter and regulator locations are desirable when weather conditions,
availability of space, and other conditions permit.
(a) If the customer's utilization equipment (e.g., gas compressor) could produce an excessive drop in
gas pressure or a vacuum at the meter or regulator, a protective device such as the following
should be used.
(1) Automatic shut-off valve with manual reset (for decreasing pressure).
(2) Restricting orifice.
(3) Regulating device set to close at a predetermined decrease in pressure.
(b) If the customer's utilization equipment could cause compressed gas, compressed air, oxygen, etc.,
to flow back into the meter or regulator, a protective device such as the following should be used.
(1) Check valve.
(2) Automatic shut-off valve with manual reset (for increasing pressure).
(3) Regulating device set to close at a predetermined increase in pressure. The protective device
should provide gastight shutoff if flow reversal occurs. Consideration should be given to the
explosion hazard of air or oxygen mixed with natural gas or other hydrocarbons.
(c) If a supplementary or an alternate gas supply (e.g., LPG) is interconnected for standby use and
could flow back into the meter or regulator, a protective device such as those listed in 1 (a) and (b)
above should be used. A 3-way valve that closes the normal gas supply before admitting the
alternate supply could eliminate the need for a protective device.
If corrosion damage is likely to occur to meters and service regulators, see guide material under
See 2(b) of the guide material under §192.353 and Guide Material Appendix G-192-13.
(ii) Ensure that the outlet pressure of the other connected regulators does not increase to
an unsafe value. If a regulator diaphragm ruptures or a relief valve activates and gas
flows through the common vent line, the resultant back pressure will cause the outlet
pressure of the other connected regulators to increase by the back-pressure amount.
The amount of back pressure depends on the diameter and length of the common vent
line and the venting flow rate.
(iii) Ensure that the total maximum vent line pressure for all regulators connected does not
exceed the maximum back pressure specified for any one of the connected regulator
(iv) Ensure that all the regulators connected to a common vent line have the same delivery
(2) Regulators with low-pressure delivery (utilization pressure for low-pressure gas burning
equipment) should have no high-pressure delivery regulator connected to the common vent
line installation.
(3) When considering the addition of regulators to an existing common vent line:
(i) Do not connect a regulator with a different delivery pressure.
(ii) Do not connect a regulator with a larger venting flow rate than used in the initial design,
unless a new calculation indicates that the common vent line is adequate at the larger
venting flow rate.
(4) The operator should consider using regulators with either:
(i) A device set to close at a predetermined increase in pressure, or
(ii) Using an automatic shut-off valve with a manual reset.
(a) See guide material under §192.353 for design and location considerations.
(b) When service regulators are installed in underground pits or vaults, regulator and relief vents
should be installed in a manner to prevent blocking of the vents where there is a potential for soil
or water accumulation.
Customer meters and regulators: Installation.
[Effective Date: 11/12/70]
(a) Each meter and each regulator must be installed so as to minimize anticipated stresses
upon the connecting piping and the meter.
(b) When close all-thread nipples are used, the wall thickness remaining after the threads are
cut must meet the minimum wall thickness requirements of this part.
(c) Connections made of lead or other easily damaged material may not be used in the
installation of meters or regulators.
(d) Each regulator that might release gas in its operation must be vented to the outside
The meter should be installed where it can be easily read and the connections are accessible. See
guide material under §192.353 for location considerations.
(a) Care should be taken to ensure that the meter set assembly is not installed under stress.
(b) Where practical, the outside portion of the service line, including associated piping, should be
designed so that damage to the service line due to outside forces will not cause leakage inside a
(c) Swing joint piping techniques may be used to reduce the problems of piping stress and for ease
of installation. For pipe sizes up to NPS 1¼, where meter bars are not installed for piping support,
it is common industry practice to use swing joint piping.
(d) For threaded metallic joints, see guide material under §192.273.
(e) Piping should be supported to minimize stress on the regulator body, meter case, and piping.
Appropriate blocking, pads, stands, brackets, and hangers should be used as necessary. Supports
for horizontal steel piping should be spaced so that the distances listed in Table 192.357i are not
(f) Reasonable precautions, such as increased pipe wall thickness, may be taken to protect the meter
set assembly or service regulator from natural or other hazards.
TABLE 192.357i
Vent piping should be installed to ensure a continuous, unobstructed path to the outside
atmosphere. See 4 and 5 of the guide material under §192.355.
Customer meter installations: Operating pressure.
[Effective Date: 07/13/98]
(a) A meter may not be used at a pressure that is more than 67 percent of the manufacturer's
shell test pressure.
(b) Each newly installed meter manufactured after November 12, 1970, must have been tested
to a minimum of 10 p.s.i. (69 kPa) gage.
(c) A rebuilt or repaired tinned steel case meter may not be used at a pressure that is more
than 50 percent of the pressure used to test the meter after rebuilding or repairing.
[Amdt. 192-3, 35 FR 17659, Nov. 17, 1970; Amdt. 192-85, 63 FR 37500, July 13, 1998]
Service lines: Installation.
[Effective Date: 10/15/03]
(a) Depth. Each buried service line must be installed with at least 12 inches (305 millimeters)
of cover in private property and at least 18 inches (457 millimeters) of cover in streets and roads.
However, where an underground structure prevents installation at those depths, the service line
must be able to withstand any anticipated external load.
(b) Support and backfill. Each service line must be properly supported on undisturbed or well-
compacted soil, and material used for backfill must be free of materials that could damage the pipe
or its coating.
(c) Grading for drainage. Where condensate in the gas might cause interruption in the gas
supply to the customer, the service line must be graded so as to drain into the main or into drips at
the low points in the service line.
(d) Protection against piping strain and external loading. Each service line must be installed
so as to minimize anticipated piping strain and external loading.
(e) Installation of service lines into buildings. Each underground service line installed below
grade through the outer foundation wall of a building must —
(1) In the case of a metal service line, be protected against corrosion;
(2) In the case of a plastic service line, be protected from shearing action and backfill
settlement; and
(3) Be sealed at the foundation wall to prevent leakage into the building.
(f) Installation of service lines under buildings. Where an underground service line is installed
under a building —
(1) It must be encased in a gas tight conduit;
(2) The conduit and the service line must, if the service line supplies the building it
underlies, extend into a normally usable and accessible part of the building; and
(3) The space between the conduit and the service line must be sealed to prevent gas
leakage into the building and, if the conduit is sealed at both ends, a vent line from the annular
space must extend to a point where gas would not be a hazard, and extend above grade, terminating
in a rain and insect resistant fitting.
(g) Locating underground service lines. Each underground nonmetallic service line that is not
encased must have a means of locating the pipe that complies with §192.321(e).
[Amdt. 192-75, 61 FR 18512, Apr. 26, 1996 with Amdt. 192-75 Correction, 61 FR 38403, July 24, 1996;
Amdt. 192-85, 63 FR 37500, July 13, 1998; Amdt. 192-93, 68 FR 53895, Sept. 15, 2003
(a) Where cover requirements cannot be met due to existing substructures, the portions of the service
lines which could be subjected to superimposed loads should be cased or bridged, or the pipe
should be appropriately strengthened.
(b) See Guide Material Appendix G-192-13 for additional cover considerations and for considerations
to minimize damage by outside forces.
3.1 General.
When inspecting the exposed pipeline, consideration should be given to the proximity and condition of
existing conduits, ducts, sewer lines and similar structures, including abandoned facilities, which might
have the potential to provide a path for the migration of leaking gas.
The examination of exposed buried pipelines might provide additional opportunities for acquiring data to
include in the threat and risk analysis required by an integrity management program, such as §§192.917
and 192.1007. An operator should review the data collection and integration processes associated with
its integrity management plan to determine if additional data collection is beneficial. Procedures and forms
may need to be modified to include additional data collection. Data collected should be made available
to integrity management personnel.
External corrosion control: Protective coating.
[Effective Date: 05/24/23]
(a) Each external protective coating, whether conductive or insulating, applied for the purpose
of external corrosion control must —
(1) Be applied on a properly prepared surface;
(2) Have sufficient adhesion to the metal surface to effectively resist underfilm migration of
(3) Be sufficiently ductile to resist cracking;
(4) Have sufficient strength to resist damage due to handling (including, but not limited to,
transportation, installation, boring, and backfilling) and soil stress;
(b) Each external protective coating which is an electrically insulating type must also have low
moisture absorption and high electrical resistance.
(c) Each external protective coating must be inspected just prior to lowering the pipe into the
ditch and backfilling, and any damage detrimental to effective corrosion control must be repaired.
(d) Each external protective coating must be protected from damage resulting from adverse ditch
conditions or damage from supporting blocks.
(e) If coated pipe is installed by boring, driving, or other similar method, precautions must be
taken to minimize damage to the coating during installation.
(f) Promptly after the backfill of an onshore steel transmission pipeline ditch following repair or
replacement (if the repair or replacement results in 1,000 feet or more of backfill length along the
pipeline), but no later than 6 months after the backfill, the operator must perform an assessment to
assess any coating damage and ensure integrity of the coating using direct current voltage gradient
(DCVG), alternating current voltage gradient (ACVG), or other technology that provides comparable
information about the integrity of the coating. Coating surveys must be conducted, except in locations
where effective coating surveys are precluded by geographical, technical, or safety reasons.
(g) An operator must notify PHMSA in accordance with § 192.18 at least 90 days in advance of
using other technology to assess integrity of the coating under paragraph (f) of this section.
(h) An operator of an onshore steel transmission pipeline must develop a remedial action plan
and apply for any necessary permits within 6 months of completing the assessment that identified
the deficiency. The operator must repair any coating damage classified as severe (voltage drop
greater than 60 percent for DCVG or 70 dBµV for ACVG) in accordance with section 4 of NACE SP0502
(incorporated by reference, see § 192.7) within 6 months of the assessment, or as soon as practicable
after obtaining necessary permits, not to exceed 6 months after the receipt of permits.
(i) An operator of an onshore steel transmission pipeline must make and retain for the life of the
pipeline records documenting the coating assessment findings and remedial actions performed
under paragraphs (f) through (h) of this section.
[Issued by Amdt. 192-4, 36 FR 12297, June 30, 1971, Amdt. 192-132, 87 FR 52224, Aug. 24, 2022]
TABLE 192.461i
External corrosion control: Cathodic protection.
[Effective Date: 08/01/71]
(a) Each cathodic protection system required by this subpart must provide a level of cathodic
protection that complies with one or more of the applicable criteria contained in Appendix D of this
subpart. If none of these criteria is applicable, the cathodic protection system must provide a level of
cathodic protection at least equal to that provided by compliance with one or more of these criteria.
(b) If amphoteric metals are included in a buried or submerged pipeline containing a metal of
different anodic potential —
(1) The amphoteric metals must be electrically isolated from the remainder of the pipeline
and cathodically protected; or
(2) The entire buried or submerged pipeline must be cathodically protected at a cathodic
potential that meets the requirements of Appendix D of this part for amphoteric metals.
(c) The amount of cathodic protection must be controlled so as not to damage the protective
coating or the pipe.
Amphoteric metal, as defined in NACE SP0169, is a metal that is susceptible to corrosion in both acid and
alkaline environments (e.g., aluminum and copper).
External corrosion control: Monitoring and remediation.
[Effective Date: 05/24/23]
(a) Each pipeline that is under cathodic protection must be tested at least once each calendar
year, but with intervals not exceeding 15 months, to determine whether the cathodic protection meets
the requirements of §192.463. However, if tests at those intervals are impractical for separately
protected short sections of mains or transmission lines, not in excess of 100 feet (30 meters), or
separately protected service lines, these pipelines may be surveyed on a sampling basis. At least 10
percent of these protected structures, distributed over the entire system must be surveyed each
calendar year, with a different 10 percent checked each subsequent year, so that the entire system is
tested in each 10-year period.
(b) Cathodic protection rectifiers and impressed current power sources must be periodically
inspected as follows:
(1) Each cathodic protection rectifier or impressed current poser source must be
inspected six times each calendar year, but with intervals not exceeding 2 ½ months between
inspections, to ensure adequate amperage and voltage levels needed to provide cathodic
protection are maintained. This may be done either through remote measurement or through
an onsite inspection of the rectifier.
(2) After January 1, 2022, each remotely inspected rectifier must be physically inspected for
continued safe and reliable operation at least once each calendar year, but with intervals not
exceeding 15 months.
(c) Each reverse current switch, each diode, and each interference bond whose failure would
jeopardize structure protection, must be electrically checked for proper performance six times each
calendar year, but with intervals not exceeding 2½ months. Each other interference bond must be
checked at least once each calendar year, but with intervals not exceeding 15 months.
(d) Each operator must promptly correct any deficiencies indicated by the inspection and testing
required by paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section. For onshore gas transmission pipelines, each
operator must develop a remedial action plan and apply for any necessary permits within 6 months
of completing the inspection or testing that identified the deficiency. Remedial action must be
completed promptly, but no later than the earliest of the following: prior to the next inspection or test
interval required by this section; within one year, not to exceed 15 months, of the inspection or test
that identified the deficiency; or as soon as practicable, not to exceed 6 months, after obtaining any
necessary permits.
(e) After the initial evaluation required by §§192.455(b) and (c) and 192.457(b), each operator
must, not less than every 3 years at intervals not exceeding 39 months, reevaluate its unprotected
pipelines and cathodically protect them in accordance with this subpart in areas in which active
corrosion is found. The operator must determine the areas of active corrosion by electrical survey.
However, on distribution lines and where an electrical survey is impractical on transmission lines,
areas of active corrosion may be determined by other means that include review and analysis of leak
repair and inspection records, corrosion monitoring records, exposed pipe inspection records, and
the pipeline environment.
(f) An operator must determine the extent of the area with inadequate cathodic protection for
onshore gas transmission pipelines where any annual test station reading (pipe-to-soil potential
measurement) indicates cathodic protection levels below the required levels in appendix D to this
(1) Gas transmission pipeline operators must investigate and mitigate any non-systemic or
location-specific causes.
(2) To address systemic causes, an operator must conduct close interval surveys in both
directions from the test station with a low cathodic protection reading at a maximum interval of
approximately 5 feet or less. An operator must conduct close interval surveys unless it is
impractical based upon geographical, technical, or safety reasons. An operator must complete
close interval surveys required by this section with the protective current interrupted unless it is
impractical to do so for technical or safety reasons. An operator must remediate areas with
insufficient cathodic protection levels, or areas where protective current is found to be leaving the
pipeline, in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section. An operator must confirm the restoration
of adequate cathodic protection following the implementation of remedial actions undertaken to
mitigate systemic causes of external corrosion.
[Issued by Amdt. 192-4, 36 FR 12297, June 30, 1971; Amdt. 192-27, 41 FR 34598, Aug. 16, 1976; Amdt.
192-33, 43 FR 39389, Sept. 5, 1978; Amdt. 192-35, 44 FR 75384, Dec. 20, 1979 with Amdt. 192-35A, 45
FR 23441, Apr. 7, 1980; Amdt. 192-85, 63 FR 37500, July 13, 1998; Amdt. 192.93, 68 FR 53895, Sept. 15,
2003; Amdt. 192-114, 75 FR 48593, Aug. 11, 2010, Amdt. 192-132, 87 FR 52224, Aug. 24, 2022]
(a) Monitoring requirements of pipeline cathodic protection (CP) systems may be satisfied by on-site,
remote, or other testing and inspection methods.
(b) A rectifier or other cathodic protection device protecting a regulated segment of gathering line could
be located outside the limits of the regulated pipe segment.
(a) Common corrosion control methods include coating, CP, and electrical isolation. CP systems
typically use galvanic anodes or impressed current (rectifiers). Other corrosion control devices may
include electrical isolators, interference bonds, diodes, and reverse current switches.
(b) Remedial action is required whenever it is determined that the CP or other installed corrosion control
methods are not operating effectively.
(c) The specific remedial action to be taken depends on the type of corrosion control method installed
and the problem encountered. In certain situations, the deficiency can be corrected by modifying
existing corrosion control methods (e.g., increasing output from adjacent rectifiers).
(d) Operators are required to take prompt remedial action to correct deficiencies indicated by monitoring.
Remedial action should correct the deficiency before the next monitoring cycle required by §192.465.
However, for monitoring cycles greater than one year, remedial action should be completed within
15 months of discovery.
Example: It is discovered that pipe coating has deteriorated and that the existing corrosion control
system is unable to achieve the desired CP level. The operator should initiate and document action
taken to achieve the acceptable CP level before the next monitoring cycle. Remedial action might
include the following.
(1) Installing additional CP,
(2) Recoating the pipe to meet the requirements of §192.461, or
(3) Replacing the pipe.
(e) If remedial action cannot be completed prior to the next scheduled monitoring cycle, the operator
should document the actions taken to correct the deficiency and the expected timeframe for
(a) Unprotected pipeline as used in §192.465(e) means a metallic pipeline (other than cast iron and
ductile iron) that is not cathodically protected in accordance with §192.463. The most effective,
practical, and reliable methods to evaluate or determine areas of corrosion on gas facilities will vary
with the type and location of facilities. Historically, electrical-type surveys have been practical and
effective on transmission pipelines and other pipelines in rural areas (see 9 below). In-line inspection
(ILI) may also be useful where the pipeline will accommodate this equipment (see Guide Material
Appendix G-192-14). Pipelines in urban areas present great difficulty in the use of ILI tools and in
the practical application and interpretation of electrical-type surveys. The use of such surveys will
generally be precluded in urban areas by the considerations in 9.2 below.
(b) Where electrical-type surveys are considered impractical or ineffectual, leak surveys and a review of
leak survey results, corrosion leak repair history, and records of exposed pipe examinations are the
most effective means of determining corrosion areas. In addition, §192.465(e) requires an operator
to consider the pipeline environment that could affect the probability of active corrosion. Leak surveys
and records review may be the most appropriate method to determine corrosion areas on distribution
gas facilities and other gas facilities in urban areas. On-stream corrosion detectors, pressure tests,
ultrasonic, acoustical, visual, or other methods may be applicable in special cases.
4.1 Considerations.
The determination that active corrosion exists depends on an assessment of whether conditions in known
or suspected corrosion areas are such that continuing corrosion could result in a detriment to public
safety. For determining if a known or suspected corrosion area involves continuing corrosion, use
personnel who are qualified in corrosion control methods (see §192.453 and Subpart N for qualification
requirements, as applicable). For determining if a detriment to public safety could result, the operator
should use personnel who are, at a minimum, qualified by training or experience. The following factors
should be considered in assessing the effect on public safety.
(a) Leak frequency.
(b) Pressure.
(c) Location of piping.
(d) Location of dwellings and other structures.
(e) Gas venting and migration characteristics of the area.
4.2 Determination.
Continuing corrosion should be considered as active corrosion if it is determined that operation and
maintenance actions will not control the corrosion condition to an extent that prevents it from becoming
detrimental to public safety.
(a) If continuing corrosion is determined to be "not active," CP or other corrective measures may not be
required. One method of assessing continuing corrosion is by a measured or calculated corrosion
rate of the pipe in the area of concern. Application of the corrosion rate to the pipe could result in an
estimate of when the pipe might become a detriment to public safety. Corrective measures would be
required prior to that time. Such an analysis would be required at least every three years at intervals
not exceeding 39 months, since §192.465(e) requires an unprotected pipeline be reevaluated every
three years at intervals not exceeding 39 months for the existence of active corrosion.
(b) Corrosion that is currently considered "not active" could also become active due to growth of public
presence in the vicinity of the pipeline. An increase in the rate of corrosion is not necessarily required.
(a) NACE SP0177, "Mitigation of Alternating Current and Lightning Effects on Metallic Structures and
Corrosion Control Systems."
(b) NACE SP0200, "Steel-Cased Pipeline Practices."
External corrosion control: Test stations.
[Effective Date: 11/01/76]
Each pipeline under cathodic protection required by this subpart must have sufficient test
stations or other contact points for electrical measurement to determine the adequacy of cathodic
[Issued by Amdt. 192-4, 36 FR 12297, June 30, 1971; Amdt. 192-27, 41 FR 34598, Aug. 16, 1976]
Any contact point location (e.g., valves, blowoffs, meters, service lines, regulators, regulator vents and
platform risers, which are electrically continuous with the structure under test) may be chosen for testing
as long as the level of cathodic protection is effectively determined.
External corrosion control: Test leads.
[Effective Date: 08/01/71]
(a) Each test lead wire must be connected to the pipeline so as to remain mechanically secure
and electrically conductive.
(b) Each test lead wire must be attached to the pipeline so as to minimize stress concentration
on the pipe.
(c) Each bared test lead wire and bared metallic area at point of connection to the pipeline must
be coated with an electrical insulating material compatible with the pipe coating and the insulation on
the wire.
1.3 Brazing.
Attachment of electrical leads to steel pipe by brazing, provided that the pipeline operates at less than
29% SMYS.
For convenience, conductors may be coded or permanently identified. Wire should be installed with slack.
Damage to insulation should be avoided. Repairs should be made if damage occurs. Test leads should
not be exposed to excessive heat or excessive sunlight.
External corrosion control: Interference currents.
[Effective Date: 05/24/23]
(a) Each operator whose pipeline system is subjected to stray currents shall have in effect a
continuing program to minimize the detrimental effects of such currents.
(b) Each impressed current type cathodic protection system or galvanic anode system must be
designed and installed so as to minimize any adverse effects on existing adjacent underground
metallic structures.
(c) For onshore gas transmission pipelines, the program required by paragraph (a) of this
section must include:
(1) Interference surveys for a pipeline system to detect the presence and level of any
electrical stray current. Interference surveys must be conducted when potential monitoring
indicates a significant increase in stray current, or when new potential stray current sources are
introduced, such as through co-located pipelines, structures, or high voltage alternating current
(HVAC) power lines, including from additional generation, a voltage up-rating, additional lines, new
or enlarged power substations, or new pipelines or other structures;
(2) Analysis of the results of the survey to determine the cause of the interference and
whether the level could cause significant corrosion, impede safe operation, or adversely affect the
environment or public;
(3) Development of a remedial action plan to correct any instances where interference
current is greater than or equal to 100 amps per meter squared or if it impedes the safe operation
of a pipeline, or if it may cause a condition that would adversely impact the environment or the
public; and
(4) Application for any necessary permits within 6 months of completing the interference
survey that identified the deficiency. An operator must complete remedial actions promptly, but no
later than the earliest of the following: within 15 months after completing the interference survey
that identified the deficiency; or as soon as practicable, but not to exceed 6 months, after obtaining
any necessary permits.
[Issued by Amdt. 192-4, 36 FR 12297, June 30, 1971; Amdt. 192-33, 43 FR 39389, Sept. 5, 1978, Amdt.
192-132, 87 FR 52224, Aug. 24, 2022]
(a) Attention should be given to a new pipeline's physical location, particularly if the location may subject
the pipeline to stray electrical currents from other facilities, such as the following.
(1) Other pipelines or utilities with associated cathodic protection (CP) systems.
(2) Rail transit systems.
(3) Mining or welding operations.
(4) Induced currents from electrical transmission lines.
(b) To the extent possible, the operator should identify and plan for the mitigation and control of
anticipated stray electrical currents prior to construction. As soon as practicable after construction of
the pipeline or facility to be protected is completed, the operator should implement monitoring,
testing, and mitigation plans to control the effects of stray electrical currents. The rate of corrosion
caused by stray electrical current can be higher than the rate of corrosion resulting from galvanic
Once the interference control methods have been established, periodic tests and inspections should be
conducted to ensure their continued effectiveness.
Internal corrosion control: General.
[Effective Date: 07/13/98]
(a) Corrosive gas may not be transported by pipeline, unless the corrosive effect of the gas on
the pipeline has been investigated and steps have been taken to minimize internal corrosion.
(b) Whenever any pipe is removed from a pipeline for any reason, the internal surface must be
inspected for evidence of corrosion. If internal corrosion is found —
(1) The adjacent pipe must be investigated to determine the extent of internal corrosion;
(2) Replacement must be made to the extent required by the applicable paragraphs of
§§192.485, 192.487, or 192.489; and
(3) Steps must be taken to minimize the internal corrosion.
(c) Gas containing more than 0.25 grain of hydrogen sulfide per 100 cubic feet (5.8 milligrams/m 3)
at standard conditions (4 parts per million) may not be stored in pipe-type or bottle-type holders.
[Issued by Amdt. 192-4, 36 FR 12297, June 30, 1971; Amdt. 192-33, 43 FR 39389, Sept. 5, 1978; Amdt.
192-78, 61 FR 28770, June 6, 1996 with Amdt. 192-78 Correction, 61 FR 30824, June 18, 1996; Amdt.
192-85, 63 FR 37500, July 13, 1998]
In the presence of free water, gases containing certain constituents, such as carbon dioxide, hydrogen
sulfide, and oxygen, can be corrosive to steel pipelines. Pipeline liquids may combine with these
constituents and cause corrosion that may be detrimental to pipeline integrity. Because of this, monitoring
and evaluating corrosion, operating conditions, gas quality, and liquids found in pipelines are important
elements of internal corrosion control programs. The following are considerations for managing internal
If it is anticipated, or has been determined, that the gas to be transported is corrosive, the following should
be considered for the design of the pipeline system.
(a) Selection of special materials.
(1) Nonmetallic materials.
(2) Nonferrous metals.
(3) Special alloy steels.
(b) Selection of steel pipe.
(1) Increased wall thickness.
(2) Pipe grade.
(3) Metallurgy.
(4) Internal coating.
(c) Effect of high, low, or no flow velocities and liquid accumulation.
(d) Piping configurations that can contribute to changes in flow velocities, which can cause the free water
and constituents to settle out of the gas stream and build into concentrations that could lead to
internal corrosion. Examples of these configurations include the following.
5.7 Retention.
Records should be kept as long as the pipeline remains in service.
Internal corrosion control: Monitoring.
[Effective Date: 09/05/78]
If corrosive gas is being transported, coupons or other suitable means must be used to determine
the effectiveness of the steps taken to minimize internal corrosion. Each coupon or other means of
monitoring internal corrosion must be checked two times each calendar year, but with intervals not
exceeding 7½ months.
[Issued by Amdt. 192-4, 36 FR 12297, June 30, 1971; Amdt. 192-33, 43 FR 39389, Sept. 5, 1978]
(a) Devices that can be used to monitor internal corrosion or the effectiveness of corrosion mitigation
measures include hydrogen probes, corrosion probes, corrosion coupons, test spools, and
nondestructive testing equipment capable of indicating loss in wall thickness.
(b) Consideration should be given to the site selection and the type of access station used to expose the
device to on-stream monitoring. It is desirable to incorporate a retractable feature in the monitoring station
to avoid facility shutdowns during periodic inspections, such as weight loss measurements, and for
on-stream pigging of the facility.
(c) A written procedure should be established to determine that the monitoring device is operating properly.
(d) See guide material under §192.475 if internal corrosion is discovered or is not under mitigation.
Internal corrosion control: Onshore transmission monitoring and mitigation.
[Effective Date: 05/24/23]
(a) Each operator of an onshore gas transmission pipeline with corrosive constituents in the
gas being transported must develop and implement a monitoring and mitigation program to mitigate
the corrosive effects, as necessary. Potentially corrosive constituents include, but are not limited to:
carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur, microbes, and liquid water, either by itself or in
combination. An operator must evaluate the partial pressure of each corrosive constituent, where
applicable, by itself or in combination, to evaluate the effect of the corrosive constituents on the
internal corrosion of the pipe and implement mitigation measures as necessary.
(b) The monitoring and mitigation program described in paragraph (a) of this section must
(1) The use of gas-quality monitoring methods at points where gas with potentially corrosive
contaminants enters the pipeline to determine the gas stream constituents.
(2) Technology to mitigate the potentially corrosive gas stream constituents. Such
technologies may include product sampling, inhibitor injections, in-line cleaning pigging,
separators, or other technology that mitigates potentially corrosive effects;
(3) An evaluation at least once each calendar year, at intervals not to exceed 15 months, to
ensure that potentially corrosive gas stream constituents are effectively monitored and mitigated.
(c) An operator must review its monitoring and mitigation program at least once each
calendar year, at intervals not to exceed 15 months, and based on the results of its monitoring
and mitigation program, implement adjustments, as necessary.
Atmospheric corrosion control: General.
[Effective Date: 10/15/03]
(a) Each operator must clean and coat each pipeline or portion of pipeline that is exposed to the
atmosphere, except pipelines under paragraph (c) of this section.
(b) Coating material must be suitable for the prevention of atmospheric corrosion.
(c) Except portions of pipelines in offshore splash zones or soil-to-air interfaces, the operator
need not protect from atmospheric corrosion any pipeline for which the operator demonstrates by
test, investigation, or experience appropriate to the environment of the pipeline that corrosion will—
(1) Only be a light surface oxide; or
(2) Not affect the safe operation of the pipeline before the next scheduled inspection.
[Issued by Amdt. 192-4, 36 FR 12297, June 30, 1971; Amdt. 192-33, 43 FR 39389, Sept. 5, 1978; Amdt.
192-93, 68 FR 53895, Sept. 15, 2003]
(a) The need for coating can be determined by experience in the same or essentially identical
(b) The degree of surface preparation, the selection of the coating materials, and the application
procedures must be selected to achieve the desired coating system life span. A reference is the
SSPC Painting Manual ("Good Painting Practice" - Volume 1; and "Systems and Specifications" -
Volume 2), which is published by the Steel Structures Painting Council.
(c) For determining areas of atmospheric corrosion, see guide material under §192.481.
The following methods should be considered for exposed piping and related facilities.
(a) Use of coating. See 1 above.
(b) Selection of corrosion resistant materials.
(c) Avoidance of areas where prevailing winds or other conditions will deposit corrosive materials (e.g.,
salt, moisture, industrial effluent). Protection in these areas can be provided by selecting a more
appropriate meter and regulator location or by using a protective housing.
(d) Use of materials or coatings or both suitable for the environment may be required for facilities
installed in pits, vaults, or casings and that may be periodically submerged or exposed to excessive
(e) Protection of regulator vent lines from plugging by corrosion products. Where practical, the vent line
should be installed in a self-drain position and, where necessary, extended above possible flood
(f) Use of material for vent tubing that is compatible with the environment encountered. For example,
some kinds of plastic tubing should not be exposed to direct sunlight, and certain aluminum alloys
should not be submerged or placed in contact with concrete.
Atmospheric corrosion control: Monitoring.
[Effective Date: 03/12/21]
(a) Each operator must inspect and evaluate each pipeline or portion of pipeline that is exposed
to the atmosphere for evidence of atmospheric corrosion, as follows:
(1) Onshore other than a Service Line............... At least once every 3 calendar years, but with
intervals not exceeding 39 months.
(3) Offshore ......................................................... At least once each calendar year, but with
intervals not exceeding 15 months.
(b) During inspections the operator must give particular attention to pipe at soil-to-air interfaces,
under thermal insulation, under disbonded coatings, at pipe supports, in splash zones, at deck
penetrations, and in spans over water.
(c) If atmospheric corrosion is found during an inspection, the operator must provide protection
against the corrosion as required by §192.479.
(d) If atmospheric corrosion is found on a service line during the most recent inspection, then
the next inspection of that pipeline or portion of pipeline must be within 3 calendar years, but with
intervals not exceeding 39 months.
[Issued by Amdt. 192-4, 36 FR 12297, June 30, 1971; Amdt. 192-27, 41 FR 34598, Aug. 16, 1976; Amdt.
192-33, 43 FR 39389, Sept. 5, 1978; Amdt. 192-93, 68 FR 53895, Sept. 15, 2003]
(a) Type A and B gathering line overpressure devices or valves that lie outside of the regulated segments
(see §192.8(b)) are not required to have inspections for atmospheric corrosion.
(b) The presence of atmospheric corrosion can be detected best by visual inspection.
(1) This may require ladders, scaffolds, hoists, or other suitable means of permitting inspector access
to the structure being inspected. In addition to the locations listed in §192.481(b), attention should
be given to locations such as clamps, rest plates, and sleeved openings.
(2) Piping that is thermally or acoustically insulated (jacketed) should be inspected wherever practical.
To minimize damage to the insulation, a visual inspection of the pipe may be performed by cutting
(c) Exposure test racks can be used to evaluate coatings and materials in local environments such as
industrial, coastal, and offshore locations. Many standard procedures or test methods for evaluating
materials and coatings are available from the ASTM International.
(d) Evidence of atmospheric corrosion on meters and regulators may also be determined by inspection by
operator employees such as meter readers and leak survey personnel.
Remedial measures: General.
[Effective Date: 08/01/71]
(a) Each segment of metallic pipe that replaces pipe removed from a buried or submerged
pipeline because of external corrosion must have a properly prepared surface and must be provided
with an external protective coating that meets the requirements of §192.461.
(b) Each segment of metallic pipe that replaces pipe removed from a buried or submerged
pipeline because of external corrosion must be cathodically protected in accordance with this
(c) Except for cast iron or ductile iron pipe, each segment of buried or submerged pipe that is
required to be repaired because of external corrosion must be cathodically protected in accordance
with this subpart.
Remedial measures: Transmission lines.
[Effective Date: 05/24/23]
(a) General corrosion. Each segment of transmission line pipe with general corrosion and with
a remaining wall thickness less than that required for the MAOP of the pipeline must be replaced or
the operating pressure reduced commensurate with the strength of the pipe based on actual
remaining wall thickness. However, corroded pipe may be repaired by a method that reliable
engineering tests and analyses show can permanently restore the serviceability of the pipe.
Corrosion pitting so closely grouped as to affect the overall strength of the pipe is considered general
corrosion for the purpose of this paragraph.
(b) Localized corrosion pitting. Each segment of transmission line pipe with localized corrosion
pitting to a degree where leakage might result must be replaced or repaired, or the operating pressure
must be reduced commensurate with the strength of the pipe, based on the actual remaining wall
thickness in the pits.
(c) Calculating remaining strength. Under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, the strength of
pipe based on actual remaining wall thickness must be determined and documented in accordance
with § 192.712
[Issued by Amdt. 192-4, 36 FR 12297, June 30, 1971; Amdt. 192-33, 43 FR 39389, Sept. 5, 1978; Amdt.
192-78, 61 FR 28770, June 6, 1996 with Amdt. 192-78 Correction, 61 FR 30824, June 18, 1996; Amdt.
192-88, 64 FR 69660, Dec. 14, 1999; Amdt. 192-119, 80 FR 168, Jan. 5, 2015, Amdt. 192-132, 87 FR
52224, Aug. 24, 2022]
1.1 Introduction.
The evaluation of the pressure strength of a corroded region in a transmission pipeline to determine
its suitability for continued service can be made by an analytical method, by pressure testing, or by an
alternate method.
Class 1 locations
• No buildings for human occupancy within 300 feet 1.10
Class 3 & 4 locations and Meter & Compressor Station piping 1.5
in Class 1 & 2 locations
TABLE 192.485i
(b) For pipeline segments that are required to be qualified for an existing class location, see §192.611:
Class 2 1.25
Class 3 1.50
Class 4 1.80
TABLE 192.485i
item manufactured is at least equal in strength to a prototype and that the prototype was tested to at
least the pressure required for the pipeline to which it is being added; or
(3) The component carries a pressure rating established through applicable ASME/ANSI,
Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc. (MSS) specifications,
or by unit strength calculations as described in §192.143.
[Amdt. 192-58, 53 FR 1633, Jan. 21, 1988; Amdt. 192-60, 53 FR 36028, Sept. 16, 1988 with Amdt. 192-
60A, 54 FR 5484, Feb. 3, 1989; Amdt. 192-120, 80 FR 12762, Mar. 11, 2015]
(a) The test procedure should give consideration to such items as the following.
(1) The method and equipment used.
(2) The test medium and maximum test pressure.
(3) The duration of the test.
(4) The volumetric content of the piping and its location.
(5) The reason for the pressure test.
(i) New construction.
(ii) Pipe replacement.
(iii) Class location changes.
(iv) Uprating.
(v) Integrity assessment.
(vi) Other as deemed appropriate by the operator.
(b) In accordance with §192.503(e)(3), a single component with a valid ASME or MSS specification
pressure rating may be installed without a strength test. Rating examples are common designations,
such as ASME Class 600. Corresponding temperature limits need to be considered for each pressure
(c) See §192.619 for test pressure requirements to substantiate the maximum allowable operating pressure
for steel and plastic pipelines.
(d) See guide material under §192.517 and Guide Material Appendices G-192-9, G-192-9A, and G-192-10.
Strength test requirements for steel pipeline
to operate at a hoop stress of 30 percent or more of SMYS.
[Effective Date: 03/12/21]
(a) Except for service lines, each segment of a steel pipeline that is to operate at a hoop stress
of 30 percent or more of SMYS must be strength tested in accordance with this section to substantiate
the proposed maximum allowable operating pressure. In addition, in a Class 1 or Class 2 location, if
there is a building intended for human occupancy within 300 feet (91 meters) of a pipeline, a
hydrostatic test must be conducted to a test pressure of at least 125 percent of maximum operating
pressure on that segment of the pipeline within 300 feet (91 meters) of such a building, but in no event
may the test section be less than 600 feet (183 meters) unless the length of the newly installed or
relocated pipe is less than 600 feet (183 meters). However, if the buildings are evacuated while the
hoop stress exceeds 50 percent of SMYS, air or inert gas may be used as the test medium.
(b) In a Class 1 or Class 2 location, each compressor station, regulator station, and measuring
station must be tested to at least Class 3 location test requirements.
(c) Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, the strength test must be conducted by
maintaining the pressure at or above the test pressure for at least 8 hours.
(d) For fabricated units and short sections of pipe, for which a post installation test is impractical, a
preinstallation strength test must be conducted by maintaining the pressure at or above the test
pressure for at least 4 hours.
[Amdt. 192-85, 63 FR 37500, July 13, 1998; Amdt. 192-94, 69 FR 32886, June 14, 2004 with Amdt. 192-
94 Correction, 69 FR 54591, Sept. 9, 2004; Amdt. 192-120, 80 FR 12762, Mar. 11, 2015]
The test procedure used should be selected after giving due consideration to items such as the following.
(a) Equipment to be used.
(b) Test medium.*
(c) Environment.
(d) Elevation profile.
(e) Volumetric content of the line.
(f) Test pressure.*
(g) Duration of the test.*
(h) Location of the line.
(i) The effects of temperature changes on the pressure of the test medium.
(j) The reason for the strength test.
(1) New construction.
(2) Pipe replacement.
(3) Class location changes.
(4) Uprating.
(5) Integrity assessment.*
(6) Other as deemed appropriate by the operator.
*See Guide Material Appendices G-192-9 and G-192-9A.
4.2 Procedures and guide material used to recognize a potential safety-related condition.
Personnel who perform O & M activities may use O & M procedures written in compliance with Subparts
I, L and M and the associated guide material and guide material appendices to recognize anomalies or
events that could become safety-related conditions. Some useful sections in Subparts I, L, and M
Change in class location: Required study.
[Effective Date: 11/12/70]
Whenever an increase in population density indicates a change in class location for a segment
of an existing steel pipeline operating at hoop stress that is more than 40 percent of SMYS, or
indicates that the hoop stress corresponding to the established maximum allowable operating
pressure for a segment of existing pipeline is not commensurate with the present class location, the
operator shall immediately make a study to determine:
(a) The present class location for the segment involved.
(b) The design, construction, and testing procedures followed in the original construction, and
a comparison of these procedures with those required for the present class location by the applicable
provisions of this part.
(c) The physical condition of the segment to the extent it can be ascertained from available
(d) The operating and maintenance history of the segment;
(e) The maximum actual operating pressure and the corresponding operating hoop stress,
taking pressure gradient into account, for the segment of pipeline involved; and
(f) The actual area affected by the population density increase, and physical barriers or other
factors which may limit further expansion of the more densely populated area.
This section applies to transmission lines and Type A gathering lines operating above 40 percent SMYS.
Change in class location: Change in valve spacing.
[Effective Date: 10/05/2022]
(a) If a class location change on a transmission pipeline occurs after October 5, 2022, and results
in pipe replacement, of 2 or more miles, in the aggregate, within any 5 contiguous miles within a 24-
month period, to meet the maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP) requirements in §§192.611,
192.619, or 192.620, then the requirements in §§192.179, 192.634, 192.636, as applicable, apply to the
new class location, and the operator must install valves, including rupture-mitigation valves (RMV) or
alternative equivalent technologies, as necessary, to comply with those sections. Such valves must
be installed within 24 months of the class location change in accordance with the timing requirement
in §192.611(d) for compliance after a class location change.
(b) If a class location change occurs after October 5, 2022, and results in pipe replacement of less
than 2 miles within 5 contiguous miles during a 24-month period, to meet the MAOP requirements in
§§192.611, 192.619, or 192.620, then within 24 months of the class location change, in accordance
with § 192.611(d), the operator must either:
(1) Comply with the valve spacing requirements of §192.179(a) for the replaced pipeline segment;
(2) Install or use existing RMVs or alternative equivalent technologies so that the entirety of the
replaced pipeline segments are between at least two RMVs or alternative equivalent technologies.
The distance between RMVs and alternative equivalent technologies for the replaced segment must
Addendum 1, June 2022
not exceed 20 miles. The RMVs and alternative equivalent technologies must comply with the
applicable requirements of §192.636.
(c) The provisions of paragraph (b) of this section do not apply to pipeline replacements that
amount to less than 1,000 feet within any 1 contiguous mile during any 24-month period.
Change in class location: Confirmation or revision of
maximum allowable operating pressure.
[Effective Date: 12/22/08]
(a) If the hoop stress corresponding to the established maximum allowable operating pressure
of a segment of pipeline is not commensurate with the present class location, and the segment is in
satisfactory physical condition, the maximum allowable operating pressure of that segment of
pipeline must be confirmed or revised according to one of the following requirements:
(1) If the segment involved has been previously tested in place for a period of not less than
8 hours:
(i) The maximum allowable operating pressure is 0.8 times the test pressure in Class
2 locations, 0.667 times the test pressure in Class 3 locations, or 0.555 times the test pressure in Class
4 locations. The corresponding hoop stress may not exceed 72 percent of the SMYS of the pipe in
Class 2 locations, 60 percent of SMYS in Class 3 locations, or 50 percent of SMYS in Class 4 locations.
(ii) The alternative maximum allowable operating pressure is 0.8 times the test
pressure in Class 2 locations and 0.667 times the test pressure in Class 3 locations. For pipelines
operating at alternative maximum allowable pressure per §192.620, the corresponding hoop stress
may not exceed 80 percent of the SMYS of the pipe in Class 2 locations and 67 percent of SMYS in
Class 3 locations.
(2) The maximum allowable operating pressure of the segment involved must be reduced
so that the corresponding hoop stress is not more than that allowed by this part for new segments of
pipelines in the existing class location.
(3) The segment involved must be tested in accordance with the applicable requirements of
Subpart J of this part, and its maximum allowable operating pressure must then be established
according to the following criteria:
(i) The maximum allowable operating pressure after the requalification test is 0.8
times the test pressure for Class 2 locations, 0.667 times the test pressure for Class 3 locations, and
0.555 times the test pressure for Class 4 locations.
(ii) The corresponding hoop stress may not exceed 72 percent of the SMYS of the pipe
in Class 2 locations, 60 percent of SMYS in Class 3 locations, or 50 percent of SMYS in Class 4
(iii) For pipeline operating at an alternative maximum allowable operating pressure per
§192.620, the alternative maximum allowable operating pressure after the requalification test is 0.8
times the test pressure for Class 2 locations and 0.667 times the test pressure for Class 3 locations.
The corresponding hoop stress may not exceed 80 percent of the SMYS of the pipe in Class 2
locations and 67 percent of SMYS in Class 3 locations.
(b) The maximum allowable operating pressure confirmed or revised in accordance with this
section, may not exceed the maximum allowable operating pressure established before the
confirmation or revision.
(c) Confirmation or revision of the maximum allowable operating pressure of a segment of
pipeline in accordance with this section does not preclude the application of §§192.553 and 192.555.
(d) Confirmation or revision of the maximum allowable operating pressure that is required as a
result of a study under §192.609 must be completed within 24 months of the change in class location.
Addendum 1, June 2022
Pressure reduction under paragraph (a)(1) or (2) of this section within the 24-month period does not
preclude establishing a maximum allowable operating pressure under paragraph (a)(3) of this section
at a later date.
[Amdt. 192-5, 36 FR 18194, Sept. 10, 1971; Amdt. 192-53, 51 FR 34987, Oct. 1, 1986; Amdt. 192-63, 54
FR 24173, June 6, 1989 with Amdt. 192-63 Correction, 54 FR 25716, June 19, 1989; Amdt. 192-78, 61
FR 28770, June 6, 1996 with Amdt. 192-78 Correction, 61 FR 30824, June 18, 1996; Amdt. 192-94, 69
FR 32886, June 14, 2004; RIN 2137-AE25, 73 FR 62148, Oct. 17, 2008; Eff. date stayed by 73 FR 72737,
Dec. 1, 2008]
This section applies to transmission lines and Type A gathering lines operating above 40 percent SMYS.
Note: A "special permit" was previously referred to as a "waiver" by PHMSA-OPS. State terminology may
differ (e.g., waiver, variance).
(a) When the MAOP of a pipeline is not commensurate with the new class location, PHMSA-OPS will
consider special permit (waiver) requests under §190.341 to implement alternative measures to provide
an equivalent or greater level of safety, provided that the terms and conditions of the special permit are
met. For additional guidance on PHMSA expectations for content of wavier requests and eligible
pipelines, see the OPS Notice for "Development of Class Location Change Waiver Criteria" (69 FR
38948, June 29, 2004; reference Guide Material Appendix G-192-1, Section 2).
(b) Operators of interstate pipelines are required to submit special permit (waiver) requests to PHMSA-OPS.
Operators of intrastate pipelines are required to submit requests to the state pipeline regulatory authority
or to PHMSA-OPS if there is no state pipeline regulatory authority.
Underwater inspection and reburial of pipelines in the
Gulf of Mexico and its inlets.
[Effective Date: 09/09/04]
(a) Each operator shall prepare and follow a procedure to identify its pipelines in the Gulf of
Mexico and its inlets in waters less than 15 feet (4.6 meters) deep as measured from mean low water
that are at risk of being an exposed underwater pipeline or a hazard to navigation. The procedures
must be in effect August 10, 2005.
(b) Each operator shall conduct appropriate periodic underwater inspections of its pipelines in
the Gulf of Mexico and its inlets in waters less than 15 feet (4.6 meters) deep as measured from mean
low water based on the identified risk.
(c) If an operator discovers that its pipeline is an exposed underwater pipeline or poses a hazard
to navigation, the operator shall—
(1) Promptly, but not later than 24 hours after discovery, notify the National Response
Center, telephone: 1-800-424-8802, of the location and, if available, the geographic coordinates of that
(2) Promptly, but not later than 7 days after discovery, mark the location of the pipeline in
accordance with 33 CFR part 64 at the ends of the pipeline segment and at intervals of not over 500
yards (457 meters) long, except that a pipeline segment less than 200 yards (183 meters) long need
only be marked at the center; and
(3) Within 6 months after discovery, or not later than November 1 of the following year if the
6 month period is later than November 1 of the year of discovery, bury the pipeline so that the top of
the pipe is 36 inches (914 millimeters) below the underwater natural bottom (as determined by
recognized and generally accepted practices) for normal excavation or 18 inches (457 millimeters) for
rock excavation.
(i) An operator may employ engineered alternatives to burial that meet or exceed the
level of protection provided by burial.
(ii) If an operator cannot obtain required state or Federal permits in time to comply
with this section, it must notify OPS; specify whether the required permit is State or Federal; and,
justify the delay.
[Issued by Amdt. 192-67, 56 FR 63764, Dec. 5, 1991; Amdt. 192-85, 63 FR 37500, July 13, 1998; Amdt.
192-98, 69 FR 48400, Aug. 10, 2004]
(a) Divers.
(b) Ultrasound or sidescan sonar.
(c) Remotely operated underwater inspection devices or vehicles (e.g., ROVs).
(d) Photography.
(e) Probing.
3 REPORTING (§192.612(c)(1))
In addition to the reporting requirements of §192.612(c)(1), an operator should also consider including
the following.
(a) Latitude and longitude of the pipeline end points.
(b) Offshore area name.
(c) Offshore block number.
(d) Name of water body.
(e) Name of parish or county.
(f) Other pertinent information.
If an operator is unable to meet the deadline for remediation, the required notification to OPS should be
in writing.
Continuing surveillance.
[Effective Date: 05/24/23]
(a) Each operator shall have a procedure for continuing surveillance of its facilities to determine
and take appropriate action concerning changes in class location, failures, leakage history, corrosion,
substantial changes in cathodic protection requirements, and other unusual operating and
maintenance conditions.
(b) If a segment of pipeline is determined to be in unsatisfactory condition but no immediate
hazard exists, the operator shall initiate a program to recondition or phase out the segment involved,
or, if the segment cannot be reconditioned or phased out, reduce the maximum allowable operating
pressure in accordance with §192.619(a) and (b).
(c) Following an extreme weather event or natural disaster that has the likelihood of damage
to pipeline facilities by the scouring or movement of the soil surrounding the pipeline or movement
of the pipeline, such as a named tropical storm or hurricane; a flood that exceeds the river,
shoreline, or creek high-water banks in the area of the pipeline; a landslide in the area of the
pipeline; or an earthquake in the area of the pipeline, an operator must inspect all potentially
affected onshore transmission pipeline facilities to detect conditions that could adversely affect the
safe operation of that pipeline.
(1) An operator must assess the nature of the event and the physical characteristics,
operating conditions, location, and prior history of the affected pipeline in determining the
appropriate method for performing the initial inspection to determine the extent of any damage and
the need for the additional assessments required under this paragraph (c)(1).
(2) An operator must commence the inspection required by paragraph (c) of this section
within 72 hours after the point in time when the operator reasonably determines that the affected
area can be safely accessed by personnel and equipment, and the personnel and equipment
required to perform the inspection as determined by paragraph (c)(1) of this section are available.
If an operator is unable to commence the inspection due to the unavailability of personnel or
equipment, the operator must notify the appropriate PHMSA Region Director as soon as practicable.
(3) An operator must take prompt and appropriate remedial action to ensure the safe
operation of a pipeline based on the information obtained as a result of performing the inspection
required by paragraph (c) of this section. Such actions might include, but are not limited to:
(i) Reducing the operating pressure or shutting down the pipeline;
(ii) Modifying, repairing, or replacing any damaged pipeline facilities;
(iii) Preventing, mitigating, or eliminating any unsafe conditions in the pipeline right-
(iv) Performing additional patrols, surveys, tests, or inspections;
(v) Implementing emergency response activities with Federal, State, or local
personnel; or
(vi) Notifying affected communities of the steps that can be taken to ensure public
Note: Although not required, operators should consider including Type B gathering lines in continuing
surveillance efforts.
Continuing surveillance should be conducted to identify any pipeline facilities experiencing abnormal or
unusual operating and maintenance conditions. This may be accomplished by the following.
(a) Periodic visual inspection of pipeline facilities to identify items such as the following.
(1) Changes in population densities.
(2) Effects of changes in topography.
(3) Effects of exposure or movement.
(4) Effects of encroachments.
(5) Specific circumstances relating to patrolling and leakage. See guide material under §§192.705,
192.706, 192.721, and 192.723.
(6) Potential for, or evidence of:
(i) Excavation activity.
Note: If evidence of an excavation is found near a transmission pipeline covered
segment, the location must be examined in accordance with §192.935(b)(1)(iv).
(ii) Tampering, vandalism, or damage.
(iii) Earth movement. See Guide Material Appendix G-192-13.
(iv) Flooding. See 6 below
(v) Mining activity. See Guide Material Appendix G-192-13.
(vi) Soil or water accumulation in vaults or pits.
(vii) Gas migration through air intakes into buildings from vaults and pits.
(viii) Excessive snow and ice build-up on aboveground facilities (e.g., meter sets, pressure
control equipment, heaters) that could affect their function.
(b) Periodic review and analysis of records, such as the following.
(1) Patrols.
(2) Leak surveys.
(3) Valve inspections.
(4) Vault inspections.
(5) Pressure regulating, relieving, and limiting equipment inspections.
(6) Corrosion control inspections.
(7) Facility failure investigations.
Anomalies discovered should be evaluated, and those determined to present potential safety concerns
should be scheduled for remediation and communicated to appropriate integrity management
(a) Some PE materials manufactured before 1982 have a lower resistance to the effects of induced
stresses and are subject to brittle-like cracking under certain in-service conditions (e.g., rock
impingement, squeeze-offs, severe bending moments). Brittle-like cracking is characterized by a
part-through crack initiating in the pipe wall followed by slow crack growth causing failure. These
failures result in a tight slit-like opening and a gas leak. This older generation of PE may have leak-
free performance for a number of years before brittle-like cracks occur. An increase in the occurrence
of leaks is typically the first indication of a brittle-like cracking problem.
(b) PE materials that are most known for this failure mode include the following.
(1) Century Utility Products, Inc. products.
(2) Low-ductile inner wall PE 2306 "Aldyl A" pipe manufactured by DuPont Company during 1970
through 1972, generally NPS 1¼ to NPS 4. To determine if the "Aldyl A" pipe has low-ductile
inner wall, see 3(f) below.
(3) PE gas pipe designated PE 3306.
(4) DuPont PE tapping tees with DuPont Delrin® polyacetal (homopolymer) inserts (see 3(g)
(5) Plexco PE service tees with Celanese Celcon® polyacetal (copolymer) caps (see 3(h) below).
(c) Conditions that may cause these types of materials to fail prematurely include the following.
(1) Inadequate support and backfill during installation.
(2) Tree root or rock impingement.
(3) Shear and bending stresses due to differential settlement resulting from factors such as:
(i) Excavation in close proximity to PE piping.
(ii) Directional drilling in close proximity to PE piping.
(iii) Frost heave.
(4) Bending stresses due to pipe installations with bends exceeding recommended practices.
(5) Stresses where the pipe has been squeezed off.
(d) Each operator that has these older PE pipelines should consider the following practices.
(1) Review system records to determine if any known susceptible materials have been installed in
the system.
(2) Perform more frequent inspection and leak surveys on systems that have exhibited brittle-like
cracking failures of known susceptible materials.
(3) Collect failure samples of PE piping exhibiting brittle-like cracking.
(4) Record the print line from any piping that has been involved in a failure. The print line information
can be used to identify the resin, manufacturer, and year of manufacture for plastic piping.
(5) For systems where there is no record of the piping material, consider recording print line data
when piping is excavated for other reasons. Recording the print line data can aid in establishing
the type and extent of PE piping used in the system.
(6) Develop procedures for taking appropriate action, including pipe replacement, to mitigate
potential pipe failures.
(7) Use a consistent record format to collect data on system failures. It is recommended that
operators use a standard industry form developed for gathering data on plastic pipe failures to
help trend and evaluate the extent of plastic pipe performance problems. For information about
such form, visit the AGA website at under "Operations and Engineering/Plastic
Piping Data Project."
(e) For those pipeline systems that contain products manufactured by Century Utility Products, Inc.
between 1970 and 1973, the systems should be monitored and necessary replacements made for
system integrity and public safety.
(f) An operator can determine if the PE 2306 "Aldyl A" piping manufactured by DuPont Company during
1970 through 1972 has low-ductile inner wall by using the following procedure.
(1) Cut a ½-inch ring from the pipe.
(2) Cut the ring at one point.
(3) Reverse bend the ring, exposing the inner surface of the pipe.
(4) Bend back the ring until the outer surfaces of the pipe (or cut ends) touch.
(5) Cracking on the inner surface of the ring in the bend area indicates low-ductile inner wall.
(g) DuPont PE tapping tees with Delrin polyacetal inserts were installed in gas systems from the late
1960s to the early 1980s and should be replaced as they are discovered. These can be distinguished
by a black cap with male threads and a tan PE body.
(h) Plexco PE service tees with Celcon polyacetal caps were installed in gas systems prior to 1996.
Caps that show marks from the use of a tool (e.g., pipe wrench or Channellock®-type pliers) on the
cap should be replaced.
(i) References concerning brittle-like cracking in PE materials include the following.
(1) NTSB Reports
(i) PAB-98-02 available at
(ii) SIR-98-01 available at
(2) OPS Advisory Bulletins (see Guide Material Appendix G-192-1, Section 2) as follows.
(i) ADB-99-01 (64 FR 12211, Mar. 11, 1999).
(ii) ADB-99-02 (64 FR 12212, Mar. 11, 1999).
(iii) ADB-02-07 (67 FR 70806, Nov. 26, 2002 with Correction, 67 FR 72027, Dec. 3, 2002).
(iv) ADB-07-02 (72 FR 51301, Sept. 6, 2007 with Correction, 73 FR 11192, Feb. 29, 2008).
(3) "Correlating Aldyl ‘A’ and Century PE Pipe Rate Process Method Projections with Actual Field
Performance," E.F. Palermo, Ph.D., Plastics Pipes XII Conference, April 2004, available at
3.2 Degradation due to thermal oxidation.
Driscopipe® 7000 and 8000 high-density (HD) PE pipe exposed to prolonged elevated temperatures
might degrade as a result of thermal oxidation. The mechanism for this oxidation appears to be the
depletion of the thermal stabilizer, which has been shown to occur over time in regions of high ambient
temperatures. There is no evidence that other PE piping products are similarly affected. Driscopipe®
7000 and 8000 HDPE pipes were produced from pipe materials that contained specific and unique
(a) Based on laboratory testing and observed field performance, the regions of the U.S. that have the
highest ambient temperature conditions are of particular concern.
(b) The potential for thermal oxidation of Dricopipe® 7000 and 8000 HDPE pipe increases as a function of
elevated pipe temperature and exposure time. Segments of pipe that are not actively flowing gas such as
service lines; CTS services (typically service lines) have experienced more leakage than IPS sizes
(typically mains).
(c) Thermal oxidation might present as external degradation on the outside surface of the pipe or internal
degradation on the inside surface of the pipe, or both.
(1) External degradation might be observed through visual inspection of the pipe or detected
audibly by squeezing of the pipe (see 3.2(f) below). External degradation does not normally
result in a loss of integrity or leakage, provided the material is still sound below the
degraded surface.
(2) External degradation might pose operational concerns for the operator as joining of the pipe
might require special fittings to avoid creating a source of leakage with externally sealing
fittings. Operators are encouraged to consider externally degraded pipe segments for
replacement. Another consideration is decreasing the maximum operating pressure of the
pipe to account for wall loss attributed to external degradation.
TABLE 192.613ii
Operators that have threaded joints in underground gas systems may want to determine if increased
surveillance is warranted. Factors that could be considered include wall thickness, leak history,
susceptibility to corrosion, settlement, frost-induced movement, and third-party damage.
Severe flooding can adversely affect the safe operation of a pipeline. Operators should consider the
following actions in areas prone to, or previously affected by, flooding.
(a) Identify pipeline facilities that are in the flood plain, such as overlaying 100-year flood elevations on
GIS pipeline maps.
(b) For buried pipelines, consider the following.
(1) Using hydrologists or other experts in river flow to evaluate the potential for scour or
migration that might affect the identified pipeline facilities.
(2) Evaluating terrain and vegetation conditions that can cause severe scouring of the
watercourse. Such conditions could include burned areas subject to soil erosion and long-
term buildup of debris and vegetation.
(3) Evaluating river or water crossings to determine if the pipeline installation method is
sufficient to withstand the risks posed by areas prone to flooding, scour, or channel
(4) Determining the maximum flow or flooding conditions at river or water crossings where
pipeline integrity is at risk due to flooding or scouring and having contingency plans to shut
down and isolate those pipelines when such conditions occur. Where appropriate,
provide copies of the contingency plan and review with the pipeline controllers.
(5) Installing drainage measures in the trench to mitigate subsurface flows and enhance
surface water draining at the site.
(6) Installing trench breakers and slope breakers to mitigate trench seepage and divert trench
flows along ground surface to a safe discharge point off the site or right-of-way.
(c) For aerial or aboveground pipeline crossings, consider the potential for the following.
(1) Scouring of deadman anchors and tower foundations on cable-supported pipelines and traffic
or pedestrian bridges.
(2) Floating debris impacting the pipeline and its supports beneath or on the upstream side of traffic
or pedestrian bridges.
(d) Extend regulator vents and relief stacks above the level of anticipated flooding, as appropriate.
(e) Determine if facilities that are normally above ground (e.g., valves, regulators, relief devices) could
become submerged and then have a potential for being struck by vessels or debris, and consider
protecting or relocating such facilities.
(f) For additional information, see OPS Advisory Bulletins ADB-2019-01 (84 FR 14715, April 11, 2019;
see Guide Material Appendix G-192-1, Section 2) regarding severe flooding and ADB-2019-02 (84
FR 18919, May 2, 2019; see Guide Material Appendix G-192-1, Section 2) regarding geological
Buried and uncased service lines discovered under buildings should be moved to locations no longer
beneath the building or reinstalled under the building in accordance with the requirements of §192.361.
In instances involving mobile homes, it may be possible to have the home relocated away from the
Addendum 2, February 2023
Emergency plans.
[Effective Date: 10/05/22]
(a) Each operator shall establish written procedures to minimize the hazard resulting from a gas
pipeline emergency. At a minimum, the procedures must provide for the following:
(1) Receiving, identifying, and classifying notices of events which require immediate
response by the operator.
(2) Establishing and maintaining adequate means of communication with the appropriate
public safety answering point (i.e., 9-1-1 emergency call center), where direct access to a 9-1-1
emergency call center is available from the location of the pipeline, and fire, police, and other public
officials. Operators may establish liaison with the appropriate local emergency coordinating
agencies, such as 9-1-1 emergency call centers or county emergency managers, in lieu of
communicating individually with each fire, police, or other public entity. An operator must determine
the responsibilities, resources, jurisdictional area(s), and emergency contact telephone number(s) for
both local and out-of-area calls of each Federal, State, and local government organization that may
respond to a pipeline emergency, and inform such officials about the operator’s ability to respond to
a pipeline emergency and the means of communication during emergencies.
(3) Prompt and effective response to a notice of each type of emergency, including the
(i) Gas detected inside or near a building.
(ii) Fire located near or directly involving a pipeline facility.
(iii) Explosion occurring near or directly involving a pipeline facility.
(iv) Natural disaster.
(4) The availability of personnel, equipment, tools, and materials, as needed at the scene of
an emergency.
(5) Actions directed toward protecting people first and then property.
(6) Taking necessary actions, including but not limited to, emergency shutdown, valve shut-
off, or pressure reduction, in any section of the operator's pipeline system, to minimize hazards of
released gas to life, property, or the environment.
(7) Making safe any actual or potential hazard to life or property.
(8) Notifying the appropriate public safety answering point (i.e., 9-1-1 emergency call center)
where direct access to a 9-1-1 emergency call center is available from the location of the pipeline, and
fire, police, and other public officials of gas pipeline emergencies to coordinate and share information
to determine the location of the emergency, including both planned responses and actual responses
during an emergency. The operator must immediately and directly notify the appropriate public safety
answering point or other coordinating agency for the communities and jurisdictions in which the
pipeline is located after receiving a notification of potential rupture, as defined in §192.3, to coordinate
and share information to determine the location of any release, regardless of whether the segment is
subject to the requirements of §§192.179, 192.634, or 192.636.
(9) Safely restoring any service outage.
(10) Beginning action under §192.617, if applicable, as soon after the end of the emergency
as possible.
(11) Actions required to be taken by a controller during an emergency in accordance with the
operator’s emergency plans and requirements set forth in §192.631, 192.634, and 192.636.
(12) Each operator must develop written rupture identification procedures to evaluate and
identify whether a notification of potential rupture, as defined in §192.3, is an actual rupture event or
a non-rupture event. These procedures must, at a minimum, specify the sources of information,
operational factors, and other criteria that operator personnel use to evaluate a notification of
potential rupture and identify an actual rupture. For operators installing valves in accordance with
§192.179(e), § 192.179(f), or that are subject to the requirements in §192.634, those procedures must
provide for rupture identification as soon as practicable.
(b) Each operator shall:
(1) Furnish its supervisors who are responsible for emergency action a copy of that portion
of the latest edition of the emergency procedures established under paragraph (a) of this section as
necessary for compliance with those procedures.
(2) Train the appropriate operating personnel to assure that they are knowledgeable of the
emergency procedures and verify that the training is effective.
(3) Review employee activities to determine whether the procedures were effectively
followed in each emergency.
(c) Each operator shall establish and maintain liaison with the appropriate public safety
answering point (i.e., 9-1-1 emergency call center) where direct access to a 9-1-1 emergency call
center is available from the location of the pipeline, as well as fire, police, and other public officials,
(1) Learn the responsibility and resources of each government organization that may
respond to a gas pipeline emergency;
(2) Acquaint the officials with the operator's ability in responding to a gas pipeline
(3) Identify the types of gas pipeline emergencies of which the operator notifies the officials;
(4) Plan how the operator and officials can engage in mutual assistance to minimize hazards
to life or property.
[Amdt. 192-24, 41 FR 13586, Mar. 31, 1976; Amdt. 192-71, 59 FR 6579, Feb. 11, 1994; Amdt. 192-112,
74 FR 63310, Dec. 3, 2009; Amdt. 192-130, 87 FR 20940, Apr. 8, 2022]
The public education program should be tailored to the type of pipeline operation (transmission,
distribution, gathering) and the environment traversed by the pipeline. Section 192.616(b) requires the
operator to assess the unique attributes and characteristics of the operator’s facilities. Operators in the
same area should attempt to coordinate their program activities to properly direct reports of emergencies
and to avoid inconsistencies.
Some activities performed as requirements for public awareness may also be used to satisfy similar
program requirements under §§192.614, 192.615, 192.620(d)(2), and 192.935.
Operators of petroleum gas distribution systems or smaller natural gas systems (e.g., master meter
operators) subject to §192.616 should review the “Guidance Manual for Operators of LP Gas
Systems” or the “Guidance Manual for Operators of Small Natural Gas Systems” available at in addition to other references noted
2 API RP 1162
Guidance is provided in API RP 1162, Section 4 for message content and components. Additional
considerations for some of the message components include the following.
(a) Pipeline purpose — Facts about the gas distributed or transported.
(b) Leaks and pipeline emergencies – Transmission and regulated gathering lines.
(1) Possible indicators might include the following.
(i) A roaring, blowing, or hissing sound.
(ii) Dirt being blown or appearing to be thrown into the air.
(iii) Water bubbling or being blown in the air from water bodies or wet areas.
(iv) Fire coming from the ground, appearing to burn right above the surface, or uncontrolled
burning of gas.
(v) Dead or dying vegetation on or near a ROW in an otherwise green area.
(vi) Unusually dry or frozen spots on rights-of-way.
(vii) An odor of gas.
(2) Response to a pipeline leak or emergency.
(i) Leave the area quickly and warn others to stay away.
(ii) Report a leak or an emergency to the pipeline operator and local 911 or local emergency
response agency from a safe place.
(iii) Communicate periodic messages to the known excavator community in their territory.
The message should inform excavators of the requirement to promptly report damages
that result in the release of gas (especially if required by state regulations) to appropriate
emergency response authorities by calling 911 (49 CFR §196.109) or, where there is no
local 911, the local emergency response agency.
(iv) Actions to take until the operator can respond. These might include the following.
(A) Do not attempt to operate pipeline valves.
(B) Do not use open flames or bring anything into the area that may cause ignition (e.g.,
cell phones, flashlights, motor vehicles, electric or cordless tools).
(C) Continue to warn others to stay away from the area.
(c) Leaks and pipeline emergencies — Distribution systems.
(1) Possible indicators might include the following.
(i) An odor of gas in a building.
(ii) An odor of gas outside.
(iii) An odor of gas where excavation work is in progress or has recently been completed.
(iv) A hissing, roaring, or blowing sound.
(v) Blowing or uncontrolled burning of gas.
(vi) Water bubbling or being blown in the air from water bodies or wet areas.
(vii) A fire in or near a gas appliance or piping.
(viii) Unusual noise at an appliance.
(ix) Unusual behavior of the flame at an appliance burner.
(2) Response to a pipeline leak or emergency.
(i) Importance of reporting any odor of gas no matter how slight.
(ii) Report an odor or emergency to the system operator.
(iii) Communicate periodic messages to the known excavator community in their territory.
The message should inform excavators of the requirement to promptly report damages
that result in the release of gas (especially if required by state regulations) to appropriate
emergency response authorities by calling 911 (49 CFR §196.109) or, where there is no
local 911, the local emergency response agency.
(iv) Actions to take until the operator can respond. These might include the following.
(A) Do not attempt to locate gas leaks.
(B) Do not remain in the building when there is a strong gas odor, and tell other occupants
to evacuate.
(C) Do not turn lights on or off or unplug electrical appliances when there is a strong gas
The following may provide indications of languages in addition to English to consider when conducting
public education programs.
(a) Languages prescribed by state or local governments.
(b) Commercial non-English radio, television, and print media.
(c) U.S. Census data.
(a) Information regarding public education programs, such as FAQs and Workshops, is available at
(b) OPS Advisory Bulletins (see Guide Material Appendix G-192-1, Section 2) as follows.
(1) ADB-93-01 (58 FR 7034, Feb. 3, 1993).
(2) ADB-97-01 (Issued in Kansas City, MO on Jan.24, 1997).
(3) ADB-08-03 (73 FR 12796, Mar. 10, 2008).
(4) ADB-11-02 (76 FR 7238, Feb. 9, 2011).
Investigation of failures and incidents.
[Effective Date: 10/05/22]
(a) Post-failure and incident procedures. Each operator must establish and follow procedures for
investigating and analyzing failures and incidents as defined in §191.3, including sending the failed
pipe, component or equipment for laboratory testing or examination, where appropriate, for the
purpose of determining the causes and contributing factor(s) of the failure or incident and minimizing
the possibility of a recurrence.
(b) Post failure and incident lessons learned. Each operator must develop, implement, and
incorporate lessons learned from a post-failure or incident review into its written procedures,
including personnel training and qualification programs, and design, construction, testing,
maintenance, operations, and emergency procedure manuals and specifications.
(c) Analysis of rupture and valve shut-offs. If an incident on an onshore gas transmission pipeline
or a Type A gathering pipeline involves the closure of a rupture-mitigation valve (RMV), as defined in
§192.3, or the closure of alternative equivalent technology, the operator of the pipeline must also
conduct a post-incident analysis of all the factors that may have impacted the release volume and the
consequences of the incident and identify and implement operations and maintenance measures to
prevent or minimize the consequences of a future incident. The requirements of this paragraph (c) are
not applicable to distribution pipelines or Types B and C gas gathering pipelines.
The analysis must include all relevant factors impacting the release volume and consequences,
including, but not limited to, the following:
(1) Detection, identification, operational response, system shut-off, and emergency response
communications, based on the type and volume of the incident;
(2) Appropriateness and effectiveness of procedures and pipeline systems, including
supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), communications, valve shut-off, and operator
(3) Actual response time from identifying a rupture following a notification of potential rupture
as defined at §192.3, to initiation of mitigative actions and isolation of the pipeline segment, and the
appropriateness and effectiveness of the mitigative actions taken;
(4) Location and timeliness of actuation of RMVs or alternative equivalent technologies; and
(5) All other factors the operators deems appropriate.
(d) Rupture post-failure and incident summary. If the failure or incident on an onshore gas
transmission pipeline or a Type A gathering pipeline involves the identification of a rupture following
a notification of potential rupture, or the closure of an RMV (as those terms are defined in §192.3), or
the closure of an alternative equivalent technology, the operator of the pipeline must complete a
summary of the post-failure or incident review required by paragraph (c) of this section within 90 days
of the incident, and while the investigation is pending, conduct quarterly status reviews until the
investigation is complete and a final post-incident summary is prepared. The final post-failure or
incident summary, and all other reviews and analyses produced under the requirements of this
section, must be reviewed, dated, and signed by the operator’s appropriate senior executive officer.
The final post-failure or incident summary, all investigation and analysis documents used to prepare
it, and records of lessons learned must be kept for the useful life of the pipeline. The requirements of
this paragraph (d) are not applicable to distribution pipelines or Types B and C gas gathering
Note: Although not required, operators should consider developing written procedures for failure investigations
(a) Data on all failures and leaks should be compiled to support compliance with §192.613. A failure
investigation should be performed to determine the cause of the failure and minimize the possibility
of a recurrence.
(b) For information on failures of PE pipe, see 3 of the guide material under §192.613.
(c) For information on reporting failures of mechanical fittings, see guide material under §191.12.
Failure investigation should be conducted for incidents as defined in §191.3. An operator should also
consider investigating any other failure that enables the operator to establish patterns that might be
occurring on its pipeline system. For examples, see guide material under §192.613.
(a) Failure investigation and subsequent analysis should determine the root cause(s) of the failure. The
investigation may be as simple as assembling an internal review group or as complex as conducting
a full-scale failure investigation with laboratory analysis of a failed component. The information for
completing a 30-day incident report form contained in Part 191 may constitute an adequate analysis
of a reportable failure or leak. See §§191.9 and 191.15.
(b) The general process for performing root-cause analysis is as follows.
(1) Assemble the review team.
(2) Define the problem and gather data and documentation.
(3) Identify factors that contributed to the problem (i.e., causal factors).
(4) Find the root cause for each causal factor, such as people, equipment, material, process, or
outside influence.
(5) Develop and assign recommendations.
(6) Distribute recommendations and review the operator’s procedures.
(7) Implement the recommendations.
(c) For failures of mechanical fittings or joints, consider following the evaluation steps in 3 of the
guide material under §191.12.
If a detailed analysis is to be made, rapid response will be necessary for preserving the integrity of
specimens and gathering information.
5.1 Incident.
When a detailed analysis is to be made, a person at the scene of the incident should be designated to
coordinate the investigation. That person's responsibilities should include the following.
(a) Acting as a coordinator for all field investigative personnel.
(b) Maintaining a log of the personnel, equipment, and witnesses.
(c) Recording in chronological order the events as they take place.
(d) Ensuring that photographs are taken of the incident and surrounding areas. These photographs may
be of great value in the investigation.
(e) Ensuring the notification of all appropriate governmental authorities.
(f) Ensuring the preservation and chain of custody of evidence.
5.2 Other failures.
(a) Gather sufficient data to complete the general process for performing root-cause analysis. See 3
abnormal situation, who that controller should notify and what information should be
provided. The protocol should include communication requirements for an abnormal
situation discovered by the controller or by field personnel. Information regarding the
situation should be recorded and include the persons notified and the information
(v) Recordkeeping requirements for these abnormal situations for further review and
training purposes as specified in 7 below. (Transmission operators should already have
recordkeeping requirements in place per §192.605(c)).
(c) Emergency operating conditions.
(1) Types of emergency operating conditions might include the following.
(i) Overpressurization.
(ii) Low pressure.
(iii) Sudden pressure drop.
(iv) Activation of an emergency shutdown (ESD) device.
(v) Report of blowing gas, fire, or explosion.
(vi) Weather-related events (e.g., flood, tornado, hurricane) that cause damage to a pipeline
facility or result in planned rolling electric system blackouts or unplanned electric system
(vii) Hazardous leak.
(viii) Report of gas in a building and emergency evacuation.
(2) Procedures should contain the following.
(i) A description of operations that would constitute an emergency operating condition or
(ii) Actions that should be taken by a controller upon becoming aware of an emergency
situation. (These emergency situations may be partially addressed in the operator’s
Emergency Plan.)
(iii) A definition of roles, responsibilities, and actions that a controller may take without
supervisory approval. All actions should be to protect people first and then property.
(iv) A communications protocol that designates, upon a controller becoming aware of an
emergency situation, who that controller should notify and what information should be
provided. The protocol should include communication requirements for an emergency
situation discovered by the controller or field personnel. Information regarding the
situation should be recorded and include the persons notified and the information
(v) Required communications and approvals needed before returning to normal operations.
(vi) Recordkeeping requirements for these events for further review and training purposes
as specified in 7 below. Recordkeeping requirements for reportable incidents may be
addressed with written procedures for §§191.9 or 191.15.
3.3 Communications.
Communication issues may also be addressed in management of change (MOC) and training in 6 and
7 below.
(a) Communication protocols.
Consideration should be given to the timeliness, type, and amount of information to be passed on
to both internal and external entities, and designation of the person responsible for the
communication. Internal entities may include other controllers, both on shift and between shifts,
and other operator personnel outside of the control room environment such as field technicians,
supervisors, and management. External entities may include suppliers, customers, local
emergency personnel, electric providers operating within the gas system territory, the National
Response Center (NRC), or regulatory agencies.
(b) Control room shift change communication.
Shift change communications should not be limited to scheduled changeovers, but should also
include emergency and unanticipated changes due to illnesses, personal emergencies, routine
breaks, and meals. Shift change communications may need to be tailored for those control rooms
4.1 General.
SCADA systems provide controllers with important tools to perform their roles and responsibilities.
These tools include instrumentation for monitoring pipeline operating conditions and for operating
pipeline equipment. SCADA systems may generate an alarm when an event has occurred or an
unusual situation is developing.
The following are the primary components of a SCADA system, with definitions or examples of each.
(a) Field devices.
(1) Pressure transmitters.
(2) Temperature transmitters.
(3) Flow computers or totalizers.
(4) Gas chromatographs.
(5) Gas stream analyzers (e.g., moisture, H2S).
(6) Valve actuators.
(7) Pressure regulator actuators.
(8) Mechanical devices that control compressor engines.
Note: Devices that lack communication capability with the control room, such as pressure
recorders, gauges, or other field devices that only monitor the pipeline, are not considered part of
(b) Data gathering and transmitting equipment.
This equipment is comprised of computer hardware used to collect data from various field devices
and format it for transmittal to a SCADA host computer, or receive and process instructions from
a SCADA host computer. This equipment can also receive and process data from field devices
and initiate pre-programmed instructions. An operator may choose how often data is transmitted
to the system. Commonly used devices include the following.
(1) Remote terminal units (RTUs).
(2) Programmable logic controllers (PLCs).
(c) Communications processes.
These are modes, protocols, and equipment used to transmit data between data-gathering
equipment and the SCADA host computer. Modes of communication include the following.
(1) Radio.
(2) Wired phone (e.g., leased-line, dial-up, operator-owned).
(3) Cellular.
(4) Intranet.
(5) Internet.
(6) Satellite.
(7) Microwave.
(d) SCADA host computer and software.
This processing or computing equipment and overlaying software programming is used to provide
a link between the field or data-acquisition equipment and the controller interface.
(e) Controller interface.
Equipment such as computer displays and human-machine interfaces (HMI) used by controllers
to interact with field equipment or monitor the information gathered by the SCADA system.
(f) Data-acquisition equipment.
Computer hardware and software used in conjunction with the SCADA system for storing historical
Transmission lines: Onshore valve shut-off for rupture mitigation.
[Effective Date: 10/05/2022]
(a) Applicability. For new or entirely replaced onshore transmission pipeline segments
with diameters of 6 inches or greater that are located in high-consequence areas (HCA) or Class 3
or 4 locations and that are installed after April 10, 2023, an operator must install or use existing
rupture-mitigation valves (RMV), or an alternative equivalent technology, according to the
requirements of this section and §§192.179 and 192.636. RMVs and alternative equivalent
technologies must be operational within 14 days of placing the new or replaced pipeline segment
into service. An operator may request an extension of 14-day operation requirement if it can
demonstrate to PHMSA, in accordance with the notification procedures in §192.18, that
application of that requirement would be economically, technically, or operationally infeasible.
The requirements of this section apply to all applicable pipe replacement projects, even those that
do not otherwise involve the addition or replacement of a valve. This section does not apply to
pipe segments in Class 1 or Class 2 locations that have a potential impact radius (PIR)m as
defined in §192.903, that is less than or equal to 150 feet.
(b) Maximum spacing between valves. RMVs, or alternative equivalent technology, must
be installed in accordance with the following requirements:
(1) Shut-off Segment. For purposes of this section, a “shut-off segment” means the
segment of pipe located between the upstream valve closest to the upstream endpoint of the new
or replaced Class 3 or Class 4 or HCA pipeline segment and the downstream valve closest to the
downstream endpoint of the new or replaced Class 3 or Class 4 or HCA pipeline segment so that
the entirety of the segment that is within the HCA or the Class 3 or Class 4 location is between at
least two RMVs or alternative equivalent technologies. If any crossover or lateral pipe for gas
receipts or deliveries connects to the shut-off segment between the upstream and downstream
valves, the shut-off segment also must extend to a valve on the crossover connection(s) or
lateral(s), such that, when all valves are closed, there is no flow path for gas to be transported to
the rupture site (except for residual gas already in the shut-off segment). Multiple Class 3 or Class
4 locations or HCA segments may be contained within a single shut-off segment. The operator is
not required to select the closest valve to the shut-off segment as the RMV, as that term is defined
in §192.3, or the alternative equivalent technology. An operator may use a manual compressor
station valve at a continuously manned station as an alternative equivalent technology, but it
must be able to be closed within 30 minutes following rupture identification, as that term is
defined at §192.3. Such a valve used as an alternative equivalent technology would not require a
notification to PHMSA in accordance with §192.18.
(2) Shut-off segment valve spacing. A pipeline subject to paragraph (a) of this section must
have RMVs or alternative equivalent technology on the upstream and downstream side of the
pipeline segment. The distance between RMVs or alternative equivalent technologies must not
(i) 8 miles for any Class 4 location,
(ii) 15 miles for any Class 3 location, or
(iii) 20 miles for all other locations.
(3) Laterals. Laterals extending from shut-off segments that contribute less than 5 percent of
the total shut-off segment volume may have RMVs or alternative equivalent technologies that
meet the actuation requirements of this section at locations other than mainline receipt/delivery
points, as long as all the laterals contributing gas volumes to the shut-off segment do not
contribute more than 5 percent of the total shut-off segment gas volume based upon maximum
flow volume at the operating pressure. For laterals that are 12 inches in diameter or less, a check
valve that allows gas to flow freely in one direction and contains a mechanism to automatically
prevent flow in the other direction may be used as an alternative equivalent technology where it is
positioned to stop flow into the shut-off segment. Such check valves that are used as an
alternative equivalent technology in accordance with this paragraph are not subject to § 192.636,
but they must be inspected, operated, and remediated in accordance with § 192.745, including for
closure and leakage to ensure operational reliability. An operator using such a check valve as an
alternative equivalent technology must notify PHMSA in accordance with §§ 192.18 and 192.179
develop and implement maintenance procedures for such equipment that meet § 192.745.
(4) Crossovers. An operator may use a manual valve as an alternative equivalent technology in
lieu of an RMV for a crossover connection if, during normal operations, the valve is closed to
prevent the flow of gas by the use of a locking device or other means designed to prevent the
opening of the valve by persons other than those authorized by the operator. The operator must
develop and implement operating procedures and document that the valve has been closed and
locked in accordance with the operator’s lock-out and tag-out procedures to prevent the flow of
gas. An operator using such a manual valve as an alternative equivalent technology must notify
PHMSA in accordance with §§ 192.18 and 192.179.
(c) Manual operation upon identification of a rupture. Operators using a manual valve as an
alternative equivalent technology as authorized pursuant to §§192.18 and 192.179 must develop
and implement operating procedures that appropriately designate and locate nearby personnel to
ensure valve shut-off in accordance with this section and §192.636. Manual operation of valves
must include time for the assembly of necessary operating personnel, the acquisition of
necessary tools and equipment, driving time under heavy traffic conditions and at the posted
speed limit, walking time to access the valve, and time to shut off all valves manually, not to
exceed the maximum response time allowed under §192.636(b).
Notification of potential rupture.
[Effective Date: 10/05/2022]
(a) As used in this part, a “notification of potential rupture” refers to the notification of, or
observation by, an operator (e.g., by or to its controller(s) in a control room, field personnel,
nearby pipeline or utility personnel, the public, local responders, or public authorities) of one or
more of the below indicia of a potential unintentional or uncontrolled release of a large volume of
gas from a pipeline:
(1) An unanticipated or unexplained pressure loss outside of the pipeline’s normal operating
pressures, as defined in the operator’s written procedures. The operator must establish in its
written procedures that an unanticipated or unplanned pressure loss is outside of the pipeline’s
normal operating pressures when there is a pressure loss greater than 10 percent occurring
within a time interval of 15 minutes or less, unless the operator has documented in its written
procedures the operational need for a greater pressure-change threshold due to pipeline flow
dynamics (including changes in operating pressure, flow rate, or volume), that are caused by
fluctuations in gas demand, gas receipts, or gas deliveries; or
(2) An unanticipated or unexplained flow rate change, pressure change, equipment function, or
other pipeline instrumentation indication at the upstream or downstream station that may be
representative of an event meeting paragraph (a)(1) of this section; or
(3) Any unanticipated or unexplained rapid release of a large volume of gas, a fire, or an
explosion in the immediate vicinity of the pipeline.
(b) A notification of potential rupture occurs when an operator first receives notice of or
observes an event specified in paragraph (a) of this section.
Transmission lines and Type A gathering lines should be patrolled, as necessary, to observe factors
affecting safe operation and to enable correction of potentially hazardous conditions. In addition to visual
evidence of leakage, patrol considerations should include observation and reporting of potential hazards
and conditions such as the following.
(a) Excavation, grading, demolition, or other construction activity that could result in the following.
(1) Damage to the pipe.
(2) Loss of support due to settlement or shifting of soil around the pipe.
(3) Undermining or damage to pipe supports.
(4) Loss of cover.
(5) Excessive fill.
(b) Evidence that excavation, grading, demolition, or other construction activity may take place or has
taken place, such as power equipment staged in the vicinity of transmission facilities or a freshly
backfilled excavation over or near transmission facilities.
(c) Physical deterioration of exposed piping, pipeline spans, and structural pipeline supports, such as
bridges, piling, headwalls, casings, and foundations.
(d) Land subsidence, downslope land movement, soil erosion, extensive tree root growth, flooding,
climatic conditions, and other natural causes that can result in impressed secondary loads.
(e) Need for additional transmission pipeline identification and marking in private rights-of-way and in
rural areas.
(f) Damage to casing vents and leakage from encased pipe.
(g) Areas of continual earth-moving activities, such as quarries and industrial plants, which may require
special attention.
(h) Indications along a pipeline route that may trigger the need for the operator to conduct a class
location study under §192.609. Examples of such indications include the following.
(1) Changes in the number of buildings intended for human occupancy.
(2) New buildings, or changes in use for existing buildings.
(3) Changes in land use.
(i) Playgrounds.
(ii) Camps and campgrounds.
(iii) Recreational areas.
2.1 General.
Patrolling may be accomplished in conjunction with leak surveys, scheduled inspections, and other
routine activities.
(a) Where practical, the patrol map or other documents (e.g., aerial photographs) used by the person
making the patrol should identify areas near the transmission line that might require special attention.
These areas might include locations where earthmoving activities are regularly performed, or where
there are indications such as those listed under 1(h) above.
(b) Consider using a method for the patrol person to compare current conditions with conditions
Addendum 1, June 2022
Addendum 2, February 2023
(c) For areas prone to slippage, landslides, or other geological movement, consider the following
monitoring techniques.
(i) Satellites or unmanned aerial vehicles (e.g., drones).
(ii) Increasing the frequency of patrols paying particular attention to indications of displaced
vegetation, exposed soil, or other indications of ground movement.
(iii) Identifying geodetic monitoring points (e.g., survey benchmarks).
Patrol reports should indicate hazardous conditions observed, corrective action taken or recommended,
and the nature and location of any deficiencies. These reports should also include information about
population density near the right-of-way, including indications such as those listed under 1(h) above.
In those areas where excavation equipment is used on an on-going basis, such as quarries and some
industrial plants, consideration should be given to providing those excavators more frequent damage
prevention and public education notification. See guide material under §§192.614 and 192.616.
Transmission lines: Leakage surveys.
[Effective Date: 02/11/95]
Leakage surveys of a transmission line must be conducted at intervals not exceeding 15 months,
but at least once each calendar year. However, in the case of a transmission line which transports
gas in conformity with §192.625 without an odor or odorant, leakage surveys using leak detector
equipment must be conducted —
(a) In Class 3 locations, at intervals not exceeding 7½ months, but at least twice each calendar
year; and
(b) In Class 4 locations, at intervals not exceeding 4½ months, but at least four times each
calendar year.
[Issued by Amdt. 192-21, 40 FR 20279, May 9, 1975; Amdt. 192-43, 47 FR 46850, Oct. 21, 1982; Amdt.
192-71, 59 FR 6579, Feb. 11, 1994]
The minimum frequency for leakage surveys of transmission lines and gathering lines is established by
§192.706. See 4 and Table 192.935i of the guide material under §192.935 for transmission pipelines operating
below 30% of SMYS located in Class 3 or Class 4 location, but not in a high consequence area. See 1.3, 1.4,
and 1.5 of the guide material under §192.723 and the applicable sections of Guide Material Appendix G-192-
Leakage surveys of Type B gathering lines require the use of leakage detection equipment (§192.9(d)(8)).
Line markers for mains and transmission lines.
[Effective Date: 07/13/98]
(a) Buried pipelines. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, a line marker must be
placed and maintained as close as practical over each buried main and transmission line:
(1) At each crossing of a public road and railroad; and
(2) Wherever necessary to identify the location of the transmission line or main to reduce the
possibility of damage or interference.
(b) Exceptions for buried pipelines. Line markers are not required for the following pipelines:
(1) Mains and transmission lines located offshore, or at crossings of or under waterways and
other bodies of water.
(2) Mains in Class 3 or Class 4 locations where a damage prevention program is in effect
under §192.614.
(3) Transmission lines in Class 3 or 4 locations until March 20, 1996.
(4) Transmission lines in Class 3 or 4 locations where placement of a line marker is
(c) Pipelines aboveground. Line markers must be placed and maintained along each section of
a main and transmission line that is located aboveground in an area accessible to the public.
(d) Marker warning. The following must be written legibly on a background of sharply contrasting
color on each line marker.
(1) The word "Warning," "Caution," or "Danger" followed by the words "Gas (or name of gas
transported) Pipeline" all of which, except for markers in heavily developed urban areas, must be in
letters at least 1 inch (25 millimeters) high with 1/4 inch (6.4 millimeters) stroke.
(2) The name of the operator and the telephone number (including area code) where the
operator can be reached at all times.
[Amdt. 192-20, 40 FR 13502, Mar. 27, 1975 with Amdt. 192-20A, 41 FR 56807, Dec. 30, 1976; Amdt. 192-
27, 41 FR 34598, Aug. 16, 1976 with Amdt. 192-27 Correction, 41 FR 39752, Sept. 16, 1976; Amdt. 192-
40, 47 FR 13818, Apr. 1, 1982; Amdt. 192-44, 48 FR 25206, June 6, 1983; Amdt. 192-73, 60 FR 14646,
Mar. 20, 1995; Amdt. 192-85, 63 FR 37500, July 13, 1998]
(a) If an existing pipeline has undergone a conversion, its pipeline markers should be updated
to accurately list natural gas as the product being transported.
(b) See Guide Material Appendix G-192-13, Section 3.
Transmission lines: Record keeping.
[Effective Date: 07/08/96]
Each operator shall maintain the following records for transmission lines for the periods
(a) The date, location, and description of each repair made to pipe (including pipe-to-pipe
connections) must be retained for as long as the pipe remains in service.
(b) The date, location, and description of each repair made to parts of the pipeline system other
than pipe must be retained for at least 5 years. However, repairs generated by patrols, surveys,
inspections, or tests required by subparts L and M of this part must be retained in accordance with
paragraph (c) of this section.
(c) A record of each patrol, survey, inspection, and test required by subparts L and M of this part
must be retained for a least 5 years or until the next patrol, survey, inspection, or test is completed,
whichever is longer.
[Amdt. 192-78, 61 FR 28770, June 6, 1996 with Amdt. 192-78 Correction, 61 FR 30824, June 18, 1996]
See Guide Material Appendix G-192-17 for the explicit requirements of each patrol, survey, inspection, or test
required by Subparts L and M. Also, see guide material under §192.947 for records required under Subparts
I, L, and M to be used as part of the operator's Integrity Management Program for transmission lines.
Transmission lines: Assessments outside of high consequence areas.
[Effective Date: 05/24/23]
(a) Applicability: This section applies to onshore steel transmission pipeline segments with a
maximum allowable operating pressure of greater than or equal to 30% of the specified minimum
yield strength and are located in:
(1) A Class 3 or Class 4 location; or
(2) A moderate consequence area as defined in § 192.3, if the pipeline segment can
accommodate inspection by means of an instrumented inline inspection tool (i.e., “smart pig”) .
(3) This section does not apply to a pipeline segment located in a high consequence area
as defined in § 192.903.
(b) General. (1) Initial assessment. An operator must perform initial assessments in
accordance with this section based on a risk-based prioritization schedule and complete initial
assessment for all applicable pipeline segments no later than July 3, 2034, or as soon as
practicable but not to exceed 10 years after the pipeline segment first meets the conditions of §
192.710(a) (e.g., due to a change in class location or the area becomes a moderate consequence
area), whichever is later.
(2) Periodic reassessment. An operator must perform periodic reassessments at least
once every 10 years, with intervals not to exceed 126 months, or a shorter reassessment interval
based upon the type of anomaly, operational, material, and environmental conditions found on the
pipeline segment, or as necessary to ensure public safety.
(3) Prior assessment. An operator may use a prior assessment conducted before July 1,
2020 as an initial assessment for the pipeline segment, if the assessment met the subpart O
requirements of part 192 for in-line inspection at the time of the assessment. If an operator uses
this prior assessment as its initial assessment, the operator must reassess the pipeline segment
according to the reassessment interval specified in paragraph (b)(2) of this section calculated
from the date of the prior assessment.
(4) MAOP verification. An integrity assessment conducted in accordance with the
requirements of § 192.624(c) for establishing MAOP may be used as an initial assessment or
reassessment under this section.
(c) Assessment method. The initial assessments and the reassessments required by
paragraph (b) of this section must be capable of identifying anomalies and defects associated
with each of the threats to which the pipeline segment is susceptible and must be performed
using one or more of the following methods:
(1) Internal inspection. Internal inspection tool or tools capable of detecting those threats
to which the pipeline is susceptible, such as corrosion, deformation and mechanical damage (e.g.,
dents, gouges and grooves), material cracking and crack-like defects (e.g., stress corrosion
cracking, selective seam weld corrosion, environmentally assisted cracking, and girth weld
cracks), hard spots with cracking, and any other threats to which the covered segment is
susceptible. When performing an assessment using an in-line inspection tool, an operator must
comply with § 192.493;
(2) Pressure test. Pressure test conducted in accordance with subpart J of this part. The
use of subpart J pressure testing is appropriate for threats such as internal corrosion, external
corrosion, and other environmentally assisted corrosion mechanisms; manufacturing and related
defect threats, including defective pipe and pipe seams; and stress corrosion cracking, selective
seam weld corrosion, dents and other forms of mechanical damage;
(3) Spike hydrostatic pressure test. A spike hydrostatic pressure test conducted in
accordance with § 192.506. A spike hydrostatic pressure test is appropriate for time-dependent
threats such as stress corrosion cracking; selective seam weld corrosion; manufacturing and
related defects, including defective pipe and pipe seams; and other forms of defect or damage
involving cracks or crack-like defects;
(4) Direct examination. Excavation and in situ direct examination by means of visual
examination, direct measurement, and recorded non-destructive examination results and data
needed to assess all applicable threats. Based upon the threat assessed, examples of appropriate
non-destructive examination methods include ultrasonic testing (UT), phased array ultrasonic
testing (PAUT), Inverse Wave Field Extrapolation (IWEX), radiography, and magnetic particle
inspection (MPI);
(5) Guided Wave Ultrasonic Testing. Guided Wave Ultrasonic Testing (GWUT) as described
in Appendix F;
(6) Direct assessment. Direct assessment to address threats of external corrosion, internal
corrosion, and stress corrosion cracking. The use of use of direct assessment to address threats
of external corrosion, internal corrosion, and stress corrosion cracking is allowed only if
appropriate for the threat and pipeline segment being assessed. Use of direct assessment for
threats other than the threat for which the direct assessment method is suitable is not allowed. An
operator must conduct the direct assessment in accordance with the requirements listed in
§ 192.923 and with the applicable requirements specified in §§ 192.925, 192.927 and 192.929; or
(7) Other technology. Other technology that an operator demonstrates can provide an
equivalent understanding of the condition of the line pipe for each of the threats to which the
pipeline is susceptible. An operator must notify PHMSA in advance of using the other technology
in accordance with § 192.18.
(d) Data analysis. An operator must analyze and account for the data obtained from an
assessment performed under paragraph (c) of this section to determine if a condition could
adversely affect the safe operation of the pipeline using personnel qualified by knowledge,
training, and experience. In addition, when analyzing inline inspection data, an operator must
account for uncertainties in reported results (e.g., tool tolerance, detection threshold, probability
of detection, probability of identification, sizing accuracy, conservative anomaly interaction
criteria, location accuracy, anomaly findings, and unity chart plots or equivalent for determining
uncertainties and verifying actual tool performance) in identifying and characterizing anomalies.
(e) Discovery of condition. Discovery of a condition occurs when an operator has
adequate information about a condition to determine that the condition presents a potential threat
to the integrity of the pipeline. An operator must promptly, but no later than 180 days after
conducting an integrity assessment, obtain sufficient information about a condition to make that
determination, unless the operator demonstrates that 180 days is impracticable.
(f) Remediation. An operator must comply with the requirements in §§ 192.485, 192.711,
192.712, 192.713, and 192.714 where applicable, if a condition that could adversely affect the safe
operation of a pipeline is discovered.
(g) Analysis of information. An operator must analyze and account for all available
relevant information about a pipeline in complying with the requirements in paragraphs (a)
through (f) of this section.
[Amdt. 192-125, Oct. 01, 2019, Amdt. 192-132, 87 FR 52224, Aug. 24, 2022]
Transmission lines: General requirements for repair procedures.
[Effective Date: 05/24/23]
(a) Temporary repairs. Each operator must take immediate temporary measures to protect the
public whenever:
(1) A leak, imperfection, or damage that impairs its serviceability is found in a segment of
steel transmission line operating at or above 40 percent of the SMYS; and
(2) It is not feasible to make a permanent repair at the time of discovery.
(b) Permanent repairs. An operator must make permanent repairs on its pipeline system
according to the following:
(1) (i) Non-integrity management repairs for gathering lines and offshore transmission lines:
For gathering lines subject to this section in accordance with § 192.9 and for offshore transmission
lines, an operator must make permanent repairs as soon as feasible.
(ii) Non-integrity management repairs for onshore transmission lines: Except for
gathering lines exempted from this section in accordance with § 192.9 and offshore transmission
lines, after May 24, 2023, whenever an operator discovers any condition that could adversely affect
the safe operation of a pipeline segment not covered by an integrity management program under
subpart O of this part, it must correct the condition as prescribed in § 192.714.
(2) Integrity management repairs: When an operator discovers a condition on a pipeline
covered under Subpart O–Gas Transmission Pipeline Integrity Management, the operator must
remediate the condition as prescribed by §192.933(d).
(c) Welded patch. Except as provided in §192.717(b)(3), no operator may use a welded patch as
a means of repair.
[Amdt. 192-27B, 45 FR 3272, Jan. 17, 1980; Amdt. 192-88, 64 FR 69660, Dec. 14, 1999; Amdt. 192-114,
75 FR 48593, Aug. 11, 2010, Amdt. 192-132, 87 FR 52224, Aug. 24, 2022]
(a) Prior to permanent mechanical or welded repair of a steel pipeline operating at greater than 20% SMYS,
the operator should determine the thickness and integrity of the pipe wall by ultrasonic or other means.
Where deterioration or lamination is found, steps should be taken to ensure a safe repair.
(b) See guide material under §§192.703, 192.713, 192.751, and 192.933.
Analysis of predicted failure pressure and critical strain level.
[Effective Date: 05/24/23]
(a) Applicability. Whenever required by this part, operators of onshore steel transmission
pipelines must analyze anomalies or defects to determine the predicted failure pressure at the
location of the anomaly or defect, and the remaining life of the pipeline segment at the location of
the anomaly or defect, in accordance with this section.
(b) Corrosion metal loss. When analyzing corrosion metal loss under this section, an
operator must use a suitable remaining strength calculation method including, ASME/ANSI B31G
(incorporated by reference, see § 192.7); R-STRENG (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7); or
an alternative equivalent method of remaining strength calculation that will provide an equally
conservative result.
(1) If an operator would choose to use a remaining strength calculation method that
could provide a less conservative result than the methods listed in paragraph (b) introductory
Addendum 2, February 2023
text, the operator must notify PHMSA in advance in accordance with § 192.18(c).
(2) The notification provided for by paragraph (b)(1) of this section must include a
comparison of its predicted failure pressures to R-STRENG or ASME/ANSI B31G, all burst
pressure tests used, and any other technical reviews used to qualify the calculation method(s) for
varying corrosion profiles.
(c) Dents and other mechanical damage. To evaluate dents and other mechanical damage
that could result in a stress riser or other integrity impact, an operator must develop a procedure
and perform an engineering critical assessment as follows:
(1) Identify and evaluate potential threats to the pipe segment in the vicinity of the
anomaly or defect, including ground movement, external loading, fatigue, cracking, and corrosion.
(2) Review high-resolution magnetic flux leakage (HR-MFL) high-resolution
deformation, inertial mapping, and crack detection inline inspection data for damage in the dent
area and any associated weld region, including available data from previous inline inspections.
(3) Perform pipeline curvature-based strain analysis using recent HR-Deformation
inspection data.
(4) Compare the dent profile between the most recent and previous in-line inspections
to identify significant changes in dent depth and shape.
(5) Identify and quantify all previous and present significant loads acting on the dent.
(6) Evaluate the strain level associated with the anomaly or defect and any nearby
welds using Finite Element Analysis, or other technology in accordance with this section. Using
Finite Element Analysis to quantify the dent strain, and then estimating and evaluating the
damage using the Strain Limit Damage (SLD) and Ductile Failure Damage Indicator (DFDI) at the
dent, are appropriate evaluation methods.
(7) The analyses performed in accordance with this section must account for material
property uncertainties, model inaccuracies, and inline inspection tool sizing tolerances.
(8) Dents with a depth greater than 10 percent of the pipe outside diameter or with
geometric strain levels that exceed the lessor of 10 percent or exceed the critical strain for the
pipe material properties must be remediated in accordance with §§ 192.713, 192.714, or 192.933,
as applicable.
(9) Using operational pressure data, a valid fatigue life prediction model that is
appropriate for the pipeline segment, and assuming a reassessment safety factor of 5 or greater
for the assessment interval, estimate the fatigue life of the dent by Finite Element Analysis or
other analytical technique that is technically appropriate for dent assessment and reassessment
intervals in accordance with this section. Multiple dent or other fatigue models must be used for
the evaluation as a part of the engineering critical assessment.
(10) If the dent or mechanical damage is suspected to have cracks, then a crack
growth rate assessment is required to ensure adequate life for the dent with crack(s) until
remediation or the dent with crack(s) must be evaluated and remediated in accordance with the
criteria and timing requirements in § 192.713, § 192.714, or § 192.933, as applicable.
(11) An operator using an engineering critical assessment procedure, other technologies, or
techniques to comply with paragraph (c) of this section must submit advance notification to
PHMSA, with the relevant procedures, in accordance with § 192.18.
(d) Cracks and crack-like defects.
(1) Crack analysis models. When analyzing cracks and crack-like defects under this
section, an operator must determine predicted failure pressure, failure stress pressure, and crack
growth using a technically proven fracture mechanics model appropriate to the failure mode
(ductile, brittle or both), material properties (pipe and weld properties), and boundary condition
used (pressure test, ILI, or other).
(2) Analysis for crack growth and remaining life. If the pipeline segment is susceptible
to cyclic fatigue or other loading conditions that could lead to fatigue crack growth, fatigue
analysis must be performed using an applicable fatigue crack growth law (for example, Paris Law)
or other technically appropriate engineering methodology. For other degradation processes that
can cause crack growth, appropriate engineering analysis must be used. The above
methodologies must be validated by a subject matter expert to determine conservative
predictions of flaw growth and remaining life at the
maximum allowable operating pressure. The operator must calculate the remaining life of the
pipeline by determining the amount of time required for the crack to grow to a size that would fail
at maximum allowable operating pressure.
(i) When calculating crack size that would fail at MAOP, and the material
Addendum 2, February 2023
toughness is not documented in traceable, verifiable, and complete records, the same Charpy v-
notch toughness value established in paragraph (e)(2) of this section must be used.
(ii) Initial and final flaw size must be determined using a fracture mechanics model
appropriate to the failure mode (ductile, brittle or both) and boundary condition used (pressure
test, ILI, or other).
(iii) An operator must re-evaluate the remaining life of the pipeline before 50% of
the remaining life calculated by this analysis has expired. The operator must determine and
document if further pressure tests or use of other assessment methods are required at that time.
The operator must continue to re-evaluate the remaining life of the pipeline before 50% of the
remaining life calculated in the most recent evaluation has expired.
(3) Cracks that survive pressure testing. For cases in which the operator does not
have in-line inspection crack anomaly data and is analyzing potential crack defects that could
have survived a pressure test, the operator must calculate the largest potential crack defect sizes
using the methods in paragraph (d)(1) of this section. If pipe material toughness is not
documented in traceable, verifiable, and complete records, the operator must use one of the
following for Charpy v- notch toughness values based upon minimum operational temperature
and equivalent to a full-size specimen value:
(i) Charpy v-notch toughness values from comparable pipe with known properties
of the same vintage and from the same steel and pipe manufacturer;
(ii) A conservative Charpy v-notch toughness value to determine the toughness
based upon the material properties verification process specified in § 192.607;
(iii) A full size equivalent Charpy v-notch upper-shelf toughness level of 120 ft.-
lbs.; or
(iv) Other appropriate values that an operator demonstrates can provide
conservative Charpy v-notch toughness values of the crack-related conditions of the pipeline
segment. Operators using an assumed Charpy v-notch toughness value must notify PHMSA in
accordance with § 192.18.
(e) Data. In performing the analyses of predicted or assumed anomalies or defects in
accordance with this section, an operator must use data as follows.
(1) An operator must explicitly analyze and account for uncertainties in reported
assessment results (including tool tolerance, detection threshold, probability of detection,
probability of identification, sizing accuracy, conservative anomaly interaction criteria, location
accuracy, anomaly findings, and unity chart plots or equivalent for determining uncertainties and
verifying tool performance) in identifying and characterizing the type and dimensions of
anomalies or defects used in the analyses, unless the defect dimensions have been verified using
in situ direct measurements.
(2) The analyses performed in accordance with this section must utilize pipe and
material properties that are documented in traceable, verifiable, and complete records. If
documented data required for any analysis is not available, an operator must obtain the
undocumented data through § 192.607. Until documented material properties are available, the
operator shall use conservative assumptions as follows:
(i) Material toughness. An operator must use one of the following for material
(A) Charpy v-notch toughness values from comparable pipe with known
properties of the same vintage and from the same steel and pipe manufacturer;
(B) A conservative Charpy v-notch toughness value to determine the toughness
based upon the ongoing material properties verification process specified in § 192.607;
(C) If the pipeline segment does not have a history of reportable incidents
caused by cracking or crack-like defects, maximum Charpy v-notch toughness values of 13.0 ft.-
lbs. for body cracks and 4.0 ft.-lbs. for
cold weld, lack of fusion, and selective seam weld corrosion defects;
(D) If the pipeline segment has a history of reportable incidents caused by
cracking or crack-like defects, maximum Charpy v-notch toughness values of 5.0 ft.-lbs. for body
cracks and 1.0 ft.-lbs. for cold weld, lack of fusion, and selective seam weld corrosion; or
(E) Other appropriate values that an operator demonstrates can provide
conservative Charpy v-notch toughness values of crack-related conditions of the pipeline
segment. Operators using an assumed Charpy v-notch toughness value must notify PHMSA in
advance in accordance with § 192.18 and include in the notification the bases for demonstrating
that the Charpy v-notch toughness values proposed are appropriate and conservative for use in
Addendum 2, February 2023
analysis of crack-related conditions.
(ii) Material Strength. An operator must assume one of the following for material
(A) Grade A pipe (30,000 psi), or
(B) The specified minimum yield strength that is the basis for the current
maximum allowable operating pressure.
(iii) Pipe dimensions and other data. Until pipe wall thickness, diameter, or other
data are determined and documented in accordance with § 192.607, the operator must use values
upon which the current MAOP is based.
(f) Review. Analyses conducted in accordance with this section must be reviewed and
confirmed by a subject matter expert.
(g) Records. An operator must keep for the life of the pipeline records of the
investigations, analyses, and other actions taken in accordance with the requirements of this
section. Records must document justifications, deviations, and determinations made for the
following, as applicable:
(1) The technical approach used for the analysis;
(2) All data used and analyzed;
(3) Pipe and weld properties;
(4) Procedures used;
(5) Evaluation methodology used;
(6) Models used;
(7) Direct in situ examination data;
(8) In-line inspection tool run information evaluated, including any multiple in-line
inspection tool runs;
(9) Pressure test data and results;
(10) In-the-ditch assessments;
(11) All measurement tool, assessment, and evaluation accuracy specifications and
tolerances used in technical and operational results;
(12) All finite element analysis results;
(13) The number of pressure cycles to failure, the equivalent number of annual
pressure cycles, and the pressure cycle counting method;
(14) The predicted fatigue life and predicted failure pressure from the required fatigue
life models and fracture mechanics evaluation methods;
(15) Safety factors used for fatigue life and/or predicted failure pressure calculations;
(16) Reassessment time interval and safety factors;
(17) The date of the review;
(18) Confirmation of the results by qualified technical subject matter experts; and
(19) Approval by responsible operator management personnel.
(h) Reassessments. If an operator uses an engineering critical assessment method in
accordance with paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section to determine the maximum reevaluation
intervals, the operator must reassess the anomalies as follows:
(1) If the anomaly is in an HCA, the operator must reassess the anomaly within a maximum
of 7 years in accordance with § 192.939(a), unless the safety factor is expected to go below what is
specified in paragraph (c) or (d) of this section.
(2) If the anomaly is outside of an HCA, the operator must perform a reassessment of the
anomaly within a maximum of 10 years in accordance with § 192.710(b), unless the anomaly safety
factor is expected to go below what is specified in paragraphs (c) or (d) of this section.
[Amdt. 192-125, Oct. 01, 2019, Amdt. 192-132, 87 FR 52224, Aug. 24, 2022]
Transmission lines: Permanent field repair of imperfections and damages.
[Effective Date: 01/13/00]
(a) Each imperfection or damage that impairs the serviceability of pipe in a steel transmission
line operating at or above 40 percent of SMYS must be —
(1) Removed by cutting out and replacing a cylindrical piece of pipe; or
(2) Repaired by a method that reliable engineering tests and analyses show can permanently
restore the serviceability of the pipe.
(b) Operating pressure must be at a safe level during repair operations.
[Amdt. 192-27, 41 FR 34598, Aug. 16, 1976; Amdt. 192-88, 64 FR 69660, Dec. 14, 1999]
1.5 Other
Other items the operator should consider include the following.
(a) Trench and excavation safety (see 2.8 of the guide material under §192.605).
(b) Potential for accidental ignition (see guide material under §192.751).
(c) Blowdown and purging plans (see Guide Material Appendix G-192-12).
(d) Qualification of personnel performing repairs (see guide material under §192.805).
(e) Ability to use internal inspection devices (see §192.150).
(f) PRCI Pipeline Repair Manual (PR-218-9307).
2.1 General.
(a) In establishing a safe level of pressure in a pipeline that is to remain in service during repair
operations, the primary consideration is the severity of the defect to be repaired. This includes
consideration of both depth and geometry (i.e., the amount of stress concentration, such as in sharp-
bottomed gouges). Severe defects should not be repaired under pressure unless the operator has
sufficient experience to make a sound evaluation of the defect. In addition, the effect of any known
secondary stresses should be considered.
(b) The operator should also consider the effect of pressure reductions on firm-service requirements,
service interruptions, or other operational requirements. If the operator has a control room,
communication is critical during the repair process (see 3.3 and 3.4 of the guide material under
(c) A common practice is to reduce the operating pressure to a level not exceeding 80% (for composite
wrap repairs, see 7 below) of the pressure at the time the condition was discovered until the repair
is completed.
3.1 Welding.
(a) Appropriate procedures for welding on pipelines in service should be used. Some important factors
to be considered in these procedures are the use of a low-hydrogen welding process, the welding
sequence, the effect of wall thickness and heat input, and the quenching effect of the gas flow.
(b) Welding should be done only on sound metal far enough from the defect so that the localized heating
will not have an adverse effect on the defect. The soundness of the metal may be determined by
Addendum 1, June 2022
visual and other nondestructive inspection.
(c) A reference is API Std 1104, "Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities", Appendix B, "In-Service
Welding" (see §192.7).
Pipe replacement by cutting out and replacing a cylinder of pipe is a repair option under §192.713
and should be considered for repair of dents, wrinkles, or other pipe changes such as expanded pipe
or buckles. Replacement can use pipe that has been pre-tested to the appropriate pressure for the
5.1 General.
(a) The use of an appropriately designed full-encirclement split sleeve is recognized as an acceptable
repair method. Other methods are also available, such as the use of composite-reinforced wrap
material addressed in 7 below. The operator is advised to follow manufacturer’s instructions for
(b) The operator should determine the type of sleeve to be used in the repair.
(1) Type A sleeve provides defect reinforcement. This type of split sleeve restores the strength of
the pipe by containing and reinforcing the defect and reduces bulging of a defective area. The
two parts of the split sleeve are installed around the pipe to provide the required reinforcement.
Effectiveness of the repair is improved by using a filler material (e.g., polyester epoxy) in the
defect which provides support. Type A sleeves are assembled by bolting or welding (welding to
the carrier pipe might not be necessary). This type of sleeve cannot be used to repair leaks and
should not be used for circumferential defects or deep defects since corrosion could occur in the
annular space between the carrier pipe and sleeve.
Note: Composite wrap repairs are a type of reinforcing sleeve (see 7 below).
(2) Type B sleeve is a pressure containing sleeve. A pressure containing split sleeve provides a
different function and can be used to contain a leak or to reinforce an area where a defect exists.
Because the sleeve contains pressure, operators are advised to select a sleeve commensurate
with the current carrier pipe MAOP. The application of the Type B sleeve requires the sleeve
ends to be fillet welded to the pipe. The use of low hydrogen welding procedures, additional
support of the pipe because of the additional weight, and welding inspection of the fillet welds
should be considered before using this type of repair.
Note: Some Type B sleeves might also be called by other names (e.g., pumpkins, watermelons,
turtles) due to the shape of the sleeves being suitable to fit around couplings.
(c) In determining the length of the repair, the operator should consider that:
(1) Some degree of impairment might have occurred beyond the area of immediate concern (see
1.3 above), and
(2) Full-encirclement sleeves should not be less than 4 inches in length.
(d) A wide variety of repair methods have been used successfully in the natural gas pipeline industry.
Sleeves may be used to reduce the stress in, or reinforce, a pipe defect that is not leaking, or to
repair a leaking defect. It is important that any repair method or sleeve be designed and tested to
ensure its reliability for the conditions of installation.
For evaluating other available designs or developing new designs, consider the following factors.
(a) Sleeves should be designed for strength at least equal to the maximum allowable operating pressure
of the repaired pipe.
(b) Sleeves should not be less than 4 inches in length. In determining the length of a sleeve, the operator
should consider that some degree of impairment might have occurred beyond the immediate area.
See 1.3 above.
(c) The use of a low-hydrogen welding procedure for longitudinal and circumferential welds. The integrity
of these welds is affected by heat dissipation due to gas flow through the line and extra metal mass
adjacent to the weld.
(d) Circumferential welds at the sleeve ends are required when repairing a leaking defect. However, end
welds may or may not be beneficial for a non-leaking defect. If end welds are used on a non-leaking
defect, consideration should be given to equalizing the pressure across the defect. One way to do
this is by tapping the carrier pipe in order to connect the annular space between the carrier pipe and
the sleeve to the pressure inside the carrier pipe.
(e) Sealing the ends of non-pressure containing sleeves, possibly by means other than welding, to
prevent corrosion in the annular space between the carrier pipe and the sleeve.
(f) The capacity of end welds to withstand anticipated circumferential and longitudinal stresses,
including external forces. Special attention should be given to stresses resulting from unusually long
sleeves or sleeves subject to bending stresses.
(a) A composite wrap is a type of repair designed to restore the strength to corroded or damaged pipe.
Some manufacturers provide for custom repairs based on actual conditions; others use a set
number of wraps for all types of damage. Review the manufacturer’s installation requirements
before deciding to use a composite wrap to make a permanent repair.
(b) Composite wrap repairs generally consist of a mastic or epoxy binder and a compatible wrapping
material that is installed over the binder. The epoxy or mastic is used to fill in the pipe defects to
support the wraps installed above. The multiple layers of wrapping material are “glued” together
and to the pipe. After a specified curing time, the wrap restores strength to the pipe.
(c) The operator should review the manufacturer’s guidelines to determine if the materials can be used
to repair certain defects. Generally, composite wrap repairs cannot be used for repairs of leaks or
cracks, or seam defects in ERW pipe. Composite wrap repairs are good for corrosion defects,
dents, gouges (if stress concentrators are removed), non-ERW seam defects, and girth weld
defects. They may also be used to reinforce grinding repairs where too much pipe wall has been
(d) Multiple wraps can be placed end to end for longer repairs.
(e) Manufacturer’s instructions for the composite wrap are to be followed when:
(1) Installing composite wrap repairs.
(2) Extending the repair beyond each end of the defect.
(3) Training personnel to perform the repairs.
(4) Reducing pressure during the repair and curing time (many require a significant pressure
reduction up to approximately 50%).
(f) Because composite wrap repairs are not metallic, an operator should consider the use of a
magnetic marker such as a steel band or small steel coupon on or near the repair to indicate on
MFL ILI tools that a repair has been made.
A hot tapping operation is an in-service repair option that may be used to remove small in-wall defects
found in steel pipe. In general, fittings that are normally used for tapping are welded onto the pipeline
and tapped, removing the pipe defect in the tap coupon. The hot tap fitting reinforces the tapped hole
in the pipeline. Items to consider include the following.
(a) The location of the defect should be in a place that makes using a hot tap fitting practical and in
accordance with the fitting manufacturer’s installation recommendations (e.g., the fitting should be
horizontal or vertical, the installation machine should be accessible and operable).
(b) The removed pipe coupon should completely remove the defect.
(c) The location should not invite potential damage to the hot tap fitting at a future time.
(d) The availability of properly-sized hot tap fittings in the needed time frame for the repair.
(e) Less costly repair options might be available.
(a) Direct deposition welding may be used for repair of non-leaking defects caused by corrosion
(internal or external) and to smooth ground-out areas without a dent. Additional metal is deposited
in the anomaly using welding techniques. In the case of internal corrosion, the wall build-up is on
the exterior of the pipe. Legacy long seams should not be repaired with direct deposition welding.
Integrity concerns for direct deposition welding repairs include the following.
(1) Risk of burn-through during the repair.
(2) Possible cracks or other defects in the deposited weld material.
(3) Fatigue cracks or hydrogen embrittlement cracking.
(4) Insufficient repair strength due to an inadequate deposition of material.
(b) The operator must develop a welding procedure specific for the repair (see §192.225) and should
consider the following.
(1) Visible signs of corrosion should be removed using a wire brush or by sanding.
(2) Low hydrogen electrodes should be used for all passes of the weld deposition.
(3) The number of passes needed to attain the required metal deposition should be defined.
(4) The deposited weld material should completely fill the corrosion pit or defect to ensure pipe
wall integrity.
(5) The repair should be ground flush for inspection purposes and should be non-destructively
tested to ensure the integrity of the repair.
Records showing the date, location, and description of the repair must be retained for the life of the
pipeline (§192.709(a)). The description of the repair and related information should include the
(a) Data which supports the MAOP of the line such as materials and testing information, including
pressure charts.
(b) Personnel qualification.
(c) Site-specific procedures (as for grinding or direct deposition welding),
(d) Other information as determined by the operator.
Transmission lines: Repair criteria for onshore transmission pipelines.
[Effective Date:05/24/23]
(a) Applicability. This section applies to onshore transmission pipelines not subject to the
repair criteria in subpart O of this part, and which do not operate under an alternative MAOP in
accordance with §§ 192.112, 192.328, and 192.620. Pipeline segments that are located in high
consequence areas, as defined in § 192.903, must comply with the applicable actions specified by
the integrity management requirements in subpart O. Pipeline segments operating under an
alternative MAOP in accordance with §§ 192.112, 192.328, and 192.620 must comply with §
(b) General. Each operator must, in repairing its pipeline systems, ensure that the repairs are
made in a safe manner and are made to prevent damage to persons, property, and the environment.
A pipeline segment’s operating pressure must be less than the predicted failure pressure
determined in accordance with § 192.712 during repair operations. Repairs performed in accordance
with this section must use pipe and material properties that are documented in traceable, verifiable,
and complete records. If documented data required for any analysis, including predicted failure
pressure for determining MAOP, is not available, an operator must obtain the undocumented data
through § 192.607.
(c) Schedule for evaluation and remediation. An operator must remediate conditions according
to a schedule that prioritizes the conditions for evaluation and remediation. Unless paragraph (d) of
this section provides a special requirement for remediating certain conditions, an operator must
calculate the predicted failure pressure of anomalies or defects and follow the schedule in
ASME/ANSI B31.8S (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7), section 7, Figure 4. If an operator
cannot meet the schedule for any condition, the operator must document the reasons why it cannot
meet the schedule and how the changed schedule will not jeopardize public safety. Each condition
that meets any of the repair criteria in paragraph (d) of this section in an onshore steel transmission
pipeline must be—
(1) Removed by cutting out and replacing a cylindrical piece of pipe that will permanently
restore the pipeline’s MAOP based on the use of § 192.105 and the design factors for the class
location in which it is located; or
(2) Repaired by a method, shown by technically proven engineering tests and analyses,
that will permanently restore the pipeline’s MAOP based upon the determined predicted failure
Addendum 1, June 2022
Addendum 2, February 2023
pressure times the design factor for the class location in which it is located.
(d) Remediation of certain conditions. For onshore transmission pipelines not located in high
consequence areas, an operator must remediate a listed condition according to the following
(1) Immediate repair conditions. An operator must repair the following conditions
immediately upon discovery:
(i) Metal loss anomalies where a calculation of the remaining strength of the pipe at the
location of the anomaly shows a predicted failure pressure, determined in accordance with §
192.712(b), of less than or equal to 1.1 times the MAOP.
(ii) A dent located between the 8 o'clock and 4 o'clock positions (upper 2/3 of the pipe)
that has metal loss, cracking, or a stress riser, unless an engineering analysis performed in
accordance with § 192.712(c) demonstrates critical strain levels are not exceeded.
(iii) Metal loss greater than 80 percent of nominal wall regardless of dimensions.
(iv) Metal loss preferentially affecting a detected longitudinal seam, if that seam was
formed by direct current, low-frequency or high-frequency electric resistance welding, electric
flash welding, or has a longitudinal joint factor less than 1.0, and the predicted failure pressure
determined in accordance with § 192.712(d) is less than 1.25 times the MAOP.
(v) A crack or crack-like anomaly meeting any of the following criteria:
(A) Crack depth plus any metal loss is greater than 50 percent of pipe wall
(B) Crack depth plus any metal loss is greater than the inspection tool’s maximum
measurable depth; or
(C) The crack or crack-like anomaly has a predicted failure pressure, determined
in accordance with § 192.712(d), that is less than 1.25 times the MAOP.
(vi) An indication or anomaly that, in the judgment of the person designated by the
operator to evaluate the assessment results, requires immediate action.
(2) Two-year conditions. An operator must repair the following conditions within 2 years
of discovery:
(i) A smooth dent located between the 8 o'clock and 4 o'clock positions (upper 2/3 of
the pipe) with a depth greater than 6 percent of the pipeline diameter (greater than 0.50 inches in
depth for a pipeline diameter less than Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) 12), unless an engineering
analysis performed in accordance with § 192.712(c) demonstrates critical strain levels are not
(ii) A dent with a depth greater than 2 percent of the pipeline diameter (0.250 inches in
depth for a pipeline diameter less than NPS 12) that affects pipe curvature at a girth weld or at a
longitudinal or helical (spiral) seam weld, unless an engineering analysis performed in
accordance with § 192.712(c) demonstrates critical strain levels are not exceeded.
(iii) A dent located between the 4 o'clock and 8 o'clock positions (lower 1/3 of the
pipe) that has metal loss, cracking, or a stress riser, unless an engineering analysis performed in
accordance with § 192.712(c) demonstrates critical strain levels are not exceeded.
(iv) For metal loss anomalies, a calculation of the remaining strength of the pipe
shows a predicted failure pressure, determined in accordance with § 192.712(b) at the location of
the anomaly, of less than 1.39 times the MAOP for Class 2 locations, or less than 1.50 times the
MAOP for Class 3 and 4 locations. For metal loss anomalies in Class 1 locations with a predicted
failure pressure greater than 1.1 times MAOP, an operator must follow the remediation schedule
specified in ASME/ANSI B31.8S (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7), section 7, Figure 4, as
specified in paragraph (c) of this section.
(v) Metal loss that is located at a crossing of another pipeline, is in an area with
widespread circumferential corrosion, or could affect a girth weld, and that has a predicted failure
pressure, determined in accordance with § 192.712(b), less than 1.39 times the MAOP for Class 1
locations or where Class 2 locations contain Class 1 pipe that has been uprated in accordance
with § 192.611, or less than 1.50 times the MAOP for all other Class 2 locations and all Class 3 and
4 locations.
(vi) Metal loss preferentially affecting a detected longitudinal seam, if that seam was
formed by direct current, low-frequency or high-frequency electric resistance welding, electric
flash welding, or that has a longitudinal joint factor less than 1.0, and where the predicted failure
pressure determined in accordance with § 192.712(d) is less than 1.39 times the MAOP for Class 1
locations or where Class 2 locations contain Class 1 pipe that has been uprated in accordance
with § 192.611, or less than 1.50 times the MAOP for all other Class 2 locations and all Class 3 and
4 locations.
(vii) A crack or crack-like anomaly that has a predicted failure pressure, determined
in accordance with § 192.712(d), that is less than 1.39 times the MAOP for Class 1 locations or
where Class 2 locations contain Class 1 pipe that has been uprated in accordance with § 192.611,
or less than 1.50 times the MAOP for all other Class 2 locations and all Class 3 and 4 locations.
(3) Monitored conditions. An operator must record and monitor the following conditions
during subsequent risk assessments and integrity assessments for any change that may require
(i) A dent that is located between the 4 o’clock and 8 o’clock positions (bottom 1/3 of
the pipe) with a depth greater than 6 percent of the pipeline diameter (greater than 0.50 inches in
depth for a pipeline diameter less than NPS 12).
(ii) A dent located between the 8 o'clock and 4 o'clock positions (upper 2/3 of the
pipe) with a depth greater than 6 percent of the pipeline diameter (greater than 0.50 inches in
depth for a pipeline diameter less than NPS 12), and where an engineering analysis performed in
accordance with § 192.712(c) determines that critical strain levels are not exceeded.
(iii) A dent with a depth greater than 2 percent of the pipeline diameter (0.250 inches
in depth for a pipeline diameter less than NPS 12) that affects pipe curvature at a girth weld or
longitudinal or helical (spiral) seam weld, and where an engineering analysis of the dent and girth
or seam weld, performed in accordance with § 192.712(c), demonstrates critical strain levels are
not exceeded. These analyses must consider weld mechanical properties.
(iv) A dent that has metal loss, cracking, or a stress riser, and where an engineering
analysis performed in accordance with § 192.712(c) demonstrates critical strain levels are not
(v) Metal loss preferentially affecting a detected longitudinal seam, if that seam was
formed by direct current, low-frequency or high-frequency electric resistance welding, electric
flash welding, or that has a longitudinal joint factor less than 1.0, and where the predicted failure
pressure, determined in accordance with § 192.712(d), is greater than or equal to 1.39 times the
MAOP for Class 1 locations or where Class 2 locations contain Class 1 pipe that has been uprated
in accordance with § 192.611, or is greater than or equal to 1.50 times the MAOP for all other Class
2 locations and all Class 3 and 4 locations.
(vi) A crack or crack-like anomaly for which the predicted failure pressure,
determined in accordance with § 192.712(d), is greater than or equal to 1.39 times the MAOP for
Class 1 locations or where Class 2 locations contain Class 1 pipe that has been uprated in
accordance with § 192.611, or is greater than or equal to 1.50 times the MAOP for all other Class 2
locations and all Class 3 and 4 locations.
(e) Temporary pressure reduction. (1) Immediately upon discovery and until an operator
remediates the condition specified in paragraph (d)(1) of this section, or upon a determination by
an operator that it is unable to respond within the time limits for the conditions specified in
paragraph (d)(2) of this section, the operator must reduce the operating pressure of the affected
pipeline to any one of the following based on safety considerations for the public and operating
(i) A level not exceeding 80 percent of the operating pressure at the time the
condition was discovered,
(ii) A level not exceeding the predicted failure pressure times the design factor for
the class location in which the affected pipeline is located; or
(iii) A level not exceeding the predicted failure pressure divided by 1.1.
(2) An operator must notify PHMSA in accordance with § 192.18 if it cannot meet the
schedule for evaluation and remediation required under paragraph (c) or (d) of this section and
cannot provide safety through a temporary reduction in operating pressure or other action.
Notification to PHMSA does not alleviate an operator from the evaluation, remediation, or
pressure reduction requirements in this section.
(3) When a pressure reduction, in accordance with paragraph (e) of this section, exceeds
365 days, an operator must notify PHMSA in accordance with § 192.18 and explain the
reasons for the remediation delay. This notice must include a technical justification that the
continued pressure reduction will not jeopardize the integrity of the pipeline.
(4) An operator must document and keep records of the calculations and decisions used
to determine the reduced operating pressure and the implementation of the actual reduced
operating pressure for a period of 5 years after the pipeline has been repaired.
(f) Other conditions. Unless another timeframe is specified in paragraph (d) of this section,
an operator must take appropriate remedial action to correct any condition that could adversely
affect the safe operation of a pipeline system in accordance with the criteria, schedules, and
methods defined in the operator’s operating and maintenance procedures.
(g) In situ direct examination of crack defects. Whenever an operator finds conditions that
require the pipeline to be repaired, in accordance with this section, an operator must perform a
direct examination of known locations of cracks or crack-like defects using technology that has
been validated to detect tight cracks (equal to or less than 0.008 inches crack opening), such as
inverse wave field extrapolation (IWEX), phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT), ultrasonic testing
(UT), or equivalent technology. “In situ” examination tools and procedures for crack assessments
(length, depth, and volumetric) must have performance and evaluation standards, including pipe
or weld surface cleanliness standards for the inspection, confirmed by subject matter experts
qualified by knowledge, training, and experience in direct examination inspection for accuracy of
the type of defects and pipe material being evaluated. The procedures must account for
inaccuracies in evaluations and fracture mechanics models for failure pressure determinations.
(h) Determining predicted failure pressures and critical strain levels. An operator must
perform all determinations of predicted failure pressures and critical strain levels required by this
section in accordance with § 192.712.
Transmission lines: Permanent field repair of welds.
[Effective Date: 07/13/98]
Transmission lines: Permanent field repair of leaks.
[Effective Date: 01/13/00]
(b) Where necessary, consider marking or labeling the equipment requiring special attention such as
regulator bypass valves, relief device isolation valves, and valves associated with control, sensing,
and supply lines. See guide material under §192.203.
(c) When it is necessary to continue gas flow through a manually controlled bypass to inspect or test
station components, the manual valve should be operated by personnel who are qualified (see
Subpart N) to control the pressure in the downstream system at or below its MAOP. The pressures
should be continuously monitored and the valve adjusted to prevent an overpressure condition. The
manual bypass valve should be clearly marked showing the direction it is to be turned to either open
or close the valve.
(d) Gas systems that experience an interruption in electric service due to rolling electric blackouts or
unplanned electric system outages might be negatively affected by an abrupt turn-on or turn-off of
the electricity. Operators might experience pressure drops, pressure loss in entire gas systems, or
pressure relief devices releasing gas to atmosphere. Operators should consider monitoring critical
pressure regulating stations during known blackout periods and conducting additional inspections
after the electric system outages.
Visual inspections should be made to determine that a satisfactory condition exists which will allow proper
operation of the equipment. The following should be included in the inspection, where necessary.
(a) Station piping supports, pits, and vaults for general condition and indications of ground settlement.
Prior to entering a vault that has restricted openings (e.g., manholes) or which is more than four feet
deep, and while working therein, tests should be made of the atmosphere in the vault. See guide
material under §192.749 for atmospheric test procedures.
(b) Station doors and gates, and pit and vault covers to ensure that they are functioning properly and
that access is adequate and free from obstructions.
(c) Ventilating equipment installed in station buildings or vaults for proper operation and for evidence of
accumulation of water, ice, snow, or other obstructions.
(d) Control, sensing, and supply lines for conditions that could result in a failure.
(e) All locking devices for proper operation.
(f) Posted station schematics for correctness.
An inspection or test of stop valves should be made to ensure that the valves will operate and are
correctly positioned. Caution should be used to avoid any undesirable effect on pressures during
operational checks. The following should be included in the inspection or test.
(a) Station inlet, outlet and bypass valves.
(b) Relief device isolating valves.
(c) Control, sensing, and supply line valves.
(b) More frequent inspections or additional inspections may be required as a result of construction and
hydrostatic testing upstream.
(c) More frequent inspections or additional inspections may be required as a result of abnormal changes
in operating conditions or unusual flows or velocities.
(d) Whenever abnormal pressures are imposed on pressure or flow devices, the event should be
investigated and a determination made as to the need for inspection and repairs.
(e) Inspection and testing should be performed during times of low station throughput or when the station
can be taken out of service, if practical.
Pressure regulating, limiting and overpressure protection – Individual service
lines directly connected to production, gathering, or transmission pipelines.
[Effective Date: 03/12/21]
(a) This section applies, except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, to any service line
directly connected to a transmission pipeline or regulated gathering pipeline as determined in §
192.8 that is not operated as part of a distribution system.
(b) Each pressure regulating or limiting device, relief device (except rupture discs), automatic
shutoff device, and associated equipment must be inspected and tested at least once every 3
calendar years, not exceeding 39 months, to determine that it is:
(1) In good mechanical condition;
(2) Adequate from the standpoint of capacity and reliability of operation for the service in
which it is employed;
(3) Set to control or relieve at the correct pressure consistent with the pressure limits of §
192.197; and to limit the pressure on the inlet of the service regulator to 60 psi (414 kPa) gauge or
less in case the upstream regulator fails to function properly; and
(4) Properly installed and protected from dirt, liquids, or other conditions that might
prevent proper operation.
(c) This section does not apply to equipment installed on: (1) A service line that only serves
engines that power irrigation pumps; (2) A service line included in a distribution integrity
management plan meeting the requirements of subpart P of this part; or (3) A service line directly
connected to either a production or gathering pipeline other than a regulated gathering line as
determined in § 192.8 of this part.
Pressure limiting and regulating stations: Telemetering or recording gages.
[Effective Date: 11/12/70]
(a) Each distribution system supplied by more than one district pressure regulating station must
be equipped with telemetering or recording pressure gages to indicate the gas pressure in the district.
(b) On distribution systems supplied by a single district pressure regulating station, the operator
shall determine the necessity of installing telemetering or recording gages in the district, taking into
consideration the number of customers supplied, the operating pressures, the capacity of the
installation, and other operating conditions.
(c) If there are indications of abnormally high- or low-pressure, the regulator and the auxiliary
equipment must be inspected and the necessary measures employed to correct any unsatisfactory
operating conditions.
(d) Any tests performed on the gauge during the recorded period.
On the basis of the foregoing factors, determine whether (1) the telemeter is feasible, and if so, (2)
determine whether it is practical in relation to cost, probability of pipeline failure, proximity to the operating
headquarters, risk analysis, and system safety.
(a) If gas is detected prior to entry or while working in the vault, or if the operator can hear or smell gas,
the operator should follow the appropriate guide material in 3 above.
(b) In accordance with the operator’s applicable O&M and safety procedures, the operator should enter
or remain in the vault:
(1) To further investigate, classify, and repair the leak as necessary
(2) To inspect equipment in the vault including the ventilating equipment and ensure it is adequately
operating as intended.
(c) Whenever personnel enter a vault, periodic or continuous monitoring should be performed in vaults
where the oxygen levels could be depleted (see 3 above).
Launcher and receiver safety.
[Effective Date: 07/01/2020]
Any launcher or receiver used after July 1, 2021, must be equipped with a device capable of safely
relieving pressure in the barrel before removal or opening of the launcher or receiver barrel
closure or flange and insertion or removal of in-line inspection tools, scrapers, or spheres. An
operator must use a device to either: indicate that pressure has been relieved in the barrel; or
alternatively prevent opening of the barrel closure or flange when pressurized, or insertion or
removal of in-line devices (e.g. inspection tools, scrapers, or spheres), if pressure has not been
Prevention of accidental ignition.
[Effective Date: 11/12/70]
Each operator shall take steps to minimize the danger of accidental ignition of gas in any
structure or area where the presence of gas constitutes a hazard of fire or explosion, including the
(a) When a hazardous amount of gas is being vented into open air, each potential source of
ignition must be removed from the area and a fire extinguisher must be provided.
(b) Gas or electric welding or cutting may not be performed on pipe or on pipe components that
contain a combustible mixture of gas and air in the area of work.
(c) Post warning signs, where appropriate.
(ii) The impact of water displacement on liquid hydrocarbons in those instances where water
may enter into the pipeline segment.
(c) Monitoring isolated segments.
(1) Monitoring procedures should be established based on the pressure, volumes, closures, and
other pertinent factors.
(2) Personnel assigned to operate isolation equipment should have a means to determine pressure
buildups, such as gauges and vents.
(3) Personnel monitoring at remote locations should have communication with the work site and the
individual in charge of the operation.
A reference is AGA XR603, "Plastic Pipe Manual for Gas Service," Chapter VI – Maintenance, Operation
and Emergency Control Procedures.
Caulked bell and spigot joints.
[Effective Date: 10/15/03]
(a) Each cast iron caulked bell and spigot joint that is subject to pressures of more than 25 psi
(172 kPa) gage must be sealed with:
(1) A mechanical leak clamp; or
(2) A material or device which:
(i) Does not reduce the flexibility of the joint;
(ii) Permanently bonds, either chemically or mechanically, or both, with the bell and
spigot metal surfaces or adjacent pipe metal surfaces; and
(iii) Seals and bonds in a manner that meets the strength, environmental, and chemical
compatibility requirements of §§192.53(a) and (b) and 192.143.
(b) Each cast iron caulked bell and spigot joint that is subject to pressures 25 psi (172 kPa) gage
or less and is exposed for any reason must be sealed by a means other than caulking.
[Amdt. 192-25, 41 FR 23679, June 11, 1976; Amdt. 192-85, 63 FR 37500, July 13, 1998; Amdt. 192-93,
68 FR 53895, Sept. 15, 2003]
Protecting cast-iron pipelines.
[Effective Date: 06/01/76]
When an operator has knowledge that the support for a segment of a buried cast-iron pipeline is
(a) That segment of the pipeline must be protected, as necessary, against damage during the
disturbance by:
(1) Vibrations from heavy construction equipment, trains, trucks, buses, or blasting;
(2) Impact forces by vehicles;
(3) Earth movement;
(4) Apparent future excavations near the pipeline; or
(5) Other foreseeable outside forces which may subject that segment of the pipeline to
bending stress.
(b) As soon as feasible, appropriate steps must be taken to provide permanent protection for the
disturbed segment from damage that might result from external loads, including compliance with
applicable requirements of §§192.317(a), 192.319, and 192.361(b) — (d).
See guide material under §192.614, and Guide Material Appendices G-192-16 and G-192-18.
Joining plastic pipe by heat fusion: equipment maintenance and calibration.
[Effective Date: 01/22/19]
Each operator must maintain equipment used in joining plastic pipe in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommended practices or with written procedures that have been proven by test
and experience to produce acceptable joints.
(a) To comply with this regulation, operators should develop a maintenance and calibration plan using
information from equipment manufacturers or from the operator’s testing and experience, or both.
The plan should address equipment that is used in heat-fusion joining of plastic pipe regardless
of whether the equipment is owned, rented, or part of a contractor’s fleet.
(b) For guidance related to equipment inspections, see 3.2 of the guide material under §192.281.
(3) Detail how equipment’s maintenance and calibration status will be shared with regulatory
agency if requested.
(i) A sticker or tag on the equipment can provide a visual confirmation of maintenance or
calibration status.
(ii) A web portal or electronic inspection records might also be accessible in the field.
(4) Describe the record retention policy for the maintenance and calibration program. Consider
maintaining records for two cycles of maintenance and calibration.
[Effective Date: 02/14/04]
Notification should include the changes to the program and reasons for such changes. See guide material
under §192.949.
What are the elements of an integrity management program?
[Effective Date: 05/24/23]
An operator’s initial integrity management program begins with a framework (see §192.907) and
evolves into a more detailed and comprehensive integrity management program, as information is
gained and incorporated into the program. An operator must make continual improvements to its
program. The initial program framework and subsequent program must, at minimum, contain the
following elements. (When indicated, refer to ASME/ANSI B31.8S (incorporated by reference, see
§192.7) for more detailed information on the listed element.)
(a) An identification of all high consequence areas, in accordance with §192.905.
(b) A baseline assessment plan meeting the requirements of §192.919 and §192.921.
(c) An identification of threats to each covered pipeline segment, which must include data
integration and a risk assessment. An operator must use the threat identification and risk assessment
to prioritize covered segments for assessment (§192.917) and to evaluate the merits of additional
preventive and mitigative measures (§192.935) for each covered segment.
(d) A direct assessment plan, if applicable, meeting the requirements of §192.923, and depending
on the threat assessed, of §§192.925, 192.927, or 192.929.
(e) Provisions meeting the requirements of §192.933 for remediating conditions found during an
integrity assessment.
(f) A process for continual evaluation and assessment meeting the requirements of §192.937.
(g) If applicable, a plan for confirmatory direct assessment meeting the requirements of
(h) Provisions meeting the requirements of §192.935 for adding preventive and mitigative
measures to protect the high consequence area.
(i) A performance plan as outlined in ASME/ANSI B31.8S, section 9 that includes performance
measures meeting the requirements of §192.945.
(j) Record keeping provisions meeting the requirements of §192.947.
(k) A management of change process as required by § 192.13(d).
(l) A quality assurance process as outlined in ASME/ANSI B31.8S, section 12.
(m) A communication plan that includes the elements of ASME/ANSI B31.8S, section 10, and that
includes procedures for addressing safety concerns raised by —
(1) OPS; and
(2) A State or local pipeline safety authority when a covered segment is located in a State
where OPS has an interstate agent agreement.
(n) Procedures for providing (when requested), by electronic or other means, a copy of the
operator’s risk analysis or integrity management program to —
(1) OPS; and
(2) A State or local pipeline safety authority when a covered segment is located in a State
where OPS has an interstate agent agreement.
(o) Procedures for ensuring that each integrity assessment is being conducted in a manner that
minimizes environmental and safety risks.
(p) A process for identification and assessment of newly-identified high consequence areas.
(See §§192.905 and 192.921.)
[Issued by Amdt. 192-95, 68 FR 69778, Dec. 15, 2003 with Amdt. 192-95 Correction, 69 FR 2307, Jan.
15, 2004 and Amdt. 192-95 Correction & Petition for Reconsideration, 69 FR 18228, Apr. 6, 2004;
Amdt. 192-103, 71 FR 33402, June 9, 2006, Amdt. 192-132, 87 FR 52224, Aug. 24, 2022]
Note: References to ASME throughout this section of guide material are specific to the edition of ASME
B31.8S as incorporated by reference (IBR) in §192.7. Abbreviated references are used in guide material
below. Example: "ASME 12.2(a)(2)" means ASME B31.8S, Paragraph 12.2(a)(2) of the IBR edition. See 3.2
of the guide material under §192.907.
The Integrity Management Program (IMP) consists of program elements encompassing the plans,
processes, and procedures required for integrity management. The IMP will vary from one operator to
the next, but must at least address the 16 program elements as specified in this regulation. The operator
is further required to include other program elements as necessary to effectively manage pipeline integrity
within the operator’s management system. In addition, the program is required to document how the
processes and associated procedures will be managed and implemented.
In the early stages, the IMP may not be fully developed. If the program is not fully developed, the
framework describes the process for developing a complete program. The framework should identify who
is responsible for individual process development and provide a timeline for the completion of the
program elements. It is required that program elements be fully developed before implementation.
There are two sections of Part 192 Subpart O that require operators to manage changes. First, §192.909
requires operators to document changes to the written IMP. Second, §192.911(k) requires operators to
develop a written MOC process to track changes to the integrity of the pipeline. Operators may combine
these requirements into a single MOC process or use separate processes. For guidance regarding IMP
changes, including PHMSA-OPS notification, see guide material under §192.909.
An operator may be able to manage changes that impact the integrity of the pipeline through current
practices as long as the operator can demonstrate that current practices meet the requirements of ASME
11. Examples of current practices that manage change include the following.
(a) Budgeting and mapping processes that record physical pipeline changes.
(b) Work management systems that document permit requirements and acquisitions.
(c) O&M procedures or IMP manual revision logs that track written procedure changes.
(d) Organizational charts and job descriptions that establish individual responsibilities.
(e) Maps, aerial photos, or logs that document the annual HCA review.
3.1 Objective.
ASME 11(a) requires that MOC procedures be developed to identify and consider the impact of changes
[Issued by Amdt. 192-95, 68 FR 69778, Dec. 15, 2003 with Amdt. 192-95 Correction, 69 FR 2307, Jan.
15, 2004]
1.1 General.
The Integrity Management Program (IMP) should define the training, qualification, or experience
required for supervisory personnel whose responsibilities relate to the IMP. Supervisory personnel can
acquire thorough knowledge of the IMP by achieving the following.
(a) General understanding of, and familiarity with, the overall program; and
(b) Specific knowledge in their respective areas of responsibility.
For qualification of personnel performing ILI assessments, see Guide Material Appendix G-192-14.
The operator might consider developing a matrix of integrity management related tasks, which outline
the qualification requirements, and what operator or contractor position may perform each task.
(a) Documentation of the knowledge and training of integrity management personnel should
demonstrate the following.
(1) Competence in performing the assigned IMP element.
(2) Awareness of the IMP requirements.
(3) The process used to qualify the person for the IMP element.
(b) Operators using contractors in the IMP should document that the contractor employees are aware
of and qualified for the applicable sections of the operator’s IMP.
How does an operator identify potential threats to pipeline integrity and
use the threat identification in its integrity program?
(a) Threat identification. An operator must identify and evaluate all potential threats to each
covered pipeline segment. Potential threats that an operator must consider include, but are not limited
to, the threats listed in ASME/ANSI B31.8S (incorporated by reference, see §192.7), section 2, which
are grouped under the following four threat categories:
(1) Time dependent threats such as internal corrosion, external corrosion, and stress
corrosion cracking;
(2) Stable threats, such as manufacturing, welding, fabrication or construction defects;
(3) Time independent threats such as third party damage, mechanical damage, incorrect
operational procedure, weather related, and outside force damage to include consideration of
seismicity, geology, and soil stability of the area; and
(4) Human error, such as operational or maintenance mishaps, or design and construction
(b) Data gathering and integration. To identify and evaluate the potential threats to a covered
pipeline segment, an operator must gather and integrate existing data and information on the entire
pipeline that could be relevant to the covered segment. In performing data gathering and integration,
an operator must follow the requirements in ASME/ANSI B31.8S, section 4. Operators must begin to
integrate all pertinent data elements specified in this section starting on May 24, 2023, with all
available attributes integrated by February 26, 2024. An operator may request an extension of up to 1
year by submitting a notification to PHMSA at least 90 days before February 26, 2024, in accordance
with § 192.18. The notification must include a reasonable and technically justified basis, an up-to-date
plan for completing all actions required by this paragraph (b), the reason for the requested extension,
current safety or mitigation status of the pipeline segment, the proposed completion date, and any
needed temporary safety measures to mitigate the impact on safety. An operator must gather and
evaluate the set of data listed in paragraph (b)(1) of this section. The evaluation must analyze both the
covered segment and similar non-covered segments, and it must:
(1) Integrate pertinent information about pipeline attributes to ensure safe operation and
pipeline integrity, including information derived from operations and maintenance activities required
under this part, and other relevant information, including, but not limited to:
(i) Pipe diameter, wall thickness, seam type, and joint factor;
(ii) Manufacturer and manufacturing date, including manufacturing data and records;
(iii) Material properties including, but not limited to, grade, specified minimum yield
strength (SMYS), and ultimate tensile strength;
(iv) Equipment properties;
(v) Year of installation;
(vi) Bending method;
(vii) Joining method, including process and inspection results;
(viii) Depth of cover;
(ix) Crossings, casings (including if shorted), and locations of foreign line crossings
and nearby high voltage power lines;
(x) Hydrostatic or other pressure test history, including test pressures and test leaks
or failures, failure causes, and repairs;
(xi) Pipe coating methods (both manufactured and field applied), including the method
or process used to apply girth weld coating, inspection reports, and coating repairs;
(xii) Soil, backfill;
(xiii) Construction inspection reports, including but not limited to:
(A) Post backfill coating surveys; and
(B) Coating inspection (“jeeping” or “holiday inspection”) reports;
(xiv) Cathodic protection installed, including, but not limited to, type and location;
(xv) Coating type;
(xvi) Gas quality;
(xvii) Flow rate;
(xviii) Normal maximum and minimum operating pressures, including maximum
allowable operating pressure (MAOP);
(xix) Class location;
(xx) Leak and failure history, including any in-service ruptures or leaks from incident
reports, abnormal operations, safety-related conditions (both reported and unreported) and failure
investigations required by § 192.617, and their identified causes and consequences;
(xxi) Coating condition;
(xxii) Cathodic protection (CP) system performance;
(xxiii) Pipe wall temperature;
(xxiv) Pipe operational and maintenance inspection reports, including, but not limited
(A) Data gathered through integrity assessments required under this part,
including, but not limited to, in-line inspections, pressure tests, direct assessments, guided wave
ultrasonic testing, or other methods;
(B) Close interval survey (CIS) and electrical survey results;
(C) CP rectifier readings;
(D) CP test point survey readings and locations;
(E) Alternating current, direct current, and foreign structure interference
(F) Pipe coating surveys, including surveys to detect coating damage,
disbonded coatings, or other conditions that compromise the effectiveness of corrosion protection,
including, but not limited to, direct current voltage gradient or alternating current voltage gradient
(G) Results of examinations of exposed portions of buried pipelines (e.g., pipe
and pipe coating condition, see § 192.459), including the results of any non-destructive
examinations of the pipe, seam, or girth weld (i.e. bell hole inspections);
(H) Stress corrosion cracking excavations and findings;
(I) Selective seam weld corrosion excavations and findings;
(J) Any indication of seam cracking; and
(K) Gas stream sampling and internal corrosion monitoring results, including
cleaning pig sampling results;
(xxv) External and internal corrosion monitoring;
(xxvi) Operating pressure history and pressure fluctuations, including an analysis of
effects of pressure cycling and instances of exceeding MAOP by any amount;
(xxvii) Performance of regulators, relief valves, pressure control devices, or any other
device to control or limit operating pressure to less than MAOP;
(xxviii) Encroachments;
(xxix) Repairs;
(xxx) Vandalism;
(xxxi) External forces;
(xxxii) Audits and reviews;
(xxxiii) Industry experience for incident, leak, and failure history;
(xxxiv) Aerial photography; and
(xxxv) Exposure to natural forces in the area of the pipeline, including seismicity,
geology, and soil stability of the area.
(2) Use validated information and data as inputs, to the maximum extent practicable. If
input is obtained from subject matter experts (SME), an operator must employ adequate control
measures to ensure consistency and accuracy of information. Control measures may include
training of SMEs or the use of outside technical experts (independent expert reviews) to assess the
quality of processes and the judgment of SMEs. An operator must document the names and
qualifications of the individuals who approve SME inputs used in the current risk assessment.
(3) Identify and analyze spatial relationships among anomalous information (e.g.,
corrosion coincident with foreign line crossings or evidence of pipeline damage where overhead
imaging shows evidence of encroachment);
(4) Analyze the data for interrelationships among pipeline integrity threats, including
combinations of applicable risk factors that increase the likelihood of incidents or increase the
potential consequences of incidents.
(c) Risk assessment. An operator must conduct a risk assessment that follows ASME/ANSI
B31.8S, section 5, and that analyzes the identified threats and potential consequences of an incident
for each covered segment. An operator must ensure the validity of the methods used to conduct the
risk assessment considering the incident, leak, and failure history of the pipeline segments and
other historical information. Such a validation must ensure the risk assessment methods produce
a risk characterization that is consistent with the operator’s and industry experience, including
evaluations of the cause of past incidents, as determined by root cause analysis or other equivalent
means, and include sensitivity analysis of the factors used to characterize both the likelihood of
loss of pipeline integrity and consequences of the postulated loss of pipeline integrity. An operator
must use the risk assessment to determine additional preventive and mitigative measures needed
for each covered segment in accordance with § 192.935 and periodically evaluate the integrity of
each covered pipeline segment in accordance with § 192.937. Beginning February 26, 2024, the risk
assessment must:
(1) Analyze how a potential failure could affect high consequence areas;
(2) Analyze the likelihood of failure due to each individual threat and each unique
combination of threats that interact or simultaneously contribute to risk at a common location;
(3) Account for, and compensate for, uncertainties in the model and the data used in the
risk assessment; and
(4) Evaluate the potential risk reduction associated with candidate risk reduction activities,
such as preventive and mitigative measures, and reduced anomaly remediation and assessment
(5) In conjunction with § 192.917(b), an operator may request an extension of up to 1 year
for the requirements of this paragraph by submitting a notification to PHMSA at least 90 days before
February 26, 2024, in accordance with § 192.18. The notification must include a reasonable and
technically justified basis, an up-to-date plan for completing all actions required by this paragraph
(c)(5), the reason for the requested extension, current safety or mitigation status of the pipeline
segment, the proposed completion date, and any needed temporary safety measures to mitigate
the impact on safety.
(d) Plastic Transmission Pipeline. An operator of a plastic transmission pipeline must assess the
threats to each covered segment using the information in sections 4 and 5 of ASME B31.8S, and
consider any threats unique to the integrity of plastic pipe, such as poor joint fusion practices, pipe
with poor slow crack growth (SCG) resistance, brittle pipe, circumferential cracking, hydrocarbon
softening of the pipe, internal and external loads, longitudinal or lateral loads, proximity to elevated
heat sources, and point loading.
(e) Actions to address particular threats. If an operator identifies any of the following threats, the
operator must take the following actions to address the threat.
(1) Third party damage. An operator must utilize the data integration required in paragraph
(b) of this section and ASME/ANSI B31.8S, Appendix A7 to determine the susceptibility of each
covered segment to the threat of third party damage. If an operator identifies the threat of third party
damage, the operator must implement comprehensive additional preventive measures in accordance
with §192.935 and monitor the effectiveness of the preventive measures. If, in conducting a baseline
assessment under §192.921, or a reassessment under §192.937, an operator uses an internal
inspection tool or external corrosion direct assessment, the operator must integrate data from these
assessments with data related to any encroachment or foreign line crossing on the covered segment,
to define where potential indications of third party damage may exist in the covered segment. An
operator must also have procedures in its integrity management program addressing actions it will
take to respond to findings from this data integration.
(2) Cyclic fatigue. How does an operator identify potential threats to pipeline integrity and
use the threat identification in its integrity program? An operator must evaluate whether cyclic fatigue
or other loading condition (including ground movement, suspension bridge condition) could lead to
a failure of a deformation, including a dent or gouge, or other defect in the covered segment. An
evaluation must assume the presence of threats in the covered segment that could be exacerbated
by cyclic fatigue. An operator must use the results from the evaluation together with the criteria used
to evaluate the significance of this threat to the covered segment to prioritize the integrity baseline
assessment or reassessment.
(3) Manufacturing and construction defects. If an operator identifies the threat of
manufacturing and construction defects (including seam defects) in the covered segment, an
operator must analyze the covered segment to determine the risk of failure from these defects. The
analysis must consider the results of prior assessments on the covered segment. An operator may
consider manufacturing and construction related defects to be stable defects if the operating
pressure on the covered segment has not increased over the maximum operating pressure
experienced during the five years preceding identification of the high consequence area. If any of the
following changes occur in the covered segment, an operator must prioritize the covered segment as
a high risk segment for the baseline assessment or a subsequent reassessment.
(i) Operating pressure increases above the maximum operating pressure experienced
during the preceding five years;
(ii) MAOP increases; or
(iii) The stresses leading to cyclic fatigue increase.
(4) ERW pipe. If a covered pipeline segment contains low frequency electric resistance
welded pipe (ERW), lap welded pipe or other pipe that satisfies the conditions specified in ASME/ANSI
B31.8S, Appendices A4.3 and A4.4, and any covered or noncovered segment in the pipeline system
with such pipe has experienced seam failure, or operating pressure on the covered segment has
increased over the maximum operating pressure experienced during the preceding five years, an
operator must select an assessment technology or technologies with a proven application capable of
assessing seam integrity and seam corrosion anomalies. The operator must prioritize the covered
segment as a high risk segment for the baseline assessment or a subsequent reassessment.
(5) Corrosion. If an operator identifies corrosion on a covered pipeline segment that could
adversely affect the integrity of the line (conditions specified in §192.935), the operator must evaluate
and remediate, as necessary, all pipeline segments (both covered and non-covered) with similar
material coating and environmental characteristics. An operator must establish a schedule
evaluating and remediating, as necessary, the similar segments that is consistent with the operator’s
established operating and maintenance procedures under Part 192 for testing and repair.
[Issued by Amdt. 192-95, 68 FR 69778, Dec. 15, 2003 with Amdt. 192-95 Correction, 69 FR 2307, Jan.
15, 2004 and Amdt. 192-95 Correction & Petition for Reconsideration, 69 FR 18228, Apr. 6, 2004; Amdt.
192-103, 71 FR 33402, June 9, 2006, Amdt. 192-132, 87 FR 52224, Aug. 24, 2022]
In general, the higher risk segments should be assessed before the lower risk segments. Based on
scheduling issues and assessment methods, some lower risk segments may be assessed before
higher risk segments. For example, a single ILI assessment used to assess a higher risk segment may
also include one or more lower risk segments. For information on risk analysis, see guide material
under §192.917.
See guide material under §§192.917 and 192.919 on addressing particular threats.
See guide material under §191.919 for baseline assessments, and guide material under §§192.937
and 192.939 for reassessments.
See 4 of the guide material under §192.905 for guidance on newly identified HCAs.
The post-installation pressure test may serve as the baseline assessment. In addition to considering
the requirements of Subpart J, the operator may consider the reassessment interval indicated in ASME
B31.8S, Section 5, Table 3 when choosing a test pressure.
See guide material under §192.917 for threats to plastic pipe. Pressure testing and other assessment
methods are applicable methods for plastic pipe. Possible alternative assessment methods include the
(a) Inserting a camera to look for cracks or other internal defects.
(b) Performing visual inspection of a sample of suspect fittings or fusions.
(c) Performing leak surveys at an increased frequency.
(d) Shut-in test (leak test at operating pressure).
How is direct assessment used and for what threats?
[Effective Date: 08/06/15]
(a) General. An operator may use direct assessment either as a primary assessment method or
as a supplement to the other assessment methods allowed under this subpart. An operator may only
use direct assessment as the primary assessment method to address the identified threats of external
corrosion (EC), internal corrosion (IC), and stress corrosion cracking (SCC).
(b) Primary method. An operator using direct assessment as a primary assessment method must
have a plan that complies with the requirements in—
(1) Section 192.925 and ASME/ANSI B31.8S (incorporated by reference, see §192.7) section
6.4, and NACE SP0502 (incorporated by reference, see §192.7), if addressing external corrosion (EC).
(2) Section 192.927 and NACE SP0206 (incorporated by reference, see §192.7), if addressing
internal corrosion (IC).
(3) Section 192.929 and NACE SP0204 (incorporated by reference, see §192.7), if addressing
stress corrosion cracking (SCC).
(c) Supplemental method. An operator using direct assessment as a supplemental assessment
method for any applicable threat must have a plan that follows the requirements for confirmatory
direct assessment in §192.931.
[Issued by Amdt. 192-95, 68 FR 69778, Dec. 15, 2003 with Amdt. 192-95 Correction, 69 FR 2307, Jan.
15, 2004; Amdt. 192-103, 71 FR 33402, June 9, 2006; Amdt. 192-114, 75 FR 48593, Aug. 11, 2010;
Amdt. 192-119, 80 FR 168, Jan. 5, 2015 with Amdt. 192-119 Correction, 80 FR 46847, Aug. 6, 2015,
Amdt. 192-132, 87 FR 52224, Aug. 24, 2022]
(a) Direct Assessment (DA) is a structured process for assessing buried, onshore steel pipelines. This
process is comprised of multiple, interdependent steps, which include the following.
(1) Gathering and integration of data.
(2) Indirect inspection.
(3) Direct examination.
(4) Post-assessment evaluation.
(b) See guide material under §§192.925, 192.927, and 192.929.
(b) Prior to disturbing the pipeline (e.g., removing coating or disturbing pipe surface). The following are
examples of data to collect and related activities that may be performed at each excavation.
(1) Pipe-to-soil potentials with IR drop considered (e.g., ground level surface and at the pipe
surface to determine cathodic protection level).
(2) Soil-resistivity (e.g., nature of corrosion environment).
(3) Soil sample (e.g., soil type, bacteria, moisture content, pH).
(4) Groundwater sample (e.g., pH, bacteria, chlorides, corrosion by-products).
(5) Under-film liquid pH (e.g., liquid present beneath the damaged coating).
(6) Coating type.
(7) Coating condition (e.g., visual, jeeping).
(8) Photographic documentation (e.g., visual history).
(9) Sketch of site with dimensions and findings.
(10) Other data deemed appropriate (e.g., location of excavation).
Note: NACE Appendices A and B provide additional examples of data to collect.
If the coating is found to be in good shape and no other data indicate that external corrosion is
present, no additional action is required. The operator may consider removing the coating to obtain
additional data.
(c) Coating damage or exposed pipe surface. If the coating is damaged or corrosion is present on the
pipe, examples of data and related activities that may be performed at each excavation include the
(1) Verify coating type.
(2) Verify coating condition and adhesion (e.g., holidays, blisters, cracking, sagging, disbondment).
(3) Pipe-to-soil potentials (e.g., ground level surface and at the pipe surface to determine cathodic
protection level).
(4) Pipe wall thickness (e.g., ultrasonic testing).
(5) Corrosion byproduct (e.g., carbonate or iron oxide deposits, biofilms).
(6) Types of corrosion defects (e.g., single pit, localized pitting, general corrosion).
(7) Non-corrosion defects or damage (e.g., arc burn, dent, lamination).
(8) Mapping and measurement of defects or damage. The pipe surface should be properly
prepared and the corrosion defects cleaned. The following should be considered when
measuring defects.
(i) Shape.
(ii) Depth.
(iii) Length.
(iv) Width.
(v) Orientation (e.g., circumferential, longitudinal).
(vi) Location on pipe (e.g., clock position).
(vii) Distance from girth and seam welds.
(viii) Distance from other reference points.
(ix) Distance between corrosion pits.
(9) Photographic documentation with scale reference.
(10) Other data deemed appropriate (e.g., pH in the corrosion pit).
Note: NACE Appendix C provides additional data collection guidance.
(d) Supplemental data collection.
(1) In accordance with NACE, the operator shall consider other evaluations unrelated to
external corrosion. Such evaluations may include magnetic particle or dye penetrant testing for
(2) If conditions are found that indicate severe coating damage or significant corrosion defects are
suspected beyond either side of the excavation, the excavation should be extended and
measurements taken. See guide material under §192.459.
(3) When the pipe is exposed, visual inspection for pipeline coating damage threats other than
external corrosion, such as third-party damage, is required. As required by §192.925(b), if the
ECDA detects pipeline coating damage, the operator must feedback the data from the ECDA
with other information from the data integration process (§192.917(b)) to evaluate the covered
segment for the threat of third-party damage, and to address the threat as required by
(b) If corrosion is found at indications, the pipeline operator must evaluate or calculate the remaining
strength at locations where corrosion defects are found. Examples of corrosion defects that need
remaining strength evaluation include the following.
(1) A corrosion defect exceeding 20% of the pipe wall thickness.
(2) Cluster of pits.
The remaining wall strength should be evaluated. Types of evaluation can include ASME B31G,
PRCI PR-3-805 (RSTRENG) (see §192.7), or an equivalent method. If the remaining strength is not
adequate for the pipeline segment’s existing maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP), a
repair, replacement, or MAOP reduction is required. Alternatively, the operator may temporarily
reduce the operating pressure of the pipeline as allowed by §192.933.
(c) Similar defects. If corrosion defects that exceed allowable limits are found, it should be assumed that
other similar defects may be present elsewhere in the ECDA region. This assumption should be
based on similar characteristics of the region in which the corrosion defect was found. The following
actions should be considered when a corrosion defect is found that exceeds allowable limits to assist
in determining if a similar defect is present.
(1) Perform root-cause analysis.
(2) Evaluate the criteria used to define the ECDA region.
(3) Evaluate the criteria used to define indications.
(4) Perform a direct examination on remaining indications with similar characteristics.
(a) AGA Pipeline Research Committee Project PR-3-805, ''A Modified Criterion for Evaluating the
Remaining Strength of Corroded Pipe," (RSTRENG) (see §192.7).
(b) ASME B31G, "Manual for Determining the Remaining Strength of Corroded Pipelines." (see
(c) NACE SP0502-2010, "Pipeline External Corrosion Direct Assessment Methodology." (see §192.7).
(d) PHMSA-OPS Protocols, "Gas Integrity Management Inspection Manual, Inspection Protocols with
Results Forms," specifically Section D, DA Plan.
(e) GTI-04/0071, "External Corrosion Direct Assessment (ECDA) Implementation Protocol."
(f) NACE SP0113, “Pipeline Integrity Method Selection.”
(g) NACE SP0207, “Performing Close-Interval Potential Surveys and DC Surface Potential Gradient
Surveys on Buried or Submerged Metallic Pipelines.”
(h) NACE TM0109, “Aboveground Survey Techniques for the Evaluation of Underground Pipeline
Coating Condition.”
(i) NACE TM0497, “Measurement Techniques Related to Criteria for Cathodic Protection on
Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems.”
(j) PHMSA-OPS, “Guidelines for Integrity Assessment of Cased Pipe for Gas Transmission Pipelines
in HCAs.”
What are the requirements for using
Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment (ICDA)?
[Effective Date: 05/24/23]
(a) Definition. Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment (ICDA) is a process an operator uses to
identify areas along the pipeline where fluid or other electrolyte introduced during normal operation
or by an upset condition may reside, and then focuses direct examination on the locations in covered
segments where internal corrosion is most likely to exist. The process identifies the potential for
internal corrosion caused by microorganisms, or fluid with CO 2, O2, hydrogen sulfide or other
contaminants present in the gas.
(b) General requirements. An operator using direct assessment as an assessment method to
address internal corrosion in a covered pipeline segment must follow the requirements in this section
and in NACE SP0206 (incorporated by reference, see §192.7). The Dry Gas Internal Corrosion Direct
Assessment (DG-ICDA) process described in this section applies only for a segment of pipe
transporting normally dry natural gas (see § 192.3), and not for a segment with electrolytes normally
present in the gas stream. If an operator uses ICDA to assess a covered segment operating with
electrolytes present in the gas stream, the operator must develop a plan that demonstrates how it will
conduct ICDA in the segment to address internal corrosion effectively, and notify PHMSA in
accordance with § 192.18. In the event of a conflict between this section and NACE SP0206, the
requirements in this section control.
(c) The ICDA plan. An operator must develop and follow an ICDA plan that meets NACE SP0206
(incorporated by reference, see § 192.7) and that implements all four steps of the DG-ICDA process,
including pre-assessment, indirect inspection, detailed examination at excavation locations, and
post-assessment evaluation and monitoring. The plan must identify the locations of all ICDA regions
within covered segments in the transmission system. An ICDA region is a continuous length of pipe
(including weld joints), uninterrupted by any significant change in water or flow characteristics, that
includes similar physical characteristics or operating history. An ICDA region extends from the
location where liquid may first enter the pipeline and encompasses the entire area along the pipeline
where internal corrosion may occur until a new input introduces the possibility of water entering the
pipeline. In cases where a single covered segment is partially located in two or more ICDA regions,
the four-step ICDA process must be completed for each ICDA region in which the covered segment
is partially located to complete the assessment of the covered segment.
(1) Preassessment. An operator must comply with NACE SP0206 (incorporated by reference,
see § 192.7) in conducting the preassessment step of the ICDA process.
(2) Indirect Inspection. An operator must comply with NACE SP0206 (incorporated by
reference, see § 192.7), and the following additional requirements, in conducting the Indirect
Inspection step of the ICDA process. An operator must explicitly document the results of its feasibility
assessment as required by NACE SP0206, section 3.3 (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7); if any
condition that precludes the successful application of ICDA applies, then ICDA may not be used, and
another assessment method must be selected. When performing the indirect inspection, the operator
must use actual pipeline-specific data, exclusively. The use of assumed pipeline or operational
is prohibited. When calculating the critical inclination angle of liquid holdup and the inclination profile
of the pipeline, the operator must consider the accuracy, reliability, and uncertainty of the data used
to make those calculations, including, but not limited to, gas flow velocity (including during upset
conditions), pipeline elevation profile survey data (including specific profile at features with
inclinations such as road crossings, river crossings, drains, valves, drips, etc.), topographical data,
and depth of cover. An operator must select locations for direct examination and establish the extent
of pipe exposure needed (i.e., the size of the bell hole), to account for these uncertainties and their
cumulative effect on the precise location of predicted liquid dropout.
(3) Detailed examination. An operator must comply with NACE SP0206 (incorporated by
reference, see § 192.7) in conducting the detailed examination step of the ICDA process. When an
operator first uses ICDA for a covered segment, an operator must identify a minimum of two locations
for excavation within each covered segment associated with the ICDA region and must perform a
detailed examination for internal corrosion at each location, using ultrasonic thickness
measurements, radiography, or other generally accepted measurement techniques that can examine
for internal corrosion or other threats that are being assessed. One location must be the low point
(e.g., sag, drip, valve, manifold, dead-leg) within the covered segment nearest to the beginning of the
ICDA Region. The second location must be further downstream, within the covered segment, near the
end of the ICDA Region. Whenever corrosion is found during ICDA at any location, the operator must:
(i) Evaluate the severity of the defect (remaining strength) and remediate the defect in
accordance with §192.933 if the condition is in a covered segment, or in accordance with §§ 192.485
and 192.714 if the condition is not in a covered segment;
(ii) Expand the detailed examination program to determine all locations that have
internal corrosion within the ICDA region, and accurately characterize the nature, extent, and root
cause of the internal corrosion. In cases where the internal corrosion was identified within the ICDA
region but outside the covered segment, the expanded detailed examination program must also
include at least two detailed examinations within each covered segment associated with the ICDA
region, at the location within the covered segment(s) most likely to have internal corrosion. One
location must be the low point (e.g., sags, drips, valves, manifolds, dead-legs, traps) within the
covered segment nearest to the beginning of the ICDA region. The second location must be further
downstream, within the covered segment. In instances of first use of ICDA for a covered segment,
where these locations have already been examined in accordance with paragraph (c)(3) of this
section, two additional detailed examinations must be conducted within the covered segment; and
(iii) Expand the detailed examination program to evaluate the potential for internal
corrosion in all pipeline segments (both covered and non-covered) in the operator’s pipeline system
with similar characteristics to the ICDA region in which the corrosion was found, remediate identified
instances of internal corrosion in accordance with either §192.933; or §§ 192.485 and 192.714, as
(4) Post-assessment evaluation and monitoring. An operator must comply with NACE
SP0206 (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7) in performing the post assessment step of the ICDA
process. In addition to NACE SP0206, the evaluation and monitoring process must also includes —
(i) An evaluation of the effectiveness of ICDA as an assessment method for addressing
internal corrosion and determining whether a covered segment should be reassessed at more
frequent intervals than those specified in §192.939. An operator must carry out this evaluation within
one year of conducting an ICDA; and
(ii) Validation of the flow modeling calculations by comparison of actual locations of
discovered internal corrosion with locations predicted by the model (if the flow model cannot be
validated, then ICDA is not feasible for the segment); and
(iii) Continuous monitoring of each ICDA region that contains a covered segment where
internal corrosion has been identified by using techniques such as coupons or ultrasonic (UT)
sensors or electronic probes, and by periodically drawing off liquids at low points and chemically
analyzing the liquids for the presence of corrosion products. An operator must base the frequency of
the monitoring and liquid analysis on results from all integrity assessments that have been conducted
in accordance with the requirements of this subpart, and risk factors specific to the ICDA region. At
a minimum, the monitoring frequency must be two times each calendar year, but at intervals
exceeding 7½ months. If an operator finds any evidence of corrosion products in the ICDA region, the
operator must take prompt action in accordance with one of the two following required actions, and
remediate the conditions the operator finds in accordance with §192.933 or §§ 192.485 and 192.714,
as applicable.
(A) Conduct excavations of, and detailed examinations at, covered segments at
locations downstream from where the electrolytes might have entered the pipe to investigate and
accurately characterize the nature, extent, and root cause of the corrosion, including the monitoring
and mitigation requirements of § 192.478; or
(B) Assess the covered segment using another integrity assessment method
allowed by this subpart.
(5) Other requirements. The ICDA plan must also include the following:
(i) Criteria an operator will apply in making key decisions (including, but not limited to,
ICDA feasibility, definition of ICDA regions and sub-regions, and conditions requiring excavation) in
implementing each stage of the ICDA process; and
(ii) Provisions that the analysis be carried out on the entire pipeline in which covered
segments are present, except that application of the remediation criteria of §192.933 may be limited
to covered segments.
[Issued by Amdt. 192-95, 68 FR 69778, Dec. 15, 2003 with Amdt. 192-95 Correction, 69 FR 2307, Jan.
15, 2004 and Amdt. 192-95 Correction & Petition for Reconsideration, 69 FR 18228, Apr. 6, 2004; Amdt.
192-103, 71 FR 33402, June 9, 2006, Amdt. 192-132, 87 FR 52224, Aug. 24, 2022]
Note: References to ASME B31.8S throughout this section of guide material are specific to the edition of
ASME B31.8S as incorporated by reference (IBR) in §192.7. See 3.2 of the guide material under §192.907.
Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment (ICDA) is used to assess the integrity of the pipe that is subject to
the threat of internal corrosion. ICDA is a process that identifies areas along the transmission pipeline
where a liquid containing an electrolyte may exist, and then focuses direct examination of the locations
in covered segments where internal corrosion is most likely to exist.
(a) A written ICDA plan should include its purpose, objectives, and instructions to personnel and must
be based on the requirements of the following.
(1) Section 192.927.
(2) ASME B31.8S, Paragraph 6.4 and Appendix B2.
(3) GRI-02/0057 (see §192.7 for IBR), or its equivalent.
(b) For the purpose of this guide material, ICDA is applicable to transmission pipelines that normally
carry dry gas but may have experienced infrequent introductions (upsets) of electrolytes into the
(c) A separate ICDA plan is required for a pipeline that carries electrolytes in the gas stream (i.e., wet
gas). If ICDA is used as an integrity assessment under this condition, the operator is required to
notify PHMSA and, if applicable, the state agency 180 days before conducting the ICDA. See
§192.927(b) and guide material under §§192.921, 192.937, and 192.949.
(d) Where a covered segment is present, the ICDA region includes the portion of the pipeline from each
location where an electrolyte may first enter the pipeline upstream of any covered segment (input)
to the farthest downstream point from the input where internal corrosion might have occurred (even
if this point is downstream of the covered segment).
(e) Other pipeline integrity threats, such as external corrosion or mechanical damage, may be
discovered in the direct examination phase of ICDA. When such threats are detected, alternative or
additional methods for assessments may be required.
(f) ICDA consists of four steps:
(1) Pre-assessment.
(2) ICDA region identification.
(3) Identification of locations for excavation and direct examination.
(4) Post-assessment evaluation and monitoring.
(g) When conducting ICDA for the first time on a covered segment, an operator is required to apply more
restrictive criteria that should be considered for each step of the ICDA process (see
(h) In accordance with §192.947, each decision, analysis, and process developed to support each step
is required to be documented.
The objective of pre-assessment is to gather data for the determination of ICDA feasibility.
(a) ICDA records that are pertinent to the pre-assessment, ICDA region identification, identification of
locations for excavation and direct examination, and post assessment and monitoring steps should
be documented in a clear, concise, and workable manner.
(b) Records may be maintained at a central location or at multiple locations.
(c) Records may be maintained either electronically, as paper copies, or in any other appropriate format.
(d) See NACE SP0206, Section 7 for additional recordkeeping guidance.
What are the requirements for using Direct Assessment for
Stress Corrosion Cracking?
[Effective Date: 05/24/23]
(a) Definition. A Stress Corrosion Cracking Direct Assessment (SCCDA) is a process to assess
a covered pipeline segment for the presence of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) by systematically
gathering and analyzing excavation data from pipe having similar operational characteristics and
residing in a similar physical environment.
(b) General requirements. An operator using direct assessment as an integrity assessment
method for addressing SCC in a covered pipeline segment must develop and follow an SCCDA plan
that meets NACE SP0204 (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7) and that implements all four steps
of the SCCDA process, including pre-assessment, indirect inspection, detailed examination at
excavation locations, and post-assessment evaluation and monitoring. As specified in NACE SP0204,
SCCDA is complementary with other inspection methods for SCC, such as in-line inspection
hydrostatic testing with a spike test, and it is not necessarily an alternative or replacement for these
methods in all instances. Additionally, the plan must provide for—
(1) Data gathering and integration. An operator’s plan must provide for a systematic process
to collect and evaluate data for all covered pipeline segments to identify whether the conditions for
SCC are present and to prioritize the covered pipeline segments for assessment in accordance with
NACE SP0204, sections 3 and 4, and Table 1 (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7). This process
must also include gathering and evaluating data related to SCC at all sites an operator excavates
while conducting its pipeline operations (both within and outside covered segments) where the
criteria in NACE SP0204 (incorporated by reference, see §192.7), indicate the potential for SCC. This
data gathering process must be conducted in accordance with NACE SP0204, section 5.3
(incorporated by reference, see § 192.7), and must includes, at minimum, all data listed in NACE
SP0204, Table 2 (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7). Further, the following factors must be
analyzed as part of this evaluation:
(i) The effects of a carbonate-bicarbonate environment, including the implications of
any factors that promote the production of a carbonate-bicarbonate environment, such as soil
temperature, moisture, the presence or generation of carbon dioxide, or cathodic protection (CP);
(ii) The effects of cyclic loading conditions on the susceptibility and propagation of
SCC in both high-pH and near-neutral-pH environments;
(iii) The effects of variations in applied CP, such as overprotection, CP loss for extended
periods, and high negative potentials;
(iv) The effects of coatings that shield CP when disbonded from the pipe; and
(v) Other factors that affect the mechanistic properties associated with SCC,
including, but not limited to, historical and present-day operating pressures, high tensile residual
stresses, flowing product temperatures, and the presence of sulfides.
(2) Indirect inspection. In addition to NACE SP0204, the plan’s procedures for indirect
inspection must include provisions for conducting at least two above ground surveys using the
complementary measurement tools most appropriate for the pipeline segment based on an evaluation
of integrated data.
(3) Direct examination. In addition to NACE SP0204, the plan’s procedures for direct
examination must provide for an operator conducting a minimum of three direct examinations for
SCC within the covered pipeline segment spaced at the locations determined to be the most likely for
SCC to occur.
(4) Remediation and mitigation. If SCC is discovered in a covered pipeline segment, an
operator must mitigate the threat in accordance with one of the following applicable methods:
(i) Removing the pipe with SCC; remediating the pipe with a Type B sleeve; performing
hydrostatic testing in accordance with paragraph (b)(4)(ii) of this section; or by grinding out the SCC
defect and repairing the pipe. If an operator uses grinding for repair, the operator must also perform
the following as a part of the repair procedure: nondestructive testing for any remaining cracks or
other defects; a measurement of the remaining wall thickness; and a determination of the remaining
strength of the pipe at the repair location that is performed in accordance with § 192.712 and that
meets the design requirements of §§ 192.111 and 192.112, as applicable. The pipe and material
properties an operator uses in remaining strength calculations must be documented in traceable,
verifiable, and complete records. If such records are not available, an operator must base the pipe
and material properties used in the remaining strength calculations on properties determined and
documented in accordance with § 192.607, if applicable.
(ii) Performing a spike pressure test in accordance with § 192.506 based upon the class
location of the pipeline segment. The MAOP must be no greater than the test pressure specified in §
192.506(a) divided by: 1.39 for Class 1 locations and Class 2 locations that contain Class 1 pipe that
has been uprated in accordance with § 192.611; and 1.50 for all other Class 2 locations and all Class
3 and Class 4 locations. An operator must repair any test failures due to SCC by replacing the pipe
segment and re-testing the segment until the pipe passes the test without failures (such as pipe seam
or gasket leaks, or a pipe rupture). At a minimum, an operator must repair pipe segments that pass
the pressure test but have SCC present by grinding the segment in accordance with paragraph (b)(4)(i)
of this section.
[Issued by Amdt. 192-95, 68 FR 69778, Dec. 15, 2003 with Amdt. 192-95 Correction, 69 FR 2307, Jan.
15, 2004 and Amdt. 192-95 Correction & Petition for Reconsideration, 69 FR 18228, Apr. 6, 2004; Amdt.
192-103, 71 FR 33402, June 9, 2006, Amdt. 192-132, 87 FR 52224, Aug. 24, 2022]
Note: References to ASME B31.8S throughout this section of guide material are specific to the edition of
ASME B31.8S as incorporated by reference (IBR) in §192.7, unless another edition is noted (e.g., ASME
B31.8S-2010). Section 192.929(b) requires that the operator comply with the IBR edition of ASME B31.8S,
Appendix A3 even though Appendix A is titled as "non-mandatory." See 3.2 of the guide material under
Stress Corrosion Cracking Direct Assessment (SCCDA) is a method to assess the integrity of steel pipe
that is subject to the threat of stress corrosion cracking (SCC).
(a) A written SCCDA plan should include the purpose, objectives, and instructions to personnel and is
required to meet the following.
(1) Section 192.929.
(2) ASME B31.8S, Appendix A3.
(b) In accordance with §192.929, an SCCDA plan must provide for the following.
(1) Data gathering and integration.
(i) Collect and evaluate data for all covered segments to identify whether the conditions for
SCC are present.
(ii) Prioritize the covered segments for assessment.
(2) Assessment method.
(i) Assess the covered segment using an integrity assessment method specified in ASME
B31.8S, Appendix A3.
(ii) Remediate the SCC threat in accordance with ASME B31.8S, Appendix A3.4.
(c) In accordance with ASME B31.8S, Appendix A3.5, when an operator discovers data that may be
pertinent to other threats, the operator is required to use the data to perform risk assessments for
those other threats.
(d) The SCCDA plan should consider integrity assessment for other threats and prioritization of
segments that are at risk for SCC.
(e) The current regulations apply to both near-neutral pH SCC and high pH SCC; however, ASME
B31.8S, Appendix A3 does not currently address near-neutral pH SCC. In accordance with NACE
SP0204, the same factors and criteria can be used to select pipeline segments to assess for either
type of SCC, except that the temperature criterion does not apply to near-neutral pH SCC.
What actions must be taken to address integrity issues?
[Effective Date: 05/24/23]
(a) General requirements. An operator must take prompt action to address all anomalous
conditions the operator discovers through the integrity assessment. In addressing all conditions, an
operator must evaluate all anomalous conditions and remediate those that could reduce a pipeline's
integrity. An operator must be able to demonstrate that the remediation of the condition will ensure
the condition is unlikely to pose a threat to the integrity of the pipeline until the next reassessment of
the covered segment. Repairs performed in accordance with this section must use pipe and material
properties that are documented in traceable, verifiable, and complete records. If documented data
required for any analysis is not available, an operator must obtain the undocumented data through §
(1) Temporary pressure reduction.
(i) If an operator is unable to respond within the time limits for certain conditions
specified in this section, the operator must temporarily reduce the operating pressure of the pipeline
or take other action that ensures the safety of the covered segment. An operator must reduce the
operating pressure to one of the following:
(A) A level not exceeding 80 percent of the operating pressure at the time the
condition was discovered.
(B) A level not exceeding the predicted failure pressure times the design factor
for the class location in which the affected pipeline is located, or
(C) A level not exceeding the predicted failure pressure divided by 1.1.
(ii) An operator must determine the predicted failure pressure in accordance with §
192.712. An operator must notify PHMSA in accordance with § 192.18 if it cannot meet the schedule
for evaluation and remediation required under paragraph (c) or (d) of this section and cannot provide
safety through a temporary reduction in operating pressure or other action. The operator must
document and keep records of the calculations and decisions used to determine the reduced
operating pressure, and the implementation of the actual reduced operating pressure, for a period of
5 years after the pipeline has been remediated.
(2) Long-term pressure reduction. When a pressure reduction exceeds 365 days, the
operator must notify PHMSA under §192.949 and explain the reasons for the remediation delay. This
notice must include a technical justification that the continued pressure reduction will not jeopardize
the integrity of the pipeline. The operator also must notify a State pipeline safety authority when either
a covered segment is located in a State where PHMSA has an interstate agent agreement, or
longitudinal or helical (spiral) seam weld, unless engineering analyses performed in accordance with
§ 192.712(c) demonstrate critical strain levels are not exceeded.
(iii) A dent located between the 4 o'clock and 8 o'clock positions (lower 1/3 of the pipe)
that has metal loss, cracking, or a stress riser, unless engineering analyses performed in accordance
with § 192.712(c) demonstrate critical strain levels are not exceeded.
(iv) Metal loss anomalies where a calculation of the remaining strength of the pipe at
the location of the anomaly shows a predicted failure pressure, determined in accordance with
§192.712(b), less than 1.39 times the MAOP for Class 2 locations, and less than 1.50 times the
MAOP for Class 3 and 4 locations. For metal loss anomalies in Class 1 locations with a predicted
failure pressure greater than 1.1 times MAOP, an operator must follow the remediation schedule
specified in ASME/ANSI B31.8S (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7), section 7, Figure 4, in
accordance with paragraph (c) of this section.
(v) Metal loss that is located at a crossing of another pipeline, or is in an area with
widespread circumferential corrosion, or could affect a girth weld, that has a predicted failure
pressure, determined in accordance with § 192.712(b), of less than 1.39 times the MAOP for Class
1 locations or where Class 2 locations contain Class 1 pipe that has been uprated in accordance
with § 192.611, or less than 1.50 times the MAOP for all other Class 2 locations and all Class 3 and
4 locations.
(vi) Metal loss preferentially affecting a detected longitudinal seam, if that seam was
formed by direct current, low-frequency or high-frequency electric resistance welding, electric
flash welding, or with a longitudinal joint factor less than 1.0, and where the predicted failure
pressure, determined in accordance with § 192.712(d), is less than 1.39 times the MAOP for Class
1 locations or where Class 2 locations contain Class 1 pipe that has been uprated in accordance
with § 192.611, or less than 1.50 times the MAOP for all other Class 2 locations and all Class 3 and
4 locations.
(vii) A crack or crack-like anomaly that has a predicted failure pressure, determined in
accordance with § 192.712(d), that is less than 1.39 times the MAOP for Class 1 locations or where
Class 2 locations contain Class 1 pipe that has been uprated in accordance with § 192.611, or less
than 1.50 times the MAOP for all other Class 2 locations and all Class 3 and 4 locations.
(3) Monitored conditions. An operator is not required by this section to schedule remediation
of the following less severe conditions but must record and monitor the conditions during subsequent
risk assessments and integrity assessments for any change that may require remediation. Monitored
indications are the least severe and do not require an operator to examine and evaluate them until the
next scheduled integrity assessment interval, but if an anomaly is expected to grow to dimensions or
have a predicted failure pressure (with a safety factor) meeting a 1-year condition prior to the next
scheduled assessment, then the operator must repair the condition:
(i) A dent with a depth greater than 6 percent of the pipeline diameter (greater than 0.50
inches in depth for a pipeline diameter less than NPS 12) located between the 4 o’clock position and
the 8 o’clock position (bottom 1/3 of the pipe), and for which engineering analyses of the dent,
performed in accordance with § 192.712(c), demonstrate critical strain levels are not exceeded.
(ii) A dent located between the 8 o’clock and 4 o’clock positions (upper 2/3 of the pipe)
with a depth greater than 6 percent of the pipeline diameter (greater than 0.50 inches in depth for a
pipeline diameter less than Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) 12), and for which engineering analyses of the
dent, performed in accordance with § 192.712(c), demonstrate critical strain levels are not exceeded.
(iii) A dent with a depth greater than 2 percent of the pipeline diameter (0.250 inches in
depth for a pipeline diameter less than NPS 12) that affects pipe curvature at a girth weld or a
longitudinal or helical (spiral) seam weld, and for which engineering analyses, performed in
accordance with § 192.712(c), of the dent and girth or seam weld demonstrate that critical strain levels
are not exceeded.
(iv) A dent that has metal loss, cracking, or a stress riser, and where engineering
analyses performed in accordance with § 192.712(c) demonstrate critical strain levels are not
(v) Metal loss preferentially affecting a detected longitudinal seam, if that seam was
formed by direct current, low-frequency or high-frequency electric resistance welding, electric flash
welding, or with a longitudinal joint factor less than 1.0, and where the predicted failure pressure,
determined in accordance with § 192.712(d), is greater than or equal to 1.39 times the MAOP for
Class 1 locations or where Class 2 locations contain Class 1 pipe that has been uprated in
accordance with § 192.611, or greater than or equal to 1.50 times the MAOP for all other Class 2
locations and all Class 3 and 4 locations.
(vi) A crack or crack-like anomaly for which the predicted failure pressure, determined
in accordance with § 192.712(d), is greater than or equal to 1.39 times the MAOP for Class 1
locations or where Class 2 locations contain Class 1 pipe that has been uprated in accordance with
§ 192.611, or greater than or equal to 1.50 times the MAOP for all other Class 2 locations and all
Class 3 and 4 locations.
(e) In situ direct examination of crack defects. Whenever an operator finds conditions that
require the pipeline to be repaired, in accordance with this section, an operator must perform a
direct examination of known locations of cracks or crack-like defects using technology that has
been validated to detect tight cracks (equal to or less than 0.008 inches crack opening), such as
inverse wave field extrapolation (IWEX), phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT), ultrasonic testing
(UT), or equivalent technology. “In situ” examination tools and procedures for crack assessments
(length, depth, and volumetric) must have performance and evaluation standards, including pipe or
weld surface cleanliness standards for the inspection, confirmed by subject matter experts qualified
by knowledge, training, and experience in direct examination inspection for accuracy of the type of
defects and pipe material being evaluated. The procedures must account for inaccuracies in
evaluations and fracture mechanics models for failure pressure determinations.
[Issued by Amdt. 192-95, 68 FR 69778, Dec. 15, 2003 with Amdt. 192-95 Correction, 69 FR 2307, Jan.
15, 2004 and Amdt. 192-95 Correction & Petition for Reconsideration, 69 FR 18228, Apr. 6, 2004; Amdt.
192-103, 71 FR 33402, June 9, 2006; Amdt. 192-104, 72 FR 39012, July 17, 2007; Amdt. 192-119, 80
FR 168, Jan. 5, 2015 with Amdt. 192-119 Correction, 80 FR 46847, Aug. 6, 2015, Amdt. 192-132, 87 FR
52224, Aug. 24, 2022]
Equal to Any A dent with a depth1 greater than 2% of the pipe diameter One year
or that affects a girth weld or longitudinal weld seam, with no
greater engineering analysis.
than 12"
Any A dent with a depth1 greater than 2% of the pipe diameter Monitor
that affects a girth weld or longitudinal weld seam and
engineering analysis demonstrates critical strain levels are
not exceeded.
Top 2/3 of A smooth dent with a depth1 greater than 6% of the pipe One year
pipe diameter with no engineering analysis.
Top 2/3 of A dent with a depth1 greater than 6% of the pipe diameter Monitor
pipe and engineering analysis demonstrates critical strain levels
are not exceeded.
Bottom 1/3 A dent with a depth1 greater than 6% of the pipe diameter. Monitor
of pipe
1 See 2 of the guide material under §192.309 for measuring the depth of a dent.
TABLE 192.933ii
(a) Conditions that require a reduction in operating pressure may constitute a safety-related condition.
See the guide material under §191.25 where the term "Discovery" is referenced for the purpose of
reporting safety-related conditions. This is not necessarily the same as "Discovery of condition" under
§192.933. See 1(d) above.
(b) If a pressure reduction exceeds 365 days, the operator is required (§192.933(a)(2)) to provide
notification (see §192.18). The notification must (§192.933(a)(2)) include the reasons for not
remediating within 365 days, and provide technical justification that the pressure reduction is still
(1) Reasons for the delay in remediation could include preventing a service outage or a delay in
obtaining any of the following.
(i) Materials.
(ii) Permits.
(iii) Right-of-way.
(2) Technical justification that the pressure reduction is still adequate should consider one or more
of the following.
(i) Effect of continued corrosion.
(ii) Environmental changes.
(iii) Additional pressure cycles.
(iv) Class location changes.
(v) Validation of the existing pressure reduction.
(c) If the existing pressure reduction is no longer adequate, the operator should do one of the following.
(1) Make further reduction in operating pressure.
(2) Repair or replace the pipe.
What additional preventive and mitigative measures must an operator take?
[Effective Date: 05/24/23]
operator did not monitor near a covered segment, an operator must either excavate the area near the
encroachment or conduct an above ground survey using methods defined in NACE SP0502
(incorporated by reference, see §192.7). An operator must excavate, and remediate, in accordance
with ANSI/ASME B31.8S and §192.933 any indication of coating holidays or discontinuity warranting
direct examination.
(2) Outside force damage. If an operator determines that outside force (e.g., earth movement,
floods, unstable suspension bridge) is a threat to the integrity of a covered segment, the operator
must take measures to minimize the consequences to the covered segment from outside force
damage. These measures include, but are not limited to, increasing the frequency of aerial, foot or
other methods of patrols, adding external protection, reducing external stress, and relocating the line.
(c) Risk analysis for gas releases and protection against ruptures. If an operator determines,
based on a risk analysis, that a rupture-mitigation valve (RMV) or an alternative equivalent technology
would be an efficient means of adding protection to a high-consequence (HCA) area in the event of a
gas release, an operator must install the must install the RMV or alternative equivalent technology. In
making that determination, an operator must, at least, consider the following factors — timing of leak
detection and pipe shutdown capabilities, the type of gas being transported, operating pressure, the
rate of potential release, pipeline profile, the potential for ignition, and location of nearest response
personnel. An RMV or alternative equivalent technology installed under this paragraph must meet all
of the other applicable requirements in this part.
(d) Pipelines operating below 30% SMYS. An operator of a transmission pipeline operating below
30% SMYS located in a high consequence area must follow the requirements in paragraphs (d)(1) and
(d)(2) of this section. An operator of a transmission pipeline operating below 30% SMYS located in a
Class 3 or Class 4 area but not in a high consequence area must follow the requirements in
paragraphs (d)(1), (d)(2) and (d)(3) of this section.
(1) Apply the requirements in paragraphs (b)(1)(i) and (b)(1)(iii) of this section to the pipeline;
(2) Either monitor excavations near the pipeline, or conduct patrols as required by §192.705
of the pipeline at bi-monthly intervals. If an operator finds any indication of unreported construction
activity, the operator must conduct a follow up investigation to determine if mechanical damage has
(3) Perform instrumented leak surveys using leak detector equipment at least twice each
calendar year, at intervals not exceeding 7 1/2 months For unprotected pipelines or cathodically
protected pipe where electrical surveys are impractical, instrumented leak surveys must be performed
at least four times each calendar year, at intervals not exceeding 4 1/2 months. Electrical surveys are
indirect assessments that include close interval surveys, alternating current voltage gradient surveys,
direct current voltage gradient surveys, or their equivalent.
(e) Plastic transmission pipeline. An operator of a plastic transmission pipeline must apply the
requirements in paragraphs (b)(1)(i), (b)(1)(iii) and (b)(1)(iv) of this section to the covered segments of
the pipeline.
(f) Periodic evaluations. Risk analyses and assessments conducted under paragraph (c) of this
section must be reviewed by the operator and certified by a senior executive of the company, for
operational matters that could affect rupture-mitigation processes and procedures. Review and
certification must occur once per calendar year, with the period between reviews not to exceed 15
months, and must also occur within 3 months of an incident or safety-related condition, as those
terms are defined at §§ 191.3 and 191.23, respectively.
[Issued by Amdt. 192-95, 68 FR 69778, Dec. 15, 2003 with Amdt. 192-95 Correction, 69 FR 2307, Jan.
15, 2004, Amdt. 192-95 Correction & Petition for Reconsideration, 69 FR 18228, Apr. 6, 2004 and
Amdt. 192-95 Correction, 69 FR 29903, May 26, 2004; Amdt. 192-103, 71 FR 33402, June 9, 2006;
Amdt. 192-114, 75 FR 48593, Aug. 11, 2010; Amdt. 192-119, 80 FR 168, Jan. 5, 2015; Amdt. 192-130,
87 FR 20940, Apr. 8, 2022, Amdt. 192-132, 87 FR 52224, Aug. 24, 2022]
To comply with §192.935, an operator must conduct a risk analysis of all pipelines within HCAs, and
determine for each applicable threat on each covered segment whether any of the following (which
exceed the requirements of other subparts of Part 192) will prevent pipeline failure or mitigate the
consequences of such a failure.
Some activities performed as requirements for additional preventative and mitigative measures may
also be used to satisfy similar program requirements under §§192.614, 192.615, 192.616, and
(a) Installation of an automatic shut-off valve (ASV) or a remote control valve (RCV).
(1) To comply with §192.935(c), an operator must consider the following factors in determining if an
ASV or RCV would be an efficient means of adding protection in an HCA.
(i) Swiftness of leak detection. Example: There may be no advantage to installing an ASV or
RCV on segments where adequate SCADA or other monitoring methods allow for quick
operator response to leakage.
(ii) Shutdown capabilities in the area. Example: An ASV or RCV might not make shutdown
any faster or easier in locations where adequate valving and easy access already exists.
(iii) Type of gas. Example: An ASV or RCV might mitigate the environmental impact of leakage
on a pipeline carrying heavier-than-air gases.
(iv) Operating pressure. Example: Higher-pressure lines hold a larger volume of gas. An ASV
or RCV on such a line may reduce the volume of release and potential for ignition.
(v) Potential release rate. Example: Installing an ASV or RCV may affect the duration of the
potential release rate.
(vi) Pipeline profile. Example: Heavier-than-air gases can pool in low elevation spots. An ASV
or RCV in such locations may allow faster shut off and, therefore, less accumulation of
(vii) Potential for ignition. Example: Areas that have known sources of ignition (e.g., foundries)
might benefit from an ASV or RCV.
(viii) Location of nearest response personnel. Example: Locations where operator response is
timely may not benefit from the installation of an ASV or RCV.
(2) An operator may also consider the following.
(i) Seasonal weather restrictions that can impede access.
(ii) Depth of pipe as it relates to access for squeeze-off.
(iii) River crossings or other geographical features that affect access for maintenance or
(iv) Proximity of the HCA to existing valves.
(v) Population density.
(vi) Wide pressure fluctuations due to normal operating conditions (e.g., power plant
(vii) Maintenance, reliability, and cost-benefit issues.
(b) Installation of computerized monitoring and leak detection systems.
An operator may consider the following, which could provide earlier leak or pipeline rupture detection.
(1) Increasing the locations monitored by SCADA.
(2) Automating data gathering from other monitoring devices such as pressure transmitters.
(c) Replacing pipe with that of heavier-wall thickness, which is more resistant to damage from external
(d) Providing additional training on response procedures.
An operator may consider the following.
(1) Increasing the frequency of emergency response training.
(2) Conducting tabletop or field drills.
(3) Hiring a third party with expertise in emergency response to conduct training.
(4) Attending emergency response training offered by industry associations.
(e) Conducting drills with local emergency responders.
The operator may consider the following.
(1) Including the drill as part of liaison meetings with emergency responders.
(2) Working with local multi-agency, emergency coordination groups.
(3) Incorporating the drill into local fire or police academy curriculum.
(f) Implementing additional inspection and maintenance programs.
The operator may consider the following.
(1) Increasing leak survey frequencies.
(2) Increasing patrol frequencies.
(3) Using procedures with more stringent criteria than required by the Regulations.
(4) Increasing facility inspection frequencies.
To comply with §192.935(b)(1) for the specific threat of third-party damage, an operator must do the
(a) Qualify personnel to conduct the following activities related to work the operator is conducting in a
covered segment.
(1) Locating the pipeline.
(2) Marking the pipeline.
(3) Directly supervising known excavation work. A qualification for this activity might include the
(i) Recognition of line-locate markings.
(ii) Knowledge of one-call requirements.
To comply with §192.935(b)(2) for the specific threat of outside force damage (e.g., earth movement,
floods, unstable suspension bridge), an operator must take additional measures to minimize the
consequences of outside force.
(a) The measures include the following.
(1) Increasing the frequency of patrols to allow faster for recognition of damage.
(2) Adding external protection. This might include the following.
Pipelines operating below 30% SMYS have additional requirements as addressed below. For guidance
related to these additional requirements, see Appendix E to Part 192.
(a) For all Class locations in an HCA, the following apply.
(1) Qualify personnel to conduct the following activities related to work the operator is conducting in
a covered segment.
(i) Locating the pipeline.
(ii) Marking the pipeline.
(iii) Directly supervising known excavation work. A qualification for this activity might include
the following.
(A) Recognition of line-locate markings.
(B) Knowledge of one-call requirements.
(C) Knowledge of operator’s applicable procedures, including emergency response.
(D) Understanding the risks of various excavation methods.
(iv) Other activities that could adversely affect the integrity of the pipeline.
(2) Participate in a one-call program wherever there are covered segments.
(3) Either monitor excavations near the pipeline, or conduct patrols on a bi-monthly frequency. Any
indication of unreported construction activity requires an investigation to determine if any
damage has occurred.
(b) For Class 3 or Class 4 locations outside of an HCA.
(1) Qualify personnel to conduct the following activities related to work the operator is conducting in
covered segment.
(i) Locating the pipeline.
(ii) Marking the pipeline.
(iii) Directly supervising known excavation work. A qualification for this activity might include
the following.
(A) Recognition of line-locate markings.
(B) Knowledge of one-call requirements.
(C) Knowledge of operator’s applicable procedures, including emergency response.
The reassessment intervals listed in Tables 192.939i through 192.939iv represent the maximum interval
between assessments. Reassessment at a shorter interval should be considered for any of the following.
(a) The operator plans on increasing the MAOP of the pipeline.
(b) The stresses leading to cyclic fatigue are increased, and the pipe is subject to manufacturing threats
(e.g., low-frequency ERW seams), construction threats (e.g., wrinkle bends), or other similar threats.
(c) A failure has occurred on the pipeline segment.
(d) Failure on another pipeline segment with similar characteristics that could indicate a similar threat to
the covered segment.
(e) Known defects that need to be addressed prior to the maximum reassessment interval.
The maximum reassessment intervals listed in Tables 192.939i through 192.939iv may be exceeded by
an operator that can demonstrate exceptional performance as listed in §192.913(b). One requirement for
using a performance-based program is that the operator must have completed at least 2 assessments
for each covered segment to be included in the performance-based program. When using longer
assessment intervals under a performance-based program, an operator must be able to provide analysis
supporting the longer interval, and must perform confirmatory direct assessment at intervals not
exceeding 7 calendar years (§192.939(a) and (b)). Operators may request a 6-month extension of the 7-
calendar-year reassessment interval if the operator submits written notice to PHMSA-OPS, in
accordance with §192.18, with sufficient justification of the need for the extension (§192.939(a) and (b)).
Operators can apply to PHMSA-OPS for waivers (special permits) if the reassessment interval cannot be
met due to lack of availability of assessment tools or the need to maintain product supply. See §192.943
for the waiver process and §190.341 for the required content of applications for special permits.
What is a low stress reassessment?
[Effective Date: 05/24/23]
(a) General. An operator of a transmission line that operates below 30% SMYS may use the
following method to reassess a covered segment in accordance with §192.939. This method of
reassessment addresses the threats of external and internal corrosion. The operator must have
conducted a baseline assessment of the covered segment in accordance with the requirements of
§§192.919 and 192.921.
(b) External corrosion. An operator must take one of the following actions to address external
corrosion on the low stress covered segment.
(1) Cathodically protected pipe. To address the threat of external corrosion on cathodically
protected pipe in a covered segment, an operator must perform an indirect assessment on the
covered segment at least every once 7 calendar years. The indirect assessment must be conducted
using one of the following means: indirect examination method, such as a close interval survey;
alternating current voltage gradient survey; direct current voltage gradient survey; or the equivalent
of any of these methods. An operator must evaluate the cathodic protection and corrosion threat for
the covered segment and include the results of each indirect assessment as part of the overall
evaluation. This evaluation must also include, at a minimum, the leak repair and inspection records,
corrosion monitoring records, exposed pipe inspection records, and the pipeline environment.
(2) Unprotected pipe or cathodically protected pipe where external corrosion assessments
[Issued by Amdt. 192-95, 68 FR 69778, Dec. 15, 2003 with Amdt. 192-95 Correction, 69 FR 2307, Jan.
15, 2004 and Amdt. 192-95 Correction & Petition for Reconsideration, 69 FR 18228, Apr. 6, 2004, Amdt.
192-132, 87 FR 52224, Aug. 24, 2022]
Low stress reassessment is an integrity assessment method that may be used by an operator to address
the threats of external corrosion and internal corrosion. This method can only be used for transmission
lines operating below 30% SMYS. Prior to applying this method, the operator is required to complete a
baseline integrity assessment in accordance with §§192.919 and 192.921. The low stress reassessment
is required at intervals not exceeding 7 years, and a full reassessment (in-line inspection, pressure test,
or direct assessment) is required no more than 20 years after the previous full assessment. Appendix E
to Part 192 (Tables E.II.2 and E.II.3) provides guidance on low stress reassessment.
2.2 Unprotected pipe or cathodically protected pipe where electrical surveys are impractical.
(a) Leak surveys. See guide material under §192.706 and the applicable sections of Guide Material
Appendix G-192-11.
(b) Areas of active corrosion. See guide material under §192.465.
(c) For conditions where electrical-type surveys may be impractical, see 3(b) of the guide material under
(a) See guide material under §192.475 for information on gas and liquid analysis, and appropriate
remediation (mitigative) actions. Gas and liquid samples should be taken at locations representative
of operating conditions for the covered segment.
(b) The operator is required to integrate data from the gas and liquid analysis and testing with other
internal corrosion information listed below.
(1) Internal corrosion leak records. For examples of the types of records that may be considered,
see Guide Material Appendix G-192-11, Section 6.
(2) Incident reports. See guide material under §191.15.
(3) Safety-related condition reports. See guide material under §§191.23 and 191.25.
(4) Repair records. See Guide Material Appendix G-192-17.
(5) Exposed pipe records. See guide material under §192.475.
(6) Analysis and testing records. These records may include coupon analysis results or other
records that might indicate the potential for internal corrosion.
When can an operator deviate from these reassessment intervals?
[Effective Date: 04/06/04]
(a) Waiver from reassessment interval in limited situations. In the following limited instances,
OPS may allow a waiver from a reassessment interval required by §192.939 if OPS finds a waiver
would not be inconsistent with pipeline safety.
(1) Lack of internal inspection tools. An operator who uses internal inspection as an
assessment method may be able to justify a longer reassessment period for a covered segment if
internal inspection tools are not available to assess the line pipe. To justify this, the operator must
demonstrate that it cannot obtain the internal inspection tools within the required reassessment
period and that the actions the operator is taking in the interim ensure the integrity of the covered
(2) Maintain product supply. An operator may be able to justify a longer reassessment period
for a covered segment if the operator demonstrates that it cannot maintain local product supply if it
conducts the reassessment within the required interval.
(b) How to apply. If one of the conditions specified in paragraph (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this section
applies, an operator may seek a waiver of the required reassessment interval. An operator must apply
for a waiver in accordance with 49 U.S.C. 60118(c), at least 180 days before the end of the required
reassessment interval, unless local product supply issues make the period impractical. If local
product supply issues make the period impractical, an operator must apply for the waiver as soon as
the need for the waiver becomes known.
[Issued by Amdt. 192-95, 68 FR 69778, Dec. 15, 2003 with Amdt. 192-95 Correction, 69 FR 2307, Jan.
15, 2004 and Amdt. 192-95 Correction & Petition for Reconsideration, 69 FR 18228, Apr. 6, 2004]
Note: Section 192.943 still uses the term “wavier” so this term is used below and in the guide material under
§192.939. A "waiver" is now referred to as a "special permit" by PHMSA-OPS (see §190.341). State
terminology may differ (e.g., waiver, variance).
PHMSA-OPS may issue waivers (special permit) in limited instances. A waiver is not required in the
following situations.
(a) When reassessment intervals established are more frequent than those required by §192.939.
(b) Where an integrity management program meets the criteria for exceptional performance in §192.913.
What methods must an operator use to measure program effectiveness?
[Effective Date: 01/01/11]
(a) General. An operator must include in its integrity management program methods to measure
whether the program is effective in assessing and evaluating the integrity of each covered pipeline
segment and in protecting the high consequence areas. These measures must include the four overall
performance measures specified in ASME/ANSI B31.8S (incorporated by reference, see §192.7 of this
part), section 9.4, and the specific measures for each identified threat specified in ASME/ANSI B31.8S,
Appendix A. An operator must submit the four overall performance measures as part of the annual
report required by §191.17 of this subchapter.
(b) External corrosion direct assessment. In addition to the general requirements for
performance measures in paragraph (a) of this section, an operator using direct assessment to assess
the external corrosion threat must define and monitor measures to determine the effectiveness of the
ECDA process. These measures must meet the requirements of §192.925.
[Issued by Amdt. 192-95, 68 FR 69778, Dec. 15, 2003 with Amdt. 192-95 Correction, 69 FR 2307, Jan.
15, 2004 and Amdt. 192-95 Correction & Petition for Reconsideration, 69 FR 18228, Apr. 6, 2004; Amdt.
192-103, 71 FR 33402, June 9, 2006; Amdt. 192-115, 75 FR 72878, Nov. 26, 2010]
The required reporting measures are provided in the instructions for Form PHMSA F7100.2-1 available
from the PHMSA-OPS website at Also, the instructions are
included (with the form) in Guide Material Appendix G-191-6.
Operators are required to maintain the threat-specific performance measures identified in ASME B31.8S-
2004, Table 9 (see §192.7 for IBR). Operators are not required to report these measures to PHMSA-
OPS, but must make the records available for inspection.
Operators using ECDA are required to define performance measures. Guidance can be found in
Paragraph 6.7 of NACE SP0502-2010 (see §192.7 for IBR).
What records must an operator keep?
[Effective Date: 04/06/04]
An operator must maintain, for the useful life of the pipeline, records that demonstrate
compliance with the requirements of this subpart. At minimum, an operator must maintain the
following records for review during an inspection.
(a) A written integrity management program in accordance with §192.907;
(b) Documents supporting the threat identification and risk assessment in accordance with
(c) A written baseline assessment plan in accordance with §192.919;
(d) Documents to support any decision, analysis and process developed and used to implement
and evaluate each element of the baseline assessment plan and integrity management program.
Documents include those developed and used in support of any identification, calculation,
amendment, modification, justification, deviation and determination made, and any action taken to
implement and evaluate any of the program elements;
(e) Documents that demonstrate personnel have the required training, including a description of
the training program, in accordance with §192.915;
(f) Schedule required by §192.933 that prioritizes the conditions found during an assessment
for evaluation and remediation, including technical justifications for the schedule.
(g) Documents to carry out the requirements in §§192.923 through 192.929 for a direct
assessment plan;
(h) Documents to carry out the requirements in §192.931 for confirmatory direct assessment;
(i) Verification that an operator has provided any documentation or notification required by this
subpart to be provided to OPS, and when applicable, a State authority with which OPS has an
interstate agent agreement, and a State or local pipeline safety authority that regulates a covered
pipeline segment within that State.
[Issued by Amdt. 192-95, 68 FR 69778, Dec. 15, 2003 with Amdt. 192-95 Correction, 69 FR 2307, Jan.
15, 2004 and Amdt. 192-95 Correction & Petition for Reconsideration, 69 FR 18228, Apr. 6, 2004]
1.1 General.
Operators should maintain, for the useful life of the pipeline, documents to support decisions, analyses,
and processes related to development, implementation, and evaluation of the integrity management
program regardless of any record-retention requirements within other subparts. See Guide Material
Appendix G-192-17 for a summary of records required by Subpart O. Records may be kept in various
formats and media including the following.
(a) Paper records.
(b) Electronic records (e.g., emails, databases, spreadsheets, documents).
(c) Audio recordings.
GRI-91/0285.1 Executive Summary: Technical Summary and Database for GMA G-192-15
Guidelines for Pipelines Crossing Railroads and Highways
GRI-96/0368 Guidelines for the Application of Guided Horizontal Drilling GMA G-192-15B
to Install Gas Distribution Pipe
PRCI L51574 Non-Conventional Means for Monitoring Pipelines in Areas GMA G-192-13
of Soil Subsidence or Soil Movement
Table Continued
PRCI L52292 Guidelines for Constructing Pipelines Through Areas Prone §192.103
to Landslide and Subsidence Hazards
PRCI PC-PISCES Personal Computer - Pipeline Soil Crossing Evaluation GMA G-192-15
System (PC-PISCES), Version 2.0 (Related to API RP
PRCI PR-277-144507 Installation of Pipelines Using Horizontal Directional Drilling GMA G-192-15A
– An Engineering Design Guide GMA G-192-15B
OPS ADB-11-02 Advisory Bulletin – Dangers of Abnormal Snow and Ice §192.616
Build-Up on Gas Distribution Systems (76 FR 7238, Feb. 9,
OPS ADB-2012-02 Advisory Bulletin – Post-Accident Drug and Alcohol Testing §192.605
(77 FR 10666, Feb. 23, 2012) §192.615
OPS ADB-2019-02 Advisory Bulletin – Pipeline Safety: Potential for Damage §192.613
to Pipeline Facilities Caused by Earth Movement and
Other Geological Hazards (84 FR 18919, May 2, 2019)
OPS ALN-89-01 Alert Notice – Update to ALN-88-01 (Mar 8, 1989; see §192.917
document at PHMSA-OPS website)
OPS-DOT.RSPA/DMT Safety Criteria for the Operation of Gaseous Hydrogen §192.1
10-85-1 Pipelines (Discontinued)
OPS TTO No. 5 Technical Task Order – Low Frequency ERW and Lap §192.917
Welded Longitudinal Seam Evaluation, Michael Baker Jr.,
Inc., et al
OPS TTO No. 8 Technical Task Order – Stress Corrosion Cracking Study, §192.613
Michael Baker, Jr., Inc., January 2005 §192.917
(b) Where the bore will run parallel to an existing facility, expose that facility (pothole) or use locating
technology to verify that adequate clearance is maintained between the bore and the existing facility
during the boring operation, which includes the drilling of the pilot hole and back reaming. Calculation
of the separation distance should account for the largest diameter back reamer that will be used in
the boring process.
(c) Potholes used for visual inspection should be excavated at intervals ensuring clearance is
maintained during boring operations. Factors to consider for pothole intervals include the following.
(1) Proximity of proposed bore path to the existing gas facilities.
(2) Type of existing and proposed facilities.
(3) Type of soil.
(4) Size and controllability of the bore.
(d) Locating existing facilities and the newly installed facility to ensure that the installation is in the
intended location.
(e) If metallic facilities are exposed, see guide material under §192.459.
(f) Conducting a leak survey over gas facilities that could have been affected by the new installation.
Warning tape is not generally used when installing gas facilities by directional drilling or other trenchless
technologies. In addition to markers required by §192.707, the operator should consider placing extra
line markers along the route after the pipe is installed. See Guide Material Appendix G-192-13, Section
This Guide Material Appendix provides guidance to operators of distribution systems for restoring gas
service to customers should a large-scale outage occur. This guide material is a supplement to the guide
material under §192.615. This appendix should be used in conjunction with the guide material found
under §§192.615 and 192.629 that details certain steps of the response and restoration process.
Considering the various causes of outages, these guidelines are generic in nature. Each operator should
determine what constitutes a large-scale outage considering factors such as system size, number of
customers, and operational response potential.
1.1 Scope.
(a) This guide material is intended to assist operators with development of a Distribution Integrity
Management Program (DIMP), including the written plan, and compliance with Federal Regulations
§§192.1001, 192.1003, 192.1005, 192.1007, 192.1009, 192.1011, and 192.1015 on DIMP. It
provides operators with practices that may be considered as they develop and maintain a DIMP
specific to their gas distribution systems.
(b) Distribution pipeline systems and associated operating practices can vary widely. Examples of
system differences include: materials used, age, manner of construction, operation and maintenance
practices, and operating environments (natural and man-made). This guidance recognizes that there
is wide diversity among distribution systems and is therefore flexible, allowing operators to identify
considerations dealing with their unique threats and to select actions suited to their specific needs.
(c) The options in this guidance are intended to provide the operator with a selection of possible choices
to use in improving the integrity of its distribution system. Operators may not need to consider or
perform every step presented. It is not intended that an operator evaluate every option or provide
justification or reasons why options were not implemented.
(d) Section 192.1003 exempts master meter systems and individual service lines directly connected to
a transmission, gathering, or production pipeline. Most of these types of service lines are commonly
known as “farm taps”. Farm taps can be excluded from DIMP requirements if they are being
maintained in accordance with §192.740(a) and (b).
(e) Section 192.1015 imposes different requirements for small liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) operators
(i.e., those serving fewer than 100 customers from a single source). Since these pipeline systems
are less complex, the integrity management requirements are simplified. The appropriate portions of
this guide material are valid for those operators. PHMSA-OPS has published the following
documents to assist operators of small LPG systems to implement requirements of the DIMP rule:
(1) “Distribution Integrity Management: Guidance for Master Meter and Small Liquefied
Petroleum Gas Pipeline Operators"
Guidance for Carrying Out Requirements in the Gas Distribution Integrity Management
Rule (2013) | PHMSA (
(2) “Guidance Manual for Operators of Small Natural Gas Systems”
(3) “Guidance Manual for Operators of LP Gas Systems”
Abbreviation Meaning
A/A additional or accelerated (actions)
CP cathodic protection
DIMP Distribution Integrity Management Program
LPG liquefied petroleum gas
PE polyethylene
SCADA supervisory control and data acquisition
SDR standard dimension ratio
SME subject matter expert
approach. The operator is cautioned that the guide material may not anticipate all conditions that may be
encountered, and the operator is not restricted from using other methods to comply with the Regulations.
1.4 Overview.
(a) The objective of a DIMP is to manage the integrity of a gas distribution system. As discussed in detail
in Section 5, an essential part of a DIMP is a risk evaluation of the distribution system. One approach
to risk evaluation is to group facilities by common traits or problems, and then perform a risk ranking.
This process allows the grouping of facilities that experience similar threats to be risk-ranked
together. Then, if necessary, attention can be focused on developing measures that address the
greatest risks.
(b) After identifying the problems, the operator should consider the concept of grouping facilities when
first developing its DIMP. Such groupings could significantly affect how the operator assembles data
about its system (see Section 3) and how it approaches its threat analysis (see Section 4).
(c) The operator should also recognize that the development of the DIMP may be an iterative (or
repeating) process. That means each time a cycle (e.g., gather knowledge, identify threats, rank
risks, take action to reduce risk, measure performance) is completed, areas needing additional data,
analyses, or actions may become apparent. For example, the initial general knowledge of the system
may be used to group facilities, identify the applicable threats, and begin the risk analysis. In
attempting to complete the risk analysis, the operator may determine the need for additional
information. The operator may also determine that the facility groupings need to be redefined, such
as by subdividing groups or combining groups.
2.1 General.
Seven elements have been identified as the essential components of a DIMP, except as modified for
those operators identified in §192.1015(a). Collectively, these elements establish a program that should
reasonably manage the integrity of distribution pipeline systems on a going-forward basis. These
elements are as follows.
(a) Knowledge (see Section 3).
(b) Identify threats (see Section 4).
(c) Evaluate and rank risk (see Section 5).
(d) Identify and implement measures to address risks (see Section 6).
(e) Measure performance, monitor results, and evaluate effectiveness (see Section 7).
(f) Periodic evaluation and improvement (see Section 8).
(g) Report results, except for small LPG operators (see Section 9).
3.1 General.
(a) Information, such as the materials and type of construction, the operating conditions of the pipe or
facility, and other relevant factors within the surroundings in which the system operates, is referred
to as the "knowledge of the distribution system."
(b) General knowledge of the system will assist the operator to identify threats and establish which
facilities or groups of facilities 1, if desired, should be subject to risk evaluation (see Sections 4 and
(c) Records of the distribution systems may exist in many forms (e.g., paper, electronically) and in the
knowledge and experience of operations, maintenance, construction, installation, design, or
engineering personnel. Information from these sources may be evaluated to assist in developing an
operator’s DIMP.
(d) The operator should use the best information available to make decisions about what is in the existing
system and to assess the applicable threats and risks to the gas distribution system. In some cases,
an operator may be unable to determine the materials or characteristics of some of the components
in the system. This may be due to lost records, systems gained through mergers or acquisitions
without complete records, or other reasons. For example, the year of installation might be used to
make such decisions about piping material, joint type, coating type, or repair methods used.
(e) Information about an existing system should be updated when new or better information becomes
available. This information should be gathered during existing operating or maintenance activities
and installation of new facilities on an existing infrastructure. At a minimum, §192.1007(a)(5) requires
the location and material of construction for new piping and appurtenances to be recorded.
(f) Operators may not have all desired records initially, but can still develop a DIMP. An operator would
not have to dig up its system just to collect information, but when an operator inspects the pipe
wherever it is exposed, the operator should use the occasion to record and evaluate any distribution
system unknowns that are available at that location.
(g) To the extent possible, the operator should use information collection procedures that are already in
place. New collection activities should be developed only if the existing procedures are not adequate
for the operator’s DIMP. If the information is adequate, the manner in which it is compiled and
organized may need modification to make it more usable. Note, however, that O&M records retention
requirements under DIMP exceed the retention requirements that may have been in place prior to
DIMP. Certain O&M records used to support integrity management plans, including superseded
plans, are required to be maintained for at least 10 years (§192.1011). Therefore, an operator might
need to modify the collection and retention procedures that are in place.
(h) System knowledge should be based on reasonably available information, and could include
concurrent records such as leak and repair records, as well as analyses of that information.
Information from replaced or abandoned facilities could be relevant for evaluating risks to existing
facilities with similar characteristics, construction methods, or environmental factors. If such records
are used to demonstrate compliance, they are subject to the record retention requirement of
Facilities may be individual components or units (e.g., a particular district regulating station, an entire low-
pressure distribution system). Groups of facilities generally have common traits (e.g., physical similarities
such as the same pipe material or a particular type of valve) or common problems (e.g., small diameter cast
iron pipe experiencing cracking, regulators that will not hold set point).
(1) Section 1 of Part B – System Description specifically provides the total miles of main and number
of service lines in the following material categories:
PART B - SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Report miles of main and number of services in system at end of year.
PLASTIC CAST/ COPPER Re c ondi ti one d
(2) Sections 2 and 3 of Part B require the operator to break down the total miles of main and the
total number of services by diameter ranges. The diameter ranges for steel mains and service
lines are not separated by the presence of cathodic protection or coating.
1. PVC
2. PE
3. ABS
Cast Iron
1. PVC
2. PE
3. ABS
Cast Iron
(3) The Annual Report form requires operators to provide the miles of main and number of
service lines by decade of installation in Section 4 of Part B.
(c) "Part C – Total Leaks and Hazardous Leaks Eliminated/Repaired During Year" provides a
breakdown of eliminated/repaired leaks by leak cause for mains and for service lines, and the number
of known system leaks scheduled for repair. See 3.4 below.
Local system personnel may provide additional information about the system. For example, field
personnel might know of construction techniques that were not recorded. When developing knowledge
of its distribution system, an operator should consider the following.
(a) Pipe specifications and component information, including diameter, grade or yield strength, and wall
thickness for steel pipe; manufacturer and Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) for plastic pipe; size,
location, and type for valves and pressure regulators.
(b) Construction specifics, such as year installed, joining method (e.g., type of coupling, welded, fusion)
and installation method (e.g., open trench, plow, boring, directional drilling, casings, cast iron on
concrete blocks).
(c) Corrosion control systems, which may be composed of coating (e.g., coal tar, fusion bond epoxy,
wax), cathodic protection (e.g., galvanic or impressed current), electrical isolation devices, year of
installation (e.g., years without cathodic protection), stray current mitigation (e.g., diodes, bonds),
and aboveground corrosion control practices.
(d) Threats that could degrade pipelines over time such as the following.
(1) Repeated ground disturbances (e.g., tidal surges, flooding, subsidence, downslope movement,
frost heaves, settling, earthquakes).
(2) Multiple failures of the CP system, which can lead to corrosion (e.g., rectifier power failures,
ground bed degradation, CP system short).
(3) Gas composition upsets (e.g., microorganisms, liquids, CO2, O2, hydrogen sulfide).
(4) Repeated water intrusion into low pressure metallic distribution lines.
(5) Repeated external loading including blasting.
(vi) Part C of the Annual Report, which provides the number of leaks eliminated/repaired by
cause of leak category. These categories are the minimum threats that need to be
evaluated in an operator’s DIMP. See Section 4.
Mains Services
Total Hazardous Total Hazardous
3.5 Documentation.
The operator should have a way to gather and retain information about the distribution system. The
operator’s procedures should be updated as necessary to ensure that the appropriate information is being
gathered for future use.
Methods to document the physical components of the distribution system may include the following.
(a) Identifying relevant system components on maps.
(b) Maintaining electronic records.
(c) Maintaining hard copy files.
(d) Any combination of the above.
An operator may subdivide the primary threats into subcategories to assess the relevance of a threat. An
operator should also consider threats that could degrade the system over time (see 3.3(d) above).
Operators who have system materials other than those specifically shown in Table 4.1 should also
consider those different materials and analyze them relative to the primary threats.
Example 1: An operator estimates a certain type of fitting to fail at a rate of 1 in 1,000 due to
“Equipment Defects.” However, the operator has determined that the same fittings will fail at a
much higher rate, and with a more severe mode of failure when additionally subjected to “Other
Outside Forces” (e.g., soil erosion, settling) and much greater consequence.
Example 2: An operator estimates that a known type of material experiences 1 leak per mile due
to material degradation. However, the operator has determined that the same material will
experience a much higher leakage rate, with a more severe mode of failure, when additionally
subjected to “Other Outside Forces” such as the following.
(a) Frost heave.
(b) Settling.
As part of the threat evaluation process described in this section, it is important for operators to
understand how threats might interact within their system. One method for evaluating the
potentially interactive threats is to conduct a pairwise evaluation between each and every threat
type (and sub-threat type if appropriate). The purpose of the evaluation is to identify if the
interaction of any threat or sub-threat pair results in a greater risk due to their interaction than the
sum of their individual risk. Each operator’s approach to developing a matrix may be different
based on historical threats and how they have been observed to potentially interact in different
parts of its system.
Table 4.2 identifies an example pairwise evaluation as well as an example of how the evaluation
can be used in an operator’s risk evaluation. Each row in the table represents a threat pair. Four
threats are represented in the table as A, B, C and D. The “Qualitative Interaction” column
identifies the qualitative result of the evaluation, while the “Quantitative Interaction” column can
be the result of an SME evaluation, or based on empirical data analysis, and illustrates how the
threat interaction can be used within the operator’s risk evaluation model. Once established, the
“Qualitative Interaction” multiplier should be consistently applied.
The following are some examples of ways to evaluate risk 3 to a distribution system from the applicable
threats that are identified in Section 4. There may be other ways to analyze and rank risks to a distribution
system. This guide material is not intended to rule out any valid approach selected by the operator.
5.1 General.
(a) Once the potential threats, including interactive threats, to a distribution system are identified, the
operator should decide if additional risk management practices as discussed in Section 6 are
appropriate. A risk evaluation can help determine if such actions are needed or not. The final
outcome from any risk evaluation should be a relative risk ranking of the facilities (pipe or
components) or group of facilities that experience problems in the operator’s distribution system.
After a preliminary evaluation of facilities for each applicable current, potential, and interactive threat,
it may be determined that certain facilities or groups of facilities do not experience problems and no
further action would be necessary at that time.
Risk is the product of the likelihood of a problem occurring and the consequences that could be caused by
the problem if it occurs.
(b) Each operator will need to choose or develop a method of risk evaluation. There are many
approaches that can be taken and the operator has the option of which to choose, as long as the
process determines the relative importance of each threat and results in a relative risk ranking. The
risks can be ranked separately by threat and then merged into one relative risk ranking. The risk
ranking criteria for likelihood and consequence may be different for certain threats, such as
excavation damage. "Relative risk" does not necessarily indicate an absolute measure of risk; it only
indicates a comparative value relative to other facilities or groups of facilities experiencing problems.
(c) One approach to risk evaluation is to group facilities by common traits and problems, which allows
each group to be risk-ranked as a unit. The risk ranking is an analysis that assigns a relative risk
value and may result in a recommendation for action. This two-tiered approach will be discussed in
more detail in the remainder of this section. This approach is provided solely as an example; the
operator has the option of using other approaches, or combination of approaches, as appropriate.
(d) The operator should keep in mind that the risk evaluation approach chosen is to be used in addition
to other criteria such as operational requirements and engineering judgment. In addition, it is
important to remember that because distribution systems vary widely, each operator will have
different information available and may choose to assign different values during the risk ranking
process. However, the numbers or values in the examples may be used if they are appropriate for
the particular system. No two operators are likely to have the same results.
(e) The operator should determine whether adequate information exists to perform a risk evaluation. If
it is determined that additional information or risk-ranking factors are needed to be able to
discriminate between different parts of a distribution system, the operator may need to determine
how the appropriate data can be obtained, or if it is readily obtainable. It is not intended that an
exhaustive data search be conducted. Where appropriate, the operator should consider developing
a method that would capture the relevant information during routine operations and maintenance
activities in the future. In the interim, the operator might consider assigning higher values for selected
risk-ranking factors where information is "unknown."
(3) Ratio of no-show tickets to total tickets received by the operator. A no-show ticket is one that
was not responded to by the locators within the allowed time.
(4) Failure by notification center to accurately transmit tickets to the operator.
(5) Damages by cause, facility type (mains, services), and responsible party. Cause categories
may include the following.
(i) Excavator’s failure to call.
(ii) Excavator’s failure to provide accurate ticket information (e.g., wrong address).
(iii) Operator’s failure to mark.
(iv) Operator’s failure to mark accurately.
(v) Excavator’s failure to wait required time for marking.
(vi) Excavator’s failure to protect marks.
(vii) Excavator’s failure to utilize precaution when excavating within the tolerance zone.
(viii) Excavator’s failure to properly support and protect facility.
(6) Leaks or failures on previously damaged pipe.
(7) Repairs implemented as a result of first / second / third-party damage prior to leak or failure.
(8) Excavation notices versus number of locates (not all notices will require an actual locate).
(9) Locates timely or untimely made.
(10) Negative callbacks timely or untimely made if state law, the one-call center, or another entity
requires such calls.
(11) Mis-locates later identified.
(d) Other outside force damage.
(1) Leaks or failures caused, or repairs necessitated, by vandalism.
(2) Leaks or failures caused, or repairs necessitated, by vehicular damage.
(3) Instances of damage that is secondary to non-pipeline fire or explosion.
(4) Leaks or failures on previously damaged pipe.
(5) Leaks, failures, damage, or movement caused by blasting.
(6) Leaks, failures, damage, or movement caused by heavy vehicle traffic over or near pipelines.
(e) Material or welds.
(1) Pipe failures during pressure tests.
(2) Joint failures during pressure tests.
(3) In-service pipe or joint failures (not caused by outside force or excavation damage).
(4) Production joints rejected by an inspector other than the joiner.
(5) Joiners failing re-qualification.
(f) Equipment failure.
(1) Regulator failures.
(2) Relief valve failures.
(3) Seal, gasket or O-ring failures.
(4) Regulators or relief valves found with set points outside of acceptable range.
(5) Emergency valves found inoperable.
(6) SCADA failures, system upsets, or false readings.
(g) Incorrect operations.
(1) Service outages due to operator error.
(2) Odor tests finding insufficient odorant.
(3) Response times to leak or odor calls.
(4) Hazardous leaks make safe or repair times.
(h) Other.
Case-by-case determination.
Periodic review and evaluation of DIMP is an integral part of the process. This should include at least two
activities. First, a review of the written plan content to ensure it remains accurate and appropriate.
Second, the success and effectiveness of risk management techniques or practices or A/A actions
adopted to respond to specific threats should be analyzed.
Except for small LPG operators, four performance measures are required by §192.1007(g) to be reported
to PHMSA on the operator’s annual report and to the state, as applicable. State regulations may contain
additional reporting requirements. The operator should ensure that the information needed to complete
those reports is being collected and is available when needed.
This Guide Material Appendix is intended as an aid in minimizing the possibility of damage to pipelines
by outside force.
2.2 Cover.
The cover requirements of §192.327 are minimums. Additional cover should be provided where the
potential for damage by outside forces is greater than normal. Consideration should be given to the
(a) Agricultural land where deep-plowing equipment or sub-pan breakers are used.
(b) Agricultural land where the grade may be changed to permit irrigation or drainage.
(c) Drainage ditch crossings. Consideration may also be given to alternates, such as casing or a
protective concrete or steel slab.
(d) Other utility crossings. The new gas facilities should be installed under the existing facilities, unless
adequate cover can be provided or casing, bridging, or other protection is used.
(e) Locations where erosion due to wind, water, or vehicular activity may affect the grade. Riprap,
paving, or some other means of protection may be used in lieu of additional cover.
(f) Street locations where future street work is a possibility.
(g) Locations where frost, drought, and heat might affect the pipeline.
(h) Water-body crossings where storm events, scouring, erosion, and dredging may alter the water
bottom and change the depth of cover or expose the pipeline.
In addition to the markers required by §192.707, consideration should be given to the following.
3.1 General.
(a) Installing line markers when a main, transmission line, or gathering line crosses or lies in close
proximity to an area that, in the operator's judgment, is likely for excavation or damage. Typical
examples include the following.
(1) Drainage areas, such as flood-prone watercourses.
(2) Irrigation ditches and canals subject to periodic excavations for cleaning out or deepening.
(3) Drainage ditches subject to periodic grading, including those along roads.
(4) Agricultural areas in which deep plowing or deep-pan breakers are employed.
(5) Active drilling or mining areas.
(6) Waterways or bodies of water subject to dredging or shipping activities.
(7) Industrial or plant areas where excavating, earth moving, and heavy equipment operating
activities are routine.
(b) If multiple pipeline facilities are within the same right-of-way or in the same area, each operator
should mark its facilities in a way to eliminate confusion.
(c) When line markers cannot be placed directly over a pipeline due to lack of support, obstructions, or
need to facilitate maintenance, the markers can be offset from a pipeline facility. Markers may include
language such as “in the vicinity” or “in proximity of,” but should not include specific distances.
(a) An operator should consider the effects of mining activities on pipeline facilities. The ground
subsidence and soil overburden can cause significant stresses in pipelines.
(b) Long-wall mining is of special concern to pipeline operators. Long-wall mining involves complete
removal of a coal seam, which is typically 200 to 1,500 feet underground. The roof of the mine
collapses, and the collapse propagates to the surface.
(c) Operators with pipelines in areas of mining activity should consider the following actions.
(1) Contact the mine operator to obtain the depth of coal, mined height, width of the seam, location
and angle at which the activity passes under the pipeline, estimated schedule of mining activities,
and previous subsidence profiles for other mines in the area.
(2) Review the material properties of the pipe and associated valves and fittings, such as
specification, rating or grade, wall thickness, SMYS, toughness, and seam and joint
(3) Perform subsidence calculations to predict the effect on the pipeline. One method of predicting
subsidence was developed by the National Coal Board (NCB) and is reported in the "Subsidence
Engineers’ Handbook."
(4) Reduce the operating pressure, or remove the pipeline from service, if warranted by predicted
stress levels.
(5) Expose the pipeline to limit overburden stress.
(6) Monitor subsidence and strain levels. A reference for monitoring subsidence is PRCI L51574,
“Non-Conventional Means for Monitoring Pipelines in Areas of Soil Subsidence or Soil
The location of facilities should be accurately mapped or otherwise recorded. The operator should ensure
that maps or records used for locating facilities are updated whenever any changes are made.
See Guide Material Appendix G-192-6 for damage prevention considerations while performing directional
drilling or using other trenchless technologies. For damage prevention programs, see guide material
under §192.614.
When determining a safe distance between an aboveground pipeline and vehicular traffic, consideration
should be given to relevant factors, including the following.
(a) Type of public road (e.g., residential, federal or state highway, limited access highway).
(b) Type of driveway (e.g., residential, commercial, industrial).
(c) Type of off-road activity (e.g., four-wheeling, snowmobiling).
(d) Speed limit.
(e) Direction of traffic.
(f) Terrain.
(g) Natural or other barriers.
(h) Weather-related road conditions (e.g., ice, snow, snow removal).
Recipients of such information should be reminded that notice of intent to excavate must still be
provided in accordance with state or local regulations.
This appendix includes letters from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
regarding application of their standards to working conditions that are regulated by PHMSA-OPS.
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Guide Material Appendix G-192-21
Exhibit 3
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