Lab-5 Use Case Diagram
Lab-5 Use Case Diagram
Lab-5 Use Case Diagram
Introduction to UML and Use
Case Diagram
Software Engineering Lab Manual (14B17CI572)
1. Outline
Visual modeling.
Introduction to UML.
Introduction to visual modeling with UML.
Use case diagrams: discovering actors and use cases.
2. Background
Visual Modeling is a way of thinking about problems using models organized around
real-world ideas. Models are useful for understanding problems, communicating with
everyone involved with the project (customers, domain experts, analysts, designers,
etc.), modeling enterprises, preparing documentation, and designing programs and
system's intended functions (use cases), its surroundings (actors), and relationships
between the use cases and actors (use case diagrams).
2.5 Actors
Are NOT part of the system – they represent anyone or anything that must
interact with the system.
Only input information to the system.
Only receive information from the system.
Both input to and receive information from the system.
Represented in UML as a stickman.
3. CASE Tools
The Rational Rose product family is designed to provide the software developer with
a complete set of visual modeling tools for development of robust, efficient solutions
to real business needs in the client/server, distributed enterprise and real-time systems
environments. Rational Rose products share a common universal standard, making
modeling accessible to nonprogrammers wanting to model business processes as well
as to programmers modeling applications logic.
4. In-Class Example
Now you will learn how to apply the above-mentioned methods to draw use case
diagrams from the problem statement of your project.
Software Engineering Lab Manual (14B17CI572)
5. Exercises
Read carefully the problem statement of your project.
6. Deliverables
You should submit the solutions for the previous exercises.