Prevalence of Refractive Error and Visual Impairme
Prevalence of Refractive Error and Visual Impairme
Prevalence of Refractive Error and Visual Impairme
11 – 2020
Department of Primary Eye Care, Faculty of Optometry and Visual Sciences, Al-Neelain University, Khartoum, Sudan. 2Department of Binocular
Vision, Faculty of Optometry and Visual Sciences, Al-Neelain University, Khartoum, Sudan (Correspondence to: Saif Alrasheed: [email protected]).
Department of Optometry, College of Applied Medical Sciences, Qassim University, Qassim, Saudi Arabia.
Background: Childhood visual impairment is a global public health problem, especially in low and middle-income coun-
tries. Its most common causes are avoidable by early diagnosis and treatment.
Aims: To assess prevalence of refractive error and visual impairment among school-aged children in Hargeisa, Somali-
land, Somalia.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study of 1204 students (aged 6–15 years) in 8 randomly selected primary schools in
Hargeisa from November 2017 to January 2018. We used the modified Refractive Error Study in Children to determine
prevalence of refractive error and visual impairment, including the following investigations: distance visual acuity, as-
sessed by Snellen Tumbling E-chart; refraction, assessed by retinoscope binocular vision assessment; and examination
of anterior and posterior segments.
Results: Prevalence of uncorrected, presenting and best-corrected visual impairment of 6/12 or worse was 13.6%, 7.6% and
0.75%, respectively. Only 16 of 91 (17.6%) children were using spectacles and the rest were unaware of the problem. Refrac-
tive error was the cause of visual impairment in 76.8% of participants, amblyopia in 22.0%, trachoma in 2.4%, and corneal
opacity and cataract in 0.6%. Anterior segment abnormalities were found in 8.3%, mainly vernal keratoconjunctivitis,
while posterior abnormalities were observed in 0.7%. Prevalence of myopia was 9.1%, hypermetropia 2.7% and astigmatism
3.9%. Prevalence of visual impairment because of Refractive Error was associated with increasing age, but there was no
significant association with school grade or sex.
Conclusion: Prevalence of visual impairment among school-aged children in Hargeisa was high, and the leading cause
was uncorrected Refractive Error. There are barriers to care and it is critical that they are overcome.
Keywords: refractive error, childhood visual impairment, myopia, hypermetropia, vernal keratoconjunctivitis
Citation: Abdi Ahmed Z; Alrasheed SH; Alghamdi W. Prevalence of refractive error and visual impairment among school-age children of Hargesia,
Somaliland, Somalia. East Mediterr Health J. 2020;26(11):1362-1370.
Received: 18/03/19; accepted: 19/11/19
Copyright © World Health Organization (WHO) 2020. Open Access. Some rights reserved. This work is available under the CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO
license (
Research article EMHJ – Vol. 26 No. 11 – 2020
Research article EMHJ – Vol. 26 No. 11 – 2020
Table 2 Distribution of uncorrected visual acuity for right, left and better eye by percentage and confidence interval
UVA Right eye Left eye Better eye Best-corrected VA
Research article EMHJ – Vol. 26 No. 11 – 2020
Table 3 Prevalence of refractive error in one or both eyes by age, sex and school grade
Category Emmetropia Myopia Hypermetropia Astigmatism no funds reflex Total
(95% CI, 82.3–86.4) (95% CI, 7.5–10.7) (95% CI, 1.8–3.6) (95% CI, 2.8–5.0) (95% CI, 1.4–1.6)
n % n % n % n % n % n %
Age 6 33 86.8 2 5.3 2 5.3 1 2.6 0 0 38 3.2
( P = 0.011)
7 52 83.9 5 8.1 3 4.8 2 3.2 0 0 62 5.1
8 84 85.7 7 7.1 5 5.1 2 2.0 0 0 98 8.1
9 100 87.0 9 7.8 5 4.3 1 0.9 0 0 115 9.6
10 132 84.1 14 8.9 4 2.5 7 4.5 0 0 157 13.0
11 145 84.8 17 9.9 2 1.2 7 4.1 0 0 171 14.2
12 136 82.4 17 10.3 6 3.6 6 3,6 1 0.6 165 13.7
13 129 86.6 13 8.7 2 1.3 5 3.4 0 0 149 12.4
14 105 81.4 13 10.1 2 1.6 9 7.0 0 0 129 10.7
15 99 82.5 13 10.8 1 0.8 7 5.8 0 0 120 10.0
Sex M 569 90.6 54 8.2 17 2.6 18 2.7 0 0 658 54.7
( P = 0.073)
F 445 81.5 56 10.3 15 2.7 29 5.3 1 0.2 546 45.3
Class level 1 129 87.2 6 4.1 7 4.7 6 4.1 0 0 148 12.3
( P = 0.168)
2 134 89.3 10 6.7 3 2.0 3 2.0 0 0 150 12.5
3 122 81.3 17 11.3 7 4.7 4 2.7 0 0 150 12.5
4 118 78.1 22 14.6 3 2.0 7 4.6 1 0.7 151 12.5
5 130 86.1 12 8.0 4 2.6 5 3.3 0 0 151 12.5
6 130 85.5 11 7.2 3 2.0 8 5.3 0 0 152 12.6
7 122 80.8 18 11.9 3 2.0 8 5.3 0 0 151 12.5
8 129 85.4 14 9.3 2 1.3 6 4.0 0 0 151 12.5
Total 1015 84.3 110 9.1 32 2.7 47 3.9 1 0.1 1204 100%
CI = confidence interval.
Research article EMHJ – Vol. 26 No. 11 – 2020
(17). Knowledge of the prevalence of RE and VI among The prevalence of myopia was 9.1%, which is higher
school age children can help the relevant authorities to than 6.0% in Ethiopia (24) but lower than 14.1% in Ghana
plan and provide eye care services in the particular geo- (30). In our study, older school children had a higher
graphical area. The present study attempted to provide prevalence of myopia, which was similar to a study in
this information, as well as being the first study in So- Viet Nam (32). Alrasheed et al. (7) attributed this age-
maliland to assess the prevalence of the VI and RE among associated increase in myopia with decreased outdoor
school-aged children. activity of many children and this has been reported as
Noncycloplegic refraction was used to assess REs an issue in other studies (5,25,32).
in this study, similar to studies of school-aged children The prevalence of hypermetropia in this study was
in Nigeria (18) and South Africa (19). Noncycloplegic 2.7%, which is significantly lower than that reported
refraction was chosen so as not to interfere with the in studies in Ethiopia 26.4% (24) and Saudi Arabia 6.9%
academic activity of the children. (35). However, it is higher than in South Africa (1.8%) (10)
The prevalence of VI in the present study was 7.6%, and China (1.6%) (36) but similar to Tunisia (2.61%) (37).
which is lower than 10.1% in Malaysia (20) and 10.3% in The lower prevalence of hypermetropia in our study
China (21), but higher compared with 1.2% in South Africa might have been due to use of noncycloplegic refraction,
(5) 1.2%, 2.67% in South America (22) and 3.5% in the Islamic which could have missed a significant number of cases
Republic of Iran (23). These results indicate that VI among of hypermetropia. The prevalence of hypermetropia
school-aged children requires urgent intervention by the decreased with age and was higher in children aged 6 and
community and nongovernmental organizations. The 7 years compared with 14 and 15 years. This result agreed
results also reflect lack of childhood eye care services in with Chebil et al. (37), who reported that this variation
this region as well as lack of community awareness about could be related to a decrease in the dioptric power of the
the consequences of childhood VI. lens (it goes form 23 D at age 3 years to 20 D at 14 years), or
with an increase in the optical density of the crystalline
In the present study, the prevalence of VI was higher
among girls than boys (4.6% vs 2.6%), which agrees with
a study in Ethiopia (3.2% for girls and 2.6% for boys) (24). The prevalence of astigmatism in the current study
This might have been due to socioeconomic factors that was 3.9%. This is lower than that found in the Islamic
contributed to better access to health services for boys. Republic of Iran (6.6%) (38) and South Africa (14.6%) (5) but
However, the difference was not significant. similar to that in Poland (4%) (39).
The prevalence of RE in either eye was 15.7%, which The prevalence of manifest strabismus was 0.7%,
is lower than that in Ghana (25.6%) (25), India (25.1%) which is similar to that among children in the United
(26), Egypt (22.1%) (27) and Qatar (19.7%) (28), but higher Republic of Tanzania (0.5%) (40) but lower than in Iranian
than in Uganda (11.6%) (29), Ghana (13.3%) (30) and Saudi school children (1.2%) (41).
Arabia (13.7%) (31). The prevalence of RE in our study was In this study, uncorrected RE was the most common
similar to that in Viet Nam (16.3%) (32) and Saudi Arabia cause of VI among children, and was responsible for
(16.3%) (33). This variation may be related to the type of 76.8% of cases. This is similar to other studies that used
sampling method used, size of population screened, and RESC protocol, such as in Ethiopia (77.3%) (24) and India
variation in geographic location. We found no significant (77%) (26) but lower than in Malaysia (87.0%) (20) and in
association between prevalence of RE and school grade the Islamic Republic of Iran (87.3%) (23). Alrasheed et al. (7)
or sex. However, we did show that the prevalence of VI suggested that this could have been because of genetic
caused by uncorrected RE increased significantly with differences as well as different lifestyles in terms of
age. Nevertheless, we found that prevalence of RE was outdoor activities. The second most frequent cause of VI
higher among girls than boys (81.3% vs 13.5%), which, as among children was amblyopia at 22.0%, which is higher
mentioned above, might have been due to better access than in Sudan (5.6%) (6) and South Africa (9.6%) (4). This
to health care for boys in this culture. This is consistent may be due to the high rate of poverty and illiteracy in
with a similar study in Saudi Arabia (34). Somaliland and the poor health system in the country.
Research article EMHJ – Vol. 26 No. 11 – 2020
In the present study, out of 91 children with VI, only and seventh grades, and children aged 6 and 7 years were
16 (17.6%) were already using spectacles, while the rest less prevalent in this study, because many children in
were not aware of the problem. This may have been due Somaliland start school later than the recommended
to lack of child and parental awareness of the vision 6 years. Fifth, Log Mar charts were not available, so
problem, attitudes regarding the need for spectacles, cost we used Snellen Tumbling E-charts, and slit lamps
of spectacles, cosmetic appearance, peer pressure and
and fundus biomicroscopy were not easy to transport
concerns that wearing glasses may cause progression of
RE (42,43). between locations, so they were replaced by torch and
magnifier, and ophthalmoscopy. Finally, RE was assessed
This study had several limitations. First, a large
by noncycloplegic refraction, which could have missed a
number of schools were not registered with the Ministry
of Education in Hargeisa, so the study sample did not significant number of cases of hypermetropia.
include all schools. Second, almost half of school-age
children were not attending school due to poverty, thus Conclusions
the study only included children who attended school.
Third, places of study and examination differed among The prevalence of VI among school-aged children in Har-
schools in terms of lighting, ventilation and comfort. geisa, Somaliland was high and the commonest causes
Fourth, distribution of children’s ages at school levels was were uncorrected REs. There are barriers to care and it is
not uniform, so older children were not only in the eighth critical that they are overcome.
We are grateful to all schools included in this study and their staff for help with data collection. We also thank all the
students who participated in this study and their parents, as well as the students of the Faculty of Optometry and Visual
Science, University Of Hargeisa. We are grateful to Manhal Specialist Hospital ,which provided us with the required in-
strumentation, and free treatment for any student who was referred to the hospital.
Funding: None.
Competing interests: None declared.
Prévalence du vice de réfraction et de la déficience visuelle chez les enfants d’âge sco-
laire de Hargesia, au Somaliland (Somalie)
Contexte : Les troubles visuels chez l’enfant constituent un problème de santé publique mondial, en particulier dans les
pays en développement. Ses causes les plus courantes sont évitables par un diagnostic précoce et la mise en place rapide
d’un traitement.
Objectifs : La présente étude avait pour objectif d’évaluer la prévalence du vice de réfraction et de la déficience visuelle
chez les enfants d’âge scolaire à Hargeisa, au Somaliland (Somalie).
Méthodes : Il s’agissait d’une étude transversale menée auprès de 1204 élèves (âgés de 6 à 15 ans) de huit écoles primaires
sélectionnées de manière aléatoire à Hargeisa, entre novembre 2017 et janvier 2018. Nous avons utilisé l’étude modifiée
sur le vice de réfraction chez les enfants afin de déterminer la prévalence de cette affection et de la déficience visuelle,
comprenant les examens suivants : acuité visuelle à distance, évaluée par l’échelle de Snellen avec des E ou C directionnels ;
la réfraction, évaluée par examen de la vision binoculaire par rétinoscopie ; et examen des segments antérieurs et
Résultats : La prévalence de la déficience visuelle non corrigée, détectée et la mieux corrigée de 6/12 ou un score inférieur
était respectivement de 13,6 %, de 7,6 % et de 0,75 %. Seuls 16 enfants sur 91 (17,6 %) portaient des lunettes tandis que les
autres n’avaient pas conscience du problème. Le vice de réfraction était la cause de la déficience visuelle chez 76,8 % des
participants, l’amblyopie dans 22,0 % des cas, le trachome chez 2,4 % des enfants, et l’opacité cornéenne et la cataracte
chez 0,6 % d’entre eux. Des anomalies du segment antérieur ont été observées chez 8,3 % des participants à l’étude,
principalement des kératoconjonctivites vernales, tandis que des anomalies du segment postérieur ont été observées dans
0,7 % des cas. La prévalence de la myopie était de 9,1 %, celle de l’hypermétropie de 2,7 % et celle de l’astigmatisme de 3,9 %.
La prévalence de la déficience visuelle due à un vice de réfraction était associée à un âge supérieur, sans toutefois que l’on
puisse noter de corrélation significative avec le niveau scolaire ou le sexe.
Conclusion : La prévalence de la déficience visuelle chez les enfants d’âge scolaire de Hargesia était élevée, principalement
en raison d’un vice de réfraction non corrigé. Il existe des obstacles aux soins et il est essentiel de les surmonter.
Research article EMHJ – Vol. 26 No. 11 – 2020
) صوماليالند (الصومال،معدل انتشار اخلطأ االنكساري وضعف البرص بني األطفال يف سن الدراسة يف هرجيسا
وليد الغامدي، سيف الرشيد،زهرة عبدي أمحد
َّ وال، ُي َعدُّ ضعف البرص يف مرحلة الطفولة مشكل ًة من مشكالت الصحة العامة عىل الصعيد العاملي:اخللفية
.سيام يف البلدان املنخفضة الدخل
َ ويمكن جتنب أسبابه األكثر شيوع ًا عن طريق التشخيص والعالج ا ُمل
.بكر ْين
صوماليالند، هدفت هذه الدراسة إىل تقييم معدل انتشار اخلطأ االنكساري وضعف البرص بني األطفال يف سن الدراسة يف هرجيسا:األهداف
مدارس ابتدائية خمتارة عشوائي ًا يف8 سنة) يف15 سنوات و6 طالب (ترتاوح أعامرهم بني1204 شملت هذه الدراسة املقطعية:طرق البحث
واستخدمنا دراسة اخلطأ االنكساري املعدَّ لة لدى األطفال.2018 كانون الثاين/ إىل يناير2017 ترشين الثاين/هرجيسا خالل الفرتة من نوفمرب
التي تم تقييمها بواسطة خمطط، حدة البرص عن ُبعد: بام يف ذلك االستقصاءات التالية،لتحديد معدل انتشار اخلطأ االنكساري وضعف البرص
. وفحص األجزاء األمامية واخللفية، الذي تم تقييمه من خالل تقييم رؤية العينني بمنظار الشبكية، واالنكسار،Snellen Tumbling E-chart
عىل%0.75 و%7.6 و%13.6 صحح عىل أفضل وجه ِ صحح وا ُمل
َّ ستعلن وا ُمل َّ أو أقل غري ا ُمل12/6 بلغ معدل انتشار ضعف البرص بقيمة:النتائج
وكان سبب ضعف البرص هو.) يستخدمون النظارات وكان الباقون غري مدركني للمشكلة%17.6( ال ً طف91 فقط من بني16 وكان.التوايل
. من املشاركني%0.6 وعتَامة ال َق ْرنِ َّية والسا ّد يف
َ ، منهم%2.4 والرتاكوما يف، منهم%22.0 والغ َمش يفَ ، من املشاركني%76.8 اخلطأ االنكساري يف
يف حني لوحظت تشوهات، وعىل وجه اخلصوص التهاب ال َق ْرن َّية وامللتحمة الربيعي، من املشاركني٪8.3 ووجدت تشوهات يف اجلزء األمامي يف ُ
وارتبط معدل انتشار ضعف البرص الناجم.%3.9 والالبؤرية،%2.7 ومد البرص،%9.1 وبلغ معدل انتشار احل َس. منهم٪0.7 يف اجلزء اخللفي يف
. ولكن مل يكن هناك ارتباط مهم بالصف املدريس أو نوع اجلنس،عن اخلطأ االنكساري بزيادة العمر
وكان السبب الرئييس وراءه اخلطأ االنكساري غري، كان معدل انتشار ضعف البرص بني األطفال يف سن الدراسة يف هرجيسا مرتفع ًا:االستنتاجات
َّ ا ُمل
. ومن األمهية بمكان أن يتم التغلب عليها، و َث َّمة عوائق حتول دون تقديم الرعاية.صحح
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