Sfu Library Thesis Search
Sfu Library Thesis Search
Sfu Library Thesis Search
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That means explaining subarguments that will support the overall position of your paper. Outside of
the city limits, much of the territory has been affected by resource extraction, particularly forestry,
and increasing suburbanisation. When talking about the knowledge his great grandmother
Kwulasalwut carried, Eliot talked about her relationship with the territory being a different plane
than the world that we exist in today. For support with scholarly publishing and open access and data
management, visit the Research Commons. There’s a lot of parks where the nation isn’t the manager
even though the park might be in the core of a nation’s territory or another significant place to the
nation - equivalent to how Saysutshun is for us. The Library is pleased to work with you to fulfill
your research and teaching needs. As described through Brown’s Snuneymuxw perspective (2016),
encounters with Xeel’s would also bring teachings of reciprocity, sharing, gratitude, humility and
respectful relations with each other, animals, nature and the land, forming the basis of their
Snuw’uyulh (28-29). And visit us frequently, in person at the Library's three campus locations in
Burnaby, Surrey and Vancouver, and online. Sandstone of Saysutshun Sandstone of Saysutshun,
which would have been used as tools but also would have those among them who would be
recognised as ancestors turned to stone by Xeel's. Page 57. I had lived in Nanaimo for about four
years before stepping onto the little harbour ferry and making the seven-minute ferry ride to the
place that would become a central part of my life for many years to come. ProQuest Dissertations
and Theses Abstracts and Index Dissertations and theses from around the world. However, I feel it
is important to consider that the land does not have to be a park for Snuneymuxw to know who they
are or to be in relationship with it. Regan, Paulette. 2010. Unsettling the Settler Within: Indian
Residential Schools, Truth Telling, and Reconciliation in Canada. These microcomputer workstations
provide access to. Snuneymuxw wealth and economy, like all Indigenous nations and communities,
have always come from the land. Research foci include innovative approaches to the. It is not only
the goals that have been unheard or unmet so far that are concern, as Snuneymuxw citizens also
spoke of what they see as the inability of BC and this colonially controlled co-management structure
to meet these as they move forward. His father would be the first Snuneymuxw person to steward
this land in a tree’s age. It is good to figure out if there are indexes for newspapers from a geographic
region or a time period. Students can request a one-year student license as part of the Tableau for
Students program. Eliot states that the training one would receive there is a part of the responsibility
Snuneymuxw people have Page 41. Decisions are made by consensus at monthly meetings. The
editor enables you to blackout, type, and erase text in PDFs, add images, sticky notes and text boxes,
and much more. In conversation with Elders, the importance and misunderstandings of place names
is a common topic. Archibald, Joanne Q’um Q’um Xiiem. 2006. “Forward.” In Legends and
Teachings of X’eels, The Creator. This includes many species of animals and plants as well as the
spirits of Snuneymuxw ancestors, beings transformed by Xeel’s, and the powerful energies of the
land itself. American Anthropologist, 2, no. 32. 1-28. Borrini-Feyerabend, Grazia, Michael Pimbert,
M. If no new library resources are required, the course will be added to the. Use BrowZine Web to
browse recent issues of journals by subject. In order to clarify this apparent discrepancy two
historical tables.
I have chosen to weave around a framework of healing, transformation, and love. Using the
connection, you will be able to create, change, and eSign documents, including form case of
vancouver, all without having to leave Google Drive. This places economy firmly within culture and
culture revitalisation plans like those that could be implemented with Saysutshun.12 12 Indigenous
economic development companies and initiatives have been critiqued by some Indigenous peoples
and academics (Newhouse, David R. 2001. “Resistance is Futile: Indigenous Peoples Meet the Borg
of Capitalism.”) as forms of “capitalism with a red face” that only serve perpetuate harms through a
“moral commitment to the institutions of capitalism” (81). Annual review of sociology Provides
literature reviews of sociology topics. Some common types of secondary sources include journal
articles, monographs, and textbooks. When describing the transformative potential of this thinking,
Kohn explicitly asks researchers to draw their “ethnographic attention to that which lies beyond the
human” to understand the lives, dynamics, and properties of the non-human (2013, 6). Snuneymuxw
people are employed through the island every year. True reconciliation is not a feel-good effort to
wash away guilt caused by the past with minimal cost. She explained that its only words for Parks,
not for the nation - that if it was for Snuneymuxw, the relationship would be held in a song or story.
Page 85. This poster was made by Eliot through his work with PDG. Although I don’t want to
demean the relationship we have with BC Parks, because I think it is significant that this has come to
us. I run my hand along the edge of the scar and give thanks to the tree, those who know how to live
with a respectful heart, for the opportunity to learn. Thesis submission: Register information online
about - SFU Library. During my graduate coursework, my mind was pulled along through
anthropological and resource management theories, as well as languages of sovereignty and self-
determination that engaged thoughts, but rarely my heart. What does this project look like for your
capacities. However, I feel it is important to consider that the land does not have to be a park for
Snuneymuxw to know who they are or to be in relationship with it. May 2016 The Library s Theses
Office assists with formatting theses, projects and You are encouraged to use the Library s thesis
template to help format. What we learned together and what I learned from you has been very
present in this work. What is offered like a gift through this land is, as Joan describes, “an
opportunity to get to a higher level of knowledge and the only way you get that is to connect to these
lands and 9 This spelling is taken from signage at the entrance to Saysutshun. Page 43. The Library is
pleased to work with you to fulfill your research and teaching needs. Legislatively, Snuneymuxw’s
goals of repatriating the land from the BC Parks system is held in section 8.5 of the Park Act, which
reserves the land absolutely, with title retained by the government in perpetuity. There is no
requirement for Snuneymuxw citizens to inform BC Parks of harvesting according to their rights;
however, both the BC Parks Indigenous Relations Advisor and the Area Supervisor noted that such
knowledge is helpful in managing the general public’s perception of such activities. LaTeX template
for theses published at Simon Fraser University (SFU) Source: Thesis Templates at SFU. Examples of
this are detailed by the Yellowhead Institute Red Paper on Land Back, which show deliberative
assertions of Indigenous institutions that are intended to restore Indigenous land and life through
Indigenous-centered environmental regulation and assessment, consultation processes, and permitting
protocols (Pasternak and King 2019, 48-56). This is not formal research, just priming the pump. She
said that sometimes when they would be paddling in the area, their coach would want to talk with
them or discipline them or remind them of a teaching and he would bring them to Saysutshun. This
helps me ensure that what I bring forward and how I use the knowledges shared with me is woven
together in respectful ways. Moreover, they should be recognised as equal partners in the
development of conservation strategies. Create an account or log in if you already have one.
Transformation offers an understanding of the living world beyond anthropocentrism, is a primary
mechanism of change, and encourages one to be humble and learn.
Please ensure that any reproduction or re-use is done in accordance with the relevant national
copyright legislation. We aren’t going to get rid of everyone who live in Nanaimo. Formatting your
thesis: Required formatting standards? My research focus is undertaken to counter a tendency,
particular in conservation narratives, to extract Indigenous ideologies and practices to build futures
that continue to erase or marginalise Indigenous peoples (Muller, Hemming and Rigney, 2019).
Saltspring, like most islands in the Salish sea was home to many tribes and from what I know had no
unified name. Thank you also to our little cat Bubbs for constant and assuring presence as I wrote
this thesis. Elder Geraldine Tsatsassya Manson identified that centering these Snuneymuxw
relationship to the island is foundational to the nation’s self-determination on this part of their
territory, saying that “the old people that carried the knowledge of that island spoke of it very highly.
Their relationship with the agency of Saysutshun is honoured in a variety of ways including coming
to the land for healing and Page 45. This language of “in its sole discretion” is used multiple times
throughout the document regarding decision-making authority and the duration of the agreement.
Instead, the author states that meaningful reconciliation requires both a willingness to acknowledge
the privilege accumulated through settler colonialism and, perhaps more importantly, to relinquish
that ill-gotten privilege and thereby advance Indigenous sovereignty, nationhood, and self-
determination” (Finnegan 2018, 17). That is not the part of the body that academia was designed for.
I feel I would not have been able to do this project without having experienced such a
transformation in how I saw myself, the nation, the land, and the relationships between us that has
roots in my experiences with Snuneymuxw’s territory that is continuing to unfold. Service use and
barriers to care for youth with serious behaviour? pdf. In describing the nature of pre-contact
Snuneymuxw principles of economy, Eliot states that “fundamentally our economic system was
about giving and supporting the community.” While the Snuneymuxw peoples were being robbed of
their governance and economies embedded with these principles through colonisation and
settlement, they worked to keep some principles safe. The herring saltery continued until 1941 when
all Japanese property was confiscated by the Canadian government and Japanese-Canadians were
sent to the Interior of British Columbia to be placed in internment camps 20 The Agreement in
Principle (AIP) itself was between Snuneymuxw, the Province of British Columbia, and the
Government of Canada. Page 59. At one time this may have been, probably was, a Garry Oak
meadow that in the spring would have been a lush little ocean of blue cammas lilies, frothing in the
breezes. This includes the basic logistics of access via the ferry, but also access in terms of the
relationship to harvesting locations on the island. Thesis Template and Resources: 2016-12-06 red
thesis banner Workshop Dates: Tuesday, December 6, 2016 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm Location: Burnaby,
Bennett. Also consider asking a question that disagrees with your own main argument; this could
generate fruitful ideas. Through these relationships, I have been humbled, taught, and transformed.
And visit us frequently, in person at the Library's three campus locations in Burnaby, Surrey and
Vancouver, and online. Regan, Paulette. 2010. Unsettling the Settler Within: Indian Residential
Schools, Truth Telling, and Reconciliation in Canada. You actually say a prayer, you clear your mind
and you aren’t feeling any stress or anger or anything, because whatever you’re feeling you put into
your weaving” and only then will what you are weaving together contain good feelings (Topper,
George and Joseph 2015, 153). Kovach, Margaret. 2009. Indigenous Methodologies: Characteristics,
Conversations, and Contexts. Those who hold this ancient knowledge can explain the complex
meaning of the Snawayalth (teachings) and help us understand today how to best make decisions
about how we should interact with our Territory and each other.” - ( ) Describing all aspects of
Snuneymuxw culture is not the intent of this section, and I will instead focus on Snuneymuxw
cosmology as it has been explained to me, paying particular attention to transformation on a spectrum
from the territory to individual to the nation. See: Amrine Goertz, Jolynn. 2018. Chehalis Stories.
Lincoln: University Page 86. What Snuneymuxw is currently working towards is a different
circumstance than these precedents of removal. 37 When talking to staff at PDG, the legislation that
came up as most problematic was not the Park Act but rather the federal level Indian Act. Thesis and
Defence - Department of Physics - Simon Fraser University. Therefore, it is important that I
acknowledge my position as a white-passing, non- Snuneymuxw person, who benefits from a series
of personal and professional privileges that rest upon the marginalization of Indigenous peoples.
Seeing and relating to the land in this way recognises that the territory knows power and agency that
was lived and understood by Snuneymuxw long before the colonial state, capitalism, and Western
land management regimes.
Thesis submission: Register information online about - SFU Library. Because of this, Indigenous
peoples invited themselves to the 2003 World Congress on Parks and revolted against their
marginalization which led to a reconsideration of the principles and values. Page 69. When I hear
them talk to each other, I can’t understand them either. Dave is very generous with his knowledge,
has been very patient with me in my fumblings towards knowing Saysutshun. Literature reviews and
current awareness Annual reviews Literature reviews and topic overviews in the sciences and social
sciences. But, that the island as a whole didn’t have a name.” Page 20. Then, move your cursor to
the right toolbar and choose one of the exporting options. Thank you to the unique supports of my
committee: Pam thank you for pushing me to make this thesis clearer so it can do the work that it
needs to do in academic spaces. Users will be automatically logged out of the database after 12
minutes of inactivity. Marshall, Catherine and Gretchen B. Rossman. 2006. Designing Qualitative
Research. In addition, theses are often tied to the “roadmap” of the paper. The SFU Library thesis
template is a Microsoft Word file designed to assist students in preparing theses, projects, and
extended essays The template and. Sometimes it wants to make sure I am listening and pushes into
me. Ingold (2000) propose a more relational approach to place that counters the idea that the land is
merely a space to be occupied but is dwelled in or with (133). IGO Search International
governmental organizations (IGOs) a re organizations made up of more than one national
government—examples include NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and the WHO (World
Heath Organization). As Flowers (2015), quoting Simpson (2015), explains this is not a love meant
for consumption by settlers but a love that must be turned inwards toward Indigenous peoples,
nations, and lands. Please keep in mind that in order to preserve your signatures and signed papers,
you must first create an account. Vancouver: Talonbooks; Joan Brown. 2016. “Culture is Lived,
Language Gives it Life.” Thesis, University of Victoria; Brian Thom. 2005. “Coast Salish Senses of
Place: Dwelling, Meaning, Power, Property and Territory in the Coast Salish World.” PhD Diss.,
McGill University; Keith Thor Carlson. 2010. The Power of Place, the Problem of Time: Aboriginal
Identity and Historical Consciousness in the Cauldron of Colonialism. That means explaining
subarguments that will support the overall position of your paper. Presentation to University College
of the Fraser Valley. Get Form KDOC Employment Kansas Department of. Get Form. Those who
hold this ancient knowledge can explain the complex meaning of the Snawayalth (teachings) and
help us understand today how to best make decisions about how we should interact with our
Territory and each other.” - ( ) Describing all aspects of Snuneymuxw culture is not the intent of this
section, and I will instead focus on Snuneymuxw cosmology as it has been explained to me, paying
particular attention to transformation on a spectrum from the territory to individual to the nation.
This collection of narratives, strategies, and practices of colonial governments in Canada have created
a canon of ethnocentric and colonially-centered regimes that manage not only the lands, but Page 19.
The part of the island where the ferry leaves visitors is an open expanse of lawn, often burnt to
golden brown by the summer sun and the constancy of the wind. He thanks the visitors gathered for
joining him on the tour, which will include a walk around the island’s front country and provide us
with stories about the plants, land, and the culture that holds this knowledge. Policies to reduce
urban GHG emissions: Accounting for? pdf. Snuneymuxw Goals in the Co-management With
Saysutshun My conversations and interviews with Snuneymuxw citizens provided some perspectives
into the early days of the co-management agreement of Saysutshun. Staff at PDG who take direction
from Elders and the Chief and Council shared that goals for Saysutshun center around fully
reclaiming their relationship and governance with the island. Our children must learn to respect the
sea life, animal life and Mother Earth. Thesis submission: Register information online about - SFU
This jurisdiction of the CMA places an Indigenous nation as “operators” or, as previously identified
by definitions of the Ocean’s Canada Strategy and RCAP, as “stakeholders.” It should be noted that
the CMA between Snuneymuxw and BC Parks does in fact recognise this agreement as a one
between governments, which is at odds with the language in the Act. You can save it in multiple
formats, download it as a PDF, send it by email, or store it in the cloud, among other things. Dave is
very generous with his knowledge, has been very patient with me in my fumblings towards knowing
Saysutshun. Thank you to Kelsey, Kurstin, and Sophia who offered words of support in early drafts.
To understand how the documents are or can be taken up, I had discussions with BC Parks staff and
Snuneymuxw citizens who work closely with the co- management agreement. Cole, Peter. 2006.
Coyote and Raven Go Canoeing: Coming Home to the Village. This section provides some links to
Canadian, USA and international levels of governments. One of the first tours I ever had with Dave,
we walked along the eastern side of the island, taking care to move in the direction one is supposed
to when working with the island. He could be talking to the air around him. “I lived on that island
for a number of years you know.” “That must have been amazing.” He bypasses this simple offering
with his own intention. “Have you ever noticed that there aren’t many birds on the north part of the
island?” “No,” I tell him, surprised. Staff at Petroglyph Development Group shared that although
harvesting rights may be protected and recognised by Parks, there are many barriers to enacting
these rights. On the left-hand side of the page, we can see related entries from the same
encyclopedia. Click Done to apply changes and return to your Dashboard. Craft, Aimee. 2021.
“Land Governance: Towards a More Just Future.” Presentation, David Suzuki Foundation. Within
the context of the land as a sovereign agent previously stated, we can also see the erasure of the
land’s rights and agency through the domination of Western land management regimes. All of the
animals used their bodies and their voices, rubbing up against the stories to wake them up. Standard
anthropological practices of participatory observation Page 31. The basic issue is—“So what?” Why
does this topic or question matter. As will be discussed in Chapter 5, ensuring that Snuneymuxw art
practices and styles are once again present is a part of Snuneymuxw cultural resurgence, with
Saysutshun being an important location to nourish this work. Page 84. Tlucu Rock looked around.
Shrugged. Maybe? They nestled into their midden home, not ready to be fully awake yet. Get Form
Vacant Seats Available For Fill-In. Get Form. Service use and barriers to care for youth with serious
behaviour? pdf. A shift in the heart of these relationships would honour the fact that Indigenous
peoples have their own systems, ceremonies, and protocols of co-management within and between
communities including with non-human relations. LaTeX template for theses published at Simon
Fraser University (SFU) Source: Thesis Templates at SFU. After doing a keyword search in the
catalogue, select “Books” from the “Resource Type” filters. Sage benchmarks in social research
methods Guide: Information on research methods for Anthropology and Sociology Archival research
An archive preserves the historical records (evidence) and they can be found at local (municipal),
provincial or national levels. So I just try my best to be open, to re-open, to make it a practice until it
is a process. Not only this but they continued to carry stories and teachings. Because when Xexa:ls
travelled through the land, making the world right, a lot of times not only was there the story about
why they were turned to stone but there was also some other teaching involved” (105-6). Please
ensure that any reproduction or re-use is done in accordance with the relevant national copyright
legislation. Page 2. In her thesis on Snuneymuxw language and culture, Joan Brown (2016) often
refers her readers to the work of Ellen White and the many teaching carried by stories of Xeel’s.
Begin a free trial to discover all of the features of pdfFiller, the best document editing solution. I
remember having a conversation with a citizen of the nation about the framing of my questions and
crying afterwards about the ways that academic practices insidiously undermine the way I know
things should be done. Indigenous futures are a multitude and our ability “to generate new and
ongoing temporalities is crucial to the work of settler colonial replacement” (Weiss 2018, 14).
Snuneymuxw state they are “keepers of this sacred place” who invite all who visit to experience the
history, culture, and tradition of Nanaimo and the Coast Salish region in new ways. See also guide:
Research methods for Anthropology and Sociology for sources other than Sage. Snuneymuxw
people have clearly stated that continuing to consider the land as a park is not helpful or is outrightly
disrespectful to their own self- determination and the self-determination of the land. Some Coast
Salish peoples describe Mink and a guardian spirits, while others identify Mink as a trickster similar
to Raven. Page 54. Blackstock describes the work of embracing humility in our practices as
providing the space to release or redirect energy that is currently being used to protect and rationalize
harmful structures like co-management (2017, 41). This is visible in signage, preservation of
industrial sites, and the great efforts to preserve the Pavilion constructed by the Canadian Pacific
Railway. This definition follows the trend of denigrating Indigenous nations whose territory is being
managed as “stakeholders,” as well as it being the sole jurisdiction of the government to designate
what is to be protected. For example, Geraldine expressed that she has been dismayed by how
Snuneymuxw workers are trained to enact their duties to the island, with all practices focusing only
on BC Parks standards. We stop at the foot of a Douglas fir and Dave raises his arms in what looks
like a welcome gesture to an old friend. This report was reviewed at the meeting of October 6. We
are all connected by this universal energy, and we can draw energy from these elements. 3. We must
teach our children to be strong in their minds and to look after their bodies because they are sacred.
Sage benchmarks in social research methods Guide: Information on research methods for
Anthropology and Sociology Archival research An archive preserves the historical records (evidence)
and they can be found at local (municipal), provincial or national levels. Watch That Page - this
website can send email alerts whenever a web page has been updated, which may be useful for
tracking small publishers or societies. Once a relationship is determined, it can become the position of
your thesis, because you are arguing that this relationship exists on the basis of x, y and z. He asks
how the research is going. “Slow, but good” I tell him. “It’s good to spend these days with the
island.” He guides the boat forward, not even looking at me. Just as you wouldn’t cheat on an exam,
you do not want to be stuck in a situation where you are caught plagiarizing. When he set it down in
front of me, we shared a wry laugh about the almost mythical size of the binder. Please note that the
SFU Library currently searches “Online Resources only” by default. Dave is able to carry what he
learns into other parts of his life including his cedar weaving practice, which he shares with his
communities and youth. The BC Parks agency has expressed a commitment to strengthen its
relationship with First Nations, with collaborative agreements playing an integral role in “this new
relationship” (BC Ministry of the Environment 2008, 5-6), thus investigation at this scale is
important to ensuring Indigenous institutions are cenetered in this work. When the mines and
quarries were deemed no longer economically viable, the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) acquired
title over the island to develop it as a premier leisure and recreational site for the wealthy that was
opened in June of 1931.19 With the austerity measures of World War II impacting fuel and income,
visitors to the island declined and the resort was officially closed in 1950. Mitchell, Marjorie. 1984.
“The Nanaimo Indian Elders Life History Project: Final Report.” Prepared for the Canadian
Ethnology Service, Canadian Museum of Civilization, Gatineau, QC. For Eliot, this is about creating
new opportunities for Snuneymuxw people, especially youth, to have a dream and be supported in
that dream. So when we think about leadership, it comes from the community. It also means that the
way co-management relationships need to shift from colonial structures held in service agreements
and contracts to relationships that honour Indigenous processes and ways of knowing the land.
Today we walk out into the high afternoon sun towards the totem pole to the East. Although the
number of people coming into the library, 142,511.