Another Perspective On The Foundation For A Smoke
Another Perspective On The Foundation For A Smoke
Another Perspective On The Foundation For A Smoke
Another perspective on other novel products, this does not 3 US Department of Health and Human Services.
The health consequences of smoking—50
mean that these electronic nicotine
the Foundation for a delivery systems (ENDS) should be
years of progress. A report of the Surgeon
General. Rockville: Public Health Service Office
Smoke-Free World promoted, marketed, or sold to the
of the Surgeon General, 2014: 435–42.
Faber T, Kumar A, Mackenbach JP, et al. Effect
general population. of tobacco control policies on perinatal and
Much has, and is, being said about the In light of these findings, the goals child health: a systematic review and
meta-analysis. Lancet Public Health 2017;
Foundation for a Smoke-Free World,1 of the Foundation for a Smoke-Free 2: e420–37.
an independent foundation funded World seem far less benign, even 5 Campbell H. Methadone, needle exchanges
by Philip Morris International, but one before considering the involvement of and e-cigarettes: Puritanism as policy. July 16,
elemental point has been overlooked. the tobacco industry. Unlike standard 10/methadone-needle-exchanges-and-e-
A principal focus of the foundation, as nicotine replacement therapy, cigarettes-puritanism-as-policy (accessed
Dec 1, 2017).
stated on its website, is on treatment counselling, and quitting cold turkey, For more on Foundation for
6 Hirschhorn N. Evolution of the tobacco
of addicted smokers to decrease e-cigarettes and heat-not-burn industry positions on addiction to nicotine.
a Smoke-Free World see
mortality, including promoting the tobacco products maintain nicotine A report prepared for the Tobacco-Free
Initiative, World Health Organization. Geneva:
switch to reduced-risk products, such addiction. And unlike methadone, World Health Organization, 2008: 5.
as e-cigarettes. Geoffrey Rose, in his which is the cheapest manufactured
masterful monograph The Strategy drug in the USA and used as an
of Preventive Medicine, pointed to example by ENDS advocates,5 there WHO washes its hands
the so-called risk paradox, giving the is a huge profit to be made by the
example “whereby it was seen that tobacco industry in prolonging
of older people
many people exposed to a small risk nicotine addiction. Decades ago, Older people (≥60 years) constitute
may generate more disease than a few an industry executive said bluntly, more than 12% of the world’s
exposed to a conspicuous risk. Applied “Nicotine is addictive. We are, then, population, which will rise to
in reverse to prevention, this means in the business of selling nicotine.”6 16·5% by 2030.1 This age group will
that when many people each receive Whatever reduction in mortality is represent 10% of the population
Sturti/Getty Images
a little benefit, the total benefit may possibly achieved by ENDS would be in less developed regions by 2030.
be large.”2 As a theoretical example, a offset to some degree by continued Although older people account for
5% lowering of mean blood pressure nicotine use, by non-smoking adol a greater proportion of the global
across a population could achieve a escents becoming addicted and burden of disease and health-care
30% reduction in stroke, compared switching to regular cigarettes (which needs than younger people, their
with a 15% reduction if all cases of is already occurring), and by any long- positive societal contribution should
hypertension were treated. term toxicity associated with the not be overlooked. This age group
In Rose’s bell curve, a wholesale ENDS products. often provide unpaid care for children
shift to the left of the entire curve There are far better and more or grandchildren, or other adults with
will achieve more than will a focus on thoroughly tested ways to spend disabilities. Improved health of older
the right-hand tail. When applied to US$1 billion if the goal is to reduce people is an essential goal to reduce
public health measures—such as bans smoking morbidity and mortality. health-care costs and maintain the
on public smoking, which address To cite Geoffrey Rose again: “Mass societal support older people provide.
smoking-related mortality—this diseases and mass exposures require Although WHO has begun to address
approach will shift the curve of tobacco- mass remedies. A targeted approach this key global challenge over the past
use prevalence, and thus mortality, may assist but it cannot be sufficient.”2 decade, the proposed 13th General
to the left, which should in turn yield It is possible that the Foundation for a Programme of Work 2 makes no
a greater effect than will treating Smoke-Free World will come up with reference to older people or conditions
cigarette smokers who are struggling some grand strategy other than to associated with later life, such as
to quit. A prime example of this is offer a platform for its sponsor’s latest dementia, which is unacceptable. If
the reduction in the number of heart products; this remains to be shown. the proposed programme is approved,
attacks witnessed in many parts of the I declare no competing interests. it will considerably diminish WHO’s
world after bans on public smoking global authority and will brand itself
Norbert Hirschhorn
were introduced.3 More recently, results [email protected]
as a champion of age discrimination.
from various meta-analyses also show We therefore urge that WHO rectify
London, UK
reductions in perinatal and childhood this oversight and revise the proposed Submissions should be
1 The Lancet. Tobacco control: a foundation too made via our electronic
respiratory diseases.4 Although some far? Lancet 2017; 390: 1715. programme to include substantial plans submission system at
individual patients in a clinical setting 2 Rose G. The strategy of preventive medicine. relating to the health of older people
might benefit from e-cigarettes and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. and challenges of an ageing population. thelancet/