2018 Ham Heinze
2018 Ham Heinze
2018 Ham Heinze
Keywords: Mathematics textbooks are ascribed an important role for classroom practice. Until now there are still open
Textbook effects questions concerning the genuine effect of textbooks on students’ learning in mathematics. This paper examines
Development of mathematics achievement the effect of different textbooks representing the same curriculum on the student achievement by reanalyzing a
Program evaluation longitudinal data set on primary school students’ mathematics skills from Grade 1 to 3 (N = 1664). Results from
School-based evaluation
multilevel regression analyses showed that mathematics teachers’ textbook choice has a substantial effect on the
students’ mathematics achievement and that individual textbooks substantially differ in their effects.
Furthermore, there are indications that the effect of textbook choice is cumulative over the school years. The
findings suggest that textbooks should be considered as an important covariate in educational research and that
textbook choice is a relevant factor for educational practice.
Mathematics textbooks have an important role in representing and Textbooks are artifacts since they are educational material created
translating the abstract curriculum into operations that teachers and by human beings (e.g., Rabardel, 2002). They are written by an author
students can carry out (Valverde, Bianchi, Wolfe, Schmidt, & Houang, or group of authors and produced by a publisher. The authors interpret
2002). They are extensively used in everyday classroom practice a curriculum and transform it into learning opportunities and concrete
(Mullis, Martin, Foy, & Arora, 2012), differ in their content and peda- operations that teachers and students can carry out (Valverde et al.,
gogical styles (Pepin & Haggarty, 2001) and therefore shape the po- 2002). Hence, a textbook can be described as a mediator between the
tential learning opportunities for students. Hence, it is commonly as- intended curriculum as official policy and the implemented curriculum
sumed that textbooks have a substantial effect on student achievement. by the teachers (Valverde et al., 2002). Textbooks are therefore seen as
Presently, there is a lack of empirical evidence supporting this as- conveyors of the curriculum and often referred to as curriculum ma-
sumption. Research on textbook effects reveals conflicting results (van terial (e.g. Herbel-Eisenmann, 2007; Remillard, 2005). They offer tea-
Steenbrugge, Valcke, & Desoete, 2013), and is often based on small chers and students opportunities for teaching and learning by providing
sample sizes and cross-sectional designs (Fan, Zhu, & Miao, 2013). an objectively given didactical structure of the content. Textbooks
Many textbook studies – especially those with larger sample sizes – are thereby specify a certain manner of use and therefore limit possible uses
in fact curriculum studies because the considered textbooks represent (Remillard, 2005; Rezat, 2008).
different curricula (e.g., standard based curriculum vs. traditional Due to their mediating role between intended and implemented
curriculum, Tarr et al., 2008; Koedel, Morgan, Polikoff, Hardaway, & curriculum, textbooks can be used as a monitoring instrument in the
Wrabel, 2017). The aim of the present study is therefore to examine the educational system. In some countries textbooks must be approved and
effect of different textbooks on student achievement, representing the licensed by the ministry of education (e.g., Hong Kong, Norway), while
same curriculum. The results are based on a reanalysis of a longitudinal in other countries there is no approving authority (e.g., The
data set on primary school students’ mathematics skills from Grade 1 to Netherlands, some states in the US) (Mullis et al., 1997). The strictness
3. of monitoring by an authority can influence the curriculum inter-
pretation in the textbook (Schmidt, Raizen, Britton, Bianchi, & Wolfe,
1997). Summarizing, mathematics textbooks are ascribed an important
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A.-K. van den Ham).
Received 9 April 2018; Received in revised form 12 July 2018; Accepted 16 July 2018
Available online 23 July 2018
0191-491X/ © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
A.-K. van den Ham, A. Heinze Studies in Educational Evaluation 59 (2018) 133–140
role for classroom practice (Pepin & Haggarty, 2001). Even though one their study Lepik et al. (2015) found that most problems for students’
can assume that teachers and students modify the offered learning in-class exercises and homework were taken from mathematics text-
opportunities in textbooks, it is assumed that textbooks exert influence books. Furthermore, 45% (Norway) to 76% (Finland) of the teachers
on the teaching and learning in the classroom (Valverde et al., 2002). used the textbook as the only source for homework. According to TIMSS
1995 students of most western countries report that they also work
1.2. Textbook content from textbooks or work cards on their own in most lessons (e.g., Eng-
land 49%, United States 57%, New Zeeland 50%).
Textbooks are artefacts and therefore historically developed, cul- In summary it can be stated, that mathematics textbooks are an
turally formed, produced for certain ends and used with particular in- important and extensively used resource for teaching and student
tentions (Rezat, 2008). Research shows that mathematics textbooks learning.
differ in their mathematical content as well as in certain pedagogical,
cultural and sociological aspects (e.g., related to gender, ethnicity, 1.4. Influence of textbook choice on students’ mathematics achievement
equity, Fan et al., 2013). For example, cross-national comparisons re-
vealed that mathematics textbooks vary across different countries or Schmidt et al. (2001) analyzed the United States TIMSS 1995 eighth
states due to specific cultural and educational traditions (Mayer, Sims, grade data and found a direct relation between the amount of space
& Tajika, 1995; Pepin & Haggarty, 2001). Studies regarding the math- allocated to covering a topic and the size of students’ achievement gain
ematical content indicate variations between textbooks concerning the on that topic. Similar findings regarding the interaction between
interpretation of a curriculum (Fan et al., 2013). Differences occur, for learning opportunities in mathematics textbooks and learning outcomes
example, with respect to the structure of the presented mathematical were reported by Törnroos (2005). Törnroos examined the influence of
topic (e.g., Jones et al., 2015, for the statistical content in 25 primary nine mathematics textbooks series used in the classes of the TIMSS 1999
school textbooks in Texas) and the cognitive demands of the learning sample in Finland on students’ achievement in the TIMSS mathematics
opportunities (e.g., Kolovou, van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, & Bakker, test. It turned out that the number of learning opportunities a textbook
2009, for cognitive demands of number problems in the six main provided specifically for the content of TIMSS items was significantly
textbook series used in Dutch primary schools). To conclude, textbook positively correlated with students’ performance in the TIMSS test.
differences are based on different curriculum interpretations following Furthermore Hadar (2017) analyzed whether opportunities to engage in
different pedagogical intentions, cultural or educational traditions. This tasks demanding different levels of understanding provided in mathe-
generates different conditions for students’ mathematics learning, de- matics textbooks correlate with students’ achievements on tasks de-
pending on the teachers’ use of textbooks for lesson preparation. manding equivalent levels of understanding on a standardized national
exam. She examined two 8th grade mathematics textbooks used by
1.3. Use of the textbook in teaching and learning students in the Arab community in Israel. Using a sample of all 8th
grade students in the Arab community who completed the national
Several studies revealed that teachers frequently use mathematics math test in 2015 and studied in schools using one of the two textbooks
textbooks as the main basis for their instruction. For example, ac- (N = 4040 students) Hadar found that students using a book will have
cording to the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study higher scores if this textbook provides the opportunity to engage in
(TIMSS) 2011 on average about 75% of the primary school teachers tasks demanding higher levels of understanding. In contrast to this re-
base their instruction on the mathematics textbook. In Germany 86% of sults, a study of van Steenbrugge et al. (2013) in Flanders (Belgium) did
the teachers report using the mathematics textbook as a basis of in- not find substantial differential effects of mathematics textbooks on
struction (Mullis, Martin, Foy, & Drucker, 2012). Lepik, Grevholm, and students’ achievement. The cross-sectional study included 1579 stu-
Viholainen, (2015) analyzed surveys from 402 mathematics teachers of dents (Grade 1–6) and their 89 teachers using five different mathe-
Grade 7 to 9 from Estonia, Finland and Norway. Depending on the matics textbook series. The authors conclude that “Up to date there is
country, 49–64% of the teachers rely heavily on the textbook in terms no agreement about the differential impact of mathematics textbooks
of planning and preparing their lessons. Furthermore 79–92% of the on students’ performance results” (van Steenbrugge et al., 2013, p.
teachers use the textbook as the only source for exercises in at least half 346).
of the lessons. Krammer (1985) analyzed data from systematic lesson The previously presented research indicates that there are still open
observations of 50 mathematics teachers from 17 schools in the Neth- questions concerning the genuine effect of textbooks on students’
erlands which used one of the three best known Dutch mathematics learning in mathematics. Many research studies have limitations due to
textbooks. The results indicated that users of different textbooks im- small sample sizes and/or cross-sectional designs (cf. the review article
plement different teaching practices. Evidence for a consistency of the Fan et al., 2013). In the US, textbook effects were analyzed with ade-
relationship between textbook features and teaching practices is also quate sample sizes in the context of curriculum research (e.g., Tarr
provided by data from TIMSS 1995 and the related video study. The et al., 2008; Koedel et al., 2017). However, the textbooks in these
analyses of the United States TIMSS eighth grade data revealed a po- studies served as indicators for the implementation of different curri-
sitive relation between the space a topic covers in a textbook and the cula and, consequently, the authors interpreted the effects on students’
instructional time teachers using this textbook have dedicated to this mathematics achievement as curriculum effects. Fan et al. (2013)
topic in the mathematics classroom (Schmidt et al., 2001). Mathematics concluded in their review of research focusing on mathematics text-
textbooks influence what topics are covered and how these topics are books that there is still a strong need for more confirmatory research
presented. It was concluded that mathematical topics covered in given about the relationship of mathematics textbooks and student achieve-
curriculum materials are considered of fundamental importance by the ment. Five years later to the best of our knowledge, there are no large
teachers (Stein, Remillard, & Smith, 2007), whereas there is a low longitudinal studies examining genuine textbook effects (i.e., effects of
probability that topics not covered in the textbook will be presented in textbooks representing the same curriculum) on students’ mathematics
the classroom (Schmidt et al., 1997). achievement.
The mathematics textbook is not only an important resource for
teachers, but also for students. Although curriculum guides usually 1.5. The present study
define the official curriculum for students, many students are not even
aware of them (Schmidt et al., 1997). Textbooks on the other hand are a We analyzed data of a three-year longitudinal study in primary
basis for everyday school practice (Mullis, Martin, Foy, Arora et al., school comprising teacher information as well as student information
2012; Mullis, Martin, Foy, Drucker et al., 2012; Schmidt et al., 2001). In including arithmetic skills from Grade 1 and 2 as well as the students’
A.-K. van den Ham, A. Heinze Studies in Educational Evaluation 59 (2018) 133–140
scores of a nationwide mathematics competence test at the end of Grade For each grade, series “Denken und Rechnen”, “Flex und Flo” and “Welt
3. The sample was selected in one federal state of Germany (Schleswig- der Zahl” are comparable in their approach by offering teachers
Holstein). As a result the textbooks in this sample represented the same freedom to select and use the examples, tasks, representations, ex-
statewide curriculum. The majority of the classes in the sample used planations, and exercises provided in the textbook; a specific learning
one of four common mathematics textbooks which were distributed trajectory for students is suggested but not prescribed. In contrast, the
relatively evenly across the classes. Therefore, this sample allows us to textbook series “Einstern” recommends using the booklets and working
examine the effects of four different primary school textbooks re- through each booklet in a linear order. This series especially fosters
presenting the same curriculum on students’ mathematics achievement students’ individual and autonomous learning. The content is structured
with a longitudinal design and a sound sample size. Accordingly, our in small parts and typically each aspect has 1–2 pages dedicated to
study addresses the following research question: exercises.
Does the textbook choice of primary mathematics teachers have an
effect on the development of students’ mathematics achievement 2.2. Measures
through Grade 1, 2 and 3?
Following this research question we developed three hypotheses: 2.2.1. Mathematics achievement
Students’ learning progress at the end of Grade 1 and 2 was mea-
(1) Given that teachers use textbooks as a basis for their instruction sured with curriculum based arithmetic tests. The arithmetic content
(e.g., Mullis, Martin, Foy, Arora et al., 2012; Mullis, Martin, Foy, domain holds the biggest proportion of the German primary school
Drucker et al., 2012; Lepik et al., 2015) and that textbooks influ- curriculum. The items for these tests were adapted from the approved
ence the teaching and topics covered in a classroom (e.g., Schmidt tests of the “personality and learning development of primary school
et al., 1997, 2001; Stein et al., 2007), our first hypothesis is that the children” study (Persönlichkeits- und Lernentwicklung von
textbook choice has an effect on the student achievement even Grundschulkindern, PERLE) from Lipowsky et al. (2011). Among other
when the different textbooks are aligned to the same intended things, the test at the end of Grade 1 (39 items, 30 min) addressed
curriculum. doubling, halving, part-whole relations, addition, and subtraction in the
(2) As the textbooks vary in their content presentation (e.g., Fan et al., number domain 0–20, whereas the test at the end of Grade 2 (59 items,
2013; Kolovou et al., 2009; Jones et al., 2015), our second hy- 40 min) covered, for example, addition, subtraction, multiplication,
pothesis is that textbooks aligned to the same intended curriculum division in the number domain 0–100, doubling, halving, factors of a
differ in their effects on student achievement. given number. The short-constructed response format was used (re-
(3) Following the second hypothesis and the fact that mathematics sponse in form of a number). Some of the items were combined and in
learning is a cumulative process, our third hypothesis is that the those cases partial credit coding was used. Both tests were linked by 19
textbook choice has a genuine effect on student achievement in common items so that the same scale could be used for both tests (see
each school year and the overall effect increases over the years. Section 2.4). The reliability of the adapted tests were very good (EAP/
PV reliability = .93 and .94). The effect size (Cohen’s d) for the
achievement growth from the end of Grade 1 to the end of Grade 2 was
2. Methods
d = 1.06.
Regarding students’ mathematics achievement at the end of Grade
2.1. Participants and design
3, the total scores from the national mathematics test for the two
content areas “numbers” and “patterns” were provided by the schools.
Our study is a reanalysis of data that stems from a longitudinal
The national mathematics test is intended to measure to what extend
evaluation of a mathematics support program for weak students in the
the national educational standards are met at the end of Grade 3 (cf.
regular mathematics classroom. In the evaluation a control group is
Zimmer-Müller, 2013). The items of the domain numbers address all
compared with two groups in which teachers received additional
four basic operations in the number domain 0–1000, representations of
teaching material for weak students in Grade 1 and 2. The participation
numbers as well as number relations. The domain patterns contains
in the support program is independent of the textbooks the teachers
items regarding understanding and using functional relations between
used and we controlled for the participation in the support program by
mathematical objects and patterns. The character of the items in both
dummy coded variables in the statistical analyses (see Section 2.4). The
domains differ from those of our arithmetic tests in Grade 1 and 2.
sample comprises 40 primary schools from urban and rural areas in the
Following the idea of the national educational standards, the items
German federal state of Schleswig-Holstein. In this federal state all
mainly address the application of arithmetical knowledge in mathe-
teachers have to follow the same state-wide curriculum for each grade
matical and realistic contexts.
which prescribes content (e.g., concepts, algorithms), skills (e.g.,
mental computation, estimation), and representations (e.g., number
2.2.2. Control measures
line, place value chart) to be addressed in the mathematics classroom.
Data about the textbooks, textbook use and teacher qualification
The longitudinal sample consists of 2330 children from 127 classes
were collected using a teacher questionnaire. In order to control in-
from the 40 schools which is about 10% of the cohort in this federal
dividual differences between individual students as well as classes,
state. About three-quarters of the classes in the sample used one of four
students’ learning prerequisites related to basic numerical skills and
mathematics textbook series. The distribution of these 93 classes over
German language skills were measured at school entrance using ap-
the textbook series is quite uniform (see Section 3.1). Therefore, this
proved standardized tests (basic numerical skills: Lorenz, 2007, Cron-
subsample of 93 classes with 1664 children1 (784 female, 47%) from 38
bach’s α =.74; German language skills: Münsteraner Screening, MÜSC,
schools is a sound basis for examining our research question.
Mannhaupt, 2013, Cronbach’s α = .72). Students’ basic cognitive
The four textbooks series in our sample show specific character-
abilities were measured using the Culture Fair Intelligence test (CFT 1-
istics. The textbook series “Denken und Rechnen” and “Welt der Zahl”
R, Weiß & Osterland, 2013, Cronbach’s α = .91).
provide a usual textbook format (i.e., one book for each grade covering
the content for one school year) whereas “Flex und Flo” and “Einstern”
2.3. Procedure
provide a set of 4–7 booklets for each grade separating specific topics.
A.-K. van den Ham, A. Heinze Studies in Educational Evaluation 59 (2018) 133–140
abilities were assessed. At the end of Grade 1 and 2 data for arithmetic Due to sample selection, there was no missing data for the pre-
achievement was collected. All tests were administered by trained test dictors textbook choice and support program.
administrators according to the respective manuals.
3. Results
A.-K. van den Ham, A. Heinze Studies in Educational Evaluation 59 (2018) 133–140
Table 1
Mean values and standard deviations for individual learning prerequisites and mathematics achievement in Grade 1–3 (dependent variables) in the four textbook
Textbook choice Learning prerequisites at school entrance Mathematics achievement
Cognitive Basic numerical Language Arithmetic Arithmetic Achievement Grade 3 Achievement Grade 3
abilities skills skills achievement Grade 1 achievement Grade 2 (Numbers) (Patterns)
Denken und 26.25 (8.63) 30.93 (7.40) 32.65 (6.14) −0.09 (1.03) 0.21 (1.00) 11.07 (3.34) 8.00 (2.62)
Einstern 25.46 (8.58) 32.05 (6.34) 33.42 (5.80) −0.17 (0.96) −0.29 (0.91) 9.47 (3.44) 6.83 (2.66)
Flex und Flo 27.27 (9.23) 31.10 (7.86) 32.96 (6.37) −0.02 (0.98) 0.01 (1.02) 10.41 (3.33) 7.32 (2.61)
Welt der Zahl 28.41 (9.03) 32.40 (6.55) 34.51 (5.39) 0.28 (0.95) 0.23 (0.94) 11.37 (3.35) 8.21 (2.45)
Note. Arithmetic achievement at the end of Grade 1 and 2 are z-values computed from the IRT model whereas all other results are sum scores from the tests. The
maximum score for cognitive abilities is 44, for basic numerical skills 43, for language skills 40 and for achievement Grade 3 (Numbers/Patterns) 12/17.
Table 2 Table 3
Multilevel regression for individual and classroom covariates and textbook on Multilevel regression for individual and classroom covariates and textbook on
students’ arithmetic achievement at the end of Grade 1. students’ arithmetic achievement at the end of Grade 2.
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
regression coefficients but reached the level of statistical significance ** p < .01.
only for arithmetic achievement at the end of Grade 2. Overall, the class * p < .05; standard errors are in parentheses, variables on individual level
composition explained between 7.1% and 26.4% of the variance be- and the output variable are standardized, cognitive abilities, numerical and
language skills on class level are arithmetic means, Support program 1 and 2 are
tween classes. Regarding learning environment characteristics (see
dummy variables with reference category control group, textbooks ”Denken
Models 2 in Tables 2–4) the teacher qualification had no significant
und Rechnen”, “Flex und Flo”, “Welt der Zahl” are dummy variables with re-
influence on the mathematics achievement in all grades. This is in line ference category textbook ”Einstern”.
with the outcomes of the German National Study 2016 at the end of
Grade 4 (Rjosk, Hoffmann, Richter, Marx, & Gresch, 2017). increased substantially (Grade 1: ΔR² = 11.7%, Grade 2: ΔR² = 20.8%,
The two support programs did not show systematic effects in this Grade 3 numbers: ΔR² = 19.4%, Grade 3 patterns: ΔR² = 23.3%). The
sample. At the end of Grade 1 there was a significant influence of the significant regression coefficients of the different textbooks varied be-
support program 1 on the mathematics achievement which disappeared tween β = .20 and β = .48. Due to the standardized scales, the β-values
when the textbook choice was included into the model (Model 3 in can be interpreted as effect sizes similar to Cohen’s d (see Section 2.4,
Table 2). At the end of Grade 2, both support programs showed only a cf. Tymms, 2004). Because the effect size for arithmetic achievement
significant effect after including the textbook choice into the model growth at the beginning of primary school was d = 1.06 in the first
(Model 3 in Table 3). school year (see Section 2.2.1), these effects are of considerable size.
Altogether the inclusion of the learning environment variables led Hence, we can confirm Hypothesis 1. The textbook choice has an effect
to a small increase of the explained variance in all grades (ΔR² between on the student achievement in arithmetic at the end of Grade 1 and 2 as
3.2% and 6.8%). well as on the student achievement in the content domains “number”
and “pattern” at the end of Grade 3.
3.3. Results of the multilevel analyses: effects of textbook choice Regarding Hypothesis 2 (textbooks differ in their effects on student
achievement), it turned out that already at the end of Grade 1 the
When including the dummy variables for the textbook choice into textbook “Denken und Rechnen” has a significantly positive effect
the multilevel models (Models 3 in Tables 2–4), the explained variance (β = .28) on students’ arithmetic achievement in comparison to the
A.-K. van den Ham, A. Heinze Studies in Educational Evaluation 59 (2018) 133–140
Table 4
Multilevel regression for individual and classroom covariates and textbook on students’ achievement for the competence dimensions “Numbers” and “Patterns” at the
end of Grade 3.
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
Individual level
Cognitive abilities .37** (.04) .43** (.04) .37** (.04) .43** (.04) .37** (.04) .43** (.04) .16** (.03) .23** (.03)
Basic numerical skills .20** (.05) .17** (.05) .20** (.05) .17** (.05) .20** (.05) .17** (.05) .08* (.03) .06 (.04)
Language skills .09* (.04) .06 (.04) .09* (.04) .06 (.04) .09* (.04) .06 (.04) .07* (.03) .03 (.03)
Arithmetic skills (Grade 2) .63** (.03) .58** (.03)
Class level
Cognitive abilities (mean) .12 (.21) .27 (.16) .16 (.21) 0.31 (.16) .03 (.19) .25 (.15) −.10 (.14) .15 (.13)
Basic numerical skills (mean) .08 (.17) .08 (.16) .10 (.17) 0.10 (.17) .12 (.16) .08 (.16) .04 (.13) .01 (.14)
Language skills (mean) .03 (.17) .01 (.16) −.03 (.18) −0.06 (.16) .02 (.17) .01 (.16) .07 (.14) .06 (.14)
Arithmetic skills (Grade 2, mean) −.11 (.10) −.13 (.09)
Teacher qualification −.04 (.03) −0.04 (.03) .00 (.10) .03 (.10) .03 (.08) .05 (.08)
Support program 1 −.02 (.10) −0.13 (.11) .01 (.10) −.09 (.10) .00 (.08) −.10 (.09)
Support program 2 .05 (.11) −0.09 (.12) .14 (.11) .00 (.11) .01 (.09) −.11 (.10)
Denken und Rechnen .48** (.13) .41** (.13) .21 (.13) .17 (.13)
Flex und Flo .17 (.11) .03 (.10) .08 (.10) −.05 (.10)
Welt der Zahl .36** (.12) .22* (.11) .22 (.11) .10 (.11)
Intercept −.16** (.05) −.17** (.04) −.14 (.08) −.04 (.10) −.44** (.11) −.28* (.11) −.27 (.09) −.13 (.11)
Explained within class variance (%) 33.6% 34.5% 33.6% 34.5% 33.8% 34.6% 61.9% 59.8%
Explained between class variance (%) 7.1% 17.2% 10.3% 23.1% 33.6% 42.5% 19.4% 25.0%
** p < .01, * p < .05; standard errors are in parentheses, variables on individual level and the output variable are standardized, cognitive abilities, numerical and
language skills on class level are arithmetic means, Support program 1 and 2 are dummy variables with reference category control group, textbooks ”Denken und
Rechnen”, “Flex und Flo”, “Welt der Zahl” are dummy variables with reference category textbook ”Einstern”.
A.-K. van den Ham, A. Heinze Studies in Educational Evaluation 59 (2018) 133–140
and highly individualized learning activities. In comparison to other 4.2. Educational implications
textbooks, the school classes taught by “Einstern” show a substantially
lower achievement. Since textbooks have an effect on teaching practice Our study provides empirical evidence that textbook choice has a
(e.g., Krammer, 1985), and suggest a certain manner of use (e.g. substantial effect on student achievement even when textbooks are
Rabardel, 2002; Remillard, 2005; Rezat, 2008), students in our sample aligned with the same curriculum. These findings are highly relevant
may have used “Einstern” mostly individually so that they did not get for educational practice.
sufficient feedback to overcome their misconceptions. Like “Einstern” The most important implications for educational practice concern
the textbook “Flex und Flo” is also structured in different booklets for the policy and the teacher training. For example, in Germany, the
each grade, which suggests a kind of macro structure of the textbook federal states can independently establish and disestablish a regulation
content. Since school classes taught by “Flex und Flo” also show a for textbook approval so that some federal states have such regulations
significantly lower student achievement in comparison to the textbook and others do not. In some other countries textbooks must be approved
“Denken und Rechnen”, this might imply that such a booklet structure and licensed by the ministry of education (Section 1.1). The outcomes
is less beneficial for the mathematics classroom than a traditional of this research suggest that textbook approval regulations based on
textbook structure. theory-based quality indicators could be an instrument to avoid that
The current study is based on a black box model and thus cannot textbooks with disadvantageous effects are used in schools and lead to
provide evidence for an explanation for the identified effects of text- an improvement of overall textbook quality. Furthermore the choice of
book choice. However, the effects on students’ achievement are sub- high quality textbooks is a relatively easy, quick and inexpensive way to
stantial and our study therefore supports the statement of Johansson positively affect student achievement. Comparable effects through po-
(2016) that textbooks cannot merely be contemplated as an important tential interventions on teacher or student level are related to higher
tool for the teaching and learning of mathematics, but also as an ob- expenses. The educational opportunities provided by textbooks in pri-
stacle. mary school might also affect student achievement in higher grades.
A major implication for future research studies is to unravel the The textbook effects on student achievement in the national test at the
mechanisms causing the textbook effects. For this purpose, we suggest end of Grade 3 suggest, that students using certain books have ad-
that future studies should examine the quality of the learning oppor- vantages regarding attaining the National Educational Standards at the
tunities provided by the textbooks (cf. Hadar, 2017; Törnroos, 2005). end of Grade 4. Future studies should address the long term effects of
Presently, we are not aware of instruments to assess overall textbook primary school textbooks as well as the role of secondary school text-
quality – even for well-structured school subjects like mathematics. The books on attaining the German National Educational Standards at the
theory-driven development of valid quality indicators for subject-spe- end of Grade 9 or international proficiency levels from studies like the
cific and subject-unspecific aspects of textbooks would be helpful to Programme for International Student Assessment. If effects could be
better determine the genuine influence of textbooks on student detected textbook choice could be an inexpensive way to improve the
achievement. Furthermore, it would be worthwhile to examine if tea- efficiency of the German educational system. Furthermore, teachers
chers’ professional competences possibly moderate textbook effects on should be informed of possible textbook effects. Teacher education as
the instructional quality and on students’ achievement. In addition, the well as teacher professional development can provide the opportunity
way the textbook is implemented and possibly complemented by ad- to help pre- and in-service teachers reflecting on learning opportunities
ditional learning materials influences the quality of learning opportu- in textbooks and compensating an inadequate representation of
nities of the students and should therefore be explored in more detail. teaching content.
Apart from that one could assume that the effects found in this paper
are also relevant for school subjects that are close to mathematics 4.3. Limitations
(STEM subjects), like science, technology and engineering. Therefore
we recommend examining possible textbooks effects for those subjects. There are several limitations of our study. Since we re-analyzed an
Furthermore it could be hypothesized that a close textbook orientation existing data set we were not able to administer specific instruments for
has an effect on student achievement. If this holds true effects of our research. In particular, the questionnaires do not provide fine-
reading textbooks on student achievement can be expected in countries grained data on the implementation of the teaching content or the
like Finland, Israel and the Netherlands (81% to 86% of the teachers use teachers’ professional knowledge. As a consequence this study could not
the textbook as a basis for instruction; Mullis, Martin, Foy, Arora et al., unravel the black box on how the textbook influences student
2012; Mullis, Martin, Foy, Drucker et al., 2012) more likely than in achievement and if teachers’ professional knowledge possibly moder-
Germany (62% of the teachers use the textbook as a basis for instruc- ates the textbook effects. It could be worthwhile analyzing how the
tion; Mullis, Martin, Foy, Drucker et al., 2012). teachers implement the learning opportunities from the textbooks and
As an unintended by-product, the results of our study suggest that how some teachers eventually compensate for inadequate learning
the inclusion of textbooks as independent variables is worthwhile when opportunities in textbooks. Another limitation of this study is that we
analyzing effects of interventions. Our data set stemmed from the cannot exclude the possibility that teachers with certain characteristics
evaluation of two support programs for mathematics. Without con- (e.g., beliefs on teaching and learning) chose textbooks that match their
trolling for the textbook used in the classroom, the effects of the support teaching style. In the German federal state of Schleswig-Holstein, where
programs could not be identified as significant at the end of Grade 2 the sample was drawn, the Education Act prescribes that the group of
(Model 2 and 3 in Table 3). mathematics teachers of a school (“Fachkonferenz”) decides which
Another interesting finding from this study is that teacher qualifi- mathematics textbook is used by all teachers in the respective school.
cation had no significant influence on student achievement. This is in Therefore, we do not expect that the textbooks in this study are chosen
line with the previous finding from the German National Study 2016 at independently by the teachers of our sample and that teacher and
the end of Grade 4 (Rjosk et al., 2017). One possible reason for this is textbook characteristics are strongly confounded. Finally, for the ana-
that the dichotomous variable is too distal to represent the teacher lysis of the achievement data for Grade 3 only sum scores of the na-
qualification adequately. Other measures like the professional compe- tional mathematics test for the topics numbers and patterns were
tence of teachers are probably more revelatory control variables. available. This caused restrictions to the statistical data analyses be-
Therefore, it is not surprising, that we found no difference in textbook cause it was not possible to measure the longitudinal achievement de-
usage between teachers with and without a formal qualification to velopment of the students on an unidimensional scale (like for the first
teach mathematics, especially with both groups of teachers using the two grades). Hence, there is a limitation for the analysis of the genuine
textbook extensively. effect of textbook choice in Grade 3 by controlling for the arithmetic
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