World Setup En.a4
World Setup En.a4
World Setup En.a4
Table of Contents
1 Preface and Legal Notices ......................................................................................................... 1
2 Installation ................................................................................................................................. 2
3 History ...................................................................................................................................... 4
This document describes world sample database installation, structure, usage, and history.
The sample data used in the world database is Copyright Statistics Finland,
For help with using MySQL, please visit the MySQL Forums, where you can discuss your issues with
other MySQL users.
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Setting Up the world Database
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2 Installation
To enable MySQL users to perform manipulation of the world sample database using MySQL, the
data set is available as a set of three tables:
Setting Up the world Database
The world.sql file containing the world database is available for download at
doc/index-other.html. The file is provided as a compressed tar file or Zip archive.
1. Download the installation archive to a temporary location such as C:\temp\ or /tmp/ and unpack
it. Unpacking the archive results in a directory named world-db containing a single file named
2. Connect to the MySQL server using the mysql command-line client with the following command:
$> mysql -u root -p
Enter your password when prompted. A non-root account can be used, provided that the account
has privileges to create new databases.
3. Execute the world.sql script to create the database structure and insert the data using the
following command:
mysql> SOURCE C:/temp/world.sql;
Replace the path to the world.sql file with the actual path on your system.
4. To confirm that the sample world database is installed correctly, execute the following statements.
You should see output similar to that shown here.
mysql> USE world;
Database changed
Setting Up the world Database
Another popular sample database is the Sakila database. For additional details, see http://
3 History
September 2016
Prior releases used mixed-case table names. Because MySQL Shell is case-sensitive, table names are
changed to lowercase.
December 2019
• The world database used latin1, but MySQL as of 8.0 uses a default character set of utf8mb4.
Converting the database to use utf8mb4 brings it up to date with MySQL 8.0, while retaining
compatibility with older series.
• MySQL Shell requires a character set of utf8mb4 for X Protocol connections. Using such a
connection to load a latin1-encoded world.sql file produces errors.
The world.sql file used both features, causing load warnings in MySQL 8.0.17 and higher.
To avoid number of digits in FLOAT columns, it is necessary to manually alter the relevant columns.
That was done as follows, by altering FLOAT(M,D) to DECIMAL(M,D):
USE world;
To produce integer column definitions without display widths in the dump file, it suffices to use
mysqldump from MySQL 8.0.19 or higher.