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ound healing may be considered the post-translational modifications. In the context of
result of sequential steps, progressing wound healing, ROS signalling is involved in cell
gradually to full skin restoration.1 The attraction, migration, adhesion, and immune cell
regulation of gene expression in activation.5 The ROS, H2O2, interferes with haemostasis,
wound healing, involving cell kinetics, inflammation, angiogenesis and re-epithelialisation.
enzymatic functions, and neurovascular activation, Although the direct targets of H2O2 molecules, during
among other processes, is quite puzzling.2 Furthermore, these steps, have only been partially characterised, it is
it shares some gene expression patterns with the process known that H2O2 generated by the electron transfer
of invasive tumour development.3 Wound healing is mechanism, is a rapid signal of injured tissues,6
phylogenetically carefully preserved,1 in fact, in vivo triggering chemotactic signals, and alerting the
studies from invertebrate and vertebrates displayed immune system, both in vitro and in vivo.2
similar gene expression patterns between wound The release of ATP, and its activation of purinergic
healing and developmental processes.2 receptors, affects the wound healing process.7 In
normal conditions, intracellular concentrations of ATP
Molecular mechanisms regulating are very high (≈100mM), whereas extracellular
wound healing concentrations are considerably lower (≈10nM), and
Transcription-independent diffusible damage signals therefore ATP release is favoured. In vitro studies of
At the beginning of wound healing, some specific human corneal and bronchial epithelia show that
transcription-independent diffusible damage signals mechanical injury causes rapid and high levels of ATP
have been described, in both vertibrate and invertebrate release from the damaged cells into the extracellular
models.2 These include Ca2+ waves, hydrogen peroxide space.8 Furthermore, the extracellular ATP, which leads
(H2O2) gradients, and the cellular release of adenosine to further autocrine ATP release (putatively through P2
5’ triphosphate (ATP).2 Generally speaking, the injury purinergic receptors),9 is recognised by P2Y receptors
quickly increases the intracellular Ca2+ concentration, on microglia and the surrounding tissue. This triggers
which is known to modify gene transcription through a dynamic immune response at the border of the
protein kinase C (PKC), Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent injured and undamaged tissue.
protein kinase (CaMK),4 and reactive oxygen species The DNA damage in epithelial cells is recognised by
(ROS), such as H2O2. P2Y receptors on adjacent healthy cells, which relay
ROS are simultaneously dangerous and precious cytoplasmic signals involving intracellular Ca2+ and
molecules. When present at high intracellular metalloproteinase (MMPs) activation. This results in
concentrations, ROS can cause substantial damage to
crucial biological processes through oxidative stress.
© 2017 MA Healthcare ltd
However, when present at very low levels, ROS are B. Palmieri,1,2 MD, Associated Professor; M. Vadalà,1,2 MSc, Biologist Researcher;
extremely effective signalling molecules. By oxidizing C. Laurino,1,2 MSc, Biologist Researcher
*Corresponding author email: [email protected]
thiol groups on Cys residues, ROS changes protein
1 Dipartimento Chirurgico, Medico, Odontoiatrico e di Scienze Morfologiche con Interesse
reactivity towards downstream targets. ROS can also Trapiantologico, Oncologico e di Medicina Rigenerativa, Università degli Studi di Modena e
alter protein phosphorylation levels and cause other Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy. 2 Network del Secondo Parere, Modena (MO), Italy.
the release of specific growth factors, such as epidermal growth factors.16 However, differences in the expression
growth factor (EGF), activating a wound healing cascade. of isolated functional genes alone may not sufficiently
Actomyosin structures are important in early wound explain clinical variations of wound healing.
healing.2 Tissue injury stimulates rapid Ca2+ waves that A methodologic strategy may be to identify mRNA
activate RHO GTPases, and promote actin differential display profiling from isolated genes,
polymerisation and actomyosin contractility to differently expressed during wound healing in in vivo
maintain stromal integrity. Furthermore, Ca2+ can models.17 From genomic analysis of physiological and
directly activate actin-severing proteins, such as calpain pathological conditions, DNA sequence data on the
and gelsolin, leading to increased actin dynamics.1 Ca2+ whole healing process have been developed.14 Using
can also potentiate c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNK) and complementary DNA (cDNA) technology, it is possible
mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signalling, to quickly analyse 4000 genes of wound specimens
which induces the transcription factor activation and collected from different body areas, in order to reveal
increases expression of wound response genes, gene expression patterns (Table 1).14
including several cytoskeletal regulators.2
A mechanism for the activation of damage signals is Epigenetic mechanisms
mechanic-sensing and mechanic-transduction. Epigenetic mechanisms are involved in the wound
Cytoplasmic barriers are the first protection against healing process. Although not fully understood, they
damage. The surface tensioactivity is a shelter preserving are based on molecular chromatin modifications,
intracellular content, but modifications of proteins of which consequently influence protein expression. The
protein conformation can activate an alarm system. For nucleosome is the elementary unit from which
example, ion channels react to membrane pressure by chromatin is comprised, and consists of eight histone
changing their permeability. 10 The efflux or proteins (an octamer) and 146 base pairs of DNA. This
internalisation of ions, such as Ca2+, could therefore be octamer is based on the proteins H3 and H4, organised
facilitated when membranes undergo tension changes as a tetramer, and H2A and H2B, organised as dimers.
following injury. Mechanic-sensory Ca2+ channels, The chromatin composition depends on post-
such as transient receptor potential (TRP) channels, translational modifications to histones. Specifically, the
have been implicated in damage signaling.11 Therefore, open chromatin conformation in the DNA is accessible
damage to cell membranes could trigger the formation to many transcription factors, allowing the gene
of Ca2+ waves by inducing the opening of TRP channels transcription, while the closed chromatin conformation
and enhancing sudden Ca2+ influx.12 The resulting does not allow transcription.
high levels of intracellular Ca2+ may regulate ROS The epigenetic mechanisms regulating chromatin
activity, which would lead to increased formation of structure and histones modifications consist of
H2O2.13 Furthermore, sudden increases in intracellular methylation, phosphorylation, ubiquitination and
Ca2+ may promote ATP gradient formation (Table 1).11 acetylation.18,19 Acetylation is performed by the activity
of histones acetyltransferases (HATs) and histone
Gene expression and individual variability deacetylases (HDACs) enzymes. Hyperacetylation of
Gene expression is one of the early cellular responses to lysine residues at the ε-amino group in the N-terminal
wound healing. During wound repair marked changes of histones by HATs enzymes results in increased gene
in gene expression are induced.14 Response to tissue transcription; while deacetylation by HDACs enzymes
injury involves multiple cellular and extracellular is associated with reduced gene transcription.18 DNA
events, 14 including coagulation, inflammation, methylation, which results in gene silencing, occurs at
re-epithelialisation, and angiogenesis. These are the cytosine base located in CpG islands, which are
followed by fibroplasia with collagen synthesis, wound regions of the genome containing CpG dinucleotides.
contraction and, finally, tissue remodelling. These Another epigenetic mechanism involves regulation by
cellular and extracellular events require the activation, microRNAs, single stranded RNAs which are not
or silencing, of many genes, to coordinate the response translated into protein.20 Their role is in binding
of the different cell types involved in healing. A key complementary regions of mRNA blocking gene
issue in understanding the molecular mechanisms of translation. Previous studies revealed that up to 3% of
wound healing is to identify differentially expressed the genome encodes for microRNAs.21 Several studies
genes, and associated signaling cascades that are highlighted the role of epigenetic mechanisms in
preferentially regulated in a development-, age-, tissue/ regulating wound healing, although the knowledge of
cell type-, and time-dependent manner during the early the molecular mechanism is limited.22 For example,
events of the wound healing. Taganov et al.23 described 200 microRNAs expressed in
Our focus is the expression of specific genes following human monocytes, which were activated by various
© 2017 MA Healthcare ltd
tissue injury, which are individually tailored and can pro-inflammatory cytokines and microbial endotoxins.
lead to ‘restitutio ad integrum’ or hyperthrophic/keloid An example is the microRNA (miR)-146, which was
scar.15 These include the gene expression of extracellular found to be induced by transcription factor nuclear
molecules, such as collagen and proteases, as well as the factor κB (NFκB), and proposed to regulate innate
molecules involved in cell-cell signalling, such as immune responses, such as cytokines and Toll-like
Ca 2+ Transcription- Tissue injury leads to a rapid increase in Promotion of actin polymerization and actomyosin contractility
independent intracellular Ca 2+, which is known to of fibroblast and keratocytes
diffusible damage modify gene transcription through protein Increased actin dynamics
signals kinase C and Ca 2+/calmodulin-dependent Increased expression of wound response genes
protein kinase (CaMK)
ATP Transcription- Mechanical injury causes a rapid and Activation of the wound healing cascade
independent considerable ATP release by damaged
diffusible damage cells into the extracellular space
miR-146a MicroRNA Activation – epigenetic signal Production of ECM proteins in chronic diabetes complications
miR-27b MicroRNA Activation – epigenetic signal Activation of cell proliferation and adhesion
Inhibition of oxidative stress responses
Improvement of new vessel formation
Metabolic memory DNA methylation Epigenetic signal Diabetic foot fibroblasts and diabetic foot ulcer fibroblasts had
lower global DNA methylation compared with non-diabetic
foot fibroblasts
Polycomb Group Chromatin gene Epigenetic signal Down regulation of three repressive PcG proteins (Eed, Ezh2,
(PcG) class of repression and Suz12) during wound healing
Trithorax Group Chromatin gene Epigenetic signal Upregulation of two activating trxG members (Jmjd3 and Utx)
(trxG) class of activation during wound healing
Quantitative trait Controlled Individual variability of the gene Gene expression variance influences the rate and time of wound
loci (QTL) qualitative trait expression healing efficacy
Fibronectin (pFN Gene polimorfisms Alternative splicing The splicing depends on the cell type, the cell function and the
and cFN) stage of development
Poly (ADP-ribose) PARylation PARPs cut off nicotinamide from NAD+ Acceleration of wound closure. Acceleration of keratinocytes
polymerase (PARP) and attach the remaining ADP-ribose migration. Stimulation of the synthesis of inflammatory
enzymes units to suitable protein acceptors. mediators and the wound repair activity of keratinocytes
DNA damages active PARP enzymes
MtROS Mitochondrial Production of ROS in mitochondria Promotion of actin-based healing of epithelial wounds
Reactive Oxygen Anti-bacterial activity
Species Regulation of endothelial cells migration
receptor signalling in monocytes, by negative feedback oxidative stress, and improves BMAC therapy in
regulation of tumour necrosis factor (TNF) receptor- wound healing in type 2 diabetic mice.28
associated factor 6 (TRAF6) and IL-1 receptor-associated Keratinocyte-dependent functions also target
kinase 1 (IRAK1). microRNAs. For example, miR-210 has been associated
Diabetes-associated non-healing wounds in mice are with repressing keratinocyte proliferation,29 targetting
improved by mesenchymal stem cells, at least in part, transcription factor E2F3, a key promoter of keratinocyte
mediated by an increase in miR-146a expression, which proliferation. 29 miR-203 downregulates the
represses pro-inflammatory genes within the wound. 24 transcription factor p63 in primary keratinocyte cells in
Tili et al.25 identified the miR-125b transcription, which vitro.30 Based on these studies, epigenetic-based
was blocked by NFκB and has been shown to repress medicines may have a role as new therapies to aid
TNFα, a key pro-inflammatory cytokine. Villeneuve et wound healing.
al.26 demonstrated that miR-125b epigenetically Scientific evidence has demonstrated that there is a
regulates inflammatory genes in cultured vascular central mechanism involved in the metabolic memory
smooth muscle cells from type 2 diabetic db/db mice of the hyperglycemia-associated epigenetic patterns.31
through a mechanism involving downregulation of the It was established that heritable transmission of
histone H3 lysine-9 methyltransferase Suv39h1. The epigenetic patterns may be responsible for the persistent
role of microRNA was also investigated in angiogenesis. hyperglycemia, despite removal of the glycemic
In human umbilical vascular endothelial cells (HUVEC), insult.32,33 This metabolic memory concerns DNA
miR-221 and miR-222 played angiogenic effects by methylation and microRNA expression patterns.31 It is
blocking the translation of c-Kit, a receptor for the pro- evident that hyperglycemia is responsible for diabetes-
angiogenic ligand stem cell factor (SCF).26 related consequences, such as chronic wounds. Park et
miR-146a has been involved in extracellular matrix al.31 pooled a cohort of patient-derived cell lines from
(ECM) protein production in an in vitro model diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) fibroblasts (DFUF), and site-
(endothelial cells from large vessels and retinal and age-matched diabetic foot fibroblasts (DFF) and
microvessels) at different glucose concentrations. non-diabetic foot fibroblasts (NFF). The goal was to
Increased production of ECM proteins, such as investigate global and genome-wide DNA methylation
fibronectin, is a characteristic feature of all chronic patterns by chromatography/mass spectrometry.
diabetes complications. Fibronectin transcripts are Results showed that DFFs and DFUFs had lower global
upregulated because of abnormal signalling DNA methylation compared with NFFs (p<0.03).
mechanisms in hyperglycaemia. 27 Wang et al. 28 Moreover, the authors identified sustained DNA
demonstrated that the miR-27b rescues impaired methylation patterns in patient-derived fibroblasts,
bone marrow–derived angiogenic cell (BMAC) from patients with diabetes, after prolonged passage in
function in vitro and in vivo in type 2 diabetic mice. normal glycemic conditions.31 This suggests that there
Results showed that the miR-27b expression and is a metabolic memory regulated by epigenetic
BMAC function was reduced in diabetic mice, the mechanisms, which may influence wound healing
addition of miR-27b mimic improved many BMAC processes, and may be a target for therapeutic strategies.
functions, including proliferation, adhesion, tube Chromatin can be modified by a vast number of
formation, and delayed apoptosis, but it did not highly conserved proteins, which are involved in
reverse the effecs on migration. 28 Furthermore, on designating transcriptionally active or silent regions.34
miR-27b mimic transfection, elevated This suggests that chromatin modifications, by
thrombospondin-1 expression was reduced in the proteins, may play a role in processes where the gene
BMACs of diabetic mice. While the inhibition of miR- expression is altered, such as wound healing. The
27b in BMACs reduced angiogenesis, this was reversed polycomb group (PcG) class of genes is involved in
by thrombospondin-1 small interfering RNA chromatin gene repression; while trithorax Group
(siRNA). 28 Moreover, the addition of miR-27b (trxG) class of genes is associated with chromatin gene
suppressed the pro-oxidant protein p66shc and activation.35 Shaw and Martin36 showed, in a murine
mitochondrial oxidative stress, contributing to its model of wound healing, the downregulation of three
protection of BMACs function. miR-27b also repressive PcG proteins (Eed, Ezh2, and Suz12), and the
suppressed semaphorin 6A to improve BMACs upregulation of two activating trxG members (Jmjd3
function in diabetic mice (db/db mice). Using the and Utx) (Table 1).
luciferase binding assay, it has been suggested that
miR-27b directly targeted thrombospondins, p66 shc, Controlled qualitative traits
and semaphorin 6A.28 Finally, miR-27b improved skin The wound healing process may also be considered as
wound closure of diabetic mice BMACs ,with a a controlled qualitative trait, which differs between
© 2017 MA Healthcare ltd
concomitant augmentation of wound perfusion and individuals.37 A previous study38 demonstrated that the
capillary formation. These findings suggest that miR- MRL/MpJ-Faslpr (MRL-F) strain of mice could
27b rescues impaired BMACs stimulated angiogenesis completely heal an ear-punched hole (2mm diameter)
due to thrombospondin suppression, semaphorin 6A within 30 days, with no scar tissue. In contrast, the
expression, and p66shc-dependent mitochondrial C57BL/6 strain of mice healed only 40% and SJL/J
<25% of the original hole, with scar tissue, at the same potential scavenger of oxidised free radicals, and it
time point. The rapid wound healing in MRL-F mice is increases the level of glutathione during apoptosis.45
a genetically controlled quantitative trait, according to Evidence shows that curcumin regulates expression and
McBrearty et al.39 The authors used MRL-F and C57BL/6, activity of MMPs involved in wound healing. Swarnakar
F2 intercross at one time point, which resulted in the et al.43 showed that curcumin downregulated MMP-9
identification of five qualitative trait loci (QTL) activity and upregulated MMP-2 activity in mice with
explaining unknown percentage of variance in F2 mice. an indomethacin-induced gastric ulcer. An oral dose of
The five QTL can contribute to the healing phenotype curcumin (60mg/kg) reduced the gastric damage caused
in two different types of genetic crosses, increasing by indomethacin by 85%. Curcumin was also effective
variability. The MRL mouse is thus an ideal model to at accelerating the healing of gastric ulcers by a MMP-
define the molecular mechanisms of wound-repair/ dependent process. In fact, in the gastric ulcerative
regeneration in mammals.37 To further identify genetic mucosa of mice, wound healing progression positively
mechanisms controlling wound healing, Masinde et correlated with reduction of activity of MMP-9 and
al.37 used F2 population from progenitor strains of with augmentation of MMP-2 activity.43 It is important
different genetic origin (MRL/MpJ and SJL/J). The to remember that MMP-9 and MMP-2 regulated the
objectives of this study were to map fast-healer genes turnover of matrix proteins because together they are
using two genetically extreme progenitor strains (MRL/ capable of degrading basement membrane proteins like
MpJ and SJL/J) and to identify epistatic interactions at gelatin, collagen IV, collagen V, elastin, and
multiple time points. Results showed the identification fibronectin.43 Furthermore, MMP-2 is constitutively
of the same QTLs at each time point that explained expressed in many cell cultures; while MMP-9
70% of the variance in F2 mice and that QTL together expression is induced by pro-inflammatory cytokines,
with epistatic interactions could promote wound growth factors, and cell/stroma interactions.46
healing (Table 1). Coenzyme Q10 (Ubiquinone Q10, CoQ10), a vitamin-
like benzoquinone compound, has been shown to aid
Antioxidants corneal wound healing.47 Acting to deliver energy
Antioxidants are key molecules in regulating wound through mitochondrial apoptosis, it modulates free
healing. Among these, 3,5,4 0–trihydroxystilbene, a radical scavenger activity and increases respiratory
polyphenolic phytoalexins found in green vegetables, rate. 48 The CoQ 10 modulates the permeability
citrus fruits and red grape wine, induced the synthesis transition pore (PTP), a mitochondrial inner
of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), membrane conductance channel, being a potential
stimulating the differentiation of endothelial cells from mitochondrial inhibitor of apoptotic signal
bone stem cells.40 San Miguel et al.41 demonstrated that transduction. 49 Mencucci et al. 47 evaluated the
concentrations (0.1–1mM) of bioactive pure polyphenol potential protective effects of CoQ 10 at different
and turmeric derivative mixtures, such as resveratrol concentrations, on human corneal cells (HCE) where
(R), ferulic acid (F), phloretin (P) and the mitochondrial activity and survival were evaluated
tetrahydrocurcuminoids (T) had in vitro beneficial by means of 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazole-2-yl)2,5-
effects on human oral fibroblast (obtained from human diphenyl-tetrazolium (MTT) reduction, and lactic
gingival and periodontal tissues) migration and dehydrogenase (LDH) release. Oxygen consumption
proliferation after 72 and 96 hours. However, the and mitochondrial membrane potential were also
mixture of phloretin, ferulic acid and resveratrol (PFR; evaluated. The effect of two CoQ10 drops of ultraviolet
1mM and 0.1mM) and the mixture of phloretin, ferulic B (UVB) exposure-(312nM) induced conjunctival
acid and tetrahydrocurcuminoids (PFT; 1mM) vessel hyperaemia and corneal recovery after ethanol-
significantly increased DNA synthesis in human oral induced corneal lesion was examined in in vivo rabbit
fibroblasts obtained from periodontal tissues after models. The results showed that in UVB-exposed HCE
48 hours. These results suggest that specific cells, CoQ10 addition led to increased survival rate and
concentrations of this bioactive antioxidant compound mitochondrial function. Oxygen consumption was
may have beneficial effects on functional mechanisms maintained at control levels and ATP levels remained
regulating fibroblast migration and proliferation during normal in the CoQ10-treated cells. Interestingly, in the
gingival healing or periodontal repair.41 in vivo model, there was a CoQ10 dose-dependent
The antioxidant T, extracted from the roots of reduction in UVB-induced vessel hyperaemia. Finally,
Curcuma longa, is effective in wound healing, since it in the model of corneal epithelium removal, 12 hours
stimulates the synthesis of TGF-β1 and iNOS during the after surgery, animals treated with CoQ10 showed a
proliferative step.42 Curcumin (diferuloylmethane), a reduction of damaged area compared with the vehicle
bioactive constituent from Curcuma longa, has controls, which lasted for 48 hours. These data suggest
© 2017 MA Healthcare ltd
remarkable anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and that CoQ 10 reduces corneal damages after UVB
anticarcinogenic activity.43 In vitro and in vivo studies exposure in vivo and in vitro by preserving
demonstrated that curcumin has been effective in the mitochondrial function. In addition, the
inhibition of the expression of different inflammatory administration of CoQ10 after corneal epithelium
cytokines such as TNFα, IL-1, and IL-8.44 Curcumin is a removal, promoted corneal wound healing.
Alleva et al.50 evaluated the effects of 300mg α-lipoic Proteins containing arginine/serine-rich (RS)
acid (LA, one capsule) in 20 patients affected by chronic domains play a relevant role in the regulation of
wounds, undergoing hyperbaric oxygen therapy synthesis and modification of pre-mRNA. 62
(HBOT). The protocol consisted of the patient taking Furthermore, serine/arginine rich (SR) proteins are
one capsule, one hour before oxygen exposure, and thought to be involved in the alternative splicing of
one capsule immediately after the therapy for numerous transcripts because their expression levels
30 consecutive HBOT treatments (one session/day). LA can influence splice-site selection.63 These proteins
supplementation efficiently reduced both the lipid and function as driving forces during spliceosome assembly
DNA oxidation induced by oxygen exposure in the and also play decisive roles in alternative splice-site
treated group, compared with the placebo group selection, suggesting that they are crucial players in the
(p<0.05). LA exerted its antioxidant activity by directly regulation of splicing during cell differentiation.64
interacting with free radicals or by recycling vitamin E. Since SR proteins also possess intracellular transport
An inhibitory effect of LA on the pro-inflammatory properties, they are also probably involved not only in
cytokine IL-6 was also observed.50 nuclear pre-mRNA splicing, but also in mRNA
It has been suggested that resveratrol possesses transport, cytoplasmic events, and/or mechanisms
inhibitory activity on MMPs. In fact, sirtuin-1 (SIRT1) that involve communication between the nucleus and
is an MMP specifically regulated by resveratrol. Being the cytoplasm.65 In this context, SR proteins play a
an agonist of SIRT1, resveratrol inhibits the transcription crucial role in the selection of FN-spliced domains
of MMPs in the skin.51 Specifically, MMP-8 and MMP-9 during development, regeneration, and oncogenesis.66
play a key role in diabetic wound healing since these Sfrs3 is one of the SR proteins that may selectively
enzymes cause degradation of collagen and other exclude or include Fn1 variants 67 during the wound
structural constituents of skin ECM.52 Thus, high levels healing process. Moreover, during the wounding
of MMP-8 and MMP-9 in the bed of diabetic ulcers are process, Fn1 and Sfr3 genes are transcriptionally
predictors of poor wound healing.53 On the contrary, regulated by one (or more) common transcription
resveratrol supplementation may promote healing of factor(s). The alteration of transcription factors/
ulcers in patients with diabetes. promoter complexes may result in dysfunction of the
recruitment and activation of different splicing factors
Post-translational mechanisms that function to differentially select FN spliced
Fibrin deposition plays a key role in wounds, since it domains for wound repair.
prevents the healing. 54 Chronic leg ulcers are
characterised by the presence of dermal ‘fibrin cuffs’ DNA modifications
which are composed of fibrin, laminin, fibronectin, PARylation is a covalent protein modification,
tenascin, collagen and trapped leucocytes, enabling regulating wound healing process,68 carried out by
the exchange of gases, growth factors and nutrients poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) enzymes. PARPs
between plasma and dermis, and leading to tissue cut off nicotinamide from NAD+ and attach the
anoxia, ulceration, and inhibition of angiogenesis.55 remaining ADP-ribose units to suitable protein
Proteolytic lysis of fibronectin releases fragments, acceptors. By cleaving many NAD+ molecules, and
which have been shown to induce cell proliferation56 adding further ADP-ribose units to the protein-
and migration. 57 Evidence exists suggesting an proximal first residue, these enzymes build a large,
alternative pre-mRNA splicing mechanism and branched poly (ADP-ribose) (PAR) polymer on proteins.
fibronectin are involved in wound healing. PARP enzymes are activated in the presence of DNA
Fibronectin is a multiple isoform molecular complex, damage, such as breaks, and by oxidative stress-
including the forms plasma FN p(FN) and cellular FN induced DNA damage. However, PARP enzymes also
filaments (cFN, a dimeric or multimeric form at the regulate the wound healing process through the
cell surface and in ECM). 58 Fibronectin protein PARylation mechanism. El-Hamoly et al.68 reported
isoforms depend on alternative pre-mRNA splicing that a topically applied PARP enzyme can accelerate
mechanism. Specifically, both isoforms of fibronectin wound closure in an excision wounding mouse model.
are encoded by a single large gene, Fn1 (50 kb, 50 Immunofluorescent analysis for PARP enzyme revealed
exons),59 three regions undergo alternative splicing, an increased synthesis of the enzyme in the wound
extra domain A (EDA, EIIIA), extra domain B (EDB, bed.68 In vitro studies evidenced a significantly faster
EIIIB) and a variable region (V, IIICS), depending on migration of keratinocytes when treated with the PARP
the cell type, the cell function and the stage of enzyme and a significant increase of cytokine
development (Table 1).58 In the human, about 20 inflammatory mediators, such as TNFα, IL-1 and IL-6,
different mRNA-encoding protein subunits are when compared with non-treated control cells. These
© 2017 MA Healthcare ltd
produced.60 The full-length nature of some variants results suggest that the PARylation by the PARP enzyme
has not been determined. Alternative splicing facilitates the wound healing process by stimulating
presumably allows a cell to produce the type of FN the synthesis of inflammatory mediators and the
that is most suitable for the needs of certain tissue or activity of keratinocytes. A possible hypothesis for this
cellular functions.61 mechanism is related to the protective role of PARP
enzymes, which are activated by oxidative stress and the formation of the granulation tissue, angiogenesis
DNA damage that potentially are present in tissue and re-epithelisation of the wounds, in an excision
damage, including wounds.69 wound mouse model. Histological analysis revealed an
cDNA microarrays provide expression analysis of increased amount of myofibroblasts involved in the
thousands of genes simultaneously, of both epidermal deposition of ECM proteins and growth factors
and dermal cells, in normal and pathological regulating the granulation tissue formation. SkQ1 also
conditions. Cole et al.14 determined the gene expression stimulated fibroblasts to synthetise TGFβ, which targets
profile of human skin immediately following injury, the motility of endothelial cells in vitro, and
using cDNA microarrays (Table 1). Samples of normal promotes angiogenesis.
and injured skin (epidermis and dermis) were collected,
from 30 minutes to one hour following incision, from Bacteria
five healthy females undergoing breast reduction Intestinal microbiota influence both normal and
surgery. RNA was extracted, reverse transcribed into pathological mechanisms in humans, especially in the
cDNA and hybridised onto high-density cDNA gastrointestinal tract. 77 For example, commensal
microarray membranes containing 4000 genes. Results bacteria in the colon produce key vitamins and
showed that at 30 minutes, the injury resulted in a nutrients that regulate metabolism.78 The challenge
consistent increase in gene expression of 124 out of for researchers and clinicians consists in determining
4000 genes (3%). These genes were mainly involved in if intestinal microbiota may be effective in the
transcription and signalling. None of the 4000 genes prevention of intestinal infections developing into a
were decreased at 30 minutes. At one hour, only 46 out longer-term disease state and/or in therapy. In wound
of the 4000 genes were increased in expression (1.15%) healing, there is evidence that microbes are involved
but 264 out of 4000 (6.6%) genes were decreased by in delayed wound healing, although this association
more than two-fold, indicating a silencing of many does not always exist.79 Specific bacteria strains (such
structural genes. Identified genes were suppressors of as Staphylococcus, Streptococcus and Pseudomonas
cytokine signaling (SOCS-1), rho HP1, and BB1 (the aeruginosa) produce potent virulence factors and
gene encoding for the Ig kappa chain variable segment), proteases that destroy tissue and impair healing. 80
that are highly expressed after injury and may have an Chronic wounds have alteration in microflora, such as
unappreciated role in regulating the initial inflammatory reduction of bacterial diversity and more opportunistic
response (Table 1). organisms, in comparison with normal skin. 81
Experimental studies in small and large animals
Mitochondrial activity and oxidative stress investigated the mechanisms regulating biofilm
Another key mechanism regulating wound healing is activity. In a mouse model, researchers created
oxidative stress. Evidence suggests that compromised Staphylococcus aureus or Staphylococcus epidermidis
wound healing is related to excessive oxidative stress.70 biofilms on open wounds and demonstrated a delay in
The leukocyte NADPH oxidase (Nox) is one of the wound re-epithelialisation that was directly correlated
major sources of ROS involved in pathogen killing, with biofilm formation. 82 Pseudomonas aeruginosa
VEGF signalling, and the TNF response.70 In addition, biofilms in diabetic mouse wounds prolonged
mitochondrial ROS (mtROS) are relevant in different inflammation, tissue necrosis, and delayed healing.83
steps of wound healing. mtROS promote actin-based Levkovich et al. discovered that female mice fed with
healing of epithelial wounds in different animal the lactic acid bacterium Lactobacillus reuteri show
models.71 In vertebrates, mtROS are involved in the more frequent grooming activity compared with
antibacterial activity of macrophages.72 mtROS also controls.84 Grooming is mainly regulated by the
regulate the endothelial cells migration related to VEGF oxytocin hormone, which has a key role in mammalian
signalling.73 These results suggest the development of parturition and lactation. However, recently, it has
specific antioxidants targeting the mitochondria.70 For been hypothesised that oxytocin is also involved in
example, mitochondria-targeted cationic derivate of phenomena such as body-energy balance 85 and
coenzyme Q (MitoQ), vitamin E (MitoVitE), and SOD- regulation of the immune system.86 This suggests the
mimetic TEMPO (MitoTEMPO) prevent cardiac presence of a ‘microbiome-gut-brain axis’,87 where
dysfunction induced by ischeamic reperfusion, septic probiotic organisms initiate immune-related and
inflammation and endothelial dysfunction.70 In vivo neural signals that are transmitted from the gut to the
experiments showed that mitochondria-targeted central nervous system, either through blood
plastoquinones (SkQ 1 and SkQR 1 ) prevented circulation or directly via the vagus nerve.88 In this
nephropathy and brain damage induced by ischaemic context, it has been discovered that Lactobacillus
injury, and pyelonephritis.74 SkQ1, in vitro, was effective reuteri promotes wound healing through upregulation
© 2017 MA Healthcare ltd
in activating TGFβ and the subsequent myofibroblasts of the neuropeptide hormone oxytocin, by a vagus
formation.75 SkQ1 also stimulated in vitro wound nerve-mediated pathway. Specifically, in naive Rag2-
closure in monolayers of fibroblasts and epithelial deficient animals, lactobacilli activate
cells.76 Demyanenko et al.70 demonstrated that the CD4+Foxp3+CD25+ immune T regulatory cells,
SkQ1 treatment accelerated the inflammatory phase, promoting wound healing.89
The knowledge of a DNA-associated mechanism not well explained, but we know that this involves
regulating wound healing may be helpful in developing activation of post-translational and epigenetic
new strategies in diagnosis and treatment. In addition, mechanisms. The biochemical flow chart of biochemical
increasing knowledge of the epigenetic mechanisms in signals, and the remodelling of the transcriptome and,
wound healing may prove useful for developing consequently, the influencing of the cell phenotype, is
treatments that are more effective. At present, stem variable by individual, and depends not only on
cell-based regenerative medicine holds great promise environmental and lifestyle factors, but also on
for wound healing treatments.90 In fact, epigenetics hereditary features.
involves signals that give stem cells their particular Future research must concentrate on the genetic,
abilities to self-renew and differentiate into different biochemical and physiological differences of the acute
damaged cell types.91 and chronic wound, and the interaction with specific
Nutrition, considered an environmental signal, may be nutritional supplements, and local therapies or
an epigenetic factor regulating the genetic wound healing advanced medications. The application of engineered
mechanism. However, experimental and clinical evidence cells, tissues, and synthetic materials is based on
supports nutritional supplementation for promoting the simulating the gene and protein activity of the wound.
healing of wounds, although the exact molecular The integrated knowledge of both the therapeutic
mechanism of action of micronutrients and approaches for promoting the closure of wounds may
macronutrients is not well understood.92 To support this be relevant for the management of chronic wounds,
hypothesis, there is also the evidence that malnutrition which are resistant to common therapeutic protocols,
negatively interferes with wound closure, suggesting a probably because of the deficit of some individual
putative role of specific nutrients in the regulation of key genetic pathway.
genes and proteins of the healing pathway.93 It is important for a clinician to integrate genetic,
epigenetic, biochemical, regenerative, biotechnological
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