00 Lab Notes

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Lab Notes

Chapter 2
OpenIntro Biostatistics

1. Introduction to Probability
– OI Biostat Sections 2.1
2. Conditional Probability
– OI Biostat Sections 2.2.1 - 2.2.4
3. Positive Predictive Value (Bayes’ Theorem)
– OI Biostat Section 2.2.5
4. Extended Practice
– OI Biostat Section 2.3
Lab 1 introduces the basic framework for estimating probability through simulated repetitions of
an experiment. The sample() command and syntax for a for loop are introduced in the context of
a simple coin flipping experiment, then extended to more complex scenarios.
Lab 2 continues the discussion of control structures by introducing the use of if statements for
counting successes and for simulating populations based on conditional probabilities.
Lab 3 illustrates three common approaches for calculating the positive predictive value of a di-
agnostic test: contingency tables, tree diagrams, and simulation. The second part of the lab is a
conceptual exploration of the relationships between prevalence, sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and
Lab 4 features probability problems that are more extensive than those in the text end-of-chapter-
exercises, and covers both algebraic and simulation approaches.

Lab 1: Introduction to Probability
Simulation allows for an intuitive way to understand the definition of probability as a propor-
tion of times that an outcome of interest occurs if the random phenomenon could be repeated
infinitely. With R, it is possible to feasibly conduct simulations with enough replicates such that
the proportion of occurrences with a particular outcome closely approximates the probability p.
This lab introduces the basic elements of R programming required to conduct such simulations:
the sample() command and for loop control structure.

General Advice
Although the R scripts written in these labs are relatively short, it is still important to follow some
best practices that help make the code easier to read and modify.
– Organize the code in a clear, logical manner. Be sure that the script can be run from begin-
ning to end, line-by-line, without errors.
– Annotate the code with comments to make it easier to identify the purpose of specific sec-
– Start out by defining the parameters (i.e., variables) that will be used in the script. Use
variables as much as possible so that the code is easy to re-use in similar settings.

Random Sampling with sample()

The use of sample() was introduced in Unit 1 (Lab 1: Introduction to Data), where it was used for
selecting a random sample of gene transcripts such that each transcript had an equal chance of
being chosen.
In a probability setting, it is not always the case that each outcome is equally likely. The sample()
function has the generic structure
sample(x, size = , replace = FALSE, prob = NULL)

where the prob argument allows for the probability of sampling each element in x to be specified
as a vector. When prob is omitted, the function will sample each element with equal probability.
The following code simulates the outcome of tossing a biased coin ten times, where the probability
of a heads is 0.6; a heads is represented by 1 and a tails is represented by 0 The first argument is
the vector (0, 1), and the prob argument is the vector (0.4, 0.6); the order indicates that the
first element (0) is to be sampled with probability 0.4 and the second element (1) is to be sampled
with probability 0.6.
#set the seed for a pseudo-random sample

outcomes = sample(c(0, 1), size = 10, prob = c(0.4, 0.6), replace = TRUE)

## [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1

Using sum()
The sum() function is used in the lab to return the sum of the outcomes vector, where outcomes
are recorded as either 0 or 1. For simplicity, the function was used in its most basic form:
sum(outcomes) #number of 1's (heads)

## [1] 8
10 - sum(outcomes) #number of 0's (tails)

## [1] 2
It is often convenient to combine the sum() function with logical operators.
sum(outcomes == 1) #number of 1's (heads)

## [1] 8
sum(outcomes == 0) #number of 0's (tails)

## [1] 2
This provides more flexibility and can make the code easier to parse quickly, such as for cases
where there are more than two outcomes, or when more than two outcomes are of interest. For
example, the following application of sum() identifies the number of rolls (out of twenty) of a fair
six-sided that are either 1 or greater than 4.
#set the seed for a pseudo-random sample

dice.rolls = sample(1:6, size = 20, replace = TRUE)


## [1] 3 4 5 2 5 1 3 4 2 4 3 3 6 1 1 6 5 3 1 3
sum(dice.rolls == 1 | dice.rolls > 4)

## [1] 9
Additionally, since logical operators work with text strings, it is possible to use them with sum()
to return the number of heads if heads is represented by, for example, H.
#set the seed for a pseudo-random sample

outcomes = sample(c("T", "H"), size = 10, prob = c(0.4, 0.6), replace = TRUE)

## [1] "H" "H" "H" "H" "H" "H" "T" "H" "T" "H"
sum(outcomes == "H") #number of heads

## [1] 8

for Loops
A loop allows for a set of code to be repeated under a specific set of conditions; the for loop is one
of the several types of loops available in R.
A for loop has the basic structure for( counter ) { instructions }. The loop below will calculate
the squares of the integers from 1 through 5.
– Prior to running the loop, an empty vector squares is created to store the results of the loop.
This step is referred to as initialization.
– The counter consists of the index variable that keeps track of each iteration of the loop;
the index is typically a letter like i, j, or k, but can be any sequence such as ii. The index
variable is conceptually similar to the index of summation k in sigma notation ( nk=1 ). In the
example below, the counter can be read as “for every k in 1 through 5, repeat the following
instructions. . . ”
– The instructions are enclosed within the pair of curly braces. For each iteration, the value
k 2 is to be stored in the k th element of the vector squares. The empty vector squares was
created prior to running the loop using vector().
– So, for the first iteration, R sets k = 1, calculates 12 , and fills in the first element of squares
with the result. In the next iteration, k = 2. . . and this process repeats until k = 5 and 52 is
stored as the fifth element of squares.
– After the loop is done, the vector squares is no longer empty and instead consists of the
squares of the integers from 1 through 5: 1, 4, 9, 16, and 25.
#create empty vector to store results (initialize)
squares = vector("numeric", 5)

#run the loop

for(k in 1:5){

squares[k] = k^2

#print the results


## [1] 1 4 9 16 25
Of course, the same result could be easily achieved without a for loop:

## [1] 1 4 9 16 25
The for loop is a useful tool when the set of instructions to be repeated is more complicated, such
as in the coin tossing scenario from the lab. The loop from Question 2 is reproduced here for

– The loop is set to run for every k from 1 to the value of number.replicates, which has been
previously defined as 50.
– There are two vectors defined within the curly braces.
– The first vector, outcomes.replicate, consists of the outcomes for the tosses in a single
replicate (i.e., iteration of the loop). The number of tosses in a single experiment has
been defined as 5. These values are produced from sample(). This vector’s values are
re-populated each time the loop is run.
– The second vector, outcomes, is created by calculating the sum of outcomes.replicate
for each iteration of the loop. Once the loop has run, outcomes is a record of the number
of 1’s that occurred for each iteration.
– In the language of the coin tossing scenario: the loop starts by tossing 5 coins, counting how
many heads occur, then recording that number as the first element of outcomes. Next, the
loop tosses 5 coins again and records the number of heads in the second element of outcomes.
The loop stops once it has repeated the experiment (of tossing 5 coins) 50 times.
– The distinction between the outcomes.replicate vector and the outcomes vector, for
each run of the loop, is that the outcomes.replicate vector stores the exact sequence of
results while outcomes only records the number of heads.
– For this particular problem, the only information needed is the number of heads; thus,
one can think of outcomes as summarizing the relevant information from the experi-
for(k in 1:number.replicates){

outcomes.replicate = sample(c(0, 1), size = number.tosses,

prob = c(1 - prob.heads, prob.heads), replace = TRUE)

outcomes[k] = sum(outcomes.replicate)

Lab 2: Conditional Probability
The direct relationship between the language of conditional probability and the logic of condi-
tional statements in R can help reinforce the concept behind conditioning on an event.
This lab introduces the if statement structure and demonstrates how to use if statements within
for loops. Both algebraic and simulation approaches to calculating conditional probabilities are

The rep(x, times) function is a generic way to replicate elements of a vector x a certain number
of times. In the lab, it is used to build a vector containing the elements that can be sampled for
the scenario of drawing differently colored balls from a bag. The following code creates a vector
balls that contains 5 R’s and 2 W’s.
balls = rep(c("R", "W"), c(5, 2))

## [1] "R" "R" "R" "R" "R" "W" "W"

Explicitly listing the elements to sample from is typically only necessary when the scenario calls
for sampling without replacement. If, for example, the balls were to be drawn with replacement,
then the sampling could simply be done from a vector (R, W) where there is probability 5/7 of
drawing an R and 2/7 of drawing a W.

if Statements
An if statement has the basic structure if ( condition ) { statement } ; if the condition is
satisfied, then the statement will be carried out.
The following loop prints the message “x is greater than 5” if the condition x > 5 is satisfied; if it
is not satisfied, then no message will be printed.
x = 100/10

if(x > 5){

print("x is greater than 5")

## [1] "x is greater than 5"

Counting successes
The first two problems in the lab introduce the structure of if statements in the context of calcu-
lating joint probabilities, such as the joint probability of drawing a white ball on the first pick and
a red on the second. The if statements are used to record instances of successes, instances when
both events of interest occurred.
These if statements are nested within for loops. The loop from Question 1 is reproduced here for
– In the if statement, the condition requires that the first element of the vector draw must be
a "W" and the second element an "R".
– If the condition is satisfied for the k th replicate, then a 1 is recorded as the k th element of the
vector successes.
– The joint probability can then be calculated by dividing the number of successes by the total
number of replicates.
for(k in 1:replicates){

draw = sample(balls, size = number.draws, replace = FALSE)

if(draw[1] == "W" & draw[2] == "R"){

successes[k] = 1


In some cases, the event of interest can be more directly expressed with programming language
than with an algebraic approach.
For example, the second part of Question 1 asks about the probability of drawing exactly one red
ball. The algebraic approach involves using the logic that there are two scenarios in which exactly
one red ball can be observed (red on the second draw or the first draw) and adding together the
associated two joint probabilities.
This outcome can be expressed the same way in the condition of the if statement:
if( (draw[1] == "W" & draw[2] == "R") | (draw[1] == "R" & draw[2] == "W") ){

successes[k] = 1

However, it can be expressed more simply with the help of the sum() function:
if(sum(draw == "R") == 1){

successes[k] = 1

Simulating populations
The last two problems in the lab use if statements to simulate populations based on known con-
ditional probabilities. This approach is useful when probabilities other than those provided are
of interest, such as joint probabilities or the reverse conditional probabilities.
The loop from Question 3 is reproduced here for reference.
– The problem statement provides the conditional probabilities of being tall given sex. Height
status must be assigned based on sex; if statements are used to specify the conditioning.
– Prior to running the loop, sex was randomly assigned using sample() and stored in the
vector sex, where 0 represents a male and 1 represents a female.
– The vector tall will contain the height status of the simulated individuals.
– The first if statement has the condition sex[k] == 0. If the k th element of sex is 0, then the
following instructions are used to determine the k th element of tall: sampling from (0, 1)
with the probabilities 1 - p.tall.if.male and p.tall.if.male, respectively.
– The second if statement has the condition sex[k] == 1. If the k th element of sex is 1, then
the sampling is done with the probabilities 1 - p.tall.if.female and p.tall.if.female.
– Height status is assigned one at a time as the loop moves from k in 1:population.size, so
size = 1 for the sample() commands within the if statements. When sample() is used to
assign sex, all the sampling is done in a single step, so size = population.size.
for(k in 1:population.size){

if(sex[k] == 0){

tall[k] = sample(c(0,1), prob = c(1 - p.tall.if.male, p.tall.if.male),

size = 1, replace = TRUE)

if(sex[k] == 1){

tall[k] = sample(c(0,1), prob = c(1 - p.tall.if.female, p.tall.if.female),

size = 1, replace = TRUE)

The simulated population can be used to estimate joint probabilities such as the probability of
being tall and female, or a conditional probability not given in the problem statement like P (F|T ).
#probability of female and tall
sum(sex == 1 & tall == 1)/population.size

## [1] 0.017
#probability of female given tall
sum(sex == 1 & tall == 1)/sum(tall == 1)

## [1] 0.143339

Lab 3: Positive Predictive Value (Bayes’ Theorem)
This lab illustrates three common approaches for calculating the positive predictive value of a
diagnostic test: contingency tables, tree diagrams, and simulation. These approaches are general-
izable to any conditioning problem that involves Bayes’ Theorem.
All R programming required for the simulation approach is discussed in the two previous labs.
The challenging aspect of this lab is the second half, which consists of concept-oriented questions
focused on the relationships between prevalence, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value,
and negative predictive value.

Using R as a calculator
One advantage R has over a standard hand calculator is the ability to easily store values as named
variables. This can make numerical computations like the calculation of positive predictive value
much less error-prone. Using a short script like the following to do the computation, rather than
directly entering numbers into a calculator, is more efficient. The script can also be re-run with
different starting values.
#define variables
prevalence = 0.10
sensitivity = 0.98
specificity = 0.95

#calculate ppv
ppv.num = prevalence*sensitivity
ppv.den = ppv.num + (1 - specificity)*(1 - prevalence)
ppv = ppv.num/ppv.den

## [1] 0.6853147
R can also handle vector operations, which allows for multiple calculations at once when the
starting values are defined as vectors.
#define variables
prevalence = c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2)
sensitivity = rep(0.98, 4)
specificity = rep(0.95, 4)

#calculate ppv
ppv.num = prevalence*sensitivity
ppv.den = ppv.num + (1 - specificity)*(1 - prevalence)
ppv = ppv.num/ppv.den

## [1] 0.1652614 0.5077720 0.6853147 0.8305085

Lab 4: Extended Practice
This lab consists of conditioning questions that are more challenging than those in the text end-of-
chapter exercises, both in terms of the problem context and the extent of manipulation required
to calculate probabilities.
The first problem is a classic allele inheritance scenario; problems like these are typical in intro-
ductory and mid-level genetics courses. It is an example of a probability problem where attempt-
ing to find a solution via intuition or mental logic, rather than the rules of probability, can prove
misleading. For example, students often miss a layer of conditioning (part a) or think that eye
color of a first child is uninformative with regards to eye color of a second child (part c).
The second problem is a layered conditioning problem that builds to involve three events and re-
quires careful attention to detail with regards to algebraic notation. The lab solutions demonstrate
the simulation approach, while the algebraic approach is explained in the text.


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