Child Marriage Prohibition Act

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. M ",,"ito y!-("({lo41OOO1I2006-0I RECIST[RED NO. DL-(N)04It'l7n.,,-U

"If1T II - lJUI I
PARTli -Section 1

... 61 ott~, C{1f"tfacll(' ~ II, 2007 I ~ 21, 1928

No. 6] NEW DElJ:Il, THURSDAY, JANlJARY ll..lQ07 l PAUSAZI. 1928

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Separate palin,l, givc.. to Ihis Put In order that it may be nled as a up.rlte tompil.lioll.


(Legi.!lative Department)
Nf!W lA!lh~ the II th January, 2007/PaWQ 2 1. 1921 (Sou)
The following Act of Parliament received the asscnt of the President on the
IOU, January. 2007, and is hereby published for general information:-


No. 6 OF 2007

[.1 OthJanuary, 2oo7.J


An Act to provide for the prohibition ofsolemnisation ofchild marriages and

for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
BE it enacted by Parliament in the Fifty-seventh Year of the Republic of India L~
follows: - ...
, I. (J) This Act may be called the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006. Short title,
exteol .nd
(2) It extends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir; and it 00I101tl.CCUiClil
applies also to all cilizens of India without and beyond India:
Provided that nothing contained in this Act shall apply to the RenoncanLs of the
Union territory ofPondicherry.
(J) It shall come into force on such date as the Central Government may, by notificatioll
in the Official Gazette, appoint; and different dates may be appointed fOf different States and
any reference in any provision to th~ commencement of this Act shall be construed ill
relation to any Stale as a reference to the coming into force of that provision in that State.


2. 111 this Act, unless Ihe cOlllex! oU! ~ rwise requires,-

(0) "child" means iii. person who, if a male, has not completed twenty-one years
of age, and if a female, has not completed eighteen years of age;

(b) "child marriage" mcans a marriage to which either of the contracting parties
is 8 child;
(c) "contracting party", in relation 10 a marriage, means either ofUie parties
whose marriage is or is about to be tt>ereby IOlcmnised;
(d) ' 'Child Marriage Prohibition Officer" includes the Child Marriage Prohibition
Officer appointed under sub·section (I) of section 16;
(e) "district GOon" means, in any area for which a FamilyCowt establis.hed under
s«:tion 3 of the Family Courts Act, 1984 exists, such Family Court, and in any area for 66 of 1914
which there is no Family Court but a city civil coon exists, that court and in any oth~
area, the principal civil court of original jurisdiction and includes any other civil court
which may be specified by the State Government, by notification in the Official Gaz..ettc,
as having jurisdiction in respect ort~e matters dealt with in this Act;
V) "minor" means a person who. under the provisions oflhe Majority Act, 1875 9 of 117'
• IS to be deemed not to have attained his majority.
('111 1\1 3. (I) Every child marriage, whether solemnised before or after the GOmmencementof
tUln t*IC\ 10 Ihis Act, shall be voidable at the option onhe comracting party who was a child at the time
be vO Idable .,
the up, ion of
orthe marriage:
~on ' ''C IIn '
Provided that a petition for annulling a child marriage by a decree of nollity may be filt~
I".n>, beml I
child in the district court only by a contracting party to the marriage who was a child at the time of
the marriage.
(1) Ifat the lime of filing a petition. the petitioner is a minor, the petition may be fi1t:d
through his or her guardian or nellt friend along with the Child Marriage Prohibition Offict:r.
(1) The petition under this $Cellon may be filed at any time but before the child filillg
the pelition completClil two yem ofaltaining majority.
(./) While granting a decree of nullity under this section. the district court shall make un
order directing both Ihe parties to the marriage and their parents or their guardians to return
to the other party, his or her parents or guardian. as the case may be, the money, valuablu.
ornaments and other gifts received on the occasion ofthe marriage by them from the other
side, or an amount equal to the value of such valuables, ornaments. other gifts and money:
Provided that no order under this section shall be passed unless the concerned parties \
have been given notices to appear before the district court and show calae why auch order
should !lot be pused.
I' HIY I5ion ro r 4. (/) While granting a decree under section 3. the district court may also make an
• ml, ntenlll ce interim or final order directing the male contracting party to the child marriage. and in case the
and resIdence
male contracting party to such marriage isa minor, his parent or guardian to pay mai~~enance
'I' re ma le
co n' rlC ll"1 to the female contracting pany to the marriage until her remarriage.
pin)' 10 chIld (1) The quantum of maintenance payable shall be determined by the district GOurt
having regard to the needs of the child, the lifestyle enjoyed by such child during her
marriagt: and thc means of income of the paying party.
(J) The amount ofmailltensnce may be directed to be paid monthly or in lump sum.
(4') In case the party making fhepetition under section 3 is the female contr8Cting party,
the district court may also make 8 suitable order 85 to her residence until her remarriage.
C "~lod y and S. (I) Where there lire children born oflhe child marriage, the district court shall make
ma ln'clt.nce an appropriate order for the custody of such children. .
of children of
dliid mamap .

(2) While making an order for the r.u.:tody of a child under this section, the welfare alld
best inletcsts of the child shall be the pawnount consideration to, be given by th'e district

(3) An order for custody of a child may also include appropriate directions for giving
to the olht:f party access to the child in such a manner as may best serve the interests of tile
child, and soc.h other orders as the district court may, in the interest oftht child. deem proper.
(4) The district court may also make an appropriate order for providing maintenance ;o
the child by a party to the marriage or thell parents or guardians . .
6. Notwithstanding that a child marriage has been annulled hy II decrecor nullity UOOo!t of
section 3, every child begotten or conceived of such marriage before the decree is made, children born
of child
whether born before or after the commencement ofthisAcl, shall be deemed to be a legitimate mlnl·Ict .
child for all purposes.
7. The district cOurt shall have the power to add 10, modify or revok.e any order made Power o>r
under section 4 or Ketton 5 aud iflhere is any change in the circumSlances at any time during diJtricl COlllt
• tile pendency of the petition and even after the final disposal of the petition.
10 modify
Olden issllCd
under section
" or 51CCUon S

8. For the purpose of gram ofrdiefs unde!" sections 3. 4 and .s, the district court havin& CouI1 10 ..-1I1Ch
jurisdiction ghatl include the district court having jurisdiction over the place where ttle petition shwld
deiendant or the child resides, or where the marriage was solemnised or where the parties last
resided together or the petitioner is residing on the date of presentation of the petilion.
9. Whoever, being a male adult IOOve eighteen yeau of age, contracts a child marriage Punishment
shall be punishable with rigorous imprisonment which may extend to two years or with fine rOI m.le .dul,
m.rryin& I
which may extend to one lakh rupees or with both. child.
10. Whoever performs, cooducu, directs or abets any child marriage shall be punishable Punlsllment fOf
with rigorous imprisonment which may extend to two years and shall be liable to fine which .olemn;, ;n. I
may extend to one lakh rupees unless he proves that he had reasons to believe that the child mlll;••e
marriage was not a child marriage.
11 . (I J Where a child contracts a child marriage, any person having charge oflhe child. PunIShment
whl!thcr as parent or guardian or any other person or in any other capacity, lawful or unlawful, fOI promolln.
or pcrmiltinl
Including any member or an organisation or association of persons who docs any act u) solemnls.lloa
promote the marriage or permits it to be solemnised. or m:gligently fails to prevent it from of child
being solemniscd, including attending or panicipaling in a child marriage, shall be punishable "!UrI'ICS
with rigorous imprisonment which may extend to two years and shall also be liable to fiile
, which may extend up to one lakh rupees:
Provided thaI no woman shall be punishable with imprisonment.
(1) For the purposes of litis section, it shall be presume4, unless and until the contra"),
is proved, that where a minor child has contracled a marriage, the person ll.aving char&~ of
such minor child has negligently failed to prevent the marriage from being solemnilled.
11. Where a child, being a minor- MUrllle or I
minor child 10
(0) is Ulken or enticed out of lhe keeping of the lawful guaulian; or be void· in

., (b) by rorce compelled , or by anydeceitfu\ mean~ induced to go from anyplace;

(c) is sold for the purposeofmarriage;and made to go through afonn ofmartiage
circllmstlnec5 .

or if the minor is married after v.t1ich the minor is sold or trafficked or used for immOla\
such marriage shall be null and void .•

- •

I',lwcr u(
0;011" 10 ISSlle
13. (I) Notwithstanding ar>}-1hing to the contrary contained in this Act, if, an on
application orlhe Child Marriage ProhibitiQ 1 Officer or on receipt of information through a
plnhlblllnl complainl or otherwise from any persoll, a Judicial Magistrate of the rrrst class or a
chIld Metropolitan Magistrate is satisfied that a child marriage in contravention o f this Act has
In l mMles been arranged or is about to be solemniscd, such Magistrate shall issue an injunction
against any person including a member of au organisation or an association of persons
prohibiting such marriage.
(1) A compla int under sub-section «(.'TIay be made by any person having personal
knowledge or reason to believe. 8IId a non-governmental orgariisation having reasonable
information, relating to the likelihood of taking plaee o f so lemnisation of. ch ild marriage or
child marriages.
(J) The Court of the Judicial Magistrate oflhe first class or the Metropolitan Magistrate
may also take suo motu cognizance on the basis of any reliable report or information.
(.t) For the purposes of preventing solemnis.tion of mass child marriages on certain
• days such as Ahhayo r,uliya. the Distriot Magistrate shall be deemed to be the Child
Marriage Prohibition Officer with all powers as are conferred on a Otild Marriage Prohibition
Officer by or under this Act.
(5) The District Magistrate shall also have additional powers to stop or prevent
solemnisation of child marriages and for this purpose, he may take al l appropriate measures
and use the minimum force required.
(6) No injunction under sub-section (1) shall be issued against any person or member
of IIny organisation or association of persons unless the Court has previously given notice
to suth person. members orthe organisation or IUsoci8tion of persons. as Ihe case may be,
and has offered him or them an opportunity to show cause against the issue of the injunction
Provided that in the case of any urgency, the Court shall have the power to issue an
interim injunction without giving any notice under this section.
(7) An injunction issued under sub-section (1) may be confirmed or vacated after
giving nOlice and hearing the party against whom the injunction was issued .
(8) The Court may either on its own motion or on the application of any person
aggrieved. rescind or alter an injunction issued under sub·section (J).
(9) Where an application is received under sub-section (I), the Court shall afford the

applicant an early opportunity of appearing before it either in person or by an advocate and
ifthe Court , after hearing the applicant rejecu tile application wholly or in part, it shall recOfd
in writing its reasons for 50 doing.
(10) Whoever knowing that an injunction has been issued under sub-section (I)
against him disobeys such injunction shall be punishable with imprisonment of e ither
description for a term which may e)(tend to two years or with fine which may extend to one
lakh rupees or with both: ... .
Provided that no woman shall be punishable with imprisonment.
Child 14. Any child marriage so lemnised in contravention of an injunction order i55uo4
mlu"lIes In under section 13, whether interim or final . shall be void ab initio.
.:"nlllvcnl ,on
.,r '''Junuion
.uders 10 be

Uflen.:u 10 be IS. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Code of Criminal Procedure. 1973. an 1 or t974.
tolinlubfe.1td offence punishable. under ~is Act shall be and non-bailable .
non-hail lble


16. (I) The State Government shall, by nctification in the Official Gazette, appoint for Child Mlflia,e
the whole State, or such part thereof!ls may be specified in thaI notification, an officer Of" rrohib ltion
officers to be known as the Child Marriage Prohibition Officer havingjurisdiction over the
.. rea or areas specified in the notification.
(2) The Stale Government may also request a respectable member of the locality with
a record of social service or an officer of tile Gram Panchayat or Municipalityoranofficerof
the Governm~nl or any public sector undelt3.kin~ 'l( an office bearer ofany non-governmental
organisation to assist the Chi ld Marriage Prohibition Officer and such member, officer or
office bearer, as the case may be, shall be bound to act accordingly.
(1) It shall be the duty of the Child Marriage Prohibition Officer-
(a) [0 prevent solemnisation of child marriages by taking such action as he may
• d«:m fit ;
(b) 10 collect evidence for Ihe eileclive prosecution of persons contravening the
provisions of this Act;
tC) to advise either individual cases or counsel the residenl~ of the locality
generally not to indulge in promoting, helping, aiding or allowing the solemnisalion of
child marriages;
(d) 10 create awarem:ss oftheevil which results from child marriages:
(l') to sensitize the communit), on the issue of child marriages;
(f) to furnish such periodical returns and statistics as the State Government may
direct; and
1.8') to discharge such other fuoctions and dUlies as may be assigned to him by
the State Government.
t I) The State Government may, by n;)tificalion in the Official Gazette, subject to such
conditiOns and limitations. invest the Child Marriage Prohibition Officer with such powers of
a police officer as may be specified in the notification II1\d the Child Marriage Prohibition
Officer shall exercise such powers subject 10 such conditions and limitations, as may be
specified in the notification.
(5) TheChild Marriage Prohibition Officer shall have the power to move the Court for
an order under sections 4, ~ and 13 and along with the child under section j .
, I • 17. The Child Marriage Prohibition Officers shall be deemed to be public servants Child Mlllille
• ~ \I I 181>0 within the meaning of section 21 orthe Indian Penal Code . Plohibltion
'- OffiecTl to be
publ ic !let"Vlflts

18. No suit, prosecution or other legal proceedings shall lie against the Child Marriage Prolectlon or
Prohibition Officer in respect of anything in good faith done o .... intended to be done in u:tion Ilkcn in
_tOO<! raith.
pursuan,c o(this Act or any rule or order made thereunder.
19. (I) The Siale Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, make rules for Power of Stile
carrrying oul the provisions of this Act. 10 mIke UIIQ .

(1) Every rule made under this Act shall, as soon as may be after it is made, be 1ak!
before the State Legislature.
20. In the Hindu Marriage Act, 19~5 , in section 18, for clause (a), the follwingclause .'\mCllomcnt
or Act No 2'
shall be substituted, namely:- of IU S.
"(a) in the case of contravention of the condition specified in clause (ill) of
section 5. with rigorous imprisonment which may extend to two years or with fine
which may extend to one lakh rupees, or with both" .


21. (I) The Child Marriage RcslraintAct, I n9 is hereby repealed. 19 or 1929.

(2) Notwithstanding such repeal, all cases and other proceedings pending or
continued under the said Act at the commencement of this Act shall be contirtued and
disposed of in ac.cordancc with the provisions of the repealed Act, as if this Act had
nol been passed.

Sec)'. 10 the Govt. ofIndia.


MGIPMRNQ--5.4Gl(S 1)0--15.01.2001 .

I •

Daman 20th February. 2009. 1 Phalguna. 1930 (Saka) of. : 01


""" ""'"
51! ~ $I' ~ JOt oi~1fcr <ftq 51! $I" iE'Fl
S:Ufttlf!(UI ;:m ~

No. SW/61St(Chlld MarTlage)/2008-09/727 Dated the 18/2/2009.

In exerase of the powers conferred by Sub Section (1) of Section 19 of the Prohibition
of Child Marriage Act. 2006 (No. 6 of 2007) read with the GoV!. of India, Ministry of Home
Affairs, Notification No. 743 F. No. 1l018/312008·UTl. dated : 30/05/2008, the Administrator,
U.T. of Daman and Diu, hereby makes the following rules, namely:·

1. Short title and <XlII1menc:ement - (1) These rules may be called as the Union
Territory of Daman and Diu Prohibition of Child Marriage Rules, 2008.
(2) These rules shall come Into force on the date of their publication in the offieal Gazette
I of U.T. of Daman and Diu.

2. Definitions - In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires :.

(al "Act:' means the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006 (No.6 of 2007l;
(b) "Complaint" means any allegation made orally or in writing by any person to the
Prohibition Officer;
(c) "Section" means a form appended to these rules.
(d) Words and expressions used and not defined in these rules but defined in the Act
shall have the same meanings respectively assigned to them in the Act.

SERIES - I No.: 01
DATED: 20'" FEBRUARY, 2009.

3. Qualifications and experience of Child Ma!7l;>ge Prohibition OffIcer - (1) The

Child Marriage Prohibition Officers appointed by the UT of Daman & Diu shall be an
officer of the Government and preference shall be given to a woman officer.

(2) The Tenure of a Child Marriage Prohibition Officer shall be a minimum period of
three years.

(3) The Administration of Daman & Diu shall provide assistance as necessary to the
Child Marriage Prohibition Officer for the efficient discharge of his/her functions
under the Act and these rules.

4. Information to Prohibition OffIcer :-. (1) Any person who has reason to believe that
an act of child marriage has been, or is being, or Is likely to committed, may give
Information through letter, e-mail or a telephone call or In any other form, to the Child
Marriage Prohibition Officer having Jurisdiction In the area, In the prescribed form .

(2) In case the information is given to the Child Marriage Prohibition Officer under sub
rule (1) orally, he/she shall cause it to be reduced to writing and shall ensure that
the same is signed by the person giving such information.

(3) The Child Marriage Prohibition Officer shall give a copy of the information recorded
by him immediately to the informant, free of cost.

5. Child Marriage Report :-. (1) Upon receipt of a complaint of a child marriage, the
Child Marriage Prohibition Officer shall prepare a child marriage report in Fonn-I and
submit the same to the ludidal Magistrate, First aass and forward a copy thereof to the
police officer, incharge of the police station within the local limit of Jurisdiction in the
area where child marriage Is alleged to have taken place.

(2) Upon receipt of an Information of a child marriage, any Individual authorized In

terms of sub-section (2) of section 16 may record child marriage report and forward
a copy thereof to the ludidal Magistrate, First Class and to the Child Marriage
Prohibition officer having jurisdiction in the area where child marriage is alleged to
have taken piace.

6. Duties and functions of Child Mamage Prohibition OffIcer :- The duties and
function to be discharged and performed by a Child Marriage Prohibition Officer shall be
as under :-

(a) To assist the complainant in making a complaint under the Act, if the complainant so

(b) To Provide information to the contracting parties regarding the rights and offence being

(c) To assist the person In making the application in terms of sub-section (1) of section 13
Of any other provision of the Act Of there rules.

Page 2 of6
SERIES - I No.: 01
DATED: 20'" FEBRUARY, 2009.

(d) To provide legal aid to the complainant through State Legal Aid Service Authority.

(e) To inform the person authorized under sub-section (2) of section (16) that their services
may be required in the proceedings under the Act.

(f) To maintain copies of the records and documents forwarded under sub-section (3) of
section 16 and In pursuance of the powers conferred upon him/her under sub-section
(4) of section 16.

(g) To provide all possible assistance to the complainant to ensure that he/she is not
victimized or pressurized as a consequence of reporting the Incidence of child marriage.

(h) To liaise between the complainant or persons, police and authorized persons in the
manner provided under the Act and these rules.

(I) To take all reasonable measures to prevent recurrence of child marriage against the
aggrieved person, In accordance with the provisions of the Act and these rules.

(j) The Child Marriage Prohibition Officer shall assist the Court in the enforcement of orders
In the proceedings under the Act including orders under section 4 and 5.

(k) The Child Marriage Prohibition offioer shall also perform such other duties as may be
asslgned to him/her by the Administration of Daman & Diu in giving effect to the
provisions of the Act and these rules, from time to time.

7. Action to be taken In case of emergency: If the Child Marriage Prohibition Officer

or a person authorized under sub-section (2) of section 16 of the Act received reliable
information through e-mail or a telephone call or the like, either from the aggrieved
person or from any persons who has reason to believe that an act of child marriage is
being or Is likely to be committed, in such an emergent Situation, the Child Marriage
Prohibition Officer or the person authorized, as the case may be, shall seek immediate
assistance of the police and shall proceed to the place of occurrence and record the
child marriage report and present the same to the court without any delay.

8. Means of ...."ice of notices :- (I) The notices for appearance in respect of the
proceedings under the Act shall contain the names of the persons alleged to have
committed or caused child marriage, the nature of child marriage and such other details
as may facilitate the Identification of persons concemed.

(2) The service of notices shall be made In the following manner, namely :-

a} The notices In respect of the proceeding under the Act shall be served by the
Child Marriage Prohibition Officer or any other person as directed by him to serve
the Notice, on his/her behalf, at the address where the respondent is stated to be
ordinarily residing in India or where the respondent is stated to be gainfully
employed, as the case may be.

Page 3 of6
SERIES - I No.: 01

b) The notice shall be delivered to any person in charge of such place at the moment
and in case of such delivery not being possible, it shall be pasted at a conspicuous
place on the residential/business premises of such person.

(3) On the date fixed for appearance of the respondent, on a statement or a report of
the person authorized to serve the notice under the Act to the effect that notice has
been served, appropriate order shall be passed by the court on any pending
application for interim relief, after hearing the complainant or the respondent, or

g. Disposal of records :- The records or documents in respect of a case of child

marriage shall be kept in a safe place for a period of seven years and thereafter, be
destroyed, by the Administration of lIT of Daman & Diu.

10. Repeal and savings: Since the Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929 stands repealed;
the rules framed thereunder also stand repealed immediately on the publication of these

By order and in the name of the

Administrator, lIT of Daman and Diu

( Ajay Kumar)
Deputy Secretary (Social Welfare)

Page 4 of6

1_ -
SERIES - I No.: 01
DATED: 20'" FEBRUARY, 2009.

(see Rule 5)
Child Marriage Inddent Report
1. Details of the complainant/party to the child marriage:

(1) Name of the complainant/party to the child marriage:

(2) Age :
(3) Present Address :
(4) Phone Number, if any:

2. Details of respondent :

3. Details of Marriage:
Date, Place and
11me of Child Performer Audience Remarks
Priest Relatives Fnends Others

4. Ust of documents attached :

Name of document Date Any other details
Birth Certificate
Doctor's certificate for age
Ust of money, omaments,
valuables, gifts given at the
time of marnaae
Any other document

5. Order that needs to be obtained under the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act. 2006
(6 of 2007)
Orders Yes/No Any other
1 Prohibitory In1unction under Section 13
2 Annulment order under section 3
3 Residence order under section 4 (4
4 Maintenance order under section 4 1)
5 Custody order under section 5
6 Restriction order under section 3 (4)
7 Any other order

Page S of6


SERIES - I No. : 01
DATED: 20'" FEBRUARY, 2009.

6. AssIstance needed :

Sr. Assistance available YeslNo Nature of Assistance

1 Counsellor
2 Police Assistance
3 Assistance for initiating Criminal Proceedings
4 Shelter home
S Medical facilities
6 Legal Aid



Address :

PreS&, Daman. 0'12009 - 2~.J

Price Rs. 2.00}

Page 6 of6

\3ffif~ I '( 0 I
Daman 18th September, 2009, 27 Bhadra 1931 (Saka) 40


""" """"
Government of India SI~~I G""tUI ~ cftq SI~II~'1

lIlflI<I;<vr 1m! _
Administration of Daman 8r. Diu,
Deptt. of Sodal Welfare,
Collectorate, Dholar,
Dated: 17/09/2009

In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-Section (1) of Section 16 of The Prohibition
of Child Marriage Act, 2006 (No. 6 of 2007), read with the Govt. of India, Ministry of Home
Affairs, Notification No. 5.0. 1274( E) (F. No. l1018/ 3/2008/tm) dated 30/5/2008 and Rule 3
of the Union Territory of Daman & Diu Prohibition of Child Marriage Rules, 2008, Administrator
of UT of Daman & Diu is pleased to appoint Mrs. Abhilasha Aggarwal, Superintendent of
Rsheries, U.T. of Daman & Diu as Child Marriage Prohibition Officer for the U.T. of Daman &
Diu with Immediate effect.

The tenure of Smt. Abhllasha Aggarwal, Child Marriage Prohibition Officer shall be for a
period of three years.

By Order and In the name of the

Administrator, U.T. of Daman & Diu

( N. S. Meena )
Dy. Secretary (Social Welfare)

Government Printing ~ D3rrw7 . 09/2(XJ9 -150.

{ Prica R&.1.00 J

No.SW/615/2009-2010/3:t; ~
UT Administration of Daman and Diu,
Social Weifare Department.
Collectorate, Dollar,
Moti Daman.

Dated: I &10912009

Sub: Regarding prohibition of Child Marriatge.

The Govt.of India, with a view to prohibit of solemenization of Child Marriage and
for matters cotUlected their with or incidents their to, enacted a Law titled, "The prohibition
of Child marriatge Act, 2006" . This Act has already been brought in to force and applies to all
the citizens of India. Under this Act, child marriage have been prohibited. The child has
been defined as a person who, if male, has not Completed twenty One years of age, and in
Case of Female, has not completed eighteen years of age. This Act, provides that every child

- marriage, shall be voidable at the option of the contracting parties, who was a child at the time
of the marriage.

The child marriage is a stigma on the society. The child marriage stops proper
. development and growth of both the male and female contracting parties. They also do not
have a clear vision and goal and deciding - power due to immaturity.

In order to eradicate this evil, there is need to generate Public awareness, so that the
people at large are educated about the demerits of child marriage as well as the prohibition
contained in the Act.

It is therefore, requested that a systematic effort should be made in organlsmg

• awareness programmes 1 campaigns to educate people as well as sensitize them through the
print and electronic Media on the scourge of Child Marriage to eliminate this evil practice.

Your are therefore, requsted to organise awareness programme 1 campaigns regarding

educating people on the scourge of child marriage.
'iI A Compliance report be submitted to this offi-ce every month PQsitively.

I ~cb\'1\v1
( Vijender Singh)
Director ( Social Welfare)

The All concerned Daman !Diu.

Copy for kind information to:

I) The P.S. to the Hon'ble Administrator, Secretariat, Daman.
2) P.A. to Secretary ( Social Welfare ), Secretariat, Daman.

UT Administration of Daman and Diu,
Social Welfare Department.
Collectorate, Dollar,
Moti Daman.

Dated: 1<6 109/2009

The Chief Executive Officer,
District Panchayat Daman and Diu,

Sub: Regarding prohibition of Child Marriage.


- I am directed to enclose herewith a copy of the Pro!i'ibition of child Marriage

Act, 2006 published in Govt.of India Official Gazette dated January 11,2007 and Union
Territory of Daman and Diu Prohibition of child Marriage Rules, 2008 as published in
the Official Gazette U .T. Administration of Daman and Diu on 18/2/2009 regarding the
scourge of child marriage and need to generate Public awareness, so that the people at
large are educated above the demerits of child marriage as well as prohibition contained
in the said Act and Rules.

It is therefore, requested that a systematic effort should be made in organising

awareness programmes 1 campaigns to educate people as well as sensitize them
through the print and electronic Media on the scourge of Child Marriage to eliminate
this evil practice.

Your are therefore, requested to organise awareness programme 1 campaigns

regarding educating people on the scourge of child marriage.

- A copy of the Act and circular should be displayed on the notice board of all
the public dealing offices, all village Panchayats of Daman and Diu and also

organise meetings with Sarpanch of all village Panchayats, Daman and Diu for
educating people in the meeting.

The aforesaid Act & Rules and the Circular shall be strictly followed by all
village Panchayats Daman and Diu.

Action taken report be submitted to this office immediately.

\k~ '
() fc.. ( ~
Vijender Singh)
0Director ( Social Welfare)

Copy for kind information to:

1) The P.S. to the Hon'ble Administrator, Secretariat, Daman.
2) P.A. to Secretary ( Social Welfare ), Secretariat, Daman.
No.SW/615/2009-20IOI 3:::ret
UT Administration of Daman and Diu,
Social Welfare Department.
Collectorate, Dollar,
Moti Daman.

Dated: 1<l 10912009

I) The Block Development Officer,
2) The Block Development Officer

Sub: Regarding prohibition of Child Marriage.


- I am directed to enclose herewith a copy of the Prohibition of child Marriage

Act, 2006 published in Govt.ofIndia Official Gazette dated January 11,2007 and Union
Territory of Daman and Diu Prohibition of child Marriage Rules, 2008 as published in
the Official Gazette U.T. Administration of Daman and Diu on 18/2/2009 regarding the
scourge of child marriage and need to generate Public awareness, so that the people at
large are educated above the demerits of child marriage as well as prohibition contained
in the said Act and Rules.

It is therefore, requested that a systematic effort should be made in organising

awareness programmes 1 campaigns to educate people as well as sensitize them
through the print and electronic Media on the scourge of Child Marriage to eliminate
this evil practice.

Your are therefore, requested to organise awareness programme 1 campaigns

- regarding educating people on the scourge of child marriage. .

A copy of the Act and cjrcular should be displayed on the notice board of
all the public dealing offices, all village Panchayats of Daman and Diu and also
organise meetings with Sarpanch of all village Panchayats, Daman and Diu for
educating people in the meeting.

The aforesaid Act & Rules and the Circular shall be strictly followed by all .
village Panchayats Daman and Diu.

Action taken report be submitted to this office immediatel~ b"i

~rector (Social Welfare)

Copy for kind information to: ~

1) The P.S. to the Hon'ble Administrator, Secretariat, Daman.
2) P.A. to Secretary (Social Welfare), Secretariat, Daman.
NO.SW/615/2009-20101 3T~
UT Administration of Daman and Diu,
Social Welfare Department. c----.-
Collectorate, Dollar,
Moti Daman.

Dated: j <6"/09/2009

I) The Chief Officer,
Daman Municipal Council,

2) The Chief Officer,

Diu Municipal Council,

Sub: Regarding prohibition of Child Marriage.


I am directed to enclose herewith a copy of the Prohibition of child Marriage

Act, 2006 published in Govt.oflndia Official Gazette dated January 11 ,2007 and Union
Territory of Daman and Diu Prohibition of child Marriage Rules, 2008 as published in
the Official Gazette U.T. Administration of Daman and Diu on 18/2/2009 regarding the
scourge of child marriage and need to generate Public awarenctss, so that the people at
large are educated above the demerits of child marriage as well as prohibition contained
in the said Act & Rules.

It is therefore, requested that a systematic effort should be made in organising

awareness programmes 1 campaigns to .educate people as well as sensitize them
through the print and electronic Media on the scourge of Child Marriage to eliminate
this evil practice.

- Your are therefore, requested to organise awareness programme I campaigns

regarding educating people on the scourge of child marriage.

A copy of the Act and circular should be displayed on the notice board of •
all the public dealing offices, all in Municipality area of Daman and Diu and also
organise meetings with Councilers Daman and Diu for educating people in the

The aforesaid Act & Rules and the Circular shall be strictly followed by
Municipality area of Daman and Diu.

Action taken report be submitted to this office immediately"

.1 - ~ ( Vijender Singh )
U v--?lrector (Social Welfare)
Copy for kind information to: ~
I) The P.S. to the Hon'ble Administrator, Secretariat, Daman. _ ,
2)P.A. to Secretary (Social Welfare ),.Secretariat, Daman.
NO.SW/6l5/2009-20l 0137 g-
UT Administration of Daman and Diu,
Social Welfare Department.
Collectorate, Dollar,
Moti Daman.

Dated: J ~ 109/2009

Sub: Regarding prohibition of Child Marriatge.

The Govt.of India, with a view to prohibit of solemenization of Child Marriage and
for matters connected their with or incidents their 10, enacted a Law titled, "The prohibition
of Child marrialge Act, 2006" . This Act has already been brought in to force and applies 10 all
the citizens of India. Under this Act, child marriage have been prohibited. The child has

- been defined as a person who, if male, has not Completed twenty One years of age, and in
Case of Female, has not completed eighteen years of age. This Act, provides that every child
marriage, shall be voidable at the option of the contracting parties, who was a child at the time
of the marriage.

The child marriage is a stigma on the society. The child marriage stops proper
development and growth of both' the male and female contracting parties. They also do not
have a clear vision and goal and deciding - power due to immaturity.

In order to eradicate this evil, there is need to generate Public awareness, so that the
people at large are educated about the demerits of child marriage as well as the prohibition
contained in the Act.

It is therefore, requested that a systematic effort should be made in organlsmg

awareness programmes 1 campaigns to educate people as well as sensitize them through the
print and electronic Media on the scourge of Child Marriage to eliminate this evil practice.

- Your are therefore, requsted to organise awareness programme 1 campaigns regarding

educating people on the scourge of child marriage.

A Compliance report be submitted to this office every month positively.

Director ( Social Wei fare)

The All concerned Daman !Diu.

Copy for kind information to:

1) The P.S. to the Hon'ble Administrator, Secretariat, Daman.
2) P.A. to Secretary ( Social Welfare), Secretariat, Daman.
No.SW/615/09-10/ 011:
Administration of Daman & Diu,
Deptt. of Social Welfare,
Collectorate, Dholar,

Dated rtfo/2009 .


In thercise of the powers conferred by Sub-Section (I) of Section 16 of The

Prohibition of Child Marnage Act, 2006(No.6 of 2007), read with the Govt. of India,
Ministry of Home Affairs' Notification no . S.O. 1274(E) (F.No.lI018/3/2008/UTL)
dated 30/5/2008 and Rule 3 of the Union Territory of Daman & Diu Prohibition of Child
Marriage Rules. 2008, Administrator of UT of Daman & Diu is pleased to appoint Mrs.
Abhilasha Aggarwal. Superintendent of Fisheries, U.T. of Daman & Diu as Chilp
_ Marriage Prohibition Officer for the U.T. of Daman & Diu, with immediate effect.

The tenure of Smt. Abhilasha Aggarwal. Child Marriage Prohibition Officer shall
be for a period of three years.
By order and in lC name of the
Administrator, U.T. fDaman & Dill
..., '--=--~-:-;'"
\'\ It
\0 ~
( N .S. Meena)
Dy. Secretary(Social Welfare),
Copy to :-

1) The Development Commissioner, Secretariat, Daman.

- 2) The Secretary(FinaJ1ce) & Secretary (Social Welfare), Secretariat. Daman.

3) The Law Secretary, Secretariat, Daman.
4) The Collector. Daman/ Diu.
5) The P .S. to Administrator, Secretariat, Dal]lan.

6) The Mamlatdar, Daman/Diu.

7) The Block Development Officer, Daman/Diu.
8) The Enquiry Officer, City Survey. Daman/ Diu.
9) The C.E.O., District Panchayat, Daman,
10) The Chief Officer, Municipal Council. Daman/ Diu.
II) The Asstt. Director(OL), Daman for tran slation into Hindi.
12) The Dy. Director, Govt. Printing Press, Daman with a request to publish the
Notification in Extra-Ordinary Official Gazette.

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