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“First order logic cannot cope with uncertain knowledge” Justify

this statement

ANS: First-order logic (FOL) is a powerful formalism for representing and

reasoning about knowledge in a precise and unambiguous manner.
However, it has limitations when it comes to handling uncertain or
probabilistic information. Here are some reasons why first-order logic
may struggle with uncertain knowledge:

1. Binary Truth Values: In classical first-order logic, propositions are

either true or false, and there is no inherent mechanism to express
degrees of belief or uncertainty. This binary nature makes it
difficult to model and reason about situations where information is
incomplete or uncertain.
2. Lack of Probabilistic Reasoning: First-order logic does not
provide a framework for expressing or reasoning about
probabilities. In contrast, uncertain knowledge often involves
degrees of belief or confidence associated with different
propositions. Probabilistic reasoning is essential for handling
uncertainty in real-world scenarios.
3. Open World Assumption: FOL operates under the "closed world
assumption," which means that if a statement is not known to be
true, it is considered false. In uncertain domains, however, it's often
more realistic to adopt an "open world assumption,"
acknowledging that the truth value of a statement may be
unknown or uncertain.
4. Inability to Capture Certinity(vagueness): FOL struggles with
capturing vagueness or imprecision in natural language
expressions. Uncertain knowledge may involve vague terms or
fuzzy boundaries, which are challenging to represent and reason
about in a strict logical framework.
5. Difficulty in Handling Incomplete Information: Uncertain
knowledge often involves incomplete information, and FOL is not
well-suited to represent and reason about partial or missing
information. This limitation makes it challenging to model
situations where not all relevant facts are known.
6. Complexity in Representing Belief Revision: In uncertain
environments, beliefs may need to be revised based on new
evidence. FOL lacks explicit mechanisms for representing and
updating beliefs, making it less suitable for dynamic scenarios
where knowledge evolves over time.

To address these limitations, alternative formalisms such as probabilistic

logic, fuzzy logic, and Bayesian networks have been developed. These
frameworks provide richer ways to model and reason about uncertain
knowledge by incorporating probabilities, degrees of belief, and other
forms of uncertainty into the representation and inference processes.

2.What are the problems with uncertainty? Explain with examples

ANS: Uncertainty poses several challenges in various fields, and it can lead
to difficulties in decision-making, planning, and problem-solving. Here are
some problems associated with uncertainty, along with examples:

1. Incomplete Information:
 Problem: In many situations, not all relevant information is
available, leading to incomplete knowledge about the state of
 Example: Weather forecasting faces the challenge of
incomplete information, where various factors influencing the
weather are not precisely known, making accurate predictions
2. Ambiguity:
 Problem: Ambiguity arises when information is not clear or has
multiple interpretations, making it challenging to derive precise
 Example: Natural language is inherently ambiguous. A
statement like "the bank is on the river" can be interpreted in
multiple ways, leading to uncertainty about the intended
3. Imprecision:
 Problem: Imprecision refers to the lack of precision or
granularity in information, making it challenging to define
boundaries or make exact distinctions.
 Example: Temperature measurements with limited precision
(e.g., rounding to the nearest degree) can introduce
imprecision in scientific experiments or climate models.
4. Probabilistic Uncertainty:
 Problem: Probabilistic uncertainty involves situations where
outcomes are inherently uncertain and can be described in
terms of probabilities.
 Example: In financial markets, predicting the future value of
stocks involves probabilistic uncertainty, as it depends on
various factors and is subject to market dynamics.
5. Dynamic Changes:
 Problem: Situations where conditions change over time
introduce dynamic uncertainty, making it challenging to predict
future states accurately.
 Example: Traffic flow is dynamic, influenced by factors like
accidents, weather, and construction. Predicting travel times
becomes uncertain due to these changing conditions.
6. Risk and Decision-Making:
 Problem: Decision-making under uncertainty involves
assessing risks and making choices with incomplete or
uncertain information.
 Example: Businesses deciding whether to invest in a new
product face uncertainty regarding market demand,
competition, and economic conditions, impacting the risk
associated with the investment.
7. Unexpected Events:
 Problem: Unexpected events, often referred to as black swan
events, are events that are difficult to predict but can have
significant consequences.
Example: Natural disasters, such as earthquakes or hurricanes,
are unpredictable events that introduce uncertainty in disaster
preparedness and response planning.
8. Incomplete Models:
 Problem: Models used to represent real-world phenomena
may be incomplete, leading to uncertainty in predictions and
 Example: Climate models may not capture all factors
influencing climate change, leading to uncertainty in long-term
predictions about temperature and sea-level rise.

Addressing these problems requires the development of models and

decision-making frameworks that explicitly account for uncertainty.
Probabilistic models, fuzzy logic, and other uncertainty management
techniques are employed in various domains to cope with the challenges
posed by uncertain information.

3.write an AI function that design a decision theoretic agent

ANS: Probability provides a way of summarizing the uncertainty that comes

from our laziness and ignorance.
To make such choices, an agent must first have preferences between the
different possible outcomes of the various plans.
Preferences, as expressed by utilities, are combined with probabilities in the
general theory of rationa1 decisions called decision theory:
Decision theory = probability theory + utility theory.
The fundamental idea of decision theory is that an agent is rational if and only
if it chooses the action that yields the highest expected utility, averaged over all
the possible outcomes of the action. This is called the principle of Maximum
Expected Utility (MEU).
function DT-AGENT(percept) returns an action
persistent: belief_state, probabilistic beliefs about the current state of the world
action, the agent's action
update belief state based on action and percept calculate outcome probabilities for
actions, given action descriptions and current belief_state
select action with highest expected utility given probabilities of outcomes and
utility information
return action

4. A doctor knows that the disease meningitis causes the patient to have a
stiff neck, say, 70% of the time. The doctor also knows some unconditional
facts: the prior probability that a patient has meningitis is 1/50,000, and the
prior probability that any patient has a stiff neck is 1%. Find the probability of
having meningitis given stiff neck.

5. The medical domain consists of three variables Toothache, Catch and Cavity.
The full joint distribution table is shown below. Clearly explain the process.

Explain the following terms. 3) Prior probability b) probability distribution c)

joint probability distribution d) full joint probability distribution

ANS: The unconditional or prior probability associated with a proposition a is

the degree of belief accorded to it in the absence of any other information; it is
written as P (a). For example, if the prior probability that I have a cavity is 0.1,
then we would write
P (Cavity = true) = 0.1 or P (cavity) = 0.1.
Ex: P (Weather = sunny) = 0.7
P (Weather = rain) = 0.2
P (Weather = cloudy) = 0.08
P (Weather = snow) = 0.02.
We may simply write
P (Weather) = (0.7, 0.2, 0.08, 0.02).

Probability Distribution:

 A probability distribution describes how the probability of a random variable

or event is spread across all possible values.
 In AI, probability distributions are fundamental for modeling uncertainty.
Common examples include the normal distribution, binomial distribution, and
Poisson distribution. Probability distributions are used in various machine
learning algorithms, such as those based on probabilistic graphical models.

c) Joint Probability Distribution:

 The joint probability distribution of two or more random variables represents

the probability of all possible combinations of their values.
 For example, if you have two random variables X and Y, the joint probability
distribution P(X, Y) provides the probabilities for each pair of values (x, y). In
AI, this is used in various applications, including Bayesian networks, where
understanding the joint distribution helps model dependencies between

d) Full Joint Probability Distribution:

 The full joint probability distribution refers to the joint probabilities of all
variables in a system.
 In AI, especially in probabilistic graphical models, obtaining the full joint
probability distribution may become computationally challenging as the
number of variables increases. Often, techniques like factorization or
approximation are used to make computations more tractable.

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