Day 1 - Manual Testing
Day 1 - Manual Testing
Day 1 - Manual Testing
What is Testing?
Manual Testing
Software Testing
Process of finding defects in the Software is called Software Testing
Verifying the Functionality of the application against Requirement Specification
is called Software Testing
In April of 1999, a software bug caused the failure of a $1.2 billion military
satellite launch, the costliest accident in history
In May of 1996, a software bug caused the bank accounts of 823
customers of a major U.S. bank to be credited with 920 million US dollars.
With the help of below image, we can easily understand the type of software testing:
Aspects Automation testing Manual testing
Reused The script can be reused across It could be possible when the test
multiple releases. case only needs to run once or
Batch Execution Batch execution is possible using Batch execution is not possible in
automation testing because all the manual testing.
written scripts can be executed
parallelly or simultaneously.
Timesaving The execution is always faster than It is time consuming due to the
the manual; that's why the usage of the human resources.
automation testing process is
Framework The automation test engineer can There is no need for a framework
use the different types of while using manual testing.
frameworks like Data driven,
Hybrid, modular driven, and
keyword-driven to faster the
automation process.
Operating Automation testing can also be Operating system compatibility is
system performed on different systems not possible in manual testing
compatibility with different operating system because the different tester is
platforms and various required to perform such tasks.
programming languages.
Regression Whenever the code changes When the test engineer executes
testing happen due to the enhancement the test case for the first time, it
of the release, then automation may be useful, but there is a
test engineer performs the possibility that it will not catch the
regression testing. regression bugs because of
changing requirements frequently.
Manual testing
The process of checking the functionality of an application as per the customer
needs without taking any help of automation tools is known as manual testing. While
performing the manual testing on any application, we do not need any specific
knowledge of any testing tool, rather than have a proper understanding of the
product so we can easily prepare the test document.
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