Rutas ann RicuraTions ron tit CiassinicaTton oF Sits, JULY ans
Ship Piping Systems Part 5, Chapter 13
Section 2
Section 2
Construction and installation
21 Materials
2.1.1 Except where otherwise slated in this Chapter, pipes, valves and fitings are to be made of steel, cast ton, copper
‘copper alloy, or other approved material suitable forthe intended service,
21.2 Where applicable, the materials are to comoly with the relevant requirements of Pt 5, Ch 12 Pjping Design
2.1.3 Materials sensitive to heat, such as aluminium, lead or plastics, are not to be used in systems essential to the safe
‘operation of the ship, or for containing combustible liquids or sea-water where leakage or fallure could result in fe or in the
flooding of watertight compartments, sae Pt 5, Ch 12 Piping Dasign Requirements for plastic p/pas.
2.1.4 Aluminium alloy pipes are not acceptable for fie extinguishing pipes unless they are suitably protected against the effect
‘of heat, The proposed use of aluminium alloy with appropriate insulation will be considered when it has been demonstrated that
the arrangements provide equivalent structural and integrity propertes compared to steal. In open and exposed locations where
the insulation material is tkel to sutfor rom mechanical damage suitable protection isto be provided
2.2 Pipe wall thickness
2.2.1 The minimum nominal well
Piping Design Requirements.
ickness of steel, copper and copper alloy pipes are to be in accordance with Pt 5, Ch 12
2.2.2 Special consideration will be given to the wall thicknesses of pipes made of materials other than stet
copper alloy.
copper ancl
2.3 Valves - Installation and control
2.3.1 Valves and cocks are to be fitted in places where they are at all limes readily accessible, unless otherwise specifically
mentioned in the Fules, Valves in cargo oll and ballast systems may be fited inside tanks, subject to Pt 5, Ch 13, 2.3 Valves —
Instalation and control 2.3.2.
2.3.2 All valves which are provided with remote control are to be arranged for local manual operation, indepenclent of the
remote operating mechanism. For shpside valves and valves on the collision bulkhead, the means for local manual operation are
to be permanently attached. For suismerged valves in cargo oll and ballast systems, as permitted by Pt §, Ch 15, 2.3 Valves —
instalation and contro! 2.8.1, local manual operation may be by extended spindle or a portable hand pump. Where manual
‘operation is by hand pump, the control ines to each submerged valve are to incorporate quick coupling connections, as close to
the valve actuator as practicable, to allow easy connection of the hand oump. Not less than two hand pumps are to be provided.
2.3.3 In case of valves which are required by the Rules to be provided with remote control, opening and/or closing of the
valves by local manuel means is not to render the remote control system inoperable,
2.4 Attachment of valves to watertight plating
2.4.1 Vale chests, cocks, pipes or other ftings attacred direct to the plating of tanks, and to bulkheads, flats or tunnels
\ihich are required to be of watertight construction, are to be secured by means of studs or tap bolts screwed through bulkhead
pieces welded to the plating, and not by bolts passing through clearance holas. For tanks, the stud or tap bolt holes are not to
penetrate the plating
2.4.2 For requirements relating to valves on the collision bulkhead, see Pt 5, Ch 18, 3.5 Fore and after peaks 3.5.4
25 Shi
side valves and fittings (other than those on scuppers and sanitary discharges)
2.5.1 All sea inlet and overboard discharge pipes ae to be fitted with valvas or cacks secured dlrect to the shell plating, or 0
the plating of fabricated steel water boxes attached to the shell plating. These fitings ae to be secured by studs ot tap bolts
‘screwed into heavy steol pads welded to the plating. The stud or tap bolt holes are not to penstiate the plating,
2.5.2 — Atomativaly, distance pieces of short, rigid construction, and made of approved matorial may be fited bstwaan the
valves and the shell plating. Distance pieces of steal may be welded to the shell plating. Details of the weldlad connections and of
fabricated steel waler boxes are to he submitted,
1210 ows RacsrexRutas ann RicuraTions ron tit CiassinicaTton oF Sits, JULY ans
Ship Piping Systems Part 5, Chapter 13
Section 2
2.8.3 Vales for ship-side apolications are to be installed such that the section of piping immediately inboard of the vale can
bbe removed without affecting the watertight integrity ofthe hull
2.5.4 Gratings are to be fitted at all openings in the ship's side for sea inlet valves and inlet water boxes. The net area through
{the gratings is to be not less than twice that of the valves connected to the sea inlets, and provision is to be made for cleaving the