Far Reviewer Lecture Notes 1 2
Far Reviewer Lecture Notes 1 2
Far Reviewer Lecture Notes 1 2
1. A complete set of financial statement includes all of the following components, except.
a. To provide information about financial position financial performance and changes in financial
position of an entity that is useful to a wide range of users in making economic decision.
b. To prepare and present a statement of financial position, statement of comprehensive income.
Statement of cash flows and statement of changes in equity.
c. To prepare and present relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable information to
investors and creditors.
d. To prepare and present financial statements in accordance with all applicable PFRS and
3. What is the objective of providing information about financial position, financial performance and
cash flows of an entity, financial statements should provide information about all of the following,
4. Which of the following statements is true concerning the objective of financial statements?
I. Financial statements do not provide all the information that users may need to make economic
decisions since they largely portray the financial effects of past events and do not necessarily
provide nonfinancial information.
II. Financial statements show the results of the stewardship of management or the accountability
of management for the resources entrusted to it.
a. I only
b. II only
c. Both I and II
d. Neither I nor II
5. The primary responsibility for the preparation and presentation of the financial statements of an
entity is reposed in the.
1. An entity decided to extend the reporting period from a year to a 15-month period. Which of the
following is not required in case of change in reporting period?
a. The entity shall disclose the reason for using a longer period than a period 12 months.
b. The entity shall change the reporting period only if other similar entities in the geographical
area in which it generally operates have done so in the current year.
c. The entity shall disclose that comparative amounts used in the financial statements are not
entirely comparable.
d. The entity shall disclose the period covered by the financial statements.
5. An entity shall clearly identity each financial statement and shall display all of the following
information prominently, except.
a. Name of the reporting entity or other means of identification, and any change in that
information from the previous year.
b. Names of major shareholders of the entity
c. The presentation currency and level of rounding used in presentation the financial statements
d. Whether the financial statement cover the individual entity or a group of entities and the date of
the end of reporting period or the period covered by the financial statements.
1. Which of the following statements is incorrect concerning fair preservation of financial statements?
a. Fair presentation requires the faithful representation of the effects of transaction and other
b. Financial statements shall present fairly the financial position, financial performance and cash
flows of an entity
c. In virtually all circumstances, a fair presentation is achieved by compliance with applicable PFRS
d. An entity whose financial statements comply with PFRS shall not make an explicit and
unreserved statement of such compliance in notes
a. To present information in a manner that provides relevant and faithful representation of the
effects of transactions and other events.
b. To provide additional disclosures when compliance with specific PFRS is insufficient to
understand the financial position and financial performance.
c. To select and apply accounting policies in accordance with applicable PFRS.
d. To rectify inappropriate accounting policies either by disclosure of the accounting policies used
or by notes or explanatory information.
4. An entity is permitted to depart from a particular standard if all of the following conditions are
satisfied except.
d. When the conceptual framework for financial reporting prohibits such a departure
5. The effects of transactions and either events on economic resources and claims are depicted in the
period in which those effects occur even if the resulting each receipts and payments occur in a different
a. Accrual accounting
b. Cash accounting
c. Modified accrual accounting
d. Modified cash accounting
a. Annually
b. Quarterly
c. Semiannually
d. Every two years
8. The presentation and classification of items in the financial statements shall be retained from one
accounting period to the next.
a. Consistency of presentation
b. Materiality
c. Aggregation
d. Comparability
9. A third statement of financial position as at beginning of the earlier comparative period presented is
10. An entity shall prepare how many statements of financial position as a result of retrospective
application, retrospective restatements and reclassification of items in the financial statements?
a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
d. One
1. What is the objective of financial reporting under the conceptual framework for financial
a. To provide information about the financial position performance and cash flows of an
b. To prepare and present a statement of financial position and a statement of
comprehensive income.
c. To provide financial information about an entity that is useful to existing and potential
investors, lenders and other creditors in making decisions about providing resources
to the entity
d. To prepare financial statement in accordance with all applicable standard and
2. The primary focus of financial reporting has been on meeting the needs of which of the
a. Managers of an entity
b. Existing and potential investors, lenders and other creditors
c. National and local taxing authorities
d. Independent CPAs
3. Which of the following statements best describes the term “financial Position”?
a. The net income and expenses of an entity
b. The net of financial assets less liabilities of an entity
c. The potential to contribute to the flow of cash and cash equivalent to the entity.
d. The assets, liabilities and equity of any entity
4. Which of the following best describes the term “financial performance”?
a. The revenue, expenses and net income or loss for a period of an entity.
b. The assets, liabilities and equity of an entity
c. The total assets minus total liabilities
d. The total cash inflows minus total cash outflows
5. The overall objective of financial reporting is to provide information.
a. That is useful for decision making
b. About assets, liabilities and equity
c. About financial performance during a period
d. That allows owners to assess performance of management
6. Which is an objective of financial reporting?
a. To provide information that is useful in making investing and credit decisions.
b. To provide information that is useful to management
c. To provide information to those investing in the entity
d. To provide information about ways to solve internal and external conflict about the
1. Which of the following would most likely prepare the most accurate financial forecast for an
entity based on empirical evidence?
a. Investors using statistical models to generate forecasts
b. Corporate management
c. Financial analysis
d. Independent certified public accountants
2. The most useful information to existing and potential investors, lenders and other creditors in
predicting future cash flows is
a. Information about current cash flows
b. Currents earning based on accrual accounting
c. Information regarding the accounting policies used by management
d. Information regarding the result obtained by using a wide variety of accounting policies
3. The accrual basis of accounting is most useful for
a. Determining the amount of income tax liability
b. Predicting short-term financial performance
c. Predicting long-term financial performance
1. Current and noncurrent presentation of assets and liabilities provides useful information when
the entity
a. Supplies goods or service within a clearly identifiable operating cycle
b. Is a financial institution
c. Is a public utility
d. Is a nonprofit organization
2. A presentation of assets and liabilities in increasing or decreasing order of liquidity provides
information that is faithfully represent and more relevant for.
a. Financial institution
b. Public utility
c. Government-owned entity
d. Service provider
3. It is the time between acquisition of assets for processing and their realization in cash.
a. Operating cycle
b. Cash to receivable cycle
c. Business cycle
d. Cash to inventory cycle
4. When the normal operating cycle is not clearly identifiable, the duration assumed to be
a. Twelve months
b. Six months
c. Three months
d. Twenty four months
5. Which obligations are classified as current even if the obligation are due to be settled after more
than twelve months from the end of reporting.
a. Trade payable
b. Current portion of noncurrent financial liabilities
c. Bank overdraft
d. Dividends payable
6. An entity shall classify an asset as current under all of the following conditions, except
a. The entity expects to realize the asset or intends to sell or consume the asset within the
entity’s normal operating cycle.
b. The entity holds the asset for the purpose of trading.
c. The entity expects to realize the asset within twelve months after the reporting period.
d. The asset is cash or a cash equivalent that is restricted to settle a liability for more than
twelve months after the reporting period.
7. An entity shall classify an as liability as current under all of the following conditions, except
a. The entity expects to settle the liability within the entity’s normal operating cycle
b. The entity holds the liability primarily for the purpose of trading
c. The liability is due to be settled within twelve months after the reporting period
d. The entity has an unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability for at least
twelve months after reporting period.
8. In the Philippines the common practice is to present in the statement of financial position.
a. Current assets before noncurrent assets, current liabilities and equity after liabilities
b. Noncurrent assets before current assets, noncurrent liabilities before current liabilities
and equity after liabilities
c. Current assets before noncurrent assets, noncurrent liabilities before liabilities and
equity after liabilities.
d. Noncurrent assets before current assets, current liabilities before noncurrent liabilities
and equity after liabilities.
9. A financial liability that is due to be settled within twelve months after the end of reporting
period is classified as noncurrent when.
I. An agreement to refinance or reschedule payment on a long-term basis is completed on
or before the end of reporting period and before the financial statement are authorized
for issue.
II. The entity has the discretion to refinance or rollover the obligation for at least twelve
months after the end of reporting period under an existing loan facility.
a. I only
b. II only
c. Both I and ii
d. Neither I nor II
10. When an entity breaches an understanding under a long-term loan agreement on or before the
end of reporting period with the effect that the liability becomes payable on demand.
I. The liability is classified as current even if the lender has agreed after the end of
reporting period and before the issuance of the statements not to demand payment as a
consequence of the branch.
II. The liability is classified as noncurrent if the lender agreed on or before the end of
reporting period to provide a grace period for at least twelve months after the end of
reporting period within which to rectify the breach.
a. I only
b. II only
c. Either I or II
d. Neither I nor II
1. A contingent liability
a. Definitely exits as a liability but the amount and due date are indeterminable
b. Is accrued even though not reasonably estimated
c. Is the result of loss contingency
d. Is not recognized in the financial statements.
2. Which of the following statements is incorrect concerning contingent liability?
a. A contingent liability is not recognized in the financial statements.
b. A contingent liability is disclosed only.
c. If the contingent liability is remote, no disclosure is required.
d. A contingent liability is both probable and measureable
3. It is a possible asset that arises from past event and whose existence will be confirmed only by
the occurrence or nonoccurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the
control o the entity.
a. Contingent asset
b. Other asset
c. Suspense account
d. Current asset
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect concerning contingent asset?
a. A contingent asset is not recognized in the financial statements because this may result
to recognition of income that may never be realized.
b. When the realization of income is virtually certain the related assets is longer contingent
asset and its recognition is appropriate.
c. A contingent asset is only disclosed when the occurrence of the future event is possible
or remote.
d. The related gain arising from the contingent asset is recognized usually when it is
1. In which section of the statement of financial position should cash that is restricted for the
settlement of a liability due 18 months after the reporting period be presented?
a. Current asset
b. Equity
c. Noncurrent liabilities
d. Noncurrent assets
2. Which one of the following is not required to be presented as minimum information on the face
of the statement of financial position?
a. Investment property
c. Biological asset
d. Contingent liability
a. Contingent asset
d. Deferred tax
4. Which of the following must be included on the face of the statement of financial position?
a. Investment property
c. Contingent liability
5. Which of the following statement is relation in the statement of financial position is true?
II. The number of share authorized for issue may be shown in the statement of financial
position or the statement of changes in equity or in the notes.
a. I only
b. II only
c. Both I and II
d. Neither I nor II
6. Which of the following statements in relation to the line items shown in the statement of
financial position is true?
II. Liabilities included in disposal group classified as held for sale shall be shown separately
on the face of the statement of financial position
a. only
b. II only
c. Both I and II
d. Neither I nor II
7. In which section of the statement of financial position should employment taxes due for
settlement in 15 months time be presented?
a. Current liabilities
b. Current assets
c. Noncurrent liabilities
d. Noncurrent assets
8. An entity has a loan due for repayment in six months time, but the entity has the option to
refinance for repayment two years later. the entity plans to refinance this loan. In which section
of the statement of financial position should this loan be presented?
a. Current liabilities
b. Current assets
c. Noncurrent liabilities
d. Noncurrent assets
9. The short-term obligation of an entity at the end of reporting period include 90-day notes
payable renewable for another 90- day period. The notes payable shall be classified in the
statement of financial position as
a. Current liabilities
b. Deferred charges
c. Noncurrent liabilities
d. Intermediate debt
10. At the end of reporting period, an entity has a 120-day note payable outstanding, the entity has
followed the policy of replacing the note rather than repaying it over the last three years. The
entity’s treasurer says that this policy is expected to continue indefinitely and the arrangement is
acceptable to the bank to which the note was issued. The proper classification of the note in the
year-end statement of financial position is
d. Noncurrent liability
1. In analyzing statements, which financial statement would a potential investor primarily use to
assess liquidity and financial flexibility?
b. Income statement
b. An asset is tangible
3. Working capital is
b. Treasury share
c. Good in process
d. Temporary investment
a. Assets
d. Liabilities
a. Retained earnings
a. The amount at which current assets are reported must effect realizable cash value
c. The time period by which current assets are distinguished form noncurrent assets is
determined by the seasonal nature of the business
d. Assets are classified as current if these are reasonably expected to be realized in cash or
consumed during the normal operating cycle.
a. Causes the distinction between current and noncurrent items to depend on whether
they will affects cash within one year
b. Permits some assets to be classified as current even though they are more than one year
removed from becoming cash.
d. Affects the income statement but not be the statement of financial position
9. The basis for classifying assets as current or noncurrent is a period of time normally elapsed
from the time the accounting entity expends cash to the time it converts
d. A deposit on machinery ordered delivery of which will be made within six months
a. Installment notes receivable due over 18 months in accordance with normal trade
b. Prepaid taxes which cover assessments of the following operating cycle of the entity
c. Trading securities purchased by the temporary investment of cash available for current
d. The cash surrender value of a life insurance policy carried by an entity, the beneficiary
on the president
4. An entity records all sales using the installment method of accounting. Installment sale contracts
call for 36 equal monthly cash payments. The amounts of deferred gross profit relating to
collections 12 months beyond the reporting period shall be reported in the.
5. An entity uses the installment method to recognize revenue. Customers pay the installment
notes receivable in 24 equal monthly amounts which include 12% interest. What is the carrying
amount of the installment notes receivable six months after the sale?
d. Less than the present value of the remaining monthly payments discounted at 12%
c. Asset reported in the statement of financial position include current and noncurrent
d. Assets include costs that have not yet been matched with revenue.
3. Equity investments held to finance future construction of additional plant should be classified as
a. Current assets
c. Intangible assets
d. Long-term investment
b. Franchise
d. A sinking fund
b. Prepaid rent
c. Supplies
d. Goods in process
8. Which of the following items would normally be excluded from the computation of working
b. The portion of long-term debt that matures within one year after the reporting period
c. Prepaid insurance
9. Accrued revenue would normally appear in the statement of financial position under
a. Noncurrent assets
b. Current liabilities
c. Noncurrent liabilities
d. Current assets
c. Is used to determine current assets when the operating cycle is longer than one year
c. The identity of the party to whom the liability is owned must be known
c. The residual interest in the asset of the entity after deduction all of the liabilities
a. Unearned revenue
Indicate the proper classification or presentation of the items listed below. Use the following
A. Current assets
B. Noncurrent assets
C. Current liabilities
D. Noncurrent liabilities
E. Equity
4. Advances to suppliers
6. The entity is a defendant in a law suit for a certain amount. The loss is reasonably possible
7. Destruction of entire plant by earthquake after the end of reporting period but before issuance
of statements
9. Share capital
2. Investment in associate
4. Sinking fund for the payment of bond payable due next year
6. Leasehold improvement
7. Reserves
8. Share premium
10. Trademark
1. Goodwill
5. Franchise
6. Treasury shares
7. Deficit
15. Correction f an error made last year when computing depreciation resulting to overstatement of
income last year
21. Patent
Inventories 900,000
Prepare in good form a properly classified statement Note payable, long-term 500,000
of financial position in accordance with Philippine
financial reporting standard. Note payable, short-term 200,000
Retained earnings 1,350,000
Inventories 900,000
Patent 800,000
Total 8,400,000
Simple company provided the following account balances on December 31, 20115
Accumulated 1,600,000
Accumulated 1,300,000
Land 1,500,000
Machinery 2,000,000
Building 4,000,000
Cash 420,000
Franchise 200,000
Goodwill (100,000)
Land 1,500,000
Machinery 2,000,000
Building 4,000,000
Liabilities and Equity
Total 9,400,000
Building 5,000,000
Equipment 1,000,000
Inventories 1,300,000
Land 1,500,000
Cash 400,000
Inventories 1,000,000
Land 500,000
Building 5,000,000
Machinery 3,000,000
Equipment 400,000
Trademark 150,000
Cash 800,000
Inventory 1,000,000
Land 500,000
Patent 200,000
The financial assets at fair value include Dilemma Company shares acquired at cost of 250,000.
The bonds pay 10% interest semiannually on April 1 and October 1 and mature April 1, 2018. No
interest has been accrued on the bonds.
Forty thousand shares, P100 par, are authorized, of which 30,000 shares are issued including
2,000 shares in the treasury.
The retained earnings appropriated balance of P 150,000 was created in anticipation for the
result of a pending lawsuit. Shortly after the end of reporting period, the suit was amicably
settled and the entity paid P 100,000.
capital 7,000,000.00
cash (including P200,000 invested in money market and resticted foreign deposit of
P300,000) 1,000,000.00
Inventories 600,000.00
Trademark 300,000.00
patent 250,000.00
Land 400,000.00
Magna Company reported the following statements of financial position on December 31, 2015
Equity has preference share capital, no par value, P5 stated value, authorized 300,000 shares,
issued 150,000 shares for P1,000,000 and ordinary share capital, P20 par value, authorized
shares of P30 per share.
Tangible assets include: cash P5,000,000 less accumulated depreciation P1,600,000, equipment
P1,400,000 less accumulated depreciation P400,000, land P1,250,000, and land held for future
plant site P1,500,000.
The current assets include: cash P400,000, accounts receivable P750,000 less P50,000 for
allowance for doubtful accounts, inventories P800,000, and prepaid expenses P100,000
The investment include the cash surrender value of a life insurance contract P50,000, investment
in securities short-term, P100,000, and long-term, P250,000.
Intangible assets include a franchise P100,000, goodwill P200,000 and discount on bonds
Current liabilities include accounts payable P400,000, notes payable short-term debt P450,000,
and long-term P300,000 taxes payable P150,000, and appropriation contingencies P200,000.
Long-term liabilities comprised solely of 12% bonds payable due on December 31, 2018
Prepare in good form a properly classified statement of financial position with appropriate notes.
Summa Company provided the following account balances on December 31, 2015
Inventory 1,200,000
Land 1,000,000
Patent 370,000
Boracay Company prepared the following condensed statement of financial position on December 31,
Inventories 1,300,000.00
Goodwill 100,000.00
The inventory account was found to include the cost of office supplies of P50,000 and office equipment
acquired at the of 2015 at a cost of P250,000. Other assets included land and building acquired on
January 1, 2014 for P4,000,000, less mortgage of P2,000,000 and accrued interest on the mortgage of
bP200,000. At the time of purchase, the land was worth P1,000,000. The building on December 31, 2015
has a remaining life of 18 years.
Current liabilities represented balances that were payable to trade creditors. Other liabilities consisted of
withholding tax payable. However, no recognition was given to accrued salaries of P250,000.
The entity was originally organized in 2014 when 30,000 ordinary shares with par value of P100 were
issued in exchange for assets with fair value of P3,200,000
Dakak Company provided the following statement of financial position on December 31, 2015
Share capital, 50,000 shares, P100 par was originally issued end credited for a total consideration
of P5,500,000 but the losses of the entity for past years were charged against the share capital
Cash 1,100,000
Inventory 3,000,000
Patent 400,000
a. 8,100,000
b. 6,300,000
c. 8,000,000
d. 7,600,000
at year-end, the current assets of Hazel Company revealed cash and cash equivalents of P700,000,
accounts receivable of P1,200,000 and inventories of P600,000. The examination of accounts receivable
disclosed the following:
Cash and cash equivalent 700,000
Accounts receivable (1,200,000-260,000) 940,000
Inventories (600,000+200,000) 800,000
a. 5,400,000
b. 5,300,000
c. 5,800,000
d. 5,900,000
a. 7,740,000
b. 7,780,000
c. 7,940,000
d. 8,200,000
Cash 3,200,000
Accounts receivable 1,420,000
Allowance for doubtful accounts 120,000
Employees’ accounts – currents 240,000
Claim against shipper for goods lost in transit 200,000
What total amount of current assets should be reported on December 31, 2015.
a. 7,900,000
b. 8,400,000
c. 7,400,000
d. 7,700,000
Cash 2,000,000
Note receivable 1,200,000
Note receivable discounted (700,000)
Accounts receivable – unassigned 3,000,000
Accounts receivable – assigned 800,000
Inventory (2,800,000-600,000) 2,200,000
Allowance for doubtful (100,000)
a. 2,800,000
b. 2,550,000
c. 3,600,000
d. 2,100,000
Inventory 1,000,000
Trade receivable 1,200,000
Mill Company reported the following account balances on December 31, 2015
a. 4,500,000
b. 5,100,000
c. 6,500,000
d. 7,800,000
Accounts payable 1,500,000
Bonds payable 2,500,000
Discount on bonds payable (300,000)
Dividends payable 800,000
Gar Company reported the following account balances on December 31, 2015:
The deferred tax liability is based on temporary differences that reverse in 2017. On December 31, 2015,
what total amount should be reported as current liabilities?
a. 7,100,000
b. 4,300,000
c. 3,900,000
d. 4,100,000
Accounts payable 1,900,000
Dividends payable 500,000
Income tax payable 900,000
Note payable 600,000
a. 6,700,000
b. 6,600,000
c. 7,100,000
d. 7,700,000
Accounts payable (100,000+4,000,000) 4,100,000
Accrued expenses 1,500,000
Credit balances of customers’ accounts 500,000
Estimated expenses in redeeming prize coupon 600,000
a. 1,840,000
b. 1,740,000
c. 1,650,000
d. 1,540,000
Mazda Company reported the following liability balances on December 31, 2015
The 2015 financial statement were issued on March 31, 2016. The entity has the discretion to refinance
the 10% note payable for least twelve months after December 31, 2015 the 12% note payable was
refinanced on a long-term basis. What amount of the notes payable should be classified as noncurrent
on December 31, 2015?
a. 6,000,000
b. 4,000,000
c. 2,000,000
d. 0
The P1,000,000 bank loan was refinanced with a 5 year loan on January 15, 2016, with principal payment
due January 15, 2017. The financial statements were issued February 28,2016. What total amount
should be reported as current liabilities on December 31, 2015?
a. 1,150,000
b. 2,250,000
c. 1,250,000
d. 850,000
On December 31, 2015. Ace Company had P40,000,000 note payable due March 1, 2016. On December
31, 2015 the entity arranged a line of credit with the bank which allowed the entity to borrow up to
P35,000,000 at 1% above the prime rate for three years. On February 1, 2016, the entity borrowed
P25,000,000 from the bank and used P5,000,000 additional cash to liquidate P30,000,000 note payable.
The financial statement were issued on March 31, 2016. What amount of the note payable should be
reported as current liability on December 31, 2015?
a. 40,000,000
b. 10,000,000
c. 5,000,000
d. 0
Jam Company had P2,000,000 note payable due on march 1, 2016. The entity borrowed P1,500,000 on
December 31, 2015 which has a five-year term and used the proceeds to pay down the note payable and
used other cash to pay the balance at maturity. The financial statements were issued on March 31, 2016.
What amount of the note payable should be classified as current on December 31, 2015?
a. 2,000,000
b. 1,500,000
c. 500,000
d. 0
Cara Company provided the following information for the current year
January 1 December 31
Working Capital of P92,000 remained unchanged from beginning to the end of current year. Net income
for the current year was P61,000 No dividends were declared during the current year and there were no
other changes in owners’ equity. What is the amount of noncurrent liabilities on December 31?
a. 310,000
b. 432,000
c. 580,000
d. 616,000
When preparing a draft of year-end statement of financial position. Mont Company reported net assets
totaling P8,750,000. Included in the asset were the following:
a. 8,500,000
b. 9,000,000
c. 8,450,000
d. 8,350,000
Magnolia Company reported the following unadjusted current assets and shareholders’ equity at year-
Cash 150,000
The investment and inventories are reported at cost which approximated market value. what amount
should be reported as total shareholders’ equity at year-end?
a. 5,000,000
b. 6,000,000
c. 5,250,000
d. 6,750,000
Share capital 5,000,000
Retained earnings 1,000,000
Peach Company prepared a draft of the year-end statement o financial position. The draft statement
reported total assets of P4,375,000 which include the following:
a. 4,208,500
b. 4,213,000
c. 4,250,000
d. 4,225,000
Assets 4,375,000
Treasury share (120,000)
Cumulative translation loss (42,000)
Gold Company provided the following trial balance on June 30, 2015
Checks amounting to P300,000 were written to vendors and recorded on June 29, 2015 resulting in a
cash overdraft of P100,000. The checks were mailed on July 9, 2015. Land classified as held for sale was
sold for cash on July 15, 2015. The entity issued the financial statements on July 31, 2015.
Trey Company provided the following trial balance on December 31, 2015 which had been adjusted
except for income tax expense:
Cash 5,000,000
Accounts receivable net 8,000,000
Prepaid taxes 1,500,000
Inventory 6,000,000
Property, plant and equipment 17,000,000
Accounts payable 10,000,000
Share capital 20,000,000
Retained earnings 5,000,000
Foreign currency translation adjustment 2,500,000
Revenue 15,000,000
Expenses 10,000,000
50,000,000 50,000,000
During 2015, estimated tax payment of P1,500,000 were charged to prepaid taxes. The entity has not yet
recorded income tax expense. The tax rate is 30%. The accounts receivable included P3,000,000 due
form a customer. Special terms granted to this customer require payment in equal semiannual
installment ofnP500,000 every April 1 and October 1.
1. On December 31, 2015, what total amount should be reported as current assets?
a. 21,000,000
b. 18,500,000
c. 17,000,000
d. 19,500,000
2. On December 31, 2015, what amount should be reported as total retained earnings?
a. 10,000,000
b. 8,500,000
c. 5,750,000
d. 6,000,000
1. What total amount should be reported as current assets on December 31, 2015?
a. 19,040,000
b. 20,040,000
c. 23,540,000
d. 24,040,000
2. What total amount should be reported as current liabilities on December 31, 2015
a. 19,000,000
b. 16,000,000
c. 15,500,000
d. 15,000,000
Mint Company provided the following account balances on December 31, 2015, which had been
adjusted except for income tax expense
Cash 600,000
Accounts receivable net 3,500,000
Cost in excess of billing on long-term contracts 1,600,000
Billing in excess of cost on long-term contracts 700.000
Prepaid taxes 450,000
Property, plants and equipment, net 1,510,000
Note payable- noncurrent 1,620,000
Share capital 750,000
Share premium 2,030,000
Retained earnings unappropriated 900,000
Retained earnings restricted for note payable 160,000
Earnings from long-term contracts 6,680,000
All receivable on long-term contarcts are considered to be collectible within 12 months. During the year,
estimated tax payment of P450,000 were charged to prepaid tyaxes. The entity has not recorded income
tax expense. The tax rate is 30%.
Shaw Company provided the following trial balance on December 31, 2015 which had been adjusted
except for income tax expense.
Cash 675,000
Accounts receivable 2,695,000
Inventory 2,185,000
Property, plant and equipment 10,245,00
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 1,800,000
Income tax payable 1,500,000
Deferred tax liability 750,000
Share capital 2,500,000
Share Premium 3,000,000
Retained earnings, January 1 3,350,000
Net sales and other revenue 15,000,000
Costs and expenses 10,000,000
Income tax expense 21,000,000
The accounts receivable included ₱1,000,000 due from a customer and payable in quarterly installments
of ₱125,000. The last payment is due December 30, 2017. During the year, estimated tax payment of
₱600,000 was charged to income tax expense. The income tax rate is 30%.
3. Retained earnings?
a) 8,350,000
b) 7,750,000
c) 6,850,000
d) 6,250,000
Cash 2,000,000
Accounts receivable 3,000,000
Merchandise Inventory 1,900,000
Prepaid expenses 100,000
Trade accounts payable, net of debit balance of ₱50,000 2,450,000
Interest payable 150,000
Income tax payable 300,000
Money claims of the union, pending final decision 500,000
Mortgage payable, due in four annual installments 2,000,000
A review showed that the cash of ₱2,000,000 included cash in bank of ₱1,650,000, a customer's check of
₱100,000 marked NSF, an employee IOU of ₱50,000 and ₱200,000 deposited with the court for a case
under litigation.
The cash in bank of ₱1,650,000 is the balance per bank statement. On December 31, 2015, outstanding
checks amounted to ₱250,000.
a) 6,050,000
b) 6,350,000
c) 5,550,000
d) 6,100,000
a) 3,450,000
b) 3,400,000
c) 3,950,000
d) 3,700,000
Cash 5,000,000
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
(including long-term investment of ₱500,000 in 2,000,000
ordinary shares of Ayala Company)
Inventories (including goods received on 800,000
consignment of ₱200,000)
Prepaid expenses (including a deposit of ₱50,000 150,000
made in inventories to be delivered in 18 months)
Property, plant and equipment (excluding
₱300,000 of equipment still in use but fully 10,000,000
Goodwill 1,000,000
Total assets 18,950,000
What total amount of current assets should be reported on December 31, 2015?
a. 6,250,000
b. 6,200,000
c. 7,200,000
d. 7,250,000
On December 31, 2015, Ivan Company showed the following current assets:
Cash 500,000
Accounts receivable 3,500,000
Inventory 2,000,000
Deferred tax asset 400,000
Prepaid expenses 100,000
Total current assets 6,500,000
What total amount should be reported as current assets on December 31, 2015?
a. 6,230,000
b. 5,830,000
c. 5,900,000
d. 5,800,000
Daet Company provided the following account balances and related information on December 31, 2015:
The accounts receivable included past due account in the amount of ₱100,000 on which a loss of
50% is anticipated. The account should be written off.
The merchandise inventory included goods held on consignment amounting to ₱150,000 and
goods of ₱200,000 purchased and received on December 31, 2015. Neither of these items had
been recorded as a purchase.
The prepaid insurance included cash surrender value of life insurance of ₱50,000.
What total amount should be reported as current assets on December 31, 2015?
a. 5,400,000
b. 5,100,000
c. 5,300,000
d. 5,200,000
Accounts payable for goods and services purchased on open account amounted to ₱500,000 and
accrued expenses totaled ₱300,000 on December 31, 2015.
On December 15, 2015, the entity declared a cash dividend of ₱7 per share, payable on January
15, 2016, to shareholders of record on December 31, 2015. The entity had 100,000 shares issued
and outstanding throughout 2015.
On July 1, 2015, the entity issued ₱5,000,000, 8% bonds for ₱4,400,000 to yield 10%. The bonds
mature on June 30, 2020, and pay interest annually every June 30.
On December 31, 2015, the bonds were trading in the open market at 86 to yield 12%. The
entity used the effective interest method to amortize bond discount.
The pretax financial income was ₱8,500,000 and taxable income was ₱6,000,000. The difference
is due to ₱1,000,000 permanent difference and ₱1,500,000 of taxable temporary difference
which is expected to reverse in 2016.
The entity is subject to income tax rate of 30% and made estimated income tax payments during
the year of ₱1,000,000.
What total amount should be reported as current liabilities on December 31, 2015?
a. 3,500,000
b. 2,700,000
c. 2,300,000
d. 2,500,000
Kumaykay Company provided the following schedule of liabilities on December 31, 2015:
The ₱3,000,000. 10% note was issued March 1, 2015 payable on demand. Interest is payable
every six months.
The one-year ₱5,000,000. 11% note was issued January 15, 2015. On December 31, 2015 the
entity negotiated a written agreement with the bank to replace the note with a 2-year,
₱5,000,000. 10% note to be issued January 15, 2016.
The 10% mortgage note was issued October 1, 2013, with a term of 10 years. Terms of the note
gave the holder the right to demand immediate payment if the entity fails to make a monthly
interest payment within 10 days from the date the payment is due.
On December 31, 2015 the entity is three-months behind in paying the required interest
The bonds payable are ten-year, 8% bonds issued June 30, 2006. Interest is payable semi-
annually on June 30 and December 31.
What total amount should be reported as current liabilities on December 31, 2015?
a. 15,650,000
b. 11,650,000
c. 20,650,000
d. 13,650,000
a. I,II,III and IV
b. I.IV,III and II
c. I.III,IV and II
d. I.IV,II and III
4. An entity is required to disclose certain nonfinancial information. Which of the following is not
embraced in this disclosure?
a. A description of the nature of the entity’s operations and the principal activities
b. The name of the parent entity and the ultimate parent of the group
c. Domicile and legal form of the entity, the country of incorporation and address of the
registered office.
d. Names and addresses of the corporate directors and officers.
1. The cross-reference between each line item in the financial statements and any related
information disclosed in the notes to financial statements
a. Is voluntary
b. Is mandatory
c. Depends on the industry
d. Is either voluntary or mandatory
5. Accounting policies disclosed in the notes to financial statements typically include all of the
following except
a. The cost flow assumption
b. The depreciation method
c. Significant estimates
d. Significant inventory purchasing policies
2. Which of the following information should be disclosed in the summary of significant accounting
a. Redefining of debt subsequent to the reporting period
1. A party is related to an entity if the party, directly or indirectly, through one or more
a. Providers of finance in the course of their normal dealings with an entity by virtue only of
those dealings.
b. Government agencies
c. Single customer with whom an entity transacts a significant volume of business merely by
virtue of the resulting economic dependence.
d. Postemployment benefit plan for the benefit of employees of the entity.
6. This is a pricing policy between related parties which sets the price by reference to comparable
good sold in an economically comparable market to a buyer unrelated to the seller.
a. No price method
b. Cost plus method
c. Resale price method
d. Uncontrolled price method
8. If there have been transactions between related parties, an entity shall disclose
9. The minimum disclosures about related party transactions include all of the following, except
10. An entity that entered into certain related party transactions would be required to disclose all of
the following information, except
2. Which of the following would not be considered “compensation” in relation to disclosure of key
management personnel compensation
c. Termination benefits
d. Reimbursement of out of pocket expenses.
3. Which of the following is not a mandated disclosure about related party transactions?
a. Relationship between parent and subsidiaries irrespective of whether there have been
transactions between the related parties.
b. Names of all the associates that an entity has dealt with during the year.
c. Name of the entity’s parent and, if different, the ultimate controlling party
d. If neither the entity’s parent nor the ultimate controlling entity produces financial
statements available for public use, then the name of the next most senior parent that does
4. Which of the following is not a required minimum disclosure about related party transaction?
1. All of the following fall within the definition of an entity’s related party, except
3. An entity has a subsidiary and is a venturer in a joint venture. During the financial year end, the
entity sold goods to both subsidiary and joint venture. Consolidated financial statements are
prepared combining the financial statements of the entity and the subsidiary. In the separate
financial statements of the entity for the current year, disclosure is required for transactions with
Which transaction would require disclosure in the financial statements of the entity?
a. I only
b. II only
c. Both I and II
d. Neither I nor II
5. An entity has entered into a joint venture with an affiliate to secure access to additional
inventory. Under the joint venture agreement the entity will purchase the output of the venture
at prices negotiated on an arm’s length basis. Which of the following must be disclosed about
the related party transaction?
6. A parent entity has a wholly-owned subsidiary. During the current year, the parent sold goods to
the subsidiary. The subsidiary paid a part of the debt before the year-end and the encountered
financial difficulties. The subsidiary is not expected to be able to pay the remainder of the
balance and therefore it has been provided as uncollectible. Administration costs are incurred as
a result of the parent credit controllers chasing the debt. All of the following are required to be
disclosed in relation to this arrangement, except
a. The administrations costs of the credit control department incurred in chasing the debt
b. Details of any guarantee received in relation to the outstanding balance.
c. The provision in relation to the debt being uncollectible.
d. The amount of transaction and outstanding balance.
a. Transferred goods from inventory to a shareholder owning thirty percent of the ordinary
b. Sold an entity car to the wife of managing director
c. Sold an asset to associate
d. Took out a huge bank loan
9. Which of the following most likely would be a related party transaction requiring disclosure?
a. The entire borrowed P 1,000,000 from the Southwest Bank issuing a noninterest-bearing
b. The entity borrowed P 500,000 from the Eastwest Bank with no scheduled terms for how or
when funds will be repaid
c. The entity borrowed P 2,000,000 from Northwest Bank at a rate significantly above the
market rate prevailing at the time for such a borrowing.
d. All of these are related party transactions requiring disclosure.
10. Disclosures of related party transactions include all of the following, except
Jambalaya Company reported the following renumeration and the other payments made to the entity’s
chief executive officer during the current year:
a. 3,500,000
b. 4,700,000
c. 3,000,000
d. 2,500,000
Dean Company acquired 100% of Morey Company in the prior year. During the current year, the
individual entities included in their financial statements the following:
Dean Morey
Key officer’s salaries 750,000 500,000
Officers expenses 200,000 100,000
Loans to officers 1,250,000 500,000
Intercompany sales 1,500,000
What total amount should be reported as related party disclosures in the notes to Dean’s consolidated
financial statements for the current year?
a. 1,500,000
b. 1,550,000
c. 1,750,000
d. 3.000,000
a. When the board of directors reviews and authorizes the financial statement for issue.
b When the shareholders approve the financial statements at their annual meeting.
c. When the financial statement are filed with the regulatory agency.
d. When a supervisory board made solely of nonexecutive approves the financial
2. Non-adjusting events after reporting period which require disclosure include all of the
following, except
3. Adjusting events after the reporting period include all of the following, except
a. The settlement of court case after the issuance of the financial statements that
confirms that the entity had already a present obligation.
b. Bankruptcy of a customer which occurs after the end of reporting period but before
issuance of financial statements.
c. Discovery of errors that show that the financial statements were incorrect.
d. determination after the end of reporting period and before issuance of financial
statements of the cost of asset purchased before end of reporting period.
4. Which of the following events after the end of reporting period would generally required
5. Which of the following events after the reporting period would require adjustment?
1. Events after the reporting period are favorable or unfavorable events that occur between
a. The end of the reporting period and the date of the next annual financial statements.
b. The end of the reporting period and the date of the next interim or annual financial
c. The end of the reporting period and the date when the financial statements are
authorized for issue.
d. The end of reporting period and the date of the next interim statements.
a. Provide evidence of conditions that existed at the end of the reporting period.
b. Are indicative of conditions that arose after the end of the reporting period.
c. Are indicative of conditions that arose after the approval of the financial statements
by shareholders.
d. Provide for conditions that existed after the date the financial statements were issued.
3. All of the following events after reporting period should be classified as non-adjusting,
4. The factory was damaged in a storm surge after the end of reporting period but before
issuance of financial statements. What is the treatment of the damage from storm surge?
a. An adjusting event
b. A non-adjusting event
c. Neither an adjusting event and a non-adjusting event
d. Both an adjusting event and a non-adjusting event
5. Events that occur after the current year-end but before the financial statements are issued
and affect the realizability of accounts receivable should be
1. At the end of the current reporting period, an entity carried a receivable from a major
customer who declared bankruptcy after the end of the reporting period and before the
issuance of financial statements. What should be reported at the current year-end?
c. Ignore the event and wait for the outcome of the bankruptcy.
d. Reverse the sale pertaining to the receivable in the comparative statements for the
prior period.
2. An entity decided to build and operate an amusement park next year. The entity has applied
for a letter of guarantee which was issued before the issuance of the financial statements of
the current year. What is the adjustment required at the current year-end?
3. An entity built a new factory building during the current year. Subsequent to the current year
and before issuance of financial statements, the building was destroyed by fire and claim
against the insurance entity proved futile because the cause of the fire was negligence on the
part of the caretaker of the building.
What should be reported at the current year-end?
4. An entity deals extensively with foreign currency transaction. Subsequent to the end of
reporting period and before the date authorization of the issuance of the financial statements.
There were abnormal fluctuation in foreign currency rate. What should be reported at the
current year-end?
a. Adjust the foreign exchange year-end balances to reflect the abnormal adverse
b. Adjust the foreign exchange year-end balances to reflect all abnormal fluctuations and
not just adverse movements.
c. Disclose the post-reporting period event.
d. Ignore the post-reporting period event.
1. A development stage entity is define as one devoting substantially all efforts to establishing a
new business and
a. Issues an income statement that shows only cumulative amounts from the entity’s
b. Issues an income statements that is the same as an established operating entity, but
does not show cumulative amounts from the entity’s inception as additional
c. Issues an income statement that is the same as an established operating entity,
and shows cumulative amounts from the entity’s inception as additional information
d. Does not issue an income statement
3. Financial reporting by a development stage entity differs from financial reporting for an
established operating entity regard to note disclosures
a. Only
b. And expense recognition principles only
c. And revenue recognition principles only
d. And revenue and expense recognition principles
a. Is not presented
b. Shows only cumulative amount from the entity’s inception
c. Is the same as that of an established operating entity, but does not show cumulative
amount from the entity’s inception
d. Is the same as that of an established operating entity and shows cumulative amount
from the entity’s inception
Problem 5-5 (IFRS)
The audit of Anne Company for the year ended December 31,2015 was completed on March
The financial statement were signed by the managing director on March 15, 2016 and approved
by the shareholder on March 31, 2016
1. On January 15, 2016, a customer owning P900,000 to Anne filed for bankruptcy.
The financial statement include an allowance for doubtful accounts pertaining to this
customer only of P100,000.
2. The entity’s issued share capital comprised 100,000 ordinary share with P100 par value.
The entity issued additional 25,000 share on March 1, 2016 at par value.
The entity has booked a receivable of P400,000 from the insurance entity.
After the insurance entity completed the investigation on February 1, 2016, it was
discovered that the fire took place due to negligence of the machine operator.
Prepared adjusting entries on December 31, 2015 for the events after reporting period
Norway Company reported that the year-end is December 31, 2015 and the financial
Statements are authorized issue on March 15, 2016.
2. Norway Company measured investments in share held for trading at fair value through
profit or loss. On December 31, 2015. These investment were recorded at the market
value of P5,000,000. During the period up to February 15, 2016, there was a steady
decline in the market value of all the share in the portfolio, and on February 15, 2016,
the market value had fallen to P2,000.000.
3. Norway Company had reported a contingent liability on December 31, 2015 related to a
court case in which Norway Company was the defendant. The case was not heard until
the first week of February 2016. On February 11, 2016, the judge handed down a
decision against Norway Company. The judge determined that Norway Company was
liable to pay damages and cost totaling P3,000.000.
4. On December 31, 2015, Norway Company had a receivable from a large customer in the
amount of P3,500,000. On January 31, 2016. Norway Company was advised by the
liquidator of the said customer that the customer was insolvent and would be unable to
repay the full amount owed to Norway Company. The liquidator advised Norway
Company in writing that only 10% of the receivable will be paid on April 30, 2016.
Prepared adjusting entries on December 31, 2015 to reflect the events after reporting period.
1/15/2016 P3,000,000 of accounts receivable was written off due to the bankruptcy of a
major customer.
2/14/2016 A shipping vessel of Caroline with carrying amount of P5,000,000 was completely
lost at sea because of hurricane.
3/11/2016 A court case involving Caroline as the defendant was settled and the entity was
obligated to pay the plaintiff P1,500,000. Caroline previously recognized a
P1,000,000 liability for the suit because management deemed it probable that the
entity would lose the case.
The management of the entity completed the draft of the financial statement for 2015 on
February 10, 2016, the board of directors authorized the financial statement for issue. They
Entity announced the profit and other selected information on March 22, 2016. The financial
Statement were made available to shareholder’s on April 2, 2016 at the annual shareholder’s
Meeting where the financial statement were filed with the regulatory agency the very next day.
1. Prepared adjusting entries on December 31, 2015 to reflect the adjusting events after
reporting period.
2. Prepared the necessary disclosures to reflect the non-adjusting events after reporting period.
Elaine Company prepared draft financial statements that showed the profit before tax for the
Year ended December 31, 2015 at P9,000,000. The board of directors authorized the financial
Statements for issue on March 20, 2016. A fire occurred at one of Elaine’s sites on January 15,
2016 with resulting damage amounting to P7,000,000 only P4,000,000 of which is covered by
Insurance. The repairs will take place and be paid for in April 2016. The P4,000,000 claim from
the insurance entity will however be received on February 14, 2016. What amount should be
reported as profit before tax in the financial statement.
a. 2,000,000
b. 9,000,000
c. 4,000,000
d. 6,000,000
During 2015 Marian Company was used by a competitor for P5,000,000 for infringement of a
patent. Based on the advice of the legal counsel. The entity accrued the sum of P3,000,000 as
a provision in the financial statement for the year ended December 31, 2026. Subsequently, on
March 15, 2016, the supreme court decided in favor of the party alleging infringement of the
patent and ordered the defendant to pay the aggrieved party a sum of P3,500,000. The financial
statements were prepared by the board of directors on March 31, 2016. What amount should be
recognized as accrued liability on December 31, 2015.
a. 5,000,000
b. 3,500,000
c. 3,000,000
d. 1,500,000
Carla Company carried a provision of P2,000,000 in the draft financial statements for the year
ended December 31, 2015 in relation to an unresolved court case. On January 31, 2016, when
the financial statement for the year ended December 31, 2015 had not yet been authorized for
issue, the case was settled and the court decided the final total damages to be adjusted on
December 31, 2015 in relation to this event?
a. 3,000,000
b. 2,000,000
c. 1,000,000
d. 0
Pink Company is completing the preparation of the draft financial statements for the year ended
December 31, 2015. The financial statement are authorized for issue on March 31, 2016. On
January 31, 2016, a divided of P2,000,000 was declared and a contractual profit share payment
of P2,00,000 was made, both based on the profit for the year ended December 31, 2015. On
February 15, 2016, a customer went into liquidation having owed the entity P900,000 for the
past 5 months. No allowance had been made against this debt in the draft financial statements.
On March 1, 2016, a manufacturing plant was destroyed by fire resulting in a financial loss of
P2,500,000. What total amount should be recognized in profit or loss for the year ended
December 31, 2015 to reflect adjusting events after the end of reporting period?
a. 2,000,000
b. 3,600,000
c. 2,500,000
d. 1,100,000