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4th SQD/3rd PLT/C Co/3-11 IN

Table of Contents
Planning 1
SQD Assault on OBJ 2
PACE Plan 4
Fire Control Measures 4
Compass and Pace count 4

Special Teams 4
FOOM and Weapon status 5
React to Contact 6

Break Contact 6
React to Indirect Fire 7


1. Establish 360° security; Receive the FRAGO (plot distance and direction)
2. Request adjacent security.

 Brief TLs the WARNO

 Situation (Task & Purpose), Mission statement (SO & DO), Timeline.
3. Security Established; TLs brief their teams the WARNO, Rxls and Terrain Model.
4. Gather and brief SQD the OPORD:
1. Situation
2. Mission Statement (2x)
3. Execution:
 Scheme of Maneuver, SO + DO, OOM, CCPs, Timeline, etc…
 Risk and risk mitigation.
 Fire control measures and PACE plan.
 Distances and direction.
 Weapon control status (Weapons TIGHT)
4. Sustainment
5. Command and Signal
5. Before stepping off conduct:

 Back Brief
 SQD Rehearsals
 PCIs and PCCs
 SLANT report
6. Request permission to cross LD

1. Establish SQD ORP, 360° security and send transmission “ORP established. Beginning
LR. Over”
2. Issue GOTWA to BTL; set release point (if needed); take ATL, SAW and Rifleman.
3. Reach intended SBF position:

 SALUTE report
 Select TRPs
 GOTWA to SAW and Rifleman
4. SL and ATL return to SQD ORP; takes rest of element to RP:

 ATM goes to SBF POS

 BTM goes with SL to ASLT POS

SQD Assault on OBJ

1. ATL establishes SBF; confirms to SL via Radio.
2. Assault element reaches ASLT POS; IAW SOP:

 Assault moves to Phase line RED.

- SL Signal SBF to initiate fire.
- SBF confirms to initiate fire.
 Assault moves to Phase line WHITE.
- Signal to Shift fire.
- SBF confirms shifts fire.
 Assault moves to Phase line BLUE.
- Signal to Lift fire.
- SBF confirms Lifts fire.
3. Assault element pushes through OBJ to LOA.
4. SL signals SBF to bound through OBJ to LOA.
5. TLs adjust their security where their teams have interlocking security. Then conduct
LACE report.

 SL sends up LACE report.

 Liquid, Ammunition, Casualties and Equipment.
6. Special Teams

 Aid and Litter
 Demo
7. Battle Damage Assessment (Weapons intel, Casualties, KIA, etc…)
8. Demo

 Fire in the hole 1 – Alpha

 Fire in the hole 2 – Bravo (non-demo and SL)
 Fire in the hole 3 – Bravo TL and Rifleman
9. Consolidate to Final SQD ORP
- Radio to higher for follow on mission.

PACE plan
Primary – Hand and Arm Signal
Alternate – Radio
Contingency – Verbal
Emergency – Runner

Fire Control Measures

Primary – Radio
Alternate – Whistle
- 1 whistle to initiate and confirm fire.
- 2 whistles to signal and confirm SHIFT fire.
- 3 whistles to signal and confirm LIFT fire.
Contingency – Verbal
Emergency – Runner

Compass and Pace count

Primary Compass – Alpha Grenadier
Alternate Compass – Bravo Grenadier
Primary Pace count – Alpha Rifleman
Alternate Pace Count – Bravo Rifleman

Special Teams
1. EPW: EPW teams control enemy prisoners using the FIVE S method.

 Primary – Alpha Grenadier

 Alternate – Bravo Rifleman

 EPWs are secured and moved off the OBJ before the team begins its search of enemy
 The EPW team will then clear deceased ENY of weapons and equipment ensuring
that all bodies are treated as a potential threat.
 The team will clear each body for IEDs (booby traps)
 The search team then gathers and consolidates the enemy equipment; ensuring
weapons are staged for destruction and PIR material is identified for
 If a deceased ENY has a weapon within arm’s reach, they are a potential threat
and not an active threat. Unless the ENY is confirmed as alive the body will be
treated IAW the Geneva conventions and will not be desecrated.
 Immediately clear potential threats of their weapons upon the initial crossing of
the OBJ; without losing tempo or endangering the element.

2. Aid and Litter:

 Primary – Bravo Grenadier

 Alternate – Alpha Rifleman
 Evacuates / treats wounded.
 Treats friendly casualties first.
 Moves casualties to collection point (CCP).
3. Demolition:

 Primary – Bravo Team Leader

 Alternate – Bravo Rifleman

FOOM and Weapons Status

Alpha Team in the Lead; Squad Leader in the middle; Bravo Team in the Trail.

 Primary - Squad Column Fire Team Wedge (SCFTW); Maintain spacing of 8-

10m, unless in modified wedge, 3-5m.
 Alternate – Squad File, used for dense vegetation.
Movement Techniques:

 Primary – Traveling Overwatch; Lead element 50m ahead of next element.

 Alternate – Bounding Overwatch, when reacting to contact or assaulting an
enemy position.

React to Contact
 Lead team in contact immediately returns well-aimed fire on known enemy positions and
assumes the nearest covered positions. They continue to fire, and report known or
suspected enemy positions to the fire team leader.
 Fire team leader directs fires by marking enemy or standard fire commands.
 The Fire team leaders’ squad not in contact takes covered and concealed positions in
place and observe the flanks and rear of the squad.
 Lead fire team using sight and sound acquire known or suspected enemy postilions and
 The Squad leader moves to a position to observe the enemy and assess the situation.
 Squad leader determines if the fire team in contact can gain suppressive fired based on
the volume and accuracy of the enemy fire if YES.
1. fire team destroys or suppresses enemy crew-served
weapons first.
2. fire team places smoke on the enemy position to
3. fire team leader continues to control fires using tracers
or fire command. Fires must be well-aimed.
4. buddy teams fire their weapons so that both are not
reloading their weapons at the same time

 Squad leader decides to flank either left or right. Notifying the fire team leader in contact
of which side.
 Squad leader notifies the Fire team leader not in contact that they are going to assault
and tells the team leader which side they are flanking from.
 Report the contact to higher headquarters.

Break Contact
 Squad leader designates the element to suppress the enemy with direct fire as the base of
 Squad leader orders distance, direction, a terrain feature, or last rally point for the
movement of the first element.
 Squad leaders call for and adjust indirect fire (if available) to suppress enemy position.
 The bounding team uses the terrain and/or smoke to conceal its movement and bound s
to an overwatch position.

 Once the bounding element occupies their overwatch position, they will stay suppressing
the enemy with well-aimed fire.
 The base of fire element moves to its next covered and concealed position. Based on
terrain and volume and accuracy of the enemy’s fire
 The unit continues to suppress the enemy and bound until it’s no longer in contact with
the enemy.
 Squad leader repots the contact to higher headquarters.

React to Indirect Fire

 When indirect fire is taken the first soldier to hear or see incoming rounds announces
INCOMING which is then echoed throughout the unit.
 All personnel drop to the ground and get as low to the ground as possible.
 Once the initial VOLLEY is complete the unit leader then identifies DISTANCE AND
DIRECTION, in which the unit is to move. (Ex: 12 o’clock. 300 meters.)
o NOTE: When the unit moves, it is done hastily and in a controlled manner.

Once the squad has reached that destination they will establish a security halt, get
accountability of all personnel and equipment, conduct SLLS then consolidate and reorganize:
 Establish 360° security.
 Gather ACE Reports.
 Re-establish the chain of command / key positions.
 Re-man key weapons.
 Re-distribute ammunition and mission essential equipment.
 Report the situation to higher.

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