Course Outline BBA 300

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Title: Course Outline Date: 2023/2024-SEM 1

Course Title: BBA 300: Organizational Theory

35 Hours

Course Purpose

The course is expected to introduce learners to the classification of organizations, approaches to

organizational design, the environment in which organizations operate in and the process of
implementing change in organizations

Expected Learning Outcomes

At the end of the unit the learner will be able to:

a) Describe the characteristics and classification of Organization
b) Describe classical and modern approaches to organization design
c) Explain the impact of technology on the organization
d) Analyze the organization’s environment
e) Describe the determinants of organizational change
f) Explain management development and conflict and how to handle conflict

Course Content

Week 1: Introduction to Organization Theory

 Definitions of concepts- organizations, theory, organizations theory
 Characteristics of Organizations
 Classification of organizations
Week 2&3: The Organization Nature and Setting
 Nature of Organizations
 Benefits of a sound organization
 Characteristics of new nature organizations
 Relationships in organizations
Week 4: Organizational Environment
 Internal environment
 External environment-Macro environment
Week 5 Organizational Theories
 Classical theories
 Neo-classical theories
 Modern theories
Week 6: Organizational Design/ Structure
 Organizing function
 Process of Organizations
 Designing organization
 Span of control
 Structures- various designs
 Authority in Organizations
Week 7: Organizational Change
 Forms of organizational change
 Forces of organizational change
 Resistance to change
 Models of change
Week 8: Organizational Development
 Process of organizational development
 Organizational development techniques
Week 9: Organizational Conflict
 Types of conflicts
 Causes of conflict
 Management of organizational conflict
Week 10: Technology and Organizations
 Types of technology
 Adoption and introduction of technology
 Advantages and disadvantages of technology

Modes of Delivery

The course will be conducted through lectures, class presentations, group discussions and

Instructional materials

White board and markers, flip charts, LCD projector and laptop


1. Two Sit-in CAT 30 Marks

2. A final comprehensive examination at the end of the semester. 70Marks

Total 100 Marks

Core Reading Materials for the Course

1. Hicks, H. G. & Gullet, R. (year). Organizational Theory and Behaviour, McGraw-Hill,
New York.
2. Weissenberg, P. (year). Introduction to Organization Behaviour, Intext Educational
3. Mullin , P. (2008). Organizational Behaviour, McGraw-Hill, New York.

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