Chapter III 2020
Chapter III 2020
Chapter III 2020
3.1.3 The main functions of the committee are to make recommendations on:-
3.1.4 SACFA clearances are issued after getting 'no objection' from various SACFA
members who have to carry out detailed technical evaluation including field
surveys, etc. At times they have to obtain evaluations from their field units. The
technical evaluation is done primarily for-
a) Aviation hazards.
b) Obstruction to line of site of existing/planned networks
3.1.5. SACFA Monitoring cell headed by CCE of the railway shall monitor the timely
disposal of pending and new cases. The cell shall maintain the concern data on
PC with the help of nominated official/supervisor.
a) (i)All VHF stations below 174 MHz with power output of 50 watts or less
except broadcast stations.
(ii) All VHF stations in the frequency range 174-230 MHz with output
power up to 25 watts except broadcast stations. Sites for V-SAT/ Micro-Earth Stations (C-, Extended C and KU bands) with
power output up to 5 watts:
If the antenna height is more than 4 metres but less than 20 metres AGL
and the distance from airport reference point is less than 7 kms,
clearance need to be obtained from Army Hqs., Air Hqs., Naval Hqs.,
JCES and AAI under Mast Height Category. If the distance of the site is
more than 7 km from airport reference point and antenna height is less
than 20 metres 'no objection' is to be obtained from AAI only. The siting
applications of the above stations may be forwarded to SACFA members
as per list at Annexure-IV in application form (WPC S-4).
(B) Antenna size- More than 2.4 Meters and up to 3.8 meters:
If the antenna diameter of VSAT is more than 2.4metres and upto 3.8
metres and antenna height up to 4 metres above ground level beyond
the distance of 7 km from airport reference point (ARP) 'no objection'
from any of the Departments may not be necessary. These cases will be
processed under Mast Height Exemption (VSAT).
The following fixed stations are covered under the full siting category:
a) (i)All VHF stations below 174 MHz with power output more than
50 watts.
(ii) All VHF stations in the frequency range 174-230 MHz with
power output more than 25 watts. All UHF stations with
power output more than 10 watts
3.3.2 Station in microwave, line of sight, radio-relay systems.
3.3.4 All VSATs / micro-earth stations with transmitter power more than 5 watts
3.3.6 Any other change in existing parameters other than reduction in power
and mast height of the approved parameters.
All those antennae which are to be installed on the existing mast, already
cleared under full siting category, fall under this category. The application
is to be circulated to all SACFA members as per Annexure -III in the
application form (WPC S-3) but the site is cleared by SACFA Sectt after
ensuring receipt of applications by all members of SACFA except cases
falling under DIZ area for which clearance from JCES is necessary.
The Earth Station dishes within 50 mts. from an already cleared site may
be treated under this category provided the height of proposed
installation, including, building height does not exceed the height of
already cleared site/mast.
3.5 The procedure for fast-track clearances of applications under additional antenna
category is given in Annexure-X.
4.1. Application forms for all categories of siting may be obtained from SACFA
secretariat and necessary information may be furnished keeping in view the
(i) Six digit coordinates of the site are necessary. These six figure coordinates may
be taken with the help of GPS system or any other method for accuracy.
(ii) The height of the site above mean sea level (AMSL) should be obtained from
Survey of India or any other agency except in the case of additional antenna
category for which a copy of the earlier SACFA clearance and AAIs clearance
for that site is mandatory.
(iii) Name of the nearest airport and its distance from the site should be mentioned
in the application for categories of siting. This information is also supplied by
survey of India on demand.
(iv) If the site is within 5 kms from the airport then the site map should be
authenticated by either the nearest airport authority or any other government
organization such as municipal corporation/local town planning committee, etc
distance of the site from airport may also be authenticated.
(v) (a) The map should be of scale of 1 cm = 1 km or nearest and should cover
an area of 12 kms radius around the site.
(c) Map should contain at least two parallel lines of latitude and longitude.
4.2 Applications hard copy along with soft copy be submitted for examination,
verification and issue of ID Nos. to SACFA secretariat. Software is available
from SACFA Secretariate.
4.4 Separate application forms are to be filled for different frequency band and
different site.
4.5 After issue of ID Nos., siting application is to be circulated as per list applicable
to each category of siting clearance. A forwarding letter issued by SACFA is
also to be attached with the siting application.
4.6 The applications for additional antenna category need to be circulated to all
members of SACFA but no NOC from any member is necessary for approval of
site except sites which fall in DIZ area for which NOC from JCES is necessary.
4.7 A copy of the agreement letter assigning the frequencies from WPC should be
attached with application.
4.8 A copy of DOT’s license agreement may also be endorsed in case of value
added service.
On receipt of the proposal for site clearance the following aspects have to be
checked from railways activity point of view:
5.1 FREQUENCY: The frequency of the proposal and the band at which it is
proposed is to be cross checked with the allotted frequencies and frequency
bands of Railways and clearance can be given if it is not interfering with Railway
In case if the proposal frequency and band are adjacent to the railway working
frequency a condition has to be imposed in the no objection certification that
permission is given provided the transmission won’t interfere with the railway
5.2 SITE: The Longitude and Latitude of the proposed site has to be cross checked
with the existing Longitude and Latitude of the railway communication site. If the
Longitude and Latitude are very near to the railway site, the locations have to be
physically checked on the topography map for clearance of signal.
5.3 TOWER HEIGHT: When the proposal is near to Longitude and Latitude for the
railway site then the tower height proposed has to be cross checked for any
interference in the path of the railway communication.
5.4. TRANSMITTER POWER: The transmitter power of the proposal has to be cross
checked whenever the proposal is nearer to the railway site and a conditional
certificate should be given for avoiding spurious signal from the transmitter.
6.0 Further information on the role of WPC and SACFA and the procedures to be
followed can be obtained from
Flow Chart for obtaining WPC’s clearance for Procurement of VHF sets
Quantity Assessment
End Process
List of SACFA members to whom the application for Mast Height (general)
Category needs to be circulated
No. of
Name & copies
Deptt. Address for communications
Designation to be
Addl. Director Army Room No. 634, A-Wing ,Sena 02
General Hqrs.
(TT)) Bhavan, New Delhi – 110011.
Director (Signals) Naval Room No.33, Sena Bhavan, 02
C- Wing, New Delhi 110011.
Principal Air Hqrs. Room No. 514, Vayu Bhavan, 02
Director(Sigs) Delhi – 110011.
General Manager AAI Room No. 128, Rajiv Gandhi 02
(ATM) Safdarjung Airport,
New Delhi – 110003.
Joint Wireless WPC Room No 607, 02
Adviser Wing
Secretary, SACFA Sanchar Bhavan,
New Delhi - 110 001.
Director JCES Cabinet Secretariat, Military 01
Wing,Room No. 5, Plot No.108,
Church Road, New Delhi.
Director General IMD Room No. 606, Mausam Bhavan, 01
Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003
List of SACFA members to whom the siting application under full siting category
need to be circulated
No. of
Name & Address for
Deptt. copies to
Designation communications
be sent
Engineer in All India Room No.141 Akashvani 01
Chief Radio Bhavan
Parliament Street,
New Delhi - 110 001.
Doordarshan Room No.502 Mandi House 01
Engineer in Copernics Marg,
New Delhi - 110 001.
Director JCES Cabinet Secretariat, Military 01
List of SACFA members to whom the siting application for additional antenna
category needs to be circulated
List of SACFA members to whom the application for mast height clearance (V-Sat)
needs to be circulated
No. of
Name & Address for copies
Designation communications to be
Addl. Director Army Hqrs. Room No. 634, A-Wing 02
General ,Sena
(TT)) Bhavan, New Delhi –
Director (Signals) Naval Hqrs. Room No.33, Sena Bhavan, 02
2 Name of Applicant
3 Address of applicant
6 Antenna location
10 Height of building
15 Remarks
Signature of Applicant
Application form for Full Siting Category
1 Service
3 Name of Applicant
4 Address of Applicant
7 Antenna location
19 Receiver location
20 Nature of service
21 Circuit/hop length
24 Location map
27 Remarks
( Signature of Applicant )
1 Service
3 Name of Applicant
4 Address of Applicant
6 Frequency/ of operation
7 Antenna location
19 Receiver location
20 Nature of service
21 Circuit/hop length
27 Remarks
( Signature of Applicant )
2 Name of Applicant
3 Address of applicant
6 Antenna location
10 Height of building
20 Remarks
Signature of Applicant
F.No. K-19012/Misc./2005-CFA
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Telecommunication
WPC Wing
Sanchar Bhavan
New Delhi-110001
Dated: 27th July, 2005.
Sub: Simplified procedure for sites falling under “Mast Height Exemption Category”.
In case of sites for VSATs and other masts/antennae for various applications falling
under “Mast Height Exemption Category”, the following procedure comes into force with
immediate effect.
2. For the sites falling under “Exemption from Mast Height Clearance”, the applications are
to be filed online like other SACFA siting applications. Signed hard copies along with the
details of ID numbers and the required amount of Bank Draft be submitted to SACFA
3. In addition, a consolidated list of such sites along with the details as per the prescribed
format (Annex-1) are to be submitted in duplicate.
4. An earnest money of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One thousand only) per site in the form of State
Bank of India Demand Draft, drawn in favour of The Pay & Accounts Officer ( HQrs),
Department of Telecommunications, payable at New Delhi, is required to be submitted.
Deputy Wireless Adviser
to the Government of India
Details of VSATs and other masts/antennae sites under ‘SACFA Mast Height Exemption
I further undertake that all the terms and conditions framed regarding VSATs will be fully
observed, and in the event of any violation of such terms and conditions or furnishing of wrong
information above (in Annexure I) or otherwise, I and M/s.
_____________________________________shall indemnify jointly and severally the WPC
Wing, Department of Telecommunications (DOT) against all third party claims and shall accept
full responsibility and liability for the same, including any penalty or, dismantling of the VSAT
(at our cost) and / or cancellation of the wireless licence, as decided by the WPC Wing,
Department of Telecommunications.
Date: (Signature)
Place: (Name & Designation of the Authorised Signatory)
(Name & Address of the Service Provider Company)
In the present of Witnesses:
(Note: For masts/antennae for other applications, the Undertaking may be modified accordingly)
Fast track site clearances for additional antennae
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & Information Technology
Department of Telecommunications
Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing
223-B, Sardar Patel Bhavan,
Parliament Street, New Delhi 110001
Date: 03.07.2002
Subject:Fast track site clearances for additional antennae
Kindly refer to agenda item no. 5 of Summary Record of 137th meeting of SACFA held
on 28.05.2002 where BSNL representative informed pendency of their cases for additional
antennae despite involvement of less number of SACFA members. After detailed discussion, it
was decided that no NOC (s) from SACFA members will be required for siting cases falling
under additional antenna category. However, siting applications are to be circulated to all
members of SACFA and their receipt is to be ensured. After ensuring receipt of such cases,
SACFA Sectt. will issue necessary clearances for sites falling under additional antenna category.
The following modified procedure for additional antennae cases will be followed in future-
● Applicant will apply to SACFA Sectt in a prescribed proforma available with SACFA
Sectt for which softcopy may be obtained from SACFA Sectt for obtaining ID numbers.
● Applicant will enclose a copy of earlier SACFA clearance, NOC received from AAI with
regard to site under consideration if site was cleared after 1995 and appropriate map
indicating the site.
● Applicant will be issued ID numbers after scrutinizing applications for correctness.
● When applicant informs SACFA about likely date of circulation of siting applications, he
will be issued circulation letter meant for all members of SACFA, which he will attach
with applications and circulate within a week’s time.
● Applicant will obtain acknowledgement slip in token of receipt of his applications by
SACFA members.
● Applicant has to submit a copy of frequency agreement letter issued by WPC at the time
of obtaining SACFA clearance.
● Applicant will be issued SACFA clearance within a short time after confirming receipt of
applications through receipts
( Deepa Aggarwal ),
Assistant Wireless Adviser
For, Secretary, SACFA