Quizz Clinic
Quizz Clinic
Quizz Clinic
Section: BSN - 2C
I. A grade 6 student arrived in clinic complaining of abdominal pain. How do you assess and
treat the patient? Make a complete NCP for this patient. ( 5 pts )
- Assess the patient and see what causes the abdominal pain.
Subjective: Acute pain After 2 hours Independent: These data can be Goal met. After
The student related to of nursing used to identify the 2 hours of
verbalized that abdominal pain interventions, - Assess pain extent of the pain as nursing
her abdominal as evidence by the patients characteristics well as serve as a interventions,
pain scale is 7 patient facial will verbalize (quality, severity, baseline the patient
out of 10. appearance of relief from location, onset, information. verbalized relief
pain and pain and rate duration, from pain and
Objective: abdominal pain it as 2/10 from precipitating and rated it as 2/10
- Abdominal scale of 7 out of 7/10. relieving factors) Some people deny from 7/10.
pain 10. the experience of
- Facial grimace - Observe or pain when it is
- Body malaise monitor signs and present.
- With Pain Scale symptoms
of 7 out of 10 associated with
- Temp.: 36.8 pain, such as BP, Different etiological
- HR: 98 heart rate, factors respond
- RR: 20 temperature, color better to different
- BP: 120/80 and moisture of therapies.
skin, restlessness,
and ability to
focus. Some patients may
be unaware of the
La Consolacion University Philippines
Malolos City, Bulacan
College of Allied Medical Professions
- I will report it immediately to the University Nurse in charge to take actions about the
patient who is making reason for being at the clinic.
Test 2
1. Security guard informed clinic about one Grade 11 student who fainted and loss
consciousness while walking inside the campus. What would be your initial reaction and
management to this patient? 5 pts )
- Make sure the patient is positioned on the back and if possible prop up the legs about
12 inches high. If the patient remains unconscious within 2-3 minutes immediately call
2. A CITHM student is having meal preparation as part of their activity, accidentally, a hot
soup poured on her right arm and hand. She was brought to the clinic with toothpaste on her
arm. What would be your initial assessment and first aid for that? ( 5 pts )
- First cool the burned area with cool or lukewarm water for about 20-30 minutes. Do not
use ice, iced water, or any creams or greasy substances like butter. Make sure the patient
keeps warm by using a blanket, for example, but take care not to rub it against the burnt