Woodford (2010)
Woodford (2010)
Woodford (2010)
Michael Woodford
ssues relating to financial stability have always been part of the macroeco-
nomics curriculum, but they have often been presented as mainly of historical
interest, or primarily of relevance to emerging markets. However, the recent
financial crisis has made it plain that even in economies like the United States,
significant disruptions of financial intermediation remain a possibility. Under-
standing such phenomena and the possible policy responses requires the use of
a macroeconomic framework in which financial intermediation matters for the
allocation of resources.
In this paper, I first discuss why neither standard macroeconomic models that
abstract from financial intermediation nor traditional models of the “bank lending
channel” are adequate as a basis for understanding the recent crisis. I argue that
instead we need models in which intermediation plays a crucial role, but in which
intermediation is modeled in a way that better conforms to current institutional
realities. In particular, we need models that recognize that a market-based finan-
cial system—one in which intermediaries fund themselves by selling securities in
competitive markets, rather than collecting deposits subject to reserve require-
ments—is not the same as a frictionless system.
I then sketch the basic elements of an approach that allows financial inter-
mediation and credit frictions to be integrated into macroeconomic analysis in a
straightforward way. I show how the model can be used to analyze the macroeco-
nomic consequences of the recent financial crisis and conclude with a discussion of
some implications of the model for the conduct of monetary policy.
■ Michael Woodford is the John Bates Clark Professor of Political Economy, Columbia Univer-
sity, New York City, New York. His e-mail address is 〈[email protected]
[email protected]〉〉.
22 Journal of Economic Perspectives
the economy’s money supply exceeds the “monetary base” supplied by the central
bank—falls when funds are withdrawn from commercial banks in response to
concerns about their stability. The lower money supply is then only consistent with
money demand to the extent that money demand is also reduced, through some
combination of lower economic activity and deflation. This is the classic account by
Friedman and Schwartz (1963) of how the widespread bank failures in the United
States deepened the Great Depression.
However, such a model, at least as conventionally elaborated, cannot explain
why the recent problems of the financial sector should have caused a sharp reces-
sion, for the Friedman–Schwartz story depends on the monetary base remaining
fixed despite a collapse of the money multiplier. But under contemporary insti-
tutional arrangements, the Fed automatically adjusts the supply of base money as
necessary to maintain its target for the federal funds interest rate; thus, any change
in the money multiplier due to a banking crisis should automatically be offset by a
corresponding increase in the monetary base, neutralizing any effect on interest
rates, inflation, or output.1
Moreover, many of the institutions whose failure or near-failure appeared to
do the most damage in the recent crisis, such as Lehman Brothers, did not issue
liabilities that would count as part of Friedman and Schwartz’s measure of the
money supply. Under a classic monetarist view, the failure of such institutions
should pose no threat to the aggregate economy. (Hence the proposals by some
that finance can remain only lightly regulated, as long as commercial banks are
strictly excluded from the riskier activities.) But the consequences of the failure
of Lehman suggest otherwise.
For example, in the model without credit frictions expounded in Figure 2 below, a banking panic
that reduces the money multiplier will have no effect other than to increase the supply of base money
required to implement the central bank reaction function represented by the schedule MP.
24 Journal of Economic Perspectives
would in turn require less lending by commercial banks. Bernanke and Blinder
(1988) and Kashyap and Stein (1994) offer expositions of this view; Smant (2002)
provides a critical review of the literature.
Clearly, the importance of this channel for effects of monetary policy on
economic activity depended on the validity of each of the links in the proposed
mechanism: that reserve requirements were a binding constraint for many banks;
that commercial banks lacked sources of funding other than deposits; that an
important subset of borrowers lacked sources of credit other than commercial
banks; and that banks lacked opportunities to substitute between other assets and
lending to bank-dependent borrowers. Each of these assumptions was less obviously
defensible after the financial innovations and regulatory changes of the 1980s and
1990s. Adrian and Shin (forthcoming a, b) discuss the changing structure of the
U.S. financial system in more detail.
Nonbank financial intermediaries became increasingly important as sources of
credit, particularly as a result of the growing popularity of securitization. Figure 1A
shows the contributions of several categories of financial institutions to total net
lending in the United States; while commercial banks are clearly still important,
they are far from the only important source of credit. More importantly, both the
recent lending boom and the more recent financial crisis had more to do with
changes in financial flows of several of the other types shown in the figure; for
example, lending by issuers of asset-backed securities surged in the period up until
the summer of 2007 and then crashed, while lending by market-based mutual funds
and other market-based financial intermediaries2 crashed after the fall of 2008.
Nor are deposits the main source of funding for the financial sector, even in
the case of commercial banks. Figure 1B shows the net increase in financial sector
liabilities each quarter from several sources. Checkable deposits are only a small
part of the sector’s financing; moreover, deposits shrank during the years of the
lending boom, but have risen again during the crisis—so that neither the growth in
credit during the boom nor the contraction of credit in 2008–09 can be attributed
to variations in the availability of deposits as a source of financing. Even to the
extent that deposits do matter, one may doubt the extent to which the availability of
such funding is constrained by reserve requirements, as in recent years these have
ceased to be a binding constraint for many banks (for example, see Bennett and
Peristiani, 2002).
In response to skepticism about the relevance of the traditional bank lending
channel, Bernanke and Gertler (1995) have instead stressed the importance of
an alternative “broad credit channel,” in which the balance sheets of ultimate
borrowers constrain the amount that they are able to borrow; models incorpo-
rating such effects include those of Kiyotaki and Moore (1997) and Bernanke,
Gertler, and Gilchrist (1999). However, the recent crisis, at least in its initial phase,
This category includes mutual funds, the government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs), GSE-backed mort-
gage pools, finance companies, real-estate investment trusts, broker-dealers, and funding corporations.
The “market-based financial intermediaries” terminology derives from Adrian and Shin (forthcoming a).
Financial Intermediation and Macroeconomic Analysis 25
Figure 1
Financial Flows over the Most Recent Credit Cycle
$ billions
Commercial banking
Money market mutual funds
–1,000 Asset-backed securities issuers
Other market-based financial institutions
$ billions
Checkable deposits
Money market mutual fund shares
–1,000 Fed funds and repos
Commercial paper
resulted more from obstacles to credit supply, resulting from developments in the
financial sector itself, than from a reduction in credit demand owing to the prob-
lems of ultimate borrowers.
Hence, what is needed is a framework for macroeconomic analysis in which
intermediation plays a crucial role and in which frictions that can impede an
efficient supply of credit are allowed for, a framework which also takes account of
the fact that the U.S. financial sector is now largely market-based. Fortunately, the
development of a new generation of macroeconomic models with these features
is now well underway. Adrian and Shin (forthcoming b) and Gertler and Kiyotaki
(forthcoming) provide surveys of recent work in this area. Here, I sketch a basic
version of such a model, show how it can be used to interpret the recent crisis,
and then discuss some implications of a model of this kind for monetary policy. A
complete monetary dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model based on the
approach sketched here is developed in Cúrdia and Woodford (2009).
Figure 2
Interest-Rate and Output Determination in the Standard Model
Interest rate
L1 L2 L
Volume of lending
Interest rate
Y1 Y2 Y
Aggregate income
Notes: In panel A, LS is the loan supply schedule and LD is the loan demand schedule, which are specified
holding constant aggregate income, Y. The arrows show how the curves shift with an increase in Y.
Panel B shows an IS schedule, derived by tracing out the equilibrium interest rate for any assumed
level of current income Y, and a monetary policy reaction function (MP ), showing how the central
bank’s interest rate target will vary with the level of economic activity. The MP curve is drawn for a given
inflation rate. The arrow shows the consequence of an exogenous shift in the policy reaction function
that implies a lower interest rate for any given level of economic activity.
28 Journal of Economic Perspectives
the LS curve down and to the right, as shown by the arrow. It should also reduce
the demand for loans, insofar as borrowers have more current income available
out of which to finance current spending needs or opportunities, in which case the
LD curve shifts down and to the left, as also shown in the figure. The vertical shift in
the LD curve is likely to be smaller than the vertical shift of the LS curve, as shown in
Figure 2A, if the expenditure of borrowers is more interest-elastic than the expendi-
ture of savers. The intersection of the grey curves shows the new equilibrium values,
i2 and L2.
Tracing out the equilibrium interest rate for any assumed level of current
income Y,, one obtains the IS schedule plotted in Figure 2B. (Alternatively, for
each possible interest rate i,, the schedule shows the level of national income for
which investment equals savings, as this is equivalent to equality between supply
of and demand for funds.) The monetary policy reaction function of the central
bank, indicating how the central bank’s interest-rate target will vary with the level of
economic activity, is shown by the curve MP in this figure.3
If we suppose that the MP curve is drawn for a given inflation rate, then the
upward slope shown indicates a response of interest rates to the level of output (rela-
tive to trend or to potential), of a kind implied, for example, by the “Taylor rule”
(Taylor, 1993)—that is, higher interest rates when output is high relative to trend or
potential, and lower interest rates when output is low relative to trend or potential.
In this case, the equilibrium level of output determined in Figure 2B depends on
the inflation rate; a graph showing how the equilibrium level of output would vary
with inflation yields an aggregate demand relation in inflation–output space. Plot-
ting that relation along with a Phillips curve (or aggregate supply) relation between
inflation and output, one can then finally determine equilibrium output.4
This kind of model provides a straightforward account of the way in which a
central bank’s interest-rate policy affects the level of economic activity (and also the
inflation rate, once one adjoins a Phillips curve to the model). However, this model
of the credit market—in which ultimate savers lend directly to ultimate borrowers so
that the interest rate received by savers is the same as that paid by borrowers—clearly
omits some important features of actual financial systems. In actual economies, we
observe multiple interest rates that do not move perfectly together. Changes in
spreads between certain of these interest rates have been important indicators of
changing financial conditions, both during the recent housing boom and during
the subsequent crash, as is discussed further below.
In the case that monetary policy is assumed to correspond to some fixed supply of money, then the
MP curve becomes simply the Hicksian LM curve. However, an upward-sloping relation of the kind
shown in the figure will exist under many other hypotheses, including ones more descriptive of actual
central bank behavior than the Hicksian construct. On the relation between IS–MP analysis and the older
IS–LM analysis, see, for example, Romer (2000) in this journal.
Alternatively, one can substitute the inflation rate implied by the Phillips curve (for a given level of
output) into the central bank reaction function, and plot the resulting relation for i as a function of Y
as the curve MP. In this case, MP slopes upward, as shown, even if the central bank’s reaction function
responds only to inflation; and the equilibrium shown in Figure 2B already takes account of the endo-
geneity of the inflation rate.
Financial Intermediation and Macroeconomic Analysis 29
Figure 3
Credit Market Equilibrium with Credit Supply Frictions
i LS
Interest rate
L1 L
Volume of lending
ω XS
(between savers and borrowers)
Interest rate spread
L1 L
Volume of lending
Notes: i s is the interest rate paid to savers, at which intermediaries are able to fund themselves, and i b is the interest
rate (the borrowing or loan rate) at which ultimate borrowers are able to finance additional current expenditure.
In this figure, LS schedule represents the supply of funding for intermediaries, the LD schedule is the loan demand
schedule, and these schedules are functions of two different interest rates. Hence the equilibrium level of lending L
can be at a point other than the one where the two schedules cross, as shown in Figure 3(a). ω is the spread between
i b and i s. Given the LS and LD curves we can determine the unique volume of intermediation that is consistent with
any given spread ω. This relation between the quantity of intermediated credit and the credit spread is graphed as
the curve XD in panel B, which we can think of as the “demand for intermediation.” The corresponding “supply of
intermediation” schedule XS indicates the credit spread required to induce financial institutions to intermediate a
certain volume of credit between savers and ultimate borrowers.
Michael Woodford 31
their portfolios, so that in a competitive equilibrium, the rate i b at which they are
willing to lend (or the return that they will require on assets that they purchase) will
exceed their cost of funds i s by a spread that reflects the marginal cost of lending.
This marginal cost may be increasing in the volume of lending by the intermediary
if the production function for loans involves diminishing returns to increases in the
variable factors, owing to the fixity of some factors (such as specialized expertise or
facilities that cannot be expanded quickly).5
Probably a more important determinant of the supply of intermediation derives
from the limited capital of intermediaries—or, more fundamentally, the limited
capital of the “natural buyers” of the debt of the ultimate borrowers—together with
limits on the degree to which these natural buyers are able to leverage their posi-
tions. The market for the debt of the ultimate borrowers may be limited to a narrow
class of “natural buyers” for any of a variety of reasons: special expertise may be
required to evaluate such assets; other costs of market participation may be lower
for certain investors; or the natural buyers may be less risk averse, or less uncertainty
averse, or more optimistic about returns on the particular assets.
Leverage may also be constrained for any of a variety of reasons. The recent
literature has emphasized two broad types of constraints. On one hand, there may
be a limit on the size of the losses that the intermediary would be subject to in
bad states of the world, relative to its capital; such limits may result from regula-
tory capital requirements, or (the case of greatest relevance in the recent crisis)
such limits may be imposed by the intermediary’s creditors, who are unwilling to
supply additional funding if the leverage constraint is exceeded (as in Zigrand,
Shin, and Danielsson, 2010; Adrian, Moench, and Shin, 2010b; Adrian and Shin,
forthcoming b; Beaudry and Lahiri, 2010).6
Alternatively, intermediaries may raise funds by pledging particular assets as
collateral for individual loans, and the amount that they can borrow may be limited
by the value of available collateral. Gârleanu and Pedersen (2010) and Ashcraft,
Gârleanu, and Pedersen (forthcoming) consider the consequences of collateral
constraints in a model where the fraction of each asset’s value that can be borrowed
using that asset as collateral is among the defining characteristics of the asset.
Geanakoplos (1997, 2003, 2010) instead proposes a theory in which margin require-
ments are endogenously determined in competitive markets.
Under these types of theories, the capital of intermediaries becomes a crucial
determinant of the supply of intermediation. For a given quantity of capital, the
This is one of two relatively reduced-form models of endogenous credit spreads considered in the
monetary dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model we present in Cúrdia and Woodford (2009).
The device of a “loan production function” is also used in Goodfriend and McCallum (2007) and in
Gerali, Neri, Sessa, and Signoretti (2010).
The “value-at-risk constraint” assumed by authors such as Zigrand, Shin, and Danielsson (2010), Adrian,
Moench, and Shin (2010b), and Adrian and Shin (forthcoming b) is an example of a constraint of this
form. Beaudry and Lahiri (2010) impose a similar constraint by simply assuming that intermediaries can
sell only riskless debt. The constraint assumed by Adrian and Shin (forthcoming b) is formally equivalent
to the one assumed by Beaudry and Lahiri (2010), though the former authors prefer to interpret the
constraint as one on value at risk.
32 Journal of Economic Perspectives
supply schedule XS will be upward sloping, as shown in Figure 3B, if the accept-
able leverage ratio is higher when the spread between the expected return on
the assets in which intermediaries can invest and the rate they must pay on their
liabilities is greater. Consider, for example, a value-at-risk constraint, that requires
the future value of the intermediary’s assets to be worth at least some fraction k
of the amount owed on its debt, with at least some probability 1 – p;; and suppose
that the risky asset in which the intermediary invests will pay at least a fraction s of
its expected payoff with probability 1 – p.. Then the value-at-risk constraint is satis-
fied if and only if the intermediary’s leverage ratio (debt as a fraction of the total
value of its assets) is no greater than s/k times the factor (1 + i b)/(1 + i s), where
i b is the expected return on the risky asset and i s is the rate that the intermediary
must pay on its debt. Thus the acceptable leverage ratio, and correspondingly the
maximum value of assets that the intermediary can acquire, will be an increasing
function of the credit spread.
In fact, we can now solve for both i s and i b as functions of Y, but it is the relation between i s and Y
that is relevant for the IS–MP diagram, since it is i s—the rate at which intermediaries are able to fund
themselves—that corresponds to the operating target of the central bank. Plotting again the reaction of
the central bank’s target for i s to changes in economic activity as a curve MP, we again have a diagram of
exactly the kind shown in Figure 2B to determine simultaneously the equilibrium values of the interest
rate and output; the only important difference is that now we must clarify that the interest rate on the
vertical axis is the policy rate i s rather than the borrowing rate i b. Once the equilibrium values of Y and
i s have been determined, they can be transferred back to Figures 3A and B to determine the implied
equilibrium values of i b and L as well.
Financial Intermediation and Macroeconomic Analysis 33
i s at which intermediaries are able to fund themselves can also increase intermedi-
aries’ net worth, if (as is often the case) they fund longer-term assets with short-term
borrowing that they must roll over, and in this case a reduction in i s will shift the XS
curve down and to the right as well.
Each of these effects will make the IS curve flatter (more interest-elastic) than
it would otherwise be.8 This means that a shift in the MP curve—due either to a
change in monetary policy or to a supply-side disturbance that shifts the aggregate-
supply curve—will have a larger effect on output as a consequence of these “financial
accelerator” effects. Bernanke and Gertler (1995) discuss evidence for the impor-
tance of such effects in the case of monetary policy shocks. Moreover, if a disturbance
leads to an increase or decrease in the capital of the intermediary sector, the altered
level of capital is likely to persist for some time. This can result in effects on economic
activity that are more persistent than the initial disturbance.
The presence of an upward-sloping XS curve (representing credit frictions)
essentially makes the IS curve steeper, and consequently acts to dampen the effects
on aggregate output of disturbances that shift the MP curve, to the extent that
the XS schedule is not itself shifted by the disturbances. In fact, however, the XS
schedule may well shift, in which case the net effect may well be to amplify output
fluctuations, rather than to dampen them.
Of course, these reasons for the IS curve to be flatter must be balanced against the observation that a
steeper XS curve for a given level of capital in the intermediary sector will imply a steeper IS curve. This
is why the degree of amplification from credit frictions that is found in quantitative dynamic stochastic
general equilibrium models is sometimes quite modest.
The empirical dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models of Christiano, Motto, and Rostagno
(2010) and Gilchrist, Ortiz, and Zakrajsek (2009) each attribute a substantial fraction of the short-run
variability of real GDP to disturbances that vary the severity of financial frictions.
34 Journal of Economic Perspectives
Figure 4
Effects of a Disruption of Credit Supply
(between savers and borrowers)
Interest rate spread
L2 L1 L
Volume of lending
is MP
Interest rate
Y2 Y1 Y
Aggregate income
Notes: XS and XD are the supply and demand for intermediation. ω is the spread between i b, the interest
rate for borrowers, and i s, the interest rate for savers. The IS schedule shows the equilibrium interest
rate for any assumed level of current income Y, and MP is the monetary policy reaction function (MP).
Michael Woodford 35
function, the upward shift in XS should result in both a decline in the policy interest
rate and a contraction of real activity.10
This prediction matches the consequences observed, for example, when the
Carter administration imposed credit controls in the second quarter of 1980. This
policy was followed by a contraction in real GDP at a rate of minus 8 percent per
year in that quarter, while the federal funds rate also fell from a level over 17 percent
per annum in April to only 9 percent by July 1980. The effects of a policy tightening
of this kind cannot be understood as a shift of the MP curve (or LM curve) in a
conventional IS–MP (or IS–LM)) diagram, but they are easily understood when one
realizes how changes in the supply of intermediation schedule should be expected
to shift the IS curve.
The dependence of the supply of intermediation on the capital of interme-
diaries also introduces an important channel through which additional types of
disturbances can affect aggregate activity. Any disturbance that impairs the capital
of the banking sector will shift the schedule XS up and to the left, with the effects
just discussed. This means that shocks that might seem of only modest significance
for the aggregate economy—in terms, say, of the total value of business losses that
directly result from the shock—can have substantial aggregate effects if the losses
in question happen to be concentrated in highly leveraged intermediaries, who
suffer significant reductions in their capital as a result. This was an important reason
for the dramatic aggregate effects in 2008–2009 of the losses in the U.S. subprime
mortgage market.
The supply of intermediation can also shift as a result of factors other than
a change in the capital of intermediaries; in particular, leverage constraints can
tighten or loosen, as a result of changes in the attitudes of intermediaries’ creditors
regarding the acceptable degree of leverage, or in the margin requirements associ-
ated with borrowing against the securities that intermediaries hold. Gorton and
Metrick (2009), Adrian and Shin (2009), and Geanakoplos (2010) have all stressed
the importance of increases in margin requirements in the overnight repurchase
(or “repo”) market as a factor that contracted the supply of credit in 2008 and 2009.
Even when shocks to the supply of intermediation originate in a tightening of
leverage constraints and/or margin constraints owing to an increased assessment
of the risk associated with intermediaries’ assets, the effects of the shocks will be
amplified by the dependence of the supply of intermediation on the capital of the
intermediary sector. Intermediaries that are forced to sell assets as a result of tight-
ened leverage constraints are likely to suffer losses, and more so to the extent that
many of them are forced to sell similar assets at the same time, or to the extent
that they are the only “natural buyers” of the assets in question. These losses will
then further reduce their capital, further reducing the amount that they are able
In this respect the framework sketched here agrees with the one proposed by Bernanke and Blinder
(1988), who refer to the relation that I call the IS curve as the “commodities and credit curve” instead,
precisely because it is shifted by credit-supply shocks in addition to the usual determinants of the IS
curve. The framework proposed here differs from that of Bernanke and Blinder primarily in offering a
different model of the supply of intermediation.
36 Journal of Economic Perspectives
to borrow, and hence requiring further asset sales. The result is a vicious spiral
that under some circumstances can substantially reduce credit supply. The resulting
contraction of aggregate output may result in further losses to the banks, further
reducing their capital, and hence tightening credit supply even more.
For example, see the “fitted” long rates implied by the forecasting model of Kim and Wright (2005).
Indeed, the series plotted in Figure 5 is taken from the estimates of Kim and Wright (2005); their series
is updated at ⟨http://www.federalreserve.gov/econresdata/researchdata.htm⟩.
The spread between yields on this class of moderately risky corporate bonds and on similar-maturity
Treasury bonds is a commonly watched indicator of disturbances to the market for corporate debt,
which is strongly correlated with variations in economic activity. Gilchrist, Ortiz, and Zakrajsek (2009)
use an index of corporate bond spreads as a measure of the time-varying financial wedge in an estimated
monetary dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model and find that the co-movements of the bond
spreads with other aggregate variables are consistent with this interpretation.
Financial Intermediation and Macroeconomic Analysis 37
Figure 5
The Federal Funds Rate Target and Some Interest-rate Spreads
FF target
10-year term premium
5.0 Baa-Treasury spread
LIBOR-OIS spread
Percentage points
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Sources: The FF target is from the Federal Reserve Board; the 10-year term premium was calculated by
Don H. Kim and Jonathan H. Wright (available at the Federal Reserve Board website); the Baa–Treasury
spread is from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; the LIBOR-OIS spread is from Bloomberg.
Notes: The “FF target” is the Federal Funds rate target. The “10-year term premium” is the amount by
which the yield on a 10-year bond exceeds the expected average level of short-term interest rates over
the term to maturity of the bond. The “Baa–Treasury spread” is the spread between Baa-rated corporate
bonds and 10-year Treasuries. The “LIBOR–OIS spread” is the spread between the three-month U.S.
dollar London Interbank Offer Rate (LIBOR) and the overnight interest-rate rate swap (OIS) rate.
(LIBOR)13 and the overnight interest-rate rate swap (OIS) rate, which can be viewed
as essentially a market forecast of the average level of the federal funds rate over that
three-month period. The sharp increases in this spread during the crisis indicate
that the short-term borrowing costs of many banks (especially late in 2008) were
considerably higher than would be indicated by the federal funds rate.
It is popular to attribute the credit boom (at least in part) to the Federal Reserve
having kept the federal funds rate “too low for too long,” but comparison of the
path of the funds rate in Figure 5 with the measures of credit growth in Figure 1A
shows that the increase in lending was greatest in 2006 and the first half of 2007,
after the federal funds rate had already returned to a level consistent with normal
benchmarks. Instead, the fact that spreads were unusually low precisely during the
period of strongest growth in lending—as can be seen by comparing the spreads
The LIBOR rate is an average of quoted rates at which banks are able to borrow funds for a short term
(3 months, in the case of the series plotted here) on an uncollateralized basis. It is important not only
because it is the cost of additional funds for some banks, but because other lending rates—such as the
interest rate at which commercial and industrial loans are available to firms under existing loan commit-
ments—are often tied to the LIBOR rate. For alternative interpretations of variations in the LIBOR–OIS
spread, see Giavazzi (2008), Sarkar (2009), and Taylor and Williams (2009).
38 Journal of Economic Perspectives
shown in Figure 5 with the quantities in Figure 1—indicates that an outward shift
of the supply of intermediation schedule XS was responsible, rather than a move-
ment along this schedule in response to a loosening of monetary policy. The reason
for the shift seems to have been an increased appetite of investors for purportedly
low-risk short-term liabilities of very highly leveraged financial intermediaries; in
this journal, Brunnermeier (2009) details the changes in financing patterns during
this period.
The effects of such a shift were like those shown in Figure 4, but with the
reverse sign; as a consequence, the Fed’s increase in the funds rate over the period
between 2004 and 2006 did less to restrain demand than would ordinarily have been
expected.14 The increase in the riskless short-term rate did reduce households’ and
firms’ willingness to hold demand deposits, as a conventional money-demand equa-
tion would imply, and checkable deposits declined during this period, as shown in
Figure 1B; but this did not prevent a net increase in the overall liabilities of financial
intermediaries, and hence in credit supply.
The financial crisis that began in summer 2007 also originated in a change in
the supply of intermediation. It began when increased perceptions of risk resulted
in increases in the margin requirements demanded by creditors in short-term
lending collateralized by mortgage-backed securities, creating a liquidity crisis for
issuers of asset-backed commercial paper. The effect of deleveraging in this sector
on the market value of mortgage-backed securities further impaired the capital of
financial intermediaries more broadly, requiring further deleveraging, in a vicious
spiral: again, Brunnermeier (2009) describes this process in detail in this journal.
In terms of the model, the net result of both reductions in the acceptable degree
of leverage and impairment of the capital of the financial sector was a sharp leftward
shift of the supply of intermediation XS.. As illustrated by Figure 4, the result was a
simultaneous contraction of the volume of lending, as shown in Figure 1, and an
increase in spreads, as shown in Figure 5. The resulting leftward shift of the IS curve
(Figure 4) meant a contraction of aggregate demand, despite the substantial cuts
in the federal funds rate shown in Figure 5. The reduction in the riskless short-term
rate caused an increased willingness to hold transactions deposits, and checkable
deposits increased substantially, as seen in Figure 1B. But plentiful deposits were
not enough to restore the flow of credit, for an inability to increase the volume of
deposits was not the relevant constraint on the supply of credit.
Once this process was underway—and given that, for a time, it appeared
that the crisis might spiral out of control—uncertainty about the macroeconomic
environment likely caused a further leftward shift of the IS curve, by increasing
precautionary saving and increasing the option value of deferring investment.
Once the IS curve shifted sufficiently far, it ceased to be possible to maintain
Under this analysis, the fact that the Fed did not tighten policy even further can be said to have contrib-
uted to the credit boom. But the problem was not that the Fed failed to conform to the conventional
benchmark provided by the “Taylor rule,” as argued by Taylor (2009), but rather that it followed it too
faithfully, rather than taking account of the change in financial conditions.
Michael Woodford 39
output near potential through cuts in the federal funds rate alone, owing to the
zero lower bound on nominal interest rates. Of course, the fact that reduced
aggregate demand resulted in lower economic activity and employment, rather
than simply in reductions in wages and prices to the extent needed to maintain
full employment, depended on the stickiness of wages and prices, as described in
standard textbook accounts.
To what extent does this extension of the standard model imply changes to the
conventional conduct of monetary policy?
This concept, derived from the ideas of Knut Wicksell, is discussed extensively in Woodford (2003,
chap. 4). One might alternatively define the natural rate as the real rate that would be required for
output equal to the natural rate of output under the assumption of a credit spread equal to some normal
(steady state) level; the important feature of the proposed definition is that it abstracts from the effects
of variations in the size of credit frictions.
In Cúrdia and Woodford (2009), we derive an intertemporal version of the “IS curve” in which the
credit spread appears as a shift factor. Gaspar and Kashyap (2006) were perhaps the first to propose such
a relation.
40 Journal of Economic Perspectives
Ashcraft, Gârleanu, and Pedersen (forthcoming) discuss the Federal Reserve’s Term
Asset-Backed Lending Facility, which provided financing for private purchases of
asset-backed securities, as an example of a policy of this kind and present evidence
of its success at reducing the spreads associated with asset-backed securities eligible
for the program. Such a policy can relax the constraint on the size of intermediary
balance sheets resulting from limited capital in the intermediary sector, by allowing
increased leverage.
Alternatively, the central bank may directly purchase debt claims issued by
private borrowers, so that total credit extended to the private sector can exceed
the size of intermediary balance sheets. Examples of policies of this kind during
the recent crisis include the Fed’s purchases of commercial paper through its
Commercial Paper Funding Facility and its purchases of mortgage-backed secu-
rities and agency debt. On the motivation for and effects of these programs,
see, for example, Adrian, Kimbrough, and Marchioni (2010), Gagnon, Raskin,
Remache, and Sack (2010), and in this journal Kacperczyk and Schnabl (2010).
In this case as well, the supply of intermediation XS is shifted to the right even
though the equilibrium relation between the credit spread and the quantity of
risky assets that can be held on the balance sheets of private intermediaries does
not change.17
It should not be assumed that because it is possible in principle for the central
bank to reduce equilibrium spreads through direct intervention in credit markets,
it is therefore desirable for the central bank to intervene continually to maintain
zero spreads. In Cúrdia and Woodford (2010b), we assume costs of central-bank
lending to the private sector that imply that under normal circumstances, it
will not be optimal for the central bank to hold assets other than highly liquid
Treasury securities on its balance sheet; but even so, central-bank lending to the
private sector can be justified on welfare grounds in the case of a large enough
disruption of credit supply. Gertler and Karadi (2010) reach a similar conclusion
using a related model.
Note that on this analysis, the effects of targeted central bank asset purchases have nothing to do with
“quantitative easing,” as the effects do not depend on the purchases being financed by an increase in
bank reserves, nor do conditions in the market for bank reserves play any role in our analysis. See Cúrdia
and Woodford (2010b) for further discussion.
42 Journal of Economic Perspectives
can improve the short-run allocation of resources, this benefit must be weighed against
the increased risk of occurrence of a crisis that will (if it occurs) increase distortions in
the future, in ways that monetary policy will not then be able to counteract fully.
The model sketched here implies that increased leverage in the financial sector
is a natural consequence of looser monetary policy because of the effects of higher
incomes on loan demand and supply, shown in Figure 2A. Other, more complex
mechanisms, such as the model of misperception of risk by the funders of interme-
diaries proposed by Dubecq, Mojon, and Ragot (2009) can make this effect even
stronger. Given this, the consequences of policy for financial stability need to be
considered in making interest-rate decisions, alongside the consequences of policy
for aggregate economic activity and inflation.
The nature of this consideration should not be completely symmetrical:
marginal adjustments of interest rates always have consequences for output and
inflation, while they will have nonnegligible consequences for the risk of financial
instability only at certain times when the leverage is extreme enough for even small
changes in asset values to have substantial effects on intermediary capital. Improved
regulation and/or macroprudential supervision could further reduce the range of
circumstances in which this consideration would matter for monetary policy deci-
sions; and this would be desirable, if possible, as freeing monetary policy to focus
solely on output and inflation stabilization should allow those goals to be more
effectively achieved. But in the absence of a complete solution of that kind, it is
difficult to defend the view that financial stability can be ignored in monetary policy
decisions; and the development of practical real-time indicators of risks to financial
stability is accordingly an important challenge of the present moment.
■ I would like to thank Tobias Adrian, Bill Brainard, Vasco Cúrdia, Jamie McAndrews,
Benoit Mojon, Tommaso Monacelli, Julio Rotemberg, and Argia Sbordone for helpful
discussions, Luminita Stevens for research assistance, and the editors of this journal, David
Autor, Chad Jones, and Timothy Taylor, for many useful comments on earlier drafts. I would
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