Day6 Assignment Solution

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Note: please do not use any functions which are not taught in the class.

you need
to solve the questions only with the concepts that have been discussed so far.

Run the following command to add and update dob column in employee table
alter table employee add dob date;
update employee set dob = dateadd(year,-1*emp_age,getdate())

1- write a query to print emp name , their manager name and diffrence in their age
(in days)
for employees whose year of birth is before their managers year of birth

select e1.emp_name,e2.emp_name as manager_name , DATEDIFF(day,e1.dob,e2.dob) as

from employee e1
inner join employee e2 on e1.manager_id=e2.emp_id
where DATEPART(year,e1.dob)< DATEPART(year,e2.dob)

2- write a query to find subcategories who never had any return orders in the month
of november (irrespective of years)
select sub_category
from orders o
left join returns r on o.order_id=r.order_id
where DATEPART(month,order_date)=11
group by sub_category
having count(r.order_id)=0;

3- orders table can have multiple rows for a particular order_id when customers
buys more than 1 product in an order.
write a query to find order ids where there is only 1 product bought by the
select order_id
from orders
group by order_id
having count(1)=1

4- write a query to print manager names along with the comma separated list(order
by emp salary) of all employees directly reporting to him.
select e2.emp_name as manager_name , string_agg(e1.emp_name,',') as emp_list
from employee e1
inner join employee e2 on e1.manager_id=e2.emp_id
group by e2.emp_name

5- write a query to get number of business days between order_date and ship_date
(exclude weekends).
Assume that all order date and ship date are on weekdays only

select order_id,order_date,ship_date ,datediff(day,order_date,ship_date)-

2*datediff(week,order_date,ship_date) as no_of_business_days

6- write a query to print 3 columns : category, total_sales and (total sales of

returned orders)
select o.category,sum(o.sales) as total_sales
,sum(case when r.order_id is not null then sales end) as return_orders_sales
from orders o
left join returns r on o.order_id=r.order_id
group by category

7- write a query to print below 3 columns

category, total_sales_2019(sales in year 2019), total_sales_2020(sales in year

select category,sum(case when datepart(year,order_date)=2019 then sales end) as

,sum(case when datepart(year,order_date)=2020 then sales end) as total_sales_2020
from orders
group by category

8- write a query print top 5 cities in west region by average no of days between
order date and ship date.
select top 5 city, avg(datediff(day,order_date,ship_date) ) as avg_days
from orders
where region='West'
group by city
order by avg_days desc

9- write a query to print emp name, manager name and senior manager name (senior
manager is manager's manager)

select e1.emp_name,e2.emp_name as manager_name,e3.emp_name as senior_manager_name

from employee e1
inner join employee e2 on e1.manager_id=e2.emp_id
inner join employee e3 on e2.manager_id=e3.emp_id

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