Final Emergency Shelter Drawing (Assembly Drawing) by Chris
Final Emergency Shelter Drawing (Assembly Drawing) by Chris
Final Emergency Shelter Drawing (Assembly Drawing) by Chris
Item Qty Part Number Description Material How it's going to be manufactured
1 1 Base N/A N/A
2 2 Main Shape In real life, the main shape for Polyester since it's water resistant, inexpensive, has The PET plastic pellets are heated, then
the shelter already have the high tensile strength, and is durable. twisted into long, thin threads. Then, the
pre-assembled fiberglass polyester is going to be sewed toegther
rods as a support for the (using sewing machine) with the other
shelter itself. polyester pieces.
3 3 Extra Layer Contains a neon color to Polyester because it is wrinkle-resistant. The extra layer of polyester is going to be
reflect light to help helicopters sewed (using sewing machine) onto the
find anyone that gets lost. sides and the back of the main shape of
And also made for the design the emergency shelter.
to look more unique in terms
of shape.
4 4 Mosquito Net Made to prevent mosquito Cotton because it's hypoallergenic, odour-free, and The required rectangle size net along
bites inside the shelter, naturally sustainable. with cotton tape is spread on the sewing
providing protection for the machine and stitched from one corner to
users of the product from any the end.
harmful insects.