SSH 5.1.2 February 8, 2024
SSH 5.1.2 February 8, 2024
SSH 5.1.2 February 8, 2024
February 8, 2024
1.1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
SSH is a protocol for secure remote logon and other secure network services over an insecure network.
1.1.2 Prerequisites
It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the Erlang programming language, concepts of OTP, and has a basic
understanding of public keys.
Transport Protocol
The SSH Transport Protocol is a secure, low-level transport. It provides strong encryption, cryptographic host
authentication, and integrity protection. A minimum of Message Authentication Code (MAC) and encryption
algorithms are supported. For details, see the ssh(3) manual page in ssh.
Authentication Protocol
The SSH Authentication Protocol is a general-purpose user authentication protocol run over the SSH Transport Layer
Protocol. The ssh application supports user authentication as follows:
• Using public key technology. RSA and DSA, X509-certificates are not supported.
• Using keyboard-interactive authentication. This is suitable for interactive authentication methods that do
not need any special software support on the client side. Instead, all authentication data is entered from the
• Using a pure password-based authentication scheme. Here, the plain text password is encrypted before sent over
the network.
Several configuration options for authentication handling are available in ssh:connect/[3,4] and ssh:daemon/[2,3].
The public key handling can be customized by implementing the following behaviours from ssh:
• Module ssh_client_key_api.
• Module ssh_server_key_api.
Connection Protocol
The SSH Connection Protocol provides application-support services over the transport pipe, for example, channel
multiplexing, flow control, remote program execution, signal propagation, and connection forwarding. Functions for
handling the SSH Connection Protocol can be found in the module ssh_connection in ssh.
All terminal sessions, forwarded connections, and so on, are channels. Multiple channels are multiplexed into a single
connection. All channels are flow-controlled. This means that no data is sent to a channel peer until a message is
received to indicate that window space is available. The initial window size specifies how many bytes of channel data
that can be sent to the channel peer without adjusting the window. Typically, an SSH client opens a channel, sends
data (commands), receives data (control information), and then closes the channel. The ssh_client_channel behaviour
handles generic parts of SSH channel management. This makes it easy to write your own SSH client/server processes
that use flow-control and thus opens for more focus on the application logic.
Channels come in the following three flavors:
• Subsystem - Named services that can be run as part of an SSH server, such as SFTP (ssh_sftpd), that is built
into the SSH daemon (server) by default, but it can be disabled. The Erlang ssh daemon can be configured to
run any Erlang- implemented SSH subsystem.
• Shell - Interactive shell. By default the Erlang daemon runs the Erlang shell. The shell can be customized
by providing your own read-eval-print loop. You can also provide your own Command-Line Interface (CLI)
implementation, but that is much more work.
• Exec - One-time remote execution of commands. See function ssh_connection:exec/4 for more information.
1> ssh:start().
2> {ok, S} = ssh:shell("tarlop").
otptest@tarlop:> pwd
otptest@tarlop:> exit
Normally, the /etc/ssh directory is only readable by root.
Step 2. Create the file /tmp/otptest_user/.ssh/authorized_keys and add the content of /tmp/
Step 3. Start the Erlang ssh daemon:
1> ssh:start().
2> {ok, Sshd} = ssh:daemon(8989, [{system_dir, "/tmp/ssh_daemon"},
{user_dir, "/tmp/otptest_user/.ssh"}]).
Step 4. Use the openssh client from a shell to connect to the Erlang ssh daemon:
There are two ways of shutting down an ssh daemon, see Step 5a and Step 5b.
Step 5a. Shut down the Erlang ssh daemon so that it stops the listener but leaves existing connections, started by
the listener, operational:
3> ssh:stop_listener(Sshd).
Step 5b. Shut down the Erlang ssh daemon so that it stops the listener and all connections started by the listener:
3> ssh:stop_daemon(Sshd).
1> ssh:start().
2> {ok, ConnectionRef} = ssh:connect("tarlop", 22, []).
3> {ok, ChannelId} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity).
4> success = ssh_connection:exec(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, "pwd", infinity).
5> flush(). % Get all pending messages. NOTE: ordering may vary!
Shell got {ssh_cm,<0.57.0>,{data,0,0,<<"/home/otptest\n">>}}
Shell got {ssh_cm,<0.57.0>,{eof,0}}
Shell got {ssh_cm,<0.57.0>,{exit_status,0,0}}
Shell got {ssh_cm,<0.57.0>,{closed,0}}
6> ssh:connection_info(ConnectionRef, channels).
See ssh_connection and ssh_connection:exec/4 for finding documentation of the channel messages.
To collect the channel messages in a program, use receive...end instead of flush/1:
5> receive
5> {ssh_cm, ConnectionRef, {data, ChannelId, Type, Result}} when Type == 0 ->
5> {ok,Result}
5> {ssh_cm, ConnectionRef, {data, ChannelId, Type, Result}} when Type == 1 ->
5> {error,Result}
5> end.
Note that only the exec channel is closed after the one-time execution. The connection is still up and can handle
previously opened channels. It is also possible to open a new channel:
To close the connection, call the function ssh:close(ConnectionRef). As an alternative, set the option
{idle_time, 1} when opening the connection. This will cause the connection to be closed automatically when
there are no channels open for the specified time period, in this case 1 ms.
The same example but now using the Erlang ssh client to contact the Erlang server:
Note that Erlang shell specific functions and control sequences like for example h(). are not supported.
And similar for reading from stdin. As an example we use io:read/1 which displays the argument as a prompt on stdout,
reads a term from stdin and returns it in an ok-tuple:
%% Send a newline (it could have been included in the last send):
8> ssh_connection:send(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, <<"\n">>).
9> flush().
Shell got {ssh_cm,<0.92.0>,{data,0,0,<<"{ok,[a,b,c]}">>}}
Shell got {ssh_cm,<0.92.0>,{exit_status,0,0}}
Shell got {ssh_cm,<0.92.0>,{eof,0}}
Shell got {ssh_cm,<0.92.0>,{closed,0}}
There is often a need to configure some other exec evaluator to tailor the input language or restrict the possible
functions to call. There are two ways of doing this which will be shown with examples below. See ssh:daemon/2,3
and exec_daemon_option()) for details.
Examples of the two ways to configure the exec evaluator:
• Disable one-time execution.
To modify the daemon start example above to reject one-time execution requests, we change Step 3 by adding
the option {exec, disabled} to:
1> ssh:start().
2> {ok, Sshd} = ssh:daemon(8989, [{system_dir, "/tmp/ssh_daemon"},
{user_dir, "/tmp/otptest_user/.ssh"},
{exec, disabled}
A call to that daemon will return the text "Prohibited." on stderr (depending on the client and OS), and the exit
status 255:
And the Erlang client library also returns the text "Prohibited." on data type 1 instead of the normal 0 and exit
status 255:
1> ssh:start().
2> MyEvaluator = fun("1") -> {ok, some_value};
("2") -> {ok, some_other_value};
("3") -> {ok, V} = io:read("input erlang term>> "),
{ok, V};
(Err) -> {error,{bad_input,Err}}
3> {ok, Sshd} = ssh:daemon(1234, [{system_dir, "/tmp/ssh_daemon"},
{user_dir, "/tmp/otptest_user/.ssh"},
{exec, {direct,MyEvaluator}}
Note that spaces are preserved and that no point (.) is needed at the end - that was required by the default
The error return in the Erlang client (The text as data type 1 and exit_status 255):
The fun() in the exec option could take up to three arguments (Cmd, User and ClientAddress). See the
exec_daemon_option() for the details.
An old, discouraged and undocumented way of installing an alternative evaluator exists.
It still works, but lacks for example I/O possibility. It is because of that compatibility we need the {direct,...}
1> ssh:start().
2> ssh:daemon(8989, [{system_dir, "/tmp/ssh_daemon"},
{user_dir, "/tmp/otptest_user/.ssh"},
{subsystems, [ssh_sftpd:subsystem_spec(
[{cwd, "/tmp/sftp/example"}])
1> ssh:start().
2> {ok, ChannelPid, Connection} = ssh_sftp:start_channel("tarlop", []).
3> ssh_sftp:read_file(ChannelPid, "/home/otptest/test.txt").
{ok,<<"This is a test file\n">>}
%% How to encrypt:
EncryptFun =
fun(PlainBin,Ivec) ->
EncryptedBin = crypto:block_encrypt(aes_cbc256, Key, Ivec, PlainBin),
{ok, EncryptedBin, crypto:next_iv(aes_cbc,EncryptedBin)}
Cw = {InitFun,EncryptFun,CloseFun},
{ok,HandleWrite} = ssh_sftp:open_tar(ChannelPid, ?tar_file_name, [write,{crypto,Cw}]),
ok = erl_tar:add(HandleWrite, .... ),
ok = erl_tar:add(HandleWrite, .... ),
ok = erl_tar:add(HandleWrite, .... ),
ok = erl_tar:close(HandleWrite),
%% And for decryption (in this crypto example we could use the same InitFun
%% as for encryption):
DecryptFun =
fun(EncryptedBin,Ivec) ->
PlainBin = crypto:block_decrypt(aes_cbc256, Key, Ivec, EncryptedBin),
{ok, PlainBin, crypto:next_iv(aes_cbc,EncryptedBin)}
Cr = {InitFun,DecryptFun},
{ok,HandleRead} = ssh_sftp:open_tar(ChannelPid, ?tar_file_name, [read,{crypto,Cw}]),
{ok,NameValueList} = erl_tar:extract(HandleRead,[memory]),
ok = erl_tar:close(HandleRead),
-behaviour(ssh_server_channel). % replaces ssh_daemon_channel
-record(state, {
-export([init/1, handle_msg/2, handle_ssh_msg/2, terminate/2]).
init([N]) ->
{ok, #state{n = N}}.
The subsystem can be run on the host tarlop with the generated keys, as described in Section Running an Erlang
ssh Daemon:
1> ssh:start().
2> ssh:daemon(8989, [{system_dir, "/tmp/ssh_daemon"},
{user_dir, "/tmp/otptest_user/.ssh"}
{subsystems, [{"echo_n", {ssh_echo_server, [10]}}]}]).
1> ssh:start().
2> {ok, ConnectionRef} = ssh:connect("tarlop", 8989,
[{user_dir, "/tmp/otptest_user/.ssh"}]).
3> {ok, ChannelId} = ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity).
4> success = ssh_connection:subsystem(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, "echo_n", infinity).
5> ok = ssh_connection:send(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, "0123456789", infinity).
6> flush().
{ssh_msg, <0.57.0>, {data, 0, 1, "0123456789"}}
{ssh_msg, <0.57.0>, {eof, 0}}
{ssh_msg, <0.57.0>, {closed, 0}}
7> {error, closed} = ssh_connection:send(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, "10", infinity).
1.3 Terminology
1.3.1 General Information
In the following terms that may cause confusion are explained.
In OpenSSH
Many have been in contact with the command 'ssh' on a Linux machine (or similar) to remotly log in on another
machine. One types
ssh host
to log in on the machine named host. The command prompts for your password on the remote host and then you
can read, write and execute as your user name has rights on the remote host. There are stronger variants with pre-
distributed keys or certificates, but that are for now just details in the authentication process.
You could log in as the user anotheruser with
ssh anotheruser@host
and you will then be enabled to act as anotheruser on the host if authorized correctly.
So what does "your user name has rights" mean? In a UNIX/Linux/etc context it is exactly as that context: The user
could read, write and execute programs according to the OS rules. In addition, the user has a home directory ($HOME)
and there is a $HOME/.ssh/ directory with ssh-specific files.
SSH password authentication
When SSH tries to log in to a host, the ssh protocol communicates the user name (as a string) and a password. The
remote ssh server checks that there is such a user defined and that the provided password is acceptable.
If so, the user is authorized.
SSH public key authentication
This is a stronger method where the ssh protocol brings the user name, the user's public key and some cryptographic
information which we could ignore here.
The ssh server on the remote host checks:
• That the user has a home directory,
• that home directory contains a .ssh/ directory and
• the .ssh/ directory contains the public key just received in the authorized_keys file
if so, the user is authorized.
The SSH server on UNIX/Linux/etc after a successful authentication
After a successful incoming authentication, a new process runs as the just authenticated user.
Next step is to start a service according to the ssh request. In case of a request of a shell, a new one is started which
handles the OS-commands that arrives from the client (that's "you").
In case of a sftp request, an sftp server is started in with the user's rights. So it could read, write or delete files if
allowed for that user.
In Erlang/OTP SSH
For the Erlang/OTP SSH server the situation is different. The server executes in an Erlang process in the Erlang
emulator which in turn executes in an OS process. The emulator does not try to change its user when authenticated over
the SSH protocol. So the remote user name is only for authentication purposes in the Erlang/OTP SSH application.
Password authentication in Erlang SSH
The Erlang/OTP SSH server checks the user name and password in the following order:
• If a pwdfun is defined, that one is called and the returned boolean is the authentication result.
• Else, if the user_passwords option is defined and the username and the password matches, the
authentication is a success.
• Else, if the option password is defined and matches the password the authentication is a success. Note that the
use of this option is not recommended in non-test code.
Public key authentication in Erlang SSH
The user name, public key and cryptographic data (a signature) that is sent by the client, are used as follows (some
steps left out for clearity):
• A callback module is selected using the options key_cb.
• The callback module is used to check that the provided public key is one of the user's pre-stored. In case of the
default callback module, the files authorized_keys and authorized_keys2 are searched in a directory
found in the following order:
• If the option user_dir_fun is defined, that fun is called and the returned directory is used,
• Else, If the option user_dir is defined, that directory is used,
• Else the subdirectory .ssh in the home directory of the user executing the OS process of the Erlang
emulator is used.
If the provided public key is not found, the authentication fails.
• Finally, if the provided public key is found, the signature provided by the client is checked with the public key.
The Erlang/OTP SSH server after a successful authentication
After a successful authentication an Erlang process is handling the service request from the remote ssh client. The
rights of that process are those of the user of the OS process running the Erlang emulator.
If a shell service request arrives to the server, an Erlang shell is opened in the server's emulator. The rights in that
shell is independent of the just authenticated user.
In case of an sftp request, an sftp server is started with the rights of the user of the Erlang emulator's OS process. So
with sftp the authenticated user does not influence the rights.
So after an authentication, the user name is not used anymore and has no influence.
• In a .config file:
erl -config ex1
If the option is intended only for a server or for a client, it may be set in this way:
{ssh, [{server_options,[{user, "foo"}]},
{client_options,[{user, "bar"}]}
A server (daemon) will use the user name foo, and a client will use the name bar.
1.4.3 Precedens
If an option is set in more than one way, what happens?
There is an ordering, which is:
• Level 0: Hard-coded default values in the OTP SSH source code
• Level 1: OTP Configuration Parameters
• Level 2: Options in the OTP Configuration Parameters server_options or client_options
• Level 3: Options in argument list to a function
If the same option is set at two different levels, the one at the highest level is used.
The only exception is the modify_algorithms common option. They are all applied in ascending level order on the set
of algorithms. So a modify_algorithms on level one is applied before one of level two and so on.
If there is an preferred_algorithms option on some level the whole set is replaced by that in that option and all
modify_algorithms are applied in level ordering.
The reason for applying all modify_algorithms in level order, is to enable the user to add an algorithm that has been
removed from the default set without code changes, only by adding an option in a config file. This can be used to
interoperate with legacy systems that still uses algorithms no longer considered secure enough to be supported by
Algorithm configuration
There is a separate chapter about how preferred_algorithms and modify_algorithms co-operate. How the different
configuration levels affect them, is described here in this section.
The ssh:start/0 function
If the application SSH is not started, the command ssh:default_algorithms/0 delivers the list of default (hardcoded)
algorithms with respect to the support in the current cryptolib.
If the application SSH is started, the command ssh:default_algorithms/0 delvers the list of algorithms after application
of level 0 and level 1 configurations.
Here is an example. The config-file has the following contents:
$ cat ex2.config
{ssh, [{preferred_algorithms, [{cipher, ['aes192-ctr']},
{public_key, ['ssh-rsa']},
{kex, ['ecdh-sha2-nistp384']},
{mac, ['hmac-sha1']}]}]}
Erlang is started with ex2.config as configuration and we check the default set of algorithms before starting ssh:
Note that the algorithms in the file ex2.config is not yet applied. They will be when we start ssh:
2> ssh:start().
3> ssh:default_algorithms().
{compression,[{client2server,[none,'[email protected]',zlib]},
{server2client,[none,'[email protected]',zlib]}]}]
We see that the algorithm set is changed to the one in the ex2.config. Since compression is not specified in
the file, the hard-coded default is still used for that entry.
Establishing a connection (ssh:connect et al) or starting a daemon (ssh:daemon)
Both when the client establishes a connection with ssh:connect or other functions, or a daemon is started with
ssh:daemon, the option lists in the function calls are also used.
If a client is started (ssh:connect et al), the environment variable client_options is used. Similarly for a daemon
the server_options variable is handled.
If any preferred_algorithms is present, the one with the highest level is used, that is, the Option list parameter has
the highest priority. Then the modify_algorithms on all levels in order starting with level 0 are applied.
We continue the example above by connecting to a server and modifying the kex algorithm set. We remove the only
one ('ecdh-sha2-nistp384') and add '[email protected]' by appending it to the now
empty list:
We check which algorithms are negotiated by the client and the server, and note that the (only) kex algorithm
'[email protected]' was selected:
{ssh, [{modify_algorithms,
[ {prepend, [{public_key, ['ssh-dss']}]} ]
A newly started erlang shell shows that no 'ssh-dss' is present in the public_key entry:
2> ssh:start().
3> {ok,C} = ssh:connect(loopback, 22,
[{public_key, ['ecdsa-sha2-nistp256']},
{kex, ['ecdh-sha2-nistp256']},
{cipher, ['[email protected]']},
{mac, ['hmac-sha2-256']},
{compression, [none]}
4> ssh:connection_info(C,algorithms).
{send_mac,'[email protected]'},
{recv_mac,'[email protected]'},
{encrypt,'[email protected]'},
{decrypt,'[email protected]'},
But 'ssh-dss' is selected although the call inserted only 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256' as acceptable.
This example showed that we could augment the set of algorithms with a config-file without the need to change the
actual call.
For demonstration purposes we used prepend instead of append. This forces the negotiation to select ssh-dss
since the the full list of public key algorithms was ['ssh-dss','ecdsa-sha2-nistp256']. Normally it is
safer to append a non-default algorithm.
How the different levels of configuration "interfer" with this, see the section Algorithm Configuration in the chapter
Configuration in SSH.
Due to this, it impossible to list in documentation what algorithms that are available in a certain installation.
There is an important command to list the actual algorithms and their ordering: ssh:default_algorithms/0.
0> ssh:default_algorithms().
{cipher,[{client2server,['[email protected]',
'aes256-ctr','aes192-ctr','[email protected]',
{server2client,['[email protected]','aes256-ctr',
'aes192-ctr','[email protected]','aes128-ctr',
{compression,[{client2server,[none,'[email protected]',zlib]},
{server2client,[none,'[email protected]',zlib]}]}]
To change the algorithm list, there are two options which can be used in ssh:connect/2,3,4 and ssh:daemon/2,3. The
options could of course be used in all other functions that initiates connections.
The options are preferred_algorithms and modify_algorithms. The first one replaces the default set, while the latter
modifies the default set.
Example 1
Replace the kex algorithms list with the single algorithm 'diffie-hellman-group14-sha256':
1> ssh:chk_algos_opts(
[{kex, ['diffie-hellman-group14-sha256']}
{cipher,[{client2server,['[email protected]',
'aes256-ctr','aes192-ctr','[email protected]',
{server2client,['[email protected]','aes256-ctr',
'aes192-ctr','[email protected]','aes128-ctr',
{compression,[{client2server,[none,'[email protected]',zlib]},
{server2client,[none,'[email protected]',zlib]}]}]
Note that the unmentioned lists (public_key, cipher, mac and compression) are un-changed.
Example 2
In the lists that are divided in two for the two directions (c.f cipher) it is possible to change both directions at once:
2> ssh:chk_algos_opts(
{compression,[{client2server,[none,'[email protected]',zlib]},
{server2client,[none,'[email protected]',zlib]}]}]
Note that both lists in cipher has been changed to the provided value ('aes128-ctr').
Example 3
In the lists that are divided in two for the two directions (c.f cipher) it is possible to change only one of the directions:
3> ssh:chk_algos_opts(
{server2client,['[email protected]','aes256-ctr',
'aes192-ctr','[email protected]','aes128-ctr',
{compression,[{client2server,[none,'[email protected]',zlib]},
{server2client,[none,'[email protected]',zlib]}]}]
Example 4
It is of course possible to change more than one list:
4> ssh:chk_algos_opts(
Note that the ordering of the tuples in the lists didn't matter.
To facilitate addition or removal of algorithms the option modify_algorithms is available. See the Reference
Manual for details.
The option takes a list with instructions to append, prepend or remove algorithms:
Each of the ... can be a algs_list() as the argument to the preferred_algorithms option.
Example 5
As an example let's add the Diffie-Hellman Group1 first in the kex list. It is supported according to Supported
5> ssh:chk_algos_opts(
{cipher,[{client2server,['[email protected]',
'aes256-ctr','aes192-ctr','[email protected]',
{server2client,['[email protected]','aes256-ctr',
'aes192-ctr','[email protected]','aes128-ctr',
{compression,[{client2server,[none,'[email protected]',zlib]},
{server2client,[none,'[email protected]',zlib]}]}]
And the result shows that the Diffie-Hellman Group1 is added at the head of the kex list
Example 6
In this example, we in put the 'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1' first and also move the 'ecdh-sha2-nistp521' to
the end in the kex list, that is, append it.
6> ssh:chk_algos_opts(
[{kex, ['diffie-hellman-group1-sha1']}
[{kex, ['ecdh-sha2-nistp521']}
Note that the appended algorithm is removed from its original place and then appended to the same list.
Example 7
In this example, we use both options (preferred_algorithms and modify_algorithms) and also try to
prepend an unsupported algorithm. Any unsupported algorithm is quietly removed.
7> ssh:chk_algos_opts(
[{kex, ['some unsupported algorithm']}
[{kex, ['diffie-hellman-group1-sha1']}
It is of course questionable why anyone would like to use the both these options together, but it is possible if an
unforeseen need should arise.
Example 8
In this example, we need to use a diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 key exchange algorithm although it is unsafe and disabled
by default.
We use the modify_algorithms option, because we want to keep all other algorithm definitions.
We add the option:
either to the Options list in a function call, in the file or in a .config file for the erl command. See the
chapter Configuration in SSH in the SSH User's Guide.
Example 9
In this example, we need to use a DSA key for sign and verify. It might be either as a user's key, a host's key or both.
To do that, we enable the 'ssh-dss' algorithm that is disabled by default by security reasons. We use the
modify_algorithms option, because we want to keep all other algorithm definitions.
We add the option:
either to the Options list in a function call, in the file or in a .config file for the erl command. See the
chapter Configuration in SSH in the SSH User's Guide.
1.6 Hardening
1.6.1 Introduction
The Erlang/OTP SSH application is intended to be used in other applications as a library.
Different applications using this library may have very different requirements. One application could be running on a
high performance server, while another is running on a small device with very limited cpu capacity. For example, the
first one may accept many users simultaneously logged in, while the second one wants to limit them to only one.
That simple example shows that it is impossible to deliver the SSH application with default values on hardening options
as well on other options that suites every need.
The purpose of this guide is to discuss the different hardening options available, as a guide to the reader. Configuration
in general is described in the Configuration in SSH chapter.
If set to false (the default value), only one login is handled at a time. If set to true, the number of simultaneous
login attempts are limited by the value of the max_sessions option.
If the client fails to send the first ssh message after a tcp connection setup within this time (in milliseconds),
the connection is closed. The default value is 30 seconds. This is actually a generous time, so it can lowered to
make the daemon less prone to DoS attacks.
Maximum time in milliseconds for the authentication negotiation counted from the TCP connection
establishment. If the client fails to log in within this time the connection is closed. The default value is 2
minutes. It is quite a long time, but can lowered if the client is supposed to be fast like if it is a program logging
Sets a time-out on a connection when no channels are left after closing the final one. It defaults to infinity.
Sets a time-out on a connection that will expire if no channel is opened on the connection. The timeout is
started when the authentication phase is completed. It defaults to infinity.
A figure clarifies when a timeout is started and when it triggers:
If a public key is used for logging in, there is normally no checking of the user name. It could be enabled by
setting the option pk_check_user to true. In that case the pwdfun will get the atom pubkey in the password
In the setup of the SSH connection a secret cipher key is generated by co-operation of the client and the server. Keeping
this key secret is crucial for keeping the communication secret. As time passes and encrypted messages are exchanged,
the probability that a listener could guess that key increases.
The SSH protocol therefore has a special operation defined - key re-negotiation or re-keying. Any side (client or server)
could initiate the re-keying and the result is a new cipher key. The result is that the eves-dropper has to restart its evil
and dirty craftmanship.
See the option rekey_limit for a description.
The id string
One way to reduce the risk of intrusion is to not convey which software and which version the intruder is connected
to. This limits the risk of an intruder exploiting known faults or peculiarities learned by reading the public code.
Each SSH client or daemon presents themselves to each other with brand and version. This may look like
SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.6p1 Ubuntu-4ubuntu0.3
This brand and version may be changed with the option id_string. We start a daemon with that option:
SSH-2.0-hi there
It is possible to replace the string with one randomly generated for each connection attempt. See the reference manual
for id_string.
2 Reference Manual
The ssh application is an Erlang implementation of the Secure Shell Protocol (SSH) as defined by RFC 4250 - 4254.
The ssh application is an implementation of the SSH protocol in Erlang. ssh offers API functions to write customized
SSH clients and servers as well as making the Erlang shell available over SSH. An SFTP client, ssh_sftp, and
server, ssh_sftpd, are also included.
The ssh application uses the applications public_key and crypto to handle public keys and encryption. Hence, these
applications must be loaded for the ssh application to work. The call ssh:start/0 will do the necessary calls to
application:start/1,2 before it starts the ssh itself.
The SSH application uses Configuration Parameters. Where to set them are described in config User's Guide with
SSH details in Configuration in SSH.
Some special configuration files from OpenSSH are also used:
• known_hosts
• authorized_keys
• authorized_keys2
• id_dsa (supported but disabled by default)
• id_rsa (SHA1 sign/verify are supported but disabled by default from OTP-24)
• id_ecdsa
• id_ed25519
• id_ed448
• ssh_host_dsa_key (supported but disabled by default)
• ssh_host_rsa_key (SHA1 sign/verify are supported but disabled by default from OTP-24)
• ssh_host_ecdsa_key
• ssh_host_ed25519_key
• ssh_host_ed448_key
By default, ssh looks for id_*, known_hosts, and authorized_keys in ~/.ssh, and for the ssh_host_*_key
files in /etc/ssh. These locations can be changed by the options user_dir and system_dir. More about where
to set them is described in Configuration in SSH.
Public key handling can also be customized through a callback module that implements the behaviors
ssh_client_key_api and ssh_server_key_api.
See also the default callback module documentation in ssh_file.
Disabled public key algorithms can be enabled with the preferred_algorithms or modify_algorithms options. See
Example 9 in Configuring algorithms in SSH for a description.
Public Keys
id_* are the users private key files. Notice that the public key is part of the private key so the ssh application does
not use the id_*.pub files. These are for the user's convenience when it is needed to convey the user's public key.
See ssh_file for details.
Known Hosts
The known_hosts file contains a list of approved servers and their public keys. Once a server is listed, it can be
verified without user interaction.
See ssh_file for details.
Authorized Keys
The authorized_key file keeps track of the user's authorized public keys. The most common use of this file is to
let users log in without entering their password, which is supported by the Erlang ssh daemon.
See ssh_file for details.
Host Keys
RSA, DSA (if enabled), ECDSA, ED25519 and ED448 host keys are supported and are expected to be found in files
named ssh_host_rsa_key, ssh_host_dsa_key, ssh_host_ecdsa_key, ssh_host_ed25519_key
and ssh_host_ed448_key.
See ssh_file for details.
The actual set of algorithms may vary depending on which OpenSSL crypto library that is installed on the machine.
For the list on a particular installation, use the command ssh:default_algorithms/0. The user may override the
default algorithm configuration both on the server side and the client side. See the options preferred_algorithms and
modify_algorithms in the ssh:daemon/1,2,3 and ssh:connect/3,4 functions.
Supported algorithms are (in the default order):
Key exchange algorithms
• ecdh-sha2-nistp384
• ecdh-sha2-nistp521
• ecdh-sha2-nistp256
• diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
• diffie-hellman-group16-sha512
• diffie-hellman-group18-sha512
• diffie-hellman-group14-sha256
• curve25519-sha256
• [email protected]
• curve448-sha512
The following unsecure SHA1 algorithms are now disabled by default:
• (diffie-hellman-group14-sha1)
• (diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1)
• (diffie-hellman-group1-sha1)
They can be enabled with the preferred_algorithms or modify_algorithms options. Use for example
the Option value {modify_algorithms, [{append, [{kex,['diffie-hellman-group1-
Public key algorithms
• ecdsa-sha2-nistp384
• ecdsa-sha2-nistp521
• ecdsa-sha2-nistp256
• ssh-ed25519
• ssh-ed448
• rsa-sha2-256
• rsa-sha2-512
The following unsecure SHA1 algorithms are supported but disabled by default:
• (ssh-dss)
• (ssh-rsa)
See Disabled public key algorithms can be enabled with the preferred_algorithms or modify_algorithms options.
See Example 9 in Configuring algorithms in SSH for a description.
MAC algorithms
• [email protected]
• [email protected]
• [email protected]
• hmac-sha2-256
• hmac-sha2-512
• hmac-sha1
The following unsecure SHA1 algorithm is disabled by default:
• (hmac-sha1-96)
It can be enabled with the preferred_algorithms or modify_algorithms options. Use for example the Option value
{modify_algorithms, [{append, [{mac,['hmac-sha1-96']}]}]})
Encryption algorithms (ciphers)
• [email protected]
• [email protected]
• aes256-ctr
• aes192-ctr
• [email protected]
• aes128-ctr
• aes256-cbc
• aes192-cbc
• aes128-cbc
• 3des-cbc
• (AEAD_AES_128_GCM, not enabled per default)
• (AEAD_AES_256_GCM, not enabled per default)
See the text at the description of the rfc 5647 further down for more information regarding AEAD_AES_*_GCM.
Following the internet de-facto standard, the cipher and mac algorithm AEAD_AES_128_GCM is selected when
the cipher [email protected] is negotiated. The cipher and mac algorithm AEAD_AES_256_GCM is
selected when the cipher [email protected] is negotiated.
Compression algorithms
• none
• [email protected]
• zlib
Unicode support
Unicode filenames are supported if the emulator and the underlying OS support it. See section DESCRIPTION in the
file manual page in Kernel for information about this subject.
The shell and the cli both support unicode.
The following rfc:s are supported:
• RFC 4251, The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol Architecture.
• 9.4.6 Host-Based Authentication
• 9.5.2 Proxy Forwarding
• 9.5.3 X11 Forwarding
• RFC 4252, The Secure Shell (SSH) Authentication Protocol.
• 9. Host-Based Authentication: "hostbased"
• RFC 4253, The Secure Shell (SSH) Transport Layer Protocol.
• 8.1. diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
• 6.6. Public Key Algorithms
• ssh-dss
• ssh-rsa
They are disabled by default as they now are regarded insecure, but they can be enabled with the
preferred_algorithms or modify_algorithms options. See Example 8 (diffie-hellman-group1-sha1) and Example
9 (ssh-dss) in Configuring algorithms in SSH for descriptions.
• RFC 4254, The Secure Shell (SSH) Connection Protocol.
• 6.3. X11 Forwarding
• 7. TCP/IP Port Forwarding
• RFC 4256, Generic Message Exchange Authentication for the Secure Shell Protocol (SSH).
• num-prompts > 1
• password changing
• other identification methods than userid-password
• RFC 4419, Diffie-Hellman Group Exchange for the Secure Shell (SSH) Transport Layer Protocol.
• 4.1. diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
It is disabled by defaultas as it now is regarded insecure, but it can be enabled with the preferred_algorithms or
modify_algorithms options.
• RFC 4716, The Secure Shell (SSH) Public Key File Format.
• RFC 5647, AES Galois Counter Mode for the Secure Shell Transport Layer Protocol.
There is an ambiguity in the synchronized selection of cipher and mac algorithm. This is resolved by OpenSSH
in the ciphers [email protected] and [email protected] which are implemented. If the explicit
ciphers and macs AEAD_AES_128_GCM or AEAD_AES_256_GCM are needed, they could be enabled with
the options preferred_algorithms or modify_algorithms.
If the client or the server is not Erlang/OTP, it is the users responsibility to check that other implementation
has the same interpretation of AEAD_AES_*_GCM as the Erlang/OTP SSH before enabling them. The aes*-
[email protected] variants are always safe to use since they lack the ambiguity.
Erlang module
This is the interface module for the SSH application. The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol is a protocol for secure remote
login and other secure network services over an insecure network. See ssh(6) for details of supported RFCs, versions,
algorithms and unicode handling.
With the SSH application it is possible to start clients and to start daemons (servers).
Clients are started with connect/2, connect/3 or connect/4. They open an encrypted connection on top of TCP/IP. In
that encrypted connection one or more channels could be opened with ssh_connection:session_channel/2,4.
Each channel is an isolated "pipe" between a client-side process and a server-side process. Those process pairs could
handle for example file transfers (sftp) or remote command execution (shell, exec and/or cli). If a custom shell is
implemented, the user of the client could execute the special commands remotely. Note that the user is not necessarily
a human but probably a system interfacing the SSH app.
A server-side subssystem (channel) server is requested by the client with ssh_connection:subsystem/4.
A server (daemon) is started with daemon/1, daemon/2 or daemon/3. Possible channel handlers (subsystems) are
declared with the subsystem option when the daemon is started.
To just run a shell on a remote machine, there are functions that bundles the needed three steps needed into one:
shell/1,2,3. Similarly, to just open an sftp (file transfer) connection to a remote machine, the simplest way is to use
To write your own client channel handler, use the behaviour ssh_client_channel. For server channel handlers use
ssh_server_channel behaviour (replaces ssh_daemon_channel).
Both clients and daemons accepts options that controls the exact behaviour. Some options are common to both. The
three sets are called Client Options, Daemon Options and Common Options.
The descriptions of the options uses the Erlang Type Language with explaining text.
The User's Guide has examples and a Getting Started section.
The keys are by default stored in files:
• Mandatory: one or more Host key(s), both private and public. Default is to store them in the directory /etc/
ssh in the files
• ssh_host_dsa_key and
• ssh_host_rsa_key and
• ssh_host_ecdsa_key and
The host keys directory could be changed with the option system_dir.
• Optional: one or more User's public key in case of publickey authorization. Default is to store them
concatenated in the file .ssh/authorized_keys in the user's home directory.
The user keys directory could be changed with the option user_dir.
The keys and some other data are by default stored in files in the directory .ssh in the user's home directory.
The directory could be changed with the option user_dir.
• Optional: a list of Host public key(s) for previously connected hosts. This list is handled by the SSH application
without any need of user assistance. The default is to store them in the file known_hosts.
The host_accepting_client_options() are associated with this list of keys.
• Optional: one or more User's private key(s) in case of publickey authorization. The default files are
• id_dsa and
• id_rsa and
• id_ecdsa and
Data Types
Client Options
client_options() = [client_option()]
client_option() =
ssh_file:pubkey_passphrase_client_options() |
host_accepting_client_options() |
authentication_client_options() |
diffie_hellman_group_exchange_client_option() |
connect_timeout_client_option() |
recv_ext_info_client_option() |
opaque_client_options() |
gen_tcp:connect_option() |
Options for clients. The individual options are further explained below or by following the hyperlinks.
Note that not every gen_tcp:connect_option() is accepted. See set_sock_opts/2 for a list of prohibited options.
Also note that setting a gen_tcp:connect_option() could change the socket in a way that impacts the ssh client's
behaviour negatively. You use it on your own risk.
host_accepting_client_options() =
{silently_accept_hosts, accept_hosts()} |
{user_interaction, boolean()} |
{save_accepted_host, boolean()} |
{quiet_mode, boolean()}
accept_hosts() =
boolean() |
accept_callback() |
{HashAlgoSpec :: fp_digest_alg(), accept_callback()}
fp_digest_alg() = md5 | crypto:sha1() | crypto:sha2()
accept_callback() =
fun((PeerName :: string(), fingerprint()) -> boolean()) |
fun((PeerName :: string(),
Port :: inet:port_number(),
fingerprint()) ->
fingerprint() = string() | [string()]
This option guides the connect function on how to act when the connected server presents a Host Key that the
client has not seen before. The default is to ask the user with a question on stdio of whether to accept or reject the
new Host Key. See the option user_dir for specifying the path to the file known_hosts where previously
accepted Host Keys are recorded. See also the option key_cb for the general way to handle keys.
The option can be given in three different forms as seen above:
The value is a boolean(). The value true will make the client accept any unknown Host Key without
any user interaction. The value false preserves the default behaviour of asking the user on stdio.
• An accept_callback() will be called and the boolean return value true will make the client accept
the Host Key. A return value of false will make the client to reject the Host Key and as a result the
connection will be closed. The arguments to the fun are:
• PeerName - a string with the name or address of the remote host.
• FingerPrint - the fingerprint of the Host Key as hostkey_fingerprint/1 calculates it.
• A tuple {HashAlgoSpec, accept_callback}. The HashAlgoSpec specifies which hash
algorithm shall be used to calculate the fingerprint used in the call of the accept_callback(). The
HashALgoSpec is either an atom or a list of atoms as the first argument in hostkey_fingerprint/2. If it is
a list of hash algorithm names, the FingerPrint argument in the accept_callback() will be a list
of fingerprints in the same order as the corresponding name in the HashAlgoSpec list.
If false, disables the client to connect to the server if any user interaction is needed, such as accepting the server
to be added to the known_hosts file, or supplying a password.
Even if user interaction is allowed it can be suppressed by other options, such as silently_accept_hosts
and password. However, those options are not always desirable to use from a security point of view.
Defaults to true.
If true, the client saves an accepted host key to avoid the accept question the next time the same host is
connected. If the option key_cb is not present, the key is saved in the file "known_hosts". See option user_dir
for the location of that file.
If false, the key is not saved and the key will still be unknown at the next access of the same host.
Defaults to true
If true, the client does not print anything on authorization.
Defaults to false
authentication_client_options() =
Data Types
Daemon Options (Server Options)
daemon_options() = [daemon_option()]
daemon_option() =
subsystem_daemon_option() |
shell_daemon_option() |
exec_daemon_option() |
ssh_cli_daemon_option() |
tcpip_tunnel_out_daemon_option() |
tcpip_tunnel_in_daemon_option() |
authentication_daemon_options() |
diffie_hellman_group_exchange_daemon_option() |
max_initial_idle_time_daemon_option() |
negotiation_timeout_daemon_option() |
hello_timeout_daemon_option() |
hardening_daemon_options() |
callbacks_daemon_options() |
send_ext_info_daemon_option() |
opaque_daemon_options() |
gen_tcp:listen_option() |
Options for daemons. The individual options are further explained below or by following the hyperlinks.
Note that not every gen_tcp:listen_option() is accepted. See set_sock_opts/2 for a list of prohibited options.
Also note that setting a gen_tcp:listen_option() could change the socket in a way that impacts the ssh deamon's
behaviour negatively. You use it on your own risk.
subsystem_daemon_option() = {subsystems, subsystem_specs()}
subsystem_specs() = [subsystem_spec()]
subsystem_spec() = {Name :: string(), mod_args()}
Defines a subsystem in the daemon.
The subsystem_name is the name that a client requests to start with for example ssh_connection:subsystem/4.
The channel_callback is the module that implements the ssh_server_channel (replaces ssh_daemon_channel)
behaviour in the daemon. See the section Creating a Subsystem in the User's Guide for more information and an
If the subsystems option is not present, the value of ssh_sftpd:subsystem_spec([]) is used. This enables the
sftp subsystem by default. The option can be set to the empty list if you do not want the daemon to run any subsystems.
shell_daemon_option() = {shell, shell_spec()}
shell_spec() = mod_fun_args() | shell_fun() | disabled
shell_fun() = 'shell_fun/1'() | 'shell_fun/2'()
'shell_fun/1'() = fun((User :: string()) -> pid())
'shell_fun/2'() =
fun((User :: string(), PeerAddr :: inet:ip_address()) -> pid())
Defines the read-eval-print loop used in a daemon when a shell is requested by the client. The default is to use the
Erlang shell: {shell, start, []}
See the option exec-option for a description of how the daemon executes shell-requests and exec-requests
depending on the shell- and exec-options.
exec_daemon_option() = {exec, exec_spec()}
exec_spec() =
{direct, exec_fun()} | disabled | deprecated_exec_opt()
exec_fun() = 'exec_fun/1'() | 'exec_fun/2'() | 'exec_fun/3'()
'exec_fun/1'() = fun((Cmd :: string()) -> exec_result())
'exec_fun/2'() =
fun((Cmd :: string(), User :: string()) -> exec_result())
'exec_fun/3'() =
fun((Cmd :: string(),
User :: string(),
ClientAddr :: ip_port()) ->
exec_result() =
{ok, Result :: term()} | {error, Reason :: term()}
This option changes how the daemon executes exec-requests from clients. The term in the return value is formatted to
a string if it is a non-string type. No trailing newline is added in the ok-case.
See the User's Guide section on One-Time Execution for examples.
Error texts are returned on channel-type 1 which usually is piped to stderr on e.g Linux systems. Texts from a
successful execution are returned on channel-type 0 and will in similar manner be piped to stdout. The exit-status
code is set to 0 for success and 255 for errors. The exact results presented on the client side depends on the client
and the client's operating system.
In case of the {direct, exec_fun()} variant or no exec-option at all, all reads from standard_input will
be from the received data-events of type 0. Those are sent by the client. Similarly all writes to standard_output
will be sent as data-events to the client. An OS shell client like the command 'ssh' will usually use stdin and stdout
for the user interface.
The option cooperates with the daemon-option shell in the following way:
1. If neither the exec-option nor the shell-option is present:
The default Erlang evaluator is used both for exec and shell requests. The result is returned to the client.
2. If the exec_spec's value is disabled (the shell-option may or may not be present):
No exec-requests are executed but shell-requests are not affected, they follow the shell_spec's value.
3. If the exec-option is present and the exec_spec value =/= disabled (the shell-option may or may
not be present):
The exec_spec fun() is called with the same number of parameters as the arity of the fun, and the result is
returned to the client. Shell-requests are not affected, they follow the shell_spec's value.
4. If the exec-option is absent, and the shell-option is present with the default Erlang shell as the
shell_spec's value:
The default Erlang evaluator is used both for exec and shell requests. The result is returned to the client.
5. If the exec-option is absent, and the shell-option is present with a value that is neither the default
Erlang shell nor the value disabled:
The exec-request is not evaluated and an error message is returned to the client. Shell-requests are executed
according to the value of the shell_spec.
6. If the exec-option is absent, and the shell_spec's value is disabled:
Exec requests are executed by the default shell, but shell-requests are not executed.
If a custom CLI is installed (see the option ssh_cli) the rules above are replaced by thoose implied by the custom
The exec-option has existed for a long time but has not previously been documented. The old definition and
behaviour are retained but obey the rules 1-6 above if conflicting. The old and undocumented style should not be
used in new programs.
Note that this is very insecure due to the plain-text passwords; it is intended for test purposes. Use the pwdfun
option to handle the password checking instead.
Enables checking of the client's user name in the server when doing public key authentication. It is disabled by
The term "user" is used differently in OpenSSH and SSH in Erlang/OTP: see more in the User's Guide.
If the option is enabled, and no pwdfun is present, the user name must present in the user_passwords for the
check to succeed but the value of the password is not checked.
In case of a pwdfun checking the user, the atom pubkey is put in the password argument.
Provides a global password that authenticates any user.
Intended to facilitate testing.
From a security perspective this option makes the server very vulnerable.
{max_initial_idle_time, timeout()}
Maximum time in milliseconds for the first channel start after completion of the authentication negotiation. Defaults
to infinity.
For more information about timeouts, see the Timeouts section in the User's Guide Hardening chapter.
hardening_daemon_options() =
{max_sessions, integer() >= 1} |
{max_channels, integer() >= 1} |
{parallel_login, boolean()} |
{minimal_remote_max_packet_size, integer() >= 1}
For more information about hardening, see the Hardening section in the User's Guide chapter.
The maximum number of simultaneous sessions that are accepted at any time for this daemon. This includes
sessions that are being authorized. Thus, if set to N, and N clients have connected but not started the login process,
connection attempt N+1 is aborted. If N connections are authenticated and still logged in, no more logins are
accepted until one of the existing ones log out.
The counter is per listening port. Thus, if two daemons are started, one with {max_sessions,N} and the other
with {max_sessions,M}, in total N+M connections are accepted for the whole ssh application.
Notice that if parallel_login is false, only one client at a time can be in the authentication phase.
By default, this option is not set. This means that the number is not limited.
The maximum number of channels with active remote subsystem that are accepted for each connection to this
By default, this option is not set. This means that the number is not limited.
If set to false (the default value), only one login is handled at a time. If set to true, an unlimited number of login
attempts are allowed simultaneously.
If the max_sessions option is set to N and parallel_login is set to true, the maximum number of
simultaneous login attempts at any time is limited to N-K, where K is the number of authenticated connections
present at this daemon.
Do not enable parallel_logins without protecting the server by other means, for example, by the
max_sessions option or a firewall configuration. If set to true, there is no protection against DOS attacks.
The least maximum packet size that the daemon will accept in channel open requests from the client. The default
value is 0.
callbacks_daemon_options() =
fun((User :: string(),
PeerAddress :: inet:ip_address(),
Reason :: term()) ->
term())} |
fun((User :: string(),
PeerAddress :: inet:ip_address(),
Method :: string()) ->
Provides a fun to implement your own logging when a user authenticates to the server.
Provides a fun to implement your own logging when a user fails to authenticate.
send_ext_info_daemon_option() = {send_ext_info, boolean()}
Make the server (daemon) tell the client that the server accepts extension negotiation, that is, include ext-info-s
in the kexinit message sent. See RFC 8308 for details and ssh(6) for a list of currently implemented extensions.
Default value is true which is compatible with other implementations not supporting ext-info.
tcpip_tunnel_in_daemon_option() = {tcpip_tunnel_in, boolean()}
Enables (true) or disables (false) the possibility to tunnel a TCP/IP connection in to a server. Disabled per default.
tcpip_tunnel_out_daemon_option() =
{tcpip_tunnel_out, boolean()}
Enables (true) or disables (false) the possibility to tunnel a TCP/IP connection out of a server. Disabled per default.
Data Types
Options common to clients and daemons
common_options() = [common_option()]
common_option() =
ssh_file:user_dir_common_option() |
profile_common_option() |
max_idle_time_common_option() |
max_log_item_len_common_option() |
key_cb_common_option() |
disconnectfun_common_option() |
unexpectedfun_common_option() |
ssh_msg_debug_fun_common_option() |
rekey_limit_common_option() |
id_string_common_option() |
pref_public_key_algs_common_option() |
preferred_algorithms_common_option() |
modify_algorithms_common_option() |
auth_methods_common_option() |
inet_common_option() |
The options above can be used both in clients and in daemons (servers). They are further explained below.
profile_common_option() = {profile, atom()}
Used together with ip-address and port to uniquely identify a ssh daemon. This can be useful in a virtualized
environment, where there can be more that one server that has the same ip-address and port. If this property is
not explicitly set, it is assumed that the the ip-address and port uniquely identifies the SSH daemon.
Module:F(..., [{key_cb_private,Opts}|UserOptions])
where ... are arguments to F as in ssh_client_key_api and/or ssh_server_key_api. The UserOptions are the
options given to ssh:connect, ssh:shell or ssh:daemon.
pref_public_key_algs_common_option() =
{pref_public_key_algs, [pubkey_alg()]}
List of user (client) public key algorithms to try to use.
The default value is the public_key entry in the list returned by ssh:default_algorithms/0.
If there is no public key of a specified type available, the corresponding entry is ignored. Note that the available set
is dependent on the underlying cryptolib and current user's public keys.
See also the option user_dir for specifying the path to the user's keys.
disconnectfun_common_option() =
{disconnectfun, fun((Reason :: term()) -> void | any())}
Provides a fun to implement your own logging or other handling at disconnects.
unexpectedfun_common_option() =
fun((Message :: term(), {Host :: term(), Port :: term()}) ->
report | skip)}
Provides a fun to implement your own logging or other action when an unexpected message arrives. If the fun returns
report the usual info report is issued but if skip is returned no report is generated.
ssh_msg_debug_fun_common_option() =
AlwaysDisplay :: boolean(),
Msg :: binary(),
LanguageTag :: binary()) ->
Provide a fun to implement your own logging of the SSH message SSH_MSG_DEBUG. The last three parameters
are from the message, see RFC 4253, section 11.3. The connection_ref() is the reference to the connection on
which the message arrived. The return value from the fun is not checked.
The default behaviour is ignore the message. To get a printout for each message with AlwaysDisplay = true,
use for example {ssh_msg_debug_fun, fun(_,true,M,_)-> io:format("DEBUG: ~p~n", [M])
id_string_common_option() =
string() |
random |
{random, Nmin :: integer() >= 1, Nmax :: integer() >= 1}}
The string the daemon will present to a connecting peer initially. The default value is "Erlang/VSN" where VSN is
the ssh application version number.
The value random will cause a random string to be created at each connection attempt. This is to make it a bit more
difficult for a malicious peer to find the ssh software brand and version.
The value {random, Nmin, Nmax} will make a random string with at least Nmin characters and at most Nmax
preferred_algorithms_common_option() =
{preferred_algorithms, algs_list()}
algs_list() = [alg_entry()]
alg_entry() =
{kex, [kex_alg()]} |
{public_key, [pubkey_alg()]} |
{cipher, double_algs(cipher_alg())} |
{mac, double_algs(mac_alg())} |
{compression, double_algs(compression_alg())}
kex_alg() =
'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1' |
'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256' |
'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1' | 'diffie-hellman-group14-sha1' |
'diffie-hellman-group14-sha256' |
'diffie-hellman-group16-sha512' |
'diffie-hellman-group18-sha512' | 'curve25519-sha256' |
'[email protected]' | 'curve448-sha512' |
'ecdh-sha2-nistp256' | 'ecdh-sha2-nistp384' |
pubkey_alg() =
'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256' | 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384' |
'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521' | 'ssh-ed25519' | 'ssh-ed448' |
'rsa-sha2-256' | 'rsa-sha2-512' | 'ssh-dss' | 'ssh-rsa'
cipher_alg() =
'3des-cbc' | 'AEAD_AES_128_GCM' | 'AEAD_AES_256_GCM' |
'aes128-cbc' | 'aes128-ctr' | '[email protected]' |
'aes192-ctr' | 'aes192-cbc' | 'aes256-cbc' | 'aes256-ctr' |
'[email protected]' | '[email protected]'
mac_alg() =
'AEAD_AES_128_GCM' | 'AEAD_AES_256_GCM' | 'hmac-sha1' |
'[email protected]' | 'hmac-sha1-96' |
'hmac-sha2-256' | 'hmac-sha2-512' |
'[email protected]' |
'[email protected]'
compression_alg() = none | zlib | '[email protected]'
double_algs(AlgType) =
[{client2server, [AlgType]} | {server2client, [AlgType]}] |
List of algorithms to use in the algorithm negotiation. The default algs_list() can be obtained from
If an alg_entry() is missing in the algs_list(), the default value is used for that entry.
Here is an example of this option:
The example specifies different algorithms in the two directions (client2server and server2client), for cipher but
specifies the same algorithms for mac and compression in both directions. The kex (key exchange) is implicit but
public_key is set explicitly.
For background and more examples see the User's Guide.
If an algorithm name occurs more than once in a list, the behaviour is undefined. The tags in the property lists are
also assumed to occur at most one time.
Changing the values can make a connection less secure. Do not change unless you know exactly what you are
doing. If you do not understand the values then you are not supposed to change them.
modify_algorithms_common_option() =
{modify_algorithms, modify_algs_list()}
modify_algs_list() =
[{append, algs_list()} |
{prepend, algs_list()} |
{rm, algs_list()}]
Modifies the list of algorithms to use in the algorithm negotiation. The modifications are applied after the option
preferred_algorithms (if existing) is applied.
The algorithm for modifications works like this:
• Input is the modify_algs_list() and a set of algorithms A obtained from the preferred_algorithms
option if existing, or else from the ssh:default_algorithms/0.
• The head of the modify_algs_list() modifies A giving the result A'.
The possible modifications are:
• Append or prepend supported but not enabled algorithm(s) to the list of algorithms. If the wanted algorithms
already are in A they will first be removed and then appended or prepended,
• Remove (rm) one or more algorithms from A.
• Repeat the modification step with the tail of modify_algs_list() and the resulting A'.
If an unsupported algorithm is in the modify_algs_list(), it will be silently ignored
If there are more than one modify_algorithms options, the result is undefined.
Here is an example of this option:
[{prepend, [{kex, ['diffie-hellman-group1-sha1']}],
{rm, [{compression, [none]}]}
Data Types
Other data types
host() = string() | inet:ip_address() | loopback
ip_port() = {inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number()}
mod_args() = {Module :: atom(), Args :: list()}
mod_fun_args() =
{Module :: atom(), Function :: atom(), Args :: list()}
open_socket() = gen_tcp:socket()
The socket is supposed to be result of a gen_tcp:connect or a gen_tcp:accept. The socket must be in passive mode
(that is, opened with the option {active,false}).
Opaque data type representing a daemon.
Returned by the functions daemon/1,2,3.
Opaque data type representing a connection between a client and a server (daemon).
Returned by the functions connect/2,3,4 and ssh_sftp:start_channel/2,3.
Opaque data type representing a channel inside a connection.
Returned by the functions ssh_connection:session_channel/2,4.
connection_info_tuple() =
{client_version, version()} |
{server_version, version()} |
{user, string()} |
{peer, {inet:hostname(), ip_port()}} |
{sockname, ip_port()} |
{options, client_options()} |
{algorithms, conn_info_algs()} |
{channels, conn_info_channels()}
version() = {protocol_version(), software_version()}
protocol_version() =
{Major :: integer() >= 1, Minor :: integer() >= 0}
software_version() = string()
conn_info_algs() =
[{kex, kex_alg()} |
{hkey, pubkey_alg()} |
{encrypt, cipher_alg()} |
{decrypt, cipher_alg()} |
{send_mac, mac_alg()} |
{recv_mac, mac_alg()} |
{compress, compression_alg()} |
{decompress, compression_alg()} |
{send_ext_info, boolean()} |
{recv_ext_info, boolean()}]
conn_info_channels() = [proplists:proplist()]
Return values from the connection_info/1 and connection_info/2 functions.
In the option info tuple are only the options included that differs from the default values.
daemon_info_tuple() =
{port, inet:port_number()} |
{ip, inet:ip_address()} |
{profile, atom()} |
{options, daemon_options()}
Return values from the daemon_info/1 and daemon_info/2 functions.
In the option info tuple are only the options included that differs from the default values.
Opaque types that define experimental options that are not to be used in products.
ConnectionRef = connection_ref()
ItemList = [Item]
Item =
client_version | server_version | user | peer | sockname |
options | algorithms | sockname
InfoTupleList = [InfoTuple]
InfoTuple = connection_info_tuple()
Returns information about a connection intended for e.g debugging or logging.
When the Key is a single Item, the result is a single InfoTuple
This is an extremely dangerous function. You use it on your own risk.
Some options are OS and OS version dependent. Do not use it unless you know what effect your option values
will have on an TCP stream.
Some values may destroy the functionality of the SSH protocol.
Port = integer()
TcpSocket = open_socket()
Options = daemon_options()
HostAddress = host() | any
Result = {ok, daemon_ref()} | {error, atom()}
Starts a server listening for SSH connections on the given port. If the Port is 0, a random free port is selected. See
daemon_info/1 about how to find the selected port number.
As an alternative, an already open TCP socket could be passed to the function in TcpSocket. The SSH initiation
and negotiation will be initiated on that one when an SSH starts at the other end of the TCP socket.
For a description of the options, see Daemon Options.
Please note that by historical reasons both the HostAddress argument and the gen_tcp connect_option()
{ip,Address} set the listening address. This is a source of possible inconsistent settings.
The rules for handling the two address passing options are:
• if HostAddress is an IP-address, that IP-address is the listening address. An 'ip'-option will be discarded if
• if HostAddress is the atom loopback, the listening address is loopback and an loopback address will be
chosen by the underlying layers. An 'ip'-option will be discarded if present.
• if HostAddress is the atom any and no 'ip'-option is present, the listening address is any and the socket will
listen to all addresses
• if HostAddress is any and an 'ip'-option is present, the listening address is set to the value of the 'ip'-option
In the final phase of this function, the listening process is restarted. Therfore a connection attempt to the daemon
in this final phase could fail.
The handling of Erlang configurations is described in the User's Guide; see chapters Configuration in SSH and
Configuring algorithms in SSH.
daemon_info(DaemonRef) ->
{ok, InfoTupleList} | {error, bad_daemon_ref}
daemon_info(DaemonRef, Key :: ItemList | Item) ->
InfoTupleList | InfoTuple | {error, bad_daemon_ref}
DaemonRef = daemon_ref()
ItemList = [Item]
Item = ip | port | profile | options
InfoTupleList = [InfoTuple]
InfoTuple = daemon_info_tuple()
Returns information about a daemon intended for e.g debugging or logging.
When the Key is a single Item, the result is a single InfoTuple
Note that daemon_info/1 and daemon_info/2 returns different types due to compatibility reasons.
stop_daemon(Address :: any | inet:ip_address(),
Port :: inet:port_number(),
Profile :: atom()) ->
Stops the listener and all connections started by the listener.
ConnectionRef = connection_ref()
ListenHost = host()
ListenPort = inet:port_number()
ConnectToHost = host()
ConnectToPort = inet:port_number()
Timeout = timeout()
TrueListenPort = inet:port_number()
Tells the local client to listen to ListenHost:ListenPort. When someone connects to that address, the
connection is forwarded in an encrypted channel to the peer server of ConnectionRef. That server then connects
to ConnectToHost:ConnectToPort.
The returned TrueListenPort is the port that is listened to. It is the same as ListenPort, except when
ListenPort = 0. In that case a free port is selected by the underlying OS.
Note that in case of an Erlang/OTP SSH server (daemon) as peer, that server must have been started with the option
tcpip_tunnel_in to allow the connection.
2> ssh:hostkey_fingerprint(Key).
3> ssh:hostkey_fingerprint(md5,Key).
4> ssh:hostkey_fingerprint(sha,Key).
5> ssh:hostkey_fingerprint(sha256,Key).
6> ssh:hostkey_fingerprint([sha,sha256],Key).
Erlang module
This module replaces ssh_channel.
The old module is still available for compatibility, but should not be used for new programs. The old module will
not be maintained except for some error corrections
SSH services (clients and servers) are implemented as channels that are multiplexed over an SSH connection and
communicates over the SSH Connection Protocol. This module provides a callback API that takes care of generic
channel aspects for clients, such as flow control and close messages. It lets the callback functions take care of the
service (application) specific parts. This behavior also ensures that the channel process honors the principal of an OTP-
process so that it can be part of a supervisor tree. This is a requirement of channel processes implementing a subsystem
that will be added to the ssh applications supervisor tree.
When implementing a ssh subsystem for daemons, use -behaviour(ssh_server_channel) (Replaces
ssh_daemon_channel) instead.
Functions in this module are not supposed to be called outside a module implementing this behaviour!
Msg = term()
Sends an asynchronous message to the channel process and returns ok immediately, ignoring if the destination node
or channel process does not exist. The channel calls Module:handle_cast/2 to handle the message.
enter_loop(State) -> _
State = term()
as returned by init/1
Makes an existing process an ssh_client_channel (replaces ssh_channel) process. Does not return, instead
the calling process enters the ssh_client_channel (replaces ssh_channel) process receive loop and become an
ssh_client_channel process. The process must have been started using one of the start functions in proc_lib,
see the proc_lib(3) manual page in STDLIB. The user is responsible for any initialization of the process and must
call init/1.
This function is normally not called by the user. The user only needs to call if the channel process needs to be
started with help of proc_lib instead of calling start/4 or start_link/4.
Soft upgrade according to the OTP release concept is not straight forward for the server side, as subsystem channel
processes are spawned by the ssh application and hence added to its supervisor tree. The subsystem channels can
be upgraded when upgrading the user application, if the callback functions can handle two versions of the state,
but this function cannot be used in the normal way.
Erlang module
This module replaces ssh_daemon_channel.
The old module is still available for compatibility, but should not be used for new programs. The old module will
not be maintained except for some error corrections
SSH services (clients and servers) are implemented as channels that are multiplexed over an SSH connection and
communicates over the SSH Connection Protocol. This module provides a callback API that takes care of generic
channel aspects for daemons, such as flow control and close messages. It lets the callback functions take care of the
service (application) specific parts. This behavior also ensures that the channel process honors the principal of an OTP-
process so that it can be part of a supervisor tree. This is a requirement of channel processes implementing a subsystem
that will be added to the ssh applications supervisor tree.
When implementing a client subsystem handler, use -behaviour(ssh_client_channel) instead.
Erlang module
The SSH Connection Protocol is used by clients and servers, that is, SSH channels, to communicate over the SSH
connection. The API functions in this module send SSH Connection Protocol events, which are received as messages
by the remote channel handling the remote channel. The Erlang format of thoose messages is (see also below):
{ssh_cm, ssh:connection_ref(), channel_msg()}
If the ssh_client_channel behavior is used to implement the channel process, these messages are handled by
Data Types
ssh_data_type_code() = integer() >= 0
The valid values are 0 ("normal") and 1 ("stderr"), see RFC 4254, Section 5.2.
result() = req_status() | {error, reason()}
reason() = closed | timeout
The result of a call.
If the request reached the peer, was handled and the response reached the requesting node the req_status() is the status
reported from the peer.
If not, the reason() indicates what went wrong:
indicates that the channel or connection was closed when trying to send the request
indicates that the operation exceeded a time limit
req_status() = success | failure
The status of a request. Corresponds to the SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS and SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE
values in RFC 4254, Section 5.4.
Data Types
SSH Connection Protocol: General
event() = {ssh_cm, ssh:connection_ref(), channel_msg()}
channel_msg() =
data_ch_msg() |
eof_ch_msg() |
closed_ch_msg() |
pty_ch_msg() |
env_ch_msg() |
shell_ch_msg() |
exec_ch_msg() |
signal_ch_msg() |
window_change_ch_msg() |
exit_status_ch_msg() |
As mentioned in the introduction, the SSH Connection Protocol events are handled as messages. When writing a
channel handling process without using the support by the ssh_client_channel behavior the process must handle thoose
want_reply() = boolean()
Messages that include a WantReply expect the channel handling process to call ssh_connection:reply_request/4 with
the boolean value of WantReply as the second argument.
Data Types
Data Transfer (RFC 4254, section 5.2)
data_ch_msg() =
Data :: binary()}
Data has arrived on the channel. This event is sent as a result of calling ssh_connection:send/[3,4,5].
Data Types
Closing a Channel (RFC 4254, section 5.3)
eof_ch_msg() = {eof, ssh:channel_id()}
Indicates that the other side sends no more data. This event is sent as a result of calling ssh_connection:send_eof/2.
closed_ch_msg() = {closed, ssh:channel_id()}
This event is sent as a result of calling ssh_connection:close/2. Both the handling of this event and sending it are taken
care of by the ssh_client_channel behavior.
Data Types
Requesting a Pseudo-Terminal (RFC 4254, section 6.2)
pty_ch_msg() =
{Terminal :: string(),
CharWidth :: integer() >= 0,
RowHeight :: integer() >= 0,
PixelWidth :: integer() >= 0,
PixelHeight :: integer() >= 0,
TerminalModes :: [term_mode()]}}
term_mode() =
{Opcode :: atom() | byte(), Value :: integer() >= 0}
A pseudo-terminal has been requested for the session. Terminal is the value of the TERM environment variable
value, that is, vt100. Zero dimension parameters must be ignored. The character/row dimensions override the
pixel dimensions (when non-zero). Pixel dimensions refer to the drawable area of the window. Opcode in the
TerminalModes list is the mnemonic name, represented as a lowercase Erlang atom, defined in RFC 4254, Section
8. It can also be an Opcode if the mnemonic name is not listed in the RFC. Example: OP code: 53, mnemonic
name ECHO erlang atom: echo. This event is sent as a result of calling ssh_connection:ptty_alloc/4.
Data Types
Environment Variable Passing (RFC 4254, section 6.4)
env_ch_msg() =
Var :: string(),
Value :: string()}
Environment variables can be passed to the shell/command to be started later. This event is sent as a result of calling
Data Types
Starting a Shell or Command (RFC 4254, section 6.5)
shell_ch_msg() = {shell, ssh:channel_id(), want_reply()}
This message requests that the user default shell is started at the other end. This event is sent as a result of calling
exec_ch_msg() =
{exec, ssh:channel_id(), want_reply(), Command :: string()}
This message requests that the server starts execution of the given command. This event is sent as a result of calling
ssh_connection:exec/4 .
Data Types
Window Dimension Change Message (RFC 4254, section 6.7)
window_change_ch_msg() =
CharWidth :: integer() >= 0,
RowHeight :: integer() >= 0,
PixelWidth :: integer() >= 0,
PixelHeight :: integer() >= 0}
When the window (terminal) size changes on the client side, it can send a message to the server side to inform it of
the new dimensions. No API function generates this event.
Data Types
Signals (RFC 4254, section 6.9)
signal_ch_msg() =
{signal, ssh:channel_id(), SignalName :: string()}
A signal can be delivered to the remote process/service using the following message. Some systems do not support
signals, in which case they are to ignore this message. There is currently no function to generate this event as the
signals referred to are on OS-level and not something generated by an Erlang program.
Data Types
Returning Exit Status (RFC 4254, section 6.10)
exit_status_ch_msg() =
ExitStatus :: integer() >= 0}
When the command running at the other end terminates, the following message can be sent to return the exit status
of the command. A zero exit_status usually means that the command terminated successfully. This event is sent
as a result of calling ssh_connection:exit_status/3.
exit_signal_ch_msg() =
ExitSignal :: string(),
ErrorMsg :: string(),
LanguageString :: string()}
A remote execution can terminate violently because of a signal. Then this message can be received. For details on
valid string values, see RFC 4254 Section 6.10, which shows a special case of these signals.
Channels implemented with the ssh_client_channel behavior do not normally need to call this function as flow
control is handled by the behavior. The behavior adjusts the window every time the callback handle_ssh_msg/2
returns after processing channel data.
This function is called by the ssh_client_channel behavior when the channel is terminated, see
ssh_client_channel(3). Thus, channels implemented with the behavior are not to call this function explicitly.
{width, integer()}
Defaults to 80 if pixel_width is not defined.
{height, integer()}
Defaults to 24 if pixel_height is not defined.
{pixel_width, integer()}
Is disregarded if width is defined.
{pixel_height, integer()}
Is disregarded if height is defined.
{pty_opts, [{posix_atom(), integer()}]}
Option can be an empty list. Otherwise, see possible POSIX names in Section 8 in RFC 4254.
Erlang module
Behavior describing the API for public key handling of an SSH client. By implementing the callbacks defined in this
behavior, the public key handling of an SSH client can be customized. By default the ssh application implements this
behavior with help of the standard OpenSSH files, see the ssh(6) application manual.
Data Types
client_key_cb_options(T) =
[{key_cb_private, [T]} | ssh:client_option()]
Options provided to ssh:connect/[3,4].
The option list given in the key_cb option is available with the key key_cb_private.
The OTP/SSH application first calls this function in the callback module, and then the old
Module:add_host_key/3 for compatibility.
The private key contains the public key.
Erlang module
Behaviour describing the API for public key handling of an SSH server. By implementing the callbacks defined in this
behavior, the public key handling of an SSH server can be customized. By default the SSH application implements
this behavior with help of the standard OpenSSH files, see the ssh(6) application manual.
Data Types
daemon_key_cb_options(T) =
[{key_cb_private, [T]} | ssh:daemon_option()]
Options provided to ssh:daemon/2,3.
The option list given in the key_cb option is available with the key key_cb_private.
Erlang module
This module is the default callback handler for the client's and the server's user and host "database" operations. All
data, for instance key pairs, are stored in files in the normal file system. This page documents the files, where they are
stored and configuration options for this callback module.
The intention is to be compatible with the OpenSSH storage in files. Therefore it mimics directories and filenames
of OpenSSH.
Ssh_file implements the ssh_server_key_api and the ssh_client_key_api. This enables the user to make an own
interface using for example a database handler.
Such another callback module could be used by setting the option key_cb when starting a client or a server (with
for example ssh:connect, ssh:daemon of ssh:shell ).
The functions are Callbacks for the SSH app. They are not intended to be called from the user's code!
Clients uses all files stored in the USERDIR directory.
Directory contents
The user name of the OS process running the Erlang virtual machine (emulator).
This is the directory holding the server's files:
• ssh_host_dsa_key - private dss host key (optional)
• ssh_host_rsa_key - private rsa host key (optional)
• ssh_host_ecdsa_key - private ecdsa host key (optional)
• ssh_host_ed25519_key - private eddsa host key for curve 25519 (optional)
• ssh_host_ed448_key - private eddsa host key for curve 448 (optional)
The key files could be generated with OpenSSH's ssh-keygen command.
At least one host key must be defined. The default value of SYSDIR is /etc/ssh.
For security reasons, this directory is normally accessible only to the root user.
To change the SYSDIR, see the system_dir option.
This is the directory holding the files:
• authorized_keys and, as second alternative authorized_keys2 - the user's public keys are stored
concatenated in one of those files.
It is composed of lines as for OpenSSH:
options :: option(,option)*
option :: % All options are skipped
keytype :: 'ssh-dsa'
| 'ssh-rsa'
| 'ssh-ecdsa-nistp256'
| 'ssh-ecdsa-nistp384'
| 'ssh-ecdsa-nistp521'
| 'ssh-ed25519'
| 'ssh-ed448'
base64-encoded-key :: % The user's public key
comment :: % Comments are skipped
• known_hosts - host keys from hosts visited concatenated. The file is created and used by the client.
It is composed of lines as for OpenSSH:
option :: '@revoked'
pattern :: host | '[' host ']:' port
host :: ip-address | hostname | '*'
port :: portnumber | '*'
keytype :: 'ssh-dsa'
| 'ssh-rsa'
| 'ssh-ecdsa-nistp256'
| 'ssh-ecdsa-nistp384'
| 'ssh-ecdsa-nistp521'
| 'ssh-ed25519'
| 'ssh-ed448'
key :: % encoded key from eg ssh_host_*.pub
Data Types
Options for the default ssh_file callback module
user_dir_common_option() = {user_dir, string()}
Sets the user directory.
user_dir_fun_common_option() = {user_dir_fun, user2dir()}
user2dir() =
fun((RemoteUserName :: string()) -> UserDir :: string())
Sets the user directory dynamically by evaluating the user2dir function.
system_dir_daemon_option() = {system_dir, string()}
Sets the system directory.
pubkey_passphrase_client_options() =
{dsa_pass_phrase, string()} |
{rsa_pass_phrase, string()} |
{ecdsa_pass_phrase, string()}
If the user's DSA, RSA or ECDSA key is protected by a passphrase, it can be supplied with thoose options.
Note that EdDSA passhrases (Curves 25519 and 448) are not implemented.
optimize_key_lookup() = {optimize, time | space}
Make the handling of large files fast by setting time, but this will use more memory. The space variant shrinks the
memory requirements, but with a higher time consumption.
To set it, set the option {key_cb, {ssh_file, [{optimize,TimeOrSpace}]} in the call of "ssh:connect/3,
ssh:daemon/2 or similar function call that initiates an ssh connection.
key() = public_key:public_key() | public_key:private_key()
The key representation
experimental_openssh_key_v1() =
[{key(), openssh_key_v1_attributes()}]
openssh_key_v1_attributes() = [{atom(), term()}]
Types for the experimental implementaition of the openssh_key_v1 format.
• SYSDIR/ssh_host_rsa_key
• SYSDIR/ssh_host_dsa_key
• SYSDIR/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
• SYSDIR/ssh_host_ed25519_key
• SYSDIR/ssh_host_ed448_key
Key = public_key:public_key()
Host =
inet:ip_address() |
inet:hostname() |
[inet:ip_address() | inet:hostname()]
Port = inet:port_number()
Algorithm = ssh:pubkey_alg()
Options =
Result = boolean() | {error, term()}
Types and description
See the api description in ssh_client_key_api, Module:is_host_key/5.
Note that the alternative, the old Module:is_host_key/4 is no longer supported by ssh_file.
• user_dir
• USERDIR/known_hosts
SshBin = binary()
Type =
ssh2_pubkey | public_key | openssh_key | rfc4716_key |
openssh_key_v1 | known_hosts | auth_keys
Decoded =
Decoded_ssh2_pubkey | Decoded_public | Decoded_openssh |
Decoded_rfc4716 | Decoded_openssh_key_v1 |
Decoded_known_hosts | Decoded_auth_keys
Decoded_ssh2_pubkey = public_key:public_key()
Decoded_public =
Decoded_rfc4716 | Decoded_openssh_key_v1 | Decoded_openssh
Decoded_openssh =
[{public_key:public_key(), [{comment, string()}]}]
Decoded_rfc4716 = [{key(), [{headers, Attrs}]}]
Decoded_openssh_key_v1 = experimental_openssh_key_v1()
Decoded_known_hosts =
[{comment, string()} | {hostnames, [string()]}]}]
Decoded_auth_keys =
[{comment, string()} | {options, [string()]}]}]
Attrs = {Key :: string(), Value :: string()}
Decodes an SSH file-binary.
If Type is public_key the binary can be either an RFC4716 public key or an OpenSSH public key.
The following key types have been renamed from the deprecated public_key:ssh_decode/2:
• rfc4716_public_key -> rfc4716_key
• openssh_public_key -> openssh_key
The implementation of the openssh_key_v1 format is still experimental.
Type =
ssh2_pubkey | openssh_key | rfc4716_key | openssh_key_v1 |
known_hosts | auth_keys
InData =
InData_ssh2_pubkey | InData_openssh | InData_rfc4716 |
InData_openssh_key_v1 | InData_known_hosts | InData_auth_keys
InData_ssh2_pubkey = public_key:public_key()
InData_openssh =
[{public_key:public_key(), [{comment, string()}]}]
InData_rfc4716 = [{key(), [{headers, Attrs}]}]
InData_openssh_key_v1 = experimental_openssh_key_v1()
InData_known_hosts =
[{comment, string()} | {hostnames, [string()]}]}]
InData_auth_keys =
[{comment, string()} | {options, [string()]}]}]
Attrs = {Key :: string(), Value :: string()}
Encodes a list of SSH file entries (public keys and attributes) to a binary.
The following key types have been renamed from the removed public_key:ssh_encode/2:
• rfc4716_public_key -> rfc4716_key
• openssh_public_key -> openssh_key
The implementation of the openssh_key_v1 format is still experimental.
Erlang module
This module defines a callback handler for the communication with an SSH Agent and can be used to replace
the default callback. This allows to issue signing requests to an agent that stores SSH private keys to perform
Ssh_agent implements the ssh_client_key_api, to allow it to be used by setting the option key_cb when starting a
client (with for example ssh:connect, ssh:shell ).
The agent communication is established through a UNIX domain socket. By default, the socket path will be fetched
from the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable, which is the default socket path in the agent implementation of
In order to set a different socket path the socket_path option can be set.
The functions are Callbacks for the SSH app. They are not intended to be called from the user's code!
Data Types
Options for the ssh_agent callback module
socket_path_option() = {socket_path, string()}
Sets the socket path for the communication with the agent.
timeout_option() = {timeout, integer()}
Sets the time-out in milliseconds when communicating with the agent via the socket. The default value is 1000.
call_ssh_file_option() = {call_ssh_file, atom()}
The module which the add_host_key and is_host_key callbacks are delegated to. Defaults to the ssh_file
add_host_key(Host :: string(),
PublicKey :: public_key:public_key(),
Options) ->
ok | {error, Error :: term()}
Port :: inet:port_number(),
PublicKey :: public_key:public_key(),
Options) ->
Host =
inet:ip_address() |
inet:hostname() |
[inet:ip_address() | inet:hostname()]
Options =
Result = ok | {error, Error :: term()}
This callback is delegated to the ssh_file module.
is_host_key(Key :: public_key:public_key(),
Host :: string(),
Algorithm :: ssh:pubkey_alg(),
Options) ->
is_host_key(Key :: public_key:public_key(),
Port :: inet:port_number(),
Algorithm :: ssh:pubkey_alg(),
Options) ->
Host =
inet:ip_address() |
inet:hostname() |
[inet:ip_address() | inet:hostname()]
Options =
This callback is delegated to the ssh_file module.
Erlang module
This module implements an SSH FTP (SFTP) client. SFTP is a secure, encrypted file transfer service available for SSH.
Data Types
sftp_option() =
{timeout, timeout()} |
{sftp_vsn, integer() >= 1} |
{window_size, integer() >= 1} |
{packet_size, integer() >= 1}
Data Types
Error cause
reason() = atom() | string() | tuple()
A description of the reason why an operation failed.
The atom() value is formed from the sftp error codes in the protocol-level responses as defined in draft-ietf-secsh-
filexfer-13 section 9.1. The codes are named as SSH_FX_* which are transformed into lowercase of the star-part.
E.g. the error code SSH_FX_NO_SUCH_FILE will cause the reason() to be no_such_file.
The string() reason is the error information from the server in case of an exit-signal. If that information is empty,
the reason is the exit signal name.
The tuple() reason are other errors like for example {exit_status,1}.
Data Types
Crypto operations for open_tar
tar_crypto_spec() = encrypt_spec() | decrypt_spec()
encrypt_spec() = {init_fun(), crypto_fun(), final_fun()}
decrypt_spec() = {init_fun(), crypto_fun()}
Specifies the encryption or decryption applied to tar files when using open_tar/3 or open_tar/4.
The encryption or decryption is applied to the generated stream of bytes prior to sending the resulting stream to the
SFTP server.
For code examples see Section Example with encryption in the ssh Users Guide.
init_fun() =
fun(() -> {ok, crypto_state()}) |
fun(() -> {ok, crypto_state(), chunk_size()})
chunk_size() = undefined | integer() >= 1
crypto_state() = any()
The init_fun() in the tar_crypto_spec is applied once prior to any other crypto operation. The intention is
that this function initiates the encryption or decryption for example by calling crypto:crypto_init/4 or similar. The
crypto_state() is the state such a function may return.
If the selected cipher needs to have the input data partitioned into blocks of a certain size, the init_fun() should
return the second form of return value with the chunk_size() set to the block size. If the chunk_size()
is undefined, the size of the PlainBins varies, because this is intended for stream crypto, whereas a fixed
chunk_size() is intended for block crypto. A chunk_size() can be changed in the return from the
crypto_fun(). The value can be changed between pos_integer() and undefined.
crypto_fun() =
fun((TextIn :: binary(), crypto_state()) -> crypto_result())
crypto_result() =
{ok, TextOut :: binary(), crypto_state()} |
{ok, TextOut :: binary(), crypto_state(), chunk_size()}
The initial crypto_state() returned from the init_fun() is folded into repeated applications of the
crypto_fun() in the tar_crypto_spec. The binary returned from that fun is sent to the remote SFTP server and the
new crypto_state() is used in the next call of the crypto_fun().
If the crypto_fun() reurns a chunk_size(), that value is as block size for further blocks in calls to
final_fun() =
fun((FinalTextIn :: binary(), crypto_state()) ->
{ok, FinalTextOut :: binary()})
If doing encryption, the final_fun() in the tar_crypto_spec is applied to the last piece of data. The final_fun()
is responsible for padding (if needed) and encryption of that last piece.
ChannelPid = pid()
Handle = term()
Len = integer()
Error = {error, reason()}
N = term()
Reads from an open file, without waiting for the result. If the handle is valid, the function returns {async, N},
where N is a term guaranteed to be unique between calls of aread. The actual data is sent as a message to the calling
process. This message has the form {async_reply, N, Result}, where Result is the result from the read,
either {ok, Data}, eof, or {error, reason()}.
ChannelPid = pid()
Name = string()
Timeout = timeout()
Error = {error, reason()}
Deletes a directory specified by Name. The directory must be empty before it can be successfully deleted.
ChannelPid = pid()
Name = string()
Mode = [read | write | append | binary | raw]
Timeout = timeout()
Handle = term()
Error = {error, reason()}
Opens a file on the server and returns a handle, which can be used for reading or writing.
ChannelPid = pid()
Handle = term()
Location =
Offset |
{bof, Offset} |
{cur, Offset} |
{eof, Offset} |
bof | cur | eof
Timeout = timeout()
Offset = NewPosition = integer()
Error = {error, reason()}
Sets the file position of the file referenced by Handle. Returns {ok, NewPosition} (as an absolute offset) if
successful, otherwise {error, reason()}. Location is one of the following:
The same as {bof, Offset}.
{bof, Offset}
Absolute offset.
{cur, Offset}
Offset from the current position.
{eof, Offset}
Offset from the end of file.
bof | cur | eof
The same as eariler with Offset 0, that is, {bof, 0} | {cur, 0} | {eof, 0}.
ChannelPid = pid()
Handle = term()
Position = integer()
Data = iolist()
Timeout = timeout()
Error = {error, reason()}
The pwrite/3,4 function writes to a specified position, combining the position/3 and write/3,4 functions.
Depending on the underlying OS:es links might be followed and info on the final file, directory etc is returned. See
read_link_info/2 on how to get information on links instead.
start_channel(ConnectionRef) ->
start_channel(ConnectionRef, SftpOptions) -> {ok, ChannelPid} | Error
start_channel(Host) ->
start_channel(Host, Options) ->
start_channel(Host, Port, Options) ->
start_channel(TcpSocket) ->
start_channel(TcpSocket, Options) -> {ok, ChannelPid, ConnectionRef} | Error
Host = ssh:host()
Port = inet:port_number()
TcpSocket = ssh:open_socket()
stop_channel(ChannelPid) -> ok
ChannelPid = pid()
Stops an SFTP channel. Does not close the SSH connection. Use ssh:close/1 to close it.
ChannelPid = pid()
File = string()
Data = iodata()
Timeout = timeout()
Error = {error, reason()}
Writes a file to the server. The file is created if it does not exist but overwritten if it exists.
Erlang module