Volume Vi Drainage Design Report

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Project Preparation Consultancy Services for Preparation of

Detailed Project Report (DPR) for various Road Improvement
Works under Tamil Nadu Road Sector Project-II (TNRSP II): PPC09



1 DRAINAGE DESIGN REPORT ................................................................................................. 1-1
1.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................ 1-1
1.3 Design Methodology ........................................................................................................... 1-1
1.4 DESIGN RAINFALL INTENSITY ............................................................................................... 1-3
1.5 STORM DURATION............................................................................................................... 1-4

1.5.1 Drainage Planning .................................................................................................. 1-4

1.5.2 Hydrological Design................................................................................................ 1-5

1.5.3 Hydraulic Design .................................................................................................... 1-5

1.6 TYPES OF DRAIN ................................................................................................................... 1-5

1.6.1 Open Trapezoidal Drain - D1 ................................................................................. 1-6

1.6.2 Covered Rectangular Drain- D2.............................................................................. 1-6

1.6.3 Sample Calculation: ............................................................................................... 1-6

1.7 COVERED RECTANGULAR DRAIN IN URBAN SECTIONS ................................................ 1-8

1.7.1 Proposed Drainage System .................................................................................. 1-11

1.8 Cross Road Drains .............................................................................................................. 1-12

1.8.1 Unlined Trapezoidal Drains.................................................................................. 1-12

1.9 CD works ............................................................................................................................ 1-14

1.9.1 Proposed Structures on Project Stretch ............................................................... 1-14


Table 1-1: Suggested Values of Coefficient of Run-off....................................................................................1-2

Table 1-2: Peak hour rainfall intensity for Return Period of 5 and 25 years ...................................................1-3

Table 1-3: Covered Rectangular Drain Sections (BHS) ..................................................................................1-11

Table 1-4: Unlined Drain Details (BHS ) ........................................................................................................1-12


Figure 1-1: Project Location............................................................................................................................1-1

Figure 1-2: Covered Rectangular RCC Drain..................................................................................................1-12


Draft Detailed Engineering Project Report
Project Preparation Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for various Road
Improvement Works under Tamil Nadu Road Sector Project-II (TNRSP II) Contract: PPC09

Figure 1-3 :- Unlined Drain ...........................................................................................................................1-14





Adequate drainage is primary requirement for maintaining the structural soundness and functional
efficiency of a road. Pavement structure including sub-grade must be protected from any ingress of water;
otherwise over a period of time it may cause distress in the pavement structure. Therefore, rapid dispersal
of water from pavement is a basic consideration in road design. Also, quick drainage takes away the water
from pavement surface which reduces chances of skidding of vehicles.


This part of the project road from Parthibanur to Kamuthi alignment has existing length of 17+230 Km and
design length of 18+255 Km. Project starts at junction of NH 85 (Old NH 49 ext.) in Parthibanur and ends in
Kamuthi. The alignment mostly traverses through Plain terrain while few portions seem to be rolling in
nature. The alignment passing through few congested settlements such as Pathibanur,
Kattuemaneshwaram, Virathakulam, Kaadanagari, and Abhiramam, which lies in Ramanathapuram
District. A bypasses is proposed to avoid the existing traffic Project road. It connects NH / Major District
Road & many Other District, village and street roads along its length.

. Location map of project road is given in in Figure 1-1:

Figure 1-1: Project Location


The existing project road passes predominantly through plain terrain. There are 26 culverts on the project
road; there are 2 bridges on the project road.


Draft Detailed Engineering Project Report
Project Preparation Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for various Road
Improvement Works under Tamil Nadu Road Sector Project-II (TNRSP II) Contract: PPC09

Adequate drainage is a primary requirement for maintaining the structural soundness and functional
efficiency of the road. Hence the main emphasis of surface drainage is to quickly drain out the rain water
from road surface and its surroundings.

Rain water falling on the road surface shall be taken off quickly by providing a camber to the road surface.
As per IRC: 73-1980, minimum rate of camber to be applied for various pavement types are as follows:
► Bituminous pavement for Carriageways and Paved shoulders - 2.5%
► Concrete pavement for Carriageways and Paved shoulders - 2.0%
► Earthen shoulders - 3.0%

Land, outside the formation width of the completed road and within the right of way, shall be properly
graded toward the nearest drain.

Surface run-off will be collected from the carriageway and adjoining properties in the lined drains and
unlined drains. Run-off thus collected will be conveyed through the drains and the drains shall be
connected to the nearest natural water course such as rivers, streams etc at culverts/bridges.

Drainage system shall be designed as per IRC SP: 42-2014 i.e. Guidelines on road drainage and IRC: SP-
50:2013 i.e. Guidelines on urban drainage as applicable.

Design capacity of the drains is identified based on hydrologic analysis. Since the surface drains are having
a well-defined catchments and the area of catchment is much less that 25sqkm, ‘Rational Method’ is
adopted in estimating the run off.

Peak Run-off in Cum/Sec (Q) = 0.028 x P x f x A x Ic

Where, P - Coefficient of run-off for the catchment characteristics

A - Area of catchment in Hectares
- Critical Intensity of rainfall in cm/hr. for the selected frequency
Ic and
for the duration equal to the time of concentration
f -Spread factor for converting point rainfall into a real mean rainfall

Coefficient of runoff depends on large number of factors, even for a single storm. Factors affecting it are
porosity of soil, type of ground cover, catchment area, slope and initial state of wetness and duration of
storm. To get the maximum discharge, value of ‘P’ as it exists at the end of design period of storm is
considered. Values of ‘P’ used in this analysis are the ones suggested in IRC SP: 42-2014. Following values of
‘P’ in the Table 1-1 are used in this analysis.
Table 1-1: Suggested Values of Coefficient of Run-off
Sl. No. Surface Coefficient of Run-off (P)
1 Steep bare rock and water tight pavement surface (concrete or bitumen) 0.9
2 Steep rock with some vegetative cover 0.8


Draft Detailed Engineering Project Report
Project Preparation Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for various Road
Improvement Works under Tamil Nadu Road Sector Project-II (TNRSP II) Contract: PPC09

3 Plateau areas with light vegetative cover 0.7

4 Bare stiff clayey soils (impervious soils) 0.6
5 Stiff clayey soils (impervious soils) with vegetative cover and uneven paved 0.5
road surfaces
6 Loam lightly cultivated, covered and macadam or gravel roads 0.4
7 Loam largely cultivated or turfed 0.3
8 Sandy soil, light growth, parks, gardens, lawns and meadows 0.2
9 Sandy soil covered with heavy bush or wooded/ forest areas 0.1

Runoff is calculated using the rational formula, using the rainfall intensity of the identified storm and
identified catchments of the drain.

Length of continuous drain for each location is identified after studying the terrain, ground slope and the
discharge points. Considering a proposed drain type and the appropriate average slope, time of
concentration is calculated. Rainfall intensity for the identified time of concentration is estimated.
Catchment discharge is then calculated using the ‘Rational Formula’.

Once the required drain capacity is identified from the above, hydraulic design of the drain section is
carried out to fix the drain section. The drain section is finalised using Manning’s formula for open

Discharge of the drain in cum/sec (Q) = 1/n * A * R2/3 * S1/2 Velocity of flow in the drain in m/sec (V) = 1/n *
R2/3 * S1/2 Where,

n - Manning’s roughness coefficient

R- Hydraulic mean radius in ‘m’ which is area of flow cross-section divided by wetted perimeter

S - Energy slope of the channel, which is roughly taken as the slope of the drain bed

A - Area of flow cross section in ‘Sqm’

Drain section and slopes are varied to get optimum designs i.e. drain capacity is more than the runoff;
velocity is minimum of self-cleaning and less than the allowable value for preventing erosion.


IRC SP-42 recommends a storm recurrence interval of 25 years for the design purpose with the stipulation
that for underpasses and depressed highways, the frequency may be increased to 50 years. The peak
hourly rainfall for 5 years and 25 years given in Fig. 6 of IRC: SP-42-1994 is reproduced in the Table 1-2
Table 1-2: Peak hour rainfall intensity for Return Period of 5 and 25 years
Return Period (Years) Peak Hourly rainfall intensity (mm)
25 160 mm


Draft Detailed Engineering Project Report
Project Preparation Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for various Road
Improvement Works under Tamil Nadu Road Sector Project-II (TNRSP II) Contract: PPC09


The drains are designed for the duration of storm based on the concentration time for the stretch of the

Drains are designed for the peak rainfall expected for the time of concentration (t c). Peak rainfall for a
storm is inversely proportional to duration of the storm. In order to find the intensity of rainfall for a
particular duration of storm, from the one-hour storm, following equation given in IRC SP 13, IRC SP 42 and
IRC SP 50 is used.

i = F/T * (T+1)/(t+1)

Where, i - Intensity of rainfall within a shorter period ‘t’ hrs. within a storm

F - Total rainfall in a storm in ‘cm’ falling in duration of storm of ‘T’ hours

T - Smaller time interval of ‘t’ hrs. during a storm of ‘T’ hrs.

1.5.1 Drainage Planning

► The drains may be open or covered and lined or unlined.

► The proposal of drains shall be in accordance with drain types proposed as part of typical cross section.
► Lined rectangular drains are proposed in urban and built-up area.
► Open trapezoidal drains are proposed at rural sections as per guidelines of IRC SP-42. The side slope
shall be 1:1. The depth of the drain shall be greater than the critical depth and the velocity of run-off
through drain shall be within the specified permissible limit.
► Saucer drains can be proposed at the stretches where the gradient of the road is more than the
camber slope and also for short stretches from the ridge.
► In case of high embankment if surface run-off is allowed to flow over the carriageway at undefined
spots, it may cause erosion of embankment and eventually undermines the pavement. At each
location, rainwater is collected in small manageable quantities through longitudinal kerb channel
alongside earthen shoulder and will be let down through chutes with half cut pipes or precast channels
at regular spacing without causing pavement / slope damage. The chutes may be lined with cement
concrete on stable supports and may be located at 20m intervals depending upon the rainfall and
width of the carriageway. Also stepped outfall may be used in place of chutes. Typical arrangement and
typical chute section and energy dissipation basin shall be as per IRC: SP-50and protection of slopes
between chutes shall be as per IRC: SP-42.
► Part of drain runoff water will either percolate or get evaporated. The road plantation will be proposed
at the end of the ROW or at locations where space is available within ROW and at local depressions
within ROW. Thus, roadside plantation alongside drains as well as existing depressions, artificial ponds
etc. shall contribute towards detention and absorption of run-off.


Draft Detailed Engineering Project Report
Project Preparation Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for various Road
Improvement Works under Tamil Nadu Road Sector Project-II (TNRSP II) Contract: PPC09

1.5.2 Hydrological Design

► Hydrological analysis for the proposed surface road drainage has been carried out and following
considerations made:
• Location of drainage area, outfalls, ditches, pond, other surface drainage facilities, ground
surface condition, rainfall and flood frequencies.
• Factors affecting size and shape of drainage area, slope of ground, soil type, surface filtration and
► The optimum design return period has been assessed. This has been done as per IRC SP 42(Fig. 6.2)
► For correct estimation of amount of runoff requiring disposal at a given instant the following points
have been considered.
 Maximum rainfall intensity of project influence area and its frequency
 Catch area contributing to the runoff passing through the proposed drain

There are several methods to predict the future run off but for simplicity IRC has recommended the use of
“Rational Method” which has been used for the estimation of the probable run off to be used for the
design of surface drainage sections.

Storm duration and time of concentration are essential for arriving at critical intensity of rain. The storm
duration for design purpose is time of concentration which has two components (i) entry time and (ii) time
of flow. This has been arrived at by following up the various tables given in IRC SP-42.

Considering the time of concentration, intensity of rainfall and frequency chosen for design, the design run
off has been arrived. Design frequency has been taken 25 years as per IRC.

1.5.3 Hydraulic Design

Runoff quantity is being ascertained, covered drains in urban/ semi-urban areas and open drain in rural
areas have been designed using Manning’s Formula.

Q = 1/n x A x R 2/3 x S ½

In the design of roadside open channels, flow of water has been assumed to be as critical flow, wherein the
flow through the channel is such that the depth at which the specific energy is minimum. Generally, on
mild slope flow is sub-critical and normal flow of depth more than critical depth. For rectangular channel,
critical depth flow is (Q2/b 2g)1/3 where, b = width of channel & g = acceleration due to gravity. Values of
“n” have been taken as per IRC standards for different surfaces, lining and for different soil classification of
the open channel. The other criteria chosen have been the maximum permissible velocity values for
different relevant surface of the drain. These two vital criteria have been checked while determining the
different parameters of drain types designed for this project stretch.


1. Open trapezoidal drain “D1”


Draft Detailed Engineering Project Report
Project Preparation Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for various Road
Improvement Works under Tamil Nadu Road Sector Project-II (TNRSP II) Contract: PPC09

2. Covered rectangular drain “D2”

1.6.1 Open Trapezoidal Drain - D1

This has been provided in rural areas adjacent to the road embankment. Generally the length of this drain
will be 200m to 500m, consistent with critical depth and maximum velocity. Thus, for design purpose 200
m is considered. The side slopes shall be 1 (V): 1 (H) as per IRC guidelines.

1.6.2 Covered Rectangular Drain- D2

Longitudinal RCC drains have been provided at urban locations of width 1.5 m and length 8.380 km.

The flow channel being provided by vertical grating in inlet at regular interval of 10m. For design
purposes, spacing of out fall for 800 m length is considered.

1.6.3 Sample Calculation:

Designed length of drain, L = 200 m (distance up to the point of disposal)

Assuming an open trapezoidal drain of 0.4m base width and 0.30m depth with free board of 0.10m
with a with a side slope of 1:1 and longitudinal slope of 0.5%.

Manning’s Roughness coefficient (n) is as 0.014 as per IRC- SP 42-2014 for open drains with brick lining.

Hydrologic discharge Calculation:

a. Determination of runoff coefficient (P):
W1P1 +W2 P2 +W3P3 + W4 P4 + W5 P5 + W6 P6
W1 +W2 +W3 + W4 +W5 + W6

Where, W1 = Width of the Central Median in ‘m’.

W2 = Width of the Carriageway in ‘m’ W3 = Width of the Paved shoulder in ‘m’ W4 = Width of Unpaved
shoulder in ‘m’

W5 = Width of Drain in ‘m’

W6 = Width of Drain Edge to PROW in ‘m’

P1 = Runoff Coefficient for Central Median P2 = Runoff Coefficient for Carriageway P3 = Runoff coefficient
for Paved shoulder

P4 = Runoff coefficient for Unpaved shoulder P5 = Runoff coefficient for drain

P6 = Runoff coefficient for drain edge to PROW

W1 = 1.50m, W2 = 7.5m, W3 = 1.5m, W4 = 3.75m, W5 = 1.00m, W6 = 1.0m


Draft Detailed Engineering Project Report
Project Preparation Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for various Road
Improvement Works under Tamil Nadu Road Sector Project-II (TNRSP II) Contract: PPC09

. 75 × 0.4 + 7.5 × 0.9 + 3.75 × 0.3 + 1.00 × 0.3 + 1 × 0.30

0.75 + 7.5 + 1.5 + 3.75 + 1.0 + 1.0

= 0.65
b. Determination of Time of Concentration (tc):
1. Time of Concentration (tc) =Entry time + Time of flow in drain
2. 𝑡 = (0.87 × 𝐻 )
3. L = 0.20 Km
4. H = 1.0
Time of Concentration (tc) = 0.15hr
c. Determination of Catchment area (A):


Where, W = W1 + W2 + W3 + W4 + W5 + W6

= 15.5 x 200

= 3100 m2

= 0.31 hectare
d. Determination of Rainfall Intensity (Ic):

Maximum One hour rainfall for the selected frequency of 25 year = 7.66 cm/hr Rainfall intensity for a
shorter duration equal to the time of concentration (tc),

𝐹 𝑇+1
𝐼𝑐 = [ ]
𝑇 𝑡𝑐 + 1

Where, F= Total Rainfall within a shorter period of ‘t’ hrs. within a storm tc = Smaller time interval in hrs.
within the storm duration of ‘T’ hours.

7.66 1+1
= ×[ ]
1 0.15 + 1

= 13.34 cm
e. Determination of Design discharge:

Q = 0.028 P. Ic.A.f

Where, Q = Discharge (Peak run-off) in cum/sec P = Coefficient of Runoff for the catchment characteristics

A = Area of catchment in hectares


Draft Detailed Engineering Project Report
Project Preparation Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for various Road
Improvement Works under Tamil Nadu Road Sector Project-II (TNRSP II) Contract: PPC09

f = as per Fig.4.2 of IRS:SP-12-2004 = 1

c = Critical intensity of rainfall in cm per hour for the selected frequency and for duration equal to the time
of concentration.


= 0.0756Cumecs

Hydraulic Design Calculation:

Bottom width = 0.40m

Depth = 0.30m

Free Board = 0.10m

Side slope = 1:1

Top Width = 0.4+(2x0.3) = 1.0m

Cross section area (A) = bottom width x depth+depth^2

= 0.4*0.3+0.3^2

= 0.21 m2

1 1
Wetted perimeter (P) = 𝑏 + 2𝑑√1 + (12 ) = 0.4 + 2 × 0.3√1 + (12 ) = 1.25m

𝐴 0.21
Hydraulic Mean Depth, R = = = 0.168m
𝑃 1.25
Velocity, V = 𝑛 × 𝑅 2/3 × 𝑆 2

=0.017 × 0.1682/3 × 0.0011/2 = 0.43m/s

Discharge in Drain Q drain = AxV

Q drain = 0.21 x 0.43= 0.09cumec

Discharge capacity (0.09Cumec) of the proposed drain is greater than the design storm discharge


This drain is at the outer edge of the road/proposed right of way at built-up sections. This drain shall carry
the discharge from the carriage way.


Draft Detailed Engineering Project Report
Project Preparation Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for various Road
Improvement Works under Tamil Nadu Road Sector Project-II (TNRSP II) Contract: PPC09

Sample Calculation for 11.805m (One side) Cross section in Built up areas (For the size of 1.2mx1.2m
(depth below the carriageway level)

Hydrologic discharge Calculation:

a. Determination of runoff coefficient (P):


Where, W1=Width of the Central median in ‘m’. W2 = Width of the Carriageway in ‘m’. W3= Width of the
Paved shoulder in ‘m’ W4 = Width of the drain width in ‘m’

P1 = Runoff Coefficient for Central Median P2 = Runoff Coefficient for Carriageway

P3 = Runoff Coefficient for Paved shoulder P4 = Runoff coefficient for drain

W1 = 0.305m, W2 = 9 m, W3 = 1 m, W4= 1.5m

P= 0.305+9+1.5+1.5

= 0.90
b. Determination of Time of Concentration (tc):

Time of Concentration (tc) =Entry time + Time of flow in drain

Entry time = (0.87 × 𝐻 )^0.385

L = 800m = 0.800 Km

H = Fall in level

H = 4m @ 0.5% gradient

Time of Concentration (tc) = 0.429 hrs

c. Determination of Catchment area (A):


Where, W= W1 + W2 + W3 + W4 + W5 + W6

= 11.805 x 800

= 9444m2 = 0.944 hectares

d. Determination of Rainfall Intensity (Ic):

Maximum One hour rainfall for the selected frequency of 25 year = 7.66 cm/hr Rainfall intensity for a


Draft Detailed Engineering Project Report
Project Preparation Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for various Road
Improvement Works under Tamil Nadu Road Sector Project-II (TNRSP II) Contract: PPC09

shorter duration equal to the time of concentration (tc),

𝐹 𝑇+1
𝐼𝑐 = [ ]
𝑇 𝑡𝑐 + 1

Where, F= Total Rainfall within a shorter period of ‘t’ hrs. within a storm tc = Smaller time interval in hrs.
within the storm duration of ‘T’ hours.

7.66 1 + 1
𝐼𝑐 = [ ]
1 0.429 + 1

= 10.717 cm
e. Determination of Design discharge:

Q = 0.028 P. Ic.A.f

Where, Q = Discharge (Peak run-off) in cum/sec P = Coefficient of Runoff for the catchment characteristics

A = Area of catchment in hectares

f = as per Fig.4.2 of IRS:SP-12-2004 = 1

c = Critical intensity of rainfall in cm per hour for the selected frequency and for duration equal to the time
of concentration.

Q = 0.028 x 0.9x 10.717 x 0.9444 x 1

= 0.25Cumecs

Hydraulic Design Calculation:

Length of drain, L = 800 m

Assuming a rectangular drain of 1.20m wide and 1.0m effective depth and bed slope of 0.10%. Manning’s
Roughness coefficient (n) is as 0.015 as per IRC- SP: 42-2014 for concrete lined drains.

Cross Sectional Area, A = 1.2 x 1.0 = 1.2 m2

Perimeter, P = b + 2d = 1.2 + 2 x 1 = 3.2m

𝐴 1.2
Hydraulic Mean Depth, R =𝑃 = 3.2 = 0.375

1 1
Discharge capacity Q = 𝑛 × 𝐴 × 𝑅 2/3 × 𝑆 1/2 = 0.015 × 1.2 × 0.3752/3 × 0.00101/2 =1.32 Cumec

Discharge capacity (1.32Cumec) of the proposed drain with a min. cross section of 1.2m x 1.0 m greater
than the design storm discharge (0.25Cumec).


Draft Detailed Engineering Project Report
Project Preparation Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for various Road
Improvement Works under Tamil Nadu Road Sector Project-II (TNRSP II) Contract: PPC09

Hence the above cross section is sufficient to carry the discharge. Table 1.3 shows details of lined drain
proposed for the project road.

The sample calculation shown above gives the principle of ascertaining adequacy of drainage system which
is applicable for four lane homogenous sections.

1.7.1 Proposed Drainage System

Covered Rectangular Drains

Covered rectangular drains are proposed under footpath on both sides in urban and built-up sections. The
clear vent size of the drain should be 1.2m X 1.0m (depth below the carriageway level). The stretches
where the covered rectangular drains proposed are given in Table 1-3 and the typical cross section of drain
is given in Figure 1-2

Table 1-3: Covered Rectangular Drain Sections (BHS)

Sl. Design Chainage (km) Total Length Width of Footpath
Length(m) Sides TCS Type
No From To (m) Each Side

1 0+530 1+000 470 BHS TYPE - 4G 940 1.5

2 8+300 8+500 200 BHS TCS - 1B 400 1.5
3 12+500 12+700 200 BHS TCS - 1D 400 1.5
4 12+700 12+740 40 BHS TCS - 1C 80 1.5
5 12+740 12+920 180 BHS TCS - 1D 360 1.5
6 12+920 13+400 480 BHS TCS - 1C 960 1.5
7 13+400 13+700 300 BHS TCS - 1D 600 1.5
8 13+700 13+800 100 BHS TCS - 1C 200 1.5
9 13+800 14+060 260 BHS TCS - 1D 520 1.5
10 14+060 14+400 340 BHS TCS - 1C 680 1.5
11 16+300 16+500 200 BHS TCS - 1C 400 1.5
12 16+500 16+540 40 BHS TCS - 1A 80 1.5
13 16+540 16+660 120 BHS TCS - 1B 240 1.5
14 16+660 16+790 130 BHS TCS - 1A 260 1.5
15 16+790 16+850 60 BHS TCS - 1B 120 1.5
16 16+850 17+100 250 BHS TCS - 1D 500 1.5
17 17+100 17+280 180 BHS TCS - 1A 360 1.5
18 17+280 18+040 760 BHS TCS - 1C 1520 1.5
19 18+040 18+090 50 BHS TCS - 1A 100 1.5
20 18+090 18+210 120 BHS TCS - 1D 240 1.5
21 18+210 18+250 40 BHS TCS - 1A 80 1.5
TOTAL LENGTH 4520 9040


Draft Detailed Engineering Project Report
Project Preparation Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for various Road
Improvement Works under Tamil Nadu Road Sector Project-II (TNRSP II) Contract: PPC09

Note: The above length does not include the length of crossroad box culverts.

Figure 1-2: Covered Rectangular RCC Drain


In urban areas, the rectangular drain will convert into box drain at the crossroad locations so as to take the
vehicular traffic loads.

1.8.1 Unlined Trapezoidal Drains

Unlined Trapezoidal drains are proposed at both sides of the pavement for proper collection and disposal
of rain water (For facilitating easy cleaning, the width at bottom should be at least 0.3m. The invert level
should be kept such that the water corresponding to design discharge remain at least 0.3m to 0.6m below
drainage layer of pavement). The stretches where Unlined Trapezoidal drains proposed are given in
Table 1-4 for BHS and the typical cross section of drain is given in
Figure 1-3
Table 1-4: Unlined Drain Details (BHS )
Design Chainage (km)
Sl.No Length(m) Sides Total Length (m) TCS Type Remark
From To
1 0+000 0+470 470 BHS 940 TYPE - 4H
2 1+000 2+180 1180 BHS 2360 TCS - 2H
3 2+180 2+280 100 BHS 200 TCS - 2G
4 2+280 2+330 50 BHS 100 TCS - 2H
5 2+330 2+630 300 BHS 600 TCS - 2G
6 2+630 3+030 400 BHS 800 TCS - 2H
7 3+030 3+100 70 BHS 140 TCS - 2G
8 3+100 5+070 1970 BHS 3940 TCS - 2C
9 5+070 5+140 70 BHS 140 TCS - 2A
10 5+140 5+150 10 BHS 20 TCS - 2F


Draft Detailed Engineering Project Report
Project Preparation Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for various Road
Improvement Works under Tamil Nadu Road Sector Project-II (TNRSP II) Contract: PPC09

Design Chainage (km)

Sl.No Length(m) Sides Total Length (m) TCS Type Remark
From To
11 5+150 5+440 290 BHS 580 TCS - 2E
12 5+440 5+480 40 BHS 80 TCS - 2A
13 5+480 5+510 30 BHS 60 TCS - 2C
14 5+510 5+530 20 BHS 40 TCS - 2A
15 5+530 5+550 20 BHS 40 TCS - 2G
16 5+550 5+620 70 BHS 140 TCS - 2H
17 5+620 5+650 30 BHS 60 TCS - 2G
18 5+650 5+800 150 BHS 300 TCS - 2H
19 5+800 5+830 30 BHS 60 TCS - 2G
20 5+830 5+940 110 BHS 220 TCS - 2H
21 5+940 6+000 60 BHS 120 TCS - 2G
22 6+000 6+250 250 BHS 500 TCS - 2H
23 6+250 6+370 120 BHS 240 TCS - 2G
24 6+370 6+420 50 BHS 100 TCS - 2A
25 6+420 8+300 1880 BHS 3760 TCS - 2C
26 8+500 8+590 90 BHS 180 TCS - 2C
27 8+590 8+670 80 BHS 160 TCS - 2D
28 8+670 8+760 90 BHS 180 TCS - 2C
29 8+760 8+810 50 BHS 100 TCS - 2A
30 8+810 8+840 30 BHS 60 TCS - 2E
31 8+840 8+880 40 BHS 80 TCS - 2F
32 8+880 8+910 30 BHS 60 TCS - 2E
33 8+910 8+970 60 BHS 120 TCS - 2A
34 8+970 10+360 1390 BHS 2780 TCS - 2C
35 10+360 10+650 290 BHS 580 TCS - 2G
36 10+650 11+110 460 BHS 920 TCS - 2C
37 11+110 11+230 120 BHS 240 TCS - 2G
38 11+230 11+320 90 BHS 180 TCS - 2A
39 11+320 11+670 350 BHS 700 TCS - 2G
40 11+670 11+860 190 BHS 380 TCS - 2C
41 11+860 11+930 70 BHS 140 TCS - 2A
42 11+930 12+120 190 BHS 380 TCS - 2E
43 12+120 12+220 100 BHS 200 TCS - 2A
44 12+220 12+500 280 BHS 560 TCS - 2E
45 14+400 14+480 80 BHS 160 TCS - 2E
46 14+480 14+530 50 BHS 100 TCS - 2A
47 14+530 14+710 180 BHS 360 TCS - 2C
48 14+710 14+760 50 BHS 100 TCS - 2A
49 14+760 15+110 350 BHS 700 TCS - 2E


Draft Detailed Engineering Project Report
Project Preparation Consultancy Services for Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) for various Road
Improvement Works under Tamil Nadu Road Sector Project-II (TNRSP II) Contract: PPC09

Design Chainage (km)

Sl.No Length(m) Sides Total Length (m) TCS Type Remark
From To
50 15+110 15+210 100 BHS 200 TCS - 2A
51 15+210 15+780 570 BHS 1140 TCS - 2C
52 15+780 15+990 210 BHS 420 TCS - 2A
53 15+990 16+300 310 BHS 620 TCS - 2E
TOTAL LENGTH 13670 27340 m

Note: The above length does not includes the length of crossroad box culverts

Figure 1-3 :- Unlined Drain


The project road is proposed with 59 Box culvert out of which 38 falls under new construction, 15
structures requires reconstruction and 6 structures needs to be widened. Culverts are proposed as per the
drainage requirements considering the TCS and based on the drainage criteria. The detailed hydrological
and hydraulic calculations are furnished separately in Volume II Design Report. Nos. of each type of
structure along the project road stretch is given in below Table. These structures are proposed for
widening, rehabilitation or construction of new structure.
1.9.1 Proposed Structures on Project Stretch

Sl. No. Type of structure No’s.

1 Culverts 42
2 Bridges (MNBR) 3
3 VUP -
4 MJBR 0
5 Flyover 1

Road Drainage plan for the project road is attached as Annexure -1 of this report


Parthibanur to Kamuthi (SH 47) (Km 0+000 to Km 18+257)
The Project corridor lies in CWC EASTERN COST (SOUTH) SUBZONE 4(C) - . The alignment falls in isopluvial values of 160mm, where as
(Ref: CWC Subzone report
majority of the corridor is passing near to 160mm Isopluvial line. A value of 160mm is taken into consideration for a 24 hour rainfall of 25
4(c), Plate-8.4 c)
year return period.

Now, the 24 hour rainfall needs to be converted to 1 hour rainfall intensity for drainage discharge
calculation. Respective subzone reports provide 24 hr to 1hr conversion factor which is 0.32 for CWC
subzone 1(c).

(or) by using the formula provided in IRC SP:13 2004.

So, the rainfall intensity for the project corridor, i 51.2

= mm/hr
= 5.1 cm/hr
Parthibanur to Kamuthi (SH 47) (Km 0+000 to Km 18+257)


Parthibanur to Kamuthi (SH 47) (Km 0+000 to Km 18+257)

Check for Adequacy of Lined Outer Drain-LHS

Assuming water is coming into drain from Main carriage way, Service Road, Median and Drain Area as given below:

Description Width (m) Product
Median 1.61 0.80 1.29
Edge strip 0.00 0.80 0.00
Main Carriage Way 7.00 0.90 6.30
Paved Shoulder 0.00 0.90 0.00
Earthend Shoulder 1.50 0.40 0.60
Edge strip 0.00 0.80 2.80
Utility 1.50 0.90 1.35
Drain 1.50 0.90 1.35
Adjacent land 0.00 0.40 0.00
Sum 13.11 13.69

Pav = 1.044 W


Total Width = 13.11 m

Average runoff co-officient P = 1.044

25 year
Time of Critical Estimated
Area of Runoff 1Hr Q from Botoom Wetted Wetted Manning's Designn Total
Chainage Invert Level Length of Length of concenter rainfall Runoff, Qr Commulati Depth of Hydraulic
Flow Width Water Coefficie Rainfall Un-Lined Slope Width of Area of Perimeter Coefficien Discharge, Velocity Freeboard Depth Check Qd>Q Top Level of Drain
Structure Drain Drain ation, Tc intensity, = 0.028 P ve Runoff Flow Rdius, R
Structure Type Directi Shed nt Intensity, Drain Drain Drain of Drain t, n Qd in Drain Of Drain
Chainage (Km) (hr) Ic A Ic
on F
From To From To Wb d Ad P Ad/P From To
(Km) (Km) (m) (m) (m) (Km) (m) ha P hr cm/hr cm/hr m^3/s m^3/s m m m^2 m m m^3/s m/sec (m) (m) (m) (m)

8+300 8+390 497.010 494.153 ▼ 90 0.090 13.11 0.12 1.044 0.0595 5.12 9.67 0.033 0.033 3.18% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.743 4.36 0.300 0.70 TRUE 498 495
8+390 8+500 494.153 493.523 ▼ 110 0.110 13.11 0.14 1.044 0.0703 5.12 9.57 0.040 0.040 0.57% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 0.740 1.85 0.300 0.70 TRUE 495 494
12+500 12+632 473.693 470.635 ▼ 132 0.132 13.11 0.17 1.044 0.0636 5.12 9.63 0.049 0.049 2.32% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.489 3.72 0.300 0.70 TRUE 474 471
12+634 12+920 466.759 471.596 ▲ 286 0.286 13.11 0.37 1.044 0.0787 5.12 9.49 0.104 0.104 1.69% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.272 3.18 0.300 0.70 TRUE 467 472
12+920 13+000 471.596 472.566 ▲ 80 0.080 13.11 0.10 1.044 0.0620 5.12 9.64 0.030 0.030 1.21% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.077 2.69 0.300 0.70 TRUE 472 473
13+000 13+400 472.566 475.390 ▲ 400 0.400 13.11 0.52 1.044 0.1078 5.12 9.24 0.142 0.142 0.71% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 0.822 2.06 0.300 0.70 TRUE 473 476
13+400 13+485 475.390 476.872 ▲ 85 0.085 13.11 0.11 1.044 0.0611 5.12 9.65 0.032 0.032 1.73% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.288 3.22 0.300 0.70 TRUE 476 478
13+485 13+700 476.872 470.729 ▼ 215 0.215 13.11 0.28 1.044 0.0681 5.12 9.59 0.079 0.079 2.86% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.656 4.14 0.300 0.70 TRUE 478 471
13+700 13+871 470.729 466.711 ▼ 171 0.171 13.11 0.22 1.044 0.0664 5.12 9.60 0.063 0.063 2.35% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.499 3.75 0.300 0.70 TRUE 471 467
13+871 14+000 466.711 458.779 ▼ 129 0.129 13.11 0.17 1.044 0.0596 5.12 9.66 0.048 0.048 6.16% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 2.428 6.07 0.300 0.70 TRUE 467 459
14+000 14+324 458.779 446.110 ▼ 324 0.324 13.11 0.42 1.044 0.0724 5.12 9.55 0.119 0.119 3.91% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.935 4.84 0.300 0.70 TRUE 459 447
14+326 14+400 443.649 444.770 ▲ 74 0.074 13.11 0.10 1.044 0.0606 5.12 9.66 0.027 0.027 1.52% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.205 3.01 0.300 0.70 TRUE 444 445
16+346 16+418 430.301 437.201 ▲ 72 0.072 13.11 0.09 1.044 0.0564 5.12 9.69 0.027 0.027 9.65% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 3.039 7.60 0.300 0.70 TRUE 431 438
16+418 16+473 437.201 439.717 ▲ 56 0.056 13.11 0.07 1.044 0.0567 5.12 9.69 0.021 0.021 4.52% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 2.080 5.20 0.300 0.70 TRUE 438 440
25 year
Time of Critical Estimated
Area of Runoff 1Hr Q from Botoom Wetted Wetted Manning's Designn Total
Chainage Invert Level Length of Length of concenter rainfall Runoff, Qr Commulati Depth of Hydraulic
Flow Width Water Coefficie Rainfall Un-Lined Slope Width of Area of Perimeter Coefficien Discharge, Velocity Freeboard Depth Check Qd>Q Top Level of Drain
Structure Drain Drain ation, Tc intensity, = 0.028 P ve Runoff Flow Rdius, R
Structure Type Directi Shed nt Intensity, Drain Drain Drain of Drain t, n Qd in Drain Of Drain
Chainage (Km) (hr) Ic A Ic
on F
From To From To Wb d Ad P Ad/P From To
(Km) (Km) (m) (m) (m) (Km) (m) ha P hr cm/hr cm/hr m^3/s m^3/s m m m^2 m m m^3/s m/sec (m) (m) (m) (m)
16+473 16+513 439.717 438.367 ▼ 40 0.040 13.11 0.05 1.044 0.0562 5.12 9.70 0.015 0.015 3.41% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.807 4.52 0.300 0.70 TRUE 440 439
16+513 16+612 438.367 431.778 ▼ 99 0.099 13.11 0.13 1.044 0.0581 5.12 9.68 0.037 0.037 6.62% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 2.518 6.29 0.300 0.70 TRUE 439 432
16+612 16+719 431.778 427.156 ▼ 106 0.106 13.11 0.14 1.044 0.0595 5.12 9.66 0.039 0.039 4.34% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 2.039 5.10 0.300 0.70 TRUE 432 428
16+721 16+790 427.156 432.469 ▲ 69 0.069 13.11 0.09 1.044 0.0566 5.12 9.69 0.026 0.026 7.70% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 2.715 6.79 0.300 0.70 TRUE 428 433
16+790 16+861 432.469 435.695 ▲ 71 0.071 13.11 0.09 1.044 0.0576 5.12 9.68 0.027 0.027 4.51% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 2.079 5.20 0.300 0.70 TRUE 433 436
16+861 16+977 435.695 439.957 ▲ 116 0.116 13.11 0.15 1.044 0.0606 5.12 9.65 0.043 0.043 3.68% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.877 4.69 0.300 0.70 TRUE 436 441
16+977 17+051 439.957 438.962 ▼ 74 0.074 13.11 0.10 1.044 0.0610 5.12 9.65 0.028 0.028 1.34% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.132 2.83 0.300 0.70 TRUE 441 440
17+051 17+123 438.962 435.193 ▼ 72 0.072 13.11 0.09 1.044 0.0573 5.12 9.69 0.027 0.027 5.25% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 2.243 5.61 0.300 0.70 TRUE 440 436
17+123 17+169 435.193 432.692 ▼ 46 0.046 13.11 0.06 1.044 0.0560 5.12 9.70 0.017 0.017 5.47% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 2.288 5.72 0.300 0.70 TRUE 436 433
17+171 17+280 432.692 426.467 ▼ 109 0.109 13.11 0.14 1.044 0.0589 5.12 9.67 0.040 0.040 5.71% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 2.338 5.85 0.300 0.70 TRUE 433 427
17+280 17+439 426.467 418.702 ▼ 159 0.159 13.11 0.21 1.044 0.0619 5.12 9.64 0.059 0.059 4.89% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 2.163 5.41 0.300 0.70 TRUE 427 419
17+439 17+591 418.702 412.015 ▼ 153 0.153 13.11 0.20 1.044 0.0620 5.12 9.64 0.056 0.056 4.38% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 2.048 5.12 0.300 0.70 TRUE 419 413
17+591 17+635 412.015 409.958 ▼ 44 0.044 13.11 0.06 1.044 0.0560 5.12 9.70 0.016 0.016 4.72% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 2.126 5.31 0.300 0.70 TRUE 413 411
17+637 17+686 411.450 412.209 ▲ 49 0.049 13.11 0.06 1.044 0.0582 5.12 9.68 0.018 0.018 1.55% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.220 3.05 0.300 0.70 TRUE 412 413
17+686 17+824 412.209 414.753 ▲ 138 0.138 13.11 0.18 1.044 0.0653 5.12 9.61 0.051 0.051 1.84% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.327 3.32 0.300 0.70 TRUE 413 415
17+824 18+000 414.753 417.024 ▲ 176 0.176 13.11 0.23 1.044 0.0713 5.12 9.56 0.064 0.064 1.29% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.112 2.78 0.300 0.70 TRUE 415 418
18+000 18+090 417.024 419.045 ▲ 90 0.090 13.11 0.12 1.044 0.0606 5.12 9.66 0.033 0.033 2.25% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.466 3.67 0.300 0.70 TRUE 418 420
18+090 18+210 419.045 422.308 ▲ 120 0.120 13.11 0.16 1.044 0.0620 5.12 9.64 0.044 0.044 2.72% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.613 4.03 0.300 0.70 TRUE 420 423
18+210 18+257 422.308 423.361 ▲ 47 0.047 13.11 0.06 1.044 0.0573 5.12 9.68 0.018 0.018 2.23% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.462 3.65 0.300 0.70 TRUE 423 424
Parthibanur to Kamuthi (SH 47) (Km 0+000 to Km 18+257)

Check for Adequacy of Lined Outer Drain-LHS

Assuming water is coming into drain from Main carriage way, Service Road, Median and Drain Area as given below:

Description Width (m) Product
Median 1.61 0.80 1.29
Edge strip 0.00 0.80 0.00
Main Carriage Way 7.00 0.90 6.30
Paved Shoulder 0.00 0.90 0.00
Earthend Shoulder 1.50 0.40 0.60
Edge strip 0.00 0.80 2.80
Utility 1.50 0.90 1.35
Drain 1.50 0.90 1.35
Adjacent land 0.00 0.40 0.00
Sum 13.11 13.69

Pav = 1.044 W


Total Width = 13.11 m

Average runoff co-officient P = 1.044

25 year
Time of Critical Estimated
Area of Runoff 1Hr Q from Botoom Wetted Wetted Manning's Designn Total
Chainage Invert Level Length of Length of concenter rainfall Runoff, Qr Commulati Depth of Hydraulic
Flow Width Water Coefficie Rainfall Un-Lined Slope Width of Area of Perimeter Coefficien Discharge, Velocity Freeboard Depth Check Qd>Q Top Level of Drain
Structure Drain Drain ation, Tc intensity, = 0.028 P ve Runoff Flow Rdius, R
Structure Type Directi Shed nt Intensity, Drain Drain Drain of Drain t, n Qd in Drain Of Drain
Chainage (Km) (hr) Ic A Ic
on F
From To From To Wb d Ad P Ad/P From To
(Km) (Km) (m) (m) (m) (Km) (m) ha P hr cm/hr cm/hr m^3/s m^3/s m m m^2 m m m^3/s m/sec (m) (m) (m) (m)

8+300 8+390 497.010 494.153 ▼ 90 0.090 13.11 0.12 1.044 0.0595 5.12 9.67 0.033 0.033 3.18% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.743 4.36 0.300 0.70 TRUE 498 495
8+390 8+500 494.153 493.523 ▼ 110 0.110 13.11 0.14 1.044 0.0703 5.12 9.57 0.040 0.040 0.57% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 0.740 1.85 0.300 0.70 TRUE 495 494
12+500 12+632 473.693 470.635 ▼ 132 0.132 13.11 0.17 1.044 0.0636 5.12 9.63 0.049 0.049 2.32% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.489 3.72 0.300 0.70 TRUE 474 471
12+634 12+920 466.759 471.596 ▲ 286 0.286 13.11 0.37 1.044 0.0787 5.12 9.49 0.104 0.104 1.69% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.272 3.18 0.300 0.70 TRUE 467 472
12+920 13+000 471.596 472.566 ▲ 80 0.080 13.11 0.10 1.044 0.0620 5.12 9.64 0.030 0.030 1.21% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.077 2.69 0.300 0.70 TRUE 472 473
13+000 13+400 472.566 475.390 ▲ 400 0.400 13.11 0.52 1.044 0.1078 5.12 9.24 0.142 0.142 0.71% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 0.822 2.06 0.300 0.70 TRUE 473 476
13+400 13+485 475.390 476.872 ▲ 85 0.085 13.11 0.11 1.044 0.0611 5.12 9.65 0.032 0.032 1.73% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.288 3.22 0.300 0.70 TRUE 476 478
13+485 13+700 476.872 470.729 ▼ 215 0.215 13.11 0.28 1.044 0.0681 5.12 9.59 0.079 0.079 2.86% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.656 4.14 0.300 0.70 TRUE 478 471
13+700 13+871 470.729 466.711 ▼ 171 0.171 13.11 0.22 1.044 0.0664 5.12 9.60 0.063 0.063 2.35% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.499 3.75 0.300 0.70 TRUE 471 467
13+871 14+000 466.711 458.779 ▼ 129 0.129 13.11 0.17 1.044 0.0596 5.12 9.66 0.048 0.048 6.16% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 2.428 6.07 0.300 0.70 TRUE 467 459
14+000 14+324 458.779 446.110 ▼ 324 0.324 13.11 0.42 1.044 0.0724 5.12 9.55 0.119 0.119 3.91% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.935 4.84 0.300 0.70 TRUE 459 447
14+326 14+400 443.649 444.770 ▲ 74 0.074 13.11 0.10 1.044 0.0606 5.12 9.66 0.027 0.027 1.52% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.205 3.01 0.300 0.70 TRUE 444 445
16+346 16+418 430.301 437.201 ▲ 72 0.072 13.11 0.09 1.044 0.0564 5.12 9.69 0.027 0.027 9.65% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 3.039 7.60 0.300 0.70 TRUE 431 438
16+418 16+473 437.201 439.717 ▲ 56 0.056 13.11 0.07 1.044 0.0567 5.12 9.69 0.021 0.021 4.52% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 2.080 5.20 0.300 0.70 TRUE 438 440
25 year
Time of Critical Estimated
Area of Runoff 1Hr Q from Botoom Wetted Wetted Manning's Designn Total
Chainage Invert Level Length of Length of concenter rainfall Runoff, Qr Commulati Depth of Hydraulic
Flow Width Water Coefficie Rainfall Un-Lined Slope Width of Area of Perimeter Coefficien Discharge, Velocity Freeboard Depth Check Qd>Q Top Level of Drain
Structure Drain Drain ation, Tc intensity, = 0.028 P ve Runoff Flow Rdius, R
Structure Type Directi Shed nt Intensity, Drain Drain Drain of Drain t, n Qd in Drain Of Drain
Chainage (Km) (hr) Ic A Ic
on F
From To From To Wb d Ad P Ad/P From To
(Km) (Km) (m) (m) (m) (Km) (m) ha P hr cm/hr cm/hr m^3/s m^3/s m m m^2 m m m^3/s m/sec (m) (m) (m) (m)
16+473 16+513 439.717 438.367 ▼ 40 0.040 13.11 0.05 1.044 0.0562 5.12 9.70 0.015 0.015 3.41% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.807 4.52 0.300 0.70 TRUE 440 439
16+513 16+612 438.367 431.778 ▼ 99 0.099 13.11 0.13 1.044 0.0581 5.12 9.68 0.037 0.037 6.62% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 2.518 6.29 0.300 0.70 TRUE 439 432
16+612 16+719 431.778 427.156 ▼ 106 0.106 13.11 0.14 1.044 0.0595 5.12 9.66 0.039 0.039 4.34% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 2.039 5.10 0.300 0.70 TRUE 432 428
16+721 16+790 427.156 432.469 ▲ 69 0.069 13.11 0.09 1.044 0.0566 5.12 9.69 0.026 0.026 7.70% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 2.715 6.79 0.300 0.70 TRUE 428 433
16+790 16+861 432.469 435.695 ▲ 71 0.071 13.11 0.09 1.044 0.0576 5.12 9.68 0.027 0.027 4.51% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 2.079 5.20 0.300 0.70 TRUE 433 436
16+861 16+977 435.695 439.957 ▲ 116 0.116 13.11 0.15 1.044 0.0606 5.12 9.65 0.043 0.043 3.68% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.877 4.69 0.300 0.70 TRUE 436 441
16+977 17+051 439.957 438.962 ▼ 74 0.074 13.11 0.10 1.044 0.0610 5.12 9.65 0.028 0.028 1.34% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.132 2.83 0.300 0.70 TRUE 441 440
17+051 17+123 438.962 435.193 ▼ 72 0.072 13.11 0.09 1.044 0.0573 5.12 9.69 0.027 0.027 5.25% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 2.243 5.61 0.300 0.70 TRUE 440 436
17+123 17+169 435.193 432.692 ▼ 46 0.046 13.11 0.06 1.044 0.0560 5.12 9.70 0.017 0.017 5.47% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 2.288 5.72 0.300 0.70 TRUE 436 433
17+171 17+280 432.692 426.467 ▼ 109 0.109 13.11 0.14 1.044 0.0589 5.12 9.67 0.040 0.040 5.71% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 2.338 5.85 0.300 0.70 TRUE 433 427
17+280 17+439 426.467 418.702 ▼ 159 0.159 13.11 0.21 1.044 0.0619 5.12 9.64 0.059 0.059 4.89% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 2.163 5.41 0.300 0.70 TRUE 427 419
17+439 17+591 418.702 412.015 ▼ 153 0.153 13.11 0.20 1.044 0.0620 5.12 9.64 0.056 0.056 4.38% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 2.048 5.12 0.300 0.70 TRUE 419 413
17+591 17+635 412.015 409.958 ▼ 44 0.044 13.11 0.06 1.044 0.0560 5.12 9.70 0.016 0.016 4.72% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 2.126 5.31 0.300 0.70 TRUE 413 411
17+637 17+686 411.450 412.209 ▲ 49 0.049 13.11 0.06 1.044 0.0582 5.12 9.68 0.018 0.018 1.55% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.220 3.05 0.300 0.70 TRUE 412 413
17+686 17+824 412.209 414.753 ▲ 138 0.138 13.11 0.18 1.044 0.0653 5.12 9.61 0.051 0.051 1.84% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.327 3.32 0.300 0.70 TRUE 413 415
17+824 18+000 414.753 417.024 ▲ 176 0.176 13.11 0.23 1.044 0.0713 5.12 9.56 0.064 0.064 1.29% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.112 2.78 0.300 0.70 TRUE 415 418
18+000 18+090 417.024 419.045 ▲ 90 0.090 13.11 0.12 1.044 0.0606 5.12 9.66 0.033 0.033 2.25% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.466 3.67 0.300 0.70 TRUE 418 420
18+090 18+210 419.045 422.308 ▲ 120 0.120 13.11 0.16 1.044 0.0620 5.12 9.64 0.044 0.044 2.72% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.613 4.03 0.300 0.70 TRUE 420 423
18+210 18+257 422.308 423.361 ▲ 47 0.047 13.11 0.06 1.044 0.0573 5.12 9.68 0.018 0.018 2.23% 1.00 0.40 0.40 1.800 0.222 0.015 1.462 3.65 0.300 0.70 TRUE 423 424
Parthibanur to Kamuthi (SH 47) (Km 0+000 to Km 18+257)


Parthibanur to Kamuthi (SH 47) (Km 0+000 to Km 18+257)


Parthibanur to Kamuthi (SH 47) (Km 0+000 to Km 18+257)
Check for Adequacy of Earthen Drain-LHS
Assuming water is coming into drain from Main carriage way, Paved shoulder, Earthen shoulder and Utility/Open space as given below:
Runoff Runoff
Description Length (m) Product Description Length (m) Product
Coefficient Coefficient
Median 1.50 0.80 1.20 Median 4.00 0.80 3.20
Kerb Shyness 0.50 0.80 0.40 Kerb Shyness 0.50 0.80 0.40
Main Carriage Way 7.00 0.90 6.30 Main Carriage Way 7.00 0.90 6.30
Paved Shoulder 0.00 0.90 0.00 Paved Shoulder 0.00 0.90 0.00
Earthen Shoulder 2.50 0.40 1.00 Earthen Shoulder 2.50 0.40 1.00
Side Slope 2.00 0.40 0.80 Side Slope 2.00 0.40 0.80
Variable 0.25 0.40 0.10 Variable 0.50 0.40 0.20
Drain Area 1.50 0.40 0.60 Drain Area 1.50 0.40 0.60
Adjacent land 25.00 0.40 10.00 Adjacent land 30.00 0.40 12.00

Sum 40.25 20.40 Sum 48.00 24.50

Pav = 0.507 Pav = 0.510


Total Width = 40.25 m 1 W 1 Total Width = 48.00 m

Average runoff co-officient p = 0.507 Average runoff co-officient p = 0.510

25 year Wette
Time of Manning' Designn Total
Area of Runoff 1Hr Critical Estimated Q from Q from Commul Botoom Wetted d Hydrauli Top
Length Length concenter depth s Discharge Velocit Freebo Depth Check
Chainage Invert Level Flow Width Water Coefficie Rainfall Rainfall Runoff, Qr = Lined/UL Median ative Slope Width Area of Perim c Radius, Top Level of Drain Width
Structure of Drain of Drain ation, Tc of Flow Coefficien ,Qd in y ard Of Qd>Q
Structure Type Directi Shed nt Intensity, Intensity, Ic 0.028 P A Ic D Drain Drain Runoff of Drain Drain eter of R of Drain
Chainage (Km) (hr) t, n Drain Drain
on F Drain
From To From To Wb d Ad P Ad/P From To T
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (Km) (m) ha P hr cm/hr cm/hr m^3/s m^3/s m m m^2 m m m^3/s m/sec (m) (m) (m) (m) m

0+000 0+139 561.038 568.781 ▲ 139 0.139 40.25 0.56 0.507 0.094 5.12 9.36 0.074 0.074 5.57% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.547 2.70 0.150 0.37 TRUE 561.41 569.15 1.44
0+141 0+188 568.781 563.228 ▼ 47 0.047 40.25 0.19 0.507 0.083 5.12 9.45 0.025 0.025 11.91% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.800 3.95 0.150 0.37 TRUE 569.15 563.60 1.44
0+188 0+239 563.228 559.275 ▼ 51 0.051 40.25 0.20 0.507 0.084 5.12 9.44 0.027 0.027 7.77% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.646 3.19 0.150 0.37 TRUE 563.60 559.65 1.44
0+242 0+288 559.275 565.722 ▲ 47 0.047 40.25 0.19 0.507 0.083 5.12 9.46 0.025 0.025 13.77% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.860 4.25 0.150 0.37 TRUE 559.65 566.09 1.44
0+288 0+354 565.722 561.131 ▼ 66 0.066 40.25 0.26 0.507 0.086 5.12 9.43 0.035 0.035 6.99% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.612 3.03 0.150 0.37 TRUE 566.09 561.50 1.44
0+354 0+429 561.131 557.822 ▼ 75 0.075 40.25 0.30 0.507 0.089 5.12 9.41 0.040 0.040 4.41% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.487 2.40 0.150 0.37 TRUE 561.50 558.19 1.44
0+431 0+470 557.822 560.215 ▲ 39 0.039 40.25 0.16 0.507 0.084 5.12 9.45 0.021 0.021 6.14% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.574 2.84 0.150 0.37 TRUE 558.19 560.59 1.44
0+510 FLY OVER
0+540 0+588 569.685 576.639 ▲ 48 0.048 40.25 0.19 0.507 0.083 5.12 9.46 0.026 0.026 14.58% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.885 4.37 0.150 0.37 TRUE 570.06 577.01 1.44
0+588 0+799 576.639 571.997 ▼ 211 0.211 40.25 0.85 0.507 0.114 5.12 9.19 0.111 0.111 2.20% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.343 1.70 0.150 0.37 TRUE 577.01 572.37 1.44
0+801 0+915 571.997 567.504 ▼ 114 0.114 40.25 0.46 0.507 0.094 5.12 9.36 0.061 0.061 3.93% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.460 2.27 0.150 0.37 TRUE 572.37 567.87 1.44
0+915 1+031 567.504 562.287 ▼ 115 0.115 40.25 0.46 0.507 0.093 5.12 9.37 0.062 0.062 4.52% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.493 2.43 0.150 0.37 TRUE 567.87 562.66 1.44
1+031 1+099 562.287 557.393 ▼ 68 0.068 40.25 0.28 0.507 0.086 5.12 9.43 0.037 0.037 7.16% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.620 3.06 0.150 0.37 TRUE 562.66 557.76 1.44
1+101 1+199 557.393 562.898 ▲ 98 0.098 40.25 0.39 0.507 0.090 5.12 9.40 0.052 0.052 5.64% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.550 2.72 0.150 0.37 TRUE 557.76 563.27 1.44
1+199 1+399 562.898 553.427 ▼ 200 0.200 40.25 0.81 0.507 0.102 5.12 9.29 0.106 0.106 4.73% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.504 2.49 0.150 0.37 TRUE 563.27 553.80 1.44
1+401 1+607 553.427 557.906 ▲ 206 0.206 40.25 0.83 0.507 0.114 5.12 9.19 0.108 0.108 2.17% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.342 1.69 0.150 0.37 TRUE 553.80 558.28 1.44
1+613 1+718 556.098 578.861 ▲ 105 0.105 40.25 0.42 0.507 0.085 5.12 9.43 0.057 0.057 21.68% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 1.079 5.33 0.150 0.37 TRUE 556.47 579.23 1.44
1+718 1+837 578.861 583.137 ▲ 119 0.119 40.25 0.48 0.507 0.095 5.12 9.35 0.064 0.064 3.59% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.439 2.17 0.150 0.37 TRUE 579.23 583.51 1.44
1+843 1+942 582.789 577.072 ▼ 99 0.099 40.25 0.40 0.507 0.090 5.12 9.40 0.053 0.053 5.79% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.558 2.76 0.150 0.37 TRUE 583.16 577.44 1.44
1+942 2+099 577.072 564.581 ▼ 157 0.157 40.25 0.63 0.507 0.093 5.12 9.37 0.084 0.084 7.94% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.653 3.23 0.150 0.37 TRUE 577.44 564.95 1.44
2+101 2+224 564.581 571.126 ▲ 123 0.123 40.25 0.50 0.507 0.093 5.12 9.37 0.066 0.066 5.31% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.534 2.64 0.150 0.37 TRUE 564.95 571.50 1.44
2+224 2+399 571.126 567.490 ▼ 175 0.175 40.25 0.70 0.507 0.109 5.12 9.23 0.092 0.092 2.08% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.334 1.65 0.150 0.37 TRUE 571.50 567.86 1.44
2+401 2+585 571.209 582.934 ▲ 184 0.184 40.25 0.74 0.507 0.098 5.12 9.33 0.098 0.098 6.36% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.584 2.89 0.150 0.37 TRUE 571.58 583.30 1.44
2+585 2+712 582.934 560.263 ▼ 127 0.127 40.25 0.51 0.507 0.087 5.12 9.42 0.068 0.068 17.91% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.980 4.84 0.150 0.37 TRUE 583.30 560.63 1.44
2+718 2+747 560.263 556.620 ▼ 29 0.029 40.25 0.12 0.507 0.082 5.12 9.47 0.016 0.016 12.55% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.821 4.06 0.150 0.37 TRUE 560.63 556.99 1.44
2+753 2+817 555.569 548.082 ▼ 64 0.064 40.25 0.26 0.507 0.084 5.12 9.44 0.035 0.035 11.61% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.789 3.90 0.150 0.37 TRUE 555.94 548.45 1.44
2+823 3+614 548.41 534.893 ▼ 791 0.791 40.25 3.18 0.507 0.189 5.12 8.62 0.389 0.389 1.71% 0.70 0.40 0.44 1.831 0.240 0.025 0.889 2.02 0.150 0.55 TRUE 548.96 535.44 1.8
3+620 4+036 534.89 525.51 ▼ 416 0.416 40.25 1.68 0.507 0.147 5.12 8.93 0.212 0.212 2.25% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.348 1.72 0.150 0.37 TRUE 535.26 525.88 1.44
4+038 4+383 525.51 530.78 ▲ 345 0.345 40.25 1.39 0.507 0.148 5.12 8.92 0.176 0.176 1.53% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.286 1.41 0.150 0.37 TRUE 525.88 531.15 1.44
4+385 4+486 528.49 529.82 ▲ 101 0.101 40.25 0.41 0.507 0.101 5.12 9.30 0.054 0.054 1.31% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.265 1.31 0.150 0.37 TRUE 528.86 530.19 1.44
4+488 5+140 528.20 526.27 ▼ 652 0.652 40.25 2.62 0.507 0.295 5.12 7.91 0.294 0.294 0.30% 0.70 0.40 0.44 1.831 0.240 0.025 0.370 0.84 0.150 0.55 TRUE 528.75 526.82 1.8
5+143 5+559 526.54 516.20 ▼ 416 0.416 40.25 1.67 0.507 0.144 5.12 8.95 0.213 0.213 2.49% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.365 1.80 0.150 0.37 TRUE 526.91 516.57 1.44
25 year Wette
Time of Manning' Designn Total
Area of Runoff 1Hr Critical Estimated Q from Q from Commul Botoom Wetted d Hydrauli Top
Length Length concenter depth s Discharge Velocit Freebo Depth Check
Chainage Invert Level Flow Width Water Coefficie Rainfall Rainfall Runoff, Qr = Lined/UL Median ative Slope Width Area of Perim c Radius, Top Level of Drain Width
Structure of Drain of Drain ation, Tc of Flow Coefficien ,Qd in y ard Of Qd>Q
Structure Type Directi Shed nt Intensity, Intensity, Ic 0.028 P A Ic D Drain Drain Runoff of Drain Drain eter of R of Drain
Chainage (Km) (hr) t, n Drain Drain
on F Drain
From To From To Wb d Ad P Ad/P From To T
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (Km) (m) ha P hr cm/hr cm/hr m^3/s m^3/s m m m^2 m m m^3/s m/sec (m) (m) (m) (m) m
5+562 5+939 518.67 503.45 ▼ 377 0.377 40.25 1.52 0.507 0.125 5.12 9.10 0.196 0.196 4.03% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.465 2.30 0.150 0.37 TRUE 519.04 503.82 1.44
5+942 6+009 503.45 505.09 ▲ 67 0.067 40.25 0.27 0.507 0.090 5.12 9.39 0.036 0.036 2.44% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.362 1.79 0.150 0.37 TRUE 503.82 505.46 1.44
6+011 6+206 504.11 508.27 ▲ 195 0.195 40.25 0.79 0.507 0.112 5.12 9.21 0.103 0.103 2.13% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.338 1.67 0.150 0.37 TRUE 504.48 508.64 1.44
6+224 7+244 508.27 486.79 ▼ 1020 1.020 40.25 4.10 0.507 0.206 5.12 8.49 0.494 0.494 2.11% 0.70 0.40 0.44 1.831 0.240 0.025 0.987 2.24 0.150 0.55 TRUE 508.82 487.34 1.8
7+251 8+218 486.79 486.65 ▼ 967 0.967 40.25 3.89 0.507 1.363 5.12 4.33 0.239 0.239 0.01% 0.70 0.50 0.60 2.114 0.284 0.025 0.126 0.21 0.150 0.65 FALSE 487.44 487.30 2
8+220 8+300 487.17 490.85 ▲ 80 0.080 40.25 0.32 0.507 0.089 5.12 9.40 0.043 0.043 4.61% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.498 2.46 0.150 0.37 TRUE 487.54 491.22 1.44
8+500 8+590 479.96 472.42 ▼ 90 0.090 40.25 0.36 0.507 0.087 5.12 9.42 0.048 0.048 8.38% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.671 3.31 0.150 0.37 TRUE 480.33 472.79 1.44
8+627 MNBR
8+670 8+805 470.57 473.22 ▲ 135 0.135 40.25 0.54 0.507 0.103 5.12 9.28 0.071 0.071 1.97% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.325 1.61 0.150 0.37 TRUE 470.94 473.59 1.44
8+811 8+990 473.22 480.83 ▲ 179 0.179 40.25 0.72 0.507 0.101 5.12 9.30 0.095 0.095 4.25% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.478 2.36 0.150 0.37 TRUE 473.59 481.20 1.44
8+992 9+454 480.35 478.66 ▼ 462 0.462 40.25 1.86 0.507 0.238 5.12 8.27 0.218 0.218 0.37% 0.70 0.30 0.30 1.549 0.194 0.025 0.244 0.81 0.150 0.45 TRUE 480.80 479.11 1.6
9+456 9+781 478.66 479.91 ▲ 325 0.325 40.25 1.31 0.507 0.189 5.12 8.62 0.160 0.160 0.38% 0.70 0.30 0.30 1.549 0.194 0.025 0.249 0.83 0.150 0.45 TRUE 479.11 480.36 1.6
9+783 10+000 476.16 483.41 ▲ 217 0.217 40.25 0.87 0.507 0.109 5.12 9.24 0.114 0.114 3.35% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.424 2.09 0.150 0.37 TRUE 476.53 483.78 1.44
10+000 10+222 483.41 473.78 ▼ 222 0.222 40.25 0.89 0.507 0.106 5.12 9.26 0.117 0.117 4.34% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.483 2.38 0.150 0.37 TRUE 483.78 474.15 1.44
10+224 10+561 471.52 467.12 ▼ 337 0.337 40.25 1.36 0.507 0.151 5.12 8.89 0.171 0.171 1.31% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.265 1.31 0.150 0.37 TRUE 471.89 467.49 1.44
10+563 10+963 467.12 469.50 ▲ 400 0.400 40.25 1.61 0.507 0.187 5.12 8.62 0.197 0.197 0.59% 0.70 0.30 0.30 1.549 0.194 0.025 0.310 1.03 0.150 0.45 TRUE 467.57 469.95 1.6
10+965 11+110 465.83 475.30 ▲ 145 0.145 40.25 0.58 0.507 0.094 5.12 9.36 0.078 0.078 6.53% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.592 2.92 0.150 0.37 TRUE 466.20 475.67 1.44
11+110 11+998 475.30 462.89 ▼ 888 0.888 40.25 3.57 0.507 0.236 5.12 8.29 0.420 0.420 1.40% 0.70 0.30 0.30 1.549 0.194 0.025 0.475 1.58 0.150 0.45 TRUE 475.75 463.34 1.6
12+000 12+220 461.64 466.39 ▲ 220 0.220 40.25 0.89 0.507 0.116 5.12 9.17 0.115 0.115 2.16% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.340 1.68 0.150 0.37 TRUE 462.01 466.76 1.44
12+220 12+500 466.39 469.69 ▲ 280 0.280 40.25 1.13 0.507 0.142 5.12 8.96 0.143 0.143 1.18% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.252 1.24 0.150 0.37 TRUE 466.76 470.06 1.44
14+398 WHS
14+400 14+710 434.01 437.23 ▲ 310 0.310 40.25 1.25 0.507 0.154 5.12 8.88 0.157 0.157 1.04% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.236 1.17 0.150 0.37 TRUE 434.38 437.60 1.44
14+710 15+085 437.23 424.39 ▼ 375 0.375 40.25 1.51 0.507 0.129 5.12 9.07 0.194 0.194 3.42% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.429 2.12 0.150 0.37 TRUE 437.60 424.76 1.44
15+090 MNBR
15+093 15+788 424.72 418.60 ▼ 695 0.695 40.25 2.80 0.507 0.233 5.12 8.30 0.329 0.329 0.88% 0.70 0.30 0.30 1.549 0.194 0.025 0.377 1.26 0.150 0.45 TRUE 425.17 419.05 1.6
15+790 16+001 418.60 420.60 ▲ 211 0.211 40.25 0.85 0.507 0.132 5.12 9.04 0.109 0.109 0.95% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.225 1.11 0.150 0.37 TRUE 418.97 420.97 1.44
16+003 16+344 420.99 419.25 ▼ 341 0.341 40.25 1.37 0.507 0.179 5.12 8.69 0.169 0.169 0.51% 0.70 0.30 0.30 1.549 0.194 0.025 0.287 0.96 0.150 0.45 TRUE 421.44 419.70 1.6
Parthibanur to Kamuthi (SH 47) (Km 0+000 to Km 18+257)


Parthibanur to Kamuthi (SH 47) (Km 0+000 to Km 18+257)
Check for Adequacy of Earthen Drain-LHS
Assuming water is coming into drain from Main carriage way, Paved shoulder, Earthen shoulder and Utility/Open space as given below:
Runoff Runoff
Description Length (m) Product Description Length (m) Product
Coefficient Coefficient
Median 1.50 0.80 1.20 Median 4.00 0.80 3.20
Kerb Shyness 0.50 0.80 0.40 Kerb Shyness 0.50 0.80 0.40
Main Carriage Way 7.00 0.90 6.30 Main Carriage Way 7.00 0.90 6.30
Paved Shoulder 0.00 0.90 0.00 Paved Shoulder 0.00 0.90 0.00
Earthen Shoulder 2.50 0.40 1.00 Earthen Shoulder 2.50 0.40 1.00
Side Slope 2.00 0.40 0.80 Side Slope 2.00 0.40 0.80
Variable 0.25 0.40 0.10 Variable 0.50 0.40 0.20
Drain Area 1.50 0.40 0.60 Drain Area 1.50 0.40 0.60
Adjacent land 25.00 0.40 10.00 Adjacent land 30.00 0.40 12.00

Sum 40.25 20.40 Sum 48.00 24.50

Pav = 0.507 Pav = 0.510


Total Width = 40.25 m 1 W 1 Total Width = 48.00 m

Average runoff co-officient p = 0.507 Average runoff co-officient p = 0.510

25 year Wette
Time of Manning' Designn Total
Area of Runoff 1Hr Critical Estimated Q from Q from Commul Botoom Wetted d Hydrauli Top
Length Length concenter depth s Discharge Velocit Freebo Depth Check
Chainage Invert Level Flow Width Water Coefficie Rainfall Rainfall Runoff, Qr = Lined/UL Median ative Slope Width Area of Perim c Radius, Top Level of Drain Width
Structure of Drain of Drain ation, Tc of Flow Coefficien ,Qd in y ard Of Qd>Q
Structure Type Directi Shed nt Intensity, Intensity, Ic 0.028 P A Ic D Drain Drain Runoff of Drain Drain eter of R of Drain
Chainage (Km) (hr) t, n Drain Drain
on F Drain
From To From To Wb d Ad P Ad/P From To T
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (Km) (m) ha P hr cm/hr cm/hr m^3/s m^3/s m m m^2 m m m^3/s m/sec (m) (m) (m) (m) m

0+000 0+139 561.038 568.781 ▲ 139 0.139 40.25 0.56 0.507 0.103 5.12 9.28 0.074 0.074 5.57% 0.40 0.10 0.05 0.683 0.073 0.025 0.083 1.65 0.150 0.25 TRUE 561.29 569.03 0.9
0+141 0+188 568.781 563.228 ▼ 47 0.047 40.25 0.19 0.507 0.083 5.12 9.45 0.025 0.025 11.91% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.800 3.95 0.150 0.37 TRUE 569.15 563.60 1.44
0+188 0+239 563.228 559.275 ▼ 51 0.051 40.25 0.20 0.507 0.084 5.12 9.44 0.027 0.027 7.77% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.646 3.19 0.150 0.37 TRUE 563.60 559.65 1.44
0+242 0+288 559.275 565.722 ▲ 47 0.047 40.25 0.19 0.507 0.083 5.12 9.46 0.025 0.025 13.77% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.860 4.25 0.150 0.37 TRUE 559.65 566.09 1.44
0+288 0+354 565.722 561.131 ▼ 66 0.066 40.25 0.26 0.507 0.086 5.12 9.43 0.035 0.035 6.99% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.612 3.03 0.150 0.37 TRUE 566.09 561.50 1.44
0+354 0+429 561.131 557.822 ▼ 75 0.075 40.25 0.30 0.507 0.089 5.12 9.41 0.040 0.040 4.41% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.487 2.40 0.150 0.37 TRUE 561.50 558.19 1.44
0+431 0+470 557.822 560.215 ▲ 39 0.039 40.25 0.16 0.507 0.084 5.12 9.45 0.021 0.021 6.14% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.574 2.84 0.150 0.37 TRUE 558.19 560.59 1.44
0+510 FLY OVER
0+540 0+588 569.685 576.639 ▲ 48 0.048 40.25 0.19 0.507 0.083 5.12 9.46 0.026 0.026 14.58% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.885 4.37 0.150 0.37 TRUE 570.06 577.01 1.44
0+588 0+799 576.639 571.997 ▼ 211 0.211 40.25 0.85 0.507 0.114 5.12 9.19 0.111 0.111 2.20% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.343 1.70 0.150 0.37 TRUE 577.01 572.37 1.44
0+801 0+915 571.997 567.504 ▼ 114 0.114 40.25 0.46 0.507 0.094 5.12 9.36 0.061 0.061 3.93% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.460 2.27 0.150 0.37 TRUE 572.37 567.87 1.44
0+915 1+031 567.504 562.287 ▼ 115 0.115 40.25 0.46 0.507 0.093 5.12 9.37 0.062 0.062 4.52% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.493 2.43 0.150 0.37 TRUE 567.87 562.66 1.44
1+031 1+099 562.287 557.393 ▼ 68 0.068 40.25 0.28 0.507 0.086 5.12 9.43 0.037 0.037 7.16% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.620 3.06 0.150 0.37 TRUE 562.66 557.76 1.44
1+101 1+199 557.393 562.898 ▲ 98 0.098 40.25 0.39 0.507 0.090 5.12 9.40 0.052 0.052 5.64% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.550 2.72 0.150 0.37 TRUE 557.76 563.27 1.44
1+199 1+399 562.898 553.427 ▼ 200 0.200 40.25 0.81 0.507 0.102 5.12 9.29 0.106 0.106 4.73% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.504 2.49 0.150 0.37 TRUE 563.27 553.80 1.44
1+401 1+607 553.427 557.906 ▲ 206 0.206 40.25 0.83 0.507 0.114 5.12 9.19 0.108 0.108 2.17% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.342 1.69 0.150 0.37 TRUE 553.80 558.28 1.44
1+613 1+718 556.098 578.861 ▲ 105 0.105 40.25 0.42 0.507 0.085 5.12 9.43 0.057 0.057 21.68% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 1.079 5.33 0.150 0.37 TRUE 556.47 579.23 1.44
1+718 1+837 578.861 583.137 ▲ 119 0.119 40.25 0.48 0.507 0.095 5.12 9.35 0.064 0.064 3.59% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.439 2.17 0.150 0.37 TRUE 579.23 583.51 1.44
1+843 1+942 582.789 577.072 ▼ 99 0.099 40.25 0.40 0.507 0.090 5.12 9.40 0.053 0.053 5.79% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.558 2.76 0.150 0.37 TRUE 583.16 577.44 1.44
1+942 2+099 577.072 564.581 ▼ 157 0.157 40.25 0.63 0.507 0.093 5.12 9.37 0.084 0.084 7.94% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.653 3.23 0.150 0.37 TRUE 577.44 564.95 1.44
2+101 2+224 564.581 571.126 ▲ 123 0.123 40.25 0.50 0.507 0.093 5.12 9.37 0.066 0.066 5.31% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.534 2.64 0.150 0.37 TRUE 564.95 571.50 1.44
2+224 2+399 571.126 567.490 ▼ 175 0.175 40.25 0.70 0.507 0.109 5.12 9.23 0.092 0.092 2.08% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.334 1.65 0.150 0.37 TRUE 571.50 567.86 1.44
2+401 2+585 571.209 582.934 ▲ 184 0.184 40.25 0.74 0.507 0.098 5.12 9.33 0.098 0.098 6.36% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.584 2.89 0.150 0.37 TRUE 571.58 583.30 1.44
2+585 2+712 582.934 560.263 ▼ 127 0.127 40.25 0.51 0.507 0.087 5.12 9.42 0.068 0.068 17.91% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.980 4.84 0.150 0.37 TRUE 583.30 560.63 1.44
2+718 2+747 560.263 556.620 ▼ 29 0.029 40.25 0.12 0.507 0.082 5.12 9.47 0.016 0.016 12.55% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.821 4.06 0.150 0.37 TRUE 560.63 556.99 1.44
2+753 2+817 555.569 548.082 ▼ 64 0.064 40.25 0.26 0.507 0.084 5.12 9.44 0.035 0.035 11.61% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.789 3.90 0.150 0.37 TRUE 555.94 548.45 1.44
2+823 3+614 548.41 534.893 ▼ 791 0.791 40.25 3.18 0.507 0.189 5.12 8.62 0.389 0.389 1.71% 0.70 0.40 0.44 1.831 0.240 0.025 0.889 2.02 0.150 0.55 TRUE 548.96 535.44 1.8
3+620 4+036 534.89 525.51 ▼ 416 0.416 40.25 1.68 0.507 0.147 5.12 8.93 0.212 0.212 2.25% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.348 1.72 0.150 0.37 TRUE 535.26 525.88 1.44
4+038 4+383 525.51 530.78 ▲ 345 0.345 40.25 1.39 0.507 0.148 5.12 8.92 0.176 0.176 1.53% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.286 1.41 0.150 0.37 TRUE 525.88 531.15 1.44
4+385 4+486 528.49 529.82 ▲ 101 0.101 40.25 0.41 0.507 0.101 5.12 9.30 0.054 0.054 1.31% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.265 1.31 0.150 0.37 TRUE 528.86 530.19 1.44
4+488 5+140 528.20 526.27 ▼ 652 0.652 40.25 2.62 0.507 0.295 5.12 7.91 0.294 0.294 0.30% 0.70 0.40 0.44 1.831 0.240 0.025 0.370 0.84 0.150 0.55 TRUE 528.75 526.82 1.8
5+143 5+559 526.54 516.20 ▼ 416 0.416 40.25 1.67 0.507 0.144 5.12 8.95 0.213 0.213 2.49% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.365 1.80 0.150 0.37 TRUE 526.91 516.57 1.44
25 year Wette
Time of Manning' Designn Total
Area of Runoff 1Hr Critical Estimated Q from Q from Commul Botoom Wetted d Hydrauli Top
Length Length concenter depth s Discharge Velocit Freebo Depth Check
Chainage Invert Level Flow Width Water Coefficie Rainfall Rainfall Runoff, Qr = Lined/UL Median ative Slope Width Area of Perim c Radius, Top Level of Drain Width
Structure of Drain of Drain ation, Tc of Flow Coefficien ,Qd in y ard Of Qd>Q
Structure Type Directi Shed nt Intensity, Intensity, Ic 0.028 P A Ic D Drain Drain Runoff of Drain Drain eter of R of Drain
Chainage (Km) (hr) t, n Drain Drain
on F Drain
From To From To Wb d Ad P Ad/P From To T
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (Km) (m) ha P hr cm/hr cm/hr m^3/s m^3/s m m m^2 m m m^3/s m/sec (m) (m) (m) (m) m
5+562 5+939 518.67 503.45 ▼ 377 0.377 40.25 1.52 0.507 0.125 5.12 9.10 0.196 0.196 4.03% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.465 2.30 0.150 0.37 TRUE 519.04 503.82 1.44
5+942 6+009 503.45 505.09 ▲ 67 0.067 40.25 0.27 0.507 0.090 5.12 9.39 0.036 0.036 2.44% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.362 1.79 0.150 0.37 TRUE 503.82 505.46 1.44
6+011 6+206 504.11 508.27 ▲ 195 0.195 40.25 0.79 0.507 0.112 5.12 9.21 0.103 0.103 2.13% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.338 1.67 0.150 0.37 TRUE 504.48 508.64 1.44
6+224 7+244 508.27 486.79 ▼ 1020 1.020 40.25 4.10 0.507 0.206 5.12 8.49 0.494 0.494 2.11% 0.70 0.40 0.44 1.831 0.240 0.025 0.987 2.24 0.150 0.55 TRUE 508.82 487.34 1.8
7+251 8+218 486.79 486.65 ▼ 967 0.967 40.25 3.89 0.507 1.141 5.12 4.78 0.264 0.264 0.01% 0.70 0.73 1.04 2.765 0.378 0.025 0.264 0.25 0.150 0.88 TRUE 487.67 487.53 2.46
8+220 8+300 487.17 490.85 ▲ 80 0.080 40.25 0.32 0.507 0.089 5.12 9.40 0.043 0.043 4.61% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.498 2.46 0.150 0.37 TRUE 487.54 491.22 1.44
8+500 8+590 479.96 472.42 ▼ 90 0.090 40.25 0.36 0.507 0.087 5.12 9.42 0.048 0.048 8.38% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.671 3.31 0.150 0.37 TRUE 480.33 472.79 1.44
8+627 MNBR
8+670 8+805 470.57 473.22 ▲ 135 0.135 40.25 0.54 0.507 0.103 5.12 9.28 0.071 0.071 1.97% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.325 1.61 0.150 0.37 TRUE 470.94 473.59 1.44
8+811 8+990 473.22 480.83 ▲ 179 0.179 40.25 0.72 0.507 0.101 5.12 9.30 0.095 0.095 4.25% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.478 2.36 0.150 0.37 TRUE 473.59 481.20 1.44
8+992 9+454 480.35 478.66 ▼ 462 0.462 40.25 1.86 0.507 0.238 5.12 8.27 0.218 0.218 0.37% 0.70 0.30 0.30 1.549 0.194 0.025 0.244 0.81 0.150 0.45 TRUE 480.80 479.11 1.6
9+456 9+781 478.66 479.91 ▲ 325 0.325 40.25 1.31 0.507 0.189 5.12 8.62 0.160 0.160 0.38% 0.70 0.30 0.30 1.549 0.194 0.025 0.249 0.83 0.150 0.45 TRUE 479.11 480.36 1.6
9+783 10+000 476.16 483.41 ▲ 217 0.217 40.25 0.87 0.507 0.109 5.12 9.24 0.114 0.114 3.35% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.424 2.09 0.150 0.37 TRUE 476.53 483.78 1.44
10+000 10+222 483.41 473.78 ▼ 222 0.222 40.25 0.89 0.507 0.106 5.12 9.26 0.117 0.117 4.34% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.483 2.38 0.150 0.37 TRUE 483.78 474.15 1.44
10+224 10+561 471.52 467.12 ▼ 337 0.337 40.25 1.36 0.507 0.151 5.12 8.89 0.171 0.171 1.31% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.265 1.31 0.150 0.37 TRUE 471.89 467.49 1.44
10+563 10+963 467.12 469.50 ▲ 400 0.400 40.25 1.61 0.507 0.187 5.12 8.62 0.197 0.197 0.59% 0.70 0.30 0.30 1.549 0.194 0.025 0.310 1.03 0.150 0.45 TRUE 467.57 469.95 1.6
10+965 11+110 465.83 475.30 ▲ 145 0.145 40.25 0.58 0.507 0.094 5.12 9.36 0.078 0.078 6.53% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.592 2.92 0.150 0.37 TRUE 466.20 475.67 1.44
11+110 11+998 475.30 462.89 ▼ 888 0.888 40.25 3.57 0.507 0.236 5.12 8.29 0.420 0.420 1.40% 0.70 0.30 0.30 1.549 0.194 0.025 0.475 1.58 0.150 0.45 TRUE 475.75 463.34 1.6
12+000 12+220 461.64 466.39 ▲ 220 0.220 40.25 0.89 0.507 0.116 5.12 9.17 0.115 0.115 2.16% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.340 1.68 0.150 0.37 TRUE 462.01 466.76 1.44
12+220 12+500 466.39 469.69 ▲ 280 0.280 40.25 1.13 0.507 0.142 5.12 8.96 0.143 0.143 1.18% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.252 1.24 0.150 0.37 TRUE 466.76 470.06 1.44
14+398 WHS
14+400 14+710 434.01 437.23 ▲ 310 0.310 40.25 1.25 0.507 0.154 5.12 8.88 0.157 0.157 1.04% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.236 1.17 0.150 0.37 TRUE 434.38 437.60 1.44
14+710 15+085 437.23 424.39 ▼ 375 0.375 40.25 1.51 0.507 0.129 5.12 9.07 0.194 0.194 3.42% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.429 2.12 0.150 0.37 TRUE 437.60 424.76 1.44
15+090 MNBR
15+093 15+788 424.72 418.60 ▼ 695 0.695 40.25 2.80 0.507 0.233 5.12 8.30 0.329 0.329 0.88% 0.70 0.30 0.30 1.549 0.194 0.025 0.377 1.26 0.150 0.45 TRUE 425.17 419.05 1.6
15+790 16+001 418.60 420.60 ▲ 211 0.211 40.25 0.85 0.507 0.132 5.12 9.04 0.109 0.109 0.95% 0.70 0.22 0.20 1.322 0.153 0.025 0.225 1.11 0.150 0.37 TRUE 418.97 420.97 1.44
16+003 16+344 420.99 419.25 ▼ 341 0.341 40.25 1.37 0.507 0.179 5.12 8.69 0.169 0.169 0.51% 0.70 0.30 0.30 1.549 0.194 0.025 0.287 0.96 0.150 0.45 TRUE 421.44 419.70 1.6

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