Brand Presentation Template

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Brand Presentation 2023


PRESENTATION [Insert brand name]

A template by Melbourne
Boring Studios Australia
Boring School: Place the primary logo
here with one of the primary colours from
the colour palette.
Boring School: Place the primary logo here with 4 different
colour combinations to showcase how the brand will look.
Boring School: Place the secondary
logo here with one of the primary colours
from the colour palette.
Boring School: Place your secondary logo here with 4 different
colour combinations to showcase how the brand will look.
Boring School: Place the brandmark
here with one of the primary colours from
the colour palette.
Boring School: Place your brandmark here with 4 different
colour combinations to showcase how the brand will look.
Brand Presentation [BRAND NAME] Boring School: Here you will place 8
your colour palette options. All colours
need to have the same categories for


Colour category (primary,

Primary secondary, shade or texture) Primary Primary Primary

Golden Hour Primary, secondary,

shade or texture Tekhelet Night Isabelline

#f5d938 Hex code #f5d938 #f5d938 #f5d938

Boring School: Your colour range is a

Colour Range gradient that includes all of the colours

in your colour palette.

A template by Melbourne
Boring Studios #f5d938
Brand Presentation Boring School: Here you will showcase [BRAND NAME] 9
your typography selections for the brand
concept direction.
Primary logo

Logo typography
Logo Typography Logo

Montserrat Bold Italic

Big heading
typography selection Sub-heading

Helvetica Neue Bold

Big Headings Sub-headings typography selection

Garamond Semibold Caption

Body typography selection Body typography selection
with example text with example text in caps
Body Text - Sentience Case Body Copy - All Caps
Helvetica Neue Regular - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed volutpat HELVETICA NEUE REGULAR - LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET, CONSECTETUR ADIPISCING
dui ut laoreet ultricies. Mauris varius ex vel lacus molestie venenatis. Nullam vel leo quis felis ELIT. SED VOLUTPAT DUI UT LAOREET ULTRICIES. MAURIS VARIUS EX VEL LACUS MOLESTIE
scelerisque consectetur nec euismod augue. Donec ac ipsum orci. Nulla suscipit odio sed neque VENENATIS. NULLAM VEL LEO QUIS FELIS SCELERISQUE CONSECTETUR NEC EUISMOD AUGUE.
ultricies condimentum. Integer venenatis dolor nisl, quis consectetur arcu ornare nec. Nunc sed leo DONEC AC IPSUM ORCI. NULLA SUSCIPIT ODIO SED NEQUE ULTRICIES CONDIMENTUM.
pellentesque, facilisis mi at, sollicitudin sem. Sed lacinia imperdiet felis ac pulvinar. Morbi ut quam ac INTEGER VENENATIS DOLOR NISL, QUIS CONSECTETUR ARCU ORNARE NEC. NUNC SED
nisi rutrum porta quis vitae velit. Nam ultricies erat eget maximus rhoncus. Quisque consequat quam sit LEO PELLENTESQUE, FACILISIS MI AT, SOLLICITUDIN SEM. SED LACINIA IMPERDIET FELIS AC
amet porta mattis. Nam sem quam, cursus non nunc eget, dictum placerat erat. PULVINAR. MORBI UT QUAM AC NISI RUTRUM PORTA QUIS VITAE VELIT. NAM ULTRICIES ERAT

A template by Melbourne
Boring Studios Australia
Boring School: Here you can showcase your brand concept
Brand Presentation [BRAND NAME] 10
as a whole in a snapshot. Use a variety of your colour, font and
typography selections which embody the concept as a whole
for the client.

A template by Melbourne
Boring Studios Australia
Love your work
Thank you for your interest in working with [your name/brand

We look forward to creating something special with you.

Need us?
[your website]
[your email]

Place your [@yourhandle]

logos here

Always remember, the world omits endless opportunities, don’t

forget to snatch some up along the way because life isn’t meant to
be boring.

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