Natural Disaster

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All about

Bad face of mother nature
Everything you need
to know about

A natural disaster is the the infrastructure
highly harmful impact available Scholars have
on a society following been saying that the
natural hazard event. term natural disaster is
natural disaster can unsuitable and should
cause loss of life or be abandoned. Instead,
damage damage in its the simpler term disaster
wake. The severity of the be used, while also
damage depends On specifying the category
affected-population's on of hazard
types of Natural
is the shaking of the surface of Earth resulting
from a sudden release of energy in
lithosphere that creates seismic waves.

is a series of waves in a water body caused by
the displacement of a large lume of water,
generally in an ocean or a large lake.

is a period of drier-than-normal conditions. A
drought can last for days, months or years.

is a large air mass that rotates around a strong
center of low atmospheric pressure,
Forest Fire
is an unplanned unpredictable fire in an area
of combustible vegetation. Depending on the
type of vegetation present,

is an overflow of water that submerges land
that is usually dry

Volcanic eruption
Is the expulsion of gases, rock fragments,
and/or molten lava from within the Earth
through a vent onto the Earth's surface or into
the atmosphere.

Land slides
are several forms of mass wasting that may
include a wide range of ground movements,
such as rockfalls, mudflows, shallow or deep-
seated slope failures and debris flows.
Violent shaking or scale through lines on a
motion of the earth’s Richter scalefrom deep
surface due to underground1An
movements originating earthquake’s
seismograph and magnitude can be
graphically displayed

How does a earthquake occurs?

Earthquakes are produced at the earth’s plate

boundaries when two plates collide, spreading
apart or sliding past each other. When an
earthquake occurs.
an area of the earth’s crust will move very
suddenly and release a large amount of
energy. The point of the actual rock rupture is
called the focus. The focus is usually found far
beneath the surface. The point directly above
the focus on the surface of the earth is called
the epicentre.
Tsunamis are giant heights as the depth of
waves caused by the ocean decreases.
earthquakes or volcanic The speed of tsunami
eruptions under the sea. waves depends on
Out in the depths of the ocean depth rather than
ocean, tsunami waves the distance from the
do not dramatically source of the wave.
increase in height. But Tsunami waves may
as the waves travel travel as fast as jet
inland, they build up to planes
higher and higher

How does a tsunami occurs?

Most tsunami are caused by large earthquakes on

the sea floor when slabs of rock move past each
other suddenly, causing the overlying water to
move. The resulting waves move away from the
source of the earthquake event.
Landslides can happen on the seafloor, just like on
land. Areas of the seafloor that are steep and
loaded with sediment, such as the edge of the
continental slope, are more prone to undersea
Drought is a prolonged health, agriculture,
dry period in the natural economies, energy and
climate cycle that can the environment.An
occur anywhere in the estimated 55 million
world. It is a slow-onset people globally are
disaster characterized affected by droughts
by the lack of every year, and they are
precipitation, resulting the most serious hazard
in a water shortage. to livestock and crops in
Drought can have a nearly every part of the
serious impact on world.

How does a Drought occurs?

The amount of precipitation at a particular location
varies from year to year, but over a period of years
the average amount is fairly constant. In the deserts
of the Southwest, the average precipitation is less
than 3 inches per year. In contrast, the average
precipitation in the Northwest is more than 150
inches per year.
When little or no rain falls, soils can dry out and
plants can die. When rainfall is less than normal for
a period of weeks to years, streamflows decline,
water levels in lakes and reservoirs fall, and the
depth to water in wells increases.
Cyclone, any large winds move across
system of winds that nearly all regions of
circulates about a the Earth except the
centre of low equatorial belt and are
atmospheric pressure in generally associated
a counterclockwise with rain or snow. Also
direction north of the occurring in much the
Equator and in a same areas are
clockwise direction to anticyclones
the south. Cyclonic

How does a cyclone occurs?

Cyclones are caused by atmospheric disturbances

around a low-pressure area distinguished by swift
and often destructive air circulation. Cyclones are
usually accompanied by violent storms and bad
weather. The air circulates inward in an
anticlockwise direction in the Northern hemisphere
and clockwise in the Southern hemisphere.
Cyclones are classified as: extra tropical cyclones
and tropical cyclones.
A wildfire or wildland fire classified more
is a fire in an area of specifically as a brush
combustible vegetation fire, bushfire, desert fire,
occurring in rural areas. forest fire, grass fire, hill
Depending on the type fire, peat fire, vegetation
of vegetation present, a fire, and veld fire.
wildfire can also be

How does a forest fire occurs?

Though the exact source of Sonoma County’s

wildfires is unclear, authorities have pointed to the
fact that 95 percent of fires in the state of California
are started by people, according to CNN.

Meteorologists aren’t yet able to forecast wildfire

outbreaks, but there are three conditions that must
be present in order for a wildfire to burn. Firefighters
refer to it as the fire triangle: fuel, oxygen, and a
heat source. Four out of five wildfires are started by
people, but dry weather, drought, and strong winds
can create a recipe for the perfect disaster—which
can transform a spark into a weeks- or months-long
blaze that consumes tens of thousands of acres.
Floods are when water suddenly, often without
overflows from the warning and usually
normal boundaries of a due to heavy rain.
stream, river or other Though annual flooding
body of water, or is a natural
accumulates in an area phenomenon in many
that is usually dry. There parts of the world,
are two main types of human habitation and
floods. Inundation land-use practices have
floods are slow and led to an increase in
develop over hours or frequency and size of
days. Flash floods occur floods.

How does a flood occurs?

Floods occur when water overflows from water
bodies – seas, oceans, ponds, lakes, canals, or
rivers – and submerges land which is usually dry.
Floods, especially in India, are some of the most
common and severe natural weather events that
lead to huge losses of life, property, and livelihoods.

According to a study in 2021, floods and cyclones

have caused the most numbers of extreme
weather-related human deaths in the past 50 years
in India. The two together are held responsible for
nearly 75% of all moralities due to extreme weather
events per year.
Volcanic eruption, an gentle eruptions, as
eruption of molten rock, typically seen
hot rock fragments, and in Hawaiian volcanoes,
hot gases through to massively destructive
a volcano, which is a ones, such as the
vent in a planet’s or eruption of Vesuvius that
satellite’s crust. Volcanic destroyed Pompeii in
eruptions can cause 79 CE. Volcanic
disastrous loss of life eruptions have
and property. They captured themagination
range from relatively

How does a volcano errupts?

Deep within the Earth it is so hot that some rocks

slowly melt and become a thick flowing substance
called magma. Since it is lighter than the solid rock
around it, magma rises and collects in magma
chambers. Eventually, some of the magma pushes
through vents and fissures to the Earth's surface.
How to prevent
from these

natural disaster
 Planning measures: Cities and locales can
be planned and built in the safest way
possible. Houses and workplaces should
be built away from the areas that are most
vulnerable to the effects of natural
 Economic measures: Local economies
should be structured to minimize disaster
vulnerability and incentivize safety.
 community members are taught the best
practices for staying safe during a disaster.
If the community does not know what to

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