Freedom of The Human Person

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CRITIQUE PAPER A concept paper is a document that can be used in

Critiquing is a systematic way of highlighting different disciplines. In an academic context, it can
weakness and strengths and and its applicability to be a definition of an idea with a certain amount of
practice. Experts affirm that almost every reader explanation and clarification in order to present an
can identify the strengths and weaknesses of a idea clearly.
masterpiece In an academic context as well that we can find a
Why write a critique? concept paper that presents itself as a brief
A critique is an exercise in judging the value of a summary written to outline a research project.
piece of writing or research. It is also a way of It may also be used to convince potential funders to
improving your own skills by looking at the way sponsor a product, program or service.
other writers and researchers work. It is a valuable A concept paper is written before its author begins
exercise in the careful reading of text that will their research, and a research paper is written after
increase your understanding of a particular subject. they've completed it.
It needs to be clarified that when one performs 1. Presents ideas clearly
criticism, it's not simply finding fault/ mistakes or 2. Interest potential funders
wrong, but it aims to find excellence and 3. Develop potential solutions into project ideas
perfections. 4. Determine whether a project is fundable
Steps to do to write a critique 5. Serve as the foundation of a full proposal
1. Analyze the text 6. make a study on art and its "making"
Set out the main purpose of the author's book or 7. introduce the relationship of art and life
Identify the main point that the author is making POSITION PAPER
Discuss the arguments that are used to support the It is an essay that expresses a position of an issue. It
main point and the evidence that supports them gives arguments that support the opinion of the
2. Evaluate the text You will need to comment not only writer based on the facts collected.
the content of the piece but also on the way in which it STEPS TO ORGANIZE YOUR POSITION PAPER
has been written. Consider the following: Introduction In this part you must introduce the
Is the argument logical? topic, and then provide history or background of the
Is the text well organized, clear and easy to read? issue. You may also describe the issue on- hand so
Have important terms been clearly defined? do your research.
Are the facts accurate? Body Provide evidence that support your claim.
Do the arguments support the main point? Now you state your second argument followed by
Is there sufficient evidence for the arguments? your third argument. Make sure to provide details
Does the material help you understand the subject? that support the argument given.
3. Write in standard essay form A critique should be Conclusion Now, you can restate both sides of the
written in an essay format. It will need an argument, summarize the three arguments made in
introduction, a main body of text and conclusion. your essay. Lastly, provide a call for action. ISSUES
Prepare an outline. State the main points of your Social media gives negative effect on students'
work will be and the evidence that you will use to academic performance.
back them up
Set out in your introduction HOW you will approach
your task.
Consider ending your introduction with a THESIS
This is a brief summary of what your work will
The main body of your essay should be deal with the
detailed analysis of the subject matter
Conclude by re-emphasizing your argument or point
of view and stating why you have reached a
particular conclusion.
don't forget: proof read, revise, and edit your first

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