Bertrand 1998

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Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 12, 1697–1700 (1998)

Keto–Enol Tautomerism and Dissociation of

Ionized Acetaldehyde and Vinyl Alcohol.
A G2 Molecular Orbital Study
W. Bertrand and G. Bouchoux*
Département de Chimie, Laboratoire des Mécanismes Réactionnels, UMR 7651, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau cedex,

Part of the potential energy surface for ionized vinyl alcohol, [CH2=CHOH]‡, 1‡, acetaldehyde,
[CH3CHO]‡, 2‡, and hydroxycarbene [CH3COH]‡, 3‡, is calculated at the G2 level of theory. It is
confirmed that the latter structure is a stable species (predicted 298K heat of formation = 835 kJ/mol) which
serves as intermediate during dissociation of 1‡ and its isomerization to 2‡. # 1998 John Wiley & Sons,
Received 7 September 1998; Revised 26 September 1998; Accepted 27 September 1998

In 1984, two theoretical studies were devoted to the keto– G2(MP2) approach, the basis set-extension energy correc-
enol tautomerism of [C2H4O]‡ radical cations.1,2 In both tions are obtained at the 2nd order Molle–Plesset level.4b
cases geometry optimization was conducted at the Hartree– Standard ab initio calculations have been carried out
Fock level with a simple 3-21G or 4-31G basis set and using the Gaussian-94 series of programs.6 The MP2(full)/
electron correlation effects were taken into account by 6-31G(d) optimized geometries of the different structures
single point calculations on these geometries. The common included in this study are schematized in Fig. 1. The
conclusion of these studies was that, in addition to ionized corresponding G2 and G2(MP2) relative energies are
vinyl alcohol, [CH2=CHOH]‡, 1‡, and acetaldehyde, presented in Table 1.
[CH3CHO]‡, 2‡, a third structure, the hydroxycarbene Two general remarks can be made at this stage. In the
[CH3COH]‡, 3‡, plays an important role in the chemistry present investigation spin unrestricted wave functions were
of this system. The various isomerization routes and the used for the HF calculation. For the species considered here,
dissociations by H atom loss, involving 1‡, 2‡ and 3‡, the unprojected <S2> values were within 0.757–0.890
depicted in Scheme 1, were explored. indicating moderate spin contamination (Table 1). It is thus
Both studies1,2 agree qualitatively in the estimates of the expected that the G2 theory provides reasonable relative
various critical energies separating each isomer and the energies for the open-shell system considered here. The
dissociation products. However discrepancies of no less second point to mention is the systematic agreement
than 50 kJ/mol were apparent for some elementary steps, obtained for the relative energies calculated either at the
particularly hydrogen atom migrations. Furthermore, con- G2 or the G2(MP2) levels of theory.
flicting conclusions were drawn concerning the nature of the
energy determining step for dissociation3 of 1‡. To clarify
these questions, in view of the moderate size of this system,
it was of interest to reinvestigate the energetic of reactions RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
of Scheme 1 using a more sophisticated theoretical method
Stable species
such as the G2 theory.4
The MP2/6-31G* optimized geometries of ionized vinyl
COMPUTATIONAL SECTION alcohol, 1‡, and acetaldehyde, 2‡, have been reported
earlier.7,8 We confirm that ionized vinyl alcohol is more
It seems well established that accurate heats of formation of stable in its anti- conformation, probably due to a favourable
open-shell systems can be attained at the G2 level of electrostatic interaction between the oxygen atom and the
theory4a for species with low spin contamination.5 Standard nearest H atom of the methyl group (H6, Fig.1). The most
G2 theory employs a geometry optimized at the MP2(full)/ stable conformer of ionized acetaldehyde exhibits also a cis-
6-31G(d) level and a scaled HF/6-31G(d) ZPE. A base coplanar HCCO arrangement developing an electrostatic
energy calculated at the MP4/6-311G(d,p) level is corrected attraction between the oxygen atom and one H of the methyl
by several additivity approximations to QCISD(T) and to 6- group (H5, Fig.1). It is noteworthy that the eclipsed HCCH
311‡G(3df,2p) basis set. In an attempt to account for conformer corresponds to a transition structure for the
residual basis set deficiencies, G2 theory introduces higher- rotation of the methyl group, for which the critical energy
level corrections (HLC) that depends on the number of calculated at the MP2/6-31G* level is 4.7 kJ/mol. Ionized
paired and unpaired electrons. In the more economical hydroxycarbene, 3‡, has been characterized at the HF/4-
31G level by Bouma et al.9 The present results show that the
*Correspondence to: G. Bouchoux, Département de Chimie, Labor- most stable conformation of this ion exhibits also a
atoire des Mécanismes Réactionnels, UMR 7651, Ecole Polytech- favourable interaction between the oxygen atom and one
nique, 91128 Palaiseau cedex, France. H of the CH3 moiety (H5, Fig.1). The transition structure for

CCC 0951–4198/98/221697–04 $17.50 # 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


Figure 1. MP2(full)/6-31G(d) optimized geometries of the [C2H4O]‡ structures considered (bond

lengths in Å, bond angles in degrees).

Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 12, 1697–1700 (1998) # 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Table 1. Calculated relative energies (kJ/molÿ1) of the [C2H4O]‡ structures considered

Species HF/6-31G*a MP2(full)/6-31G*b <S2>c G2(MP2)d G2e
1 ‡ 0 0 0.765 0 0
2 ‡ 39 80.6 0.775 56.2 55.4
3 ‡ 74 70.9 0.757 67.7 68.1
4 ‡ 135 67.7 0.750 103.4 104.7
TS 1/2 299 251.2 0.813 214.7 215.0
TS 1/3 238 221.1 0.764 183.5 183.5
TS 2/3 294 248.6 0.789 210.6 210.9
TS 2/4 190 143.4 0.820 113.1 112.8
TS 3/4 261 220.5 0.890 188.7 188.6
E(1‡) = ÿ152.608941 Hartrees.
E(1‡) = ÿ153.014403 Hartrees.
At the MP2(full)/6-31G* level.
E(1‡) = ÿ153.210369 Hartrees.
(1‡) = ÿ153.214087 Hartrees.

rotation of the methyl group is the HCCO trans-coplanar theoretical estimate (68 kJ/mol at both the G2 and G2(MP2)
conformation which lies 2.2 kJ/mol above 3‡. levels) is thus not completely unexpected. In view of the
At the G2 level, the calculated 298 K relative enthalpies good agreement between G2 calculation and experiment
of 1‡, 2‡ and 3‡ are 0, 56 and 68 kJ/mol respectively; the obtained for the other species considered here, we can
energy level of the dissociation products [CH3CO]‡ ‡ H, consider that in this case the theory is closer to the reality.
4‡, is calculated to be 105 kJ/mol above 1‡ (Table 1). A Consequently, a heat of formation value may be proposed
comparison between the data quoted in Table 1 and Table 2 for ionized hydroxycarbene 3‡ by combining the experi-
shows an excellent agreement between calculated and mental heat of formation of ionized vinyl alcohol, 1‡, or
experimental relative energies for 1‡, 2‡ and the ionized acetaldehyde, 2‡, and the G2 relative energies of
dissociation products 4‡ but not for 3‡, for which a 1‡–3‡. Using DfHo[CH2=CHOH]‡ = 768 kJ/mol,
discrepancy of no less than 30 kJ/mol is observed. DfH°[CH3CHO]‡ = 821 kJ/mol, together with the data
Some comments may be made about these results. The quoted in Table 1, this leads to DfH°[CH3COH]‡ = 835 kJ/
298 K heat of formation of 1‡, determined by photoioniza- mol.
tion threshold measurement10 and G2(MP2) calculated
isodesmic and isogyric reaction enthalpy,7 agree to within
Potential energy diagram
3 kJ/mol. The experimental value, 768 kJ/mol, slightly
higher than the tabulated one (757 kJ/mol),11 is accurate The portion of the potential energy surface associated with
to within  5 kJ/mol.10 The heat of formation of ionized Scheme 1 is presented in Fig. 2. It is in qualitative
acetaldehyde 2‡, 821 kJ/mol, is derived from the heat of agreement with the previous works mentioned above and
formation and the ionization energy of the neutral,11 and the provides the following conclusions.
uncertainty in DfH°[2‡] is less than 1 kJ/mol. The The transition structures for 1,2- or 1,3-hydrogen
experimental heat of formation of ionized hydroxycarbene, migrations and that for the H loss from 3‡, lie in a very
3‡, has been obtained from the appearance energy of m/z narrow energy range (182 to 215 kJ/mol). This finding is
44 ions from pyruvic acid, CH3COCOOH. Several sources comparable with that reported previously, but the critical
of uncertainities on this determination allow the authors to energies calculated at the G2 level are well below that of
propose a rough estimate of 865  20 kJ/mol. This leads to a Ref. 1 (by ca. 50 kJ/mol) or Ref. 2 (by ca. 20 kJ/mol).
relative energy of 3‡, with respect to 1‡ equal to 97  25 The behaviour of each stable species may be now briefly
kJ/mol. The difference observed between this value and our summarized. Starting from 1‡, the lowest energy route is
its isomerization to ionized hydroxycarbene 3‡ which may
in turn dissociate to [CH3CO]‡ ‡H, 4‡. Both steps need
comparable energies (182 and 189 kJ/mol for 1/3‡ and 3/
Table 2. Experimental thermochemical data (kJ/molÿ1) 4‡ respectively) and it is difficult to say which is really the
DfH°298 DH°298 energy determining step of the overall process. The
transition structure for H loss from 3‡ is calculated to be
768  5a
1 ‡ 765b 0 85 kJ/mol above the products [CH3CO]‡ ‡H, 4‡. We note
757c that this value is less than the estimate given by Burgers et
2 ‡ 821  1c 53 al.3 for the recombination of [CH3CO]‡ ‡H (120 kJ/mol),
3 ‡ 865  20d 97 but this latter, deduced from the appearance energy
CH3CO‡ ‡ H 657e (653c) ‡ 218c 107
determination of [CH3CO]‡ from pyruvic acid, is certainly
an upper limit due to kinetic shift effects.
From photoionization threshold energy determination, Ref. 10. Isomerization of vinyl alcohol 1‡ to acetaldehyde 2‡
Theoretical estimate from G2(MP2) calculations, Ref. 7. may follow either a direct 1,3-hydrogen migration (critical
From the tabulation of Ref. 11. energy 215 kJ/mol) or two successive 1,2-hydrogen shifts
1‡ → 3‡ → 2‡ (overall critical energy 211 kJ/mol). In
From Ref. 13.
From Ref. 12.
fact, both processes cannot compete with the hydrogen atom
loss which needs only 189 kJ/mol. This is in agreement with

# 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 12, 1697–1700 (1998)

Figure 2. Potential energy diagram for the isomerization/dissociation processes of [C2H4O]‡

ions (G2 calculations).

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kJ/mol while the two possible isomerization processes 6. M. J. Frisch, G. W. Trucks, H. B. Schlegel, P. M. W. Gill, B. G.
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Johnson, M. A. Robb, J. R. Cheesemann, T. A. Keith, G. A.
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results indicate a reverse activation barrier of 9 kJ/mol for V. G. Zakrewski, J. V. Ortiz, J. B. Foresman, J. Cioslowski, B. B.
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Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 12, 1697–1700 (1998) # 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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