INME 4045 - Chapter 5 - Suggested Problems

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INSTRUCTOR: Prof. A. Cecchini


EXAMPLE 5-7 The power output of an adiabatic wires. In a 15-kW electric heating system, air enters
steam turbine is 5 MW, and the inlet and the exit the heating section at 100 kPa and 17C with a
conditions of the steam are as indicated in the figure. volume flow of 150 m3/min. If heat is lost from the
(a) Compare the magnitudes of h, ke, pe. (b) air in the duct to the surroundings at a rate of 200 W,
Determine the work done per unit mass of the steam determine the exit temperature of air. Answer:
flowing through the turbine. (c) Calculate the mass 21.9C.
flow rate of the steam. Answer: (a) h = −887.4 kJ/kg;
ke = 14.95 kJ/kg’; pe = −0.04 kJ/kg. (b) 872.4
kJ/kg. (c) 5.73 kg/s.

EXAMPLE 5-13 An insulated 8-m3 rigid tank

contains air at 600 kPa and 400K. A valve connected
to the tank is opened, and air is allowed to escape
until the pressure inside drops to 200 kPa. The air
temperature during the process is maintained
constant by an electric resistance heater placed in
the tank. Determine the electrical energy supplied to
EXAMPLE 5-8 Refrigerant-134a enters the capillary air during this process. Answer: 0.89 kWh.
tube of a refrigerator as saturated liquid at 0.8 MPa
and is throttled to a pressure of 0.12 MPa. Determine
the quality of the refrigerant at the final state and the
temperature drop during this process. Answer: 0.34;
− 53.63C.

u1 P1 u2 P2
v1 v2

EXAMPLE 5-11 The electric heating systems used in 5-12 A desktop computer is to be cooled by a fan
many houses consist of a simple duct with resistance whose flow rate is 0.34 m3/min. Determine the mass
heaters. Air is heated as it flows over resistance flow rate of air through the fan at an elevation of
3400 m where the air density is 0.7 kg/m3. Also, if the 5-78 A thin-walled double-pipe counter-flow heat
average velocity of air is not to exceed 110 m/min, exchanger is used to cool oil (cp = 2.20 kJ/kg-C) from
determine the diameter of the casing of the fan. 150 to 40C at a rate of 2 kg/s by water (cp = 4.18
Answer: 0.238 kg/min; 0.063 m. kJ/kg-C) that enters at 22C at a rate of 1.5 kg/s.
Determine the rate of heat transfer in the heat
exchanger and the exit temperature of water.
Answer: 484 kW; 99.2C.

5-81 Refrigerant-134a at 1 MPa and 90C is to be

cooled to 1 MPa and 30C in a condenser by air. The
air enters at 100 kPa and 27C with a volume flow
rate of 600 m3/min and leaves at 95 kPa and 60C.
5-32E Air at 13 psia and 65F enters an adiabatic
Determine the mass flow rate of the refrigerant.
diffuser steadily with a velocity of 750 ft/s and leaves
with a low velocity at a pressure of 14.5 psia. The exit Answer: 100 kg/min.
area of the diffuser is 3 times the inlet area.
Determine (a) the exit temperature and (b) the exit
velocity of the air. Answer: (a) 112F; (b) 244 ft/s.

5-50 Helium is to be compressed from 105 kPa and

295 K to 700 kPa and 460 K. A heat loss of 15 kJ/kg 5-98 A computer cooled by a fan contains eight PCBs,
occurs during the compression process. Neglecting each dissipating 10 W power. The cooling air is
kinetic energy changes, determine the power input supplied by a 25-W fan mounted at the inlet. If the
required for a mass flow rate of 60 kg/min. Answer: temperature rise of air as it flows through the case of
872 kW. the computer is not to exceed 10C, determine (a)
the flow rate of the air that the fan need to deliver
and (b) the fraction of the temperature rise of air that
is due to the heat generated by the fan and its motor.
Answer: (a) 0.0104 kg/s; (b) 24%.

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