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olor Inskuments Rely SL Vie Poriee, 17 24050 Oro Soro (86) aly Fox +39 0354551763, ip) mew solo net -mit info insrumentssoldosrotork com tet 439 035-451 61 SB-SIB intrinsically safe UE Conformity Declaration {CE128.00 — Date: 19/04/2020, IT 1® GB fi Dichiarazione di conformita UE ai sensi della direttiva Atex 2014/34/UE EU Declaration of conformity EU as defined by the ATEX directive 2014/34/EU Dichiariamo, sotto ta nostta esclusiva responsabiltd, che | SOLDO"ROTORK limit suitch box SB-SIB intrinsically sae series, C€ 2578) 260 ExialleT6..14Gb xine TOS. To6°C Db “oovcstambevs0ve sono conformi ile disposizioni dele direttve ATEX. 2014/34/UE "Equipment or Protective Systems iniended for use in potentially ‘exlosive atmospheres" econ Tadempimento della legislazione hazionate.Inole dchiarlamo che sena stata applicate le norme: ENIEC 60079-02018, EN 60079-11:2012 Directive 2014/30/UE Electromagnetic compatibity EN 61326-1:2013 Directive 2014/35/UE Low tension EN 60529:1991/02: 2013 EN 60730-1:2011 EC: Certicato ai esame a Tipe: EPT 20 ATEX 3751 X Notifa della assieurazione qualita ATEX: Herewith we declare under our sole responsibilty, that the SOLDO"ROTORK limit switch box SB-SIB intinsically safe series, C€ 25756 waco ExiallCT6..146b Exiallé 196-0798" Db “ao°cetambe8ore ate in conformity with the provision of the ATEX directive 2014/34/EU "Equipment or Protective. Systems intended for use in potentially ‘explosive atmospheres” and with national Implementing legislation fand that appropriate harmonized standards have been applied EN IEC 60078-0.2018 EN 60079-12012, Directive 2014/30/EU Electromagnetic compatiiy EN61326-1:2013 Directive 2014/38/EU Low tension EN.60529:1991/A2. 2013 EN.60730-1.2011, EC: Type examination certincate EPT 20 ATEX 3751 X Production quality assurance notification ATEX. “TTSOSATEXQSE20 FR |G) CE De c Déclaration de conformité UE suivant la directive Atex directive 2014/34/UE Par la présente nous déclarone, sous notre seule responsabilité, que les SOLDO™/ROTORK limit switch box SE-SIB intinsically safe C€ 2575 zed Ex ial T6...74 Gb Exia IG TA5°C, 95°C Db -20°GsTambs+80"C sont conformes aux dispositions des Directive ATEX 2014/34/UE “Equipment or Protective Systems intended for use in potentially exlosive almospheres” et aux kgisiationsnationales les transposan. Les nomes applcables sont EN IEC 6007-0:2018, EN 60079-11.2012 Directive 2014/30/UE Electromagnetic compatibility. EN 61326-1:2013 Directive 2014/35/UE Low tension EEN 60529:1991/A2: 2013 EN 60730-1.2011 [Atestation examen CE de type: EPT 20 ATEX 3751 X Assurance quate de production ATEX TSO8ATEXOS820 Konformititserklirung EU im Sinne der ATEX richtlinie 2014/34/EU Hirt erkacon wit, unter unserer alenigen verantwortung, dass die ‘SOLDO™/ROTORK leit switch box SE-SIB intrinsically safe series, C€ 2675 26d ExiallC T6...14.Gb Ex in IC T85°C.T95"C Db “20°CsTambsr80"C den ATEX 2014/34/EU "Equipment or Protective Systems intended for use in polentialy exlosive almospheres” sowie den einschlagigen nationalen Durchfutrungsbestimmungen entsprecten Folgende nomen wurden zugrundegelegt EN IEC 60079-0:2018, EN 60079-11:2012, Directive 2014/30/EU Electromagnetic compatbilty. EN61326-1:2013 Directive 2014/35/EU Low tension EN 0529:1991/A2: 2013 EN 60730-1:2011 EG. Baumusterpribescheinigung: EPT 20 ATEX 3751 X ‘Anerkennung Qualtatssicherung det Prodution ATEX: ITSOBATEXOS820,

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