BCH Data Center Solutions en Screen
BCH Data Center Solutions en Screen
BCH Data Center Solutions en Screen
Introduction 3
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Embracing the future of
Data Centers
i Pros Insights
Digitalization is having a profound As more businesses and individuals rely on digital Business Drivers Data Centers are changing
effect on technology, economies, and solutions, demand for data storage, processing, and
transmission is surging, requiring more servers, storage • Business KPIs and sustainability considerations are
societies, which is set to continue. From systems, and network equipment. Faster networking driving DC design and construction.
5G and mobile apps to IoT and Artificial solutions, 5G, and high-speed intra-DC communication
Intelligence, we’re seeing a change from technologies are becoming vital to handling data traf- • Ever-higher equipment density is changing rack
fic. Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Strategies require specifications significantly. For example, as tem-
‘analog’, ‘human-centric’ approaches to an integration with cloud environments, for seamless data Markets Strategies perature and weight increase, (Small Form Factor)
increasingly automated digital world. mobility and interoperability. Market Developments Customers’ changing connectors and cabling sizes decrease…
and new technolo- tech-driven business
As markets keep evolving, businesses must also adapt The processes and applications of today and tomor- gies today and in the strategies and execution • Changing architectures, densities and environmental
their approaches and operations. Digitalization is com- row need new architectures and design methods. A future goals are driving new developments in cooling. Do
pletely reshaping business strategies. Digital platforms robust, adaptable infrastructure will fully harness the you use gas, on-board, or liquid cooling? How do you
allow businesses to adapt to changes fast, such as speed and efficiency gains the digital transformation minimize energy usage and impact?
sudden demand surges and supply chain disruption. offers. This requires expansion of current data centers
Real-time data is helping businesses make instant de- and the construction of new ones. In DCs, the need • DC efficiency is typically measured in Power Us-
cisions. Digitalization enables new monetization strat- for high-performance computing needs to be balanced age Effectiveness (PUE). A PUE of 2 means that for
egies and business models. Processes are streamlined with identification and implementation of energy-effi- every watt of power used for computing, another
and businesses have new ways to target, reach, and cient practices. Balancing workloads, managing virtual watt is consumed for power distribution, cooling
engage with audiences. Working at home and on the go machines, and optimizing resource utilization are key to Processes Hardware and related processes. Conventional DCs have a
are here to stay. There’s a growing emphasis on building cost-effective operations. Business processes Hardware architecture in PUE value of 1.9 - almost half of the total energy
ecosystems, partnerships, and integrations with other and required software the DC (Servers, Switch- consumption is not used for the actual purpose -
platforms and services. applications es, Storage…) processing power. In Germany, existing data centers
must ensure a PUE no higher than 1.5 by 1 July
2027 (current average = 1.7).
6 www.rdm.com 7
DCs will continue to be affected by new demands, DCs house a vast number of physical assets, such as
technological advances, and evolving workloads. servers or networking and storage equipment. This
Adapting to ever-evolving requirements while contin- must work together optimally to avoid inefficient re-
uing to provide reliable and scalable infrastructure for source allocation, downtime, and security risks. Com-
a wide range of applications and services is a must for pliance with regulations and standards, which vary
business continuity and future-proofing DCs. depending on location and the data being stored and
processed, is required. Planning for unexpected events
Facilities of all sizes need to meet changing technol- is essential to minimizing downtime and data loss.
ogy and application needs. They must deliver higher
performance and (automated) intelligence to accom- Accurate asset utilization insights and capacity plan-
modate massive data growth, seamlessly integrate with ning are required to utilize resources as efficiently as
emerging technologies, and offer more capacity when possible, control costs, and ensure the highest degree
required. of sustainability. DC asset lifetimes need to be care-
fully managed in all phases and process design and
documentation should minimize risk of human error.
At the same time, however, the DC industry is facing a
shortage of trained staff…
1 Processing power, memory capacity, I/O performance 1 Accommodate AI, Machine Learning, Edge, 5G
3 Reduced operational cost and environmental impact 3 Enhanced security and data privacy
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R&M integrated
DC approach
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R&M integrated DC How we help you reach your
approach KPI targets approach
12 www.rdm.com 13
Our modular
Easy scalability, lower cost, more efficiency Enhanced flexibility Understanding dependencies Team of experts
Modular Data Centers provide easy scalability, lower Modular design offers enhanced flexibility to accommo- It’s important that every single discipline involved in By assembling a ‘rainbow team’ of experts from all
costs, higher efficiency, and significantly shorter time date growth or changing requirements whilst provid- creating the data center works very closely togeth- relevant disciplines and appointing one single point of
to market. A Modular Data Center is, essentially, an ing an opportunity to spread investment costs over er and exchanges information in a highly structured, contact, we can take care of optimizing the modular
integrated, predesigned set of modules selected and time. Costs remain fixed until utilization increases, and standardized manner. Each individual competence area solution, regardless of the number of variations and
configured with possible expansion in mind, as well as depreciation can be managed in stages. All components is currently highly specialized and rapidly developing. product types, and the resulting complexity.
the possibility of downscaling or altering functionality of a prefabricated, pre-developed solution are highly Customization, for example, is too complicated to be
as and when circumstances require this. The DC is fully standardized. carried out by anyone but experts who understand all
functional from the outset but can be scaled as busi- the dependencies and variables.
ness develops or IT needs and processes change.
Anyone who needs to get up and running fast, or works
in an especially fast-moving market, could bene- fit When specifying and building a modular solu-
from this design approach. tion, dealing with multiple suppliers is practically
unavoidable. It makes sense to have one single
representative manage all parties and ensure
consistency, compatibility and interoperability of
processes and products.
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R&M building blocks
How we can help
16 www.rdm.com 17
Servers Switches
Requirements Requirements
Data Center server requirements R&M for servers Data Center switch requirements R&M for switches
DCs need vast processing capacity, memory, and I/O R&M’s proven high-quality server solutions include Today’s focus is on high throughput, low latency, high To meet today and tomorrow’s business demands, trunk
performance for continuous availability. This must be copper and fiber cabling. A broad, integrated prod- port density, horizontal and vertical scalability, robust cables as well as transition modules must provide a clear
supported by efficient memory management, hard- uct range includes solutions for cable routing, cable security, and redundancy. Power consumption and migration path to even higher speed Ethernet without
ware-driven virtualization, and automated and remote management, patching, and pre-terminated options, operational costs need to be reduced through smart increasing footprint. R&M switches offer features such
management. Highly data-intensive tasks, require high- designed to support data center server connections. design and operations, remote management, real-time as high port density, low latency, and high throughput to
speed connectivity. From an operational point of view, monitoring, and analytics. Demand for features such as support demanding workloads.
it is vital to reduce costs and environmental impact, and Our consultation and design services help plan and VLAN tagging, QoS, SDN and network virtual- ization
enhance scalability, security, and privacy. implement network infrastructure, from assessing re- is growing, and we predict similar growth in AI and ML, Advanced management and control features, such as
quirements and recommending appropriate solutions to customization, 5G traffic capacity, edge envi- ronments, Quality of Service (QoS) settings, VLAN support, and
Looking ahead, there will be more for compact, en- creating customized cabling designs and maintenance Hybrid / Multi-cloud support, 400 Gbps and higher traffic monitoring allow administrators to optimize the
ergy-efficient Edge Computing Servers and greater and service concepts. Solutions are optimized for the data throughput rates, and lower latency. network for different types of traffic and applications.
integration of 5G, AI, ML and hybrid and multi-cloud specific server hardware used and our ongoing research Compatibility and interoperability with a wide range of
environments. Modular flexible design and container- into new trends and developments allows you to make This will require enhanced authentication, authoriza- network equipment and devices from various vendors is
ized applications will be more important. informed infrastructure decisions. Our approach en- tion, network (micro)segmentation, analytics, telemetry, ensured and scalability, security, and support are all part
sures efficient, reliable data transmission and flexibility visualization, and dynamic environmental features. of the overall concept.
today and in the future.
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Netscale 48 Netscale 72
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Discover R&M’s integrated
ultra-high-density platform
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Optical transmission
i Pros Insights
03 0.7273
high-speed communications where minimizing signal critical, such as short campus connections or in build- without significantly recon- such as QSFP and OSFP,
loss and dispersion is paramount. These fibers have the ings. Multi-mode fibers are less suitable for long- haul figuring infra - structure. are widely adopted in
capability to transmit data over extensive distances, applications because dispersion and signal loss become the industry ensuring
ranging from tens to hundreds of kilometers, with mini- significant over longer distances, with minimal signal Low latency compatibility and
mal signal degradation. degradation. Parallel optics can offer interoperability.
low-latency communi-
cation due to the short Various architectures
distances involved. Parallel optics can be
Core diameter: Core diameter: used in various data
Typically, around 8-10 micrometers (µm) Typically, around 50 or 62.5 micrometers (µm). center network archi-
tectures, (spine-leaf, fat
tree, hyperconverged…)
Light source: Light source: supporting different
Laser diode - a single wavelength of light, resulting LED or lower-cost laser diodes which emit a connectivity needs.
in a narrower beam that travels in a straight line broader spectrum, resulting in multiple modes of
down the fiber core. Only one path is taken by the light propagating through the core simultaneously.
light rays. This minimizes dispersion and allows for This leads to higher dispersion and modal distor-
longer transmission distances with minimal signal tion.
24 www.rdm.com 25
Copper connectivity
Still room for innovation
Copper can be used to connect servers in racks and What’s more, copper Ethernet cabling supports Pow-
link switches and transfer data at high bandwidths (100 er over Ethernet (PoE). Copper can transmit data and
Gb/s over 8 meters). For decades, multi-gigabit Ether- simultaneously supply up to 100 Watts of power to
net over twisted-pair copper has been widely used as devices. PoE (especially PoE+ and PoE++) is increasingly
transport cabling for shorter runs at server, switch and being used power a wide range of networked devices in
top of rack layers. Partly because copper can be easily the DC, reducing the need for separate power cables.
and effectively terminated on site, is cost-efficient, and Numerous devices in the Data Center, especially IoT-re-
requires less power and cooling. Capital savings really lated sensors and actuators and building infrastructure
add up in DCs, in short links where the highest speeds components, need power and a data connection but
aren’t necessary. don’t require fibre-speed data transmission.
Cat 8
offers high performance, achieving
data rates of up to 25 Gbps over short
distances: ideal for high-speed LANs
and DCs upgrading from Cat 6A
and Cat 7. Furthermore, evolu-
tions of Cat 8, such as Cat 8.1
7 2
and Cat 8.2, are expected to
provide even higher data rates
and improved performance.
26 www.rdm.com 27
The focus is on cable management solutions, cooling Going forward, racks will need to accommodate even
efficiency, effective power distribution, power man- more higher-density hardware, such as GPUs, AI accel-
agement, security, redundancy and monitoring and erators, and advanced liquid and air-cooling solutions
management. Load-bearing capacity needs to support that can manage heat from power-hungry equipment.
the weight of increasingly dense servers, storage, and Increasingly, support will be required for modular de-
networking hardware and should be easily scalable to signs to accommodate changing equipment and work-
accommodate growth and equipment requirements. load demands, and edge computing. More intelligent
power management options, including dynamic load
balancing and granular power controls, advanced envi-
ronmental monitoring, and enhanced physical security Comparing steel and aluminum solutions
features will be required.
for data center racks
Steel Aluminum
High strength and durability, suitable Less dense than steel, resulting in
Strength and Durability for heavy equipment and high load lower overall strength.
Heavier, making installation and Lighter and easier to handle.
maintenance more challenging.
Generally, more cost-effective. Often more expensive due to the
Cost cost of the raw material and manu-
facturing processes.
Lower, advantageous in dissipating Higher, which can help in heat
Thermal Conductivity heat and preventing hotspots. dissipation but might contribute to
thermal conduction.
Susceptible to rust and corrosion, Better corrosion resistance.
28 www.rdm.com 29
Cabinet, infrastructure housing
and containment solutions
Freenet 19” cabinets with 1200 kg load BladeShelter Data Center Technologies
The modular data center infrastructure
Save space, time and resources while platform for low-energy consumption
enjoying maximum flexibility. datacenters with high thermal loads
Our heavy-duty, modular cabinet design opens up Our
heavy-duty, modular cabinet design opens up countless BladeShelter combines R&M’s DC equipment experi-
possibilities in data centers. Cabinets need to be easily ence with R&M Tecnosteel’s design know-how.
customizable to specific user needs. Our extensive
range of accessories offers all you need to optimally Innovative enclosure design contributes to efficient
equip your Freenet cabinet system. From cable man- cooling by strictly separating and optimally conditioning
agement solutions to storage compartments and fans hot and cold air streams. BladeShelter makes it easy to
- we have the right accessories to optimize your cabinet plan, install and operate tailor made, flexible DC infra-
for your individual requirements. Your equipment is op- structures while saving costs and energy. The program
timally cooled - our cabinets accommodate all common- offers energy-efficient in-row cooling systems and
ly used ventilation systems. scalable blade cooling modules. They are designed for
high heat loads up to 42 kW.
Specially designed for heavy loads with 800 kg
to 1200 kg load capacity. 1 Proven 19” cabinets
Comprehensive modularity for low logistics
2 and storage costs
2 Enclosures for hot and cold aisles
Effortlessly expand functionality with easy
3 customization.
3 Complete cubes for computer rooms
Prepared for built-in fans and cooling units
4 Expand with R&M DCIM, fiber connectivity and HD
with closed loop/open loop architecture 4
patch panels / distribution frames
5 Easily retrofittable
5 Cabinets with loads up to 2000 kg
Available as a flatpack version: easy to trans-
6 port and assemble on site.
030.7968 030.8660 090.7809 030.8677
30 www.rdm.com 31
Aligning with sustainability goals
Hot and cold aisle containment strategies help isolate Solutions will continue to focus on innovative technol-
hot and cold airflows. Precision air conditioning pro- ogies, efficient heat removal, intelligent management,
vides targeted cooling to specific areas, minimizing en- and sustainability. Granular temperature and humidity
ergy wastage and ensuring temperature control. Other data from sensors will enable more precise cooling
key requirements include options for lowering energy control. AI and machine learning algorithms, passive
usage, for example with varispeed fans, real-time moni- cooling, hybrid cooling, and liquid solutions, such as di-
toring and analytics to optimize cooling, prevent issues, rect-to-chip and immersion cooling, are becoming more
and support backup strategies. important to managing heat generated by high-per-
formance computing and GPUs. Cooling solutions will
Cooling systems increasingly require real-time moni- also need to address the unique challenges of modular,
toring and analytics to optimize performance, detect edge, and hyperscale data centers.
anomalies, and reduce power consumption.
Increasingly, liquid cooling solutions, IoT, and AI and
machine learning optimized cooling will be required to
manage high-performance computing heat. Further
areas of interest are solutions tailored for edge DCs,
scalable modular cooling, and heat recycling.
32 www.rdm.com 33
Power solutions
Smarter all the time
Power Distribution Uninterruptible Power Static Transfer Switches Data Center Infrastruc-
Units (PDUs) Systems (UPS) (STS) ture Management (DCIM)
Intelligent PDUs provide Ensure uninterrupted power STS enables seamless DCIM software monitors
comprehensive power con- during outages by providing switching between power power usage, equipment Lithium-Ion Batteries vs Lead-Acid Batteries
sumption monitoring, uni- sufficient capacity, conduct- sources like UPS, utility, or status, and predicts issues
form load distribution, and ing regular tests, and offering generators, with dual-path to ensure uninterrupted data Pros Cons
prevent overload issues. redundancy options like N+1 options for enhanced re- center operations during
or 2N configurations for dundancy and failover. power disruptions. + High Energy Density: more energy stored in a − Generally, more expensive upfront compared to
seamless power continuity.
smaller and lighter package lead-acid batteries
− More complex management systems to prevent
+ Long Cycle Life: longer lifespan with a higher num-
overcharging, over-discharging, and thermal runa-
ber of charge-discharge cycles
+ Lightweight and Compact, making them suitable for − Can be prone to overheating, swelling, or catching
portable electronics and applications fire under certain conditions
Redundant Power General Backup Battery Monitoring Energy Storage Solutions + Fast Charging: less downtime and improved user − Lower energy density: less energy stored per unit of
Sources Generators can deliver pro- Advanced battery moni- Energy storage technologies,
convenience weight or volume.
Connecting multiple power longed power support during toring systems track UPS such as lithium-ion batteries, + Low Self-Discharge rate: charge retained for longer − Environmental concerns: require careful disposal
sources enhances data extended outages. Regular batteries’ health and help an- bolster UPS capabilities and
periods when not in use and recycling
center equipment reliability, maintenance and testing are ticipate timely replacements. extend operational runtime.
especially when using feeds vital to ensuring consistent + Usable in wide range of applications: consumer
from different substations operational readiness of electronics, electric vehicles, renewable energy
or utilities to mitigate simul- generators.
systems etc.
taneous failure risks.
34 www.rdm.com 35
1 Patented IEX socket allows full PDU usage all the time.
36 www.rdm.com 37
This single-phase UPS series provides complete rack
or tower protection for IT systems such as servers and
networking devices, structured cabling systems, control
systems, switching, and edge solutions. NETYS RT is
easy to set up - no configuration is required upon initial
38 www.rdm.com 39
The Statys XS (Automatic Transfer System) features
two independent power supply circuits supplying
power to the load. In the event of a power failure in the
main circuit, the Statys XS automatically switches to the
other circuit to supply power to the load. The system
automatically switches back to the main circuit after
power is restored.
40 www.rdm.com 41
Fire protection
Increasingly proactive approaches
Even if data is backed up remotely, the time it takes to Fire-resistant coatings protect structural elements and
restore systems can result in data being temporarily cable pathways. Tight integration with building manage-
unavailable - a huge issue for real-time services and ment systems facilitates coordinated responses to fire
databases. incidents.
In safeguarding data centers against fire risks, different Fire detection systems will increasingly incorporate
strategies and technologies are essential. As part of a advanced technologies such as AI, thermal imaging,
fully integrated approach, DCs require advanced fire IoT, video analytics, and remote monitoring and control
detection systems, automatic fire suppression systems, for more accurate and early detection. Data analytics
redundant fire protection systems, emergency response can help predict fire risks, enabling even more efficient
plans and procedures, training and drills. Fire-resistant proactive prevention measures.
barriers and walls preventing fire spread between zones
and protect critical infrastructure.
42 www.rdm.com 43
Fire protection
Mitigating risk of harm to the installed base
Fire detection in a data center is critical to ensuring can also introduce risk. Also, if a great deal of cooling is
Burning intensity
the safety of both equipment and personnel. It is also needed as a result of material or infrastructure choices,
essential for minimizing downtime and potential damage it can be harder to detect fire or find the causes. development
to critical business operations. Redundant detection Human error, bad handling, poor maintenance and de-
methods and alert systems should be in place to avoid fective installations or equipment introduce further risk. Smouldering
i Pros Insights
Benefits of fog-based fire suppression By mitigating the drawbacks of gas and water-based
Fog-based solutions rely on a fine mist of water drop- methods, fog-based systems emerge as a compelling
lets or water-based solutions to extinguish fires. choice for data center fire extinguishing. In environ-
Mist is created by forcing water through nozzles or gen- ments where safeguarding critical equipment and data
↑ Intelligent smoke detectors erators, producing small droplets that quickly evaporate. is paramount, fog technology proves its prowess
This process cools the surrounding area and displaces
oxygen, effectively and rapidly suppressing fire.
44 www.rdm.com 45
Data Center Infrastructure The most up-to-date Data
Management Center infrastructure and
Today and tomorrow’s requirements DCIM available today
i Pros Insights
As DCs connect more hardware, R&M’s network infrastructure solutions build tomorrow’s data centers of through
monitoring operational aspects of servers, manageability, scalability, and flexibility. We support you with extensive knowledge and
switches, cooling, power equipment and know-how of centrally managed physical infrastructure and high-performance network
other linked IT hardware becomes harder. cables. Our experience working closely with companies around the world gives us a
first-hand understanding of your DCs complexities. At present, we see three key drivers
affecting data center design and requirements.
46 www.rdm.com 47
Good to know
The software is used to plan maintenance work
or MAC processes, create reports, and complete
audits. inteliPhy net 4.0 generates work orders,
distributes them, and monitors their execution.
48 www.rdm.com 49
Network topologies
Spine-leaf architecture
Spine-leaf architecture (or Clos architecture) is a popu- Spine-leaf architecture offers a robust, adaptable net-
lar design approach to building modern DC networks. It work foundation for data centers, providing the per-
provides a scalable and efficient way to handle increas- formance, scalability, and reliability needed to meet the
ing data traffic and ensure low-latency connectivity. demands of today and tomorrow.
In a spine-leaf architecture, devices are organized into
two layers: the spine layer and the leaf layer. Each leaf
switch is connected to every spine switch, creating a
non-blocking, high-bandwidth network topology.
50 www.rdm.com 51
Traditional Spine-Leaf Multi-Pod Spine-Leaf
Interpod Network
Leaf Switch
Leaf Leaf
Switch Switch
Leaf L L L L L L L L
End Device
(Server) Leaf
End Device
Servers Servers
52 www.rdm.com 53
Centralized Spine-Leaf Fat Tree Spine-Leaf
et Spine
Int Switch
iStack Peer SVF
Leaf End Device
54 www.rdm.com 55
Selecting copper DC Next steps for copper
cabling today cabling
Remote Power Categories Resistance Unbalance Testing Cat 8.1 and Cat 8.2 cabling solutions deliver higher Cat 6A cabling is designed to support higher data rates
ISO/IEC 14763-2 and EN 50174-2 cabling standards One challenge PoE introduces is the issue of resistance data rates and enhanced performance to accommodate and bandwidths than Cat 6, making it suitable for
have been extended to include Remote Power supply unbalance. In a PoE system, power is transmitted over the demands of emerging applications and technolo- applications such as 10GBASE-T Ethernet and beyond.
categories RP1, RP2 and RP3. These new categories a minimum of two pairs of wires in an Ethernet cable. gies. In response to diverse connectivity needs within Cat 6 compensation schemes aim to mitigate effects
define requirements prior to installation and after com- However, if there is an imbalance in the resistance be- data centers and networks, hybrid cabling solutions interference that can occur at higher frequencies (such
missioning to keep cabling and PoE running safely. The tween wires in a pair, or between pairs, unequal current seamlessly blend copper and fiber optics, providing the as signal attenuation or crosstalk).
RP category is determined by the maximum allowable distribution may occur in the baluns* of the Ethernet necessary flexibility.
average DC current in a cable bundle - the higher the transceivers and, as a result, saturation effects in the The goal of these compensation schemes is to have
rating, the higher the permissible current. Complying ferrite cores of the balun can lead to disruption of the Additionally, as data rates rise and electromagnetic excellent process control in the RJ45 plug (patch
with the ‘Remote Power’ (RP) categories is of great data transmission. Consequently, when using remote interference challenges become more prevalent, ad- and production) as well as in the connection module
importance for fulfilling warranties and preventing power supply (PoE), resistance symmetry is an absolute vanced grounding practices, including precision ground- compensation Only by filling components with superb
expensive, time-consuming equipment replacements precondition. It is, therefore, vital to measure this and ing and bonding techniques, are essential to ensure process control is it possible to guarantee consistent
and repairs. ensure it remains stable throughout every channel, end unwavering reliability in network infrastructure. high-performance transmission.
to end.
According to ISO/IEC 14763-2, an RP category must
be specified for each installation. Planning and product Resistance unbalance in cables may increase heat
selection must support that category. Each cable in a generated in a cable and invalidate RP3 certification.
bundle must be able to fully support the highest PoE Therefore, thermal stress can only be managed if this i Pros Insights
level. Assurance that the cable bundle will not overheat resistance imbalance is kept to a minimum. Although
is essential to category RP3 compliance. With RP3, ISO 11801-1 ( Direct current resistance unbal- Cat. 6 compensation schemes
cabling is setup during the planning phase, so that all ance) defines maximum resistance unbalance figures, it
cables can transmit the maximum PoE current simul- does not require this element to be tested.
taneously. This makes the system very safe. In RP3
cabling, the attenuation budget for data transmission
should always be respected and permissible temper- Magnetic
ature in the cable should not be exceeded. This can flux D
CE “Bad plug”
be achieved in part by managing bundle sizes, proper AL (32 dB)
component selection, and adjusting link lengths to the
installation. No
“Nominal plug” “Super plug”
Data (37 dB) (41 dB)
pair ED
Cat. 6A
Eq ur er
pm g
ui cin
So w
Cat. 5A
56 www.rdm.com 57
that matters
58 www.rdm.com 59
Connectivity that Support that matters
Network technology from R&M guarantees Project success is determined by the network of project It includes evaluation, configuration, customizing,
decisive advantages. Users experience the partners. The best data and communication networks logistics, installation training and measurements.
are the result of good collaboration. That is why R&M R&M also supports partners on site in downstream
benefits when they install cabling systems resolutely forges close partnerships all over the world. tasks such as infrastructure management. The global
from R&M effortlessly and when they use Whether for individual projects and markets or for R&M network comprises proprietary sales offices and
infrastructure solutions from R&M for permanent, comprehensive commitment. Ideally, R&M specialist consulting, plants, warehouses as well as
starts off by advising investors, general contractors, certified distributors and partners. R&M products are
generations without interruption. planners and installers on the special issues of the available locally to partners and customers in more than
project. Subsequent support extends from the design 100 countries.
High-end since 1964 to the commissioning of the network.
R&M has been developing and manufacturing high-end
connecting and distributive technology since 1964.
R&M customers around the world use it to design fu-
ture-proof data and communication networks for public
and private applications.
Superior performance
Clients who opt for R&M invest in sustainably reliable,
scalable and migration-capable infrastructures. The Quality Innovation
result: networks with guaranteed, measurably superior Every bit reaches its goal Excellent and effortless
performance. wiring Sustainability: R&M represents Success: meaningful case study
values publications
Global reach System warranty Protection of investment R&M maintains the balance between R&M continuously documents case
R&M tailors its product offerings and performance Lifelong commitment Install just once and enjoy economic, ecological and social interests studies in informative reports. The case
precisely to the needs of its customers. With 14 plants permanent use on the basis of exemplary ethical values. studies developed together with part-
at international locations, logistics hubs, sales organiza- Ever since it was founded, sustainability ners and customers give valuable insight
has shaped the family business. The into network technology for interested
tions and technical consultants, R&M remains close to Customer focus Sustainability
plan is to halve CO2 emissions by 2030, parties around the globe.
its customers on every continent. Responsible experts on site Man, nature, and the market
and to achieve full climate neutrality by
in harmony
60 www.rdm.com 61
R&M - worldwide
From project planning to operation
R&M Headquarters
R&M Manufacturing
R&M Sales Offices
Global network
R&M supports projects from start to finish: The worldwide network of proprietary companies
from network planning, via installation, to and certified partners provides the foundation for the
greatest possible customer proximity. Products and
ongoing operation. Personal service and solutions from Reichle & De-Massari are locally availa-
numerous satisfied customers worldwide ble in more than 100 countries. The company’s branch-
give you the security of knowing you are es in Europe, Asia Pacific, the Middle East, North and
Latin America together with partners guarantee that
working with the right partner! the sales/distribution, installation, and maintenance of
R&M solutions around the globe take place quickly and
that local customer requirements are satisfied.
62 www.rdm.com
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