AIML Syllabus

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University Department of Information and Communication Technology (UDICT)

B. Tech. Programme in Information Technology
Semester – IV

Course Code: BTIT2204 Title: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory: 3 Mid Semester: 20

Tutorial - Class Test: 20

Total credits: 3 End Semester: 60

Duration of theory paper: 3 Hrs.

Course 1. To understand the Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning concepts

2. To understand searching methods knowledge representation planning
and learning in AI
3. To know Dimensionality reduction
4. To understand and apply supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement
ML techniques

Course Students will be able to

1. Describe basic AI concepts, Compare different Heuristic Search
techniques. Justify knowledge representation
2. Understand logic programming, planning and learning methods
3. Understand and apply various types of Machine leaning techniques.
4. Describe Dimensionality reduction and clustering algorithms

Pre-requisites 1. Probability and statistics

2. Linear Algebra 1
3. Basics of Programming
Unit I: AI Problems, Production systems, Problem characteristics, Production
Heuristic System Characteristics, Issues in the Design of Search Problems, Heuristic
Search and search, Hill Climbing, Best firth search, Problem Reduction, Means-Ends
Knowledge Analysis, Representations and Mapping, Knowledge Representation, issues
Representatio in Knowledge Representation, Representing simple facts in logic,
n representing instance and ISA relationships,

Unit II: Logic Procedural Versus Declarative Knowledge, Logic Programming, Forward
Programming and backward reasoning, Forward and backward, Matching, Control
Knowledge, Nonmonotonic reasoning, Logics for Nonmonotonic reasoning,
Truth Maintenance Systems, Probability and Bayes’ Theorem, Certainty
Factors and Rule-Based Systems, Bayesian Networks,

Unit-III: Planning: Introduction, An example domain: The blocks world, component

Planning and of planning system, goal stack planning, non linear planning using constraint
Learning pasting, hierarchical planning, Reactive system. Introduction to learning,
Rote learning, learning by taking advice, learning in problem solving,
learning from examples: Induction, explanation-based learning,
Representing and using Domain knowledge, Architecture of expert systems,
knowledge acquisition

Unit- IV: What Is Machine Learning? Machine Learning Applications, Learning

Supervised Associations, Classification, Regression, Unsupervised, Reinforcement,
learning Supervised Learning a Class from Examples, Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC)
Dimension, Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) Learning, Noise,
Learning Multiple Classes, Regression, Model Selection and Generalization,
Dimensions of a Supervised Machine Learning Algorithm

Unit- V: Introduction, Subset Selection, Principal Components Analysis, Factor

Dimensionalit Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling, Linear Discriminant Analysis, Isomap,
y Reduction Locally Linear Embedding, Decision Tree Learning Introduction, Decision
tree presentation, Appropriate problems for Decision tree learning,

Unit- VI : Introduction, mixture Densities, k-Means Clustering, Expectation-

Clustering Maximization Algorithm, Mixtures of Latent Variable Models, Supervised
Learning after Clustering, Hierarchical Clustering, Choosing the Number of
Clusters Bayesian Decision Theory

Text Books:

1. Elaine rich and Kevin Knight, Shivshankar Nair, “Artificial Intelligence”, 3rd Edition,
Tata McGraw-Hill, ISBN-10-0070087709, ISBN-13-9780070087705
2. Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig, “Artificial Intelligence-A Modern Approach”, 2nd
1 of India, ISBN:01379023952
Edition, Pearson Education / Prentice Hall
3. Machine Learning. Tom Mitchell. First Edition, McGraw- Hill, 1997.
4. Introduction to Machine Learning Edition 2, by Ethem Alpaydin
Reference Books:

1. Christopher Bishop. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. 2e.

2. Eugene Charniak, Drew McDermott, “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence”,
Pearson Education, ISBN 81- 7808-033-8
3. Saroj Kaushik, “Artificial Intelligence”, Cengage learning, ISBN-13:9788131510995
4. Dan W. Patterson, “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems”,
Prentice Hall of India, ISBN: 81-203-0777-1
5. Rjschat-Koft “Artificial Intelligence & Engineering Approach “, Tata Mc-Graw Hill

2. nptelhrd: Artificial Intelligence by Prof. Deepak Khemani, Department of Computer
Science and Engineering, IIT Madras
3. Well academy: videos by Abdul Sattar
4. Machine Learning- Sudeshna Sarkar nptel


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