EPRSubmittal Guide 2019 Final

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Electrical Plan Review

Submittal Guide

REVISION DATE: 12-26-2019

Table Of Contents

Page 2: Table of contents.

Page 3: Introduction to plan review.

Page 4: RCW and WAC requirements for plan review.

Read Carefully.

Page 5: Electrical Plan Review telephone numbers, mailing


Page 6: Plan Review Fees, Electronic Plan Review Instructions

Page 7: Plans Examiner geographical areas, City plan review

information, and service locations

Pages 8-11: Plan Review screen in checklist instructions with

electronic forms link.

Page 12: Sample one line diagram.

Page 13: Sample Panel load calculation worksheet.

Page 14: Sample Single phase panel schedule.

Page 15: Sample Three phase panel schedule.

Page 16: Sample Distribution load calculation worksheet.

Page 17: Sample 30 Day peak demand load calculation


Page 18: Identification of approved plans

REVISION DATE: 12-26-2019


Although electrical plans are checked for compliance with many sections of the National
Electrical Code, the main focus of our review is the load on the service and feeders of
the electrical system(s), and proper design of emergency and standby systems. Our
review starts at the branch circuit level and investigates equipment and conductors in
the load path back to the service point.

The pages following this introduction describe the information needed to review your
electrical plans and load data. We have included hyperlinks, instructions, sample forms,
and schedules to demonstrate an acceptable format that can be used to present your
supporting documentation. You may use our forms, or you may create your own.
These forms are designed to assist you in assembling an accurate presentation that
demonstrates your design is in compliance with the appropriate codes.

The "Electrical Plan Review Submittal" form must be completed and enclosed with
all plan submittals. The information in items 1 through 11 on this form is entered into
our database and provides us the details needed to identify, track, and record your
project. Plans sent in without a submittal form may be rejected upon receipt.
Here is the Electrical Plan Review Submittal Form.

The documentation as outlined in the “Electrical Plan Review Screen-In Checklist”

must be presented in order for the plans examiner to begin a review. Plans lacking
the appropriate screen-in information or “identified” as something other than
construction documents, may be disapproved and sent back. Here is the Electrical
Plan Review Screen-In Checklist.

The Electrical Plan Review staff would like to hear any suggestions or concerns you
may have about the review process. We welcome your constructive comments.

REVISION DATE: 12-26-2019

RCW and WAC Requirements
for Electrical Plan Review

Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 19.28 states that electrical installations “shall
be in conformity with approved methods of construction.” The standards used for
“approved methods” are listed in Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 296-46B-
010 and include the currently adopted editions of NFPA 70 (National Electrical

WAC 296-46B-900 (1) provides classification or definition of occupancies.

WAC 296-46B-900 (3) Table 900-1, and Table 900-2 specify the occupancies for
which plan review is required.

WAC 296-46B-900 (2) states “Plan review is a part of the electrical inspection process;
its primary purpose is to determine: (a) That service/feeder conductors are calculated
and sized according to the proper NEC or WAC article or section; (b) The classification
of hazardous locations; and (c) The proper design of emergency and standby systems.”
The Electrical Plans Examiner’s responsibility is to review plans for electrical
installations to verify compliance with the National Electrical Code and Washington
State Rules and Regulations.

WAC 296-46B-900 (3)(h) requires that plans that are to be reviewed by the department
"… must clearly show the electrical installation or alteration in floor plan view, include all
switchboard and/or panelboard schedules and when a service or feeder is to be
installed or altered, must include a riser diagram, load calculation, fault current
calculation and interrupting rating of equipment. Where existing electrical systems are to
supply additional loads, the plans must include documentation that proves adequate
capacity and ratings. The plans must be submitted with a plan review submittal form
available from the department…”

Riser diagrams and load calculations must include all of the equipment carrying the
additional loads and be complete to the point of connection between the facilities of the
serving utility and the premises wiring. NEC 215.5 requires that the details of such
diagrams and calculations shall include “…the total calculated load before applying
demand factors, the demand factors used, the calculated load after applying demand
factors, and the size and type of conductors to be used."

For the latest Electrical RCW and WAC rules please visit our web site at:

REVISION DATE: 12-26-2019

Electrical Plan Review Staff
Phone Numbers and Mailing Address

Please direct all billing calls and plan status checks to the EPR Supervisor.
The plan review supervisor will address technical or plan review policy questions.

Chief Electrical Inspector:

Phone Number: 360.902.5249

Electrical Plan Review Supervisor:

Phone number: 360.902.5254

Electrical Plan Review General Information:

Phone Number: 360.902.5246

Electrical Plans Examiners:

Phone Number: 360.902.4920 Phone number: 360.902.5248
Phone Number: 360.902.5631 Phone number: 360.902.6483
Phone Number: 360.902.5247 PS2 Phone Number: 360.902.6778

Mailing Addresses

Please address all mail to: Electrical Plan Review

Attn: EPR Supervisor

Street / Delivery Address: 7273 Linderson Way SW

Tumwater, WA 98502

Mailing Address: PO Box 44460

Olympia, WA 98504-4460

Email: [email protected]

REVISION DATE: 12-26-2019

Electrical Plan Review Fees

A basic submittal and handling fee of $125.00 shall be paid to initiate a

review. Plan review fees are based upon 35% of the electrical inspection
permit fee, from the current adopted Washington Administrative Code
(WAC 296-46B). The fees are verified and calculated during the review
process, plus the basic submittal, and handling fee, and any additional
hours that were necessary in the review process. Plan review fees are
completely separate from electrical permit fees. Any plan review fees
that remain unpaid, once the review is completed, will be billed. Billed
fees are due and payable 15 days after billing.


Electronic Plan Review

To submit electronic plans to the department, the applicant must submit the

 A completed Submittal Form

 A completed, dated and signed Screen-In Checklist
 Payment of $125.00 to the Electrical Plan Review by mail directly to
Electrical Plan Review or in person at a service location near you. This
payment will begin the review process and you will be billed the balance
due upon completion of the electrical plan review.
 Electrical Plan Review will then process the submittal into the review
queue and the submitter will be invited to send in a PDF version of the

REVISION DATE: 12-26-2019

Plan Review in Cities Doing Their Own Electrical

If the project you are submitting is within the inspection jurisdiction

of the cities listed using the hyperlink below, Labor and Industries
does not do the plan review. You will have to submit your plans to
the city responsible for the electrical inspection.

Plans Examiner Geographical Areas? .

Electrical Plans are not assigned based upon a geographic area.

To find a service location near you, visit www.lni.wa.gov

or use the link below

Labor and Industries Service Locations

REVISION DATE: 12-26-2019

Electrical Plan Review - Checklist Instruction Sheet

Professional Engineers stamp and signature

Professional Engineers stamp and signature shall be on all plan sheets for the following types
of facilities; Educational, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, and other medical facilities that require
review by the Department of Health.

Plan Sheet requirements

Shall include all the following:
 Minimum scale 1/8” (except site plan)
 Minimum font size “9”
 Symbol legends
 Circuit connecting lines with home runs shown for all equipment, lighting, receptacle
symbols; or other methods by permission.
 Schedules with electrical specifications for Luminaires, Mechanical/Equipment, Kitchen,
Shop, and all other equipment items listed on the switchboard and panel schedules.
 Show the location of all items on the One-Line/Riser diagrams.
 Plan sheets need to reflect current as-built conditions.
 Plan sheets “specifically” identified as something other than the “Construction Set”,
cannot be approved.

One-line/Riser Diagrams
Shall be complete and include the following:
 Service point (NEC 100 Definitions)
 Conductor size, type, and number of
 Equipment grounding conductor size, type, and number of, or identify if metallic
 Conduit sizes, type, and number of
 Identifier’s for distribution equipment such as switchboards, panelboards, transformers,
 Overcurrent protection devices
 System (Voltage, phase, wire.)
 Bus ratings (the true value)
 AIC ratings
 Transformer primary/secondary voltages, KVA size, and source marking.
 Clearly indicate if system is fully rated or series rated for the available fault current.
 Locations with fault calculation values greater than 10,000 AIC need to be identified
 Additional items that maybe required shall be indicated. Such as; Ground Fault
Protection, 2nd Level Ground Fault Protection, etc.

Fault Current Calculations

The one line/riser diagram shall show the AIC value at all locations that are equal to or greater
than 10,000 ampere. Fault calculations are required for new installations or existing
installations when requested by Plan Review.
REVISION DATE: 12-26-2019

Electrical Plan Review - Checklist Instruction Sheet Cont…

Panel Schedules
Panel schedules for switchboards, distributions, and panels must be provided on the plan
sheets and one set of panel schedules on 8½” × 11” sheets for use during the review process.
The following information is required to be shown on the panel schedule.

 System voltage, phase, wire, bus rating, bus available interrupting current rating.
 Overcurrent protection device size with available interrupting current rating, circuit
number, phase identification, total phase load.
 Load values in VA or KVA. If using KVA the value needs to be expressed out to two
decimal places. (Example: 1237 VA = 1.24 KVA)
 Each circuit shall indicate the type of load category.
 Load summary by type of category provided at the bottom of the panel schedule with
the connected and calculated load values and NEC demand factor(s) shown.
 Single panels and Multi-section panels shall indicate Main breaker size or lug
configuration; Main lug only, Double lugs, Feed thru lugs.
 A separate panel schedule and calculation which includes downstream loads is required
for each section of a Multi-section panel design.
 A “Before and After” panel schedule presentation, must be located side by side on the
same plan sheet.

Generator or Alternate Power System

 Where Generator unit(s) or alternate power system(s) are existing, or going to be
installed, the locations are required to be provided on the plan sheets and clearly
 Identification of generator or alternate power system type is required, such as...
 NEC-517 *Essential Electrical System,
 NEC-700 *Emergency System,
 NEC-701 Legally Required Standby System,
 NEC-702 Optional Standby System,
 NEC-705 Interconnected Electrical Power Production Sources,
 NEC-708 Critical Operations Power Systems (COPS).
 NEC-517, NEC-700, NEC-701 System Generator’s. All the generator accessory
loads shall be connected to the same system the generator supply’s to maintain
the integrity of the system. (Examples; battery chargers, block heaters, fuel
pumps, dampers, equipment lighting)

*Only NEC-517 Essential Electrical System(s) and NEC-700 Emergency System(s) can
supply Emergency load(s).

REVISION DATE: 12-26-2019

Electrical Plan Review - Checklist Instruction Sheet Cont…

Documentation on System Coordination

The documentation needs to clearly indicate that the Professional Engineer takes full
responsibility that the installation, when installed as designed, shall comply with the
requirements of NEC-700.28 Selective Coordination for Emergency System, or NEC-701.27
Selective Coordination for Legally Required Standby System, or NEC-517.26 Selective
Coordination of Life Safety Branch of the Essential Electrical System, and Coordination of the
Critical Branch, Equipment Branch of the Essential Electrical System. Provide documentation
on plan sheet(s) or the professional engineer’s company letterhead. Statement needs to include
Professional Engineer’s stamp and signature whether on plan sheet or company letterhead.

Metered Demand Data

Metered demand data shall include the following:
 Copy of the current last 12 months of utility demand.
 Complete Calculations for all metered data shall be in KVA.
 Use of utility KW demand shall be converted to KVA using an appropriate power factor
 Metered load studies shall include a minimum of 30 days continuously recorded.
 Provide the ampere value of each phase at the beginning of the study.
 The current transformer (CT) shall be connected to the highest ampere phase at the
beginning of the study when all phase conductors are not being recorded.
 Where multiple load studies are conducted at different locations on the distribution
system the recording of all phases at that metered location will be required.
 The one-line diagram shall indicate the metered point location for each load study. The
following information is also required.
 Graph of the study with time periods, ampere values, and ampere maximum peak
clearly identified.
 Make/model of recording equipment, make/model of current transformer’s.
 Where equipment is not or cannot be set to record a 15 minute demand mode (average
value over a 15-minute period continuously recorded), contact plan review concerning
acceptability of your alternate recording method before starting load study.
 Calculations provided shall be based on the ampere maximum peak value shown on the
 Existing loads included in metered load data and removed or altered shall not be
subtracted from the demand data or demand calculation.

REVISION DATE: 12-26-2019

Electrical Plan Review - Checklist Instruction Sheet Cont…

Medium or High voltage Systems (over 1000v)

Shall be complete and include the following:
 Service point
 Conductor size, type, and number of
 Equipment conductor size, type and number of
 Conduit sizes
 Overcurrent protection devices
 System (Voltage, phase, wire.)
 Bus ratings
 AIC ratings
 Transformer primary/secondary voltages and KVA size
 Locations with fault calculation values greater than 10,000 AIC need to be

Hazardous Locations (classified)

The boundary lines for any area classified as Class I, Division 1; Class I, Division 2; Class I,
Zone 0; Class I, Zone 1; Class I, Zone 2; Class II, Division 1; Class II, Division 2; Class III,
Division 1; Class III, Division 2; or any combination thereof shall be clearly indicated on the
floor plan sheets and indicate the Classification of this area.

Please use the links below to access the forms:

Electrical Plan Review - Check List

Electrical Plan Review – Submittal Form

REVISION DATE: 12-26-2019

REVISION DATE: 12-26-2019

Project:______________________________________Date ____/____/____

Panel ID: ____________________________


Lighting X 125% =
General-use Receptacles
(First 10KVA) X 100% =
General-use Receptacles
(Over 10KVA) X 50% =
Motors and Compressors X 100% =
(Largest Motor Load) ( ) X 25% =
Dedicated or Specific-use
Receptacles X 100% =
HVAC and Mechanical
Equipment Loads X 100% =
Kitchen Equipment (#___) X ___% =
Miscellaneous Loads X 100% =

X ___% =

X ___% =

X ___% =

 240/120  3Ø
 208/120  1Ø
 480/277  ________


Connected Load-
1. The nameplate rating of all appliances that are fastened in place, permanently connected, or located
to be on a specific circuit. (Water heaters, space heaters, ranges, refrigerators, etc.)
2. 180 VA for each general-use receptacle.
3. Maximum VA of lighting fixtures.
4. VA of all motors based on full load amps from table 430-247, 248, 249 and 250 of the National
Electrical Code.
Calculated NEC Load-
The connected load after any adjustment factors allowed by code, have been applied. Load
calculations shall be submitted/expressed in VA and converted to amps when sizing feeders and
equipment, and is the minimum size allowed based upon these calculations.
REVISION DATE: 12-26-2019

Panel ID: PANEL Bus Rating:____________A Single Voltage
SCHEDULE  Main Breaker __________A Phase  240/120
Location:  Main Lugs Only  3-wire  208/120
Single Phase  Fed-Thru Lugs  4-wire  ________
Fed From:  Double Lugs  Iso. GND
Panel A.I.C. Rating:  10 K  14 K  18 K  22 K  25 K  42 K  65 K  100 K  150 K  200 K

LOAD(VA) Code Breaker BUS Breaker Code LOAD(VA)

Circuit Description Circuit Description
1 A 2

3 B 4
5 A 6
7 B 8
9 A 10
11 B 12
13 A 14
15 B 16
17 A 18
19 B 20
21 A 22
23 B 24
25 A 26
27 B 28
29 A 30
31 B 32
33 A 34
35 B 36
37 A 38
39 B 40
41 A 42

Code Description:
REVISION DATE: 12-26-2019

Panel ID: PANEL Bus Rating:____________A Three Voltage
SCHEDULE  Main Breaker __________A Phase  480/277Y
Location:  Main Lugs Only  3-wire  208/120Y
Three Phase  Fed-Thru Lugs  4-wire  240/120
Fed From:  Double Lugs  Iso. GND  ________
Panel A.I.C. Rating:  10 K  14 K  18 K  22 K  25 K  42 K  65 K  100 K  150 K  200 K

LOAD(VA) Code Breaker Ø Breaker Code LOAD(VA)

Circuit Description Circuit Description
1 A 2
3 B 4
5 C 6
7 A 8
9 B 10
11 C 12
13 A 14
15 B 16
17 C 18
19 A 20
21 B 22
23 C 24
25 A 26
27 B 28
29 C 30
31 A 32
33 B 34
35 C 36
37 A 38
39 B 40
41 C 42

Code Description:
REVISION DATE: 12-26-2019

Address: Inspection Office:
Project Description:


Lighting x125%
General use x100%
Receptacles10 KVA
General use x50%
Receptacles>10 KVA
Motors and x100%
(Largest x25%
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Specific-use x100%
HVAC Equipment x100%
and Mechanical
Kitchen x____%
Miscellaneous x100%
or Appliances



REVISION DATE: 12-26-2019

PER NEC 220-87 and WAC 296-46B-900(3)(j)

1. Recorded Peak Demand = KW

on Date: __/__/__
Study Dates: From _ _ / _ _ / _ _
To __/__/__
2. Power Factor ÷ (P.F.)
Apparent Peak Demand = KVA
3. NEC 220-87 adjustment factor X 1.25
Adjusted Peak Demand KVA
4. Seasonal adjustment factor  &  X
Seasonally Adjusted Peak Demand = KVA
5. Occupancy adjustment factor  X
Occupancy Adjusted Peak Demand = KVA
6. Other adjustment factor(s)  X
Total Peak Demand = KVA
7. New Calculated Load Added + KVA
Metered demand based

Note: See WAC 296-46B-900(3)(j) for additional metering requirements.

Based upon 12 month utility data, or explain why not.

 Explain how the factor was derived for 30-day demand metering or explain
why it doesn’t apply.



REVISION DATE: 12-26-2019

WAC 296-46B-900 (3)(d)(v) requires that “approved” plans shall be available on the job site for use by the electrical
inspector as soon as they are approved, and prior to the final inspection. The following illustrations represent the
appearance of the approval stamps currently in use by the Labor and Industries Electrical Plans Examiners.

The large stamp below will be placed on the cover sheet of the complete plan package, on the first sheet of the electrical
plans, or on both. The name of the electrical plans examiner will be on the approval stamp.
APPROVED-Means that the plans have been approved as submitted without corrections.
APPROVED AS NOTED-Means that the plans have been approved and the plans examiner has included notes,
intended for the electrical inspector that describe corrections or changes in the original design submittal. These notes
are always written or highlighted in RED INK and individually initialed by the plans examiner. Compliance with these
notes is mandatory and a condition of the plan approval.

The small stamp below will be placed on each additional approved electrical plan sheet. The name of the
electrical plans examiner will be on each approval stamp.

REVISION DATE: 12-26-2019


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