Household Questionaire

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Cash for Work activities

Name of the Interviewer

Date of the Interview

Introduction and Consent

My name is _____________________________________. I am a consultant conducting
interviews for the purposes of evaluating ALIGHT’s livelihoods project to beneficiaries
in Kismayo District, Somalia. We need to get information from you to establish
whether the livelihood project benefitted the people of Midnimo, Madina and Gobweyn,
as well as to improve their food and income sources. We are very much interested to
hear your valuable opinion on the livelihood project activities and appreciate your
participation in this interview as it will help to understand the livelihood interventions.
The information you provide will be strictly confidential, and we will not attribute any
information to any specific entity and will not be shown to other persons. We
REQUEST that you make yourself available for an interview. The interview is not
mandatory, and when I ask a question you don't want to answer, just let me know and
I will go on to the next question; or you can stop the interview at any time. However,
we hope that you will participate in the interview, since your views are important.

Section 1: Household demographics and characteristics

Name of the Respondent

Gender of the Respondent Male
Age of the Respondent 15-30 years
30-45 years
45-60 Years
60 years and
Location of the respondent Midnimo
Respondent Relationship to the Household head Household head
Others, specify
Total number of Household Members

Section 2: effectiveness and Impact of the CfW activities

1 Have you ever participated in a Cash for Work program Yes

before? No

2 If yes, Please specify

3. Which are the three main sources of livelihoods/productive 1 = Food crop production/sales
activities which generate income of your household? 2 = Cash crop production
3 = Casual labor
4 = Livestock production/sales
5 = Skilled trade/artisan
6 = Small business
7 = Charcoal selling 8 =
Firewood selling
Other ,specify
4 What was the daily wage for the Labour workers in these 1=$5
CFW activities? 2=$10
5 1-5 hours
5-10 hours
How many hours per day were you available to work under 10-12 hours
the cash for work program DK
6 Was the money you were provided with the same as the Yes
amount you received? No

7 Are you able to meet the basic needs of your HH such as

Food, shelter, education with the income earned form the
CFW program?

8 How did the CfW program helped improve the living

conditions of your HH?
9 Did the program provided you with protective CFW tools Yes
and equipment? No

10 If Yes, specify the tools provided

11 During the cash payment process for the work, were you Yes
paid on time? No

12 What was the Mode of delivery for the payment of your Hand delivery
cash? Mobile transfer
Others , specify
13 Yes
Are you aware of the system for reporting complaints? No


Distribution of Shoats

Name of the Interviewer

Date of the Interview

Introduction and Consent

My name is _____________________________________. I am a consultant conducting
interviews for the purposes of evaluating ALIGHT’s livelihoods project to beneficiaries
in Kismayo District, Somalia. We need to get information from you to establish
whether the livelihood project benefitted the people of Midnimo, Madina and Gobweyn,
as well as to improve their food and income sources. We are very much interested to
hear your valuable opinion on the livelihood project activities and appreciate your
participation in this interview as it will help to understand the livelihood interventions.
The information you provide will be strictly confidential, and we will not attribute any
information to any specific entity and will not be shown to other persons. We
REQUEST that you make yourself available for an interview. The interview is not
mandatory, and when I ask a question you don't want to answer, just let me know and
I will go on to the next question; or you can stop the interview at any time. However,
we hope that you will participate in the interview, since your views are important.

Section 1: Household demographics and characteristics

Name of the Respondent

Gender of the Respondent Male
Age of the Respondent 15-30 years
30-45 years
45-60 Years
60 years and
Location of the respondent Midnimo
Respondent Relationship to the Household head Household head
Others, specify
Total number of Household Members

Section 2: Distribution of Items

1 Were you provided with Shoats Yes

2 If yes, what items were you provided with? Specify
3 Did you have to pay or give anything to receive the items? Yes,
4 If Yes, who did you have to give or pay something? Project staff
Village committees
Local administrator

5 How satisfied are you with the shoats provided to your Very satisfied
household? Somewhat satisfied
Not satisfied

Section 3: Impact of the distribution of goats

1 How are you utilizing the goats and sheep in your Milk production
household? Meat
Income generation
Others, specify
2 Do you feel that the Shoats distribution have improved an Yes
access to milk that meets the nutritional needs of your No
3 Has the distribution of goats and sheep improved your Yes
household's economic situation? If yes, please explain how No
4 To what level has the Shoats impacted the livelihood or
income generation of your household?
5 Does the HH have any previous experiences in raising goats Yes
and sheep? No

Distribution of Donkey and Donkey Carts

Name of the Interviewer

Date of the Interview

Introduction and Consent

My name is _____________________________________. I am a consultant conducting
interviews for the purposes of evaluating ALIGHT’s livelihoods project to beneficiaries
in Kismayo District, Somalia. We need to get information from you to establish
whether the livelihood project benefitted the people of Midnimo, Madina and Gobweyn,
as well as to improve their food and income sources. We are very much interested to
hear your valuable opinion on the livelihood project activities and appreciate your
participation in this interview as it will help to understand the livelihood interventions.
The information you provide will be strictly confidential, and we will not attribute any
information to any specific entity and will not be shown to other persons. We
REQUEST that you make yourself available for an interview. The interview is not
mandatory, and when I ask a question you don't want to answer, just let me know and
I will go on to the next question; or you can stop the interview at any time. However,
we hope that you will participate in the interview, since your views are important.

Section 1: Household demographics and characteristics

Name of the Respondent

Gender of the Respondent Male
Age of the Respondent 15-30 years
30-45 years
45-60 Years
60 years and
Location of the respondent Midnimo
Respondent Relationship to the Household head Household head
Others, specify
Total number of Household Members
Section 2: Distribution of Items
1 Were you distributed with a donkey and a donkey Cart by the Yes
Program No
2 If yes in Q1 above, How many items were you provided with?
Please specify
3 How satisfied were you with the donkey and donkey cart Very satisfied
provided to your household? Somewhat satisfied
Not satisfied
4 Have you received any training or guidance on how to properly Yes
handle and care for the donkey and donkey cart? No
5 How many hours did you wait at the distribution point? 1-3 hours
3-6 hours
6-12 hours
Others ,specify
Section 3: Impact of the Intervention

1 Do you feel that the donkey and donkey cart have improved your Yes
household's ability to transport goods and materials? No
2 Has the donkey and donkey cart enhanced your household's Yes
access to markets, water sources, or other essential resources No
3 How has the donkey and donkey cart impacted the livelihood or
income generation of your household?
4 Have you encountered any challenges or difficulties in using the Yes
donkey and donkey cart? No
5 If yes to Q4 above, Please specify
6 Are there any specific household tasks or activities that have Yes
become easier or more efficient with the use of the donkey and No
donkey cart?
Training & Distribution of Briquette Production Machine

Name of the Interviewer

Date of the Interview

Introduction and Consent

My name is _____________________________________. I am a consultant conducting
interviews for the purposes of evaluating ALIGHT’s livelihoods project to beneficiaries in
Kismayo District, Somalia. We need to get information from you to establish whether the
livelihood project benefitted the people of Midnimo, Madina and Gobweyn, as well as to
improve their food and income sources. We are very much interested to hear your
valuable opinion on the livelihood project activities and appreciate your participation in
this interview as it will help to understand the livelihood interventions. The information
you provide will be strictly confidential, and we will not attribute any information to any
specific entity and will not be shown to other persons. We REQUEST that you make
yourself available for an interview. The interview is not mandatory, and when I ask a
question you don't want to answer, just let me know and I will go on to the next
question; or you can stop the interview at any time. However, we hope that you will
participate in the interview, since your views are important.

Section 1: Household demographics and characteristics

Name of the Respondent

Gender of the Respondent Male
Age of the Respondent 15-30 years
30-45 years
45-60 Years
60 years and
Location of the respondent Midnimo
Respondent Relationship to the Household head Household head
Others, specify
Total number of Household Members
Section 2: Briquette production Trainings
1 Have you received any training or support on how to effectively Yes
use the briquette production? No
2 Excellent
Very good
How would you rate the quality and relevance of the training Fair
content? Poor
3 Did the training cover all the necessary aspects of Briquette Yes
production? No
4 Very confident
Somehow confident
How confident do you feel in your ability to produce briquettes Not confident
after training? DK
5 Have you implemented the skills and techniques learned during Yes
the training? No

Section 3: Items distribution and Impact

1 Did the program provided you with a briquette machine? Yes

2 How many items were provided?
2 Have you noticed any changes in your business since using the Yes
briquette production machine? If yes please explain No
3 If yes to Q2 above, please specify
4 Has the use of the briquette helped in increasing the
productivity or efficiency of your Business operations?
5 Have you been able to save costs on fuel or energy expenses Yes
since using the briquette production machine? No
6 If yes, please provide an estimate of the saving
7. Please capture the Photo of the Briquette Production Machine Insert Photo
Training & Business skills development & provision of mentorship for IGAs

Name of the Interviewer

Date of the Interview

Introduction and Consent

My name is _____________________________________. I am a consultant conducting interviews for
the purposes of evaluating ALIGHT’s livelihoods project to beneficiaries in Kismayo District,
Somalia. We need to get information from you to establish whether the livelihood project
benefitted the people of Midnimo, Madina and Gobweyn, as well as to improve their food and
income sources. We are very much interested to hear your valuable opinion on the livelihood
project activities and appreciate your participation in this interview as it will help to understand
the livelihood interventions. The information you provide will be strictly confidential, and we will
not attribute any information to any specific entity and will not be shown to other persons. We
REQUEST that you make yourself available for an interview. The interview is not mandatory,
and when I ask a question you don't want to answer, just let me know and I will go on to the
next question; or you can stop the interview at any time. However, we hope that you will
participate in the interview, since your views are important.

Section 1: Household demographics and characteristics

Name of the Respondent

Gender of the Respondent Male
Age of the Respondent 15-30 years
30-45 years
45-60 Years
60 years and
Location of the respondent Midnimo
Respondent Relationship to the Household head Household head
Others, specify
Total number of Household Members
Section 2: Trainings
1 How satisfied are you with the training and mentorship program? Very satisfied
Somehow satisfied
Not satisfied

2 How relevant was the training program to suit your needs in terms Relevant
of filing gaps exisiting in your business operation? Somewhat relevant
Not relevant
3 What specific areas covered in the program have been most
helpful in improving your skills and knowledge? List 2 or 3 areas
4 Have you found the mentorship sessions valuable in providing Yes
guidance and support for your Business? No
5 Have you found the mentorship sessions valuable in providing Yes
guidance and support for your Business? No
6 Are you able to apply the skills and knowledge gained from the Yes
program to your business operation? No

Section 3: Distribution of Items

1 What type of in-kind distributions did you receive? Food
Other specify
2 Did you pay favor, cash or any other in-kind to receive this Yes
distribution? No
3 If Yes, to whom did you pay? Project staff
Village committees
Local administrators
Others, specify
4 Were the items distributed to your HH your preferred items Preferred
or you were selected for ? Selected
5 How long did you wait to receive your in-kind distribution 1-3 Months
3-6 Months
6-9 Months
9 months and above

Section 4: Impact of the Intervention

1 How did the in-kind distributions contribute to the improvement of
your IGA? Please provide specific examples.
2 Did the in-kind distributions help you expand your product or service Yes
offerings? No
3 Did the in-kind distributions provide any additional benefits beyond Yes
the immediate business impact? For example, did it enhance your No
confidence, motivation, or community standing?
4 Did the in-kind distributions help you overcome any previously faced Yes
challenges in running your IGA? If yes, please explain No
5 If yes in Q4 above, please specify the challenges overcame

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