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VGB/BAW Standard

Corrosion Protection for

Offshore Wind Structures
Part 3: Application of
Coating Systems
3rd edition, 2018

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VGB/BAW Standard
Corrosion Protection for
Offshore Wind Structures
Part 3: Application of
Coating Systems
(3rd edition, 2018)

VGB PowerTech e.V.

Publishing house:
VGB PowerTech Service GmbH
Verlag technisch-wissenschaftlicher Schriften
Deilbachtal 173, 45257 Essen, Germany

Phone: +49 201 8128-200

Fax: +49 201 8128-302
E-mail: [email protected]
ISBN 978-3-96284-057-0 (eBook)
VGB PowerTech - Public License Document - © 2018

All rights reserved, VGB PowerTech.

The growing number of wind turbines in Europe and the world raise new challenges
to operators. To reduce the cost of installation and operation and to increase operat-
ing reliability, a coordinated and joint analysis of operating experience is an absolute
necessity. Apart from exchanging information and experience, the participating com-
panies mainly strive to promote standardisation (best practice). To this end,
VGB PowerTech e.V. and Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau (BAW – Federal Waterways
Engineering and Research Institute) have decided jointly to draw up a VGB/BAW
Standard on corrosion protection for offshore structures (e.g. offshore stations).
The aim of this standard is to ensure that the considerable investments in offshore
structures are safeguarded by appropriate corrosion protection systems. In this con-
text, coating systems, for instance, are to protect the steel structures of offshore units
from corrosion damage, during their entire service life – which is normally at least 25
years – and without requiring any expensive repair work. Robust systems are there-
fore required which, while involving calculable manufacturing costs (CAPEX), can
keep the operating costs (OPEX) at a predictable and low level in the long term. Re-
pair work at sea is to be avoided, as the cost of such offshore repair work can exceed
the cost of onshore repairs by a factor of as much as 100.
VGB/BAW Standard VGB-S-021-03-2017-06-EN, published in June 2017, is re-
placed by the VGB/BAW Standard published in April 2018:
 VGB-S-021-03-2018-04-EN “Part 3: Application of Coating Systems”.
Like the previous standard, this modified Part 3 “Application of Coating Systems” de-
fines the application of coating systems.
Part 1 explains various corrosion protection options, provides information about plan-
ning, the design of steel surfaces, as well as about the stress zones within the scope
covered by the standard. Part 2 describes the requirements made of corrosion pro-
tection systems, and Part 4 the design, operation and monitoring of galvanic and im-
pressed-current protection systems. Parts 5 and 6 are currently in preparation and
will be concerned with the topics of coating system repair and in-service inspection
and monitoring.
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This VGB/BAW Standard is made available for use free of charge. It has been written
to the best of our knowledge, but cannot fully reflect the state of the art for every con-
ceivable case. Any liability, also for the factual presentation of the contents, is ex-
cluded. Also, the users themselves are responsible for clarifying the situation regard-
ing patents and other property rights. The VGB/BAW Standard is not in itself binding.
Its application must be explicitly agreed between the contracting parties.
Proposed changes can be sent to the email addresses [email protected] and
[email protected]. To enable unambiguous allocation of the contents, the subject line
should contain a brief designation of the document concerned.


The following institutions and associations submitted comments on topics addressed

by this standard, which were adopted in the process of editing this standard:
 Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH – German Maritime and
Hydrographic Agency), authority responsible for approving offshore structures in
Germany within the exclusive economic zone
 Bundesverband Korrosionsschutz (BVK – Federal Association for Corrosion Pro-
 Verband der deutschen Lack- und Druckfarbenindustrie (VDL – German Paint
and Printing Ink Association)
 Arbeitsgemeinschaft Offshore-Windenergie (AGOW – Offshore Wind Power
 Fachausschuss für Korrosionsfragen (Committee for Corrosion Issues)
of Hafentechnische Gesellschaft (HTG-FAKOR)
 WAB Windenergieagentur (WAB)
and other interested parties.

In cases of doubt, the current German version shall apply.

Essen, April 2018 Karlsruhe, April 2018

VGB PowerTech e.V. Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau (BAW)

Deilbachtal 173 Kussmaulstraße 17
45257 Essen, Germany 76187 Karlsruhe, Germany
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A grey bar at the side indicates changes compared to the 2nd edition 2017.
Revised pages in this document: 7, 8


Part 3 – Application of Coating Systems

1 General ...................................................................................................... 5
2 Scope ......................................................................................................... 7
3 Surface preparation .................................................................................. 8
4 Inspection of prepared surface ............................................................. 10
4.1 Visual check for surface cleanliness ......................................................... 10
4.2 Inspection of design .................................................................................. 10
4.3 Inspection of preparation grade ................................................................ 10
4.4 Roughness inspection .............................................................................. 10
4.5 Surface cleanliness inspection ................................................................. 10
4.6 Examination for presence of water-soluble contaminants......................... 10
4.7 Examination for presence of oils, greases and waxes .............................. 11

5 Application of coating ............................................................................ 12

6 Testing of applied coating ..................................................................... 14
6.1 Visual inspection of surface quality ........................................................... 14
6.2 Measuring of film thickness ...................................................................... 14
6.3 Testing for pores and cracks using high voltage (density test) ................. 14
6.4 Testing of adhesive strength (test panels for use during construction) ..... 15

7 Tested coating systems ......................................................................... 16

8 Control surfaces ..................................................................................... 16
9 Factory repairs ........................................................................................ 17
10 Transport and erection of coated components.................................... 17
11 Repair of transport and erection damage before shipping ................. 17
12 Fasteners ................................................................................................. 17
13 Self-monitoring by the contractor ......................................................... 17
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14 Standards and codes of practice .......................................................... 21

15 Literature ................................................................................................. 24
16 Annexes ................................................................................................... 25


1 General
The following must be coordinated during the contract award phase between the
principal/owner (AG), the contractor (AN) and, where necessary, the coating system
 the coating system to be used (product and manufacturer)
 deviations from the specified film thickness
 the colours that will be used
 number, size and positions (location) of control surfaces
 production of test panels for use during construction
 type and scope of support/advice on coating work to be provided by an applica-
tion engineer/supervisor of the coating system manufacturer
The scope of testing agreed between principal/owner and contractor must be laid
down in a test and examination sequence plan (TESP).
During processing of coating systems, the technical data sheets, processing instruc-
tions and safety data sheets of the coating system manufacturers must be observed.
When carrying out corrosion protection work, the contractor may use only superviso-
ry personnel (site supervisors, work crew foremen) who are in possession of a valid
certificate (KOR-Schein) complying with ZTV-ING. If production takes place outside
Germany, proof of comparable qualifications shall be provided. The site supervisor or
foreman must constantly be present at the work site during performance of the work.
In addition, for coating work only personnel having suitable qualifications or long
years of experience in corrosion protection may be used (proof as per DIN EN ISO
Unprotected steel corrodes in the atmosphere, in water and in soil, possibly giving
rise to damage. To avoid such corrosion damage, steel structures are protected so
that they can withstand corrosion stresses during the required service life, usually at
least 25 years.
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The offshore structures are exposed to strong corrosive influences over a long peri-
od, while the conditions for maintenance and repair are poor. Along with corrosion
protection systems that must meet the highest demands, the idea of a corrosion pro-
tection strategy must be taken into consideration. This means, among other things,
that the specific stresses in the various areas of offshore structures, but also the co-
operation of several methods of protection, e.g. coatings, duplex systems (passive
corrosion protection), cathodic protection (active corrosion protection) and corrosion
allowance (see DIN 50929-3 Supplement 1) in submerged areas, must also be taken
into consideration.


This standard is concerned with offshore structures made of steel. In its various parts
it takes into account all essential factors having significance for appropriate corrosion
Project owners, ordering parties/principals, planners, advisors, firms carrying out cor-
rosion protection measures, supervisory personnel for corrosion protection work and
manufacturers of coating systems require state-of-the-art information on corrosion
protection through corrosion protection systems, in condensed form, to protect steel
structures effectively against corrosion. Such information must be as complete as
possible and unambiguous and easy to understand as well so that complications and
misunderstandings are avoided between the parties involved in carrying out the pro-
tective measures.
In regard to the minimum requirements for corrosion protection concepts, reference
is made to the BSH Standard “Mindestanforderungen an die konstruktive Ausführung
von Offshore-Bauwerken in der ausschließlichen Wirtschaftszone (AWZ)” (Minimum
requirements for the design of offshore structures within the exclusive economic
zone) as amended from time to time.
This standard defines additional requirements supplementing the standards and
codes of practice cited in Chapter 14 hereinbelow.
In addition to this standard, the minimum requirements, rules and regulations appli-
cable on the federal state level to the locations of wind turbines, wind farm compo-
nents and other offshore wind structures must also be considered for the design of
the corrosion protection. For the area of the German exclusive economic zone, the
minimum requirements and regulations stipulated by the Bundesamt für Seeschiff-
fahrt und Hydrographie (BSH) are applicable.
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2 Scope
This standard “Corrosion Protection for Offshore Wind Structures – Part 3: Applica-
tion of Coating Systems”, specifies requirements for the initial coatings of offshore
structures exposed to stress by water and atmosphere as defined in Part 1 “General”,
Chapter 2 Scope.
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3 Surface preparation
The surfaces of components are prepared by means of blast cleaning as per
DIN EN ISO 12944-4.
Prior to blast cleaning, all weld residues such as spatters and slags and foreign con-
taminants such as greases, oils and salts (e.g. chlorides) must be removed from the
surfaces by suitable methods; where appropriate, a salt contamination test is to be
performed prior to blast cleaning. The surfaces must be dry. In addition, the blasting
abrasive must be dry and free of foreign contaminants.
Temporary coatings must be fully removed by blast cleaning before the coating sys-
tem is applied.
All steel parts including the weld seams are prepared by blast cleaning at least with
the preparation grade B Sa 2½ as per DIN EN ISO 12944-4 immediately before ap-
plying the first coating.
Blasting work shall be executed in closed, air-conditioned rooms. The climatic condi-
tions must be continuously maintained from the start of blasting work until the start of
the application of the first coating film. If necessary, a suitable housing is to be erect-
ed, among others to prevent pollution of the surroundings. This also must be taken
into account for any transport actions.
During blast cleaning work the following climatic conditions shall be observed:
Permanent factory hall and temporary housing/hall:
 Relative humidity ≤ 65 % *
 Dewpoint distance ≥ 5 K (Verfication by continuous measurement of
ambient temperature and humidity, and object
temperature must be checked by individual
measurements, at least every 3 hours)
* A relative humidity of ≤ 40 % shall be observed if the surface will not be coated
within 12 hours from blast cleaning.
If the ambient and object temperatures are higher (> 30 °C), the further course of ac-
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tion must be agreed with the coating system manufacturer. Care must be taken to
route the conditioned air stream so that the entire working area meets the aforesaid
The air used for blasting must be dry and free of oil.
The roughness of the prepared, blast-cleaned surface influences the adhesive
strength of the coating systems. Therefore, for blast cleaned surfaces a medium
roughness grade “medium G” as per DIN EN ISO 8503-1 is required. For this pur-
pose only angular abrasive (grit) is to be used. Should higher requirements be made


of the roughness grade in the technical data sheet of the coating system being used,
they must be taken into account.
After blasting the surface must be cleaned and protected from further contamination
until the coating is applied. If the required roughness is not attained, a further blast
cleaning operation is to be carried out; use of a disposable blasting abrasive is rec-
ommended for this purpose.
During blasting work, no deformation of or damage to the workpiece may occur.
Sealing surfaces and functional surfaces which will not be coated are to be cleaned
and masked or covered prior to blasting.
Where it is not possible to avoid transporting a blast-cleaned component after blast
cleaning to the place where the coating work will be carried out, the following condi-
tions must be observed:
 no precipitation,
 humidity < 80 %,
 the duration of stay of the component outside of the housing is to be minimized,
 transports are to be documented (ambient conditions and course of transport).
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4 Inspection of prepared surface

As part of its internal controls, the corrosion protection company performing the work
shall make the following inspections (4.1 to 4.7).

4.1 Visual check for surface cleanliness

No contamination may be in evidence on the prepared surface.

4.2 Inspection of design

The coating-compatible design of the surface is to be examined in accordance with
DIN EN ISO 8501-3 – Preparation grade P3 (see 1.4) and DIN EN ISO 12944-3. For
edges, as alternative to DIN EN ISO 8501-3 triple chamfering is permissible; also
refer to DIN EN 1090-2.

4.3 Inspection of preparation grade

The preparation grade is determined according to DIN EN ISO 12944-4; the inspec-
tion of the preparation grade is to be carried out at the place where the coating work
is carried out. The requirement is at least B Sa 2½.

4.4 Roughness inspection

The roughness inspection is carried out by means of surface profile comparators in
accordance with DIN EN ISO 8503-1 (grit). The inspection is performed as per
DIN EN ISO 8503-2.

4.5 Surface cleanliness inspection

The surface cleanliness is to be checked by tape test according to DIN Fachbericht
28. The dust quantity 2 and the particle size class 3 as per DIN EN ISO 8502-3 must
not be exceeded. If the required degree of cleanliness is not attained, a further clean-
ing operation must be carried out.
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4.6 Examination for presence of water-soluble contaminants

The blast cleaned surface must be free of water-soluble contaminants.
To provide proof of this, immediately before coating a
 wipe test as per DIN Fachbericht 28 or a
 Bresle test as per DIN EN ISO 8502 Part 6 and Part 9 (requires principal's con-
is to be carried out. A surface concentration limit of 50 mg/m2 anions (equal to
5 µg/cm2) or 80 mg/m2 salt (equal to 8 µg/cm2) must not be exceeded. If the coating


system manufacturer demands lesser surface concentrations, they shall be ob-

served. The test area must be re-blasted subsequently. If the specified limits are ex-
ceeded, the contaminants must be removed by suitable methods.

4.7 Examination for presence of oils, greases and waxes

The blast cleaned surface must be free of oils, greases and waxes. If the presence of
such contamination is suspected or the possibility of such contamination exists, a
detection method pursuant to DIN Fachbericht 28 is to be employed. If the specified
limits are exceeded, the contaminants must be removed by suitable methods.
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5 Application of coating
During application of coatings the following climatic conditions shall be observed:
Permanent factory hall and temporary housing/hall:
 Ambient temperature ≥ +10 °C and ≤ +30 °C
 Object temperature ≥ +10 °C and ≤ +30 °C
 Relative humidity ≤ 65 %* up to the completion of application of
the first coating film; thereafter ≤ 80 % *
 Dew point distance ≥5K
* Deviations for 1K-PUR are to be agreed with the principal/owner.
Application of the first coating film takes place immediately after abrasive blasting
and the cleaning of the blasted surface of the component. The complete coating sys-
tem is to be applied without intermediate weathering. If the ambient and object tem-
peratures are higher (> 30 °C), the further course of action must be agreed with the
coating system manufacturer.
Coating work shall take place in closed, clean, air-conditioned rooms. If necessary, a
suitable housing is to be erected, among other things to prevent polluting the sur-
rounding area.
In the case of two-component coating systems, the complete original containers (mix-
ture ratio base component : hardener component) always are to be mixed. For
smaller surfaces small containers are to be used. Weighing out smaller quantities
from original containers is not permissible.
As a rule, application to large, smooth surfaces should be by airless spraying. All
corners, edges, interstices, screw holes, uneven weld seams, rivets and hard-to-
access areas are to be pre-painted (brush).
During application of intermediate and top coats, the re-coating intervals specified by
the manufacturer are to be observed.
The specified climate conditions are to be complied with up to the completion and
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curing of the last coating and until drying stage 6 as per DIN EN ISO 9117-5 has
been reached, including possible touch-ups, before the component is removed from
the permanent factory hall or temporary housing/hall. Intermediate weathering of the
components being coated is not permissible. In consultation with the coating system
manufacturer, higher ambient temperatures may be permissible during curing.
During curing, the coating is to be protected from external influences. In addition, the
information of the coating system manufacturer about drying times is to be observed
with an eye to mechanical and chemical stresses.


For transport, storage and application of coating systems, the instructions of the coat-
ing system manufacturer additionally are to be taken into account.
When applying multi-layer coating systems the individual coats must be applied in
alternating colours.
The provisions in chapter 6.2 are applicable to the measurement of the film thickness
of the individual coat and of the overall coating system.
The coating materials for coating systems are to be procured in accordance with their
approval from the same manufacturer.
In addition, the contractor shall produce test panels for use during construction. For
the individual zones for each test area. The material of these test panels must corre-
spond to the material to be coated.
For zones 1, 2 and 3, for each test area the following test panels shall be manufac-
tured as specified in Tables 1 and 2.

Table 1 Test panels for zones 1 and 2

Panel (mm) Zone Purpose

300 x 300 x 10 1 and 2 Testing of adhesive strength

300 x 300 x 10 1 and 2 Retained sample for principal/owner

Retained sample for principal/owner
300 x 200 x 4 1 and 2
(possibly abrasion resistance)

Table 2 Test panels for zone 3

Panel (mm) Zone Purpose

300 x 200 x 4 3 Retained sample for principal/owner

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6 Testing of applied coating

As part of its internal controls, the corrosion protection company performing the work
shall make the inspections and tests outlined in sections 6.1 to 6.4.
The individual inspections and tests shall be carried out in each case after the manu-
facturer-specified necessary curing time, and not before.

6.1 Visual inspection of surface quality

The visual check of the surface finish is performed on the entire coated surface. Eve-
ry applied coating layer is checked. Faults such as runs, overspray, dirt entrapment,
non-continuous films or insufficient covering layers are not permissible and must be
properly eliminated or repaired.
In addition, the surface of the coating must be of uniform colour and gloss and must
not exhibit inclusions, wrinkles or runs.

6.2 Measuring of film thickness

The measuring of individual and total film thicknesses is performed based on
ISO 19840.
If measured electronically, calibration takes place exclusively on a smooth surface.
The film thickness is measured evenly on the entire coated surface. The minimum is:
 4 measuring points/m2,
 on small surfaces (≤ 6 m2) at least 25 measuring points.
The indicated film thicknesses are defined as nominal dry film thickness. Three times
the nominal dry film thickness is permissible as maximum film thickness. In diver-
gence from this stipulation, double the nominal dry film thickness is the permissible
maximum for zinc dust primer films. If a smaller maximum film thickness is required
by the coating system manufacturer, the maximum film thickness specified by the
coating system manufacturer shall be observed.
Areas with insufficient film thicknesses are not permissible and must be properly re-
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Unless stipulated otherwise, the specifications of the coating system manufacturer
govern the maximum individual coating thickness that may be applied.

6.3 Testing for pores and cracks using high voltage (density test)
Testing of the density of the applied coating must be performed in stress zones 1 and
2. The coating must be completely (100 %) dense. Pores are not permissible.


Density testing for zone 1 may be dispensed with in consultation with the own-
er/principal if a cathodic protection (CP) system is provided.
Wherever possible, density testing for zone 2 should be performed prior to applica-
tion of the colouring top coat.
Density testing is carried out on all coating systems which are suited for such testing.
Testing of the density of the coating is carried out in accordance with DIN 55670 on
the entire coated surface applying high voltage after the required curing time. The
test voltage is selected based on the specifications of the coating system manufac-
turer. If nothing is specified by the coating system manufacturer, the following test
voltage is used:
 0.5 kV/100 µm film thickness
relative to the mean value of the measured film thicknesses of a test area.

6.4 Testing of adhesive strength (test panels for use during construction)
Testing of adhesive strength in stress zones 1 and 2 is performed according to
DIN EN ISO 4624 and DIN EN ISO 16276 Part 1 (Pull-off test) and Part 2 (X-cut) for
each test area on a test panel for use during construction; see chapter 5.

Pull-off test requirements

 Number of indenters per test panel: 5
Minimum requirement:
 ≥ 8 MPa (N/mm2) in zone 1
 ≥ 5 MPa (N/mm2) in zone 2
Failure patterns showing fractures between coating and steel (A/B fractures) are not
permissible. For mixed fractures a maximum 10 % A/B fraction is permissible.
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X-cut requirements
Minimum requirement:
 ≤ Kt 2.


7 Tested coating systems

Only coating systems tested successfully in accordance with Part 2 of VGB/BAW
Standard VGB-S-021-02-2018-04-EN may be used.
Original containers exclusively shall be used.
Required container markings:
 coating system manufacturer
 coating material
 colour
 batch number
 mixture ratio for multi-component material
 filling weight (net)
 date of manufacture and/or filling
 storage life

8 Control surfaces
As a matter of principle, control surfaces are to be created by the contractor (cost-
neutral) based on the specifications of and in agreement with the principal/owner as
per DIN EN ISO 12944-7 (possibly in divergent number and size) and documented
by control surface reports and markings in the drawings. A control surface always
corresponds at least to a representative component from a coating system area. This
is valid for all application sites of the main suppliers and their subsuppliers.
The location of control surfaces is to be selected so that they are accessible in all
operating conditions. The principal/owner shall be notified in writing of the creation
(realisation) of control surfaces.
The participation of the following parties in the creation (realisation) of control surfac-
es for purposes of this standard is mandatory:
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 the contractor;
 the applicator;
 coating system manufacturer:
The participation of the principal/owner is optional.


9 Factory repairs
Necessary repairs at the factory shall be made so that a specification-compliant coat-
ing as per this VGB/BAW Standard is ensured and a uniform colour impression is
produced. Details are to be agreed with all parties involved.

10 Transport and erection of coated components

Storage, transport and erection of coated steel components shall take place in such a
way that damage is avoided. This includes in particular the use of textile belts, wood-
en chocks with PE foil, and the avoidance of abrasive stresses and mechanical im-

11 Repair of transport and erection damage before shipping

Transport and erection damage before shipping are to be repaired in accordance
with the stipulations in chapter 9. In this context, it is recommended that corrosion
protection be checked prior to shipping.
Repair of transport and erection damage after shipping (offshore) is to be performed
as per VGB/BAW Standard VGB-S-21 Part 5, “Repair of Coating Systems” (in prepa-

12 Fasteners
The corrosion protection concept for all fasteners exposed to wind and weather, e.g.
modelled after the repair concept, is to be described and explained separately.

13 Self-monitoring by the contractor

Before beginning corrosion protection work, the contractor must put together a work
folder containing at least the following:
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 organisation chart
 implementation concept
 implementation site
 implementation period
 possibly contracted vicarious agents (subcontractors)
 coating materials and coating systems finding use, including manufacturer, if not


 test certificates and approvals

 technical data sheets
 processing instructions
 safety data sheets
 test and examination sequence plan (see Annex 1 and 2: sample reports)
Unless stipulated otherwise, the work folder shall be presented to the principal/owner
for approval no later than 4 weeks before the beginning of work.
The execution of coating work may begin only after the principal/owner has approved
the work folder.
The approved work folder must be available at the implementation site (workshop,
site office) for inspection at any time.
The principal/owner, its authorised inspectors and the coating system manufacturers
shall be enabled to conduct checks of the corrosion protection work in the relevant
fabrication sites after announcing this intention to the contractor.
As part of its internal controls, for on-site execution of the corrosion protection work
the contractor shall employ a certified coating inspector of level C as per DIN
CERTCO or comparable (e.g. FROSIO Level III, NACE Level 3, etc.).
The coating inspector employed by the contractor is obligated to monitor and docu-
ment the proper and professional performance of the corrosion protection work on a
continuous basis.
This includes in particular the following steps:
 surface preparation (derusting, cleaning),
 measuring of climate data,
 measuring of coating thicknesses (wet and dry film thicknesses) and
 testing for pores and cracks using high voltage (density test).
It is recommended that the contractor ensures that a representative retention sample
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(wet sample, including coating material batch number) is taken by the applicator and
retained for the entire shelf life period of the material, storing it in compliance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.
The documentation is to be drawn up by the contractor parallel to fabrication and
presented during inspections to the principal/owner or the principal's authorised in-
After completion of the work, the contractor shall compile all collected data in a copy-
able documentation and hand it over to the principal/owner both in paper form and on
a data medium.


This documentation must contain at least the following:

 object/component
 applicator (company/employee)
 daily progress of work
 description of the equipment used
 blasting medium (product, grain size, etc.)
 surface preparation (design of surface, preparation grade, roughness and cleanli-
 coating system manufacturer
 coating material
 batch no. (for two-component coating systems: base and hardener components)
 storage life (shelf life period)
 factory production control for coating system/wet sample:
acceptance test certificate 3.1 as per DIN EN 10204 with the following details
o viscosity of the individual components (e.g. acc. to Brookfield)
o density
o pigment and filler content
o binder content
o solvent content
o pot life
 individual components
 coating system
 application technique
 application data of the individual coating layers (incl. re-coating intervals)
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 wet and dry film thicknesses of the individual coats and the entire coating system
 climate data (continuous and discontinuous recording)
 visual inspection and density check
 adhesion strength (on test panel for use during construction)


In addition, by agreement with the principal/owner the certificate may contain the fol-
 identity check of coating system on a wet sample and/or on cured samples (FTIR,
 determination of abrasion resistance (on test panels for use during construction)
If single steps of the operations are subcontracted, they are to be documented ac-
Unless stipulated otherwise, the contractor shall hand over the documentation and
technical records within 14 days of completion of the coating work.
The principal/owner reserves the right to review the documentation.
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14 Standards and codes of practice

This standard defines additional requirements supplementing the following series of
technical rules, some of which are cited in this standard:
DIN 16945 Testing of resins, hardeners and accelerators, and catalyzed
DIN 55670 Paints and varnishes – Method for testing paint coatings for
pores and cracks using high-voltage
DIN EN 10204 Metallic products – Types of inspection documents
DIN EN 14879-1 Organic coating systems and linings for protection of indus-
trial apparatus and plants against corrosion caused by ag-
gressive media – Part 1: Terminology, design and prepara-
tion of substrate
DIN EN ISO 1461 Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel arti-
cles – Specifications and test methods
DIN EN ISO 2808 Paints and varnishes – Determination of film thickness
DIN EN ISO 2811-1 Paints and varnishes – Determination of density – Part 1:
Pycnometer method
DIN EN ISO 4624 Paints and varnishes – Pull-off test for adhesion
DIN EN ISO 8501-3 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints
and related products – Visual assessment of surface cleanli-
ness – Part 3: Preparation grades of welds, edges and other
areas with surface imperfections
DIN EN ISO 8502-3 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paint
and related products; tests for the assessment of surface
cleanliness; part 3: assessment of dust on steel surfaces
prepared for painting (pressure-sensitive tape method)
VGB PowerTech - Public License Document - © 2018

DIN EN ISO 8502-6 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints

and related products – Tests for the assessment of surface
cleanliness – Part 6: Extraction of soluble contaminants for
analysis – The Bresle method
DIN EN ISO 8503-1 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints
and related products – Surface roughness characteristics of
blast-cleaned steel substrates – Part 1: Specifications and
definitions for ISO surface profile comparators for the as-
sessment of abrasive blast-cleaned surfaces


DIN EN ISO 9117-5 Paints and varnishes – Drying tests – Part 5: Modified Ban-
dow-Wolff test
DIN EN ISO 11909 Binders for paints and varnishes – Polyisocyanate resins –
General methods of test
DIN EN ISO 12944-3 Paints and varnishes – Corrosion protection of steel struc-
tures by protective paint systems – Part 3: Design considera-
DIN EN ISO 12944-4 Paints and varnishes – Corrosion protection of steel struc-
tures by protective paint systems – Part 4: Types of surface
and surface preparation
DIN EN ISO 12944-7 Paints and varnishes – Corrosion protection of steel struc-
tures by protective paint systems – Part 7: Execution and
supervision of paint work
DIN EN ISO 14713-1 Zinc coatings – Guidelines and recommendations for the
protection against corrosion of iron and steel in structures –
Part 1: General principles of design and corrosion resistance
DIN EN ISO 14713-2 Zinc coatings – Guidelines and recommendations for the
protection against corrosion of iron and steel in structures –
Part 2: Hot dip galvanizing
DIN EN ISO 16276 Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint
systems – Assessment of, and acceptance criteria for, the
adhesion/cohesion (fracture strength) of a coating
ISO 19840 Paints and varnishes – Corrosion protection of steel struc-
tures by protective paint systems – Measurement of, and
acceptance criteria for, the thickness of dry films on rough
VGB PowerTech - Public License Document - © 2018


Codes of practice (in the current version):

BSH Standard Mindestanforderungen an die konstruktive Ausführung von
Konstruktion Offshore-Bauwerken in der ausschließlichen Wirtschaftszo-
ne (AWZ)
DIN Fachbericht 28 Korrosionsschutz von Stahlbauten durch Beschichtungen
Prüfung von Oberflächen auf visuell feststellbare Verunreini-
gungen vor dem Beschichten
DASt-Richtlinie 022 Feuerverzinken von tragenden Stahlbauteilen
VGB-S-021-01- VGB/BAW Standard “Corrosion Protection for Offshore Wind
2018-04-EN Structures – Part 1: General”,
ISBN: 978-3-96284-055-6 (3rd Edition 2018)
VGB-S-021-02- VGB/BAW Standard “Corrosion Protection for Offshore Wind
2018-04-EN Structures – Part 2: Requirements for Corrosion Protection
ISBN: 978-3-96284-056-3 (3rd Edition 2018)
VGB-S-021-03- VGB/BAW Standard “Corrosion Protection for Offshore Wind
2018-04-EN Structures – Part 3: Application of Coating Systems”,
ISBN: 978-3-96284-057-0 (3rd Edition 2018)
VGB-S-021-01- VGB/BAW-Standard „Korrosionsschutz von Offshore-
2018-04-DE Bauwerken zur Nutzung der Windenergie –
Teil 1: Allgemeines”,
ISBN: 978-3-96284-052-5 (3. Ausgabe, 2018)
VGB-S-021-02- VGB/BAW-Standard „Korrosionsschutz von Offshore-
2018-04-DE Bauwerken zur Nutzung der Windenergie –
Teil 2: Anforderungen an Korrosionsschutzsysteme”
ISBN: 978-3-96284-053-2 (3. Ausgabe, 2018)
VGB-S-021-03- VGB/BAW-Standard „Korrosionsschutz von Offshore-
2018-04-DE Bauwerken zur Nutzung der Windenergie –
Teil 3: Applikation von Beschichtungssystemen”
VGB PowerTech - Public License Document - © 2018

ISBN: 978-3-96284-054-9 (3. Ausgabe, 2018)


15 Literature
RWE-Spezifikation – Korrosionsschutz Stahlwasserbau, Ausgabe Februar 2013 – V2
(on request).

RWE-Spezifikation – Korrosionsschutz für fossil gefeuerte Kraftwerke, Atmosphäri-

scher Korrosionsschutz, Ausgabe September 2014 – V0 (on request).
VGB PowerTech - Public License Document - © 2018


16 Annexes
Annex 1: Specification – Corrosion protection for hydraulic steelwork – Sample TESP, page 1 of 3
This test and examination sequence plan (TESP) is an example showing the minimum requirements. For each measure, the contractor/coater must prepare a project-
related test and examination sequence plan. The contents and the test steps must be defined and coordinated with the principal/owner in relation to the project.

Test and examination sequence plan (TESP) Page 1 of 3

Co.: ABC
Corrosion Protect Principal: XYZ Mechanical Engineers Wind farm/site: Energy Village Rev./Date:
End customer: principal Component/structure: foundation XY 0/DD.MM.YYYY
Test Basis of test/standard: Testing by
Description/test step Report Remark/Requirement
No. Specification + ABC XYZ Principal
ZTV-ING – Part 4 -Section 3
1 Proof of qualification of supervisory personnel and personnel Z X X H
DIN EN ISO 12944-7
Test certificates coating systems incl. technical data sheets, processing
2 PZ X X H
instructions and safety data sheets
Climate data measurement during blast cleaning
and coating work
3.1 Ambient temperature (°C) (only coating works) Pr. 1 X S S ≥ 10 °C ≤ 30 °C
3.2 Object temperature (°C) (only coating works) Pr. 1 X S S ≥ 10 °C ≤ 30 °C
≤ 65 % / if coating work
is not carried out within
3.3 Relative humidity (%) Pr. 1 X S S
12 hours from blast
cleaning then ≤ 40%
VGB PowerTech - Public License Document - © 2018

3.4 Dewpoint distance (K) Pr. 1 X S S ≥5K

4 Pre-blasting inspection
DIN EN ISO 8501-3 DIN EN ISO 8501-3:
4.1 Check for coating-compliant design of steel surface Pr. 2 X S S
DIN EN ISO 12944-3 preparation grade P3
Visual inspection of steel surface for contaminants
DIN Fachbericht 28
4.2 Where appropriate, detection of water-soluble contaminants and/or Pr. 2 X S S
DIN EN ISO 8502-6
detection of oils, greases and waxes
5 Post-blasting inspection
5.1 Visual check for surface cleanliness Pr. 3 X X H
DIN EN ISO 8501-3 Check for coating-compliant design DIN EN ISO 8501-3:
5.2 Pr. 3 X X H
DIN EN ISO 12944-3 of steel surface preparation grade P3
TESP approval
Date Company Name Signature
DD.MM.YYYY ABC Corrosion Protect Mr./Ms. Sample MMM
DD.MM.YYYY XYZ Mechanical Engineers Mr./Ms. Example BBB


DD.MM.YYYY Principal Mr./Ms. Unknown UUU

Test and examination sequence plan (TESP) Page 2 of 3
Co.: ABC
Corrosion Protect Principal: XYZ Mechanical Engineers Wind farm/site: Energy Village Rev./Date:
End customer: principal Component/structure: foundation XY 0/DD.MM.YYYY

Test Basis of test/standard: Testing by

Description/test step Report Remark/Requirement
No. Specification + ABC XYZ Principal
5.3 DIN EN ISO 12944-4 Preparation grade check Pr. 3 X X H B Sa 2½/B Sa 3
5.4 DIN EN ISO 8503-1 Roughness check Pr. 3 X X H "medium (G)" grit
DIN EN ISO 8502-3:
DIN Fachbericht 28 Check of surface cleanliness max. dust quantity 2
5.5 Pr. 3 X X H
DIN EN ISO 8502-3 Pressure-sensitive tape test – dust quantity and particle size class
max. surface concen-
DIN Fachbericht 28 Water-soluble contaminant check tration:
5.6 Pr. 3 X X H
DIN EN ISO 8502-6 Bresle test or wipe test 50 mg/m2 anions (or 5
µg/cm )
5.7 DIN Fachbericht 28 Where appropriate oil, grease and wax check Pr. 3 X X H
6 Testing during coating
Documentation of processing:
6.1 coating systems incl. batch number, number Pr. 4 X S S
of coating layers and recoating intervals etc.
7 Testing after coating
7.1 Visual inspection Pr. 5 X X H
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Coating thickness measurement

7.2 ISO 19840 Minimum: 4 measuring points/m2 Pr. 5 X X H
For small surfaces at least 25 measuring points
Testing for pores and cracks using high voltage (density test)
7.3 DIN 55670 Test voltage specified by coating system manufacturer Pr. 5 X X H
 no specification: 0.5 kV/100 µm film thickness

TESP approval
Date Company Name Signature
DD.MM.YYYY ABC Corrosion Protect Mr./Ms. Sample MMM
DD.MM.YYYY XYZ Mechanical Engineers Mr./Ms. Example BBB
DD.MM.YYYY Principal Mr./Ms. Unknown UUU


Co.: ABC Test and examination sequence plan (TESP) Page 3 of 3

Corrosion Protect Principal: XYZ Mechanical Engineers Wind farm/site: Energy Village Rev./Date:
End customer: principal Component/structure: foundation XY 0/DD.MM.YYYY
Test Basis of test/standard: Testing by
Description/test step Report Remark/Requirement
No. Specification + ABC XYZ Principal
8 Testing of test panels for use during construction Test panel dimensions:
2/test area (1x test panel – 1x retained sample for principal) 300 x 300 x 10 mm
8.1 Visual inspection Pr. 6 X X H
8.2 ISO 19840 Coating thickness measurement – 25 measuring points Pr. 6 X X H
Testing for pores and cracks using high voltage (density test)
8.3 DIN 55670 Test voltage specified by coating system manufacturer Pr. 6 X X H
 no specification: 0.5 kV/100 µm film thickness
8.4 DIN EN ISO 4624 Testing for adhesive strength (5 indenters/test panel)
Pr. 6 X X H
incl. failure pattern
9 Review and approval of documentation Pr. 7 X X H

Z = certificate X = test
PZ = test certificate S = random check (report to principal)
Pr. 1 – Pr. 7 = reports H = hold point (report to principal – further steps possible only after approval)

TESP approval
Date Company Name Signature
VGB PowerTech - Public License Document - © 2018

DD.MM.YYYY ABC Corrosion Protect Mr./Ms. Sample MMM

DD.MM.YYYY XYZ Mechanical Engineers Mr./Ms. Example BBB
DD.MM.YYYY Principal Mr./Ms. Unknown UUU


Annex 2: Sample reports

These sample reports show the minimum requirements. For each measure, the con-
tractor/coater must draw up project-related reports. The contents and structure must
be defined and coordinated with the principal in relation to the project.

Climate data measurement

Principal: XYZ Mechanical Engineers
ABC Report Pr. 1
End customer: principal
Corrosion Protect
Wind farm/site: sea
Page 1 of 1
Component/structure: foundation XY
Test area: component 123
Date/time/tester Ambient temp. Object temperature Rel. humidity Dew point dis-
(UT) – [°C] (OT) – [°C] (LF) – [%] tance
(only coating works) (only coating works) (∆T) – [K]
VGB PowerTech - Public License Document - © 2018

Remark: where necessary, additional annex XX  continuous recording

Date Company Name Signature

DD.MM.YYYY ABC Corrosion Protect Mr./Ms. Sample MMM
DD.MM.YYYY XYZ Mechanical Engineers Mr./Ms. Example BBB
DD.MM.YYYY Principal Mr./Ms. Unknown UUU


Pre-blasting inspection – Steel acceptance

Principal: XYZ Mechanical Engineers
ABC Report Pr. 2
End customer: principal
Corrosion Protect
Wind farm/site: sea
Page 1 of 1
Component/structure: foundation XY

Test area: component 123

1 – Visual inspection of steel surface for contaminants


Example: Surface heavily fouled with old coating

2 – Check for coating-compliant design of steel surface

(DIN EN ISO 8501-3, DIN EN ISO 12944-3)
Requirement DIN EN ISO 8501-3: Satisfied: YES / NO
Requirement DIN EN ISO 12944-3: Satisfied: YES / NO
Deficiencies (where appropriate, photo documentation):

Example: Edges are sharp, weld spatter

3 – Detection of water-soluble contaminants where appropriate

(DIN Fachbericht 28, DIN EN ISO 8502-6)
Carried out: YES / NO

4 – Detection of oil, grease and wax where appropriate (DIN Fachbericht 28)
Carried out: YES / NO

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Approval for blast cleaning: YES / NO

Date Company Name Signature

DD.MM.YYYY ABC Corrosion Protect Mr./Ms. Sample MMM
DD.MM.YYYY XYZ Mechanical Engineers Mr./Ms. Example BBB
DD.MM.YYYY Principal Mr./Ms. Unknown UUU


Post-blasting inspection – Blasting acceptance

Principal: XYZ Mechanical Engineers
ABC Report Pr. 3
End customer: principal
Corrosion Protect
Wind farm/site: sea
Page 1 of 1
Component/structure: foundation XY

Test area: component 123

1 – Visual inspection of steel surface for contaminants


2 – Check for coating-compliant design of steel surface

(DIN EN ISO 8501-3, DIN EN ISO 12944-3)
Requirement DIN EN ISO 8501-3: Satisfied: YES / NO
Requirement DIN EN ISO 12944-3: Satisfied: YES / NO
Deficiencies (where necessary, photo documentation):

3 – Preparation grade check (DIN EN ISO 12944-4)

Requirement: B Sa 2½/B Sa 3 Result:
4 – Roughness check (DIN EN ISO 8503-1)
Measuring instrument used: Surface profile comparator 123, Measurement Co. – Serial No. 456
Requirement: "medium (G)" (grit) Result:
5 – Check of surface cleanliness – Pressure-sensitive tape test – dust quantity (DIN Fachbericht 28,
DIN EN ISO 8502-3)
Requirement (DIN EN ISO 8502-3): max. dust quantity 2 and particle size class 2
Result: where necessary, attachment XX
6 – Check for water-soluble contaminants where appropriate (DIN Fachbericht 28, DIN EN ISO 8502-
Wipe test (DIN Fachbericht 28) YES / NO
Bresle test (DIN EN ISO 8502-6) YES / NO
Requirement: surface concentration ≤ 50 mg/m² anions (equivalent to 5 µg/cm²)
Result: where necessary, attachment XX
7 – Check for oil, grease and wax where necessary (DIN Fachbericht 28)
Carried out: YES / NO
Result: where necessary, attachment XX
VGB PowerTech - Public License Document - © 2018

Approval for coating: YES / NO

Date/time Company Name Signature

ABC Corrosion Protect Mr./Ms. Sample
DD.MM.YYYY/ XYZ Mechanical Engi- BBB
Mr./Ms. Example
hh:mm neers
Principal Mr./Ms. Unknown


Testing during coating – Application

Principal: XYZ Mechanical Engineers
ABC Report Pr. 4
End customer: principal
Corrosion Protect
Wind farm/site: sea
Page 1 of 1
Component/structure: foundation XY

Test area: component 123

1. Coating layer (possibly primer coat)

Coating system: Manufacturer:
Container size – base component (A)/hardener component (B):
Colour: Application method:
Batch number base component (A): Storage life:
Batch number hardener component (B): Storage life:
Temperature (°C) base component (A): Temperature (°C) hardener component (B):
Date/time (start): Date/time (finish):
Wet film thickness (µm): Where applicable, dry film thickness (µm):
2. Coating layer
Coating system: Manufacturer:
Container size – base component (A)/hardener component (B):
Colour: Application method:
Batch number base component (A): Storage life:
Batch number hardener component (B): Storage life:
Temperature (°C) base component (A): Temperature (°C) hardener component (B):
Date/time (start): Date/time (finish):
Wet film thickness (µm): Where applicable, dry film thickness (µm):
3. Coating layer
Coating system: Manufacturer:
Container size – base component (A)/hardener component (B):
Colour: Application method:
Batch number base component (A): Storage life:
Batch number hardener component (B): Storage life:
Temperature (°C) base component (A): Temperature (°C) hardener component (B):
Date/time (start): Date/time (finish):
Wet film thickness (µm): Dry film thickness (µm):
Remark: For larger components requiring several batches of coating system  mixing report
VGB PowerTech - Public License Document - © 2018

Date Company Name Signature

DD.MM.YYYY ABC Corrosion Protect Mr./Ms. Sample MMM
DD.MM.YYYY XYZ Mechanical Engineers Mr./Ms. Example BBB
DD.MM.YYYY Principal Mr./Ms. Unknown UUU


Testing of applied coating

Principal: XYZ Mechanical Engineers
ABC Report Pr. 5
End customer: principal
Corrosion Protect
Wind farm/site: sea
Page 1 of 1
Component/structure: foundation XY

Test area: component 123


1 – Visual inspection

Examples: Runs, orange peel, faults, inclusions

2 – Coating thickness measurement [µm] (ISO 19840) – Nominal value: XX µm

Measuring instrument used: Coating thickness 123, Measurement Co. – Serial No. 456
Number of measurements:
Minimum value:
Maximum value:
Mean value:
Where necessary, attachment XX
3 – Testing for pores and cracks using high voltage (DIN 55670) – Test voltage: XX kV
Measuring instrument used: Pores 123, Measurement Co. – Serial No. 456

Remark: Where necessary, photo documentation and drawings incl. surface area data
VGB PowerTech - Public License Document - © 2018

Date Company Name Signature

DD.MM.YYYY ABC Corrosion Protect Mr./Ms. Sample MMM
DD.MM.YYYY XYZ Mechanical Engineers Mr./Ms. Example BBB
DD.MM.YYYY Principal Mr./Ms. Unknown UUU


Testing of test panels for use during construction

Principal: XYZ Mechanical Engineers
ABC Report Pr. 6
End customer: principal
Corrosion Protect
Wind farm/site: sea
Page 1 of 1
Component/structure: foundation XY

Test panel – Test area: component 123


1 – Visual inspection

2 – Coating thickness measurement [µm] (ISO 19840) – 25 measuring points – Nominal value: XX
Measuring instrument used: Coating thickness 123, Measurement Co. – Serial No. 456
Minimum measurement:
Maximum measurement:
Mean value:
3 – Testing for pores and cracks using high voltage (DIN 55670) – Test voltage: XX kV
Measuring instrument used: Pores 123, Measurement Co. – Serial No. 456

4 – Adhesive strength test (DIN EN ISO 4624) – Nominal value: XX N/mm²

Measuring instrument used: Force 123, Measurement Co. – Serial No. 456
Indenter Adhesive strength [N/mm²] Failure pattern
Mean value for adhesive strength [N/mm²]:
5 – Hardness test – Where appropriate, Shore D/Barcol (X measuring points) – Nominal value: XX
Measuring instrument used: Hardness 123, Measurement Co. – Serial No. 456
Minimum measurement:
Maximum measurement:
Mean value:
VGB PowerTech - Public License Document - © 2018

Remark: Where necessary, photo documentation of failure patterns

Date Company Name Signature

DD.MM.YYYY ABC Corrosion Protect Mr./Ms. Sample MMM
DD.MM.YYYY XYZ Mechanical Engineers Mr./Ms. Example BBB
DD.MM.YYYY Principal Mr./Ms. Unknown UUU


Review and approval of documentation

Principal: XYZ Mechanical Engineers
ABC Report Pr. 7
End customer: principal
Corrosion Protect
Wind farm/site: sea
Page 1 of 1
Component/structure: foundation XY


Contents of documentation
 Test reports Pr. 1 to Pr. 6
Satisfies the requirements stated in
- Contract
- Specifications
- Test and examination sequence plan

Date Company Name Signature

DD.MM.YYYY ABC Corrosion Protect Mr./Ms. Sample MMM
DD.MM.YYYY XYZ Mechanical Engineers Mr./Ms. Example BBB
DD.MM.YYYY Principal Mr./Ms. Unknown UUU
VGB PowerTech - Public License Document - © 2018

VGB PowerTech - Public License Document - © 2018

VGB PowerTech e.V. Tel: +49  201  8128 – 200

Deilbachtal 173 Fax: +49  201  8128 – 302
45257 Essen | Germany | [email protected]

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