Kennedy Axis V
Kennedy Axis V
Kennedy Axis V
Substance Abuse
(Problem Area 5)
6–66 Mastering the Kennedy Axis V
Substance Abuse
NAME: Abbott, George
AGE: 35
Pt. has no history of substance abuse. He is a social drinker; however, since losing his job, he has been
drinking to the point of being mildly intoxicated about once a month. He has a family history of alcoholism;
however, he doesn’t think that he is starting to have a problem with alcohol. He states that he in no way
craves alcohol. He states that he just has too much free time on his hands. He hopes that getting job
counseling will help him get back to work, and he will go back to just being an occasional social drinker. He
has never smoked cigarettes.
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Substance Abuse = 80
1) PSY = 100 2) SOC = 90 3) VIO = 90 4) ADL = 90 5) SAb = 80 6) MED = 90 7) ANC = 90
GAF Eq = 95
Dangerousness Level = 80
Substance Abuse
NAME: Cross, Anthony
AGE: 24
There are no reports of any history of substance abuse. Pt. states that he used to be a social drinker. Pt. states
that he has never had any problems with substance abuse. Doesn’t smoke cigarettes.
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Substance Abuse = 95
1) PSY = 45 2) SOC = 60 3) VIO = 50 4) ADL = 80 5) SAb = 95 6) MED = 70 7) ANC = 80
GAF Eq = 60
Dangerousness Level = 50
Substance Abuse
NAME: Davis, Richard
AGE: 45
Many years ago, pt. had problems with alcohol abuse. Smokes cigarettes.
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Substance Abuse = 80
1) PSY = 20 2) SOC = 35 3) VIO = 50 4) ADL = 25 5) SAb = 80 6) MED = 80 7) ANC = 70
GAF Eq = 35
Dangerousness Level = 35
Substance Abuse
NAME: Griffin, Paul
AGE: 30
Pt. has a long history of substance abuse, including IV drug use. Staff feels that pt. would continue to abuse
drugs daily if given the opportunity. Staff states that drugs and alcohol pervade pt.’s thinking. Staff states
that pt. is suspected of having neurological damage secondary to the drug use. Pt. states that he has had
hepatitis in the past from drug use. Pt.’s driver’s license is currently suspended because of drinking while
driving. Pt. smokes cigarettes.
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Substance Abuse = 30
1) PSY = 40 2) SOC = 50 3) VIO = 40 4) ADL = 55 5) SAb = 30 6) MED = 70 7) ANC = 50
GAF Eq = 45
Dangerousness Level = 30
Substance Abuse
NAME: Lane, Barbara
AGE: 25
Pt. has a long history of abuse of alcohol, cocaine, and marijuana. Before her hospitalization, pt. was using
drugs and alcohol several times a day. Pt. freebases cocaine. At times, the abuse was severe enough to cause
blackouts. Pt. continues to demonstrate preoccupation with drugs and frequent drug-seeking behavior. Staff
feels that if given the opportunity, pt. would abuse drugs and alcohol on a daily basis. Recently, pt.’s license
was again revoked because of driving under the influence of alcohol. Pt. is unemployed because of her
problems with substance abuse. Pt. continues to minimize her problems with drugs and alcohol.
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Substance Abuse = 30
1) PSY = 40 2) SOC = 50 3) VIO = 30 4) ADL = 60 5) SAb = 30 6) MED = 70 7) ANC = 40
GAF Eq = 50
Dangerousness Level = 30
Before hospitalization, pt. was using drugs and alcohol several times a day; if given the opportunity, pt.
would use drugs or alcohol on a daily basis = 50 or worse
Blackout spells = 30
Preoccupation with drugs and frequent drug-seeking behavior = 30
License again revoked because of substance abuse = 50 or worse
Unemployed because of substance abuse = 40
Poor insight into substance abuse (this is a negative factor)
6–72 Mastering the Kennedy Axis V
Substance Abuse
NAME: Palmer, John
AGE: 44
Pt. has a history of extensive alcohol and drug abuse. Staff states that he is preoccupied with drinking.
However, he is less frequently going AWA (away without authorization) to get alcohol. Staff states that there
have been no recent attempts to get other pts. to buy him alcohol. Staff states that if given the opportunity,
he would drink to excess or use street drugs on a daily basis. Pt. states that he is not having any problems
staying away from alcohol. Pt. states that there have been times when he wanted to escape to drink and he
didn’t. Pt. states that he is not having impulses to use street drugs. Pt. states that he does not know why he
drinks. Smokes cigarettes.
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Substance Abuse = 50
1) PSY = 40 2) SOC = 50 3) VIO = 70 4) ADL = 50 5) SAb = 50 6) MED = 80 7) ANC = 70
GAF Eq = 55
Dangerousness Level = 50
Substance Abuse
NAME: Powers, Jennifer
AGE: 35
Pt. has no history of substance abuse. She has never smoked. She is involved with promoting the schools’
“Just Say No Program” through the PTA. She is seen as a model of someone who does not have a problem
with substance abuse.
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Substance Abuse
NAME: Rosenthal, William
AGE: 51
No current or past problems other than being a very heavy smoker.
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Substance Abuse = 70
1) PSY = 20 2) SOC = 10 3) VIO = 45 4) ADL = 20 5) SAb = 70 6) MED = 40 7) ANC = 70
GAF Eq = 25
Dangerousness Level = 15
Substance Abuse
NAME: Scott, David
AGE: 50
Alcohol was reported to have been a significant contributor to his problems at work. Pt. was noted to have
an alcohol problem by an employer about 10 years ago. Pt.’s drinking is said to have increased after the
death of a close friend about 4 years ago. Before the present admission, pt. reports drinking alcohol on a
daily basis (½ to ¾ of a fifth of wine or a six-pack of beer). Pt. does not see alcohol as a problem. Pt. went to
AA in the past; however, he was not interested in any significant involvement in AA. Pt. denies any use of
drugs or alcohol while in the hospital; however, he does not plan to give up alcohol totally. Heavy smoker.
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Substance Abuse = 60
1) PSY = 40 2) SOC = 75 3) VIO = 50 4) ADL = 75 5) SAb = 60 6) MED = 70 7) ANC = 70
GAF Eq = 60
Dangerousness Level = 50
Problems at work = 60
Drinks on daily basis to mild excess = 60
Heavy smoker = 70
No IV drug use = 50 or better
Factor out no recent use due to hospitalization
Poor insight and long history of alcohol abuse (these are strong negative factors)
6–76 Mastering the Kennedy Axis V
Substance Abuse
NAME: Sellers, Mark
AGE: 63
Smokes cigarettes. No history of drug or alcohol abuse.
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Substance Abuse = 85
1) PSY = 30 2) SOC = 45 3) VIO = 40 4) ADL = 30 5) SAb = 85 6) MED = 40 7) ANC = 80
GAF Eq = 35
Dangerousness Level = 40
Smokes cigarettes = 80
No history of drug or alcohol abuse (this is a positive factor)
Scoring Clinical Vignettes (Self-Examination)—Substance Abuse 6–77
Substance Abuse
NAME: Woods, Gilbert
AGE: 28
No problems. Does not smoke cigarettes.
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Substance Abuse = 90
1) PSY = 20 2) SOC = 35 3) VIO = 35 4) ADL = 30 5) SAb = 90 6) MED = 90 7) ANC = 70
GAF Eq = 30
Dangerousness Level = 35
No problems = 90 or better
Does not smoke cigarettes = 90 or better
No indication that this is an area of superior functioning = 90