A Parsimonious, Computationally Efficient Machine Learning Method For Spatial Regression
A Parsimonious, Computationally Efficient Machine Learning Method For Spatial Regression
A Parsimonious, Computationally Efficient Machine Learning Method For Spatial Regression
We introduce the modified planar rotator method (MPRS), a physically inspired machine learning method for spatial/temporal
regression. MPRS is a non-parametric model which incorporates spatial or temporal correlations via short-range, distance-
dependent “interactions” without assuming a specific form for the underlying probability distribution. Predictions are obtained
by means of a fully autonomous learning algorithm which employs equilibrium conditional Monte Carlo simulations. MPRS
is able to handle scattered data and arbitrary spatial dimensions. We report tests on various synthetic and real-word data in
one, two and three dimensions which demonstrate that the MPRS prediction performance (without hyperparameter tuning)
is competitive with standard interpolation methods such as ordinary kriging and inverse distance weighting. MPRS is a par-
ticularly effective gap-filling method for rough and non-Gaussian data (e.g., daily precipitation time series). MPRS shows
superior computational efficiency and scalability for large samples. Massive datasets involving millions of nodes can be
processed in a few seconds on a standard personal computer. We also present evidence that MPRS, by avoiding the Gaussian
assumption, provides more reliable prediction intervals than kriging for highly skewed distributions.
Keywords Machine learning · Interpolation · Time series · Scattered data · Non-Gaussian model · Precipitation ·
Autonomous algorithm
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
cubically with the sample size and thus becomes impractical 2 The MPRS Model
or infeasible for large datasets. On the other hand, massive
data are now ubiquitous due to modern sensing technologies The MPRS model exploits an idea initially used in the modi-
such as radars, satellites, and lidar. fied planar rotator (MPR) model (Žukovič and Hristopu-
To improve computational efficiency, traditional meth- los 2018). The latter was introduced for filling data gaps
ods can be modified leading to tolerable loss of prediction of continuously-valued variables distributed on 2D rectan-
performance (Cressie and Johannesson 2018; Furrer et al. gular grids. The key idea is to map the data to continuous
2006; Ingram et al. 2008; Kaufman et al. 2008; Marcotte and “spins” (i.e., variables defined in the interval [−1, 1]), and
Allard 2018; Zhong et al. 2016). With new developments then construct a model of spatial dependence by imposing
in hardware architecture, another possibility is provided by interactions between spins. MPRS models such interactions
parallel implementations using already rather affordable even between scattered data and is thus applicable to both
multi-core CPU and GPU hardware architectures (Cheng structured and unstructured (scattered) data over domains
2013; de Ravé et al. 2014; Hu and Shu 2015; Pesquer et al. D ⊂ ℝd where d is any integer.
2011). A third option is to propose new prediction methods
that are inherently computationally efficient.
One such approach employs Boltzmann-Gibbs random 2.1 Model definition
fields to model spatial correlations by means of short-range
“interactions” instead of the empirical variogram (or covari- Let s denote a spatial location inside the domain of interest.
ance) function used in geostatistics (Hristopulos 2003; Hris- A random field Z(s;𝜔) ∶ ℝd × Ω → ℝ is defined over a com-
topulos and Elogne 2007; Hristopulos 2015). This approach plete probability space (Ω, F, P) , where Ω is the sample
was later extended to non-Gaussian gridded data by using space, F is the event space (i.e., space of events comprising
classical spin models (Žukovič and Hristopulos 2009a, b, set of states in Ω), and P is the probability function which
2013, 2018; Žukovič et al. 2020). The latter were shown assigns a number between 0 and 1 to each event in F .
to be computationally efficient and competitive in terms of Finally, the state index 𝜔 selects a specific state from Ω .
prediction performance with respect to several other inter- Assume that the data are sampled at points Gs = {si ∈ ℝd }Ni=1
polation methods. Moreover, their ability to operate without from the field Z(s;𝜔) . The dataset is denoted by
user intervention makes them ideal candidates for automated Zs = {zi ∈ ℝ}Ni=1 , and the set of prediction points by
processing of large datasets on regular spatial grids, typical Gp = {sp ∈ ℝd }Pp=1 so that Gs ∪ Gp = G , Gs ∩ Gp = � (i.e.,
in remote sensing. Furthermore, the short-range (nearest- the sampling and prediction sets are disjoint), and
neighbor) interactions between the variables allows paral- P + N = NG . The random field values at the prediction sites
lelization and thus further increase in computational effi- will be denoted by the set Zp.
ciency. For example, a GPU implementation of the modified A Boltzmann-Gibbs probability density function (PDF)
planar rotator (MPR) model led to impressive speed-ups (up can be defined for the configuration z(s) sampled over
to almost 500 times on large grids), compared to single CPU Gs ⊂ ℝd . The PDF is governed by the Hamiltonian (energy
calculations (Žukovič et al. 2020). functional) H(zGs ) and is given by the exponential form
The MPR method is limited to 2D grids, and its exten-
sion to scattered data is not straightforward. In the present fZ (zGs ) = Z−1 exp{−H(zGs )∕kB T}, (1)
paper we propose the modified planar rotator for scattered
data (MPRS). The MPRS method is non-parametric in the where zGs ≜ {z(s) ∶ s ∈ Gs } is the set of data values at the
sense that it does not require any assumption for the under- sampling points, and Z is a normalizing constant (known as
lying probability distribution. This new machine learning the partition function). In statistical physics, T is the ther-
method can be used for scattered or gridded data in spaces modynamic temperature and kB is the Boltzmann constant.
with different dimensions. MPRS achieves even higher com- In the case of the MPRS model, the product kB T represents
putational efficiency than MPR due to full vectorization of a model parameter that controls the variance of the field.
the algorithm. This new approach does not rely on a par- A local-interaction Hamiltonian can in general be
ticular structure or dimension of the data location grid; it expressed as
only needs the distances between each prediction point and
a predefined number of samples in its neighborhood. This
H = − ⟨Ji,j Φ(zi , zj )⟩, (2)
feature makes MPRS applicable to scattered data in arbitrary where Ji,j is a location-dependent pair-coupling function
dimensions. and Φ(zi , zj ) is a nonlinear function of the interacting values
zi , zj . The notation ⟨⋅⟩ implies a spatial averages defined by
means of
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
5 5
(a) (b)
4 4
i i
3 3 J i,j
2 2
1 1
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Fig. 1 Schematic illustration of the interactions of ith prediction distance-dependent interaction parameter Ji,j in MPRS. Blue open and
point with a its four nearest neighbors (including sampling and pre- red filled circles denote sampling and prediction points, respectively,
diction points) via the constant interaction parameter J in MPR and and the solid lines represent the bonds
b its nb = 8 nearest neighbor (only sampling) points via the mutual
� �
⟨Ai,j ⟩ ≜ Ai,j pair distance, and the locally adaptive bandwidth param-
(3) eter bi is specific to each prediction point and reflects the
i j∈neighb(i)
sampling configuration in the neighborhood of the point si .
where Ai,j is a two-point function, and neighb(i) denotes all Note that although the coupling function decays smoothly,
nb sampling points in the interaction neighborhood of the the energy (2) embodies interactions only between points
i-th point. that are inside the specified neighborhood of each point si.
To define the local interactions in the MPRS model, The interactions in the MPRS model are schematically
the original data zi are mapped to continuously-valued illustrated and compared with the MPR interactions in
“spin” variables represented by angles 𝜙i using the linear Fig. 1. The diagram clarifies how the MPRS method extends
transformation the coupling to scattered datasets.
2𝜋(zi − zs,min ) In MPRS, regression is accomplished by means of a con-
zi ↦ 𝜙i = , for zi ∈ Zs , (4) ditional simulation approach which is described below. To
zs,max − zs,min
predict the value of the field at the points in Gp, the energy
where zs,min = mini∈{1,2,…,N} Zs , zs,max = maxi∈{1,2,…,N} Zs , function (2) is extended to include the prediction points, i.e.,
and 𝜙i ∈ [0, 2𝜋] , for i = 1, … , N . The MPRS pairwise we use H(zG ) = H(zGs ∪ zGp ). In H(zG ) we restrict interac-
energy is given by the equation tions between each prediction point and its sample neighbors
(i.e., we neglect interactions between prediction points) in
Φi,j = cos 𝜙i,j , where 𝜙i,j = (𝜙i − 𝜙j )∕2. (5) order to allow vectorization of the algorithm which enhances
computational performance. In practice, omitting prediction-
In order to fully determine interactions between scattered
point interactions does not impact significantly the predic-
data, the coupling function Ji,j needs to be defined. It is
tion.1 Then, the Hamiltonian comprises two parts: one that
reasonable to assume that the strength of the interactions
involves only sample-to-sample interactions and one that
diminishes with increasing distance. Hence, we adopt an
involves interactions of the prediction points with the
exponential decay of the interactions between two points i
and j, i.e.,
This observation is based on the comparison with the prediction
Ji,j = J0 exp(−ri,j ∕bi ). (6)
performance of the original MRR method (Žukovič and Hristopulos
2018), which is designed to operate on gridded data and which con-
In the coupling function (6), the constant J0 defines the siders both prediction-sample and prediction-prediction point interac-
maximum intensity of the interactions, ri,j = ‖si − sj ‖ is the tions. Our tests on gridded data indicated that the prediction perfor-
mance of the two methods are comparable.
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
samples in their respective neighborhood. Since the sample distribution. The model parameters include the number of
values are fixed, the first part contributes an additive con- interacting neighbors per point, nb , the decay rate vector
stant, while the important (for predictive purposes) contribu- b = (b1 , … , bP )⊤ used in the exponential coupling func-
tion comes from the second part of the the energy. The latter tion (6), the prefactor J0 , and the simulation temperature T;
represents a summation of the contributions from all P pre- the ratio of the latter two sets the interaction scale via the
diction points. reduced coupling parameter J0 ∕kB T . Thus, in the following
The optimal values of the spin angles 𝜙p at sp ∈ Gp can we refer to the “simulation temperature” (T) as shorthand for
then be determined by finding the configurations which max- the dimensionless ratio kB T∕J0 . In addition, henceforward
imize the Boltzmann-Gibbs PDF (1), where the energy is energy functions H are calculated with J0 = 1.
now replaced with H(zG ). If T = 0, the PDF is maximized by Model parameters are typically updated during the train-
the configuration which minimizes the total energy H(zG ), ing process. However, in order to optimize computational
i.e., performance, after experimentation with various datasets,
we set the model parameters to reasonable default values,
𝜙̂ p = arg min H(zG ), p = 1, … , P. (7) i.e., nb = 8 (for all prediction points) and T = 10−3; the decay
rates {bp }Pp=1 are estimated as the median distance between
However, for T ≠ 0 , there can exist many configurations the p-th prediction point and its four nearest sample neigh-
{𝜙p }Pp=1 that lead to the same energy H(zG ) = E . Assuming bors. These choices are supported by (i) the expectation of
that Ω(E) is the total number of configurations with energy increased spatial continuity for low T and (ii) experience
E , t h e p ro b a b[ i l i t y P ( E )] o f o b s e r v i n g E i s with the MPR method. In particular, MPR tends to perform
P(E) ∝ Ω(E) exp −H(zG )∕kB T . Equivalently, we can write better at very low T (i.e., for T ≈ 10−3). In addition, using
this as follows higher-order neighbor interactions ( nb = 8 neighbors, i.e.,
nearest- and second-nearest neighbors on the square grid)
− k 1T [H(zG )−kB T log Ω(E)]
P(E) ∝ e B . (8) improves the smoothness of the regression surface. The defi-
nition of the decay rate vector b enables it to adapt to poten-
Taking into account that S(E) = kB log Ω(E) is the
tially uneven spatial distribution of samples around predic-
entropy that corresponds to the energy E, the expo-
tion points.
nent of (8) becomes proportional to the free energy:
Our exploratory tests showed that the prediction perfor-
F(E) = H(zG ) − T S(E). Thus, for T ≠ 0 an “optimal con-
mance is not very sensitive to the default values defined
figuration” is obtained by means of
above (see Sect. 5). For example, setting nb = 4 or increasing
[ ] (decreasing) T by one order of magnitude, we obtained simi-
𝜙̂ p = arg min H(zG ) − T S(E) , p = 1, … , P. (9)
𝜙p lar results as for the default parameter choices. Nevertheless,
we tested the default settings on various datasets and verified
The minimum free energy corresponds to the thermal equi-
that even if they are not optimal, they still provide competi-
librium state. In practice, the latter can be achieved in the
tive performance.
long-time limit by constructing a sequence (Markov chain)
The MPRS hyperparameters are used to control the
of states using one of the legitimate updating rules, such as
learning process. The static hyperparameters are listed
the Metropolis algorithm (Metropolis et al. 1953), as shown
in Section 1.3.1 of Algorithm 1. Below, we discuss their
in Sect. 2.3.
definition, impact on prediction performance, and setting
Finally, the MPRS prediction at the sites sp ∈ Gp is for-
of default values. The number of equilibrium configura-
mulated by inverting the linear transform (4), i.e.,
tions, M, is arbitrarily set to 100. Smaller (larger) values
( ) 𝜙̂ p would increase (decrease) computational performance and
ẑ p = zs,max − zs,min + zs,min , for p = 1, … , P. (10) decrease (increase) prediction accuracy and precision. The
frequency of equilibrium state verification is controlled by
The MPRS model is fully defined in terms of the nf which is set to 5. Lower nf increases the frequency and
equations (1)–(10). thus slightly decreases the simulation speed but it can lead
to earlier detection of the equilibrium state. In order to test
2.2 Setting the MPRS Model Parameters for equilibrium conditions, we need to check the slope of
and Hyperparameters the energy evolution curve: in the equilibrium regime the
curve is flat, while it has an overall negative slope in the
The MPRS learning process involves the model param- relaxation (non-equilibrium) regime. However, the fluctua-
eters and a number of hyperparameters which control tions present in equilibrium at T ≠ 0 imply that the calcu-
the approach of the model to an equilibrium probability lated slope will always quiver around zero. To compensate
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
for the fluctuations, we fit the energy evolution curve with sample sites. 𝚽̂ represents the vector of estimated spin
a Savitzky-Golay polynomial filter of degree equal to one values at the prediction sites. G(⋅) is the transformation
using a window that contains nfit = 20 points. This produces from the original field to the spin field and G−1 (⋅) is its
a smoothed curve and a more robust estimate of the slope. inverse. Z(j)
̂ , j = 1, … , M is the j-th realization of the origi-
Larger values of nfit are likely to cause undesired mixing of nal field. U(0, 2𝜋) denotes a vector of random numbers from
the relaxation and the equilibrium regimes. the uniform probability distribution in [0, 2𝜋]. SG stands for
Algorithm 1 MPRS learning procedure. The algo- Savitzky-Golay filter.
rithm involves the Update function which is described in
Algorithm 2. 𝚽s is the vector of known spin values at the
Algorithm 2 Restricted Metropolis updating algorithm excluding the point labeled by p. U(0, 1) denotes the
(non-vectorized version). 𝚽̂ old is the initial spin state, and uniform probability distribution in [0, 1]. The hyperpa-
𝚽̂ new is the new spin state. 𝚽̂ old is the initial spin state
rameter 𝛼 is the spin perturbation control factor; T is the
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
Table 1 Parameters and hyperparameters of the MPRS method with default values, short descriptions and recommended setting
Default value Description Setting method and range
Model parameters nb = 8 Number of interacting neighbors per point A relatively small number to secure efficient
simulation of a fairly smooth regression sur-
face; nb ∈ [4, 16]
b = (b1 , … , bP )⊤ Decay rate vector Median distance between the p-th prediction
point and its ns nearest sample neighbors;
ns ∈ [4, 8]
kB T∕J0 ≡ T = 10−3 Simulation temperature that controls the vari- Based on MPR tests set to a sufficiently small
ance of the field value to achieve some spatial continuity;
T ∈ [10−5 , 10−2 ]
Hyperparameters M = 100 Number of equilibrium configurations used for Arbitrarily set to balance precision and computa-
collecting statistics tional time; M ∈ [50, 1000]
nf = 5 Frequency of verifying equilibrium conditions Empirically set to detect onset of equilibrium
(slope of the energy evolution curve ≈ 0) regime with moderate checking frequency;
nf ∈ [2, 10]
nfit = 20 Number of points used for fitting the energy Empirically set to a sufficiently large value that
evolution function ensures accurate estimate of the energy evolu-
tion function and its slope; nfit ∈ [10, 50]
imax = 500 (optional) Maximum number of Monte Carlo sweeps Used to prevent potentially very long equilibra-
tion times, if the convergence is very slow
Atarg = 0.3 Target acceptance ratio of restricted Metropolis Controls the computational efficiency (at low
algorithm temperatures) by generating perturbations
that satisfy the desired acceptance rate Atarg;
Atarg ∈ [0.2, 0.7]
a = 1 + t∕ka (adjustable) Perturbation control factor Adaptively reset as a linearly increasing function
of the simulation time t to achieve proposal
of gradually smaller (more easily acceptable)
ka = 3 Characteristic time controlling the variation Arbitrarily set to obtain desirable computational
of a efficiency; ka ∈ [2, 4]
Initial state = “paramag- Initial spin angle state at t = 0 Other initializations give similar results; Initial
netic” (hot start) state ∈ {“paramagnetic”,“ferromagnetic”,
5 2.3 Learning “Data Gaps” by Means of Restricted
10 5 Metropolis Monte Carlo
nn intep.
-4.824 random MPRS predictions of the values {̂zp }Pp=1 are based on con-
ditional Monte Carlo simulation. Starting with initial
-4.825 guesses for the unknown values, the algorithm updates
them continuously aiming to approach an equilibrium state
-4.826 which minimizes the free energy (see Eq. 9). The key to
-4.5 20 40 60 the computational efficiency of the MPRS algorithm is fast
relaxation to equilibrium. This is achieved using the
restricted Metropolis algorithm, which is particularly effi-
cient at very low temperatures, such as the presently con-
relaxation regime equilibrium regime
(waiting time)
sidered T ≈ 10−3, where the standard Metropolis updating
(collecting statistics)
is inefficient (Loison et al. 2004).
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
The classical Metropolis algorithm (Metropolis
et al. 1953; Robert et al. 1999; Hristopulos 2020) pro-
Fig. 2 Energy evolution curves starting from random (red dashed
poses random changes of the spin angles at the pre-
curve) and nearest-neighbor interpolation (blue solid curve) diction sites (starting from an arbitrary initial state).
states. The simulations are performed on Gaussian synthetic data The proposals are accepted if they lower the energy
with m = 150, 𝜎 = 25 and Whittle-Matérn covariance model H(zG;curr ) , while otherwise they are accepted with prob-
WM(𝜅 = 0.2, 𝜈 = 0.5), sampled at 346, 030 and predicted at 702, 546
scattered points (non-coinciding with the sampling points) inside a
ability p = exp[−H(zG;prop )∕T + H(zG;curr )∕T] , where
square domain of length L = 1, 024. The inset shows a detailed view zG;curr is the current and zG;prop the proposed states. The
focusing on the nonequilibrium (relaxation) regime restricted Metropolis scheme generates a proposal spin-
angle state according to 𝜙prop = 𝜙curr + 𝛼(r − 0.5) , where
r is a uniformly distributed random number r ∈ [0, 1)
The maximum number of Monte Carlo sweeps, imax , and 𝛼 = 2𝜋∕a ∈ (0, 2𝜋) . The hyperparameter a ∈ [1, ∞)
is optional and can be set to prevent very long equilibra- controls the spin-angle perturbations. The value of a is
tion times, lest the convergence is very slow. Due to the dynamically tuned during the equilibration process to
efficient hybrid algorithm employed its practical impact is maintain the acceptance rate close to the target set by the
minimal. The target acceptance ratio of Metropolis update, acceptance rate hyperparameter Atarg . Values of a ≈ 1
Atarg , and the variation rate of perturbation control factor, allow bigger perturbations of the current state, while a ≫ 1
ka , are set to Atarg = 0.3 and ka = 3. Their role is to prevent leads to proposals closer to the current state.
the Metropolis acceptance rate (particularly at low T) to To achieve vectorization of the algorithm and high com-
drop to very low values, which would lead to computa- putational efficiency, we assume that interactions occur
tional inefficiency. Finally, the simulation starts from some between prediction and sampling points in the vicinity of
initially selected state of the spin angle configuration. Our the former but not among prediction points. Moreover,
tests showed that different choices, such as uniform (“fer- perturbations can be performed simultaneously by means
romagnetic”) or random (“paramagnetic”) initialization of a single sweep for all the prediction points, which
produced similar results. Therefore, we use as default the increases computational efficiency (e.g., in the case of the
random state comprising spin angles drawn from the uni- MPR method two sweeps are required).
form distribution in [0, 2𝜋]. While it is in principle pos- The learning procedure begins at an initial state ascribed
sible to tune the hyperparameters for optimal prediction to the prediction points, while the sampling points retain
performance, using default values enables the autonomous their values throughout the simulation.2 The prediction
operation of the algorithm and controls the computational points can be initially assigned random values drawn from
efficiency. The adaptive hyperparameters, listed in Sec- the uniform distribution. It is also possible to assign values
tion 1.3.2 of Algorithm 1, increase the flexibility of the based on neighborhood relations, e.g., by means of nearest
algorithm by automatically adapting to the current stage of neighbor interpolation.
the simulation process. A brief summary of all the param-
eters and the hyperparameters and their proposed values
and recommended ranges is provided in Table 1.
If a prediction point coincides with a sample location, the MPRS
algorithm allows the user to choose whether the sample value will be
respected or updated. Thus, in the former (latter) case MPRS is an
exact (inexact) interpolator.
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
Table 2 Validation measures used to assess the prediction perfor- 3 Study Design for Validation of MPRS
mance of MPRS and other methods. The measures are defined as Learning Method
double averages: the first average is over the sites of the validation
set while the second average is over all V training-validation splits.
The zp and 𝜎z;p are the mean and standard deviation of the validation The prediction performance of the MPRS learning algorithm
values; ⟨̂z(v)
p ⟩ and 𝜎ẑ ;p are, respectively, the mean and standard devia-
is tested on various 1D, 2D, and 3D datasets. In 2D we use
tion of the predictions for the v-th split. If V = 1 the initial “M” in the synthetic and real spatial data (gamma dose rates in Ger-
validation measures can be dropped many, heavy metal topsoil concentrations in the Swiss Jura
Validation measure Definition mountains, Walker lake pollution, and atmospheric latent
Mean absolute error 1 ∑V 1 ∑ (v) heat data over the Pacific ocean). For 1D data we use time
MAE = sp ∈Gp � 𝜖 (sp ) �
V v=1 P
series of temperature and precipitation. Finally, in 3D we use
Mean absolute relative 1 ∑V 1 ∑ � 𝜖 (v) (sp )�
MARE = V v=1 P sp ∈Gp z(s )
soil data. The MPRS performance in 1D and 2D is compared
Mean root square error 1 ∑V � 1 ∑ � �2 with ordinary kriging (OK) which under suitable conditions
MRSE = 𝜖 (v) (sp )
V v=1 P sp ∈Gp is an optimal spatial linear predictor (Kitanidis 1997; Cressie
1990; Wackernagel 2003). For better comparison (especially
� �
Mean Pearson correlation 1 ∑V
p=1 (z(sp )−zp ) ẑ (v) (sp )−⟨̂z(v)
p ⟩
coefficient MR = V v=1 𝜎z;p 𝜎ẑ(v) in terms of computational efficiency), in addition to the OK
13 0.09
(a) MPRS (b) MPRS
12.5 OK-U OK-U
OK-R 0.085 OK-R
11.5 0.08
10 0.07
8.5 0.06
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
tr [%] tr [%]
(c) MPRS MPRS (d)
OK-U 0.88 OK-U
16 OK-R OK-R
15 0.84
13 0.78
11 0.72
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
tr [%] tr [%]
MPRS (e)
0.1 OK-R
tCPU [s]
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
tr [%]
Fig. 3 Dependence of MPRS, OK-U and OK-R validation measures and covariance model WM(𝜅 = 0.2, 𝜈 = 0.5); the field is sampled at
on the ratio of training points tr. The measures are calculated from 1000 scattered points inside a square domain of length L = 50
100 realizations of a Gaussian random field with m = 150, 𝜎 = 25
1.12 (a) MAE (b) MAE
MR 1.1 MR
errMPRS/err OK-U
errMPRS/err OK-U
0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
1.06 1.08
MAE (c) MAE (d)
errMPRS/err OK-R
errMPRS/err OK-R
0.96 0.94
0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Fig. 4 Dependence of the ratios of a, b MPRS and OK-U and c, d WM(𝜅 = 0.2, 𝜈 ), sampled at 1, 000 scattered points inside a square
MPRS and OK-R validation measures on the smoothness parameter. domain of length L = 50. Panels (a,c) and (b,d) show the results for
The measures are calculated based on 100 realizations of a Gauss- tr = 0.33 and 0.66, respectively
ian random field with m = 150, 𝜎 = 25 and the covariance model
errMPRS/err OK-U
errMPRS/err OK-R
400 1.04
300 1.02
200 1
100 0.98
0 5 10 15
0.6 0.94
0.5 1 1.5 0.5 1 1.5
Fig. 5 Dependence of the ratios of a MPRS and OK-U and b MPRS WM(𝜅 = 0.2, 𝜈 = 0.5), sampled at 1000 scattered points inside a
and OK-R validation measures on the random field skewness (con- square domain of length L = 50, for tr = 0.33. The inset in (a) shows,
trolled by 𝜎 ). The measures are calculated from 100 realizations as an example, the data distribution for 𝜎 = 1
of a lognormal random field with m = 0 and covariance model
Table 4 Interpolation validation Data Method AE ARE (%) RSE R (%) tcpu (s)
measures (obtained from
Table 2 for V = 1) for the Routine MPRS 9.22 9.29 12.58 78.07 0.03
OK-U 9.29 9.36 12.84 77.03 0.03
methods applied to the routine
and emergency SIC2004 OK-R 9.39 9.45 12.96 76.56 0.05
datasets Emergency MPRS 17.75 11.85 76.76 40.40 0.02
OK-U 22.05 18.74 74.19 47.05 0.02
OK-R 21.52 16.28 78.13 48.24 0.04
40 6
AE (6th)
Routine data set
RSE (8th) 4
y [km]
R (2nd)
AE (6th)
Emergency data set
15 0
1 2 3 4 5
RSE (13th) 10 x [km]
R (11th) 5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
10 1
10 2 Cd concentration
Validation measures of different methods
Fig. 8 Histogram of cadmium soil contamination concentrations from
Fig. 7 Values of AE, RSE and R obtained for the routine and emer- the Jura dataset. The inset shows the measurement locations
gency datasets by means of 31 interpolation methods reported in the
SIC2004 exercise (circles, squares and diamonds) and the MPRS
approach (red crosses). The numbers in parentheses denote the rank- Furthermore, the gap between tr = 0.33 and tr = 0.66 curves
ing of MPRS performance for the particular validation measure with
respect to all 32 methods
for OK-R increases with N, thus making OK-R relatively
inefficient for datasets with a large number of observations.
MPRS (a) (b) MPRS
OK-R 0.7 OK-R
0 0.2
Cd Co Cr Cu Ni Pb Zn Cd Co Cr Cu Ni Pb Zn
Metal Metal
MPRS (c) 0.8 MPRS (d)
25 OK-R OK-R
Cd Co Cr Cu Ni Pb Zn Cd Co Cr Cu Ni Pb Zn
Metal Metal
(e) MPRS
tCPU [s]
Cd Co Cr Cu Ni Pb Zn
Fig. 9 MPRS, OK-U and OK-R validation measures for the Jura heavy metal contamination dataset. The measures are calculated from 100 ran-
domly chosen training sets of 85 points leaving 174 points in the validation sets
approaches are found in Dubois and Galmarini (2006). In The validation measures from MPRS, OK-U and OK-R
total, 31 algorithms were applied. Several geostatistical applied to both the routine and emergency datasets are
techniques failed in the emergency scenario due to insta- presented in Table 4. Comparing the results for OK and
bilities caused by the outliers (simulated release data). MPRS, for the routine dataset MPRS gives slightly better
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
1.6 Table 5 Interpolation validation measures for MPRS and OK. The
R MPRS /R OK-U measures are based on 100 randomly chosen training sets that include
tr N of the N = 40, 000 points (Walker lake dataset)
1.4 R MPRS /R OK-R
tr Method MAE RMSE MR (%) ⟨tcpu ⟩ (s)
0.33 MPRS 166.08 334.81 74.52 0.66
1 OK-U 167.74 340.42 73.97 666.32
OK-R 163.06 340.43 73.90 13.75
0.8 0.66 MPRS 156.03 314.97 77.65 0.71
OK-U 155.49 319.95 77.24 4999.37
0.6 OK-R 150.25 318.51 77.36 91.33
4.2.2 Jura dataset
0 20 40 60 80 100
realizations This dataset comprises topsoil heavy metal concentrations
(in ppm) in the Jura Mountains (Switzerland) (Atteia et al.
Fig. 10 Ratio of the correlation coefficients, RMPRS ∕ROK−U and 1994; Goovaerts 1997). In particular, the dataset includes
RMPRS ∕ROK−R , between validation data and predicted values for Co concentrations of the following metals: Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni,
concentration for 100 random validation splits
Pb, Zn. The 259 measurement locations and the histogram of
Cd concentrations, as an example, are shown in Fig. 8. The
results than either of the OK approaches. However, for detailed statistical summary of all the datasets can be found
the emergency dataset the differences are substantial. in Atteia et al. (1994); Goovaerts (1997).
In particular, AE and ARE errors are much smaller for For each dataset we generate V = 100 different training
MPRS, while OK methods give superior values for R. sets consisting of 85 randomly selected points. Different
The RSE error is smallest for OK-U, followed by MPRS panels in Fig. 9 compare MPRS, OK-U and OK-R valida-
and OK-R. The CPU time of MPRS and OK-U are almost tion measures for the 7 metal concentrations. In most cases
identical, while OK-R is almost two times slower. the OK methods give slightly smaller (larger) errors (MR)
In Fig. 7 we compare the MPRS performance with than MPRS. However, MPRS gives for Cd and Cr concentra-
the results obtained with the 31 different approaches tions lower MARE values than OK-U; for Cd concentration
reported in Dubois and Galmarini (2006). This compari- MAE and RMSE are practically the same for all methods.
son shows that MPRS is competitive with geostatistical, The differences between MPRS and OK errors are on the
neural network, support vector machines and splines. In order of a few percent. The largest differences appear for
particular, for the routine dataset MPRS ranked 6th, 8th mean R: the maximum relative difference, reaching ∼ 30%,
and 2nd for AE, RSE and R, respectively, and for the was recorded for Co. Nevertheless, due to relatively large
emergency data 6th, 13th and 11th. sample-to-sample fluctuations even in such cases, for certain
splits MPRS shows better performance than OK. Figure 10
shows the R ratios per split for the MPRS vs OK-U and
5000 1.5
100 4000
50 2000
0 0
50 100 150 200 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
x x
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
3000 3000 3000
2000 2000
50 2000 50 50
1000 1000
0 0
50 100 150 200 50 100 150 200 50 100 150 200
x x x
150 150 400 150 400
100 300 100 100
200 200
50 50 50
100 100
0 0 0
50 100 150 200 50 100 150 200 50 100 150 200
x x x
Fig. 12 Visual comparison of interpolated maps for a MPRS, b deviations for (OK-U, OK-R) respectively. Results are shown for the
OK-U, and c OK-R and the corresponding prediction interval width Walker lake data with tr = 33%. The points with zero width predomi-
based on d the difference between the 84% and the 16% percentiles nantly coincide with the sample locations
of the MPRS predictive distribution, and e, f two kriging standard
MPRS vs OK-R methods. In 15 (22) instances MPRS gives Table 5. Due to zero values, the relative MARE errors can
larger values than OK-U (OK-R). The execution times, pre- not be evaluated. For this highly skewed dataset, MPRS
sented in Fig. 9e, demonstrate that MPRS is slower than shows slightly better prediction performance than OK-U
OK-U but faster than OK-R (in line with results above for (except MAE for tr = 0.66 ). Using a search neighborhood
relatively small datasets). (OK-R) improves the kriging performance leading to supe-
rior MAE but still inferior RMSE and MR compared to
4.2.3 Walker lake dataset MPRS. For this relatively large dataset the MPRS approach
is for tr = 0.33 (0.66) 20 (128) times faster than OK-R and
This dataset demonstrates the ability of MPRS to fill data more than 1, 000 (7, 040) times faster than OK-U. While
gaps on rectangular grids. The data represent DEM-based not immediately apparent (due to the skewed distribution),
chemical concentrations with units in parts per million a visual comparison of the reconstructed gaps in Fig. 12,
(ppm) from the Walker lake area in Nevada (Isaaks and Sriv- shows that the OK generated maps are slightly smoother
astava 1989). We use a subset of the full grid comprising than the MPRS map.
a square of size L × L with L = 200 . The summary statis- Next, we consider the performance of the methods with
tics are: N = 40, 000, zmin = 0, zmax = 8, 054.6, z̄ = 269.35, respect to uncertainty quantification. In the case of krig-
z0.50 = 59.45, 𝜎z = 499.43, skewness ( sz ) and kurtosis ( kz ) ing this is based on Gaussian prediction intervals, i.e.,
coefficients sz = 3.59 and kz = 22.12 , respectively. The [m ̂ OK + zc 𝜎OK ], where m
̂ OK − zc 𝜎OK , m ̂ OK is the conditional
spatial distribution and histogram of the data are shown in mean at the prediction site, 𝜎OK the conditional stand-
Fig. 11. ard deviation, and zc the critical value corresponding to a
Training sets of size ⌊tr N⌋ are generated by randomly selected confidence level. The MPRS predictive distribution
removing ⌈(1 − tr) N⌉ points from the full dataset. For on the other hand strongly deviates from the Gaussian law
tr = 0.33 and 0.66 we generate V = 100 different training- at many validation points. Therefore, for MPRS it is more
validation splits. The validation measures are listed in appropriate to construct prediction intervals [̂x𝛼∕2 , x̂ 1−𝛼∕2 ]
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
30 -0.2
20 -0.3
-0.35 40
10 -0.4
10 20 30 40 50 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0
x Z
Table 6 Interpolation validation tr Method MAE MARE (%) RMSE MR (%) ⟨tcpu ⟩ (s)
measures for MPRS, OK-U and
OK-R based on 100 randomly 33% MPRS 0.042 −33.18 0.053 70.83 0.04
chosen training-validation
OK-U 0.041 −31.48 0.052 72.38 0.19
splits; the training set includes
trN points where N = 2, 500 OK-R 0.041 −31.06 0.052 72.92 0.13
(latent heat dataset) 66% MPRS 0.038 −29.50 0.048 77.43 0.03
OK-U 0.036 −27.20 0.046 79.28 0.95
OK-R 0.036 −26.93 0.046 79.79 0.25
50 50 50
(a) -0.05 (b) -0.05 (c) -0.05
10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50
x x x
50 50 0.06 50
(d) (e) (f) 0.06
40 40 40
0.008 0.04
30 30 30 0.04
0.006 0.03
20 20 20
0.004 0.02
10 0.002 10 0.01 10
0 0 0
10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50
x x x
Fig. 14 Visual comparison of a MPRS, b OK-U and c OK-R interpolated maps (latent heat data) and corresponding prediction standard devia-
tions d–f for a tr = 0.33 training-validation split
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
15 (a) (b)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
Day Temperature
80 800
(c) (d)
70 700
60 600
50 500
40 400
30 300
20 200
10 100
0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Day Precipitation
Fig. 15 Time series (a, c) and respective frequency histograms (b, d) of daily temperature (a, b) and precipitation (c, d) at Jökulsa Eystri River
(Iceland) for the period between January 1, 1972 and December 31, 1974
based on the percentiles of the predictive distribution that training-validation splits: 80.31% for MPRS, 71.02% for
correspond to confidence level 100(1 − 𝛼)%. In Fig. 12d we OK-U, and 71.59% for OK-R. We also evaluated the MPRS
present the width of the 68% prediction intervals (𝛼 = 0.32), 95% prediction intervals (based on the 2.5% and 97.5% per-
based on the 16% and 84% percentiles of the MPRS predic- centiles) and the [m ̂ OK + 1.96𝜎OK ] predic-
̂ OK − 1.96𝜎OK , m
tive distribution. The prediction interval width provides the tion intervals for OK-U and OK-R. The resulting PIC values
measure of uncertainty. The respective OK uncertainty maps in this case are as follows: 95.97% for MPRS, 83.57% for
are shown in Figs. 12e-12f. As evidenced in these plots, OK-U, and 83.93% for OK-R. Hence, overall we observe
the MPRS uncertainty exhibits more spatial structure than that MPRS prediction intervals contain the true values more
the OK uncertainty maps. Notably, under MPRS large areas often than the OK respective intervals. We note that this
(predominantly those with zero or near-zero values) are behavior is not universal: for more symmetric data distribu-
assigned much smaller uncertainty in contrast with other tions, OK can outperform the MPRS prediction intervals.
areas where the MPRS uncertainty is comparable to OK However, the MPRS performance is expected to improve by
values. tuning the model, e.g., by increasing the number of realiza-
It is reasonable to ask how successfully the prediction tions at equilibrium.
intervals capture the true values at the validation points.
For this purpose we evaluate the percent interval coverage 4.2.4 Atmospheric latent heat release
(PIC), i.e., the percentage of validation points for which the
true value is contained inside the prediction interval. For This section focuses on monthly (January 2006) means of
the Walker lake dataset with tr = 33% (presented in Fig. 12) vertically averaged atmospheric latent heat release (meas-
we obtain the following average PIC values based on 100 ured in degrees Celsius per hour) measurements (Tao et al.
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
Table 7 Interpolation validation Data tr Method MAE RMSE MR (%) ⟨tcpu ⟩ (s)
measures for MPRS, OK-U and
OK-R based on 100 randomly Temperature 33% MPRS 2.27 3.14 85.71 0.03
selected training-validation
OK-U 2.17 3.02 86.27 0.04
splits. The training sets include
trN points ( N = 1, 096 and OK-R 2.15 3.00 87.06 0.05
tr = 0.33, 0.66) from the daily 66% MPRS 1.77 2.49 91.09 0.02
temperature and precipitation OK-U 1.66 2.37 91.99 0.11
time series
OK-R 1.66 2.37 91.99 0.06
Precipitation 33% MPRS 3.09 6.85 19.25 0.03
OK-U 3.24 6.74 20.29 0.04
OK-R 3.23 6.84 20.11 0.05
66% MPRS 2.80 6.06 28.73 0.02
OK-U 3.03 6.16 26.73 0.11
OK-R 2.99 6.23 28.59 0.06
Table 8 Interpolation validation Data tr Method MAE MARE (%) RMSE MR (%) ⟨tcpu ⟩ (s)
measures for the MPRS and
IDW methods based on 100 Ca 33% MPRS 6.93 14.67 8.95 60.51 0.006
randomly chosen training
IDW 7.16 15.60 9.13 59.71 0.001
sets including tr% of the total
number N = 178 of points 66% MPRS 6.43 13.60 8.38 65.49 0.005
in calcium and magnesium IDW 6.92 15.15 8.82 64.35 0.001
contents in soil samples at the Mg 33% MPRS 4.31 17.56 5.46 52.40 0.006
0–20 cm soil layer
IDW 4.48 18.54 5.59 49.68 0.001
66% MPRS 3.72 15.11 4.80 65.18 0.005
IDW 4.21 17.23 5.27 60.77 0.001
2006; Anonymous 2011). The L × L data grid ( L = 50 ) We consider two time series of daily data at Jökulsa
extends in latitude from 16 S to 8.5N and in longitude Eystri River (Iceland), collected at the Hveravellir mete-
from 126.5E to 151E with cell size 0.5◦ × 0.5◦. This area orological station, for the period between January 1, 1972
is in the Pacific region and extends over the Eastern part and December 31, 1974 (a total of N = 1, 096 observa-
of the Indonesian archipelago. The data summary statistics tions) (Tong 1990). The first set represents daily tempera-
are as follows: N = 2, 500 , zmin = −0.477, zmax = −0.014 , tures (in degrees Celsius) and the second daily precipita-
z̄ = −0.174 , z0.50 = −0.168 , 𝜎z = 0.076 , sz = −0.515, and tion (in millimeters). The time series and the respective
kz = 3.122. Negative (positive) values correspond to latent histograms are shown in Fig. 15. The summary statistics
heat absorption (release). The spatial distribution and histo- for temperature are: zmin = −22.4, zmax = 13.9, z̄ = −0.441,
gram of the data are shown in Fig. 13. z0.50 = 0.3, 𝜎z = 6.021, sz = −0.595 , and kz = 3.196 . The
The comparison of validation measures presented in precipitation statistics are: zmin = 0, zmax = 79.3, z̄ = 2.519,
Table 6 and a visual comparison of the reconstructed maps z0.50 = 0.3 , 𝜎z = 6.025 , sz = 6.512 , and kz = 65.268 . The
and prediction uncertainty, shown in Fig. 14, reveals sim- temperature follows an almost Gaussian distribution, while
ilar patterns as the Walker lake data: the OK predictions precipitation is strongly non-Gaussian, highly skewed, with
show somewhat smoother variation and larger variance the majority of values equal or close to zero and a small
than MPRS. However, in this case MPRS displays some- number of outliers that form an extended right tail.
what worse prediction performance but is significantly more The interpolation validation measures and computational
efficient computationally than either of the OK methods. times for MPRS, OK-U and OK-R are listed in Table 7. The
results are based on 100 randomly selected training-vali-
4.3 Time series (temperature and precipitation) dation splits which include trN points. For the temperature
data, the MPRS performance relative to the OK approaches
The MPRS method can be applied to data in any dimen- is similar as for the 2D spatial data that do not dramatically
sion d. We demonstrate that the MPRS method provides deviate from the Gaussian distribution, such as the latent
competitive predictive and computational performance for heat. However, in the case of precipitation MPRS returns a
time series as well. lower MAE than OK for tr = 0.33, while for tr = 0.66 MPRS
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
30 160 30 160
140 140
20 20
120 120
15 15
10 100 10 100
5 80 5 80
10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50
x x
(c) 45
200 200
40 40
180 180
35 35
30 160 30 160
25 25
140 140
20 20
120 120
15 15
10 100 10 100
5 80 5 80
10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50
x x
Fig. 16 a Synthetic Gaussian data with m = 150, 𝜎 = 25 and distributed samples (cyan circles). VM stand for the validation meas-
WM(𝜅 = 0.2, 𝜈 = 0.5) covariance. b–d MPRS, OK-U, and OK-R pre- ures MAE, MARE, RMSE, MR, and ⟨tcpu ⟩, respectively
dictions on the grid of the size 50 × 50, based on 50 (2%) randomly
is clearly better for all measures. This observation agrees are zmin = 11, zmax = 46 , z̄ = 27.34 , z0.50 = 27 , 𝜎z = 6.28 ,
with the results for the synthetic spatial data, i.e., the relative sz = 0.031, and kz = 2.744.
performance of MPRS improves for strongly non-Gaussian In this case we compare MPRS with the IDW
data (cf. Figure 5 which displays relative errors for lognor- method (Shepard 1968) using a power exponent equal to 2
mal data with gradually increasing sz). and unrestricted search radius. As evidenced in the valida-
tion measures (Table 8), MPRS outperforms IDW in terms
4.4 Real 3D spatial data of prediction accuracy. The relative differences change from
a few percent for tr = 0.33 to ∼ 12% for tr = 0.66. For this
Finally, we study calcium and magnesium soil content sam- particular dataset, IDW is computationally more efficient
pled in the 0–20 cm soil layer (Diggle and Ribeiro Jr 2007). than MPRS. However, this is due to the limited data size.
There are N = 178 observations and the data are measured With increasing N the relative computational efficiency of
in mmolc ∕dm3 . The calcium data statistics are zmin = 21, MPRS will improve and eventually outperform IDW, since
zmax = 78, z̄ = 50.68, z0.50 = 50.5, 𝜎z = 11.08, sz = −0.097, the computational time for the former scales as O(P), while
and kz = 2.64, while for magnesium the respective statistics
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
T = 0.01 T = 0.0001
VM: 17.50; 12.12; 22.44; 45.29; 0.05 VM: 17.89; 12.43; 23.06; 42.68; 0.06
50 220 50 220
(a) 45
200 200
40 40
180 180
35 35
30 160 30 160
25 25
140 140
20 20
120 120
15 15
10 100 10 100
5 80 5 80
10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50
x x
nreal = 50 nreal = 1000
VM: 17.86; 12.40; 23.02; 42.86; 0.04 VM: 17.80; 12.36; 22.91; 43.24; 0.29
50 220 50 220
(c) 45
200 200
40 40
180 180
35 35
30 160 30 160
25 25
140 140
20 20
120 120
15 15
10 100 10 100
5 80 5 80
10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50
x x
nb = 4 nb = 16
VM: 17.99; 12.49; 23.14; 43.34; 0.03 VM: 17.83; 12.38; 22.96; 42.96; 0.07
50 220 50 220
(e) 45
200 200
40 40
180 180
35 35
30 160 30 160
25 25
140 140
20 20
120 120
15 15
10 100 10 100
5 80 5 80
10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50
x x
Fig. 17 Visual and numerical comparison of the MPRS predictions with the changed parameters a, b T, c, d nreal, and e, f nb from the default
values T = 0.001, nreal = 100, and nb = 8. VM stand for the validation measures MAE, MARE, RMSE, MR, and ⟨tcpu ⟩, respectively
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
for the latter as O(P N) [e.g., see comparison of MPR and reconstructions, as evidenced in panels (c,d) in Fig. 17. On
IDW (Žukovič and Hristopulos 2018)]. the down side, increasing nreal also implies (linear) increase
of the required CPU time.
The number of interacting neighbors per point nb , is also
5 Discussion expected to influence both smoothness and predictive accu-
racy. In particular, higher nb implies more bonds between
The MPRS method involves a number of model parameters each prediction point and samples in its neighborhood,
and hyperparameters (cf. Table 1). The model parameters which should intuitively reduce fluctuations of the simu-
are set to reasonable default values which remain constant lated states at prediction points leading to smoother predic-
during the training process. Some of the hyperparameters tion maps. At the same time, higher nb implies interactions
are dynamically adjusted to secure efficient and autonomous with more distant samples; this can be beneficial for cap-
operation. In principle, optimal values for the model param- turing longer-range correlations resulting in more precise
eters and hyperparameters can be determined by selecting predictions. Panels (e) and (f) in Fig. 17 show the MPRS
a search method and via cross-validation. Nevertheless, the prediction maps for nb = 4 and 16. In this case, there are no
default values presented above (cf. Table 1) deliver reason- conspicuous differences in surface smoothness for the two
able prediction performance in most cases. Below we illus- nb values, but there are differences between the VM, i.e.,
trate how the MPRS prediction and computational perfor- slightly smaller errors for nb = 16.
mance are affected by changing some default settings. We have demonstrated that at some extra computational
We use again the synthetic Gaussian data generated from cost the MPRS prediction performance can be improved by
a field with m = 150 , 𝜎 = 25 and WM(𝜅 = 0.2, 𝜈 = 0.5 ) tuning model parameters/hyperparameters, instead of using
covariance, simulated on a 50 × 50 grid (see Fig. 16a). The the default values. Nevertheless, the defaults were employed
samples are produced by randomly choosing 2% of the data, in all the tests reported herein and produced competitive
i.e., tr = 0.02 corresponding to 50 points. The low sampling results with the OK and IDW approaches. We have also
density aims to demonstrate how MPRS copes with a lack shown that for highly skewed distributions MPRS estimates
of conditioning data around the prediction points, and how of uncertainty can outperform OK. The sensitivity analysis
the MPRS performance is affected by tuning the model. presented in this section shows that, at least for the studied
Figure 16 illustrates the reconstructions obtained by (b) dataset, model tuning does not lead to dramatic changes.
MPRS, (c) OK-U, and (d) OK-R methods, along with the Nevertheless, if computational cost is not an issue, search-
calculated validation measures (VM). Compared to MPRS ing for optimal hyperparameters and data-driven adjustment
with the default settings, the OK methods provide consider- of the MPRS parameters can be further pursued in order to
ably smoother (mainly OK-U) reconstructed fields with a optimize performance. For example, increasing the number
pronounced averaging effect. They display smaller MAE, of realizations at equilibrium may be necessary to improve
MARE and RMSE errors. However, the MPRS correlation the sampling of MPRS predictive distributions.
coefficient and CPU time are clearly superior.
The MPRS predictions in areas with few observations
(see, e.g., the upper right corner in Fig. 16b) display abrupt 6 Conclusions
changes. This artifact is due to the lack of conditioning data
(local constraints) close to the prediction points in the target We proposed a machine learning method (MPRS) based
area. Nevertheless, the artifact can be rectified by resetting on the modified planar rotator for spatial regression. The
certain model parameters or hyperparameters, as demon- MPRS method is inspired from statistical physics spin mod-
strated in Fig. 17. Panels (a) and (b) show that the degree of els and is applicable to scattered and gridded data. Spatial
data roughness (due to fluctuations) is naturally proportion- correlations are captured via distance-dependent short-range
ate to the temperature. Thus, visually smoother (rougher) spatial interactions. The method is inherently nonlinear, as
predictions can be obtained by decreasing (increasing) T. evidenced in the energy equations (2) and (5). The model
On the other hand, considering that the original Matérn field parameters and hyper-parameters are fixed to default values
with smoothness parameter 𝜈 = 0.5 is rather rough, overall for increased computational performance. Training of the
better VM are obtained with the higher T = 0.01 value. model is thus restricted to equilibrium relaxation which is
Similar effects can be achieved by varying the hyper- achieved by means of conditional Monte Carlo simulations.
parameter controlling the number of realizations, nreal, The MPRS prediction performance (using default set-
at thermal equilibrium. The MPRS predictions represent tings) is competitive with standard spatial regression meth-
conditional means based on nreal estimates obtained from ods, such as ordinary kriging and inverse distance weighting.
different realizations in thermal equilibrium. Consequently, For data that are spatially smooth or close to the Gaussian
higher nreal implies more precise estimates and smoother distribution, standard methods overall show better prediction
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