Mar 1, 2024 - 1030am Ec - Sol 3 - B - Cenacle
Mar 1, 2024 - 1030am Ec - Sol 3 - B - Cenacle
Mar 1, 2024 - 1030am Ec - Sol 3 - B - Cenacle
5.4 GOSPEL ACCLAMATION FOR LENT 4 (2/4) CAPO 4 C Ddim Db/F Db F#m7 A Absus
[Intro] F G - Em7 A Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Abdim7 - Am Em/G CM7/E F C/E
A Dm/A A F G - Em7 A * * Ho - sanna, hosanna, in the high - est.
Praise to you, Lord Je-sus Christ, king of endless glory! G# C/G G# Bb Gm7-C
Hosanna, hosanna, in the high - est.
God so loved the world that he gave his only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him,
might have eternal life.
A Dm/A A F G - Em7 A
Praise to you, Lord Je-sus Christ, king of endless glory!
MAR 1, 2024 - 10:30AM EC - SOL 3 - B – CENACLE -
“Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.”
S INCE the Passover of the [Apostle’s Creed] C — For the cleansing of the
Jews was near, │ Jesus (All sit) temple of our hearts: that
went up to Jerusalem. │ He God will free us from all
found in the temple area
those who sold oxen, sheep,
I BELIEVE in God, the
Father almighty,
Creator of heaven and
that enslaves us and help us
to offer our self-sacrificing
and doves, │ as well as the service to God and others. Let
money changers seated earth, and in Jesus Christ, us pray to the Lord. ℟.
there. │ He made a whip out his only Son, our Lord,
C — For a deeper appreciation
of cords │ and drove them all (all bow)
of the commandments: that
out of the temple area, with who was conceived by the
we may allow the wisdom and
the sheep and oxen, │ and Holy Spirit, born of the
vision of the commandments
spilled the coins of the money Virgin Mary, suffered
given to Moses, to form our
changers │ and overturned under Pontius Pilate, was
conscience and guide our
their tables, │ and to those crucified, died and was
decisions. Let us pray to the
who sold doves he said, │ buried; he descended into
hell; on the third day he Lord. ℟.
“Take these out of here, │ and
stop making my Father’s rose again from the dead; C — For the sick: that God will
house a marketplace.” │ His he ascended into heaven, relieve their pain, restore
disciples recalled the words of and is seated at the right their health and slow the
Scripture, │ Zeal for your hand of God the Father spread of the disease; and for
house will consume me. │ At almighty; from there he the faithful departed: may
this the Jews answered and will come to judge the they rest in the peace of the
said to him, │ “What sign can living and the dead. Messiah. Let us pray to the
you show us for doing this?” │ Lord. ℟
Jesus answered and said to I believe in the Holy
Spirit, the holy catholic C — (urgent concerns of the
them, │ “Destroy this temple community are prayed here). Let
and in three days I will raise it Church, the communion
of saints, the forgiveness us pray to the Lord. ℟.
up.” │ The Jews said, │ “This
temple has been under of sins, the resurrection C — Let us pray in silence for
construction for forty-six of the body, and life the personal intentions we
years, │ and you will raise it everlasting. hold in our hearts, united with
up in three days?” │ But he Amen. Mary, the mother of God and
was speaking about the all the saints (pause). Let us
temple of his body. │ PRAYERS OF THE pray to the Lord. ℟
Therefore, when he was FAITHFUL P — Heavenly Father, we ask
raised from the dead, │ his
P — We are called to be a holy your blessings to dwell in our
disciples remembered that he
people. Let us offer true hearts as in a most precious
had said this, │ and they
worship to the Father and temple. Renew in us the
came to believe the Scripture
offer ourselves as his living awareness of Your sanctifying
│ and the word Jesus had
temple. In a spirit of presence, cleanse us from
spoken. ▲
repentance, we pray: all our impurities, and re-
While he was in Jerusalem for consecrate us to Your service.
the feast of Passover, │ many ℟. Lord, graciously hear
us. We ask this through Christ
began to believe in his name
our Lord.
│ when they saw the signs he C — For the Church: that we
was doing. │ But Jesus would may grow in our awareness of All — Amen.
not trust himself to them our dignity as temples of the
because he knew them all, │
EUCHARIST that, more eagerly intent on give those who trespass
prayer and on the works of against us; and lead us
For Catholics, the Eucharist is the charity, and participating in not into temptation, but
source and summit of the whole the mysteries by which they deliver us from evil.
Christian life. It is the vital center of
have been reborn, they may
all that the Church is and does, P — Deliver us, Lord, we
because at its heart is the real be led to the fullness of grace
pray, from every evil,
presence of the crucified, risen and that you bestow on your sons
graciously grant peace in our
glorified Lord, continuing and and daughters.
making available his saving work days, that, by the help of
among us. And so, with Angels and your mercy, we may be
Archangels, with Thrones and always free from sin and safe
Dominions, and with all the from all distress, as we await
GIFTS (All stand)
hosts and Powers of heaven, the blessed hope and the
P — Pray, brethren (brothers we sing the hymn of your coming of our Savior, Jesus
and sisters), that my sacrifice glory, as without end we Christ.
and yours may be acceptable acclaim:
All — For the kingdom, the
to God, the almighty Father.
All — Holy, Holy, Holy Lord power, and the glory are
All — May the Lord accept God of hosts. Heaven and yours, now and for ever.
the sacrifice at your hands earth are full of your glory.
for the praise and glory of Hosanna in the highest. INVITATION TO PEACE
his name, for our good and Blessed is he who comes in
P — Lord Jesus Christ, who
the good of all his holy the name of the Lord.
said to your Apostles: Peace
Church. Hosanna in the highest. (All
kneel in sacred silence)
I leave you, my peace I give
you, look not on our sins, but
PRAYER OVER THE MYSTERY OF FAITH on the faith of your Church,
P – The mystery of faith. and graciously grant her
P — Be pleased, O Lord, with peace and unity in
these sacrificial offerings, and All — When we eat this accordance with your will.
grant that we who beseech Bread and drink this Cup, Who live and reign for ever
pardon for our own sins, may we proclaim your Death, O and ever.
take care to forgive our Lord, until you come again.
All — Amen.
DOXOLOGY and GREAT P — The peace of the Lord be
Through Christ our Lord. AMEN with you always.
All — Amen. P – Through him, and with All — And with your spirit
PREFACE I OF LENT him, and in him, O God,
P — Let us offer each other
[The spiritual meaning of Lent] almighty Father, in the unity
the sign of peace.
of the Holy Spirit, all glory and
℣. The Lord be with you. honor is yours, for ever and
℟. And with your spirit. BREAKING OF THE BREAD
(The following is sung)
℣. Lift up your hearts. All — Amen.
℟. We lift them up to the All – Lamb of God, you take
Lord. away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us.
℣. Let us give thanks to the
Lord our God. THE LORD’S PRAYER Lamb of God, you take
℟. It is right and just. (All stand) away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us.
P – At the Savior’s command
P – It is truly right and just,
and formed by divine Lamb of God, you take
our duty and our salvation,
teaching, we dare to say: away the sins of the world,
always and everywhere to
grant us peace.
give you thanks, Lord, holy All — Our Father, who art
Father, almighty and eternal in heaven, hallowed be
God, through Christ our Lord. thy name; thy kingdom
come, thy will be done on (All kneel)
For by your gracious gift each
earth as it is in heaven.
year your faithful await the P — Behold the Lamb of God,
Give us this day our daily
sacred paschal feasts with the behold him who takes away
bread, and forgive us
joy of minds made pure, so the sins of the world. Blessed
our trespasses, as we for-
are those called to the supper PRAYER AFTER PRAYER OVER THE
(All stand)
All — Lord, I am not worthy P — Bow down for the
that you should enter P — Let us pray. (Pause) blessing. (Pause)
under my roof, but only As we receive the pledge of Direct, O Lord, we pray, the
say the word and my soul things yet hidden in heaven hearts of your faithful, and in
shall be healed. and are nourished while still your kind-ness grant your
on earth with the Bread that servants this grace: that,
comes from on high, we abiding in the love of you and
The communicants come forward in humbly entreat you, O Lord, their neighbor, they may fulfill
reverent procession, and make a that what is being brought
preparatory act of reverence by
the whole of your commands.
bowing their head in honor of
about in us in mystery may
come to true completion. Through Christ our Lord.
Christ’s presence in the Sacrament.
Through Christ our Lord. ℟. Amen.
The Body (Blood) of Christ.
All — Amen. P — And may the blessing of
almighty God, the Father, and
COMMUNION ANTIPHON the Son, X and the Holy Spirit,
come down on you and
The sparrow finds a home, remain with you for ever.
Brief announcement to the
│ and the swallow a nest people. ℟. Amen.
for her young: │ by your P — The Lord be with you.
altars, O Lord of hosts, my DISMISSAL
King and my God. │ All — And with your spirit.
P — Go forth, the Mass is
Blessed are they who ended.
dwell in your house, │
forever singing your All — Thanks be to God.