1310057-zts320r Series

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Thanks a lot for purchasing our ZTS-320(R) series total

station! As your handy construction toll, it will provide you
with the most efficient and economic solutions to your job. To
fully utilize the potential of your instrument and protect your
investment, you need to, as we strongly suggest, thoroughly
read this manual before starting any operations. Should you run
into any problem, Hi-Target‟s technical support team will be
happy to assist you.

Product insurance:In order to provide best service of our

company, please send back the instruments‟ version, number,
purchasing date and your valuable suggestions to us. Thank
you for your cooperation.

Notice: We reserve the rights of the updating of the

products and the improvement in the technical parameters
which we may not announce in advance. The Pictures in the
manual is for reference only, please take the actual item as the

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Abundant functions--- Our ZTS-320(R) series total station
carry ample of survey applications and is capable of data
storage, parameter settings and etc which suit all kinds of
professional measurements.
1. Absolute coded disc is used to help an instant measurement
without a calibration with reference points. The
2. A high-capacity RAM serves for an easy management of
the file system, including the increase, deletion and
transmission of the data.
3. Having no-prism in this series brings the function of laser
ranging which may be survey for distant, speedy, precise
measurement with all kinds of different materials and
colors. e.g. metope of the building, telegraph pole, wire,
cliff, massif, soil, timber pile etc., especially for the
measurements of targets that cannot be accessed favorably.
4. Excepting for common functions, some special
measurement procedures include Remote Height (REM)
Measurement, OffsetMeasurement, MLM (MLM
Measurement), resection, area measurement calculation,
Roadway design and staking-out can be adequate for
professional measurements.
5. The instrument can be equipped with changeable
eyepieces. E.g. A bendable eyepiece may be used to
measure the top-directions and high-rise buildings
(something at a high altitude).

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6. A laser plumb is adapted for convenient input of

parameters of the stations set.

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1. Avoid targeting sunlight with objective lens directly.
Do not sight directly at the sun. Please install a sun
filter to reduce the impact.
2. Do not leave the instrument in extreme temperatures
(too high or too low) or employ it when there is a
dramatic difference in temperature.
3. When not using the instrument, please load it in box
and place it in ventilated dry place. Also make sure
that the place is shockproof, dustproof and
4. When there is a great difference in temperature
between the storehouse and the work field, please do
not unpack and draw outthe instrument from the
tool-box until the instrument reaches the
environmental temperature in order to obtain precise
5. If decide not to employ the instrument for a long term,
the battery should be unloaded. A monthly charging
is requiredfor promotion in longevity of the battery.
6. When transporting the instruments, please store them
in boxes and avoid extrusion, collision and violent
vibration during transportation. A soft mat around the
boxes may be required for long-distance transport.
7. When setting the instrument, please use high-quality
wooden tripod for stability to improve accuracy.

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8. The lens must be kept clean to improve accuracy of

No-Prism measurement. When cleaning exposed
optical devices, please gently wipe them with
absorbent cotton or lens paper only. Any other
material is inadequate.
9. After a measurement, please purge away dusts from
the instrument with flannelette or a hairbrush. Do not
switch on the device when it has got wet inthe rain.
Please wipe it dry with clean soft cloth and put it in
ventilated place. Do not work with the instrument or
pack it until it is fully dry.
10. Please check out that the indicators, functions, power
supply, initial setting and correction parameters of
the instrument meet the requirements before
11. Any non-professional maintenance personnel are not
allowed to dismantle the device, even if the
instrument behaves abnormally, in case of any
unnecessary disaster.
12. For security consideration, please do not sight the
emitted light, laser, of the No-Prism Total Station

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Security Guide
Persons as well as prevention of property damage, be sure
to read this manual for the safety of your product and
prevention of injury to operators and other.

Total station fit out laser level 3R/IIIa which is recognized
by the symbolsstuck above the “horizon-axis locking knob” of
the instrument, saying “Class 3A Laser Product”. The Total
Station is classified as Class 3R Laser Product and abides by
the class of Laser Product according to IEC Standard
Publication 60825-1:2001.
For Class 3R/IIIa Laser Product, its emitted laser with
wavelength between 400nm and 700nmcan be at most 5 times
of that of Class 2/II. e

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See directly into laser beams constantly is destructive.

Do not see directly into laser beams nor point laser to
others. The reflection of laser beams received is essential
signals of instrumental measurements.

Improper employment of Class 3R Laser instruments is

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On the basis of IEC Standard Publication 60825-1:2001,
please ensure that every employer of our ETS-121series Total
Station takes apt safety measures and precautions.
Explanation of main part of the related IEC Standard
Publication is as followed:
Class 3R Laser Products are employed outdoors and on
construction plants (for no-prism measurements).
a. Personnel specially trained, qualified and authenticated
are the only ones allowed to stall adjust and operate these laser
b. Laser warning symbols are to be set within the scope of
the laser when operating these laser products.
c. Do not look directly into laser beams or look into laser
beams with optical instruments.
d. An obstruction of laser beams is required at the terminal
of working path (of the laser beams). When there is a person
within the confined space (determined byInjurious Distance*)
of laser beams, the operation of laser must be terminated
e. Working path of laser beams must be set above or below
line-of-sight of working people.
f. Please store and safe keep idle laser products when
laying them aside. Unauthenticated personnel are not allowed
to employ them.

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g. Prevent that the laser accidentally rays surfaces such as

plane mirrors, metals and windows, especially the plane
mirrors and concave mirrors.
* The injurious distance refers to the maximum distance
between the source of the laser beams and the point where the
laser beams decay enough to not harm human beings. The
injurious distance of Class 3R/IIIa products is 1000 metres
(3300feet). As exceeding this distance(1000m=3300ft), the
laser intensity decays to that of Class 1, which would not injure
human eyes when looking directly into it.

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1.Uses of Total Station .............................................................. 15
2.Names and functions of the components ............................... 17
2.1 Names of components ....................................................... 17
2.2 Functions of keyboards and the display of information ..... 19
2.3 Functional keys under basic Measuring Mode ................... 25
2.3.1 Angle Mode(including 2 menu pages) ........................ 25
2.3.2 Distance Mode(including two menu pages)................ 26
2.3.3 Coordinate Mode(including three menu pages) ......... 28
2.3.4 Explanation of Saving of data ...................................... 30
2.4 Star(★) Key Mode .............................................................. 30
3. Initial Setup ........................................................................... 33
3.1 On & Off ............................................................................. 33
3.2 Setup of Skewed Calibration of horizontal and vertical
angles ....................................................................................... 34
3.3 Setup of Target Type ........................................................... 34
3.4 Setup of Reflecting Prism Constants .................................. 35
3.5 Signal .................................................................................. 35
3.6 Setup of Atmospheric Correction ....................................... 36
3.6.1 Alter Atmospheric Correction value (ppm) directly .... 36
3.6.2 Calculate Atmospheric Correction out with
temperature and pressure sensor ........................................ 37
3.7 Correction of Atmospheric refraction and Earth Curvature 37
3.8 Setup of the minimum readout of angles .......................... 38
3.9 Setup of Automatic Shutdown ........................................... 38
3.10 Setup of Addictive and Multiplying Constants ................. 39
3.11 Selecting Data File ............................................................ 40
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4. Preparations before measurements ...................................... 42

4.1 Drawing out and storing instruments ................................. 42
4.2 Storage the instrument ....................................................... 42
4.2.1 Using plumbs to centre and level (align) ..................... 43
4.2.2 Using centering device to centre ................................. 45
4.3 Unloading and charging batteries and information of
battery conditions .................................................................... 46
4.4 Reflecting Prism .................................................................. 49
4.5 Dismantling pedestal .......................................................... 49
4.6 Adjusting eyepiece lens of the telescope and shacking on
the target. ................................................................................. 50
4.7 Entering letters and numbers ............................................. 50
5. Angle Mode .......................................................................... 54
6. Distance Mode ...................................................................... 57
7. Coordinate Mode .................................................................. 61
8. Offset Mode ......................................................................... 67
8.1 Angle Offset Mode .............................................................. 68
8.2 Single-Distance Offset Mode .............................................. 70
8.3 Double-Distance Offset Mode ............................................ 72
8.4 Plane Offset Mode .............................................................. 73
8.5 Column Offset Mode .......................................................... 75
9. Operating Menu ................................................................... 78
9.1 Surveying ............................................................................ 79
9.1.1 Select files.................................................................... 79

9.1.2 Setup of stations .......................................................... 81

9.1.3 Setup of BBS(back-sight point) .................................... 82

9.1.4 Setup of azimuth ......................................................... 83

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9.1.5 Surveying ..................................................................... 84

9.1.6 Config of Surveying ..................................................... 85
9.2 Staking out ......................................................................... 86
9.2.1 Staking out points ....................................................... 87
9.2.2 Fast station .................................................................. 88
9.2.3 Resection method ....................................................... 89
9.2.4 Equidistant stake-put .................................................. 92
9.2.5 Entering coordinates ................................................... 93
9.3 File Management ............................................................... 94
9.3.1 File dialogue box ......................................................... 95
9.3.2 Import ......................................................................... 97
9.3.3 Export ........................................................................ 100
9.3.4 Format disk ............................................................... 102
9.3.5 Information of disk .................................................... 102
9.3.6 Entering coordinates ................................................. 102
9.3.7 Update....................................................................... 102
9.3.8 The instrument as a memory disc ............................. 105
9.4 Programs .......................................................................... 106
9.4.1 Remote height (REM) ................................................ 106
9.4.2 MLM ....................................................................... 109
9.4.3 Polar Coord. Measurement ....................................... 111
9.4.4 Coord.Z ...................................................................... 112
9.4.5 Area ............................................................................... 114
9.4.6 Projection .................................................................. 116
9.4.7 Roadway .................................................................... 117
9.5 Options ............................................................................. 117
9.6 Calibrate &config .............................................................. 118
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9.6.1 Adjusting index error(I.E) ........................................... 118

9.6.2 Calibrate TILT ............................................................. 119
9.6.3 Add const&Mul. Const ............................................... 121
9.6.4 Date and Time ........................................................... 121
9.7 Grid Factor ........................................................................ 121
9.8 USART option .................................................................... 123
9.9 Selecting disc .................................................................... 123
10. Roadway ........................................................................... 124
10.1 Inputting Roadway .......................................................... 125
10.1.1 Horizontal lining ...................................................... 125
10.1.2 Vertical Lining .......................................................... 131
10.2 Staking outRoadway ....................................................... 132
10.2.1 Selecting Roadway File ............................................ 133
10.2.2 Setting stations and BBS (back-sight points) ........... 134
10.2.3 Staking outRoadway ................................................ 134
11. Adjustments and Corrections ............................................ 136
11.1 Tubular Level ................................................................... 136
11.2 Circular Level .................................................................. 137
11.3 Reticule of the telescope ................................................ 137
11.4 Perpendicularity of Collimation axis and Cross axis (2C) 139
11.5 Tilt compensator ............................................................. 140
11.6 Vertical index error (angle i) and set vertical index 0 ..... 141
11.7 Centering device ............................................................. 142
11.8 Addictive constant(K) ...................................................... 143
11.9 Depth of parallelism between Collimation axis
Electro-optic Emission axis ..................................................... 145
11.10 No-prism ranging .......................................................... 145
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12. Technical parameters ........................................................ 147

Appendix A: Explanation of file formats .................................. 150
Appendix B Explanation of Protocol command ....................... 151
Appendix C Explanation of format data .................................. 153

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1.Uses of Total Station

A total station refers to such an instrument that measures

azimuths and distances of targets and calculates the coordinates
of targeted points automatically. It is fundamental in
construction of national economy and defenses, as well as in
building up of railways, motorways, bridges, irrigation, and
programming and construction of cities. For example, as in
military engineering, when preparing battlefields, harbor,
fortress, airport, bases and military constructions, total station
instrument can be employed to provide vase precise and
detailed references for land surveying. In recent years, digital
total stations has even become effective tools for large-scale
precision engineering measurements, shipbuilding and aviation
The ZTS-320(R) series total station is equipped with
absolute code dial system, integrated-circuit-control-board
ranging item and microcomputer for measurements of angle
anddistance and for calculation, display, depositing and etc. It
can exhibit horizontal and vertical angle, slope and horizontal
distance and altitude difference simultaneously. Furthermore, it
can be set to measure under different mode (e.g. Angle mode,
Distance mode).
It is even designed for users specializing in construction
projects with the no-prism ranging. The no-prism ranging can
be comprehensively used in measuring three-dimensional
coordinate, position determination, Remote Height (REM),
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verticality, pipeline positioning, cross-section measurement etc.

It also meets requirements for measuring
trigonometrical-framework, relief(landform), cadastre and
house property.


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2.Names and functions of the components

2.1 Names of components

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2.2 Functions of keyboards and the display of information

Symbols on the keyboard

Symbol Name Function
Enter Angle Mode
Angle (can be also done by
Measurement pressing the Up key under
other modes or pages)
Enter Distance Mode
(can be also done by
DIST pressing the Down key
under other modes or
Coordinate Enter Coordinate
Measurement Mode (can be also done by

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pressing the Left key under

other modes or pages)
Enter Menu Page (can
be also done by pressing
MENU Menu key
the Right key under other
modes and pages)
Accept and save the
inputs into the dialogue
box and end the dialogue.
Can be also used to open
and close the right-angle
ENT Enter
buzzing function(when
detecting right-angle)
under basic measurement
modes(ANG, DIST,
End the dialogue box
ESC Exit/ quit
without saving inputs
Switch on or off the
ON/ OFF On/ Off
See the bottom of the
display screen. The
characters aligning with
F1~F4 Soft Keys
these keys indicate their
corresponding functions at
the time.

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Enter numbers or
0~9 Number keys characters or choose menu
Enter symbols,
~- Special Symbols
decimals and signs
Operate common
functions of the
instrument. Under pages of
distance measurement, star
key is for entrance of
Star key
★ dialogue box for choosing
opts. e.g. display contrast,
night lighting,
compensation on/off,
distance measurement
parameters, files selecting.

Symbols on the display screen

Symbol Indication
Vz Zenith Mode
When the telescope is leveled, the vertical
angle is displayed as 0°0′0″at face one.
Vertical angle Mode (being 0 and has a
Vh positive angle of elevation and a negative angle of

V% Slope Mode

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Horizontal angle (clockwise increment).

dHRis to stake out angle difference.
HL Horizontal angle (anticlockwise increment)
Horizontal distance. dHDisto stake out
horizontal distance difference.
Elevation difference. dVDisto stake out
difference between elevation differences.
Slope distance. dSD is to stake out
differences between slope distances.
North coordinate. dN is to stake out
differences between north-coordinates.
East coordinate. dE is to stake out
differences between East-coordinates.
Elevation coordinate. dZ is to stake out
differences between Z-coordinates
EDM(Electronic Distance Measurement) is
under operation.
m Unit in metres (metric units)
ft Units in feet
Units in feet and inches. Figures on the left
fi of decimals represent feet and those on the right
represents feet in percentile.
The magnitude of which is along the
X baseline in a point projection measurement. The
positive direction is from the starting point to the
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The magnitude of which deviates from the

Y base line horizontally in a point projection
Altitude of the target in a point projection
Inter Feet International feet
Us Feet American feet
Maximum error of evaluated distance (used
in resection measurement)

Common reference functions of soft key

Soft key
(Backspace)Delete one last character on the
left of the inserter in the edited column.
Delete all typed in content in the edited
End inserting in the currently edited column
and inserter goes to the next column. If there‟s
Enter only one or no edited column in the dialogue box,
the soft key „Enter‟ is also used to accept the
typed in content and end the dialogue box.
Goes to Coordinate dialogue box and type in
the coordinates with keyboard
Obtain coordinates of points from measured

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K.Pt Obtain coordinates of points from

(Known) coordinate file
Type in the name of the wanted point and
search it in the current file to obtain coordinates.
View List out details of the current record
Displays the name, code and coordinate of
the current station and back-sight station.
Settings Set theheight of the instrument and the target
Enter coordinates of the station where
instrument is placed.
Enter coordinates of the point where the
target is.
Meas Start distance meter to measure distance
Start distance meter when being under
Coordinate and Distance mode. Then save the
Save result of this measurement and name of point is
added by one automatically. Measurement cannot
be saved when it is out of the scope of tilt
compensation (Tilt over.)
Display the inclination (tilt) of the vertical
Turn on or off backlight and keyboard
lighting (at the same time).
Set the atmospheric parameters, prism
constant and signals.

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2.3 Functional keys under basic Measuring Mode

2.3.1 Angle Mode(including 2 menu pages)

Page Soft key Reference Function

Save measured angle
F1 Save
record into selected file.
Set the horizontal
F2 Set0
angle to „0‟
Set evaluated
horizontal angle with
F3 SetA
keyboard which should
not be greater than 360°
Display the second
F4 P1/2
page for soft key functions
Hold on the
2 F1 Hold horizontal angle readout.
The horizontal angle

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readout displayed on the

screen would not change
at all.
Switch between HR
(horizontal right/
F2 L/R clockwise) and HL
(horizontal left/
anticlockwise) mode
Vertical Angle Mode
F3 VA (altitude angle, Zenith,
Horizontal „0‟, slope)
Display the first page
F4 P2/2
for soft key functions.

2.3.2 Distance Mode(including two menu pages)

Page Soft

Reference Function
F1 Save Start distance

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measurement and save the

measurement into selected
files [measurement
file„File(.MEA)‟ and
coordinate file
„File(.COO)‟are selected in
operating menu or by star key)
F2 Meas Start Distance Mode
Switch between four
distance measurement mode
[single accurate measurement
F3 Mode (sngl)/ repeated accurate
measurement (rept)/ continue
measurement (cont)/ tracking
Display the second page
F4 P1/2
for soft key functions
Start offset measurement
F1 Offset
(eccentric measurement)
F2 Stake Stake out distances
Switch distance units
F3 m/f/i between meters, feet,
Display the first page for
F4 P2/2
soft key functions

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2.3.3 Coordinate Mode(including three menu pages)

Page Reference Function
Start coordinate measurement
and save measurement into
selected files [measurement
F1 Save
file „File(.MEA)‟ or
coordinate file „File(.COO)‟
are selected in operating
menu or by star key]
1 F2 Meas Start coordinate measurement
Switch between four distance
measurement mode [single
accurate measurement (sngl)/
F3 Mode
repeated accurate
measurement (rept)/ continue

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measurement (cont)/ tracking

Display the second page
F4 P1/3
for soft key functions
Set target height and
F1 Setting
instrument height
Set coordinates of BBS
BBS (back-sight point) and
2 back-sight angle
F3 STA Set coordinates for station
Display the third page of
F4 P2/3
soft key functions
Start offset measurement
F1 Offset
(eccentric measurement)
F2 Stake Stake out coordinates
Set azimuth (the same as
3 SetA setting horizontal angle under
Angle mode)
Display the first page of
F4 P3/3
soft key functions

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2.3.4 Explanation of Saving of data

If you have never selected the measurement fileand it is

your first time to use reference function of „Select file‟, then a
dialogue box of „Select file‟ would appear to the screen.
Mention that this is a good chance for you to select all files that
the instrument may use.
When finishing single measurement or
repeatedmeasurements under each mode, a dialogue box
„information‟asking you to save coordinates, you may rename
and code the points or set target height. Key „ENT‟ saves the
coordinates into measurement files.
If choosing not to edit points, the points would be saved
with the present name, elevation and code after saving the
name of the point is added by one.

2.4 Star(★) Key Mode

Under pages of distance measurement, pressing the key

★(star key) can lead to a page as shown below.

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Settings led by star key(★) are as followed:

Adjust contrast ratio by pressing „up‟ and „down‟
Adjust the lightness of backlight of the screen with „left‟
and „right‟ key (◀▶).
Turn on or off backlight of the screen by pressing Key
Turn on or off the display of compensation by pressing

Adjust reflector by pressing „left‟ key(▶). Each time a left

key is pressed, reflectance target is switched between prism
(Prism), no-prism (NP) and reflector board (RB).
Pressing key „F3‟ to switch on or off visible laser beams.
Pressing key „F4‟ to select „parameters‟, which deals with
settings of prism constants, PPM value and atmospheric
temperature and pressure.

Pages for parameters setting with respect to distance

measurement is shown below:(After entering the temperature

and pressure data, the instrument would calculate PPM value

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automatically. If the calculated PPM value is not favored,

please reenter your expected value.)

Temp: 20.0℃
Press: 1013.0 hpa
Prism c: 0.0 mm
PPM: 0.0 ppm
BS Clear Signal Enter

Temp= Temperature
Press= Atmospheric pressure
Prism c= Prism constant
PPM= PPM value
B.S= Backspace
Clear=clear up all typed in characters in the current
Signal=Detect and display the intensity of signal of laser.
Notice that the laser will be on automatically even if you
haven‟t set it on. Take care that your eyes are not in the scope of
path of laser.
Enter=Move inserter to the next column.
Press ENT to save the settings.

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3. Initial Setup

3.1 On & Off

Press and hold the „On/Off‟ key (and the buzzer buzzes
once) until the screen displays pictures as below. The
instrument is now switched on.
(Picture for reference. Kind prevail)

Now self-checking is accomplished and the

instrumentautomatically enters Angle Mode (see details in 5.
Angle Mode)
Repressing the „On/Off‟ key leads to a dialogue box of
„Switch Off‟. Press [ENT] to switch off.

ENT→Shut off

Quit after three seconds

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3.2 Setup of Skewed Calibration of horizontal and vertical

When tilt (inclination) sensor is on, the instrument
displays the automatic compensation to the horizontal angle
caused by inclined plane. Concerning accuracy of angle
measurement, please switch on inclination sensor wherever
possible. According to the compensator, the instrument can be
also better leveled with foot screw. If displaying „Tilt over!‟ in
the „Vz‟ column, the instrument is now incapable of
compensating the large inclination automatically. Then the
instrument must be leveled by adjusting foot screw.
ZTS-320(R) series Total Station is capable of
compensating and correcting horizontal-angle-readout errors
caused by the tilt along the X-direction.
Switching off compensator is sensible when the
instrument is under unstable condition or in a windy day. Thus,
interruptions caused by vibration and constant displaying of
„Tilt over!‟ references of the instrument can be avoided. Switch
off the compensator by using star key(★) functions.

3.3 Setup of Target Type

In the ZTS-320(R) series, ZTS-320(R) Total Station has
three options of reflectors: prism, no-prism and reflector
board.ZTS-320(R), however, has only two: prism and reflector
board. Each user may set up their favored type with star key(★)

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3.4 Setup of Reflecting Prism Constants

As a prism is selected as a reflector, a prism constant
should be set before any measurement. If the constant is
entered and set, it is saved and remains and will not be erased
after switching off the instrument. After pressing „parameters‟
key under star key(★) mode, a dialogue box would appear as

Temp: 20.0℃
Press: 1013.0 hpa
Prism c: 0.0 mm
PPM: 0.0 ppm
BS Clear Signal Enter

Press soft key “Enter”to move inserter down to the „Para.‟

column of prism constant and type in value.

3.5 Signal
The function of signal is to help display the intensity of
signal of EDM (Electrical Distance Measurement). It can help
achieve ideal aiming result under poor conditions. If it is too
difficult to be found, using signal can easily aim at the target.
Continuing with the explained operation in 3.4, you may press
„Signal‟ and the intensity of signal is displayed in the „Signal‟
column above. The minimum measurable intensity should be 1.
Being less than 1 indicates that the target cannot be aimed and
measured. Pressing any other keys to quit signal detection.
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3.6 Setup of Atmospheric Correction

When measuring distances, the measured value can be
influenced by the atmosphere. In order to reduce the influence,
aatmospheric correction parameter is to be set.
Temperature: the surrounding atmospheric temperature
Atmospheric pressure: the surrounding atmospheric
PPM: calculated and predicted atmospheric correction
The standard atmospheric value of ZTS-320(R) series
Total Station (i.e. the atmospheric conditions when the
correction is „0‟)
Atm: 1013 Pa
How is atmospheric correction calculated
△S= 277.825- 0.29434P/(1+0.003661T) (ppm)
In the formula:
△S: correction constant (unit: ppm)
P: atmospheric pressure (unit: hPa)
T: temperature (unit:℃)

3.6.1 Alter Atmospheric Correction value (ppm) directly

Measure the temperature and pressure and find out the
atmospheric correction (ppm) through correction formula or

from the atmospheric correction chart. Continuing with the

operations in 3.5, press soft key „Enter‟ to move inserter down

to the „PPM‟ column.You may now type in the found value.

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3.6.2 Calculate Atmospheric Correction out with

temperature and pressure sensor

First, pre-measure the temperature and pressure of the

surrounding at the measured station.
e.g. Temp: +25℃ atm:1017.5
Press soft key „Enter‟ to move inserter to the „Temp‟
column and type in „25.0‟;
Press soft key „Enter‟ to move inserter to the „Press‟
column and type in „1017.5‟;
Press soft key „Enter‟ to move the inserter to the „prism c‟
(the„PPM‟ column now displays 3)
Press ‟ENT‟ to save the parameter setting. Our system will
display „Record: ***(name of the point)‟ and quit the dialogue
box. The point is now saved.

3.7 Correction of Atmospheric refraction and Earth


When measuring horizontal distance and elevation, our

instrument is capable of correct the atmospheric refraction and
the earth curvature.
The formulae of the two corrections of our instrument are
as followed:
Measured Horizontal Distance after correction:
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D=S×[cosα+sinα×S×cosα(K-2) / 2Re]
Measured Elevation after correction:
H=S×[sinα+cosα×S×cosα(1-K) / 2Re]
If not correcting Atmospheric Refraction and earth
curvature, the formulae of our instrument for calculating
horizontal distance and elevation are as followed:
In the formulae:
K=0.14-----------Atmospheric refraction constant (can be
selected by practical)
Re=6370 km---Radius of curvature of Earth
α-----------------The vertical angle (counted from the
S-------------------Slant distance
Alternative values for K are 0, 0.14, 0.2.

3.8 Setup of the minimum readout of angles

See 9. Operating Menu.

The operation on the instrument follows”MENU→5.
Parameter settings→6. Minimum readout of angles”

3.9 Setup of Automatic Shutdown

See reference in 9.Operating Menu.

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The setup of automatic shutdown on the instrument

follows “MENU→5. options→9. Auto shut down. Opts
displayed are as followed.

Saving power
5 minutes
10 minutes
20 minute

You may choose „Never‟ to set off auto shutdown. When

choosing 5, 10, 20 minutes opts, the instrument will
automatically shut down after chosen time if there is no key
pressed. Use ▲▼ keys to move indicator „>‟ up and down to
the wanted opt. Press soft key „Enter‟ or ENT to save the setting.
Pressing ESC will result in no changes of settings.

3.10 Setup of Addictive and Multiplying Constants

See reference in 9. Operating Menu.

The setup of addictive and multiplying constants on the
instrument follows “MENU→6. Calibrate &cofig→3.Add
The constants are already set through strict measurement
when being sold. Generally users seldom have to adjust the
setting. You may alter the constant after strict measurement (e.g.

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in standardization site for baseline being measured by

authenticated units).
3.11 Selecting Data File

Data file acts as a database for following measurement

or a storehouse for finished measurement. Please select a
proper data file before all measurements.
To select data file, see reference in 9. Operating Menu.
Selecting data file on the instrument follows
“MENU→1.Surveying→1.Select file”. It can be also done by
using star (★) key function.
Besides common measurement mode (Angle, Distance,
Coordinate), you may also enter „select file‟ page by star key
(★) under „Set up station‟ (Menu→1.Surveying→2.Station) or
„Set up BBS‟ (Menu→1. Surveying→3. Orientation(BBS)) or
„Stake out XX‟ (Menu→2.Stake out→5.Stake out) pages.

Select File
>File(.MEA) A.MEA
Save Enter

MEA= Measurement File, working for storing data

COO= Coordinate File, being used when transferring
COD= Code File, being used when transferring code

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LH= LS =Defined line File, working for staking out

Use ▲▼ keys to move indicator „>‟ to the wanted type of
file and press „Enter‟ soft key to enter the File list as followed:


New Del View Select

Move the indicator to wanted file and press „ENT‟ or soft

key „Enter‟ to select it.

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4. Preparations before measurements

4.1 Drawing out and storing instruments

Lay down the tool box gently with top side facing up.
Open the lock and unpack and draw out the instrument.
Mantle the telescope with its cover. Make sure that the
vertical locking screw on the aiming component and the
leveling bubble on the pedestal face upwards. Lay down the
instrument into the tool box with objective lens of the telescope
facing downwards. Tighten the vertical locking screw gently
and mantle the box. Lock the box.

4.2 Storage the instrument

Reference for operation:

Install the instrument onto the tripod gently and level the
centering of the instrument precisely with professional tripod
which has connection screw on the center.

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4.2.1 Using plumbs to centre and level (align)

1) Set up the tripod

① Open the tripod. Make sure that the three feet of the
tripod are approximately equal in distance from the center and
that the top is leveled. Screw up the three locking screw.
② Make sure that the center of the tripod top is
rightabove the station.
③ Stamp the tripod on the ground with your feet.
2) Install the instrument onto the tripod
Install the instrument onto the tripod gently. You may hold
the instrument with one hand and unscrew the screwconnection
on the instrument with the other. Move the instrument slightly
on the top of the tripod until the plumb ball align with the
center of station site sign. Screw up the connection screw.
3)Using circular level to level the instrument coarsely
① Twist and adjust the two leveling screw A and B on the
bottom on the instrument until the bubbles of the circular level
moves to the line perpendicular to the line of centers of screw A
and B.
② Twist and adjust leveling screw C to move the bubble
to the center of the circular level.

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4)Using tubular level to level the instrument precisely

① Screw off the horizontal locking screw and turn the
instrument around to make the tubular level parallel to the line
connecting any two adjacent A and B to move leveling bubble
to the center.

② Turn the instrument around about the vertical axis by

90°and re-center the bubble

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③Turn around the instrument by 90°again. Repeat the

process in ○ 1 and ○
2 until the bubble remains centered (leveled)
at all sites.

4.2.2 Using centering device to centre

1) Set up the tripod

① Open the tripod. Make sure that the three feet of the
tripod are approximately equal in distance from the center and
that the top is leveled. Screw up the three locking screw.
② Make sure that the center of the tripod top is right
above the station.
③ Stamp one foot on the ground with your feet.
2) Install the instrument gently on the top of the tripod and
screw up the screw connection. Open the laser plumb through
star (★) key to aim at the station precisely.
3)Using circular level to level the instrument coarsely
4)Using tubular level to level the instrument precisely
5) Precise centering and leveling
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Screw off the screw connection slightly and shift the

instrument horizontally (mention that do not turn around the
instrument about the vertical axis at all)according to the laser
plumb the instrument aims at the station precisely.
Each hand held one of two other unstamped feet of the
tripod and adjust their position according to the plummet.
As soon as the plummet aims at the stationcoarsely, stamp
all three feet on the ground. Make the plummet aims at the
station precisely by adjusting the three leveling screws of the

4.3 Unloading and charging batteries and information of

battery conditions


① The working duration of batteries depends on the

many factors. e.g. temperature, rate of charging and times

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battery is charged. For insurance concerns, please charge the

battery in advance and prepare spare charged batteries.
② Different measurement modes consume charges with
different rates. e.g. Displaying enough remainder of charges
under angle mode does not make sure that these charges can
support the instrument under distance mode at the same level
(because distance mode consumes charges at higher rates). A
cessation of measurement may occur sometimes when
switching from angle mode to distance mode due to a dead

Notes for loading/ unloading batteries:

▲For every time one unloads the battery case, the
instrument must be firstly shut off.
▲When loading the instrument with a
battery, first insert the battery to the battery case.
Then press the top of the battery until you hear a

▲Please press the button on the top

of the battery case and release it as the case
is inserted in.

Notes for recharging the battery:

Insert the battery into the charger. Press the top of the
battery until you hear a „click‟.

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Gently slide the battery on the charger slightly to make

sure that it is finely positioned.
Plug the charger into the outlet of 110V-220V AC power
supply. Recharging begins.

▲The indicator light on the charger will illuminate three

separate colors for various mode conditions:
Solid Red Light—the charger is working;
Solid Green Light—the charging has finished;
Flashing Red Light—no battery on charging, poor
connection or some problems exist.
▲It is recommended to continue charging for 1 or 2 hours
after the light turn green.
▲Once the red light flashes constantly after the charger is
plugged into the outlet of 110V- 220V AC power supply, please
remove the battery and reconnected it after 3 or 5 minutes.
▲Though the charger is designed with overcharge
protection circuit, one must unplug the charger after finished
▲Suitable temperature range for charging is between
-45℃and +45℃. Charging process may be abnormal if being
over the temperature range.
▲A battery can be recharged for 300-500 times. A
monthly recharging is required even if the instrument is left

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4.4 Reflecting Prism

When measuring distance with prism selected as a

reflector, a reflecting prism must be set at the target site. The
reflecting prism can be connected onto the pedestal then onto
the tripod with pedestal connection. It can be also positioned
onto the centering rod. There are single prism group and three
prism group available on the market. Users may equip their
instrument based on the requirements of measurement.

4.5 Dismantling pedestal

The pedestal can be unloaded from the other pedestal of
the reflecting prism of the instrument by loosening hook screw
on the pedestal with a screw driver and anti-clockwise turn the
screw around by 180°.

Insert the three feet into corresponding holes on the
pedestal and level. Clockwise turn the hook screw by 180°to
lock the instrument. Then tighten the screw with a screw driver

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4.6 Adjusting eyepiece lens of the telescope and shacking on

the target.

How to aim at a target (only for reference)

① Aim at the bright sky with the telescope and adjust the
eyepiece to focus until a sharp image of the cross wire forms;
② Aim at the target with the cross center in the coarse
sighting device on the top of the lens. The eye should keep a
proper distance (about 200mm) away from the sighting device.
③ Obtain a sharp image of the target on the reticule with
the focusing screw of the telescope. If optical parallax appears
when angle of view changed, the focus or the diopter of the
eyepiece may be unadjusted. For precision concerns, please
adjust the eyepiece focus to eliminate the optical parallax.

4.7 Entering letters and numbers

The page for „Setup Station‟

(Menu→1.Surveying→2.Station→Softkey F1[input] ) can
involve inserting letters and numbers. Assume that the Pt. name
is SUN1A and STN is -123.456

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The black box indicates that this column of information is

selected and numbers and letters will be entered into this
column only. The white slash in the box is the inserter.
Press soft key „Num.‟ (F3) to switch between Numbers
and Alphabet.

Press key „7‟for once displaying „S‟ in the column

Cease operation for at least 0.4 seconds
Press key „7‟ for three times displaying „SU‟ in the column
(If the interval between pressing is over 0.4s and the letter
inserted is not desired, you may use keys ◀▶to move the inserter
left and right to letter to be altered. Then the letter can be
altered by keys▲▼. The letter on the left of the inserter is the
letter altered.
Press key „5‟ displaying „SUN‟ in the column as followed

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Press soft key „Alph.‟ (F3) to switch between letters and

Press key „1‟ displaying „SUN1‟ in the column
Switch to „Alph.‟again
Press key „1‟ for once displaying „SUN1A‟ in the column

Press soft key „Enter‟ to move inserter down to the STN

column. The system switches to number entering mode
automatically and no letters can be inserted in at all. The page is
as followed.

Press keys „±‟„1‟‟2‟„3‟„.‟„4‟„5‟„6‟ one by one.

Also, you may finish entering numbers first then press „±‟
to alter its nature.
Now press „ENT‟ to save the information entered and quit.

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Notes: If information exists in the column already, the first

number or letter you enter will clear up the column and be the
first character of the column.

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5. Angle Mode

The instrument would enter Angle Mode automatically

when starting. You may also enter this Mode by pressing „ANG‟
under basic measurement mode. Angle Mode involves two
pages, being switched with soft key „F4‟. Their functions are
explained as followed:

On the first page

Save: save measurement
After pressing soft key „F1‟, dialogue box of „Information‟
appears to the screen asking you to enter „Point name‟, „Code‟
and „Target Height‟. The natural name of the point is to add „1‟
to the previous point name. The code entered depends on your
requirements and the target height depends on facts. Press
„ENT‟ to save measurement. P.S. If having not selected file at
first when pressing „Save‟ under Angle Mode, a dialogue box
of „Select File‟ will be on the screen before „information‟. You
may now select file for saving.
When the measurement is out of the scope of compensator,
the instrument will display „Tilt over!‟ when pressing „Save‟
and the measurement cannot be saved.
If the measurement is saved successfully, the instrument
displays box of „Record:*****‟ for 0.5 second and switch back
to the Angle Mode.

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Set 0: set horizontal angle to zero

Press soft key „F2‟
The instrument displays:

ENT→Set 0

Now press „ENT‟ to set 0 or „ESC‟ to quit.

SetA: Set horizontal angle to desired degree
Press soft key „F3‟ and the instrument enters page of „Set
If need to enter 123°45′56″under „°′″‟ (degree minute
and second) mode, then enter 123.4556. The page is as


B.S Clear Enter

Now press „F4‟ to save the setting or „ESC‟ to quit. If the
set angle is greater than 360°, the instrument will display „HA
On the Second Page:
Hold: can be used to set horizontal angle
Turn around the aiming component to the wanted
horizontal angle and press soft key „F1‟. Now the readout of
horizontal angle is „hold‟ and not changing with turning

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Turn around the aiming component and aim at the target,

press soft key „F1‟ again and the horizontal angle is set at a new
When the horizontal angle is hold, any key beside „Hold‟
will exert no effect on the instrument.
Press soft key „F2‟, the horizontal angle column is
switched between HR and HL modes.
HR indicates that the angle increases as the instrument
turns clockwise around the vertical axis
HL indicates that the angle increases as the instrument
turns anti-clockwise around the vertical axis
Press soft key „F3‟, the vertical angle column is switched
between Vz, Vo, Vh and V%
Vz is Zenith Mode
Vo indicates that when the telescope is leveled, the vertical
angle is displayed as 0°0′0″at face one.
Vh is vertical angle Mode (being 0 and has a positive
angle of elevation and a negative angle of depression)
V% is Slope Mode. The range for slope that can be
displayed is between -99.9999% and 99.9999%. If the slope is
over the range, „Overtop!‟ is displayed in the vertical angle

When setting the horizontal angle, the set angle is the

azimuth angle of the target. The instrument may be switched to

display grid bearing through these operations.

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6. Distance Mode

Pressing key „DIST‟ may enter Distance Mode. There are

two pages for Distance Mode, being switched by soft key „F4‟.
The functions explanations are as followed:

On the First Page:

Save: save measurement
After pressing soft key „F1‟, dialogue box of „Information‟
appears to the screen asking you to enter „Point name‟, „Code‟
and „Target Height‟. The natural name of the point is to add „1‟
to the previous point name. The code entered depends on your
requirements and the target height depends on facts. Press
„ENT‟ to save measurement. P.S. If having not selected file at
first when pressing „Save‟ under Angle Mode, a dialogue box
of „Select File‟ will be on the screen before „information‟. You
may now select file for saving.
When the measurement is out of the scope of compensator,
the instrument will display „Tilt over!‟ when pressing „Save‟
and the measurement cannot be saved.
If the measurement is saved successfully, the instrument
displays box of „Record:****** ‟ for 0.5 second and switch
back to the Distance Mode.
Measure the distance and display SD, HD, VD
Quit distance measurement with key „ESC‟ under
continue or tracking mode
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Mode: used to select the working mode of the distance

measuring device.

Use keys ▲▼ to move the indicator „>‟ to the wanted opt.

Press „ENT‟ to save setting. When selecting Rept (repeated),
move indicator „>‟ to it and use keys ◀▶to choose the times for
repeated measurement. The number of times can be between 3
and 9.

On the Second Page:

Offset: Enter off-center (eccentric) measurement
See reference in8.Offset
Stake: Stake out distances:

Stake-out by distance

HD: |

B.S Clear Mode Enter

The key „Mode‟ under this page is to switch the typed in

distance between HD, VD and SD. The initial mode of typed in
distance is HD. When finishing entering, press soft key „Enter‟

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to enter „stake-out by distance‟ mode of Distance Measurement

as followed.

>dhd is to stake out horizontal distance difference. A

positive result indicates that the measured horizontal distance is
greater than the evaluated one. The lens should be shifted to the
>dvd is to stake out difference between elevation
differences. A positive result indicates that the measured
elevation difference is greater than the evaluated one. The lens
should be shifted downwards (excavation).
>dsd is to stake out differences between slope distances.A
positive result indicates that the measured slope distance is
great than the evaluated one. The lens should be shifted to the
Every time a stake-out is finished, go to the second page
with soft key „F4‟ and press „F2‟ [Stake] to repeat the process,
otherwise press ‟DIST‟ to switch back to Distance Mode.

m/f/i: switch the units of the displayed distance between

meters, feet, feet & inches
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Notes:“ ” indicates that the distance measurement

is under operation. Now pressing „F1‟ or „F2‟ appears “ ” or
“ ” on the screen, which indicates that the distance
measurement is under operation and displays the current
measuring mode (S, R, C, T). When quitting distance
measurement with „ESC‟, the “ ” disappear.„ ‟ indicates
distance measurement with prism.„ ‟ indicates distance
measurement without prism.

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7. Coordinate Mode
Presskey „CORD‟ to enter Coordinate Mode. According
to the diagram below, please set up the coordinate of the station,
azimuth angle, target height and instrument height before
coordinate measurement.

Coordinate measurement diagram

There are three pages for coordinate mode, being switched
with soft key „F4‟. The functions explanation are as followed:
On the First Page:
Save: save measurement

After pressing soft key „F1‟, dialogue box of „Information‟

appears to the screen asking you to enter „Point name‟, „Code‟

and „Target Height‟. The natural name of the point is to add „1‟
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to the previous point name. The code entered depends on your

requirements and the target height depends on facts. Press
„ENT‟ to save measurement. P.S. If having not selected file at
first when pressing „Save‟ under Angle Mode, a dialogue box
of „Select File‟ will be on the screen before „information‟. You
may now select file for saving.
When the measurement is out of the scope of compensator,
the instrument will display „Tilt over!‟ when pressing „Save‟
and the measurement cannot be saved.
If the measurement is saved successfully, the instrument
displays box of „Record:****** ‟ for 0.5 second and switch
back to the Coordinate Mode.

Press soft key „F2‟ to start distance measuring device. The
instrument will calculate out the coordinate of the target point
and display. If the current distance measuring mode is continue
or tracking mode, then you may continually press „ESC‟ to quit
distance measurement, otherwise press ‟ANG‟ or „DIST‟ to
stop distance measurement and switch to Angle or Distance
Mode: The same as the key „Mode‟ under Distance Mode

On the Second Page:

Press soft key „F1‟ to enter Settings of „Height of Ins. &
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Height of Ins.&Target
T.H m

B.S Clear Save Enter

After finishing entering, press „ENT‟ or soft key „Save‟ to

save the setting. However the setting will be erased when
shutting off if using „ENT‟ to save; inversely, using soft key
„Save‟ will remain the setting forever providing that there is no
change of the setting. Press „ESC‟ to quit without saving. When
checking and viewing the instrument height and target height,
you may also go to the page above.
The range for I.H and T.H is 99.999. If being over the
range, a box of „I.H overtop!‟ or „T.H overtop!‟ will appear on
the screen.
Press soft key „F2‟ to enter page of „BBS‟ as followed:

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Setting up BBS is to relatethe coordinate of earth stationto

the coordinate of the instrument (being used together with STA
After setting the BBS and pressing „ENT‟, the instrument
asks users to aim at the BS (target point). After pressing „ENT‟
to orient, the instrument will calculate the azimuth angle of the
BBS, which is displayed in the HA (horizontal angle) column.
The coordinate of the instrument is now related to that of the
earth station, which is called as „set station‟
In order to avoid repeated operation, please first operate
the function of „STA‟ („Station‟) then set the BBS and orient.
When orientation, please aim at the BS (target) precisely.
Orientation can be done with [Set 0], [Set A] and [Hold] under
Angle Mode or Coordinate Mode. If the orientation is already
done under Angle Mode, then setting BBS again is not
necessary under Coordinate Mode.
Users may enter the coordinate of BBS with keyboard or
by transferring from the file of measured points [M.Pt] or from
the file of known points [Known] as shown in the picture
Press soft key „F3‟ to select known points. Select a desired
point from the current file and enter the list of points.

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COO: 1
COO: 2

Begin End View Search

Select the points with the help of keys ▲▼ and press

„ENT‟ to save the your choice. If cannot get the point, the
coordinate will remain its origin and the instrument will display
„Can‟t be get!‟.
Press „M.Pt‟ to select coordinate data from the
measurement file. Similar operation as using soft key „Known‟
When pressing „ENT‟ to end the dialogue, the system will
ask you to aim the BBS for concerns of orientation.
Tip: When selecting coordinate data, you may easily
change files. We suggest you to establish a sub file for well
categorizedcoordinate files and code files. It will help you to
remember the point names and to speed up the process of
searching for points.

STA: The entering of STA is the same as that of setting

BBS. Users must first operate STA before setting BBS
On the Third Page

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Press soft key„F1‟ to operate offset function. Offset

function is designed to obtain coordinate information of the
measured point when prism cannot be place at the measured
point or when distance measuring cannot be done. Offset
function is divided into Angle Offset, Single/ Double- distance
Offset, Plane Offset and Column Offset. See reference in 8.
Offset Mode.

Press soft key „F2‟ to operate staking-out function. With
this function, you may put designed data onto earth points. See
reference in 9.2 Staking out

Set A:
Press soft key „F3‟ to enter the current azimuth angle of
BBS. Mention that you must aim at the BBS to set up the angle.

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8. Offset Mode

Offset function is designed to obtain coordinate

information of the measured point when prism cannot be place
at the measured point or when distance measuring cannot be
done, being divided into Angle Offset, Single/ Double-
distance Offset, Plane Offset and Column Offset.
The functions are included in the „Offset‟ Menu. To enter
all the following offset functions discussed below, first press
„CORD‟ to enter coordinate measuring mode. Then turn the
page of soft keys to 3 with soft key „F4‟. Press „Offset‟ and now
you enter the Menu for „Offset‟. You may choose the desired
mode now.
Before operating these functions, please first set STA,
orientation, instrument height and target height for the
Mention that any time one selects repeated, continue or
tracking mode (modes beside single mode) of offset to measure,
one must first press key „ESC‟ to stop measurement before any
followed operations.

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8.1 Angle Offset Mode

It is specifically adequate when facing difficulties setting
up prism. E.g. in the center of a tree. Set up the prism at point P
which is the same horizontal distance away from the instrument
as A0 is from the that. The diagram for angle offset is as

When measuring the coordinate of the earth point A1 of

the projection of AO, set up the instrument height and target
When measuring the coordinate of AO, set up instrument
height only (and the target height should be set to 0). Enter
„1.Offset (Angle)‟ and the page is as followed:

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The target height (H.T) indicates the point where prism is

placed. You may use soft key „T.H‟ to re-set target height before
measurement if needed. Press „Meas‟ to start measurement.
After measurement, press ‟ENT‟ to enter „Offset
(Angle)-Result‟: the offset points here indicate A0 or A1 on the
working path.

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Now turn around the aiming component to aim at the

offset point.
The coordinate of the point is obtained and press soft key
„Next P‟ to enter the offset measurement of the next point; press
soft key „Record‟ to save the coordinate of the offset point.
Finally, press key „ESC‟ to quit Angle Offset

8.2 Single-Distance Offset Mode

If have already known the front &behind and left & right
offset along the direction of observationthat the measured point
A0 is away from the target point A1, you may measure the
coordinate of A0 through distance offset.
In order to measure the coordinate of A0, enter the offset
distance„oHD‟ as shown below and measure A1 under distance
offset mode. The coordinate and the horizontal distance from
the instrument of the A0 can be displayed on the screen.

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Enter „2. Offset (Dist 1)‟ from the offset menu.

Seemeanings of „+‟ and „-‟ in the diagram of

single-distance offset.

After entering the known offset distance, press „ENT‟ to

save the setting and enter „Offset (Dist 1)—point‟


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Press „Meas‟ to start measurement.

After measurement, press ‟ENT‟ to enter
The coordinate of the point is obtained and press soft key
„Next P‟ to enter the offset measurement of the next point; press
soft key „Record‟ to save the coordinate of the offset point.
Finally, press key „ESC‟ to quit Distance Offset

8.3 Double-Distance Offset Mode

It is specifically adequate when the measured point is

exactly on connection of two measurable points as well as the
distance between measured point and the final measuring point
is known.

Enter the „Offset(dist2)—distance‟ page through the offset


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Firstly, enter the offset distance (OSD). If the directions of

P1-A0 and P0-P1 are the same then the distance is positive,
otherwise it is negative.
Press „ENT‟ or soft key „Enter‟ to save setting and enter
page of „Offset(dist2)-begin‟. To measure the point, you must
aim at P0 as shown above.
After the measurement press „ENT‟ to end the dialogue
and enter page of „Offset(dist2)—End‟
After the measurement, press „ENT‟ and he instrument is
now displaying the coordinate of the measured point.
If the measured point is A0, then the target height should
be 0. If the coordinate of A1 is wanted, please enter the target
height ahead depending on facts.

8.4 Plane Offset Mode

The plane offset mode is specifically adequate for

measurement of points that cannot be measured with its
horizontal distance. e.g Measuring the distance or coordinate of
a ridge of a plane.
Firstly, measure any three points (P1, P2, P3) to define the
measured plane. Aim at the measuring point P0, then the
instrument will calculate and display the coordinate of
intersection of the defined plane and the collimation axis. i.e
the coordinate of P0.

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Mention that the target height under this mode must be 0

Enter „4. Offset (Plane)‟ from the offset menu

Press soft key ‟Meas‟ to measure the first point P1

After measurement, press „ENT‟ to accept the result.
Mention that the target height is set to be 0 automatically.
After pressing „ENT‟, users enter „Offset (plane)—Pt.2‟.
Repeat the process for P2 and P3 as for P1.
As the three points are measured, users enter „offset

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Now turn around the aiming component of the instrument

to aim at the offset point. Mention that the offset point must be
on the defined plane but not below the prism bar for concerns
of precision.
The coordinate of the offset point is obtained. Press soft
key „Next P‟ to enter the offset measurement of the next point;
press soft key „Record‟ to save the coordinate of the offset
Finally, press key „ESC‟ to quit Plane Offset

8.5 Column Offset Mode

Firstly, users should measure the azimuth angle and

coordinate of P1 on the cylinder under this mode. Then
calculate the horizontal distance, azimuth angle and coordinate
of the cylinder by measuring the surface points of tangency P2
and P3.
The average value of P2 and P3 is the azimuth angle of the
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Enter „5.Offset(column)‟ from the offset menu.

If coordinate of P0 is wanted, please set target height to be

0 before measurement.
If coordinate of P0‟ is wanted, please set target height
depending on facts. Then press „Meas‟ to start measurement.

Press „ENT‟ to accept the measurement result and

enter„Offset(column)—Left edge‟

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Aim at the left edgeand press soft key „Enter‟

Enter „Offset(column)—Right edge‟. Aim at the right
edge and press soft key „Enter‟
Enter „Offset(column)—Center‟ which displays the result
of Offset(column) measurement.

Now press soft key „Next P‟ to enter the offset

measurement of the next point; press soft key „Record‟ to save
the coordinate of the offset point.
Finally, press key „ESC‟ to quit columnOffset
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9. Operating Menu

Notes: all diagrams of menu under section 9does not fully

display the options. Kind prevail.
Pressing „MENU‟ under basic measurement mode appears
a page as followed on the screen:

The useful keys under menu page are:

▲ Shift upwards by one column
▼ Shift downwards by one column
◀Shift upwards by five columns
▶Shift downwards by five columns
ENT: Select the current column of function and enter its
ESC: Quit the menu
Numbers 1~9: Press to enter corresponding column of
function. Each column are marked with a number. e.g pressing
key „7‟ leads to an entrance to „Grid scale‟.
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9.1 Surveying
Surveying includes functions as followed:


1.Select file
6.Config of Surveying

9.1.1 Select files

The function „Surveying‟ includes a sum of all preparation
work before a survey.
A measurement file for storage of measurement result and
record, a coordinate file for accessing known points and a code
file for fast checking codes must be selected before any
measurement. (An[.LS] file is specifically for staking out
The dialogue box of „select file‟ is as followed:

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MEA= Measurement File, working for storing data

COO= Coordinate File, being used when transferring
COD= Code File, being used when transferring code
LH= LS= Defined line File, working for staking out
Use ▲▼ keys to move indicator „>‟ to the wanted type of
file and press „Enter‟ soft key to enter the File list as followed:

New Del View Selec

Move the indicator to wanted file and press „ENT‟ or soft

key „Enter‟ to select it.

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9.1.2 Setup of stations

The dialogue box followed included all needed
information to be entered of a station.

With keyboards or transferring coordinate from K.Pt

(Known points) and M.Pt (Measured points), users may input
the coordinate of a station.
Press „Input‟(soft key F1) to enter the coordinate of a
station manually.

See reference in 4.7 entering numbers and letters to set

Press „K.Pt‟ (Soft key F2) to enter a coordinate file. Select

the desired point and enter the list of points.


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Select the points with the help of keys ▲▼ and press

„ENT‟ to save the your choice. If cannot get the point, the
coordinate will remain its origin and the instrument will display
„Can‟t be get!‟.
Press „M.Pt‟ (Soft key F3). The operation is the same as
that of „K.Pt‟

9.1.3 Setup of BBS(back-sight point)

To set up BBS is to relate the earth coordinate with the
instrument coordinate.
To transfer coordinate of points from files under this
function is the same as set up station. After inputting the
coordinate of the BBS, users have to aim at the BBS to orient as
well. As soon as the orientation finishes, the horizontal angle
column on the screen displays the earth azimuth angle.
After entering or transferring the coordinate of the BBS,
please „Aim the BBS‟ and press „Enter‟ to orient, otherwise,
press „ESC‟
After pressing „ENT‟, the coordinate of BBS is displayed
on the screen and press „Check‟ to measure the BBS and check
the result
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Meas Mode Coord Save

After the measurement, the instrument displays the

difference between theoretic distance and the measured
distance. Press soft key F3 „Coord.‟ to display the coordinate of
the measured current BBS. You may compare it with the
entered value.
Press „Save‟ to save the measured record.
9.1.4 Setup of azimuth
To set up the azimuth angle is the same as to set up BBS,
which is also to relate earth coordinate with the instrument
coordinate. However, setting up azimuth angle is impossible
when BBS azimuth angle is unknown. Please aim at the BBS
and input the BBS azimuth angle first.
Choosing one from „Orientation (BBS)‟ and
„Orientation (SetA)‟ is adequate within one setup of station.
They both work for orientation for BBS.

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9.1.5 Surveying

N: S m

Record Offset Save EDM

If have set the instrument to „survey first‟how to set→, after

pressing soft key F4 „EDM‟, the instrument then start
measurement of the coordinates. As soon as the measurement is
done successfully, the soft key „record‟appears. Press „Record‟
to enter page of „information‟. Edit the point name and code
and save.
If have set the instrument to „edit first‟how to set→, after
pressing soft key F4 „EDM‟, users may first enter the
„Information‟ page, then measurement. The operations are
Press soft key F2 „Offset‟ to enter offset menu. Select one
mode and start offset measurement.
Press soft key F3 „Save‟ to start distance measurement.
After a successful measurement, the coordinate will be saved

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9.1.6 Config of Surveying

Use ◀▶ to select
Users may choose to „survey first‟ or to „edit first‟ when
undertaking measurement under surveying mode.
Same point
Users may choose to check or not to check if there is a
duplicate of name in the list.
If choose to check, then the instrument will first search for
duplicated name in the file. If a duplicated name is found, a box
of „duplicated name found!‟ will appear on the screen. Press
„ENT‟ to overlay or „ESC‟ to quit and go back to the previous
If choose not to check, the instrument will directly save
the coordinate of the point.
Edit point
Users may choose if to edit the information of points when
auto saving after measurement. If choose to edit „manually‟,
then the system will enter the page of „Information‟ when
pressing soft key „Save‟. If choose to edit „Auto‟, then the
system will save the measurement automatically with point
name added by one.
It indicates whether to display the coordinate by sequence
„NEZ‟ or „ENZ‟ when surveying.

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9.2 Staking out

Staking out is to find the earth point needed when
designing. The common process to stake out is as followed:
1. Select a file for staking out to access to and transfer
coordinate of STA and BBS and data of staking-out point etc.
2. Setup STA
3. Setup BBS
4. Enter the staking out coordinate and start staking-out.
The Menu for staking out is as followed:

The „Setup Station‟ and „Orientation (BBS)‟ are the

preparation work for staking out. If users have already setup
station and orientation of BBS, re-setting them are not

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9.2.1 Staking out points

Stake out XX point

Stake out:XX
BS M.Pt K.Pt Enter

The coordinate point can be defined manually with

keyboard entering. It can be also defined by transferring
coordinates from Measured points or Known points, which
requires you to select a file in advance for transferring
coordinates, otherwise the system will go to page for selecting
file automatically. You may also select file under this „Stake
out: XX‟ page by using starkey(★) function. If users have
transferred coordinates once, the system will enter the page
which the users have transferred coordinates from.
Staking out survey
After defining the staking out coordinate, press „ENT‟ to
enter staking out survey.

Meas Mode Coord Next.P
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dHR: a negative value indicates a clockwise rotation of

aiming component. Inversely, positive value indicates a
anticlockwise rotation.
dHD: a positive value indicates that the lens should shift
to the instrument. Inversely, a negative value indicates that it
should shift away.
dN: a negative value indicates that the lens can reach to
evaluated staking out point if moving north. Inversely, it should
move south.
dE: a negative value indicates that the lens can reach to
evaluated staking out point if moving east. Inversely, it should
move west
dZ: a negative value indicates that the lens can reach to
evaluated staking out point if moving downwards (excavation).
Inversely, it should move upwards (fill).
Next point: press it to staking out the next point. You may
find the coordinate of the next point in the selected file and go
back to the page of „Stake out: XX‟ to display it. Press „ENT‟ to
stake out directly.

9.2.2 Fast station

When the current control station and the staking out point
are not intervisible, users may have to set a new point as a
control station. A fast station function is now helpful to use.

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Vz: 90°12′22″
N: 200°54′12″
E: -10.756 m
Z: -0.004
TH Mode Meas

Press „Meas‟ to measure the coordinate of the new control

station. Save it into proper file in relation to demand for
concerns of transferring later on. „Sequence‟, „same point‟ and
„edit point‟ functions under „Config of survey‟ is valid here as

9.2.3 Resection method

Enter the coordinate of the first point:

To input, see reference in „STA‟ of „Coordinate

measurement‟. Press „ENT‟ to enter the measurement page of

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Vz: 77°18′30″
HR: 180°34′55″
HD: 4.978
T.H: 1.000
Mode Angle Dist

Choose angle or distance to undertake resection. If

choosing angle mode then the instrument will start measuring
distance. After a successful measurement, the system will
display „Next P‟
Press soft key „Next P‟. Repeat the process above. After
measuring three points, soft key „Calc‟ will appear on the

Vz: 77°18′30″
HR: 180°34′55″
HD: 4.978
T.H: 1.000
Next p Calc

If do not need resection, then pressing„Calc‟ to display the

result of resection.

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N: 0.002
E: -0.003
Z: 0.000
Result Cord

Now press soft key „F1‟ to setup station and record. After
setting up station, users may find that the station name becomes
„RESSTA‟ and the coordinate is the resection one. Press „F4‟ to
switch between „Coord.‟ and „dCoord.‟ (difference between

dN: 0.002
dE: 0.005
DZ: 0.005
MdHD: 0.020
Record dCord

Coord.— the displayed coordinate is the NEZ coordinate

of the instrument station
dCoord.—the error of NEZ coordinate when redundant
observation exists in resection.
MdHD— the maximum error of evaluated distance. A
large value of it indicates an inaccurate coordinate of resection

point or a error of BBS coordinate.

NaN— calculation error. The maximum number of

resection points is 5
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9.2.4 Equidistant stake-put

Sometimes users may need to stake out N points on a line

uniformly. An equidistant stake-out is adequate in doing such

When undertaking equidistant stake-put, users may first

measure the coordinate of the origin/begin (prism P0) then that
of the terminal/end (prism P1).
After the measurement, the system enters a page of
„Equidistant-input‟ as followed.

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The „stakes‟ must be set while the space can left blank.
If setting the stakes to be 12 with space left blank, then the
middle points can be staked out uniformly during the following
equidistant stake-out.
Space is the number of points staked out uniformly from
the begin to the end.
The equidistant stake-out page is as followed:

Meas Mode TH

9.2.5 Entering coordinates

Sometimes, users may transfer a few of coordinate files
when undertaking the following measurement. You may also
enter the coordinate and other information of the point
manually and save into the coordinate file for possible
transferring later on.

BS Clear Num Enter

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Using keys „◀▶‟ helps to scan the sequence of each point.

e.g„1‟ indicates the number of the point when it is recorded or
scanned. After setting up one record, press „ENT‟ to accept the
setting and enter the setting page of the next record. If do not
need record any more, press „ESC‟ to quit „Input coordinates‟
function. The system will now ask users if he or she wants to
save the record. After choosing „save‟, the record will be saved
into coordinate files.
9.3 File Management

The menu for fileman is as followed:

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9.3.1 File dialogue box

Each file involves operations of „establish new files‟

(New), „delete files‟ (Del) and „view‟(View) which is called
File management here.
After choosing a file, users may enter file list which
displays the names of the file. All files obeys the same rules of
operations. Now take measurement file as an example:

Select „1. File(.MEA)‟ and enter its page.

Now use ▲▼◀▶ keys to shift the indicator column to the

wanted file.
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Select: Press soft key „Select‟ to select the current

working file of the instrument. You may select your file
repeatedly and the selection can be checked in the „Select file‟
dialogue box.
MEA= Measurement File, working for storing data
COO= Coordinate File, being used when transferring
COD= Code File, being used when transferring code
LS= LH =Defined line File, working for staking out
The files relates to the related files. e.g .MEA files are
specifically for measurement and .COO files are specifically
for coordinates. However, the selected files are not saved to
system files when shutting down. You may have to save the file
names under „Select files‟ dialogue box.
New: establish a new file in the instrument. Press soft key
„New‟ and the instrument will ask you to enter the file name.
The file type is the same as the file selected (under which

you press „New‟). If the new file exists in the instrument, then
the system will not establish a new file. Mention that the

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instrument will not warn you for duplicated name when not
establishing a new same file.
Del: delete the file the indicator column indicates. Box of
„Delete will lose data‟ appears on the screen when pressing soft
key „Del‟. Press „ESC‟ to quit or „ENT‟ to delete.
View: when pressing soft key „View‟ under coordinate file,
then the system will display the coordinates one by one; under
code file, the system will list out all codes in the file; under
measurement file, the system displays the measured data under
current indicator column one by one. Users may use ▲▼ keys
to view the former or latter record. Press „Edit‟ to edit the angle,
distance, coordinate, point name, code and target height.
Mention that the LS file cannot be viewed under the „Select file‟
page. Users can only „view‟[.LS] files by lining when staking
out roadways.

9.3.2 Import

There are two ways to import files:one is importing from

PC , another is importing from USB.
All files in the instrument are binary. To import data from
the external into instruments, users must import the files. The
import function supports transformation of ASCII code
coordinate files, code files and LS files into binary files.
The files are categorized by their suffixes.
Thus, please pay attention to the file types when importing
files, otherwise a failure in importing may occur. e.g when
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importing code files, users must select files with suffix „.COD‟
and import .COD files into PC machine.
Importing from PC
Press the "MENU" button to enter the menu screen, select
"Import file" option, enter the interface of file import, select the
"Import from PC" option, the window as shown below:

The only column that can be set is the Baud. The Baud
available are 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
with respect to the RS232C serial communication bus, being
set with soft keys „Fast‟ and „Slow‟. Usually, 115200 Baud is
adequate for importing.
File:Used to select a file for storage of the imported data.
After pressing „File‟, a box asking you to select file will appear
to the screen. Shift the indicator „>‟ to the wanted file and press
„ENT‟ to select. You may establish a new file if not finding
adequate file.
Import: Import data. The process of importing requires
assistance of the connected computer. First, the data must be
imported to the computer already, prepared for importing. Then
press softy key „Import‟ to import. After a success import, the
coordinates will appear at the bottom of the selected file while
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codes and defined line files will refresh all records

Import from USB
The form of imported file which from U disk must be a
text file and only it be saved in the "ts_prj \ import" directory of
the U disk , can it be identified. The format of the text file is
"PT, E, N, Z, CODE". each line of the data from text file ends
with "Enter+Linefeed " and the last line of the data must be
coupled with a " Enter+Linefeed ", or it will be missed in the
last line. AT the USB interface of instrument's ,you should
insert U disk and turn on the instrument. Press the "MENU"
button to enter the menu screen, select "File Import", enter the
file imported menu, select "Import from a USB ", enter the
importing function interface, which is shown below:

If the current coordinate file is saved in the flash memory

the instrument, the name of it is the "filename" by default. Press
the "From", and then press the "Select" to select ".txt "file
under the corresponding directory, which is desired to be
imported in the file list of U disk. For example, if we select the
file of 0712.txt,press the "File" button to choose file of
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coordinates which you want to import (there you can create a

new file) such as SVY.COO, then the interface is shown below:

Press the "Import " button, the coordinates data

in“0712.txt”will be imported to the SVY.COO file of Total
Station, then you can view the data in the menu of maintenance

9.3.3 Export

There are two ways to export the file: one is exporting to

PC, another is exporting to USB.
Export to PC
Press "MENU" to enter the menu screen, select "File
Export" to enter the file export screen, select "Export to PC"
option, the export window as shown below:

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The only files able to be exported are the measurement

files. See references of the soft keys in 9.3.2
The connected computer may be set ready to receive files
when exporting without special operations. The exported file
will be in the format of ASCII. See explanations for forms in
Appendix B.
2. Export to USB
AT the instrument's USB interface, Connect U disk and
power on. Press "MENU" button to enter the menu screen,
select " Export " to enter the menu of export file, select "Export
to USB " , the exporting window as shown below (the file
exported is defaulted to be measurement file , and you can

Select "File" button to choose the file you want to export,

and the file name exported is defaulted to be a text file which is
the same name of measurement file. Press the "Export" to
export the data of a measurement file to the U disk "ts_prj \
import" directory. The format of data exported is text ,it can be

processed by transfer software on the PC.


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9.3.4 Format disk

After entering „4.Format disk‟, a box of „Warning!

Formatting will lose data. Export data first.‟ will appear on the
screen. Press „ENT‟ to continue formatting, otherwise „ESC‟ to
After formatting, all record in the instrument will
disappear. Please pay special attention to it.

9.3.5 Information of disk

A box displaying the space available in unit KB of the

electrical disk in the instrument will appear on the screen when
entering „‟Information of disk”. Measurement data for ten
points approximately occupy 1KB.

9.3.6 Entering coordinates

See reference in 9.2.5
9.3.7 Update

1. Enter PIN code (82543) and press „ENT‟. The

instrument will shut down automatically.
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2. Connect the instrument to the computer through serial

port connector. Open the hyper terminal softwareand set up the
correct port. Then set „Bits per second‟ to 115200 and „Flow
control‟ to „None‟. Finally, when all operations above are done,
press „ENT‟ to update. Mention that the computer must be
installed with correct drivers.

3. Press key „On/Off‟ on the instrument. The page of

hyper terminal is as followed:
Note: Users must be specifically cautious when updating.
As soon as users choose to update, the instrument will enter
updating mode. If pressing key „3‟ under the page shown below,
the previous program may be resumed.

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4. Press key „1‟ on the instrument. The instrument enters

wait state for sending programs. After the state, click„Send
File…‟ on the computer.

5. Select the new version of total station software and

click „Send‟ on the computer.

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6. Then the computer displays the process of sending.

After finishing updating, please close the hyper terminal.
Before starting and operating the instrument, please first
unload the battery of it and then load it with battery again. The
instrument is successfully pdated now.

9.3.8 The instrument as a memory disc

Users may use Mini USB connector to connect the
instrument to PC machine. The USB port is below the SD card
port. Start the instrument after connection.
The total station is now recognized as a memory disc by
PC machine. After opening the instrument file on the PC
machine, users may view the files saved in the instrument on
the it. Also, users may copy files to the PC machine.
Disconnect the PC machine to operate the instrument normally.
Note: never delete or alter the two „.sys‟ files in the
instrument. Do not copy senseless files that have nothing to do
with total station measurements to the instrument.

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9.4 Programs
9.4.1 Remote height (REM)
REM is adequate for measuring target height when the
prism cannot be placed at the target point. Under REM mode,
users may place the prism on any point along the plumb line of
the target point to obtain target height.

There are two modes for REM measurement: „with TH‟

and „without TH‟. Users may select „with TH‟ mode when
altitude from ground to target is to be measured, otherwise
„without TH‟ when altitude from any reference point to target is
to be measured.
With TH:
1. Enter the instrument height and target height firstly.
2. Press „ENT‟ to enter „REM-Prism‟

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3.Aim at the prism and press soft key „Meas‟ to obtain the
horizontal distance of the target from the instrument. Press soft
key „Enter‟ to enter „REM-Ground to target‟

4.Then, turn the telescope up and down to aim at the target

point. The VD column displays the elevation difference from
the ground to the target point.
5. After measurement, users may choose from three opts:
„T.H‟ to alter the target height;
„Hdist‟ to re-measure horizontal distance;
„ESC‟ to quit REM measurement.
Choose in relation to demand.
Without TH

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1. The system goes to „REM-prism‟ page directly.

2.Aim at the prism and press soft key „Meas‟ to measure

the horizontal distance of the prism from the instrument. Press
soft key „Enter‟ to enter „REM-Base‟.

3. Aim at the reference point and press „Select‟ to enter


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4. Then turning the telescope up and down. The elevation

difference between the target and the reference point is
displayed in the VD column.
5. After the measurement, users may choose from three
„Set VA‟ to re-enter the „REM-Altitude‟ page.
„HDist‟ to re-measure the horizontal distance;
„ESC‟ to quit REM measurement;

9.4.2 MLM

Measure the horizontal distance (dHD), slope distance

(dSD), elevation difference (dVD) and azimuth angle (dHD)
between two target. You may also enter the coordinate or
transfer coordinate from files to calculate the value above out.
There are two modes of MLM:
1.MLM (A-B,A-C): measure A-B, A-C, A-D…. i.e the
starting point is the reference point of all the others.
2.MLM (A-B, B-C): measure A-B, B-C, C-D…. i.e the
previous point is the reference point of all the others.

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You may also have to choose „Considering Grid scale‟ or

to „Ignore Grid scale‟ before choosing measurement mode.
MLM (A-B, A-C)
1. Enter the „MLM(A-B,A-C)-Step 1‟ page

Vz: 69°12′13″
HR: 170°12′21
HD: 4.358
Meas T.H Coord Mode

2.You may measure the coordinate of the starting point out

by pressing soft key „Meas‟ under this page or you may enter its
coordinate manually, pressing soft key „Coord.‟
Press ‟ENT‟ to enter „MLM(A-B,A-C-Step 2)‟ page.
Please enter the target height before measurement.

Vz: 69°12′13″
HR: 210°58′15″
HD: 5.268 m
Meas T.H Coord Mode

3. Input coordinate following the process on „step-1‟ page.

Press „ENT‟ to enter „MLM(1-B,A-C)-Result‟ page.

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dSD: -3.852
dHD: -3.836 m
dVD: 0.344
HR: 90°30′35″
Next P

4. Display the result of MLM measurement. Press soft key

„Next P.‟ to continue MLM Measurement, repeating the „Step-2‟
and „Result‟ pages.
The measuring process under MLM(A-C,B-C) is all the
same as that of MLM(A-B,A-C). See reference above.

9.4.3 Polar Coord. Measurement

The Polar coordinate measurement helps users to export

polar coordinates (margin data). To operate it:
1. Enter „Polar Coord. Measurement‟ under Program page.
2. Enter the information of station. Mention that the
station name must be defined while code can be left blank.
Enter the target height and press „ENT‟ to save the settings and
enter „Setup BBS‟
3. Enter information of BBS. Mention that the BBS name

must be defined while code can be left blank. Enter the target
height and press „ENT‟ to continue.

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4. Following the prompt on the screen, aim at the BS. As

soon as pressing „ENT‟ to finish setting up station, the
instrument will undertake a measurement automatically.
Horizontal Angle is set 0 and one marginal datum is saved.
5. After setting up station, users may stimulate process in
surveying to survey polar coordinates.
See process of setting up station and BBS insurveying.
Note: If right-angle buzz is on currently, it will buzzes
constantly after orientation. Turning the instrument around
about the vertical axis to alter horizontal angle may close the
buzz. Also you may switch the right-angle buzz off.

9.4.4 Coord.Z

Use the measured coordinate of known point to calculate

the Z-coordinate of the station and reset the z-coordinate of the
The coordinates of known point can be transferred from
coordinate file or can be entered with keyboard. The operation
is as followed:
1. Prompt „Setup station‟ asks users if they want to setup
station. Press „ENT‟ to setup.

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2. Enter „Coord.Z-No.1‟ page

Code: m
[★] Select file
Input K.Pt Info M.Pt

To define Coord.Z-No.1, follow the process of defining

BBS. Press „ENT‟ to confirm and end the dialogue, entering
„Coord.Z-No.1‟ measurement page.

SD: m
Meas Mode Enter

3. Press soft key „Meas‟ to start measurement. After the

measurement, the „HR‟‟SD‟‟VD‟are displayed on the each
column. Press soft key „Enter‟ to accept the measurement. If
accepting, soft keys „Next‟ and „Calc‟ will appear on the screen.
Press „Next‟ to define and measure the second point
(Coord.Z-No.2), otherwise press „Calc‟ to enter
„Coord.Z-Result‟ page.

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BSA: 170°12′23″
Z: 1.234
dZ: 0.001

Then users may use „SetZ‟ to set the z coordinate of the

station. You may also use soft key „Set A‟ to set the BBS of the
instrument. Press „ESC‟ to quit coordinate measurement.

9.4.5 Area
This function is to help calculate the area of the plane
figure formed by measured and inputted coordinates out.
1. Enter „Survey(Area)‟ page

2.Press soft key „Input‟ to transfer coordinates from

coordinate file or enter the coordinates manually with keyboard,
otherwise press soft key „Meas‟ to measure the coordinates of
the target point. The coordinates are all listed in the screen and
the maximum number of points when Area Surveying is 20.
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The inputted and measured coordinate is inserted below

the indicator column, which determine the shape of the formed
3.The area enclosed is the connection of line from the
begin to the end (begin) one by one in order. Thus, the
instrument may not get the correct area of which has
intersection on the half way. You may press „★‟ key to check
the shape of the area.
4. At any time the number of points reaches 3, the
calculation is available and the soft key „Calc‟ appears on the
screen. Press „Calc‟ to display the area and circumference of
the enclosed shape. Press „ESC‟ to quit the area survey.
How to input coordinates:
Press soft key „Input‟ and enter „Point/Area‟ page


B.S m.Pt Known Enter

Press „F2‟ to list out all coordinates in the current

measurement file. Press „F3‟ to list out all coordinates in the
current coordinate file. The function explained above works in
all pages inputing NEZ coordinates.

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9.4.6 Projection

The function serves to measure the length (X), distance (Y)

and altitude difference (Z) the prism deviates from the baseline
origin and the baseline.
The preparation work before measurement is: setting up
instrument height, target height and defining the baseline.
Setup baseline: Press soft key „Meas‟ under page of
„Project(Begin)‟ to start measurement. After the measurement
of begin point, press soft key „Enter‟ to measure the end point,
following the steps of measuring begin. Finally, press soft key
„Enter‟ to end the defining of the baseline. Now you may start
Projection survey: Press soft key „Meas‟ under page of

„Survey(Projection)‟ to start measurement. After the

measurement, the deviated length(X), distance(Y) and altitude

difference(Z) are displayed on the screen.

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The soft key „T.H‟ serves to reset the target height. The
soft key „Mode‟ serves to switch between displaying „rN, rE, rZ‟
and displaying „SD, HD, VD‟ of the measured point from the
baseline projection point.

9.4.7 Roadway

See reference in 10. Roadway

9.5 Options


2.Type of feet
3.Mode of HA
4.Mode of VA
5.Mode of EDM
6.Min readout(Angle)

Take the „5.Mode of EDM‟ as an example:

EDM option
Track SetZ

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Use keys▲▼to move the indicator „>‟ up and down to the

wanted opt. Press soft key „Enter‟ to confirm your choice. The
instrument will display box of „saved‟ and the setting remains
even after shutting down. Afterwards, the default EDM mode
of the instrument will be that of your choice until next time you
change the setting.
All the other settings under Config menu are similar to
„Mode of EDM‟. Please refer to the explanation above.
Notes: the NEZ or ENZ displaying mode of coordinates
are in relation to the order of the exported coordinate only.
9.6 Calibrate &config


1.Calibrate I.E
2.Calibrate LILT
3.Add const
4. Mul. const

9.6.1 Adjusting index error(I.E)

To adjust index error, the system will first ask you to „Aim
at a target F1‟. Users may press „ENT‟ to confirm after aiming
and the instrument will measure its horizontal angle
automatically. The HA will be displayed for one second and the
system will ask you to „Aim at a target F2‟. Following the same
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steps, the instrument will then calculate the index error and
display it.
Now press „ENT‟ to save the index error (calibration
done), otherwise press „ESC‟ to quit (previous I.E remains).

9.6.2 Calibrate TILT

When calibrating tilt, please make sure that the tilt is off
and the index error is little.
First, Place the instrument as picture shown below with
collimator facing up. This will help screw C to adjust the
inclination of the instrument.

Enter the tilt calibration program:

VA: 90°00′00″
F1 Up 3’


1. After leveling the instrument, aim at the target F1 in th

collimator, record the current vertical angle as V0.

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2. Set the vertical angle to V0+3′with the help of the

vertical inching screw. Adjust the screw C to aim at the target
precisely. Press „ENT‟ to confirm after a stable readout appears.
3. Set the vertical angle to V0-3′with the help of the
vertical inching screw. Adjust the screw C to aim at the target
precisely and press „ENT‟ to confirm after a stable readout
4. Set the vertical angle to V0 with the help of vertical
inching screw. Adjust the screw C to aim at the target precisely.
5. Aim at the target F2 in the collimator and record the
current vertical angle as V1.
6. Set the vertical angle to V1-3′with the help of the
vertical inching screw. Adjust the screw C to aim at the target
precisely and press „ENT‟ to confirm after a stable readout
7. Set the vertical angle to V1+3′with the help of the
vertical inching screw. Adjust the screw C to aim at the target
precisely and press „ENT‟ to confirm after a stable readout
Tips: Don‟t worry if cannot remember the exact order of
steps. All the above will be displayed on the screen as small
prompts. e.g„F2 Up 3′‟.
The instrument will then calculate out and display the
correction constant and the difference between the
compensator axis and the vertical axis of the instrument. Press
„ENT‟ to save the new calculated parameters, otherwise press
„ESC‟ to quit and the previous correction constant remains.
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Notes: Co.k (linear coefficient) must be less than 1.5;

Co.Z (zero position) is normally between -20 and +20,
otherwise the compensator(tilt) must be adjusted mechanically.

9.6.3 Add const&Mul. Const

The addictive constant and the multiplying constant can

be adjusted after strict measurement. We suggest you to employ
professional and authenticated factories or units to measure and
set these constants.

9.6.4 Date and Time

Gird scale


B.S Clear Enter

The order of the entered figures is:
Date: „two last figures of year + XXXX(date)‟
Time: „XX(hour)+ XX(minute) + XX(second)‟
Press „Enter‟ to save.
Notice: a „0‟ to occupy a place for month or days with

single figures is required. e.g Second the March= 0203


9.7 Grid Factor

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1) Altitude factor= R/(R+Altitude)
R= average earth curvature radius
Altitude: The altitude above average sea level
2) Scale factor= The scale factor on the station
3) Grid scale factor = Altitude factor×Scale factor
Distance measuring:
1)Grid scale distance(HDg)= HD×Grid scale factor
HD= distance on the ground
2) Distance on the ground(HD)= HDg/Grid scale factor

Gird scale


B.S Clear Enter

Enter altitude in the „Altitude‟ column and press soft key
„Enter‟ to calculate the Grid scale factor as shown in the picture
above. Press „ENT‟ to save the Grid scale and end the dialogue
box. A box saying „Saved‟ will flash once.
Grid scale calculated being less than 0.99 or greater than
1.01 indicates that there must be an error or errors in entering
altitude or scale or both. The calculated Grid scale cannot be
accepted by the system and users must re-enter the factors. Quit
with key „ESC‟, the new Grid scale will not be saved.
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9.8 USART option

RS232C means that when two-way communication, the
system will export and import through the RS232C port.
Bluetooth means that when two-way communication, the
system will export and import via blue tooth.

9.9 Selecting disc

FLASH means that the working files and coordinate files
will be saved into the internal storage.
SD means that the working files and coordinate files will
be saved onto the SD card
USB means that the working files and coordinate files will
be saved onto USB memory disc.
After choosing a disc, the following measurement data
and coordinate data etc. will be saved onto the selected disc
After changing the storing disc, the system will ask you to
re-select files. How to select file→

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10. Roadway

To open roadway program, follows „Menu→4.Prog.→7.

Roadway function is divided into two parts: Design
Roadway and Stake-out Roadway. Users may stake out
designed points according to the mileage and deviation of the
Designed Roadway. You may practice with roadway function
with the assistance of Appendix A.
The menu of roadway is as followed:


1.Open Shape
4.Resume H curve
5.Resume V curve
6.Stake out(road)

If you have already imported LS files into the instrument

from the external, then you may open the [.LS] file through
„1.Open Shape file‟. Users may choose from three opts after
opening the LS file: „Stake-out roadway‟, „Resume H curve‟ or
„Resume V curve‟.

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10.1 Inputting Roadway

Roadway design requires input of horizontal lining and
vertical lining. The input will be saved to LS files. The
maximum number for elements is 21 in each file and the
number of intersection cannot be greater than 7.

10.1.1 Horizontal lining

An input for roadway design.

The element method
Enter through „Re-Define (H)‟ and „Resume H curve‟
under Roadway menu.
Enter „Define (H)‟ box:


Line Circle Spiral I.P

If the first time you select „I.P‟ (input via intersection

point), then the method to input will be I.P afterwards. The first
point inputted is „Define (H)- Begin‟. Press „ENT‟ to confirm
and end the input box of „Begin‟ point. If users have not entered
anything, there will be no response from the instrument. Users
may also quit „Define (H)‟ by pressing „ESC‟.

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B.S Clear Enter

You may then define horizontal lining with „Line‟, „Circle‟

or „Spiral‟ alternately.
Note: Do not define the length as „0--0‟, which serves for
ending lining.
Input „line‟:


B.S Clear Enter

Input „Circle‟:


B.S Clear Enter


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The input of Radius can be negative. The positive

direction is the right direction along the designed roadway, and
the left is negative. The length refers to Arc length.

Input „Spiral‟


B.S Clear Enter

The radius and length here is the same as those in „Define

(H)- Circle‟ above.
After defining Line, Circle or Spiral, press „ENT‟ to
accept the input and end the dialogue. The system goes back to
„Defin (H)‟ page. If you want to check or end the inputting now,
press „ENT‟.The system will goes to „List of H curve‟

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List of curve
01st: 7.000
02st: 7.000
02st: 10118.000

Save View Add

Now press soft key „save‟ to save and quit the box.
If choosing to „view‟, the system lists out the information
of the inputted element. e.g.

Radius: 255.000
Length: 100.000

Edit PgUp PgOn

If you found errors here, you may „Edit‟ it now. Check

other elements one by one with keys „PgUp‟ and „PgDn‟.
Press „Add‟ to continue the input of Horizontal lining.
The Intersection method
After choosing „I.P‟ and finishing inputting „Define
(H)-Begin‟, press „ENT‟ to enter the page of inputting
intersection as followed:

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N: (Pt.1)

B.S Clear Enter

The column „Pt.1‟ is in relation to your inputted

intersection number.

The system will not accept negative Para. A1, Para. A2

nor Radius R. If inputting the radius, then the system will insert
arc with defined radius in between the former point and the
next point. If inputting parameters A1 and A2 of the spiral, then
the system will insert defined spiral in between the line and the
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[Notes*]: When inputting A1 and A2 according to the

length of the spiral L1 and L2, the formulae to calculate A1 and
A2 are as followed:

Press „ENT‟ to input the next intersection now. If N, E
coordinates and radius are not entered at all, there will be no
response from the instrument. If inputting is done, press „ESC‟
to quit the dialogue. The system will then goes to „List of H
Now press „Save‟ to save the information of lines into
[.LS] files.
Press „View‟ to check the inputted data and edit them.
Press „Add‟ to go back to the „Define (H)‟ page to
continue define horizontal lining. Repeat the steps above until
the inputting are finished. Go back to Roadway Menu
If users want to continue inputting, choose „4. Resume H
curve‟ under the roadway menu.

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10.1.2 Vertical Lining

Vertical lining is formed by a group of intersection points.

The intersection points possess mileage, altitude and curve
length. The curve length of beginning and ending point of
Vertical lining must be 0. The number of intersection points of
vertical lining can be 12 maximum.

Choose„Re-define (V)‟ to enter box of „Define(V)-Begin‟:


B.S Clear Enter


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Enter the mileage, altitude and length one by one and

press „ESC‟ to end the input and go to „List of V curve‟. The
uses of „Save‟, „View‟ and „Edit‟→
You may continue inputting V curve through „5.Resume V
After finishing defining H and V curve, the last input will
be saved in the buffer storage cache and will be erased when
shutting the instrument down. The data should and can be used
to staking out roadway immediately if needed.

10.2 Staking outRoadway

The inputted or imported LS files are to be employed in
staking road way. When staking out roadway, you may select
the desired file any time in relation to demand so that staking
out roadway with any mileage can be done easily.
Therefore, users may not be worried about the capacity of
20 lining [.LS] files and 12 vertical lining because you may
diveda roadway with any mileage into several pieces and save
them into several sub [.LS] files.
The terms of staking out roadway:

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The steps for staking out road way is as followed:

1. Select [.LS] files for stake-out
2. Setup station
3. Setup BBS
4. Inputting Roadway parameters, including mileage of
begin (start mileage), space between, left and right deviation
(Left/Right dist) and left and right altitude difference
(Left/Right dV)
5. Then select center, left and right mileage to stake out.
6. Users may choose „Dist‟—polar coordinates or
„coord.‟to stake out.
10.2.1 Selecting Roadway File
There are two routes to select roadway file ([.LS] file)
1) Menu→4.Program→7.Roadway→1.Open shape file
2) Menu→4.Program→7.Roadway→6.Stake out
(road)→1.Select file.
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Both ways above lead to page of „select file‟. Shift

indicator > down to the opt „File (.LH)‟ and press soft key
„Enter‟. The system will list out the available [.LS] files. After
selecting file, press „ENT‟ to load the buffer storage cache with
the selected [.LS] file. If users have already open the shape file
successfully and the page of „Select file‟remains, then press
„ESC‟ to end the dialogue. If not, then repeat the steps above
until the a file is selected and opened.
10.2.2 Setting stations and BBS (back-sight points)
See reference in setup BBS and setup station.

10.2.3 Staking outRoadway

Before staking out Roadway, please first enter the
parameters required for staking out. e.g starting mileage, space
between, left distance, right distance, left dV and right dV.
Press „ENT‟ to enter „Roadway- Center‟ page. The soft key
functions under this page are as followed:
ey Explanation
1 Setup any mileage and target height
3 calculate the coordinate of the staked out point first
▲ Current mileage minus space to obtain new mileage
▼ Current mileage plus space to obtain new mileage
◀ Switch between
▶ Switch between
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Press „Stake‟ under this page:

Record Enter

Point name indicates the mileage of the selected stake.

The system accepts maximum 8 characters of the point name.
You may now press „Record‟ to save the point to be staked out
to the current coordinate file, otherwise, press „ENT‟ to display
the azimuth angle and horizontal distance of it.


Dist Coord

You may now press „Dist‟ to stake out polar coordinate or

„Coord.‟to stake out coordinates. See reference in 9.4.3 Polar
Coord. Measurement and 9.2.1 Stake out. Press „ESC‟ under all
pages above to go back to „Roadway-Center/right/left‟ page.

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11. Adjustments and Corrections

The ZTS -320(R) total station are all calibrated and

checked before entering the market. However, it is inevitable
that long distance transportation or environmental change alter
the parameters of the optical components. Thus, for concerns of
precision, please check and calibrate your instrument before
any measurement.

11.1 Tubular Level

See reference in using tubular level to level the instrument
1. If finding the bubble of the tubular level is deviate away
from the center, adjust the bubble with the screws being parallel
to the tube. Stop adjustment when half of the deviation is
calibrated. The rest should be adjusted by screwing the level
correction screw with a correction needle. The expected
position of the bubble should be in the middle of the tube.
2. Turn the instrument around by 180°to check if the
bubble is centralized. If not, repeat process in 1.
3. Turn the instrument around by 90°and centralize the

bubble with the third leveling screw.

4. Repeat checking and adjusting until the bubble remains

in the in center at any position.

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11.2 Circular Level

If the bubble of the circular level is centralized after
adjusting the tubular level, then it is not necessary to adjust the
circular one again.
If the bubble is not centralized, adjust the correction
screws under the bubble with a correction needle or a hexagon
spanner until it is centralized. When calibration, please first
screw off the 1 or 2 screws opposite to the direction which the
bubble shifts to. Then screw up the correction screws at which
bubble shifts to centralize the bubble. As the bubble is
centralized, the three correction screw should be the same tight.

11.3 Reticule of the telescope

1. Aim at a target A from the telescope after leveling the
instrument with the help of the cross wire on the reticule. Lock
the instrument with vertical and horizontal locking screw after
aiming at A.
2. Shift the image of A to the margin of the reticule with
the help of vertical inching screw.
3. If the image of A shifts all the way down to the margin
along the wire, then there is no need to calibrate the cross wire

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(as shown on the left below), otherwise a calibration is

necessary (as shown on the right below).

1. Unload the reticule cover between the eyepiece and the
focusing knob. Now you see three fixing screws of the reticule
2. Screw off three fixing screws (see picture below)
uniformly with a screwdriver. Rotate the reticule about the
collimation axis to shift image of A‟ onto the vertical wire
3. Screw up the fixing screws uniformly and check
precision with methods above.
4. Cover the reticule.

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11.4 Perpendicularity of Collimation axis and Cross axis (2C)

1. Set target A to be about 100 meters away from the
instrument and set the vertical angle of the target to be within
±3°. Level the instrument precisely and turn on the
2. Aim at the target A and readout the left horizontal angle.
e.g. HA L=10°13′10″
3. Screw off the vertical and horizontal locking screw and
turn around the telescope to aim at the same target A. When
aiming at it precisely, lock the vertical and horizontal locking
screw to read out the right angle. e.g. HA R=190°13′40″
4. 2C=L-(R±180°)=-30″≥±20″, then the instrument need
to be calibrated.
1. Turn the instrument to the correct horizontal angle
which eliminates C with the help of horizontal inching screw:
2. Unload the reticule cover in between the eyepiece and
the coarse focusing knob. Adjust the two horizontal cross wire
correction screw on the left and right by screwing off one then
screwing up the other. Shift the reticule to aim at the target A
with the cross wire center.
3. Repeat the steps above until the absolute value of 2C is
less than 10″(|2C|<10″)
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4. Screw up the correction screw and cover the reticule.

Note: Mention that users have to check the depth of

parallelism between Collimation axis Electro-optic Emission

11.5 Tilt compensator

1. After placing and leveling the instrument, align laser
beams and the line of connection between the instrument center
and any leveling screw on the bottom of the instrument. Then
screw up the horizontal locking screw, named X.
2. Set 0 for the vertical angle and screw up the vertical
locking screw. The instrument displays the current vertical
angle the telescope laser aims at.
3. Screw the leveling screw towards one direction for
circumferential distance around 10mm, the vertical angle
displayed will disappear through the process and „Tilt over!‟
appears to the column. It indicates that the inclination of the
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instrument is over 3′, which is over the range the instrument

was designed to compensate. Screw the leveling screw back
towards the opposite direction, the vertical angle re-appears on
the screen. It shows that the tilt works well now. Users may
observe the change of the readout about the critical point.
When finding the tilt compensator abnormal, please send
the instrument back to factories for servicing.

11.6 Vertical index error (angle i) and set vertical index 0

Please first adjust finely the reticule of the telescope and

the tilt compensator before calibrating and checking index
1. Turn on the instrument after placing and leveling it.
Aim at any clear target A with the telescope and readout the left
vertical angle L.
2. Turn the telescope around and aim at the same target A
and readout the right vertical angle R.
3. Assume that the zenith of the vertical angle is 0°, then
angle i= (L+R-180°)/2 OR
Angle i= (L+R-540°)/2
4. If the absolute value of I is greater or equal to

10″(|i|≥10″), it will be necessary to set 0 for the vertical index.

5. The following steps see reference in 9.6.1.

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Note: 1. Repeat the checking process to re-measure the

index error (angle i). If the index error still does not
requirement, a checking of the three steps of calibration ofset 0
for index is to be undertaken. It is highly possible that errors are
made in the three steps.e.gwhther it was precise when aiming at
the target. Mention that the vertical angle when setting 0 for
index is not compensated or calibrated, which acts as a
reference for setting without other measurement uses.
6. If the index error does not meet requirements at all,
users may have to send the instrument back to factories for

11.7 Centering device

1. Place the instrument onto the tripod and draw a cross on
a sheet of clean paper. Place the paper with a cross on the
ground right below the instrument.
2. Open the laser plumb by using star key (★). Shift the
paper to make the intersection of the cross being exactly aimed
at by the laser.
3. Turn the leveling screw to make the center (labeled by a
symbol) of the centering device coincides with the intersection
of the cross.
4. Turn around the aiming component. For every 90°it is
turned, observe how the extent the center of the centering
device coincides with the intersection of the cross.
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1. Unload the cover of the laser plumb and adjust the three
correction screw with 1# hexagon spanner to adjust the three
screw. Obey the rule to screw off one side and screw up the
other. Finally adjust the laser plumb spot to point 0 (origin).
2. Cover the laser plumb.

11.8 Addictive constant(K)

The addictive constant is checked and adjusted before the

instrument enters the market. The constant is normally set to
be 0. The instrument constant seldom changes, though we still
suggest you to check it once or twice a year. You may check it
on standard baseline or you may fast check it as followed:
1. Select a plane field to place the instrument and level it.
Precisely mark point A, B and C with inner spaces about 50
meters on the same line with vertical wires. Place reflector
prism on each point with precise certering.
2. After setting the temperature and atmospheric pressure
of the instrument, measure the horizontal distance of A B and
3. Place the instrument onto point B then centering to
measure the horizontal distance of BC precisely.
4. Obtain the Distance measurement constant of the
instrument: K= AC-(AB+BC)

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K should approach to 0. If the absolute value of K is

greater than 5 mm, then users may have to set the instrument in
a standardized baseline field for strict measurement.
If proving that the constant K changes and does not
approach to 0 after a strict checking, then adjust the constant by
setting the addictive constant as a integrated constant K. e.g the
measured new K is -5 and the former instrument constant is -20,
then the new value to be set should be -20-(-5)=-15; input value
-15 into „Menu→6.calibration→3.Add const‟.
Users should orient with the vertical wire of the
instrument to align A, B and C strictly. A fixed clear centering
symbol should be on point B on the ground.
To make sure that if the center of prism B at point B
coincides with the instrument center exactly is an essential
concern of precision. Therefore, please set up tripod and
pedestal that can be employed by both (prism B and
instrument). e.g. when exchanging three-point prism connector
and pedestal, the pedestal and the three-point can remain at the
origin. The only exchanged parts are prism and instrument,
both being above the pedestal, so that the error can be

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11.9 Depth of parallelism between Collimation axis

Electro-optic Emission axis

1. Place a reflector prism 50 meters away from the
2. Aim at the reflector prism center precisely with the
cross wire of the telescope
3. Observe the maximum signal through
starkey(★)→Para.→Signal, and find the center of the
electro-optic emission axis.
4. Check if the cross wire coincides with the telescope
center. If they approximately coincide, then it is generally
considered tolerable.
If the cross wire deviates a lot from the Electro-optic
emission axis, users may have to send the instrument to
authenticated factory or units for servicing.

11.10 No-prism ranging

The red laser beam sharing the same axis of the telescope
is emitted by the telescope. If the instrument is finely calibrated,
the red laser beam should coincide with the collimation axis. If
external factors e.g vibration, drastic temperature change, may
deviate the laser beam so that it does not coincide with our sight
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Please first check the coaxality of the laser beam that if the
laser beams deviates, otherwise the measurement can be
Do not look into laser beams directly! Do not aim at others
with laser beams!
Face the grey side of the provided reflector to the
instrument, being about 5 and 20 meters away. Turn on the laser
and aim at the reflector with the cross wire center. Check the
position of the red laser spot. Generally, the telescope is
equipped with special filter so that cannot exactly see the spot
but can see the extent of deviation between the spot and the
cross wire center above the telescope or from the side of the
reflector. If the laser spot center coincides with the cross wire
center, then the precision is now ensured. If the deviation is
over the range, please send the instrument to authenticated
units for servicing.
If the reflector is too bright under the illumination of laser
beams, the grey side can be replaced by the white side.

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12. Technical parameters

Serial ZTS-320(R)
Anglemeasuring (Hz, V)
Theory used Absolute code disk
Min angle readout 1″
Precision 2″
Magnification 30x
Field angle 1°30′
Min sight distance 1.5m
Cross wire Lighting
Tilt compensator
Integrated liquid
single-axis compensator
Working range ±3′
Set precision 1″
Distance measuring (IR)
Ranging with single
prism under 2000m/2500m
fine/middling pressure
Ranging with reflector 800m
Precision (precise,
coarse measurement; 2mm±2ppm
Measuring time (single/ 2.4s/ 1s/ 0.6s
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No-prism distance measuring
Ranging with white target 350m (short distance no
plate prism measurement)
Ranging with single prism >7500m
Precision (short
Measuring time (short
2~6 s
Memory capacity 20000 points
Port Standard RS232 serial port
Data format ASCII
Operating system RTS
Image: 192x96 pixel;
Display screen Character: 6 lines x 25
characters; LCD
Double-sided numeric
Laser Plumb
Type Stepper brilliance control
1mm (instrument height:
Environment conditions
Working temperature -20℃~+50℃
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Storing temperature -40℃~+70℃

Water proof & dust proof
(according to standard IP54
Include battery and pedestal 5.5kg
Type High-energy lithium battery
Voltage/ capacitance 7.4 V; 3000 mAh
16 hours (under 25 ℃ with
a fully charged battery,
measuring once for every thirty
Working duration
Constant angle measuring
Number of measurements About 12000

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Appendix A: Explanation of file formats

Explanation of formats of files:
STA ST001, 1.2050, AD
XYZ 100.0000, 100.0000, 10.0000
SS BS001, 1.8000, BA
NEZ 200.0000, 200.0000, 10.0000
SC A1, 1.8000, CODE1
NEZ 104.6625, 99.5679, 10.2148
SD A2, 1.8000, CODE1
HVD 1276939, 288678, 4.7510
SA A3, 1.8000, CODE1
HV 1276942, 288678
Every record consists of two lines:
1st line records the record type, point name, target height,
e.g. STA = station point
SS = BBS (back-sight point)
SC = coordinate data
SD = distance measured
SA = angle measured
2nd line records the data type and the data record
e.g. NEZ = the following figures are coordinates
ENZ = the following figures are coordinates
HVD = the following figures are horizontal angle, vertical
angle and slope correspondingly
HV = the following figures are horizontal angle and
vertical angle correspondingly
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Appendix B Explanation of Protocol command

Another device can operate Total station through RS232

or Bluetooth using the commands as follow:
"\006006",0-- command correct response
"\021021",1-- command incorrect response
"C067\003",2-- measure and return the data
"N078\003",3-- stop measuring
"ZA0043\003",4—direct to close
"ZA1067\003",5-- direct to open
"Z31088\003",10—SD track
"Z32091\003",11--SD loose measurement
"Z33090\003",12—SD repeat loose measurement
"Z34093\003",13—SD accurate measurement
"Z35092\003",14—SD repeat accurate measurement
"Z41095\003",15--HD tracking measurement
"Z42092\003",16--HD loose measurement
"Z43093\003",17--HD repeat loose measurement
"Z44090\003",18—HD accurate measurement
"Z45091\003",19—HD repeat accurate measurement

"Z51094\003",20—VD tracking measurement

"Z52093\003",21—VD loose measurement

"Z53092\003",22—VD repeat loose measurement

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"Z54091\003",23—VD accurate measurement

"Z55090\003",24—VD repeat accurate measurement
"Z61093\003",25—NE tracking measurement
"Z62094\003",26—NE loose measurement
"Z63095\003",27—NE repeat loose measurement
"Z64088\003",28—NE accurate measurement
"Z65089\003",29—NE repeat accurate measurement
"Z71092\003",30—NE tracking measurement
"Z72095\003",31—NE loose measurement
"Z73094\003",32—NE repeat loose measurement
"Z74089\003",33—NE accurate measurement
"Z75088\003",34—NE repeat accurate measurement
"Z81083\003",35—Z tracking measurement
"Z82080\003",36—Z loose measurement
"Z83081\003",37—Z repeat loose measurement
"Z84086\003",38—Z accurate measurement
"Z85087\003",39—Z repeat accurate measurement

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Appendix C Explanation of format data

Total station will transmit measured data to extern device

after receiving commands from the extern device.
1) SD mode (ID: 3FH)

ID : „?‟ indicates slope distance (ASCII 3FH)

SD : Slope distance 1178.481m (+/-, 8 digits)
m/f : meter/feet
V : Vertical angle 85'20'30" (7 digits)
H : Horizontal angle 120'30'40"(+/-)
d/g/m : degree/grad/mil (usually „d‟)
HD : Horizontal distance1174.572m (+/-, 8
t/* : Tilt correction -- t: yes, *: no
L : EDM return signal level 15 (2 digits)
P : Don‟t care
0 : Don‟t care
BCC : Block check character 099 (3 digits)
ETX : 03H to show the end of text
CR : The optional ASCII character (0DH)
LF : The optional ASCII character (OAH)
2) V or H angle mode (ID: 3CH)

TILT : Tilt correction (usually 0)

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3) N or E or Z coordinates mode

N : N (X) coordinate -596.337m 8 digits)

E : E (Y) coordinate +1011.930m 8 digits)
Z : Z coordinate +95.802m (+/-, 8 digits)


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