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SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ENCLOGED 0 nor DESTROY PARTS ‘This manual contains important safety Information and should be mate aio pon vo ope or maa th produc Cay ead thr man ree fo oe pete anaes seal LIST PRECAUCIONES De SEGUINIDAD — no besraun ste manual contene Informackén importante y debe estar al alcance de todo el personal que opera y/o mantene este producto Lenculdadosamente ete manual anes de ntentar opearoefectar ‘ualquer mantenimiento 2 este producto, ral 8 e “~*~ Indiistriat’ Vacuum Pumps INGERSOLL-RAND. AIR COMPRESSORS Form SCD-304B Refer all communications to the nearest Ingesol-Rand Ful Service Distributor. April 1995 Para cualguer consulta, contate a su Disuibuto Ingersoll Rand més cercano.INGERSOLL RAND COMPANY APPROVED PARYS LIST WAY CREATE JUNSAFE CONDITIONS OR MECHANICAL FAILURES OVER WHICH INGERSOLL-RAND COMPANY HAS NO CONTROL. INGERGOLL-RAND [COMPANY SHALL BEAR NO RESPONSIBILTY FOR EGUIPMENT ON WHICH, NOWAPPROVED REPAIRS PARTS ARE INSTALLED. The menace eserves rho ake changes aed improves wtbout abe and whol wearing any gan rhe 9a) changes Fad 8a erovemerts te proauct prvousy e EX Uista oe PaRTES APROGAGA OF INGERSGLL-RAND PUEDE CREAR [CouDiciones INSEGUAKG O FALLAS MECANICAS SOBRES LAS CUALES INGERSOLL RAND NO TIENE CONTROL POR LO TANTO INGERSOLL-RAND NOPUEDE Set RESPONSABLE POR EGUIPOS EN (OS QUE SE HANUSADO PARTES NO APROBADAS EL atcarte ge reson ol ceraco = hacer cantioe 0 aon! meat i Feta y sin ene Cobgecin Sehacs ches carbon © acer et rere prouace vnacoe prevarnente ‘GLOSSARY Soup Assembly Part ist Baa tant eae epee, whe aptcain Each meaty ren ‘oun io subanemes an al pra wich ae rtd win alee) eons ‘Sc DescarioN cate ements he vetonsnp tener Sem): ‘Assembsen sn Data Pars + htacing Pars for Asso and eta Pate 1+ Suasasembies “he elrnca ruber is the rubs asin othe part he ig. The etree ‘mubarconerpnie fhe tam on ine eaocaed etaton Whee appease fawn atrevaions mht appear tbe coker: Ne Netra, REF Refer On fro he fou and pag tad ne aon ‘Atrunons ltd ue coum are NGERSOLLRANO part bes ar mit be {pectin re repre pars. The own seer oper NA Net Appeal, Tis abrovitonindestes tems whi arent used on Partedar mods o packages. NSS Not Sol Sapartly. Thete tars mut be creed under he nx shor rth rane weap . hie Natal carts, sets). Purchase dcty for Sarit NREL RAS Ae Creo Fe Snes Bake "Pat Nurbar Ves. Spey the compressor bare sped and completa Fates ia wen ater Deserpton Column ‘Th eso cote scat ie tom by Sanders nae flowed ny moar The ‘tere erly spenn Saranac (a. marten, capac ne eg {Sol tae prior newton or inion one corpse Ras nee Be ‘Sevcpen wen orn replacement parts os ‘Quanty Per Assembly Column ‘Stee ea ear efa tenure wedhibw reer sna nd ‘remot necessary teal Gry ote pu ined vt corps Pakage Spe ‘3e Cobre aunty wren asanng malcer! parte econmanded Spares Column ‘Ghats ated ns eo eect th nur of ach Hen hich We econ [etept on and fr ratoanceorepat (LASS 1 MINIMUM. Recommended quantity for Domestlc Service where ‘rarupns Svs arent pear GLASS2 AVERAGE. Recommended quanity for Domestic Sevce where ‘loruptne soso of ena are ta aoconsbs (CLASS 3 MAXIMUM. Recormendos quart fo Intnal or Danese Seon there terapone sav aren scene Sap eves avai oro. moda Thee it ae eget [owe ale he pas you wi eat sport rine maricnancs a epa tasks ‘tater arate Sep Saver Ke selena nha Pa it marl wich ee {outcapresot We cretng Sep Saver Rs etefoow he aicions st blow tor erer elacorert pars. ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS. 1 pce ea oe Da nt rar er pa open mnie ough our (eS NGEASOLLRAND Ar Cone er Ful Sree Darinwar orate Broce ot Dirauersneuces wm you smear tee dab our aes ‘When ordeigresacarert paso Sip Save Ks, lease spent 1. The MODEL and SERAL NUMBER as stamped on he conoessornanepas, COEARS Lista de Partes de Connon de Ensemble LEepste arta ets onsecsence dare an donde pata, aan ‘dsumariea con aude ako ened enews cls ica puna each {Gh Porejanpo ona etme de ESCRIPCION Ensaio y paris detest 1 Parts paraencarbiesy arts tata + raves onatacas pre sun-nsamaes et Coanna deems Erruere de ames! asgnado ala pron listo. Este ner elem etica Sfetesinafect rose Laan oan psc onese REF Paralareteenca, Refer pigs estas propia Colamna de Numero ge Parte ‘Todor rer son nimercs do pare NGERSOLL-RANO tos cud ten ser [ipetcads unos deen le fepueso. Las abrevaites gute poutan Spore enestacounna Na Sign qv pre apa eran ce NSS aan utp rose ede por spuao preeminence os Materiales Consumibies (lubricates, adhesivo, etc) Suan ceceoniNGERSOL RN De Saco EI Nore ce Pare Vari. Especique ee dae comple de composer Columns de Oescipcion Este coma de deserpién conlone el nombre del ariculo esandsr con Iodecaae Lean couric sine wear us eset Exjriosopeiee dweonpace (in cancace ress clurna on ol nao de pare unde por ‘ae rsamblsuporor no nacasarent en ra tl epare e moseo Signal Expect card Gosenda Gade pares renter Co eermpiss Come salecconarRepuerios Recomenados ‘Ets oauige sunken un Hain pat que oat incidence una ots squares cases de repuesosrecrerdsdos. CLASE' MINIMA Superisa para uso doméatio donde intrpcioes on ‘etna del serve Son porters, CUSE2 PROMEDIO. Sugerida pare servla domestica, onde alaunas irerpooves esr al seve on cetaes CLASES MAXIMA, Suga pra expr 0 pra seve domtizo donde IMemupeen era soni sono Conjntos de Parts bona ganopenora, ‘sani conta repara trea. nila e onhuneadpentes oe Pye [hills do partes ue te con compro! Cuando ab Sone repute ‘eoomendados'e ls patos, nga proceamien seasta Pe pares Sl ‘nro INSTRUCCIONES DE ORDEN DE COMPRA “Todas ns pas camaro orale fe Pas poste ceape onder ‘marta Ss Ar Care Dabo Se Senne INGERSOLL AND. Corsa rec de Sete navyeen a conga pr ew oer os (Guado se ercenen epson, por favor espociue: 1) EINGDELO y NUMERO DE SERIE come ex impres ene plch dl compresor 2, SINUMERO Ds FORMATO bet ae pone 3 La cavonS DESCRICIONy NUMERO DE PARTE eters coro ie EXAMPLE EJEMPLO [Send the cllowing parts for model moa. Envi las siguientes partes para un modelo Serial Number Tom /Namero de Serie Literature Form Number ScDa78A INtimero de formato de a iteratura [.Switay Prensure-NEMA 1 rosso fy teterruptor, Peas |2 Hloment Filter soos [2 Elemento, Fitro [1_Gauge, Pressure soi3e7_ [1 ManémetroFIGURE 1. 20V AND 20VT TUBING ARRANGEMENT. PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION oNtrs ASSY. SPARES, 32060342 95031860 32187554 31169659 95069316 95252409 32066334 95110441 95031860 95252409 DETAIL AA 20V TUBING ARRANGEMENT ASSEMBLY, BREATHER TUBE - 20V ELBOW, TUBE - 1/8" CONNECTOR, TUBE - 5/16x1/4" COCK, AIR ELBOW, STREET - 1/4 PLUG, PIPE HEX HEAD - 1/4" DETAIL BB 20VT TUBING ARRANGEMENT ASSEMBLY, BREATHER TUBE - 20VT ELBOW, TUBE - 1/4" ELBOW, TUBE - 1/6" PLUG, PIPE HEX HEAD - 1/4"FIGURE 2. 20V & 20VT BARE COMPRESSOR. (See page 6 for list of parts in this illustration) 5Rer.[ part UNITS |_spares NBR, | NUMBER DESCRIPTION assy a [2 [3 2-1 | 30294235 | GASKET, FLANGE 3 s]s)6 2.2 | 32048286 | GUIDE - CROSSHEAD a 2-3 | 95053575 | CAPSCREW- HEX 1/2-13x1-1/4" 12 2-4 | 32175556 | CAPSCREW- SERRATED WASHER HEAD 3/8-16x1~ 8 26 | 30290712] GASKET, GUIDE 3 |3fale 2-6 | 32011298 | PISTON, AIR - COMPLETE - 7 INCH 3 2-7 | 30288450 | « RING, Lock 2 2-8 | 95033585 | PLUG, PIPE - SOLID SQUARE HEAD 1/8" 2 2-9 | 32045304 | CYLINDER, AIR - 7” DIA. 3 2-10| 32212870 | ser, RING 3 [slate 2-41 | 30220085 | CHANNEL VALVE COMPLETE WITH GASKETS 3 3a}s (SEE FIGURE 6 FOR BREAKDOWN) 2-12| 37130218 | AIRHEAD 3 2-13 | 06054276 | CAPSCREW- HEX 5/81 4x5-1/2° 18 2-14] 31515471 | NUT, ACORN - 6/16-18 9 2-15 | 30845219 | WASHER, FLAT - 5/16" 8 IF PISTON RING REPLACEMENT IS DESIRED, WE RECOMMEND. ‘AN ECONOMICAL RING/GASKET KIT. SEE PAGE 12FIGURE 3. 20V & 20VT VACUUM PUMP FRAME ASSEMBLY. (See page 8 for list of parts in this illustration) 7REF. | PART UNITS | SPARES DESCRIPTION NBR. | NUMBER assy + [2a 3-1 | 95944661 | PLUG, PIPE.- HEX HEAD 1/2" 1 3-2 | 32170038 | PLUG, PIPE - SQUARE HEAD 1/4" 1 3:3 | 32179020 | PLUG, PIPE - SQUARE COUNTERSUNK 1/2" 1 3-4 | 30221311 | PLUG, FRAME END COVER - PILOT VALVE 1 3-5 | s0346507 | WASHER, COPPER - 7/8" 1 a]a 3:6 | 82000685 | DECAL, HAND TIGHTEN 1 3-1 | 30280003 | PLUG, O1L FILLER - COMPLETE 1 3-8 | 95022188 | + O-RING a fatale 3: | 95251013 | CAPSCREW - HEX 9/8-16x7/6" 8 3-to | 32007288 | COVER, FRAME END 1 3-11 | sussuzue | GASKET, FRAME END COVER a datale 3-12 | 30287668 | NUT - HEX 2/4-16 1 3-13 | 95268690 | LOCKWASHER, SPRING - 2/4" 1 3-14 | 32177180 | WHEEL, v-BELT 1 ais | es083721 | Kev, WOODRUFF 1 3.16 | 90790260 | LockwiRE 1 3.17 | 95101020 | CAPSCREW - HEX 2/8-16x1" 2 3-18 | 30210348 | CAP, CRANKPIN 1 3:19 | 32009659 | ROD, CONNECTING 2 z|a 3-20 | 32003842 | ROD, CONNECTING 1 1] 2 3-21 | 95261013 | CAPSCREW - HEX 2/8-16x7/8" 4 3-22 | 97128071 | COVER, SHAFT END 1 3-23 | 32200596 | SEAL, Oil - SHAFT END 1 fz 3-24 | 30204961 | GASKET, SHAFT END COVER a fatale 3-25 | 32145013 | ASSEMBLY, CRANKSHAFT (INCLUDES BUSHING 37002363) | + 3-26 | 32270621 | FRAME, VACUUM PUMP 1 3.27 | 95311650 | CAPSCREW- HEX 1/4-20x1/2 2 3-28 | 95043196 | LOCKWASHER, SPRING - 1/4 2 3:29 | 32270802 | BAFFLE, LOW OIL LEVEL SWITCH 7 3-30 | 32276313 | SWITCH, LOW OIL LEVEL - NEMA 1 1 IF BEARING AND CONNECTING ROD REPLACEMENT IS DESIRED, WE RECOMMEND A BEARING/CONNECTING ROD KIT. SEE PAGE 12.GENERAL INFORMATION. This manual contains an illustrated list and description of the parts required to maintain and repair ‘your unit. Also included is a list of Step Saver Kits Which are designed for routine maintenance and repair tasks. DESCRIPTION. ‘The parts list contains a breakdown of the unit into assemblies, subassemblies and detail parts. Each assembly is followed by its subassemblies and component parts, which are indented with “bullet” ‘symbols to show the relationship to the next higher assembly. Assemblies which are broken down in separate lists and illustrations list the appropriate figure number and page reference after the item description EXPLANATION OF COLUMNS. GENERAL Each parts lists divided into the columns, ‘outlined in the following paragraphs: REFERENCE NUMBER (REF. NBR.). Each illustration is accompanied by the list of parts, either fon the same page or on consecutive pages. This column lists the figure number for the illustration, followed by the call-out number on the illustration which identifies that item. The reference number is usually not required for ordering parte or kits. ‘The following abbreviations might be used in the Reference Number column: NI= Not Illustrated, REF = Reference Only. You may be referred to a Figure and Page noted in the Description Column. PART NUMBER. All items listed in this section bear Ingersoll-Rand part numbers, which are listed in this column. The part number must always be specified ‘when ordering spare or replacement parts. The following abbreviations might be used in the Part Number column: NSS = Not Sold Separately. Such items must be ordered as partof the nexthigher assembly; or, where applicable, as part of a Step Saver Kit. Part Number will vary. Specify the compressor ischarge pressure and complete motor nameplate data when ordering. DESCRIPTION. The description column identifies items by standard name, or nomenclature, and modifiers. The modifiers are used to identify specific characteristics (ie., dimensions, capacity, pressure setting, etc.), and/or the particular location or function on this unit. The relationship of a subassembly or 8 10. 1". component part to higher assemblies is shown by indentation and bullet symbols. Always provide the part description when ordering, UNITS PER ASSEMBLY (UNITS PER ASSY.) ‘Quantities listed in this column reflect the number of each item used in the next higher assembly, and are not necessarily the total quantity of the part in complete model. Specify desired quantity when ordering ‘SPARES. Quantities under this heading reflect the ‘number of each item which we recommend be kept ‘on hand for maintenance or repair. The appropriate quantity for your application will depend on how critical interruptions in service are to your operation. 4), Class 1 - Minimum. Recommended quantity for Domestic Service wnere interruptions in service are Not important. 2), Class 2- Average. Suggested quantity for Domestic Service where some interruptions in continuity of service are not objectionable. 3). Class 3 - Maximum. Suggested for Export Service or for Domestic Service where interruptions in service are objectionable. STEP SAVER KITS. ‘Step Saver Kits for your unit are listed on page 12. These Kits provide all of the parts you will need to perform common repair or scheduied maintenance tasks, such as piston ring replacement or valve replacement. ‘When ordering the kits, follow the instructions listed in paragraph 11 using the kit descriptions on page 12. ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS. Al parts listed in this section can be ordered through your local Ingersoll-Rand Air Center or Full Service Distributor. Consult the Directory of Distributors Included with the air compressor to find the distributor in your area. When ordering, always provide the following information: 1), The MODEL NUMBER and SERIAL NUMBER stamped on the compressor namepiate. 2), The FORM NUMBER of this manual, as listed in the lower right-hand comer on the front cover. 3). The QUANTITY, DESCRIPTION & PART NUMBER of the part(s) you are ordering. Refer to the example on the inside back cover of this, manual,FIGURE 4. 20VT MANIFOLD ARRANGEMENT REF] part uniTs] spares Reel nee DESCRIPTION RE To Ts 4-1 | 9521119] PLUG, PIPE - SQUARE HEAD 2-1/2" 1 4-2 | 95054268 | CAP SCREW - HEX 6/8-11x6' 1 4-3 | 95401204 | CAP SCREW - HEX 5/8-11x7" 1 4-4 | osae2016| car 6cREW- HEX 5/0-1147-1/2" 1 4-5 | 32188138 | WASHER - SEALING, MANIFOLD 6 4-6 | 37130135 | MANIFOLD, INLET/DISCHARGE 1 4-7 | 30280481 | GASKET, MANIFOLD 4 [ala tae 4-8 | 30218720] SPACER, MANIFOLD - INLET 1 4-9 | 95382016 | CAP SCREW - HEX 5/8-11x7-1/2" 2 4-10 | 95827904 | CAP SCREW - HEX 5/8-11x8-1/2" 1 4-11] 37130002 | Tee 1 442 | 90126726 | NIPPLE, pic - 2612-114" 1 4-13 | 95080727 | ELBOW, PIPE - 2 1 4-14] 96049780 | NIPPLE, PIPE - 2x6" 1 4-15 | 37129970 | ELBow 2 416| 21612089 | eraccr 1 4-17 | 30280481 | GASKET, MANIFOLD 4 |4]a freFIGURE 5. 20V MANIFOLD ARRANGEMENT REF. ] PART UNITS SPARES NBR NIE DESCRIPTION R&T 5-1 | 95054268 | CAPSCREW - HEX 5/8-11 x 6" 2 5-2 | 95401204 | CAPSCREW -IIEX 5/0-11 x 7 2 8-3 | 95382016 | CAPSCREW - HEX 5/8-11 x 7-1/2" 2 5-4 | 32188138 | WASHER - SEALING, MANIFOLD 6 5-6 | 37130135 | MANIFOLD, INLET/DISCHARGE 2 6-6 | 30280401 | GASKET, MANIFOLD 7 | 77 far 6-7 | 30218739 | SPACER, MANIFOLD - INLET 1 10FIGURE 6. CHANNEL VALVE ASSEMBLY era EaRT [UNITS [_spanes NaR. | NUMBER DESCRIPTION assy. 4 [2] 3 6-1 | aoza008s | CHANNEL VALVE COMPLETE WITH GASKETS 3 a [a 6-2 | 32004277 | + GASKET, AIRHEAD a fatale 6-3 | 20206433 | « GASKET, CYLINDER afatale 6-4 | 95214998 | + CAP SCREW- HEX s/t6x™ 8 6-5 | anacsora | « wasen, FLAT site" ° 6-6 | 30217533 | + PLATE, SEAT INLET VALVE 1 6-7 | 30299994 | + SET, CHANNEL AND SPRING afafafe 6-8 | 20200036 | « PLATE, GUIDE 1 6-8 | a20xeaso | « stun 3 6-10 | 32246704 | * PLATE, SEAT DISCHARGE VALVE 1 6-11 | 95056492 | +» PIN, DOWEL - GROOVED 2 IF VALVE REPLACEMENT IS DESIRED, WE RECOMMEND AN ECONOMICAL VALVEIGASKET KIT, SEE PAGE 12 t "e| © FIGURE 7. VACUUM PUMP, SUBBASE, AND ACCESSORIES. REF] PART UNITS] SPARES Nee Finer DESCRIPTION RE&GIeTs 7 : MOTOR, ELECTRIC 7-2 | 92140860] PULLEY, MOTOR - 15 HP. 7-2 | 32117137} PULLEY, MOTOR - 20 HP 7-3 | 95100558 | BELT, “V"- 15 HP 7-3 | 95100244] BELT, "v"-20 HP 92100708 | TIGHTENER, BELT - COMPLETE 32001877 | SUBBASE ASSEMBLY 32213648 | BELTGUARD - COMPLETE 30286686 | DECAL, ROTATION ARROW 92016164 | DECAL, VACUUM PUMP MAINTENANCE, 97003636 | DECAL, DANGER 32015620 | DECAL, MAINTENANCE. 32022923 | DECAL, T30 90298054 | DECAL, INGERSOLL RAND 32040065 | SWITCH, VACUUM - NEMA 1 - 20V ONLY 37113017 | SWITCH, VACUUM - NEMA 1 - 20VT ONLY OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT w+ | 37787918 | FILTER, INLET PIPELINE w+ | 32001638 | * ELEMENT, FILTER w+ | 32014664 | VALVE, CHECK s+ | 92190695 | RECEIVER, VERTICAL - 120 GALLON = | 32055022 | RECEIVER, VERTICAL - 240 GALLON "Spee complete rotor nameplate on =Rottouninituaraten, STEP SAVER KITS For your convenience, the following repair and/or spare parts for your compressor are available in kits. When ordering the kits listed below, include the Part Number and Description as shown. PART NUMBER KIT DESCRIPTION 32133810 KIT, VALVE/GASKET 32133928 KIT, RINGIGASKET oe 7 212/816 _____ CIT, BEARING/CONNECTING ROD 31169980 z [_KIT, GASKET _ 32208234 T30 SELECT LUBRICANT (QUART) 12AWARNING RR Conte TAC USE OFS EOUPMENT oR BREATIN A DIOR ALA ‘artes Corres a0 NOT nat lan at HT pet page oe ‘cn Fr eee epee arpees mati ess ec ‘Space acc ect at rain SOE WO Eg ee Stat od Sehnert rata ean Open peet yf Stipes br ealg a ores te Pca urs oy ay Dnt Sresobiyo tsk bay ears igor San Crea ‘Reyaoase supa baste ame sos nny ogee ay ne ge AADVERTENCIA SoCHMENO CONERWEAT AL ODE ESTE EQUPO PARA SORUCD EAE ‘tsps ovis re reise Ens mec tpn eet ap et erence ees ann ren camer ota ee ee See rece om hn wn ot oy ht Naw ec tere a a teat eaten ear rea ‘hee waren nel eal nanan sm were sche Dt yuna oy sa at ema ‘Setielnarctee pensar enantio st Ste ‘apne gees Psa canna a [Camco termes pe rt sie cate ere ‘Cate mete phn oa a cone panes we ep at Palsarasstas evar ron a soe Nii cand a arch pe core Siege arp eu onde eat ised oar cudshaegn tag raw eae Stas nics eurbricsoeeprign sels gabrespoepr nee ‘ras zs poo ee Mae ‘tac pm es get eed mew pend ge topo re fe ampere er ence Siege uarem domme cess nate ne tno Seepncoucr wee wet ae yor ee ema. clio Serge sen acer ia sneer Eee 8 Sp fon te nes eel os it aa en pn ae Conder carpi ee eee a Neier a getaways ayes ‘som ni a TE cu oe xe one arab ep aes Rigen tommasep tentacles cts = epoHe Ra pe rn =a See terete ee enamase Sreweger cmresemente tt Sceroemeseageseageomtneseneaantonres souiaimteams a ESET aeteminatencntenene So Repncterntn crane entree Treen mtnetenemnschitetmrnhr et Bie easter aero BEE Saat reece SEE sceosremmommeneeneaes Soonarateemrmnwtonsrnmen STectoaentnter ray oeann ee eee meen Satan armen eae Tana See rere cnt eer en Emm amie ‘phn thd ec bn pcp. rarer tok eee Emennate gn hem ange anntrpmeret aura ined Sane eee inherit err cl ne ule pod crunch [Segura epouin om tems steno {eoltmnnsenutrnsevovtngeran ot con mepub aaa ean urn oa tei ere me pene aetnn cps ue amare seen yee ‘Snoop ern mm © et ca iGises Osismosoes bres ivan ‘acon evo wisi fe ‘Sprtpee ogre eamivauatece lbs Suvaesettanr omnes, Sie rere Nmap. ea dinan tenga (nn panna aon des west NO TRATED Ta. ENCE, ODEO OTOL aERRUPTER DE PRESCKO habe yneori Cage Esters RAGOMOCONE CENT. SE MESON, eamaneaninemanarente roaster sr nae as (tetsnomdpeescaneiacrorale Gorgas agarksetna nearer 9a Hh Sergnaenae eee (seas pn wn crn tae eter Cage ‘Sg spas ame ta sn edema tem Sahn SESSA eet can corn e ow ony Coxon a sd ning ae naan etn eon Fate oe ek ener eee Nac pre a ataac spp mre haaene ‘enapre Game ‘conan senator tere te et ne oa eee tt stro arene sero ‘nes ene who etre noes ea creana saber Serpe ener i avarond of stata egies ga ayes sb cng arg ey es ae Sorts oaturneminirmoreree Nea wenger sl pare acpi Tetpats Conse tats da cesar Ft Sew meters meee ob raat aor nen Lov coepen areal on Fe a | ‘ae one eo ee cay za as ne een WARBE TI REORT OF RE SEGR OE HS ona OFA PRODUETERODICED By HS DRAWNG IS SUBIECTTO US. EXPORT ADMNTRATIONLook What INGERSOLLRAND Can Do For YOU. Vea Lo Que INGERSOLLRAND Puede Hacer Por USTED. .. EFFICIENT FIELD SERVICE ‘We maintain a highly trained staf of technicians to service your equipment for preventive maintenance, orto assis you should emergencies ever occur EFICIENTE SERVICO EN EL CAMPO -Mantenems un grupo de mecénicos entrenados para ‘suminisrarle mantenimiento preventivo o atender ‘ualauier emergencia que puede tener. ‘COMPLETE REPAIR SERVICE Ourtrained technicians wil repair or overhaul your equipment factory specications, using ony genuine COMPLETO SERVICIO DE REPARACION “Mecinicos entrenados repararén su compresor segin los ‘métodos recomendades por fébrca usando solamente partes genuinas ingoreal Rand ‘SPECIAL ENGINEERING SERVICE ‘We can help you identity and solve your compressed air problems by evaluating your needs and recommending {he proper compressor and air piping system to give you ‘maximum efcency. SERVICO DF INGENIFRIA FSPECIAL Nosotros pacemes ayudaro con sus problemas de aire ‘omprimido investigando sus necesidades y recomendando el compresor ye sistema de aire ‘adeouados para lograr maxima efcencia. ‘SPARE PARTS By stocking genuine ER spare parts, we can help you ‘void costy delays, or substituting inferior parts. Usina ‘genuine FR pars on your -R equipment wil hep to keep leven older machines running in good-as-new condition PARTES DE REPUESTO Mantenemos partes genuinas Ingersoll-Rand, eviando Dosibles sobrecostes debido a demoras en la sustucién e partes menores. Como resultado, ios equipos ntiguos son mantenidos como nuevos. COMPLETE STOCK OF EQUIPMENT We carry a complete ine of LR equipment and ‘accessories designed to met any compressed air pplication, We are backed by Ingersol-Rand's prompt factory shipment to ensure you on-time delivery ‘STOCK COMPLETO DE EQUIPOS Nuestro stock de maquinas competas que pueden ‘encargarse usualmente de cualquier necesidad, est soportado por un eficiente sistema de despachos de {brica de Ingersol-Rand para asogurare entroga @ tiempo. A SUBSTITUTE IS NOT A REPLACEMENT Ensure you get peak performance and longevity out of ‘your Ingersol-Rand compressor by insisting on genuine Ingersol-Rand repiacement parts and maintenance kis. Notonly are the replacement pats made to precise dimensions and OEM-specifid metalurgy, but each part is backed by the Ingersol-Rand warranty. Your local Alt Center, FulSenvice distioutor o dct Ingersol-Rand ‘salesperson will work with you to ensure you get the pats, you need todo the Job right. Equip your machines with DISTRIBUTED BY: DISTRIBUIDO POR: areata trae area a sat es ca stone ane som om ee oe Printed in the USA UN SUSTITUO NO ES UN REEMPLAZO ‘Asegirese que obtiene meéxima desempefo y duracion {de su compresorinsistiondo en usar solamente partes de reemplazo genuinas y kits de mantenimiento Ingersol-Rand. No solamente estan constuidas con dimensiones prcieas y apaificacione avactae da ‘metalurgia, sino que cada parte esta respaldada por la (arantia Ingersol-Rand, Su Air Center, su Distrbuldor de ‘Servicio o el personal de ventas drecto de ingersol-Rand rabajaran con Usted para asegurarle que rocbe las parts para efectuar el abajo correco. Equipe ‘Sus maquinas slo con lo mejor - Pares Geruinas Ingersol-Rand, Ingersoll-Rand Company Reciprocating Compressor Divi ‘Small Compressor Business Unit ‘Campbelleville, KY 42718, (© 1908 IngersoF-Rand Company
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