E2language Test III
E2language Test III
E2language Test III
Page 139
Test III
E2 Language Listening Part A.3
Extract 1
You will hear part of a consultation between a GP and a patient called Mrs
Brownstone. For questions 1-12, complete the notes with a word or short phrase.
Mrs Brownstone
Patient requesting urinalysis
Recently (1)______________, burning sensation
Symptoms present approximately (2) ______________ weeks
Patient suggests symptoms related to (3) ______________
Describes pain as not severe
Recurring condition
Treated for similar symptoms (4) ______________ in last (5) ______________
Symptoms come and go
Patient forgets to drink water
Nocturia - (6) ______________ nightly
Pain, urgency, (7) ______________ greater at night
Antibiotics effective in the past
(8) ______________ urinary incontinence
No impact from coughing, sneezing
Successful colposuspension: aged (9) ______________
Known allergies: (10) ______________
(11) ______________
Treatment Plan:
Short course nitrofurantoine
Review appointment in (12) ______________
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E2 Language Listening Part A.3
Extract 2
You will hear part of a consultation between a doctor and a patient called Mrs
Chambers. For questions 1-12, complete the notes with a word or short phrase.
Mrs Chambers
Presented after heavy bleeding approximately (1) ______________ ago
36 weeks pregnant
Previous episode at (2) ______________lasted approx. two hours
Estimated bleed 1/2 cup
Current episode (3) ______________ hours
Ongoing (4) ______________ and passing clots
Estimated bleed 1 cup
Tightness / cramps
Severe pain in (5) ______________ concurrent with bleeding
Symptoms come and go - "like period pain"
Pregnancy normal to date
Previous scan found (6) ______________
No further scans scheduled
12-week scan showed baby was (7) ______________. but fine
Antenatal clinic visit normal
Low (8) ______________
Number of previous pregnancies: (9) ______________
Boys, (10) ______________, healthy
Normal delivery
4 four years ago-abdominal myomectomy
Suffered from (11) ______________, body aches, fever
Emergency (12) ______________found large fibroids
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E2 language Listening Part B.3
Page 142
4. You hear an emergency ward doctor directing her team while treating an
accident victim.
5. You hear a doctor speaking to a woman who has presented with heart
A intravenous medication
B a neck massage
C training in breath control
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E2 Language Part C.3 Extract 1
Page 144
4. How does Anna Capstone think the problem of burnout should be addressed?
5. How does Anna Capstone evaluate the role of administrative technology and regulations?
6. Anna Capston argues that protecting the well-being of highly trained medical staff
A is an ethical issue.
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E2 Language Part C.3 Extract 2
C the public is quite well informed about the ideal foods for a healthy diet.
Page 146
4. According to Dr MacGregor, in the mid 20 century
C the US Surgeon General first reported on the cancer risk from smoking.
6. The article suggests that the tobacco and food industries share which tactic?
7. What do the healthiest and longest living communities in the world have in common?
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Test III – Answer
Page 148
Answer B3
1. A
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. A
6. B
Part C3
Extract 1
1. B
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. B
6. A
Exract 2
1. C
2. C
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. A
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