Test 1A
Test 1A
Test 1A
1 Complete the text with the Present Simple, Present 3 Complete the text with one word in each gap.
Continuous or Present Perfect form of the verbs in
brackets. My friend Dan is a laid-back 0 kind of person, but
sometimes he’s a bit too laid-back. The only subject
I am from England, but at the moment I 0 am living (live) in he’s really passionate 1 at school is art. Dan is
Wales because I 1 (study) at Bangor University. I really 2 horror films and he’s proud 3 his
(be) here for six months and I love it. The most collection of horror DVDs. He’s keen 4 fashion too,
interesting thing is the language. Lots of people here but only Goth fashion. He enjoys playing computer games
(speak) Welsh as their first language. I love the but he doesn’t like sport. In fact, he hates it. He isn’t
sound of Welsh, but I 4 (not learn) to say anything interested in any of his country’s 5 sports teams,
except ‘Hello’. I have one Welsh friend at university. Her not even when they’re playing in important competitions
name is Bethan. She 5 (live) in Bangor all her life like the World Cup.
and she 6 (know) the best places to go out. She
(not speak) Welsh as her first language, but she
(understand) it. At the moment, she 9
(read) Barack Obama’s autobiography in Welsh! When we
go out, people think we are English. They 10 4 Complete the sentences with the words below. There
(not realise) that Beth can understand them. Sometimes, it
are two extra words.
is very interesting!
1 Tierra del Fuego belongs to two different countries. 1 The boy has never:
2 The people of Tierra del Fuego used animal fat to keep a met his family from Jamaica. b visited Jamaica.
warm. c seen the Jamaican football team play.
3 The different tribes on the islands all spoke the same 2 The girl is not:
language. a interested in her roots. b well-dressed.
4 There are only ten speakers of Kawesqar left in the c romantic.
world. 3 The boy thinks that:
5 Cristina Calderón speaks Yaghan. a people often choose avatars different to their own
6 Cristina Calderón’s book is about her life. personalities. b Marcel’s avatar is a bad choice.
c Marcel should use Captain Jack Sparrow as his avatar.
7 There are no native speakers of Ona or Haush any more.
4 Since he become an Emo, the girl’s brother has changed:
8 Some people still know a few Ona words. a completely. b his look but not his character.
c his friends.
/8 5 In the girl’s family:
a no one likes football. b everyone likes football.
c the father usually watches football alone.
Tierra del Fuego is a group of islands at the southern tip
6 The girl’s parents:
of South America. Half of the main island, Isla Grande de
Tierra del Fuego, belongs to Chile and the other half to a are angry with her. b don’t like pierced noses.
Argentina. When the first Europeans arrived on the islands, c don’t mind her having a tattoo.
there were several groups of people living there. These
tribes were hunters. They didn’t wear clothes before the
Europeans arrived even though the climate of the islands
is very cold. They kept warm by covering their bodies in
animal fat and by lighting fires. This is how the islands got
their name: Tierra del Fuego means ‘Land of Fire’.
The four main tribes of Tierra del Fuego looked similar to 3 Choose the correct responses.
the Europeans, but they spoke different languages. One of
these is Kawesqar, and it is now an endangered language.
0 A: I’m proud of my roots.
There are only about ten speakers on Tierra del Fuego
and another ten on Wellington Island, south-west of Chile. B: a So am I. b So do I. c I am.
However, Kawesqar is in a much healthier position than
1 A: I’m not keen on tattoos.
Yaghan. In 2002, there were about 1,685 Yaghan people
living in Chile, but most of them don’t speak the Yaghan B: a Me too. b Me neither. c So am I.
language any more. In fact, in 2002 there were only two
2 A: We always fly a flag from our car during the World Cup.
native speakers of this language. One of them died in
2005; this means that a woman called Cristina Calderón B: a Neither do we. b We don’t. c We aren’t.
is now the last Yaghan speaker in the world. In 2005 she
3 A: We study three languages at school.
published a book of Yaghan stories called Hai Kur
Mamashu Shis, which means ‘I want to tell you a story’. B: a So are we. b We aren’t. c So do we.
The other two Fuegian languages, Ona and Haush, are 4 A: My brother’s a bit too laid-back.
related and they are very similar to each other. They are
both part of the Chon group of languages. The last native B: a Mine neither. b So does mine. c So is mine.
speaker of Ona died in about 2003, so Ona is now a dead 5 A: I don’t care about my roots.
language. However, you can see examples of Ona words
in online dictionaries and there are still a few people who B: a I do. b Neither am I. c Me too.
understand it even though it isn’t their first language. 6 A: I read a lot.
Haush died a long time ago and not much is known about
it now. There is a third member of the Chon language B: a I’m not. b Me too. c So am I.
family, Tehuelche, and experts think there are only four
native speakers left. They don’t live on Tierra del Fuego, /6
but in Patagonia in Argentina.