IsDB - Guidance Note - Prior and Post Review

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This Guidance Note is intended to complement the Guidelines for Procurement of Goods and Works

and related services and for the Procurement of Consultant Services under Islamic Development Bank
Financing, approved by the Board of Executive Directors (BED) of the Islamic Development Bank, and
published September 2018. This document may be used and reproduced for non‐commercial purposes.
Any commercial use, including without limitation reselling, charging to access, redistribute, or for
derivative Works such as unofficial translations based on these documents is not allowed.

For additional information on this document, please contact:

Project Procurement (PPR)
Office of the Vice‐President, Country Programs
The Islamic Development Bank
P. O. Box 5925, Jeddah 21432
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
ppr@isdb. org
www. isdb. org

Common Abbreviations and Defined Terms

Common abbreviations and defined terms that are used in Guidelines/Guidance Notes.

Abbreviation/term Full terminology/definition

Bid An offer, by a Bidder venture, in response to a Request for Bids
to provide the required Goods, and/or Works and/or related
Bidder A Firm that submits a Bid for the provision of Goods and/or
Works and/or related Services
Beneficiary A Beneficiary is the recipient of IsDB Project Financing. The
term includes any entity involved in the implementation of an
IsDB financed project on behalf of the Beneficiary.
Consultant A Consultant Firm or Individual Consultant that provides
Consultant Services. A Consultant is independent of both the
Beneficiary and IsDB.
Consulting Services Consultant Services are those intellectual services delivered by
a Consultant Firm or an Individual Consultant. Consultant
Services are normally of a professional, expert or advisory
nature. Consultant Services are governed by IsDB’s Guidelines
for the Procurement of Consultant Services under IsDB Project
EOI Expression of Interest
FBS Fixed Budget Selection
Fraud and Corruption The sanctionable practices of corruption, fraud, collusion,
coercion and obstruction defined in IsDB’s Guidelines on
Combating Fraud and Corruption and in IsDB Group Anti‐
Corruption Guidelines on Preventing and Combating Fraud and
Corruption in IsDB Group‐ Financed Projects
Goods A category of Procurement that includes: for example
consumables, equipment, machinery, vehicles, commodities,
raw material or industrial Plant. The term may also include
related services, such as: transportation, insurance,
installation, commissioning, training, and initial maintenance.
IPR Independent Procurement Review
IsDB Islamic Development Bank
LCS Least Cost Selection
NCB National Competitive Bidding
Non‐Consulting Services: Services which are not Consulting Services. Non‐Consulting
Services are normally Bid and contracted on the basis of
performance of measurable outputs, and for which
performance standards can be clearly identified and
consistently applied. Examples include: drilling, aerial
photography, satellite imagery, mapping, and similar

Guidance Note on “ Prior and Post Reviews” for Islamic Development Bank financed Procurements

Abbreviation/term Full terminology/definition

Post Review The process of IsDB reviewing the Beneficiary’s Bidding
Documents and Procurement activities following the award of
the contract.
PP Procurement Plan
PPR Post Procurement Reviews
Prequalification The shortlisting process which can be used prior to inviting
request for Bids in the Procurement of Goods, Works or Non‐
Consulting Services.
Prior Review The process of IsDB reviewing the Beneficiary’s Bidding
Documents and Procurement activities before the award of
the contract.
Procurement The function of planning for, and sourcing Goods, Works, Non‐
Consulting Services, and/or Consulting Services to meet
required objectives.
Procurement Documents A generic term used in these Guidelines to cover all
Procurement Documents issued by the Beneficiary. It includes:
GPN, SPN, EOI, REOI, Prequalification document, RFB and RFP,
including any addenda.
Proposal An offer, by a Proposer, in response to a Request for Proposal
to provide required Consultant Services
Proposer A firm that submits a Proposal for the supply of the required
Consultant Services
PS Procurement Strategy
QBS Quality Based Selection
QCBS Quality, Cost Based Selection
REOI Request for Expression of Interest
RFP Request for Proposal
TOR Terms of Reference
Works A category of Procurement that refers to construction, repair,
rehabilitation, demolition, restoration, maintenance of civil
work structures, and related services such as transportation,
insurance, installation, commissioning, and training.

Guidance Note on “ Prior and Post Reviews” for Islamic Development Bank financed Procurements


Section 1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 1

1. 1 Purpose of the Guidance Note .................................................................................... 1
1. 2 Need for Prior and Post Review .................................................................................. 1
Section 2. Prior and Post Review for Goods, Works and Related Services ........................... 3
2. 1 Basic Provisions in the Guidelines on Procurement Review ....................................... 3
2. 2 Step‐wise review requirements in Procurement process and contract
implementation in Prior Review ............................................................................................ 4
2. 3 Post Review of Contracts ............................................................................................ 5
Section 3. Prior and Post Review for Consultancy Services ................................................. 7
3. 1 Basic Provisions in the Guidelines on Review for Procurement of Consultancy
Services ................................................................................................................................... 7
3. 2 Step‐wise review requirements in Procurement process and contract
implementation in Prior Review ............................................................................................ 7
3. 3 Post Review of Contracts ............................................................................................ 9
Section 4. Related topics and clarifications on Prior and Post Review ............................... 11
4. 1 Independent Procurement Review (IPR) .................................................................. 11
4,2 Change from Post Review to Prior Review ............................................................... 11
4. 3 MisProcurement........................................................................................................ 11
4. 4 Translations ............................................................................................................... 11
4. 5 Beneficiary’s Records ................................................................................................ 12
Annex I. IsDB Member Countries ...................................................................................... 13

Guidance Note on “ Prior and Post Reviews” for Islamic Development Bank financed Procurements
Guidance Note on “ Prior and Post Reviews” for Islamic Development Bank financed Procurements

Section 1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose of the Guidance Note
This Guidance Note relates to Prior and Post Review for Islamic Development Bank’s (IsDB)
financed Procurements by expanding on and explaining IsDB’s 2018 revised Procurement
Policy and Guidelines. The purpose of this Guidance Note is to provide additional and
consolidated information to the Beneficiaries on Prior and Post Review.
1.2 Need for Prior and Post Review
The Financing Agreement governs the legal obligations between the Beneficiary and IsDB
regarding Procurement financed by IsDB. The ultimate responsibility for achieving maximum
VfM for Goods, Works, and/or related services and for Consultancy Services procured and
further for successful completion of projects rests with the Beneficiary. IsDB is responsible for
making the disbursement in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Financing
Agreement and the contract, provided that payment is for delivery of Goods, Works and/or
related services and delivery of Consultant Services as defined in the Financing Agreement
and are procured in accordance with IsDB Guidelines and any other conditions defined in the
Financing Agreement.
IsDB on its part needs to ensure that Bank funds are used only for the purposes for which
financing was granted and such fiduciary responsibilities related to Procurement oversight is
exercised through a risk based approach comprising Prior and Post Reviews of the
Beneficiary’s Procurement activities and any independent reviews as IsDB considers
Whether a Procurement is subject to Prior or Post Review is determined on the basis of the
project and contract‐specific Procurement risks. These risks are assessed by IsDB during
project preparation and reassessed and updated during project implementation.
An effective Procurement review has following benefits:
 Increase Efficiency and Reduce Procurement Time: A risk‐based approach in
determining the type of Procurement review improves efficiency by applying a fit‐for‐
purpose review methodology. Appropriate use of Post Review (sampling) reduces
Procurement times by removing the need for IsDB’s Prior Review of each main step in
the Procurement process. Procurement reviews avert additional delays that may
result from inadequate identification and handling of Procurement risks and
 Reduce Risk: Procurement reviews identify risks and deficiencies in Beneficiary’s
Procurement processes and recommend ways to mitigate them, thereby reducing risk
of future noncompliance or project failure. Reduce the risk of Bidding‐related
complaints. Improve compliance to audit requirements; and
 Deliver Value for Money: Procurement reviews decrease the risk of noncompliant
practices that may adversely affect the project’s achievement of value for money.

Guidance Note on “ Prior and Post Reviews” for Islamic Development Bank financed Procurements
Guidance Note on “ Prior and Post Reviews” for Islamic Development Bank financed Procurements

Section 2. Prior and Post Review for Goods, Works and Related Services
2.1 Basic Provisions in the Guidelines on Procurement Review
The proposed method of Procurement and corresponding procedures, as well as the
categories of Goods, Works and/or related services and the lots or packages, to which they
apply, shall be discussed and agreed upon at the time of project appraisal, and specified in
the Financing Agreement.
The draft Bidding Documents shall be submitted to IsDB allowing sufficient time for its review
and comments and shall be issued for Bidding only after obtaining IsDB No‐objection. While
it is the Beneficiary’s responsibility to carry out all steps to procure Goods, Works and/or
related services IsDB reviews, either by Post or Prior Review, the adequacy of the
Procurement procedure, Bidding Documents, Bid evaluation recommendations and contracts
to satisfy itself that the Procurement procedure is carried out in accordance with the
provisions of the Financing Agreement and these Guidelines.
IsDB shall always Prior review the Procurement Plan (PP), Procurement Strategy (PS) and
specification or requirements for the Goods, Works and related services. All other references
in these Guidelines to IsDB No‐Objection relate to projects where IsDB Prior review is
required. The staff of IsDB remain available to assist the Beneficiary at all stages of the
Procurement procedure (with the condition that this shall not result in IsDB executing
Procurement on behalf of the Beneficiary) in order to ensure that the required scope of
Goods, Works and/or Non‐Consulting Services is fully covered and that the procedure is
suitably applied.
IsDB conducts Prior Reviews of Procurement activities that are of high value and/or high risk
to determine whether the Procurement is carried out in accordance with the requirements
of the Financing Agreement and Procurement Guidelines. IsDB also conducts Post Review of
Procurement activities undertaken by the Beneficiary to determine whether they comply with
the requirements of the Financing Agreement. IsDB may use a third party, acceptable to IsDB,
to carry out Post Reviews. Any such third party shall carry out the reviews in accordance with
the Terms of Reference (TOR) provided to it by IsDB.
Whether a Procurement is subject to Prior or Post Review is determined on the basis of the
project and contract‐specific Procurement risks. These risks are assessed by IsDB during
project preparation and reassessed and updated during project implementation.
The requirement for a Prior or Post Review shall be specified in the PP. During project
implementation IsDB monitors and reassesses the risk and risk mitigation measures. If
necessary and appropriate, as determined by IsDB, IsDB may require the Beneficiary to revise
the Prior and/or Post Review requirements in the PP.
All contracts above the amount specified in the Financing Agreement shall be subject to IsDB
Prior Review.

Guidance Note on “ Prior and Post Reviews” for Islamic Development Bank financed Procurements

2.2 Step‐wise review requirements in Procurement process and contract

implementation in Prior Review

The following table summarizes stepwise Procurement review requirements by IsDB:

Sl Stage of Procurement and contract implementation Remarks

Process: Document/matter to be furnished by the
Beneficiary for review
1 Draft Prequalification Documents: To include text of the Beneficiary to introduce modification as
invitation to prequalify, the evaluation methodology and IsDB shall reasonably request and IsDB no‐
a description of the advertising procedure to be followed. objection is required before publishing
invitation of PQ application.
2 Evaluation Report on application received: To include list Beneficiary to furnish all the information
of recommended prequalified applicants, a statement of to IsDB before applicants are notified of
their qualifications and the name of any applicant that is the Beneficiary decision. Beneficiary to
excluded from Prequalification together with reason for introduce modification as IsDB shall
their exclusion. reasonably request.
Pre‐Request for Bid (Pre‐ RFB)
3 Draft Bidding Document: To include Invitation to Bid, Beneficiary to introduce modification as
Instructions to Bidders, Bid Data Sheet,the basis of Bid IsDB shall reasonably request. IsDB shall
evaluation and contract award, the proposed conditions provide No‐Objection before Bidding
of contract, the specifications for the supply of Goods, or Documents are issued to prospective
installation of equipment or Civil Works, as the case may Bidders. No further modifications to the
be (IsDB’s Standard Procurement Document to be Bidding Document shall be made by the
followed). Where Prequalification has not been used, the Beneficiary without seeking IsDB’s No‐
Beneficiary shall include a description of advertising Objection.
procedure to be followed.
Post – Bid Evaluation
4 Detailed Evaluation Report: To contain the details of IsDB, if it determines that recommended
evaluation and comparison of Bid (using IsDB’s standard award is inconsistent with the stated
Evaluation Report form) after Bids have been received evaluation criteria (and Financing
and evaluated. Agreement and Guidelines), it shall inform
Beneficiary the reason for such
determination. Otherwise, IsDB shall
provide its No‐Objection to the
Beneficiary to proceed with the
Notification of Intention to Award the
contract(reference Paragraph 2. 101 of
the Guidelines). After dealing with
provisions of Standstill Period (paragraphs
2. 102 and 2. 103 of the Guideline) the
Beneficiary will confirm award to the
successful Bidder and proceed to the
signing of the Contract and publishing of
Contract Award Notice.

Guidance Note on “ Prior and Post Reviews” for Islamic Development Bank financed Procurements

Sl Stage of Procurement and contract implementation Remarks

Process: Document/matter to be furnished by the
Beneficiary for review
5 Extension of Bid validity period: If Beneficiary requires an The Beneficiary needs to complete award
extension of Bid validity period to complete the process of contract within initial Bid validity period
of evaluation, obtain necessary approvals and clerances, and request for such extension should be
and/or to make the award, shall seek IsDB No‐Objection: in exceptional cases with due justification.
(i) for the first request for extension, if it is longer than 45 Delays in evaluation should not result in
calendar days; and (ii) for all subsequent requests for expiry of Bid validity of otherwise lowest
extension, irrespectice of the period. responsive and qualified Bid.
6 Contract Signing: The terms and conditions of a contract One conformed copy of signed contract
shall not, without IsDB’s approval, materially differ from shall be furnished to IsDB promptly after
those contained in RFB Bidding Documents. it’s signing together with required
required performance security and other
documents needed for first application for
withdrwal of funds from IsDB’s Project
Financing in respect of the contract. The
description and amount of the contract,
together with name and address of the
successful Bidder shall be subject to public
disclosure by IsDB upon receipt by IsDB of
the conformed copy of contract.
After Contract Signing
7 Contract amedments, modifications or extension: IsDB, if it determines that such requests
Beneficiary to request any proposed extension, from the Beneficiary are inconsistent with
modification, or change order which may relate to: (i) a the provisions of the Financing
material extension of the stipulated time for performance Agreement, Guidelines (and overall scope
of the contract; (ii) agreeing to any modification or waiver and terms of the Contract), it shall
of the conditions of contract; or (iii) issuing of change promptly inform the Beneficiary and state
order/s (except in case of extreme urgency) which would, reasons for its determination. If a contract
in aggregate increase the original amount of contract by is leading to its termination, the
more than fifteen (15) percent of original price. Beneficiary shall consult with IsDB before
any termination of contract and/or
encashment of performance security.

2.3 Post Review of Contracts

IsDB carries out Post Reviews of the Beneficiary’s Procurement activities to determine
whether they comply with requirements of the Financing Agreement and Guidelines. Post
Reviews are normally carried out by IsDB. However IsDB may use a third party to carry out
Procurement Post Reviews (PPR). Any such party shall be acceptable to IsDB, and carry out
the reviews in accordance with the TOR provided to it by IsDB.
The objectives of PPR are to:
i. Verify that the Procurement procedures followed for the project comply with the
requirements of the Financing Agreement, and identify any noncompliance with the
Financing Agreement and applicable Procurement arrangements;

Guidance Note on “ Prior and Post Reviews” for Islamic Development Bank financed Procurements

ii. Check that the Procurement arrangements agreed with the Beneficiary are still in
iii. Identify and report any contract management issues;
iv. Check that the Beneficiary has carried out technical compliance reviews and physical
completion reviews for implemented contracts;
v. Identify and report any indications of possible Fraud and Corruption;
vi. Identify mitigating measures to correct Procurement deficiencies or deter future
deficiencies and recommend them to the Beneficiary;
vii. Identify good practices and lessons learned from implementing Procurement;
viii. Rate the performance of sampled contracts (Procurement process and contract
implementation) on compliance with the Financing Agreement and agreed
procedures and contribute to the overall Procurement performance rating of the
implementing agency based on the rating of the PPR; and
ix. Provide a basis for updating the project Procurement risk and the risk mitigation plan.
The details on format/check‐list to carry out PPR are available on IsDB website1.
IsDB, depending on the nature and risks and scope of the project (example, many small value
and simple contracts) agrees with the Beneficiary that it appoints an independent entity to
carry out Post Reviews in accordance with terms, conditions and reporting acceptable to IsDB.
In such cases, IsDB shall review reports prepared by the independent entity and submitted by
the Beneficiary. IsDB retains its right to directly conduct Post Reviews during project
implementation as may be needed.
In case of Post Reviews, the Beneficiary shall retain all Procurement documentation with
respect to each contract not governed by Prior Review. The documentation includes all
Bidding Documents, record of selection of contactors, documentatioin related to project
implementation and all records up to two (2) years after closing of the Financing Agreements.

https://www. isdb. org/

Guidance Note on “ Prior and Post Reviews” for Islamic Development Bank financed Procurements

Section 3. Prior and Post Review for Consultancy Services

3.1 Basic Provisions in the Guidelines on Review for Procurement of Consultancy
IsDB shall review the selection procedure for Consultants, proposed by the Beneficiary for the
project to ensure compliance with: (i) the Guidelines; (ii) the proposed PP as agreed between
the Beneficiary and IsDB; and (iii) the implementation plan and disbursement schedule
contained in the Financing Agreement.
The Beneficiary shall promptly inform IsDB of any delay, or other changes in the scheduling
of the selection procedure, which could significantly affect the timely and successful
implementation of the project, and agree with IsDB on corrective measures.

3.2 Step‐wise review requirements in Procurement process and contract

implementation in Prior Review

Sl Stage of the Selection and contract implementation Remarks

Process: Document/matter to be furnished by the
Beneficiary for review
Before Inviting Proposal (Quality Cost Based Selection (QCBS), Quality Based Selection (QBS),
Fixed Budget Selection (FBS) and Least Cost Selection (LCS))
1 Cost Estimate, Request for Expression of Interest The Beneficiary shall make such
(REOI), Expression of Interst (EOI), Short‐list of modifications to the short‐list and the
Consultant, Request for Proposal (RFP): Furnish IsDB documents as IsDB shall reasonably
for its review and No‐Objection, the proposed cost request. Any further modification shall
estimate, short‐list of Consultants and RFP. require IsDB No‐Objection before RFP is
issued to the short‐listed Consultant.
Evaluation of Consultant’s Proposal (QCBS)
2 Evaluation of Technical Proposal: The Beneficiary shall If IsDB determines that the technical
use IsDB standard Consultants Proposal evaluation evaluation is inconsistent with provisions
report. The Beneficiary shall forward to IsDB for No‐ of RFP, it shall promptly inform the
objection the Consultants Evaluation report describing Beneficiary and state the reasons for its
strengths and weaknesses of each Proposal, and determination. Otherwise, IsDB will issue
providing the evaluation results with recommended a No‐objection to the recommendations
ranking and technical Proposals that meet the of the Beneficiary. After IsDB has given its
minimum qualifying scores. No‐Objection, the Beneficiary shall advise
the Consultants who did not meet the
minimum qualifying technical score that
their financial Proposals shall be returned
unopened after completion of the
selection procedure. The Beneficiary shall
advise Consultants who have met the
minimum technical scores and are
responsive, the date and venue of public
opening of the financial Proposals.

Guidance Note on “ Prior and Post Reviews” for Islamic Development Bank financed Procurements

3 Combined Evaluation: After the public opening of Upon IsDB No‐Objection, the Beneficiary
financial Proposals, the Beneficiary shall proceed with shall invite the selected Firm for
financial evaluation in accordance with provisions of negotiations (finalization of contract) and
the RFP and furnish to IsDB for its review and No‐ with its intention to award the contract if
Objection, the combined evaluation with its negotiations are successful.
recommendations of the successful Firm that received
the highest total score.
Evaluation of Consultant’s Proposal (QBS, LCS, FBS)
1 Evaluation of Technical and Financial Proposals: The The stages of IsDB No‐Objection shall be
Beneficiary shall follow the evaluation procedure as similar to those for QCBS.
described in Paragraphs 3. 36 to 3. 40 and as relected
in RFP.
Finalization of Draft Contract and Contract Signing
2 Draft contract and Contract Signing: If there are no, or If IsDB determines that the negotiated
only minor, changes in the draft contract issued with contract is inconsistent with the
RFP, the Beneficiary and the selected Consultant may provisions of the RFP, it shall promptly
finalize the contract by facsimile or electronic mail inform the Beneficiary and state reasons
without IsDB prior approval. If after negotiations are for its determination, and may request
completed and draft contract has been finalized and that the Beneficiary modify the contract in
conditions of contract substantially differs from those consultation with the selected firm.
on which Proposals were invited, the Beneficiary shall Otherwise, ISDB shall provide its No‐
submit the negotiated draft contract for review and Objection to the negotiated contract and
comments by IsDB, highlight the changes and provide authorize the Beneficiary to transmit the
an explanation of why these changes are appropriate Notification for Intention to award the
and necessary (example: if the negotiated contract contract and initiate the Standstill Period.
resulted in substitution of key staff or there are On expiry of Standstill Period, and, if
material changes in TOR and originally proposed applicable all resulting actions are
contract). successfully completed, the Beneficiary
shall proceed with award and signature of
Following contract signature: (i)the
Beneficiary shall furnish IsDB with a
certified copy of the final contract
together with the first application for
disbursement under the contract; and (ii)
the Beneficiary shall publish the Contract
Award Notice in accordance with
provisions of Paragraph 3. 34 of the
Guidelines. The description and amount of
the contract, together with the name of
the Firm, shall be subject to public
disclosure by IsDB upon the Beneficiary’s
confirmation of contract award.
3 Extension of Proposal Validity: If the Beneficiary Beneficiary needs to complete evaluation
requires an extension of Proposal validity (in and finalization of contract within the
accordance with RFP) to complete the evaluation initial validity to avoid substitution of key
procedure, obtain necessary approvals and clearances, staff or potential withdrawal of otherwise
or make contract award, it shall notify IsDB. When the reposive Proposals.

Guidance Note on “ Prior and Post Reviews” for Islamic Development Bank financed Procurements

first extension exceeds four (4) weeks IsDB prior No‐

Objection is needed, as well as for all subsequent
extensions, irrespective of their duration.
Consultants Qualification Selection (CQS) and Single Source Selection
1 Selection and award under CQS: In accordance with Upon IsDB no‐objection to combined
paragraph 3. 41 of the Guidelines,the Beneficiary shall evaluation report, the Beneficiary shall
prepare the TOR, obtain IsDB’s No‐Objection to its negotiate a contract with the selected
content, and then request EOI from the specialist Firms. firm and follow all procedure as described
After review of EOI and information received, the above for QCBS.
Beneficiary shall prepare a short‐list for review and IsDB
No‐Objection, with a view to request the most qualified
selected Firm to submit a combined and financial
Proposal and then submit combined evaluation report.
2 Single Source Selection: In exceptional circumstances, Upon IsDB no‐objection the Beneficiary
the Beneficiary may, with IsDB No‐Objection, request a shall negotiate a contract with the
single Consultant Firm to prepare a technical and selected firm and follow all procedure as
financial Proposals and following No‐Objection described above for QCBS and/or as
negotiate a contract. required by the Financing Agreement and
After Contract Signing
1 Modifications of Signed Contract, amendments and In the circumstances described the
Extensions: The following would require IsDB No‐ Beneficiary shall inform IsDB of the
Objection: (i) granting substantial extension of the proposed extension, modifications,
stipulated time for performance of the contract; (ii) substitutions, waiver, or changes and
agreeing to any substantial modification of the scope of reasons therefore for review and IsDB No‐
the Consultant Services; (iii) substituting key staff; and Objection. If IsDB determines that the
(iv) waiving the conditions of contract or making any proposed changes would be inconsistent
changes which in aggregate increase the original with the provisions of the Financing
amount of contract by more than fifteen percent (15%). Agreement, it shall prompty inform the
Beneficiary and state reasons for its
determination. A copy of all amendments
to the contract shall be furnished to IsDB.

3.3 Post Review of Contracts

For all contracts not governed by Prior Review below a threshold specified in the PP (and
Financing Agreement), the Beneficiary shall retain all documentation with respect to each
contract during project implementation and up to two (2) years after the closing date of the
Financing Agreement. This documentation shall be available for examination by IsDB or by its
independent auditors. The documentation shall include, but is not be limited to: (a) the signed
original of the contract and all subsequent amendments and addenda; (b) the analysis of the
respective Proposals, and recommendations for award. c) for contracts awarded on the basis
of Single Source selection, records shall include the:i. justification for the use of this selection
method; ii. qualifications and experience of the Consultant/s; and iii. signed original of the

Guidance Note on “ Prior and Post Reviews” for Islamic Development Bank financed Procurements

The Beneficiary shall furnish IsDB with, promptly after its signing and prior to the first
withdrawal of funds from the Financing Account in respect of such contract, one (1) certified
copy of the contract, together with the analysis of the respective Proposals, and
recommendation for award. The Beneficiary shall also furnish IsDB any other documentation
upon request. IsDB reserves the right to carry out a Post Review of such documents, at any
time before or after the first disbursement.

Guidance Note on “ Prior and Post Reviews” for Islamic Development Bank financed Procurements

Section 4. Related topics and clarifications on Prior and Post Review

4.1 Independent Procurement Review (IPR)
IPRs may cover several projects in a country and address sector/industry or portfolio issues in
high‐risk and problematic Procurement environments, for example, where Procurement Post
Reviews (PPRs) have identified noncompliance or poor performance. They also include a
review of both Post Review and Prior Review contracts, as well as the IsDB’s performance in
executing its fiduciary responsibilities.
4.2 Change from Post Review to Prior Review
A contract whose cost estimate was below IsDB’s Prior Review threshold indicated in the PP
shall fall under Prior Review if the price of the lowest evaluated Proposal (Bid) exceeds such
threshold. All related Proposal/Bidding Documents already processed, including the
Evaluation Report and recommendation for award, shall be submitted to IsDB for its Prior
Review and No‐Objection before the award of the contract.
When, to the contrary, the price of the selected Proposal/Bid falls below the Prior Review
threshold, the Prior Review process shall continue. Under certain circumstances, IsDB may
require to follow a Prior Review process for a contract below the Prior Review threshold, such
as in the case of: a) a complaint it has determined to be of a serious nature; b) when the
Procurement method requires change due to higher or lower cost estimates than previously
assessed, for example from National Competative Bidding to International Competative
Bidding (ICB) (and inversely), and as such the PP shall be modified by the Beneficiary and
submitted to IsDB for review and No‐Objection.

4.3 Misprocurement
IsDB may declare mis‐Procurement for any of the reasons provided in Paragraph 1. 38. In
doing so IsDB shall promptly inform the Beneficiary of such determination. The reasons for
declaring a mis‐Procurement include if IsDB determines that the, Goods, Works or related
services and Consultant Services were not procured in accordance with the: a) agreed
procedures and methods reflected in the Financing Agreement and/or Guidelines; b) agreed
procedures and methods reflected in the PP to which IsDB gave its No‐ Objection; or the
contract is not consistent with the agreed procedures and methods reflected in the Financing
Agreement, Guidelines and/or the PP.
4.4 Translations
In the case of Prior Review contracts, and if national Firms were permitted to submit a
Proposal in the national language, different from English, Arabic and French, a certified
translation of the Proposal, Consultant Evaluation Report, and the draft contract in either
English, French, or Arabic shall be provided to IsDB to facilitate the review. Such certified
translation shall also be provided to IsDB for any subsequent modifications of such contracts.
For Post Review contracts, and in order to facilitate IsDB review, the Beneficiary shall also
provide IsDB with certified translation of the winning Proposal, Consultant Evaluation Report
and signed contract as well as any other documents that IsDB reasonably requests

Guidance Note on “ Prior and Post Reviews” for Islamic Development Bank financed Procurements

4.5 Beneficiary’s Records

For Prior and Post Review contracts, the Beneficiary shall retain all documentation with
respect to each contract during Consultant selection, awarding the contract and project
implementation, for a period of two (2) years after the closing date of the Financing
Agreement and as per requirements detailed in the Guidelines.

Guidance Note on “ Prior and Post Reviews” for Islamic Development Bank financed Procurements

Annex I. IsDB Member Countries

The Islamic Development Bank is made up of fifty‐seven (57) Member Countries.

 Afghanistan  Malaysia
 Albania  Maldives
 Algeria  Mali
 Azerbaijan  Mauritania
 Bahrain  Morocco
 Bangladesh  Mozambique
 Benin  Niger
 Brunei  Nigeria
 Burkina Faso  Oman
 Cameroon  Pakistan
 Chad  Palestine
 Comoros  Qatar
 Cote D'Ivoire  Saudi Arabia
 Djibouti  Senegal
 Egypt  Sierra Leone
 Gabon  Somalia
 Gambia  Sudan
 Guinea  Suriname
 Guinea Bissau  Syria
 Guyana  Tajikistan
 Indonesia  Togo
 Iran  Tunisia
 Iraq  Turkey
 Jordan  Turkmenistan
 Kazakhstan  Uganda
 Kuwait  United Arab
 Kyrgyz Republic Emirates
 Lebanon  Uzbekistan
 Libya  Yemen

Guidance Note on “ Prior and Post Reviews” for Islamic Development Bank financed Procurements
For any additional information, such as Standard Bidding Documents (SBDs), Guidance, training
materials and briefing, please see

www. isdb. org/Procurement

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