Winding Up
Winding Up
Winding Up
s:noe a ~0I::!Dcm- is
an <:lT'h ·fi .
end b-v a process
.. •
~ 1.1. ci
al legal person
· · . o fl its life shall be
ander the Cam ~w . In the words of ' brought to an
pa.rues &ct, c P almer, "A compa
Cp· or bY re m t n y incorporated
. . · o Y a l from th anno be put to an end
the life of a. ·
e register as exce pt by w·
com11•any can a defunct com -
iIJlllecramation also b e exting pany. Howev
,and reconstru uished u n d e r er,
ction. the scheme o
As p er se c tio n M E A N IN G
2 (94A), Wind
or li q u id a ti o n ing-Up mean
under the Inso s winding-up
lv under this Act
il)plicable.. en cy and Bank
ruptcy Code
2016, as
Vimding-1.;p m
ay b e defined as
is ,ended a nd it the process by w
s property is ad hich the life of
members . In the ministered for th a company
words o f 'Pen e benefit of its cr
nington' W in editors and
the pro cess b ~ g -U p or liq
y which: uidation is
{a) the: manag
ement of a com
pany's affairs is
hands, taken out of its
(b ) its assets a
re realised by
(c) its debts an a liquidator,
d liabilities are d
ischarged out of
and the proceeds of re
(d) any surplu
s of assets rem . . is returned
ammg to its members
shareholders. or
Thu s, the pro . . U inv
cess of Wm dm olves realisatio
PIJ ment of liabil. .es and dis ~- ~ f n of asset
iti trtbution o su \us if any, amongst ths,
tn emben of th rp ' e
e company.
Corporate L
17.2 aw8
The tenn Winding-Up and dissolution is normally used interchangeably, but
there is a subtle difference between th e two terms:
l. Winding-Up is a process and dissolu_tion is _its end result. In other
words, Winding-Up precedes disso~ution. This means that Winding.
Up is the prior stage and dissolution, the subsequent one.
2. On the commencement of Winding-Up, the corporate status and powers
of the company continue. It is on dissolution that the name of the
company is struck off the Register of Companies, and it ceases to
3. The company is not dissolved immediately on the commencement of
Winding-Up proceedings. Certain legal formalities have to be complied
with for the dissolution of the company. For example, in the case of
Winding-Up by the 'Tribunal ', when the affairs of the company are
compl etely wound-up. the official liquidator makes an application to
the 'Tribunal ' on that behalf. The company stands dissolved from the
date of the 'Tribun al's order.
•,,c,-Up 11.17
Jf1fl dlr•,::,
WJtb (be insolvenc~ and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, becoming limclionJI. Section
o(O now proVIdes for only one mode of winding-up-namely by
tribunal. If the company ,vants to be wound up Voluntarilv•. it will
tbe . •· . ·
to follow the provmons of Chapter V of the lnsolvenc
~ .v and
iu-uptcy Code, 2016.
u/s 271 of u/s 59 of InsolYency
Companies Act, and Bankruptcy
2013. Code. 2016.
(e) The Tri lrnnnl is of the opinion lhal it i~ Just and c,1ultahlc that the
company should he wound up.
Note : Inability f-o ))R)' debts Is no lon ~cr a ~round on which a company
cnn be wound Ufl compulsorily by fla c TdbunaJ. This ground is now dc,j lt
with under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy CocJc, 2016, and has been already
discussed under the heading Insolvency Resolution Process.
As per Section 27l(c)~ f:hc lrlbunnl may nlso order for the Windjng -
Up of the company if it is of the opinion that it is .iust and equitable
that the company should be wound. While exercising its powers under
this clause. the Tribunal shall give due weightage to the jnterest of the
company, its employees, its creditors and shareholders, and the interest of
the general publi~. The n·ibunal's powers are discretionary. The Tribunal
may refuse to make an order of Winding-Up, if it is of the opinion
that some other remedy is available to the petitioners and that they
are acting unreasonably in seeking to have the company wound-up
instead of pursuing that other remedy.
On the basis of previous judicial decisions, following are a few
examples of just and equitable on the basis of which the Tribunal
may order the Winding-Up :
1. Deadlock in Management : Where the Board of Directors is divided
into two dissenting groups, it becomes impossible to take any decisions
in such a company. Therefore it becomes dffficult to manage such a
company. The only way to resolve this deadlock is to wind-up the
company by the Tribunal, as happened n the case (Re) Yenidje
Tobacco. Co. Ltd. (1916). The facts o the case are:
A and B, who traded separately as cigar tte manufacturers agreed to
amalgamate their business and formed private limited company of
which they were the only share holder and the only directors. They
had equal voting rights. The articles p ovided that disputes would be
decided through arbitration. A disput arose which was submitted to
arbitration, but one of them refused t accept the award. Both became
so hostile that none of them spoke t each other, except through the
secretary. Thus, there was a comple d~adlock and the Court ordered
the company to be wound up. ·. ·
It should be noted that a company .pwever cannot be wound-up if the
only difficulty is th·e difference in ✓iew
~f the.majority directorate and
those representing the minority. · ' ·
•t'on In th r Com pa ny
) prtl I ·
ulion rr~r,lve
(• n,cn,brrs, of 3 c0mp311y may. by passing a special rc11ol
1'kC hun,:11 In \I>< 1-,
," affairs of the company should be wound-up by the Tn
.. 011 to the Tribunal for Windmg-lJp
tb8 1thethe company w1·11 tI1en pet1t1
'case. .
sectio n 272(4 ) reqm res cv~ryh company to file a Statement of Affain
'th the Tribunal along wit the petition for
Winding-Up. Not ooJy ,,
" company required to file a statemen
t of affairs if it is intending
opposing it. This
tbtfile petition for Winding-Up, but also when it is
toeans that the moment a petition is filed by any body
against the company
wi th
:Venif frivolous, the company will have to file its statement of affairs
the Tribunal.
by any person
Sectio n 274(1) provides that where a petition has been filed
other than the company, and the Tribunal is satisfied that
there is a prima-
t the company
facie case for making the Winding-Up order, it shall direc
to file_its objections along with a Statement of
Affairs with it, within
30 days of such Order. The Tribunal may allow a further
period of 30 da)s
the Statement
under special circumstances. A company which fails to file
se the petition~
of affairs with the Tribunal, forfeits the rights to oppo
shable "ith
ud directors and every ·officer in default shall be puni
imprisonment upto 6 months, or fine ranging from
t 25000 to f 5
further providec'
lalilis or both, under section 274(4). Section 274(5)
Court by chc
that a complaint in this behalf may be filed before the Special
other person
Registrar, provisional liquidator, company liquidator or any
authorised by the Tribunal.
As per Companies (Winding-Up) Rules, 2020 on
III April 2020, the
should ht> in
Statement of Affairs required to be filed by the company
prior to tht-
Form WIN 4 and containing information upto 30 days
b) an afndan h,
date of filing the petition, in duplicate, duly vcriflcd
WIN ~.
of concurrence of the statement of affairs in Form
(b) Petition by Contributory jSccfion 272(2)1
lownrds tlw
A contributory is defined as any perso n liable to contribull!
t1 r of
company in the event of its being wound-up. Tiu• hold
rass111lyets of'da shares is also a contributory for thl! purposes of a
pai -up
l 7.22
prtition not bcco usc hr Is lh1 hlc to rontrlhutc hut hH AUse he haf! the
right to share ln thr surplUN If nny In a Wh1dlng-Up.
As per Companies (Winding-Up) Rules, 2020, upon filing of the petition,
it shall be posted before the Tribunal for admission of the petition and for
fixing a date for its hearing, and for appropriate directions as to the
advertisement of the notice to be published and the persons to whom copies
of the petition are to be served. Where the petition has been filed by a
-11 u,UP
f~/1 dI o fin ,
tb er than the company., the Tn.6una 1 . . -
oo O . n lhin! '< s fi•
pets qjven to the company and give an .
Olay , tf
oPJ )onuruty o" 0 .' '~direct D<Atct
to ~e Ci directions as to the advenisem 11ng h~<tt'd, hd ore
111vlo~ Jl shall . be . advertised in F onn ent of the peiitio~ll. eTb · en 0ti
UJ"h . -
~ ·tto
for hea rtn . .,, in 6, 1 ce of the
petl the date fixed 001 C<c, .
• As per Companies (Winding-Up) Rules, 2020 which came into force on 15' April, 2020:
17 r,
hed to th e Tr'h .
~ ·r.> - ~c i:a J Liqaid. i lor attac , una1:
t' l v v •
C·redrtor,, •a d
l , oroiatt of Seic uffed. ,
tb - •
o, m rn ate d by the Tribun ~. 1
.\ profrssto . . '
tel . e convener of the meetin gJ
~.c ud ator ~b all be _th
. fbt (om~an?· Lr 1c b .sb11J .UJhf aod monitor
co rn_ rnm e:e ~-h
~· of tbe \~ Ul~mg-l p uidation
u1 danoo pror ne di ng s rn foJJowing ar eu of liq
tbt fiq
-tion,,.~ aameh.-:
-:} raking o,·1er assets:
l- ent of affairs:
lb)E'-aminarion of the statem
ry of p::-o~~ -. casb or any other assets of the co
(d Reron?
including benefits deriwd
an y;
and accounts of the comp
(01R ~i e" of audit reports
(e) _Sale of assets; ;
creditors and contributories
(fl Finali za tion of list of
of claims;
1g) Compromise: ab
andomnrnt and settlement
s, if any; and
(b) Pa~ment of dividend
e to time.
y oth er fim cti o~ as the Tnbunal may direct from tim
fi) An a report
ny Li qu id at or sh all pl ace before the Tribunal
9. The Compa ee on a
th e m in ut es of th e meetings of the committ
along with ng,
, du ly signe d by the . me mbers present in the meeti
monthly basis any is
io n til l the fin al rep ort for dissolution of the comp
for considerat
submitted before the Tnbu report for
an y Li qu ida tor sh all prepare the draft final
10. Th e Comp ee.
an d ap pr o,
aJ of the Winding-Up Committ
consideration Committee
al re po rt S-O ap pr ov ed by the Winding-Up
11. The fin e Tribunal,
su bm itt e
. d by th e Co mpany Liquidator to th
shall be pany.
of a di sso lu tio n or de r in respect of the com
for passing p of a company
on 27 8 pr ov ide s tha t the order for Wmding-U of
12. Secti cre ditors and all the contributories
vo ur of all the
shall operat.e in fa petition.
been made on their joint
the company as if it had has been
27 9 pr ov id es th at wh en a Winding-Up order
13. Section it
isi on al Li qu id at or ha s been appointed, no su
Passed or a Prov be commenced, or if pend
pr oc ee di ng sh all
or other legal against
te of th e or de r, sh all be proceeded with, by or
on the da ibunal and
m pa ny ex ce pt wi th th e permission of the Tr y
the co
ter m s as th e Tr ibunal may impose. An
subject to such g permission under this
to the Tr ibu na l see kin
17.28 Corporate I
,f..t VvJf
Members hip
The Advisory Committee shall not consist of more t?an 12 members, Who
are creditors and contributories, or persons h~ldmg powers of attorney
from creditors or contributories, in such proportion as may be agreed 00
by at the meeting of creditors and contributories.
Meetings of Creditors and Contributories to Determine Membership
The Company Liquidator shall convene a meeting of creditors and
contributories as ascertained from the books and documents of the company!
within 30 days from the date of order of Winding-Up, for enabling the
Tribunal to determine the membership of the Advisory Committee. He
shall summon meetings of creditors and contributories by giving not
. _. . . 1 less than 14 days notice sent individually, by registered post or speed
post or by electronic means. Within 7 days of holding of the metting
of the creditors and contributories, the Company Liquidator shall report
the result of the meeting to the Tribunal *in Form WIN 23. But where
they fail to determine the proportion, the Tribunal will determine how
many will be from contributories and how many from creditors.
hns hcconic rn
The company shall notify the Registrar of Companies and the IBB1
about the resolution to liquidate the company within 7 days of such
resolution or the subsequent appl'oval by the credit~s, as the case may be.
Liquidation Commence1nent Date
Subj~ct to approval of the creditors, the voluntary liquidation proceedings
in respect of a company shall be deemed to have commenced from
the date of passing of the resolution, whether ordinary or special, as
the case may be. On and from the Liquidation Date, the corporate
person shall cease to carry on its business except as far as required
for the beneficial winding up of business.
Public Announcement by the Liquidator and Collation of Claims
The Liquidator shall make a public announcement in Form A of
Schedule I within 5 days from his appointment, calling upon operational
creditors, financial creditors, workmen, employees and any other stakeholders
of the corporate person to submit their claims within 30 days of the
liquidation commencement date. The announcement shall be published
in one English and one regional language newspaper, on the website
of the corporate person and on the website designed by the Board
(IBBI) for this purpose.
Then the liquidator shall prepare Preliminary Report about the capital
structure, estimates of assets and liabilities, proposed plan of action etc., and
submit the same to the corporate person within 45 days of the
Contributories' Resolution.
The liquidator is required to verify the daims within 30 days of the last date
of the receipt of claims. The liquidator may accept the claim or reject the
claim and prepare list of stakeholders on the basis of claims admitted
within 45 days from the last date of receipt of claims.
Primary Functions of the Liquidator
• To value, sell, recover and realize all assets of monies due to such
corporate persons in time bound manner.
• Opening bank account followed by the words "in voluntary
liquidation" in a scheduled bank, for the purpose of receiving all
moneys due to the corporate person.
• Distribution of proceeds to the stakeholders within 6 months of
receipts of the proceeds.
• To preserve a physical or electronic copy of the reports, registers
and books of account for at least 8 years after dissolution of the
corporate person, either with himself or an information utility.
. ~UP
Nli''"'''g i' t
of Liquidation
I C•· l
11 pl all en de av or to complete tl1e II<Iulcution proce.~s of the
Cl•' uid ator sh
person within '12 mO11 tli s from th c I' ui·d8 t,Jon
f /lC1,q ,q
or at c nt date. In case liquidation IJrocc ,, co , . _.
nc ss nt mu es for more than
cor'P nccr ·d· . . · t
•c.1l s a u~ report m
't· .
. .cat,n g
• ,11111e •
s11all pr es en t an ·u111u d,
,o 111011'h1· S' •the • hq u1 ,1to1 l
, .-
I2 .• ,5 in 1Jquidc1 t10n.
·ss oJution. . " I ha ve been comp1ete1y woun up
f)I 1e co rpor at e pe rson ·
/) th e a1fa trs of t 1· . n shall be made by the
oncv mdate ~, a1~ ap pl ica tio
and its asse ts fully tq ssol ution along with a Fina
l Report
N C ~T _fo r its di
liquidator to th~ co un ts, sta tements demonstrating detai
d hq m da ~e d ac
consisting of au ited an ne r of sa le, and statements that all
an d the n- m
f the disposed assets ov ision s has been made incase of
d suf fic ie nt pr
ias been discharged an io n. Pu rsu ant to this application, by
nd ing litig at
adverse outcome of a pe ion and the entity
the NC LT sh all pass an order for dissolut
liquidator, e date of NCLT's orde
dissolved from th
shall stand date
of di ssolut ion shall within 14 ·days from the
A copy of an order e Registrar of Companies with
ar de d to th
of such order, be forw
the corporate person is
t the company will be
bmission of declaration to ROC, stating tha aration
Step I
Su raud any person [Decl
t being liquidated to def
to pay its due and is no
of Solvencyj. n (Contributories '
of spec ial res olu tion/ordinary resolutio
Passing uidation and
Step II ap pro vin g the pro posal of Voluntary Liq
Resolution) for declaration of solvenc
intme nt of liqud ator, within 4 weeks of
appo ors
213rd majority credit
ate perso n ow es debts , approval of
If a corp or Contributor '
req uired to be taken within 7 days of
would also be
Resolution. ims of all stakeholders,
un cem en t by Liquidator inviting cla
Publi c an no ll as on website
Step III his ap point me nt, in newspaper as we
within 5 da ys of e within 30 da ys
ask ing them to submit the sam
of corporate person a
idatio n Commencement Date.
of the Liqu t the Contributories
ation to the RO C and the JBBI abou
Step IV days of its passing.
Resolution , wi thin 7 rt abo ut the capital structure, •
fp 1 J"m inary Repo
. re
etc ., and submi ssion. of,
Step V Preparation o . b'l 't' proposed plan of. act10n ntn
bu ton es
, of Co
of assets an d 1ia ies te person withm 45 days
the same to a corpo
17.34 ( 'nr/"Jl'Ofp I ow,
[Hint: The Tribunal can order the Winding-Up of the company on the
ground of inability to pay debts.]