Drugs Used in Child Psychiatry (MHN)
Drugs Used in Child Psychiatry (MHN)
Drugs Used in Child Psychiatry (MHN)
Control of withdrawal symptoms from
OTourette's disorder
Mavement disar deep
Control of aggressive or hyperactive beh-
avior in children
Mechanism of Action
Alpha 2-adrenergicreceptoragonist
The agonist effects ofclonidineon presynap-
result in a
tic alpha 2-adrenergic receptors
decrease in the amount of neurotransmitter
released from the presynaptic nerve
Usual starting dosage is 0.1 mg orally twice a
day; the dosage can be raised by 0.3 mg day
to an appropriate level.
Side Effects OKeep stimulilowand environment as quj.
et as possible to discourage over stimul
ymouth, dryness ofeyes,fatigue,irritability, ation.
Sedation, dizziness, nausea, vomiun8 nypo
tension and constipation. O To decrease anorexia, the medication
may be administered immediately after
Nurse's Responsibility meals. The patient shold be weighed
Monitor BP, the drug should be withheld if regularly (at least weekly) during hosp-
the patient becomes hypotensive. italization and at home while on therapy
frequentmouth rinses and good oral hygiene with CNS stimulants, due to the potential
for dry mouth. for anorexia/weight loss and temporary
interruptions of growth and develop-
Methylphenidate (Ritalin) ment.