CC Booklet

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CONSTRUCTION Wy Chemicals Pe Seesrenimired a Sf Ss gn * tae S —_— Introduction Index STP Umted,¢ Turner Monsen Group canpeiny, 6 leeing Liquid Membrane 1 mronfacirer of high quality prodics for Weterproofing, (G)) Road Surtocing, Epoxy Flooring, Admistire & Grats ‘Waterproating Products 3 Freteatve and Art-Covraaive Coaving, Sealants & Adnesves, ‘slewing Trermoplasie Raed Merling Conpouid end all cher | zr ‘orsinicion chemicel products to feclitere oll types of ‘consrocion end revabilironon of buildings. 1] STP lea pe helicreampany hevng 25 brench offices, 17 stack ppolns end 6 marufecuring unis which ere cerified by ISO for 4 ‘9001 / 140001 18000. STP hos o core expert in Worerproofing, Seclerts Curing Compound 16 Protective and Ant Corraive Coatings, Road Surfacing end Epoxy Flaorgs Floor Hordner "7 A ST products hove excellont performance track record os Widely used in all mojor projects. ptayRondng, “4 STP hos over 80 years of trust oF fs customers for lle sabia nan 2 products ‘STP fulfils te comprare social responablttes by reduction Ting Products 24 Corben fectprins, energy consumption cd reeydling of ‘womege wihalmor zero dechorge. Protective / Anti-Corasive Coating 25 : ‘Coment Grinding Aide 2 Other Prodvets 30 ‘¢ Al enerapioige mentnedvil ped anaitacte conn Product Shalirethane LAM, Moisture cured High Tensile Elastomeric Modified Folyurethane Conform to ASTIMIC 836 8c 898 Shairethane 87D Water Based UV Conforms to ASTM C 836&D6083 Packing 2 ke ‘Typical Applications waterproofing of terrace, basement retaining walls, sunken slab, podium, roof garden and substrate of any geometrical shapes Waterproofing of terrace, parking area, podium, roof garden and substrate of any geometricalshapes. All non-trafficable and exposed terrace of any shape, water bodles, swimming pool & any other exposed structure. Advantages Easy to apply & repatable, seamless ‘waterproofing, excellent adhesion to concrete, High elongation and solid Content. Totally impermeable. Use of reinforcements optional, co friendly water based green product. Highsolid content with good ‘elongation property, Can be applied ‘on moist roof, Totaly impermeable land good crack bridging property. Availableinblackand white colour UV resistant, Easy to apply & repairable. Excellent adhesion to conerete & metal. Barrier coat against Water Ingress. Avallable in various colour shades. guid membrane with highsolid content & elongation. Coverage / Dosage L.2kg/m#for1.ommDFT. Applicableby brush /roller/ ress spray. Reinforcement of fibreglass net of 40/50 gsm Isoptional 1.85 kg/m?for.0mmOFT. Applicableby brush/roller/ spray. Reinforcement of Fibreglass net of 40/50 gsm isoptional. 4Lakeg/m#for1.omm DFT. Applicable by brush/coleraleess| spray Reinforcement of flbreiass net of| 40/50 ¢sm Isoptional. o = ig 3 = GI = = Co 1T L mE Salilrethane® LHM 2K i) r= c fe ze} = Gy = s 5 iy — Product ‘Twe Component Liquid ‘Applied Polyurethane ‘Water Proofing Membrane Conforms to ASTM C #268 C898 ShallPrime PUM Single Component Polyurethane Primer Packing asks ‘Typical Applications Roofs an terraces, podium, retaining walls, bath room under tiles, swimming pooland tunnels. Prmerforconerete/ metal surfaces Advantages Easy to apply. Excellent adhesion Resistant to.water and frost. Elastic leven at low temperature, Resistance todiluteacidandalkall Toenhance adhesion. Highly panerative In concrete surface and chemically resins. Coverage / Dosage 1.3kg/ m*tor.ommDFT. ‘Applicable by brush / roller airless spray. Reinforcement of fibreglass net of 40/50¢5m Isoptional. 100 mien? shalicer FMP Mt 02370, ‘Shalicom EWP AR Packing Typical Applications Unique veteprotng bsement 25K bathroom dab, tunnel, swimming pool, Hence once ianyroanig or waned and sng monly ery are bg ona) mary teresa ihe ‘Mav 16K) pool, sunken, wetareaset sunken, sal planers, trace soty tatoos yet crue sae all ete cra Rete ee ee ie eee - Fotm insoluble crystals within pores of concrete to stop any ingress of water. Can be applied from negative Sido also. UY resistant, Highly flexible ‘waterproof coating. Goodlelasicity to take care ofmovementsofconcrete. UY redstant,| exhibits good water proofing character and fexble Same asabove with addition of anti- oot properties Coverage / Dosage ¥coat:08kg/m'fcoat 2 coat:0.7kg/m'/ coat Appheation by brush 2.5 kg/m? in two layers to achiove 45mm thickness. Feinforcement of fibreglass net of| 44/50;n isoptiona. 2.5k/m'for ofS thickness. Peinforcement of Poeeglass net of] 40/5085 isoptional 2.5 kg/m for 1.5mm thickness For higher thicnesshigher consumption ‘fallbe required. Reinforcement of Abregias net of 40/5085 isoptiona Product Packing Typical Applications Advantages Coverage / Dosage x shalcem WPC ‘Woterproofrg of intermediate Neer, Excllentadheden.tasrtoapply: 1-2. 5k/m"intwoecoats Single Component tot wall facing to shower and for non Reinforcement of fibreglass net of genta 25ka atc teas of balcony & portico 40/5033 isoptiona waterproof Coating } halite ‘Lig. Ska, Bonding & waterproofing coating for UN sable, tnlanmable, Nontoxic & Mix shaliCrete with neat cement in Acre otmer KE SKE alen sa, summing pools, water Ant-ingel Hihyimpermesble against the rato of1:2 {one pat Shree Coatns sete lank, sewers, channels & other ater Mess, can bond tO moist ad tw part cement vera Conforms to fepairing work and tain beating substate.Aopled for wateprooting br mx for swateroroofie/Bond coat ASTIN E96 eae ming wth eament as recommended 2.5 kg/m’ for trmm thicknessin 80 bymanufacurers coats g Shalicrete 47 Waterproofing of roofs, walls, skater Improved waterproofing performances, For Waterproofirg coating: 3-3.5m° Pebmeried iy storage tank sirken abs balconies il cHoride contents, impart high /kgin 0 coats Ca Aug 30 cos Reis sped conette, compresive and fear ergth and Fev mortar moder: $k, $0 ke Pathe yas cai SETI foo cms, beams sb et: Bond ond sera semen . Conformsto 656319 contr alatonesieonete mara, Faron agent 4550 lasts Priningofreinforcedeoncete per cont. ShallPlase LW « Integral waterproofing & damp Highly impermeable, Easy dispersble 200%lper Sokz bag ofcement ee proofing additve for plaster & PCC in cement mortar, Reduces vapor Cone. 11,5], used in basement, screed, water tank, tansmisson through walls & dabs Pant 201 foos,massconcietinginfourdations Feduces capillary action, Reduces shrinkage ‘crack development & es 5 2008 external a Conforms to 1: 2645: paral BASES Facitatesbotter workability, 2003 & 9103-2000 Product Advantages Coverage / Dosage ShalPlast Ww++ Integral Waterproofing cum-Corrosion nhibiter 5 1,206 Comoson resistant &hidlyimpermeable, 200miper50kg baz ofcement ‘um CSvoson iil offcement_ say pr pe RE = comigare steelbarsalsoimpartswaterproofing high compressive, strength, reduce Gaewinct a toconcrete. Applicable forall concrete _vinkege racks development, provides Conforms tos: 2675 & stuctures. yeaa lal &inaease duly of 9103 ASTM C 1582M ere shotPlast Re Bipolar Roving / Migratory Corrosion ipolar roving corrosion inhibitor Protectsreinfotcement fom corroding 0.4-286ofweightof cement. 20) mixture for conctete, costal area, enhancirg rouge fee performance Performersthrough ata. Pa £ G i B=) grarorycorrodon 70! aineappbeationandbridges. _onlfeofeantete. a ConfommstoAsto 2007 & cise = ShaliPrime WB L201 Asaprimerfor sibsequentapplication tasjto apply excellenthiding property, 810m'/1 with dilution of water in uo Acrylic Polymerised OF a ve AcryicPlim 1 Gf top cnat for entree of inter Taetdyig,erafenttoverase Shea of Satine WE Water Architectural Primer 2001 finish. 1:05 6 Shalicry 235 ‘waterproofing of exterlor walls, Redstant to dus pickup. Water based 3.25 m'/ J in two coats for 200 g eee tine facade ad other exeror verte nontovle green prodad. txcalent miconsDFL a tna ite 3 Sete wakittaceect Gaatiaegomnyimpnmeate ecm of ine vo wh BS Riterroot Coming, wlderange of colour shades fim, reasons gusagaeproot sition of ater is used as a IGE 6083, ‘durable & easy to apply. Flongationup Pe oe to300% eS Waterproofing Products a ‘Shalicry! LM SigleComponent WV ResstantAcryle guid Membrane Conforms oaSTMD 083 ShallcrylLM HI Heavy Duty, Reinforced, Heat Ineulative, Aerie quid Memrane ShallWaterPeller Colouress Silicon asec Water Repellent 51 a 201 sl a 201 201 For foot traffcable terrace. Also recommends for pitched root & root ‘of complex shanes. Each coat offers sifferentcolour For exposed and non traficable terraces with all types of material of consructionandexteriorwals. Colouriess protective coating for stone & masonrystructutes, UY resistant, tough impermeable coating with excellent crack bridging property Elongation uptp 135 % Excellent heat insulation. High rechanial strong, eluate & rolient coating enabling it to withstand structural movements, Easy to. apaly, ewironrentaly safe & norpoliting. Resistant to Uy, Abrasion & cnt ek. Figher tense strength, tear esstance & ‘bond strength. No acditonal protective coating err for rea sunjeted Forma ft tafe Available in water based & solvent based grades. Repels water, when contact the surface & avoid dust catching, keeping the surface in ts originalcoiour8& condition, {Lif forasomicton DFT A prime cost of ShalPrime WB wih ‘separate colour code foreach layer for Imm theinese Tota theiness 1 rim. Reinforcement of ShalGootext 40/sogsm'soptiona, For waterproofing cum insulation Horizontal surface: 1.60 1./ min ‘three coats with an addtional coat ofShaliPrme Wea armer ‘Vertical surface: 500 mi / in two coats with an additional coat of ‘ShaliPrime WBas primer. Consumption 200 mi fm. tt may varywithsurtacecondition Product Shellmer Dart fink a ‘Shaliixc RM C pal notat Plastseal ke caxite 25h Typical Applications. Crack filer & instant stopper of leakagesin concrete & masonry Applicable over defective old mortar/ aokg ack sereed showing water seepage eonoe: rang through cracks of basement, vertical ‘Mula wall areas ke parking deck, ramp, aig writs) 25 Ke marine structure, pavement & walkways. Thickness can be built up ‘rom3-50mm, ‘rack repair of internalfextemal wall roots forerackszeupto3mim. Crack Filing, Lovel undulation on un- plastered or plastered ceilings and ‘val prior to painting. Provide smooth finish to brick, sone and wood works. Excellent sculpting materia. Advantages. Non shrinkable but expand slightly while setting Can stop leakage lunder/against running water Excelent adhesion with old & new ‘morta feancete. Pahicespetmesbilty ‘Bimprovesabrason, exible material hence accommodates ‘mavement of concrete or mortar, seal the cracks against water seepaae. Surface is paintable after repair with Pastisea, Excellent crack bridging nature, low Shrinkage, goodadhesion with odand ‘new mortar / corcrete, Resistant to ‘carbon Di-oride attack Good water ‘vapour permeability Mix 180 ml of water per 1 ks of Shalimar Dart, Consumption vary on surface conditions / Crack opening. Add extra 0.6! of water per unitpack for workable consistency. Consumption depends on crack Bulk density:1.22 0.0grms/em* Appliedby ming with ater. PlasiSeal P Water 2.5:1, Can ill 2to'Smm wider staticcracks. 3 = =| i) 2 = 5 [s) ro) = a o 3 y 4 Packing Typical Applications ‘Advantages Coverage / Dosage Used in mass concrete foundation Reduces moisture absorption as much + Liquid 100 to 200 ml per 50 Kg walls floors that must be watertight. as 60%Reduces vapor transmission bagofcement. Water tanks, tera0e slabs. Used in tough walls and. slabs, Reduces» Powder -1 kg per 50 kg bag of EEN bower Wierpentece — THB825KE ree chloride fre. Can be used as a slurry ‘bond coat for concrete of minimum 3 daysol. stig Sg meron tor setine masonry gra cepitery sth isovies erester coment ‘Rebeistn 11,51 201% Bocas. ‘workability Gonformstols 07 gud 73 Fagg ShaliBond Concrete Moisture insensitive adhesive for Low viscous, moisture insensitive, Theoretical Coverage: FSB Pecereerert zo1grack bonding is coneete with net flerble with relent adhesive Prime: 200250 gns/n! FE Seovvsonne ZEN. Greece /“toocgteplig proper to to canes, sel oF Eoin 25030 prea Adhesive /Pimer 0"05HK05. Stace mbersPinng,seaing, wood tgether Acts as 2 rtecton Som snEcoae ns a BoM forconcrae iagidioes el a eem esse eset. ‘J en Warehouses, dairies, service stations, Provides non-absorbent, non-dusting & Coverage depends on thickness Foe ree Compo 20 ug Fock chemical plants, metal eating plants, chemical ressant surfce. Fast yng. and surfacetinish CO foot ndette machinery service areas food Ofte High tale & comprenve forms SVosoke: roca rendering plants, concete_svergth IDX sold ih no VOC can be Pe I QONENSN, SSSEGS aia fomeresinntiays apf ow ines 0mm = Boag Parking dks) oor tonnings, Jone HE Thkdly tps to pour without 25 lg of material mixed with Bl Vier eciormance 35 4 repain, equoment bases, peestab Veration, also pum for wess 3.8751 of water to have a Yel Cementitious Repait and pavements havior acoss org workretme, las Fo wosconste Heh serait ow pereasiy 4 sacking Typical Applications ‘Advantages Coverage / Dosage ‘hallcrete URP Fepalx & rehabilitation of concrete. improves bond stiengths to hadened —TheoteticalCoverage: — Modifed SOR latex 5 kg, waterproofing mortarsfeonerete concrete. Dense, impermeable, moriar + Mortar Modfer7 kx / 50 ka| Based URP or 20kgR including tesrace, toilets, chajas, Mt OF column & beam repats. Anti” cement bag fondling, Repair 200g pts balonies masonrywally stopping, Cortsive coating.on eel bars. High « Bonding gpa: 4-4 m/eg/coat je Renseting FCC roofs, bedding for ties/marbles, lxualstenglh, Wear esblance and whcoating 2-2. m/kg/2 coats vonding urn teternsl rendering, tensile strength, Excellent concrete niyo ene ecrstnwonand ine ater, wands che on MMISONOF el eee fusion & sulphate/Co, attack due to ‘modified overs topping Imatine or industial weather Shall Fbc EP Epoxy putty to sealcracksof concrete, Excellent impact resistance, good Mix component A, 8 & C in ratio 20g Pack metal & wooden surface. Protective mechanical propety, non swinkable, 0.24 : 0.18 : 0.62 respectively by| Epony Putty {PeIS8_ Contig tor concrete, ste] & marine cent handing wih cance, Kola weight Consumption depends MEE Sroctres Making up undulstons of sone sel tiponate, shape surface inh Concetesutface before coating aan SS a, oot Se Sa Dohme: Moiied yg yg_reguarproies and fe damaged suaces 32-20 mm nigh compressie conditions, " conctete strengih, excellent adhesion without Density22620.05gumVee imes, thiotropk: in naire, Mixing fab water:cementisoni.16. alson ate For tepating off damaged concete & Withstand. core jon dusion & For Cement slurry Ml Ratio Boning Agen Tor rmasoneyworkincdng sof ab, To slate /CO attack Dense, impermeable | SERLstox Water sceneries 3.852425 lesion Repaisof 5,20, Nort now & old Consett masony mot for cance & Mason tepa For Mortar Cement teMasonry te Fedices Cea talon de fo gual Sot terersameresind 1325 me 2091 Wows Pasatingcesonseicement. corgsion & flexural strength. Ako Conforms to ASTM C rate ofcomeion. conform reduces tate of otros er Re a] = i] ° <5 3 ° 1s) oT) r= A iJ Qa a [4 Product SEE haliPatch EC 3 fs =) i) 2 = } (3) rf) = = a 2 Q 4 ‘Three component Self Leveling Modified Eastomerie Concrete ‘haliFix 8 Cementitious Ready ‘Mix Mortar for Setting of Preformed Block Sets ShaliFix RM E Three Component Solvent Free Epoxy Repair Mortar Packing 10 kg Pack ais, c5shg 30K 20 kg Pack taeda, 20, Cao ‘Typical Applications Repair oferacksranging between 5-50 ‘mm on roads, bridges, highways, runways, apron, taxiways, parking decks, ‘commercial structures, substrate concrete, airfield lighting & industrial floor, Excellent. surface defect repair. Compatise with both concrete & bituminous pavernent Fixing together of aerated autoclave concrete / black sets, hallow block sets, bricks precise masonry blocks, Industral shop floors, warehouses, service stations, concrete roads / runways, airport hangers & joints In highways. ‘Advantages Tough, durable Nexible quick ceying elastomeric concrete having excellent ‘bond, Resistant to most chemicals, srease etc. Avaliable in grey and black colour Ready to use. Requires water addition nly. Seif curing, reduces mounting timeof bide, excelent adhesion, Provides non-absorbent, non-dusting ‘chemical resistantsurfaceDriesin2 hours toallow foot taf, Hightensile & high compressive strength SolventOCfree. Coverage / Dosage Depends on rack size and depth, Mix Density: 161.8, 3-5 ig/m'for 3mmthiciness. Mixing Ratio (Powder: Water): 3 Tey volume. For ShalifinRM E50: 1.90 kg/m For ShalifieRM E70:1.75 ke /m’ Product Packing Typical Applications ‘Advantages Coverage / Dosage ‘Shalix RM HB OL Light welaht, cementitious, polymer Extremely low nermeabiiy provides Mix Density: 1.6 grms/cc Teese Hie modified repair mortar o provide maximum protection against carton er nttious 2 4# ‘high build properties as wll as diowde and chlorides. Exellen: bend excellenttesisance ochlorieions & to the concrete substrate. Shrinkage Reinstatement Mortar the diffusion of acidic gases such as compensated, Contains nochlorides. carbon dioxide, Can be applied in so ‘hikes 10-40 rm fa vertical & 25 c rimnineverhead shustions. s fe) Qa ‘ShaliFix RM SG 01 Renairmortarfor vertical horizontal High Strength. Extremely low MixDensty:2.1gnmsfoc fe Saeeret application tobe used for Sto 101mm permeability. provides maximum Smarr Sade ‘thickness, Higher thicknessis possible protection against carbon dioxide and fo} Polyner Medtied 255: veantorgyhowke chlorides. Excellent bond to. the &] Reinsomemert| concrete subsirace. Shrinkage ‘Mortar Mortar ‘compensated. Contains no chlorides, 2» — Repa Packing ‘Typical Applications Advantages Coverage / Dosage haliGrout $0 Single Compone Flow Nan-Shrink High Strength/ Fluidity Gr ShallGrout 73 Single Component Free Flow Non-Shrink High Strength/ Fluidey Gro ShallGrout 90 Single Component Free Flow Non Shrink High ‘strength /Fluity ShaliGrout E1 {Two Component Epoxy iiection ‘Shaligrout® PU Polyurethane Based Water Reactive Injection Grout 25ke 25hke ashe 10 kg Pack rou si nsoeg es 20ke Grouting of machinery and equipment. Bikge seas, structural columns, bencing pts, crane ras & anchorages. Heavy duty grouting of machinery & equipment Ball mils, petro chemical, fertilizer units, bridge bearing plates, texte machineries, anchor bolts / bars. Dg sets base foundation & fence posts. Useator filing machine poctt bot when ‘very high qulcestrengtherequied, Grout for permanent bonding of structural damage, parking, bridge, tatine, retaining wall structure & ‘earthquake damage rept. Vertical and overinead appiatons. Stopping leaks in structures. Stopping \water oozing from ground, dams and banks, Leaks from large and. small caliber sewer pipes. concrete crack and expansion joints. Leaks into building structures &tunnel Nonvshrink, free flow, cementitious high strength grout (equivalent to MSO grade strength) ready to use powder, Requires addition of water only. High flowabilty, non- shrinkable & high early strength grout High flowabilty, non shrinkable and high erly strength grout Low viz fr pressure recon offre ‘ads. Moktue rsenstne fer bondie an both dry dap surfaces Proves atoush, ‘weather estar seal for pores of cont, Penetrates deep into wack & fase. Reacts even wth sea wate, mineral water, regardless of water temperature. Short el ‘ume forms highly tough & resent ga Ecelentachesveness to appled materials Impregnates even salt crac & pores ue 1 surface property & volume incesse dur reacion, 3.75 of water required per bag of grout. 25 kg bag wil yeld around (0.0125 rm? of Fuld grou, Achieves strength of 00kg/cm’ in28days, Mu25 kgShalGrout 73 with 4.125 cof water tohave an yields of 0.0125 rm. Compressive strength in 28 days sever 720 fer ‘Mik 25 kg ShaliGrout 90 with 425 / of water to have an yields of 0.0125 ‘Compressive strength in 28 43/516 over 800 ig a SpecticGravity:1.12-+0.02 Consumption depends upon area, shape and usage Specific Gravty:1.06-1.10 Consumption depends upon area, shape and usage Packing ‘ShaliGrour EP P Grouting for pump, compressor, fan, emer ow shark Sot ate ae at : nen ACAERE other high strength applications He aoe es eben na Typical Applications. ‘ShalirouteP ® fOuREPR Epoxy grouting for pump compressor & 16g Pack fas Deep fil machine bass A igh aoe, great ppateninddrg canetals ses el Satis: Ta ene & hovgs Lge ancor 515'2)*2 bolts for petrochemical fertilizer plants. ‘ShaliGrout Injection grout for voids cable duet NationyPecare Grout 12K: Pack grouting, pre-stess concrete ume ment Mortar (121 Ka) pipe joints, water tank & repair of amy Conen & — othermasonry& concrete sructures Conformst0 858110 20k a ShaliGrout Anchor For anchoring boltsorbarsino concete, Component 16 Kg Pack sock, masonry or brick work Permanent 228 insalaion ofrenforcoment startet bas Goat ‘45 Foundation bolts, basa patos bamie's safety fences: Railway tracks. Ground anchersfor towers canes Advantages Fast ser ih chemicalesitart, exelent load beating, & igh sreneth, bond foundation to tae plat, Stable deep + ‘tidksocons Cer vryhighea srongth Non-ahink, free Hovirg, igh early strength. [has an excellent bond vith foundation & base, plates Good schemnical restance. Siable in deep & thideseetions Expanding grout admixture compensates initial shrinkage by Controlled expanson during. intial seine. Non expansive. Rapid sttergth gain ‘ibration resistant Fast setting / quick retum to service. Corrosion resistant. Fycellent load bearing capacity Excallent bond foundation to base plate Stable in deep or thick sections pats Coverage / Dosage Consimption/vield1 950 fem? Compresdve strength: day-700g/cm* 7days- 900 kg/m L4days-1000kg/em* Consimption/vield1 50g em? Compressive strength: day-550ka/an" Bday 740 kgfan™ 7days-B20Kg/cm? 14dzys-900ks/an? ‘kg powder tobe addedper SOkg cementbas, w Pa EI fe) Fr Lo) Specitic Graity:2.20-2.40 Compressive Stereth: 600 kaven for 50mm cube Packing Typical Applications ‘ShaliPlast PCE-200/300/400 By rr on ‘ShalPlast > h Range 205 ducing Cum & mixture 200 Kg ShaliPlast SP POC Superastii ae Shales te a sducing Pasticzer & 200s SeaiPacip on Jmviet & 200 ‘ShallPlast Retard 20ks wlmicure & 200 Used for self compactine hih grade concrete forteady mic concrete, precast concrete Naphthalene bosed admixture for mass conete, ready mic concete, precast shabs, fosirg conte, heady reinforced concrete & pmpabe concrete. Excllent for use it high performance concrete like toads, runways, etc Excellent pumpable property and suitable for highly reinforced concrete Mostfed naphihdene based admixture foe tigher rade of conse, rahsoy sleeper sel form, precast element ge, foundation sp form sructres, Lgno sulpnonate based water reducing, adnitute for column, bear, Sab & al concrete structures. ‘Acmidure for suctual concrete bridge eck ght waht concrete high, ras concrete warm westher applications Hil eaty stenath, Hi vaterrehction ‘vith improved. Nlowabality. Conforms to ASTIAC ADI TYpEG, B:9103 Super Plaster & fat etarde. Increase ‘york ability & srenath withoutinaease incementontent Conmsto ASTIAC 494 Type, B- 8103. Imparts improved workability, higher cohesion and strength, Superior water reduction to the extent of 25%, Conforms t0/5:9103, BS:5075, Part 3 BASTM-C-494T\peG. Offers igh skork-abilty, increases, strenath without increasing of cement Content, Conform sto ASTM 994 Type ARE; S:9108. Rodices vate: & inzeas work ably, ves good cohesive concete. swes ‘Cement stot lossotsrergth Consoms ToASTMC 94 KpeA; 6 9108. Super sel retarding Hestiars,Chlatle lie, creas rainy &recuces dike permet Covirms to ASTM C 484 Type S510 0.2-Lo%by weight of cement. Actual dosage to be finalised after sie tials 0.5 102.0% by weight of cement. Actual dosage tobe finalised after Site tials, 0.6101.5%by weghtof cement Actual dosage tobe finalised after sie tials 0.4% to 2%by weight of cement Actual dosige tobe finalised after site tials 0.2 -0.5% by vcight of coment Actual dosage tobe finalised after Stetrials, 02 t 1.5% by weiaht of cement Acual dosage To be finale afer ‘terials Packing Typical Applications ‘shelirient Ps, Concrete blocks, pines, stepping stones Reduces initial set. Provides high early 0.5 -2 kg / bag of cement. " 2046 Seite Stentor stoi bese: Seva dosage tobe aoa TES & concrete minimizés bleeding and dteuisle 200g segregation. Transucent colour enables Susiuanunegmentoits ‘ShaliPiast ShotcreteL 20kg ‘Silicate based chloride freeaccelerator Low rebound, piotects réber from — 3t012%by weight ofcement. icuidset Accelerati K€ forcritcal application like wnne, dam, corrosion, kos inkage et. Conforms Aca dosage to be finalised after mishotorine opi mae sce, hveraivises. | (ASTMCS1G1 pe ale Gass. tet Shall ShomseteP Chore fee eae se admire oiroundioy Sebastes 3 w 8% by wet of covet 35 zs 25kg —_ fordry@uniting mic while sorayed, Canbe used on wet surface, Conforns an layer thidaoss, ° ni TmASIMCH1S ye Ne [Cah At DSRS Tobe fed afer ‘Synthetic Air we (Mass placement, precast shapes spun Produces 4 to 73% air resulting voids in 10 to 20 ml per 50 kg bag of| irgntraning Admixture 704% pos concete roads packer headpipe. 22/0 Sump conaete, hawasesplacebiity cement. feet ockig Stato funy nate ams etal dosage 0 be ale ater Bett : swonie ‘ShalFoam Foam generating admixtures for light weight concrete for thermal GOOml-1.2/ per SOkg bag of cement. mk 7048 concrete, Itisavaterbased chloride insulation & slope building on Adual dosage to be fnased aftr 200g freeliqui. terrace, stetinls mol = 3 i) a = ) oO bo iS tS =} s) ShaliPrime Acrylate ‘Shgle Component Acrylate Based Prin for Concrete Su shaliCure acrylate ‘Acrylic Curing and Sealing Compound Conforms to ASTI C309 818 1D, Class 8 Saline Pa Paraffin Based Curing Compound Concrete forms ASTM C 308, yes 18 10, Chss 8 Shalicure Water Based Curing & Sealing Compound f Concrate Surface Conforms to ASTI ¢ 308 ‘Shalicure AL Solvent Based Synthetic ResinContainine Aluminum Pigment Conformsto ASTMIC 309.81, Type 28 BS7542 Packing 201 20r zor 2001 20! 2001 201 2001 ‘Typical Applications Usedas primer forconeretesurface Industrial floor slab, warehouse, concrete floor toppings. column. & beams of marine structures, parking ‘Mass concrete structures, canal, column, beams, bridge deck and tall structures, rundays,roadsete. Used forcuring ofalltypesof concrete structure, Curing compound for application on highways, runways apron areas port, ‘cours, raining walls & canal ares, ‘Advantages Silane Storane based primer for priming substiale to form a good link for subsequent coating. Forms 2 trnsparentcoloured fim to cure concrete. surfaces. newly cist esting rig, Dadening dus proot ng. Seal all the pores of concrete with Improved abrasion by impregnating nto surface pores Chemical estat Wax based curing compound, spray able, easy to apply, gradually dlisintegratesteavingstainfreesurface Secu SScate bused compound to 2 {ae & harden in one operation. Sober free product. Factates cre anplatson of Subsequent teetiment Be waterproofing, pant & ani carboration sting Seals concrete. surface forming a smemnbrane which fleets sunays ang @iency, ncease harness & abrasion resilances, reduce dusting. Water based ‘bo aie, Coverage / Dosage 45m'/1 4.6 mI for two coats Textural surace: 497.4 m!/ 1 Smooth surface: 7.48.6" /7 am'/ (0.20-0.240 J/m* Product Packing, ShallFloor NM Non Metalic oor Hardener oo shaliFloor m DH Non-Onidizing, Heavy Duty Metallic Floor ay Hardener Typical Applications Car park areas of commercial and public buildings, food processing & electronics industries, breweries, restaurants, diaries, automobile showrooms and service centers, warehouses, loading docks and high traffcaideways Industrial floors, warehouses, processing plants vehile maintenance shops loadings docks, main, high trafic aide vray gangways, machine shops breweries, bottling plants, joint ‘Souler reinforcement. Advantages Being quartzbasedit doesnotrus it has two times more abrasion resigance than thenormal concrete Soirg non ferrusit doesnot sus, thas sic timesmore abrasion resistance than thenermal concrete Coverage / Dosage Light wafficc3.5-40ke/m ‘Medium raffe:4.5-5.0ka/m* Heavy tale 6.5-7.0kg /m Normal rafe:3-5keg/* Heavy walle 64.2kg/m" bo ij qe =) 2 z Se 4 6 is ur Product Prime 2 ‘ShalFlooe 365 Shalifloor SLULIC Packing Typical Applications 20g Pack (asus, Basse eni36i) 2g Pack anae Biase coins) 2g Pack wae, Gast Gisae Bare 25a Primer forall types of epony self evel flooring coating. far use in hh impact abrasion, rk ft ovement & ares eposed to cecal al sige uch as procesiry pants \wachouse fra pa paper mite nll autoncble pnt paver houses Use fir dist prool, dean & hygenic ‘arfaes the pharmaceutical uit, food fay, operation theater & marufocurng units, {or dus proof dean & Ingientcarfaces like pharmaceutical, “dairy, food processing plant, deanroom,automobie indus Bonk Sop. Underlay for wooden / PYC/ Carpet / “ile/ Marble floors. Penetrates into the pores and aives excellent bonding wath the subsrates Impcove compatibility & bonding wath subsequent coating. Very good resistance to. abrasion. Brcellent bond to cancrete, Stone, chemical resistance. High resistance to pact load. Durable floor, laid in a thicknessof3to6mm, Seamless, ood chemical resistant, durable & having high srength Aniifurgal,antactere, acl & aka restart e23)to dean, airactve colour ‘hues Fapid installation for loor coverinas, Fxcellent adhesion, Thickness of application ranges from 3 mm to 25 fim, Chloride free consituents, very lovrlinear shrinkage 6-7m"/) 1.8m? /20kg for Smm thidoness, A coat of ShaliPrime 2 is mandatory. 10 anf per 37 kg bag for 2 mm Widnes ‘coat oF shale 2eismandatry 2 m? / per 26 hy bag for 2mm thickness ‘A coat of Saline 2Eismandatony, Theoretical coverage for 25k ba: 4.0m for 3mm thickness “18m for 12mm thickness O61" for25mm thickness ‘ShalSBR Latex tobe used asprimer Typical Applications Advantages Coverage / Dosage ‘Shalficor PU 26ka Pack FiBhly table for Food, dairy and Fastappi at Comp 13.72 heveragesindustieshairg theknessof withenc Medium Dy 2808 gimm to 6mm. Aso suitable Bor higher vnyenic, durable and 2ka/m?for Lm thickness lentchemicaltesstances. However depends on floor base ee condeas 8 wsteanien eon ‘re EE four cotine teeces i ee, trrdtalyandsemenico fe 0 eceeltae ge pees gene quaint - Brae an nea ‘ShaliFioor SLT 365 deal for floor where dust proofing. Selfleveling, multicoloured epoxy 2 m? / per 14 kg bag for 4 mm wee Component Sell- 14kg Fack ceaniiness2 ygiene ae veryimportant topping laid about 3-5 mm thickness. thickness. ing Tran (E470 fe phamacettalunt food processing, AN fungal, an- bacterial, ack! & AcootofShaivime 2cismandaty TERRE Repent ee a Py Shalifloor SLAS3E py 10 void presence of static current and Resists bulld up| of static eect, + Shalscreed.As Fut: 100;rm/im [Btw Component GSKB FE. spate into the eath as desied fr excellent chemical resistance. «ShaliPimeAs:250ghm/n 3° Weveling Anti- SSis” operation theater, electronic & Monolithic, jintles§ dense focewhidh + ShaSeed st AS as Cote:1.Aka/n Pg aticEpeny Coating nay. computer assembly toom, hospital & is easly deanable B Iyeleric. Total +Shlreed AS tp Cot: 3ky/ ny pees other pedicapncations system thickness mm to 5mm. Cansmpsin tak up 3mm teks IT shaliloor SLAs PU For floor exposed to heavy trafic & Antistatic with high chemical Top coat: 2ky/m’. Ustaly 2 3 mm Il Componen ‘ith avoidance of static current and cedance, ow odour easy to dean thickness sis Scratch coat 025 [Id Flooring 20kg —_disspiationelectronscto theeatth ike andhighabfasiontesstance. kad? Scratch cot over conductive fk) Conforms to BS: 208 Hospitals/ Assembly /Hangers. arekesiahew ‘at Shalifloor TC2HBE ideal for textile mill, automobile chemical veSant epoxy coating wth 200gm/n*intwocoats mponent High 6kg Pack production uri, day, pharmaceutical hard wearing surface to take care of Acoatof ShaliPime 2¢ smandatory. Bulid ep (a:220'% and ther indtisry for flor & wall tolleyswithrubber wheels Avalablein Coat Best atings wide range of colour Approved by CFTRL _asnontoricd loodradecoating iy = te 6 a) — z 6 a a Product Packing ShaliUrethane WBC Single Component 20 kg ShaliFlaor Te WB 2E ‘Two Component Water 10s Pack Seed tpoycoame. Bett for Floor ii Shaler To2B SS Solvent Based iow, KS FOG buloercera S28 oT ShlfoerTEDARE a yg Two Component Acid 204 peat Epon Hor FEZE4E Coating cs shalioer Te 2H® SF Two component 16KE Pak wat, Free High fen grostiehe ‘Typical Applications Hygienic wall coating for Operation Theater, Hospital, Pharmaceutical Industrie Hectronic Assembly area. dealy suitable for vet surface, Noor and all of dairy and food processing plants tankinside ete. ‘all coating in textile mills automobita Production units, paint shops dary and Pharmaceutical units ‘Risa 100% solids epory system. Strong chemicalresistant. Usedin acd storage tanks and sitface which come in contact vith chemicals Used for hygienic, dust free, wear resistant sitfaces for chemical, ood processing, contuol room ate ‘Advantages Anti fungal, hygienic durable all coating, €25) to install, fat eying and offer sgoodchemicalresitance Ideal for vet surfaces. No primer is equited, Approved by CFTR as food ‘grade and non-toxic coating. Chemical resistant low built epexy coating for wal. fay to apply: Excllotrasstance to add Rother chemicals Excellent adhesion concete & masoniy surfaces Good adhesion to concrete substrate, Anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and abrasion resistant coating, Coverage / Dosage 100 grms/m? per oat can beused insingle or double coat 200 grmsfiin two coats for 100- {0mieren DFT. 150grms/mtin wo coats, FT-160miaons 350-400 grmsfm? for two coat Tuo coats are recommended. A base coatof primerisneeded. DFr-280-275micens 2.5m? /kg/ coat Product Packing Typical Applications Advantages, Coverage / Dosage ‘Shalifloor TC 2PU ‘Chemical / pharmaceuticals plant, food UV and weather resistant protective 6-8 m7 / } / Coat for DFT of 75) TWotanporen | Sifu usa tite gin cian) coating atang adhedon and macensagpyaooas, RB ‘Aliphatic Polyurethane (4:244! Qucronicsindusties computer room, lexbility, good chemical resistance, Uv Fesstant fop Coat “*!** hospital operation theatre, nudeat improved performance for resistance plans laboratories aerospace industy, tochlorine. Available invariouscolout. airporthangers dairies breweries ‘Shaliprime Penetration Concrete / metal su faces Bette adveson andl leabiiy. Chemical 8-10 m?/2 /Coat for DFT 15-20, Single Component tance, proved perrmance over Aromatic Pohurehane 20 regstance Inproved ps rnicrons a ‘manualy prepared concrete siaces| Fy ShalFloor SUL EC For use wire exceptional strength & Suitable for sub florins expected to Am?/14kg/for2mm thickness. Bem Tee Component 14g Pack toughness are required. Footing can _containmoistire, pint ess monolithic = Tpmycementse sist be ltd on damp" auizee (motture flooring, Exallrt bond to carerele, i} tere Undey ELM CSsent chelation easy W app and can et ay ° underlayment for any epoer coating ira Shabloor SL TC3PU ‘Areas where monolithic gienic and Excellent adheion with substate, 1.75kg/mfor 1mm thickness, eee Component Set 204g ack Siemial vean oris Sted euclent Realy. UY reds & 7 Leveling Polyurethane $27 pharmaceutical industry, nuclear faster curing, io} Floor Topoing ESSge2 power plant, food and beverage % processing unit&contralrooms ia Shalflor PU We 2E5 Aprlied on polyurethane and epoxy fxclletadheson and esti. Rests 100-120grms/m? in two coats, ‘Tuo Component Water 10 kg Pack Based Polyurethane 20%, Seratch Resisant Sealer 405885 footings. scratch / abrasion / Hlarkheal matk. UY [weather / cemical Beant. Normal ‘dearing agentsusedin house keeping, Product Packing Typical Applications 1 \ iv + fol a y Advantages Coverage / Dosage Shalsealps pa/cc Emanionjsinsinindustial commercial UVresstant, goodadhesion property, — Specific Gravity ee r6 kg testi buldnes nisin concrete easy to handle, flexible, fuel/fire PG:1.55-165, roads, bidges, subvinys, Ryovers & redstance and chemical resistance, 6G:1.60-1.70 s/o upon Tunoy, Water TOTINIGG “Wa wouhideeramatectee, fer Te necessary for erong Contato s1zm.8 ‘mucus ho acer tek, rink : born a abst Bode FP [22987 54,05 Baiatergsiely sje aol Mbotonbrccamrendct ray 5212 & ASTM C920 canals & reservoirs Nuclear Power 4 ‘Sit oc dena ‘ures a 2 concep test ote rd FM snrscalou ac poyes panini omer UV resistor cbld_appled Nigh Speier 1454.06 Prag Tsocomponent able Pack /resdentalbuidings docsandharbors. perfamancesedantcheniclandet fol Avalaein ey lou SM fortuGrode anita) fois Ir onete rows ies, fedeatce Mamanteanpaday WAG] Primer Iscneessny Seong Bag oeecteictn cron bie Mar eee Ee cu emand anaes Cnvosats a2 teanig sauces ike nate nk, sche @25C 1542 {toot recomended Py abd eal zee ans tl ie a a manele ere tae ee Fe} fipetentrenlg Wea seee iJ ait conditioned coaches BSH sietsentru ac Emeniyaedeatewcon BE arts Foal efit wet aiheson lo Own 20-125 ara Foi Sieeampencet 20m er raay rod, big bck docs, most ofthe building materials good CO sealant S=USRE docks huabors. Gil srucites inducing weathering and. ageing properties, PPE Conformstops:s212, build residential commercial, iustialexcellentveorkability.. |ASTIAC 920,150. 11600, xprefibicated consructorl panels ‘Typical Applications Advantages Coverage / Dosage Shalirime S Primer for vertical surface to facltate Low viscosity and easy to apply High On Concrete Surface -7 m’/I Twoomponent | aypack proper bonding of sealant with penetration to concrete surface. Heh On Metal Surface 10/1 Primer for PolsulfiS® ssemiesey) Concrete, Steel, Aluminium and Glass wetting property for non porous /Palvurethane eee be 8 Seaiae shaliseal EMS For application in Control joints, High strenath / moduls of elasticity. Specific Gravity 130-150 Ps Two Component 15g Pack construction joints in industrial, High strength Impermeable to liquid a Epoxy Modified 814108 commercial and Trimix floors, & water Vapour Sultable to dry 2 Sealant BLOND Decned to use git & damp concrete surfaces (moisture = Seed fo eee teat Hardening not alta by 4 humidity. Thiotropic: non sag in spocy oe a vertical & overhead application = Solvent free. Hardens. without S Shrinkage No prime required. Good chemical resistance, 4 Shallgond s Segmental bridge achesve. Hich steneth & tich modulus of 21 /m for2mmthickness, (Medd ‘wo Component last High ntl & ultimate stent. Ps Segmental Bridge 12g Pack Impermeable t0 Hauid & water vapour 2 Epoxy Adhesive (8-04 Suitable to dey and damp concrete = Conformsto 20K? Suifaces (mote tolerant}. Hardening c ASTD 648 isnot affected by humidity. Triste = non sag In vertical & overhead i} application. Solvent fee. Hardens o without shrinkage. No primer required n Good chemical resistance, Tiling Products ieG Fast Setting Ory Set Tile Adhesive Mortar Shalfile Grout Single Component Cementitious Tile Joint Filler ‘Three Component Epoxy Based Tile Joint Filer Shaliile Grout K Three Component Epoxy Based Kote Stone /The Joint Filer 25ke 12k, Pack (2x1 ke} 20 kg Pack 8.03 captors 20 ke Pack pret e402 Suitable backings, witen properly prepared, Include plumb and true masonry concrete, cured portland cement mortar beds, bricks, unglazed ceramietilesand marble For fling the tle grooves, Waterproofing characteristic and Is avaliable In colours aspershade card Filling the grooves for hygienic conditions like Pharmaceutical uit, food manufacturing unit & swimming pools. Avalableinvariouseolours. Grout for filing kota stone joins. It supports the joint edges and reduces breaking ofedees due towheeltrafic Pre-packed product requrng only aiect iikng at st, High bond strength. deal for vertca/nerzontal applcatons of granite, marble ete Excellent grab during ‘open time. Quick fkng, reduces labour costs, Can be used i the lnterior/ ferteriar of bulines, Low cost service life = mould resistant, ‘tropical grade. Easy to apply ~ jut add water fora thnotropic, non slum grout Can be used In submerged conden Avaabein range ofattractve colours. Chemical resistant, antifungal and anti-bacterial. Easy to use and apply, Reduces floor joint repairs and maintenance. Suitable for fling cracks in older floors BuikOensity: 1650kg/m' approx Mix potable water to shal Tlle Gluein the ratio of1:3 by volume, ‘Mix with potable water in the ratio, 1:3 (one part water and 3 par tlle rout) Joint width uptod9 mm. Coverage for § ke unit: 200 RMT approx for 2 mm x 5 mm groove Mined Density: 1,630.03 am/cc Product Packing Typical Applications shaliusoft a SM rawroe tf Inve Ree Revo t Shale nc SET ent 1g Wecrseene a Coneterchm Primer 20k Shalit WES Bro Comporert sas sack Chee Resin S78 Nowloctist pony 450) Stalin mo mae: | ietind was Salon? HB wearer iat trey Caton More a8 Used for rust removal from old metal surfaces. Used on all old metal surface before op cost paint like vehicle body, railing, metal sheet & tants. For all highly corrosive environment like refinery and fertilzer plants Applicable on both metal and concretesurfaces, ‘Application on metal sutures, exposed to aggressive eastal & corroshe ‘ndustal ervronment. indusies tke petrochemical & refine, ferlzer & sted plants withave enommous ses Metal/steel_ structure. Sheet/pipe pilirg. Dams, barrage gates, penstocks. Crude oil storage tanks. Foundation walls and sumps. Concrete & steel surfaces in sewage treatment plant Paper mills, chemical plants and Underground structures Advantages Easy to use, free from chloride and sulphate, Works efficiently ever at aificuttareas Easy and fast application since 0 hassle of removing the ust. ‘Excellent resistance to ack and alal. Coating can withstand temperature arounes0re, ‘Two component system offering high abrasion and chemial resistance. Flexible ant-comosie/preventve coating for structures - MS or conerete - even where the structure Is. continuous comact with water, Erclere resstance, thermal shock ard abasion. Cures t0 8 hard, smoath ard faible suface with ‘excellant resistance to sea /salt wate cl, 6s alas cruceoil minerals 042-015 be /m'. 12m ‘5-6’ /lwith 100 micron DF, Recommended DFT2S0 micron. 45-5 m'/i for 75-100 micron OFT. 200-300 mi/ m* in 2coatsfor 120 150 micron DF i Product Packing Typical Applications ‘Advantages Solon” 2HBSE pay Fest to fireaVbacter rowth & Excellent bond to concrete & other 2.5m'/ke/coats, ‘Mealy suitable for areasreqiting hygienic, substrateslie tiles, Kata stonesete. it ch RE28S dust free. wear-resistant sit fac a wots does alow, grovh of bactela sr Acrowace industy/Nport FATES nce able potable water tank Harmomticheosiperesreybolkiy & food sorage eas. Chemicals / 2 Flor tecntjeectoris mavaresabvadonredstm.taftoapphy = ‘Hospital operation theatre, nuciear plants = aaa FSI Sisco ir tobe usd ongAlrtied atl sooth Generated a sbod Vode with 610 wf coat fr 8 te 12 EE vim: maDB: (RARE, Mealdeetsbelorepatig eealhs, —sibsequentcoating/nainting. microns DFT. Fea Seticrec force trkiring okeowen Bxllemt abtason redsiance, low 3-4 or 200-250 miaons Fae ne centro atl, mines and marin. insilaton & VOC content resistant to add and DFT. Two coatsare cS} rai Ste vate eaten os att ‘commended BEBE soalrrime nc Arimer for conatete surface, makes Entersinto the poreaniares ofthe S/d = aoe the surface compatible forsibsequent coneteto seat, ansparent coating. : str or reament a i ror oR MeoocaiectEaucamelrr bre Carbon ciel, 5 mi | / xm. Two come we i . bridge, flyover, dam, chimney, cooling chloride, ions, silphate, UV resistant recommended with a coat of a ti 20! tower, unglazed brick tile, terrazzo and weather proof Available in ShaliPrime AC, tie floor and walls. decorative colours ShsllKote ACWS. ‘ShallPrme 2n Ph ‘ShalPeime Zn ShaliPrime ERO ‘halo 400 20) & 20) 151 pak eit" 151 Pack eet aay 201 Pack ear 2001 Typical Applications. Fiyover, Bridie abutments, External concrete suface of storage tank vessels and masonry surface Multitoriedbuildingandvilas se on blast deaned steel where pany coatirg al be done. tay be used for patch primer for treatment of manually prepared see, Used as_anti-corrasve primer on ‘metal at face, reinforcement arsetc. Used asananticorrasive primer for all steel surfaces Internal external coating for potable ‘water pipeline and water storage tanks, Water based, non-torig, green prod excellent ressance to caibon dade, ae borne / tar bomelchiride. Excl cack bring properties and weathering redsgance, Rotecve/detative coating, ‘which alos structure to breathe. Used asacoatof prime for ecraresl Makes agood bond with base surface andtop coat, Excellentadhesionto steel substrates. (Offers good res stance to all chemical environments and formsa good bond ‘with subsequentcoating Excellent food ‘grade property, lempersure/ abrasion redstant, exelent adhesion to surface, Jivalable in spray and brushable consistency, WRAS approved 100%5 oh 67 m'fi/ oat, 5-8m'f! for 60-100miconDFE 5-6m'/! for 35micron DFT {6-9 m’/t/ coat for 35 microns, DFT. 25m for 400 mizon OFL ‘Mog Patio is 321 (3 partscomponent ‘AB Lpart component) g 5 cS} = E Pi 2 i Ea Product Packing, shaliUrethane PC Two Component zera VOC UW Resistant 200; Polyurethane Protective Tough shallPrimePU MIOZn Single Component Moisture Cure Polwirethane Primer 20 ShalPoxy? GF ‘Two Component High Sold Glass at Flake Epoxy oh Typical Applications. Internal anc exteral coating of pipelines, coaing toversfor thermal power sation, all deel & congete stucures, for protection Fram corrosion storage tanks, ‘mounded bullets wescis, overhead tanks maine & of hore srucautes Sip decks /- ship hulls Conmete tunnel Coating for pipes used for bore irectional orl applications. Repait? rehabilitation recoating) of essing pipslines coating rena. Brides baat tanks stuctial see, inside of storage tanks, off-shore platforms, marine-port facilities ‘eflneres materi hardig, equoments, pipe nes, chemical process. plants hhykopower facies and waste water treatment aes, Splash zone, Jetty pilings and working decks. Use asinternal ining for crude cil, fuel oil and storage tanks. Boat ‘Advantages Bxcellent resistance to most of chemicals/acids, sea water & ‘weathering. Excallnt adhosion to stot J conctete. High abrasion resisance, Protects against microbiologically Jnduced catroson, VOC Free, 100% Solid, Suitable for potable ator pipe Tine ase water applications Applies to moist substrate, Tolerant to flush rusting. Compatible vith most ofc ‘coatings No induction time. No recoat time limit. High chemical resistance. High resistance to blistering, fxcellent abrasionresstance, VOC compliant, Excellent abrasion resistance. Excellent acie-alali resistance and solvent resistance, Enhanced barrier properties Goodphysical strength. 3 rs at y \ Coverage / Dosage Li/ m'ffor Lm DFT Recommended thickness: steel:500-1000miaron Conctete:1000-3000micron Mixing Ratio is 3:1 (3 parts ‘component 2.1 part component 8} 6.57 for 100 micron DFT 25m? / coat {400 mieran OFT ‘ShaliGrind 3000 / 3501 Product Packing 200 ke ‘ShaliGrind 4000/4500/5000 ind 200 ke ‘Typical Applications For grinding of clinkerin cement mils For grinding of clinker in cement mills. Improves cement. ging / effiency/ ‘ualey / cement performance / fw / aries sae dsrnton / characteristics of ‘camert. Decesses grdng tempertue. ‘Avolds agglomeration ofthe. cement partes. Recuces over grinding slo ogzng de to material bulls. Alows racease in filer cxntart in gomposte cement, Improves cement grinding /effieney/ ualty / ow / cement performance / particles sie distribution, Reduces slo ogeng due to materials bulld-ups. Allows increase in filer content in composite cement. Decreases grinding temperature, Avoids agglomeration of the cement partides. Reduces over erinding Coverage / Dosage For Shalirind 3000: 005 - 0.35 by weight of linker. Bz ae oe bywelghtof clinker. * Depending on type of clinker, typeof milland desired results For ShaliGtind 4000 0.05 -0.2 % byweightof clinker For Shalirind 4500, 0.08-0.150%% byweightof clinker. For Shalirind S000: 0.05 0.100% byweghtof clinker * Depending on type of clinker, type of mill and desired results. 0.05-0.2%bywelghtof clinker v = < oo 2 3 = [C) | Py = oy 3 Packing 20) Concrete 2005 Form Release Agent Sholistip WS 201 Water Based Form & Release Agent 200 Shelitterk Thermomastie Road oe Marking Paint shaliPrime SM Primer for 20 Thermoplastic oad Marking Paint Tor Conerate Surface ‘Typical Applications Oil based form release agent forsee, wood, concrete moulds, plastic & fiberglass forms. ‘Water based form rolease for ste) wood oreoncrete mous, ilatedywith waterin Stato. Hot applied road marking paint for highways, zebra crossing, car packing and inside of plnt and big housing sociales colonies As primer before application of road marking compound on concrete surface. Advantages Concrete form release agent, Provides adefect freeclear surface, Concrete form release agent. Provides adelect reeclear surface. Excellent bond with bluminous and concrete surface, fast drying. Retro faflective when light falls and skid resbtant with long life. Available as perlSand MORTH specification Easy to apply, Falitatos bonding of ShaliMarkon concrete surface 2036 mi / | depending upon the nature cf surface, 25.36 nt /Jof thom 5. kg / mi for 2.5 mm thickness, ‘Available in white & yellow colour Concrete surface needs a primer coat. Drop on guss beads ate spreaded. simultaneously over coating through machine’ during application wae fi Product ‘Shaliark WE 8/8 old Applied Water Based Road Masking Pint Packing, 208 10. kg Pack itOlg so "Typical Applications It can be applied on bitumen and vonerete pavement with 2 spray applicatororbybrush. Con be applies fon ebro. crossing, path dividers, speed breskers end other sieiler markings. Pang bays Higa rood sina, Bus lanes, Ofde tad, Spars venues. 2nd sfadium trads. Waloys /_pathuys, Tunnel read, Aesthetic apphecion & lending. Advantages Fcosfiendly fest dying, durable and sarong adhesion with easy application, Solvent/voe free, good frictlon/skid ‘eslstonoe, tough & durable, Excellent Uv/ ageing resistance rapid cure, cold pour Brandy to use Does natrequite ‘any heating, excellent resisiance te chemical salt water / crude oll, acids 7 ellis, Compatible with both ‘concrete anditurinous pavement. Coverage / Dosage 450500 gn. Recommended DAT 300 microns. Drop on less SD beads are supplied hte carton Slory wth the pat. Available In ‘hited yew colo 3.2kgjin*for 12mm FT, Other Product Our Major Clients es ! National highway Public Work Department Authority of India Indian Railways GAR HOC Gece cerca HCC ' Let ' il ! | Wl ' ' i i I QO DA. @ mia @ Reliance“ \ \ Reliance Industries Grovp |; DLF —GAlLindialtd | | Jindal == AIIMS | — == = 8) = _ Flo = = fie Ly | ] | | STP Limited Cera Sea er ere eee) _ ng 1 i i | i i i _ : 4 1 t i r nee A i \ otter: Ce eee eee eee ee f | ee eee ne eevee i as ees ’ he en re nr re a ee ee IC ecie tone eerie ee eee eee oe ia eee eee eee eee tee Ses es Sn eee ee een eee ee eee esa eiesil pan epee eae rine Peer i eee eee i i i X 1 Visit us at: i f Oe eee Se eee ae ree re ee eee ce me git pe A ep pled oi oie pel Ieee oe ge pre eer pr rey

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