2023 NFHS Softball RB
2023 NFHS Softball RB
2023 NFHS Softball RB
Sandy Searcy, Editor
NFHS Publications
To maintain the sound traditions of this sport, encourage sportsmanship and mini-
mize the inherent risk of injury, the National Federation of State High School Associa-
tions writes playing rules for varsity competition among student-athletes of high school
age. High school coaches, officials and administrators who have knowledge and expe-
rience regarding this particular sport and age group volunteer their time to serve on
the rules committee. Member associations of the NFHS independently make decisions
regarding compliance with or modification of these playing rules for the student-athletes
in their respective states.
NFHS rules are used by education-based and non-education-based organizations
serving children of varying skill levels who are of high school age and younger. In order
to make NFHS rules skill-level and age-level appropriate, the rules may be modified
by any organization that chooses to use them. Except as may be specifically noted in
this rules book, the NFHS makes no recommendation about the nature or extent of the
modifications that may be appropriate for children who are younger or less skilled than
high school varsity athletes.
Every individual using these rules is responsible for prudent judgment with respect to
each contest, athlete and facility, and each athlete is responsible for exercising caution
and good sportsmanship. These rules should be interpreted and applied so as to make
reasonable accommodations for athletes, coaches and officials with disabilities.
2-20-lg -A fair ball is a batted ball that while over fair territory, an offensive
player interferes with a defensive player attempting to field a batted ball.
4-2-1 - Defines the protocol for when a fair batted ball clears the home run
fence to end the game. All runs are allowed to score before the game is termi-
Each state high school association adopting these rules is the sole and exclusive
source of binding rules interpretations for contests involving its member schools. Any
person having questions about the interpretation of NFHS rules should contact the rules
interpreter designated by the respective state high school association.
The NFHS is the sole and exclusive source of model interpretations of NFHS rules.
State rules interpreters may contact the NFHS for model rules interpretations. No other
model rules interpretations should be considered.
2023 Softball Editorial Changes
2-25-1e, 7-1-2 PENALTY 1, 7-4-1 , 7-4-11, 8-1-1 EFFECTS 2, 8-4-3d
1. Sportsmanship
2. Time Between Innings
3. Jewelry and Electronic Communication
4. Comparable Drying Agents
Balls manufactured with the former specifications will be permitted through
2024, to allow for manufacturers and schools to reduce current inventory.
The new ball specifications are permitted for use during the 2022-23 season
and will be required by January 1, 2025.
Because facilities used for high school athletics come in many shapes, sizes and
conditions, on-site event management may on occasion conclude that compliance with
NFHS directives about event configuration is not feasible. Under all circumstances, on-
site event management should utilize set-ups that minimize risk. If a given facility can-
not be made reasonably hazard-free, the event should be relocated.
NFHS Softball Rules Committee
THE GAME - In softball each team is permitted seven turns at bat during which
it attempts to score runs by having its batters become base runners that advance
to and touch first base, second base, third base and home plate. The team in the
field attempts to end each turn at bat of the opponent by causing three of its bat-
ters or base runners to be out.
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Figure 1-1
Page 9 2023 NFHS Softball Rules Rule 1-1
8<4' 1 'Ji"
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........... I . ··----·--····--·
Figure 1-2
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Figure 1-3
Rule 1-2 2023 NFHS Softball Rules Page 10
ART. 11 ... When laying out a new softball diamond, it is recommended that the
line from home plate through the pitcher's plate to second base run east-northeast.
Designate a point for the apex (rear tip) of home plate. Using a steel tape or a strong
cord which will not stretch, measure in an east-northeast direction exactly 84 feet
10¼ inches for fast pitch (60-foot bases) or 91 feet 11 inches for slow pitch (65
foot bases and 11-inch ball). This will be the center of second base. With the tape
still secured at the rear point of home plate, measure 60 feet toward the first-base
area and mark a short arc. Measure 60 feet toward the third-base area and mark a
short arc. Fasten the tape at the center of second base and measure 60 feet toward
first and third bases and strike arcs. Where these arcs intersect the first two arcs
struck at first and third bases will be where first and third bases will be located. (See
Figure 1-1 to see how first and third bases are placed and also how second base
is different by being centered on the 60-foot distance from each of first and third
bases.) When measuring the distance to first base or third base, measure from the
apex of home plate to the back edge of the base. If a skinned infield is used (which
is recommended), the area is determined by measuring a 60-foot arc from the front
center of the 46-foot pitcher's plate, even if other pitching distances are used.
ART. 1 ... First, second and third base shall be white bags made of canvas
(filled with a soft material), molded rubber or synthetic material and shall be se-
curely attached to the ground or an anchor system. Bases shall be 15-inches
square, two to five inches thick, may have tapered edges, and may be designed to
disengage from their anchor system.
NOTE: By state association adoption, a double first base is permitted. The base shall be
a one- or two-piece unit, 15 inches by 30 inches and manufactured to be of equal height.
The base in foul territory shall be a color other than white. (8-10)
ART. 2 ... Home plate shall be a 5-sided slab of whitened rubber or other
suitable similar material. It shall be a 17-inch square with two of the corners filled
in so that one edge is 17 inches long, two are 8½ inches and two are 12 inches.
It shall be set flush with the ground in fair territory with the two 12-inch edges
coinciding with the foul lines extending from home plate to first base and third
base and with the 17-inch edge facing the pitcher's plate.
ART. 3 ... The pitcher's plate shall be a rectangular slab of whitened rubber or
suitable material, 24 inches by 6 inches. It shall be set in the ground with the top
flush with the playing surface as shown in Figure 1-2 so that the distance between
the nearer edge of the pitcher's plate and the apex of home plate shall be 43 feet
for female fast pitch, 46 feet for male fast pitch and male and female slow pitch,
and 50 feet for female slow pitch using an 11-inch ball.
Page 11 2023 NFHS Softball Rules Rule 1-3
ART. 1 ... The ball(s) shall be an optic yellow sphere formed by either sol-
id core or number one long-fiber Kapok or yarn wound around a small core of
cork, rubber, polyurethane or similar material, and covered with a flat surface or
a smooth seam stitch.
ART. 2 ... The cover of the ball shall be made of number one chrome-tanned,
horsehide or cowhide that will be solidly cemented to the ball. Tbe cover is also
sewn on the ball with a waxed cotton or linen thread. Synthetic composition ma-
terial may also be used for the cover.
ART. 3 .. . The ball specifications shall be as stated in Table 1-1. The new ball
specifications are currently permissible and will be required January 1, 2025, for
high school competition. Balls manufactured with the current specifications will
be permitted for use through 2024.
Figure 1-4
Rule 1-4 2023 NFHS Softball Rules Page 12
ART. 6 . .. Any defacing, treatment or device that would change the ball speci-
fications listed in 1-3-3 are prohibited and render the ball illegal.
ART. 7 ... The home team shall provide enough new balls to permit the game
to proceed without unnecessary delay.
ART. 8 ... The NFHS Authenticating Mark shall be on each ball as shown in
Figure 1-4. The mark can be displayed in either format. A current list of NFHS
authenticated products can be found on the website, nfhs.org.
ART. 1 ... Gloves/mitts shall:
a. Not be the color of the ball including lacing and seams.
b. Not have an optic-colored marking on the outside or inside that gives the
appearance of the ball.
c. Be permitted to have one American flag not to exceed 2 inches by 3 inches.
d. Not be judged as distracting by the umpire.
ART. 2 ... The catcher shall wear a glove/
mitt of any size. Gloves/mitts shall be worn by all
other fielders and conform to the following max-
imum specifications (Figure 1-5):
a. Height measured from the bottom edge or
heel straight up across the center of the
palm to a line even with the highest point of
the glove/mitt: 14 inches; 14" Max
c. Webbing measured across the top end, or along any line parallel to the top:
5¾ inches.
ART. 3 ... Gloves/mitts shall not be designed or altered to create an adhesive,
sticky and/or tacky surface.
ART. 4 . .. An illegal glove/mitt shall be replaced immediately subject to pen-
alty. (8-8-15)
ART. 1 ... The bat shall:
a. Be one piece, multi-pieces and permanently assembled, or two pieces with
interchangeable barrel construction.
b. Not have exposed rivets , pins, rough or sharp edges or any form of exterior
fastener that would present a hazard.
c. Be free of rattles, dents, burrs, cracks and sharp edges that might deface
the ball. These bats are considered damaged and removed from the game
without penalty.
Page 13 2023 NFHS Softball Rules Rule 1-5
V 'V'
Figure 1-6
d. Bear either the 2000, 2004 or the USA Softball All Games certification mark
(Figure 1-6). In addition to bearing one of these marks, the bat must not ap-
pear on USA Softball's Non-Approved Bats with Certification Marks list (www.
usasoftball.com). Bat barrels made entirely of wood are permitted and need
not bear a certification mark, but shall not exceed 2¼ inches in diameter.
e. Not contain materials inside the bat or treatments/devices used to alter the
bat specifications and/or enhance performance (e.g. shaving, rolling or arti-
ficially warming the bat barrel).
A. Knob B. Handle C. Taper
Figure 1-7
ART. 2 . .. The bat shall consist of the following components (Figure 1-7):
a. Knob. The knob may be molded, lathed, welded or adjustable, but must be
permanently fastened . Devices, attachments or wrappings that cause the
knob to become flush with the handle are permitted. The knob may be cov-
ered with grip tape . A one-piece rubber knob and bat grip combination is
b. Handle/Grip. The bat handle is the area of the bat that begins at, but does not
include the knob and ends where the taper begins to increase in diameter.
The handle shall have a round or oval cross-section. The grip shall extend a
minimum of 10 inches, but not more than 15 inches, from the small end of
the bat. A safety grip shall be made of cork, tape (no smooth, plastic tape) or
composition material (commercially manufactured). Rosin , pine tar or spray
substances to enhance the hold are permitted on the grip only.
c. Taper. The taper is the transition area which connects the narrower handle
to the wider barrel portion of the bat. The taper shall have a conical shape.
Its length and material may vary.
d. Barrel. The barrel is the area intended for contact with the pitch; the barrel
shall be round and cylindrically symmetric with a smooth contour.
e. End Cap. The end cap is made of rubber, vinyl , plastic or other approved
material. It shall be firmly secured and permanently affixed to the end of the
bat so that it cannot be removed by anyone other than the manufacturer,
Rule 1-6 2023 NFHS Softball Rules Page 14
without damaging or destroying it. A one-piece construction bat will not
have an end cap.
ART. 3 . .. Warm-up bats used in the on-deck circle shall have all parts perma-
nently and securely attached at the time of manufacture and at the time of use. No
more than two bats shall be used when warming up in the on-deck circle. Devices
added to a bat for warm-up purposes shall be commercially manufactured spe-
cifically for a softball bat and shall be securely attached, so as not to disengage
during use. Such devices shall take, but not exceed, the general shape and size of
a bat including the grip.
Manufacturer Certlfles
ART. 1 ... A batting helmet with a permanently affixed
NOCSAE stamp (Figure 1-8) and legible exterior warning la-
bel is mandatory for each batter, on-deck batter, players/stu-
dents in the coach 's boxes, runners and retired runners. The
exterior warning label may be affixed to the outside of the
helmet, which includes both sides of the bill, in either sticker
ART. 2 ... The catcher shall wear a body protector, Figure 1-9
baseball/softball protective shin guards, and a protective
cup (male) .
ART. 3 . .. (F.P.) Any non-adult warming up a pitcher at any location within the
confines of the field shall wear an approved catcher's helmet and mask combina-
tion and throat protector.
ART. 1 ... Non-traditional game equipment must be reviewed by the NFHS
Softball Rules Committee before it will be permitted .
ART. 2 . .. Defective equipment shall be repaired or replaced immediately.
ART. 3 ... Loose equipment of the teams may not be on or near the field . A
discarded bat by the batter or the catcher's mask and helmet are not examples of
loose equipment and are considered part of the playing field.
ART. 4 . . . Defensive players are permitted to wear face/head protection in
the field , except as in 3-2-14, and as specifically required in 1-7. If an eye shield
is worn attached to the face/head protection, it must be constructed of a mold-
ed, rigid material that is clear and permits 100 percent (no tint) allowable light
transmission. Face/head protection worn by defenders shall have a non-glare (not
mirror-like) outer surface.
ART. 5 ... All equipment shall be worn properly and as designed by the manu-
facturer. Any equipment judged by the umpire to be potentially dangerous is illegal.
ART. 6 ... The use of electronic devices by team personnel to transmit or
record information pertaining to their players or team's performance shall be per-
mitted within the team's dugout/bench area only. Information obtained from an
electronic device may be used for coaching purposes during the game.
Rule 2-1 2023 NFHS Softball Rules Page 16
Figure 3-1
KEY: 1 (Pitcher); 2 (Catcher); 3 (1st Baseplayer); 4 (2nd Baseplayer); 5 (3rd Baseplayer);
6 (Shortstop); 7 (Left Fielder); 8 (Center Fielder); 9 (Right Fielder); 10 [Short Fielder (S.P.)J ;
U (Umpire).
Activity References Awards or Penallles References
5-Ha Batter awarded first base except when no effort to avoid pitch is required. 8-1-2b, c;
1. Pitch touches batter (F.P.). 7-3-2
2. Illegally batted ball. 5-1-1b Batter Is out. Runners return. 7-4-8, 7-4-2
3. Ball hit twice in lair and sometimes foul territory. 5·1 ·1b Batter is out. Runners return . 8-2-6
4. Uncaught foul. 5-1-1d(3) Runners return to bases occupied at lime of pitch. 8-3-2 EXC. N
Umpire judgment in awarding bases or imposing penalty to nullify N
5. Spectator interference. 5·1·1d, I, g
8-4-3j w
6. Interference by runner. 5-1-1e Interferer Is out. Other runners return to base occupied at time of
Infraction. B-6·10 "'U>"
7. Interference by retired runner. 5-1-1e Runner closest to home is out. Other runners return. 8·6·16c 0
8. Interference by runner (foul fly) . 5-1-1m Interferer is out. Other runners return. Foul ball on the batter. 8-6-10b
Interference by coach or others connected with the team (thrown ball). 5-1-1g For interference by coach, runner is out. For interference by others 3·5·5, 7-5-4, ::x,
9. con nected with the offensive team, see 3·5·5 PENALTY and 8·6·16. 8·6·16 C
Interference by coach or other nonplayers connected with the team (batted 5-He If Interference prevented possible double play, the batter and runner 3-5-6, 7·5-4, .,.cii
ball). closest to home would be declared out. 8-6-16
Fair ball over fence In flight or prevented by spectator or player's detached 5-1-11 Award all runners home plate. 8-4·3d,
11 . equipment. 8-4-31
12. Fair ball touches a spectator. 5-1-11 Award all runners appropriate number of bases in umpire's judgment. 8-4·3i
13. Fair ball bounces over, through or lodges In fence 5-1-11 Award all runners two bases. 8-4-3g
Hit runner is out. Batter is awarded first base and credited with a 8·1-2a,
Fair ball touches runner before it touches a fielder or after It passes any 5-1-11 fielder's choice. Others return to base occupied at time of Interference 8-4-11, ::x,
14. fielder other than the pitcher and another fielder has a play. unless runner intentionally Interferes with ball or fielder. 8-6-11 C
Fair ball touches umpire before it touches an Infielder or passes any in-
fielder except the pitcher.
Runners return to bases occupied at time of interference unless forced
by batter-runner. Batter awarded first base and credited with a single
8-1 -2a
16. A thrown ball, not a pitch, which becomes a blocked ball. 5-1-1g Award all runners two bases from point of release. 8-4-3e iii
17. A pitched ball that becomes blocked (F.P.). 5-1-1g Award all runners one base from time of pitch (F.P.). 8-4-3c ...
18. Umpire handles live ball or calls time to inspect the ball or for other Runners return to bases they had reached or passed when ball be- 5-2-1
reasons, including 5-2-1 . 5-1-1h
comes dead.
19. Fair or foul ball is caught by fielder, who then leaves the field of play Award all runners one base from time the ball became dead except 5-1-1i NOTE,
with one or both feet. 5-1-1i
when caught ball is third out. 8-4-3h
A live ball is intentionally carried, kicked, pushed or thrown Into dead- ball
20. territory. 8-4-3h Award all runners two bases from the time the ball became dead. 8-4-3J.
Offensive team personnel calls "Time' or uses any other command or com-
21. mlts an act for the purpose of trying to cause the opposing pitcher to violate 5-1-1j No runners are allowed to advance. Team warning for first offense. 3-6-9 PEN.
Subsequent offenders ejected. N
the pitching ru~. Cl
22. After each strike or ball or as soon as the ball hits the ground (S.P.). 5-1-1k All runners return to bases they occupied at time of pitch. 8-5-7
23. Infielder intentionally drops fair fly, fair line drive or fair bunt in flight with 5-1-11 BatteHunner is out. Runners return to their base. 8-2-10 :c
at least first base occupied and less than two outs. en
24. Illegal pitch but not released , or released to a base. 6-2-7 PEN.
(F.P.), 6-2-2
Batter remains at bat and is awarded a ball.
6-2-7 PEN.,
6-4-12 =
2-65-2, Batter awarded first base. Runners remain at bases occupied at time of
25. Award intentional base on balls. 5-1-1k walk unless forced to advance.
8-1-1c :z,
26. Base runner leaves base before pitcher releases pitch (F.P.). 6-2-4c No pitch is declared and runner is out. 8-6-18
27. Base runner leaves base before pitched ball reaches home plate (S.P.). 6-4-9b (S.P.) No pitch is declared and runner is out. 8-6-17
29. Reider loses possession and ball enters dead area. 8-4-3e, g All runners awarded one base past last base touched at time ball enters 8-4-3e PEN.
deadball territory. EXCEPTION 1
33. Batter-runner steps backward toward home plate. 8-2-5 Batter-runner is out. Runners return to bases occupied at time of in-
fraction. 8·2·5 ....
34. For ball hitting loose equipment on field of team at bat. 5-Hg Runner being played on is out. Otherwise runners return to bases oc- 8-6-15 PEN.
cupied at time the ball is declared dead.
35. For ball hitting loose equipment on field of team on defense. 5-1-1g All runners advance two bases. 8·4·3e PEN.
36. lnterterence by batter when attempted putout is by the catcher. 5·1·1p Ball dead immediately. Batter is out. Runners return to last base 7.4.4
touched at time of interterence.
BatteHunner is out. Runners return to bases occupied at time of in-
37. Batter-runner fails to advance to first base and enters team area. 8-2·4 8·2·4
fraction. N
Activity References Awards or Penalties References
The pitch is ruled a ball if the ball is not hit or batter becomes base
1. Illegal pitch released (F.P.). 5·1-2a runner. Otherwise, if ball is hit and all runners do not advance one base
6·1·1, 6·1·2, Cl)
6-1·3 PEN. C,
safely, the team at bat has the choice of accepting the play or penalty.
2. Illegal pitch released (S.P.).
The pitch is ruled a ball. However, if the batter swings, there is no
penalty for the illegal pitch. 6-1-4 (S.P.) ~
If batter and all runners do not advance at least one base, award batter C
3. Obstruction of batter by catcher or lielder. 5·1·2b 8·1·1d CD
first base and advance all other runners only if forced or result of play.
Intentionally touching batted ball with detached player equlpmentover fair
4. territory.
5·1·2b Award batter-runner and runners three bases if not made. 8·4·3d
5. Intentionally touching thrown ball with detached player equipment. 5·1·2b Award runners two bases if not made. 8·4·3d
6. lnterterence by umpire with catcher throwing a non-batted ball (F.P.) . 5-1-2c If runner is not put out, runners return. 8-5-6
•NP ~l I
NP: ! I
1 NP
1 NP
•l Q
P = In Contact (Legal) P = In Contact (Legal)
NP= Begins Totally Outside NP = Backward Step Totally
(Illegal) Outside (Illegal)
Rule 6-1 2023 NFHS Softball Rules Page 52
b. Any step back with the non-pivot foot must begin before the start of the
pitch (6-1-2a). Once the pitch has started (the hands separate), the pitcher
shall not take more than one step which must be forward , toward the batter
and simultaneous with the delivery.
EXCEPTION: When removing self from the pitcher's position. [6-1-1f(2)]
NOTE: 'Toward' is interpreted as within or partially within the 24-inch length of the
pitcher's plate. (Figure 6-1)
c. The pivot foot may remain in contact with or may push off and drag away
from the pitching plate prior to the front foot touching the ground, as long
as the pivot foot remains in contact with the ground and within the 24-inch
length. If a hole has been created in front of the pitcher's plate, the pivot
foot may be no higher than the level plane of the ground. Pushing off with
the pivot foot from a place other than the pitcher's plate is illegal.
1. It is not astep if the pitcher slides afoot in any direction on the pitcher's plate, provided
contact is maintained.
2. Techniques such as the 'crow hop' and "the leap' are illegal. (2-16, 2-33)
ART. 3 ... A legal delivery shall be a pitched ball that is delivered to the batter
with an underhand motion.
a. The release of the ball and the follow-through of the hand and wrist must be
forward past the vertical line of the body.
b. The hand shall be below the hip and the wrist not farther from the body than
the elbow.
c. The pitch shall be delivered on the throwing arm side of the body and not
behind the back or between the legs.
d. The pitch is completed with a step toward the batter.
ART. 4 . .. The pitcher may use any windup desired provided:
a. no motion to pitch is made without immediately delivering the ball to the
b. the pitcher does not use a rocker action in which , after having the ball in
both hands in pitching position, the pitcher removes one hand from the ball,
takes a backward and forward swing and returns the ball to both hands in
front of the body.
c. the pitcher does not use a windup in which there is a stop or reversal of the
forward motion.
d. the pitcher does not make more than 1½ clockwise revolutions of the arm in
the windmill pitch. The ball does not have to be released the first time past
the hip.
e. the pitcher does not continue to wind up after taking the forward step or
after the ball is released.
NOTE: Continuation of the windup is considered any action that, after the ball is released ,
causes the arm to continue to rotate past the shoulder.
PENAL TY: (Arts. 2, 3, 4) Illegal pitch. The ball is dead at the end of playing
action, if the ball is pitched. A ball is called on the batter. (6-1-1 EXCEPTIONS)
Page 53 2023 NFHS Softball Rules Rule 6-2
ART. 1 ... The pitcher shall not deliberately drop, roll, bounce, etc. , the ball
while in pitching position in order to prevent the batter from striking it.
PENALTY: (Art. 1) Any infraction is an illegal pitch. The ball is dead at the end
of playing action. The batter is awarded a ball.
ART. 2 ... The pitcher shall not at any time during the game be allowed to
use tape or other substance on the ball or contact points of the pitching hand or
fingers; nor shall any other player apply a foreign substance to the ball. A pitcher
who licks the fingers shall wipe them off before bringing them in contact with
the ball. Under the supervision and control of the umpire, powdered rosin or any
comparable drying agent may be used to dry the hand . It is not necessary to wipe
off the drying agent before making contact with the ball.
PENALTY: (Art. 2) An illegal pitch shall be called immediately. (6-1-1 PENAL TY)
NOTE: A pitcher shall not wear any item on the pitching hand, wrist, arm or thighs which
the umpire judges to be distracting to the batter. (3-2-9)
ART. 3 ... Once the ball has been returned to the pitcher to prepare for the next
pitch, the pitcher has 20 seconds to release the pitch.
PENALTY: (Art. 3) The batter is awarded a ball.
EXCEPTION: Intentionally violating the rule in order to walk the batter without pitching
shall not result in a ball being awarded to the batter. (3-6-13 PENALTIES)
ART. 4 ... No pitch shall be declared when:
a. the pitcher pitches during a suspension of play.
b. the pitcher attempts a quick return of the ball before the batter has taken
position or is off balance as a result of a previous pitch.
c. the runner is called out for leaving the base too soon.
d. the pitcher pitches before a base runner has retouched the base occupied
after a foul ball has been declared and the ball is dead.
e. a player, manager or coach calls 'Time' or employs any other word or
phrase or commits any act, while the ball is live and in play, for the obvious
purpose of trying to make the pitcher commit an illegal pitch.
PENALTY: (Art. 4a through d) The ball is dead immediately and all subsequent
action on that pitch is canceled . (Art. 4e) If the batter tries to cause the pitcher
to commit an illegal pitch atter the pitcher has started the delivery, the ball
remains live if the pitcher legally delivers the pitch. (3-6-9, 7-3-1 EFFECT 2)
ART. 5 ... At the beginning of each half-inning or when a pitcher relieves
another, no more than one minute may be used to deliver no more than five
pitches to the catcher or other teammate. The one-minute time limit begins from
the third out of the previous half-inning. Play shall be suspended during this time.
1. A pitcher returning in the same half inning will not be granted any warm-up pitches.
2. Umpire is authorized to allow more pitches when weather is inclement or if pitcher was
removed by rule or due to an injury.
Rule 6-3 2023 NFHS Softball Rules Page 54
PENALTY: (Art. 5) For excessive warm-up pitches, a pitcher shall be penalized by
awarding a ball to the batter for each pitch in excess of five. This does not apply if
the umpire delays the start of play due to substitution, conference, injuries, etc.
ART. 6 ... When the ball slips from the pitcher's hand during the backswing
or forward motion, it is a pitch.
EFFECT: Aball is awarded to the batter, and the ball remains in play and runners
may advance with liability to be put out. A defensive player may immediately
retrieve the ball as long as the batter has no opportunity to contact the pitch.
EXCEPTION: If the batter has a legitimate opportunity to hit the ball and swings at the
pitch, a strike is called if the batter does not make contact and the ball is in play if it is batted.
ART. 7 ... The pitcher shall not throw to a base while a foot is in contact with
the pitcher's plate after having taken the pitching position.
PENALTY: (Art. 7) Illegal pitch, the ball is dead immediately. A ball is called
on the batter.
NOTE: The pitcher may move from the pitching position by stepping backwards off the
pitcher's plate with both feet before separating the hands or making any motion that is
part of the windup after the hands have come together. The pitcher may step with either
foot first. Stepping forward or sideways constitutes an illegal pitch.
ART. 8 . .. A fielder shall not take a position in the batter's line of vision or, with
deliberate unsporting intent, act in a manner to distract the batter; a pitch does
not have to be released .
ART. 9 ... The pitcher shall not deliver a pitch until all defensive players are
positioned in fair territory, except the catcher, who must be in the catcher's box.
PENALTY: (Arts. 8, 9) Illegal pitch. (6-1-1 PENALTY)
ART. 1 ... The catcher shall be inside the lines of the catcher's box when the
pitcher takes a position to pitch and when the pitch is released .
PENALTY: (Art. 1) Illegal pitch. (6-1-1 PENALTY)
ART. 2 ... The catcher shall return the ball directly to the pitcher after each pitch,
except after a strikeout or putout made by the catcher, or to play on a base runner.
PENALTY: (Art. 2) The batter is awarded a ball.
EXCEPTION: Intentionally violating the rule in order to walk the batter without pitching
shall not result in a ball being awarded the batter. (3-6-13 PENALTIES)
ART. 1 ... Prior to delivery, the pitcher shall take a position with both feet
firmly on the ground and with at least one foot on the pitcher's plate within the 24-
inch length of the pitcher's plate. The pitching arm must come to a rest, holding
the ball in front of the body, with a foot on the pitcher's plate. The pitcher must
come to a full and complete stop facing the batter with the shoulders in line with
first and third base. This position must be maintained for at least one second and
Page 55 2023 NFHS Softball Rules Rule 6-4
not more than 10 seconds before starting delivery. The pitcher is not required to
take a signal. The pitch starts when the pitcher makes any motion that is part of
the windup after the required pause.
ART. 2 ... At the moment of delivery, only the pivot foot is required to be
within the 24-inch length of the pitcher's plate. The pivot foot must remain in
contact with the pitcher's plate until the ball leaves the pitcher's hand. There is no
restriction on position or movement of the non-pivot foot except if a step is taken ,
the step must be forward and simultaneous with the release of the ball. After the
pitcher releases the ball, there are no restrictions on the pitcher's movements
except the pitcher may not continue to wind up after the release of the ball.
ART. 3 ... The pitcher may select any windup provided no motion is made
without immediate delivery of the ball to the batter. The pitcher's windup shall be
a continuous motion without interruption, stop or reversal of the forward motion.
The pitcher must deliver the ball toward home plate on the first swing of the arm
past the hip. The windup shall end as soon as the ball is released.
ART. 4 ... The pitch shall be delivered at a moderate speed underhand, below
the hip, with a perceptible arch of at least 6 feet and not more than 12 feet at
its highest point from the ground. The speed of the pitch is left entirely to the
judgment of the umpire. The pitcher shall not pitch the ball between the legs or
behind the back.
PENALTY: (Art. 4) The umpire shall warn a pitcher who delivers a pitch with ex-
cessive speed. If the pitcher repeats such an act after being warned, that pitch-
er shall be removed from the pitcher's position for the remainder of the game.
ART. 5 ... At no time during the progress of the game shall the pitcher be al-
lowed to use tape or other substances on the pitching hand or fingers. No foreign
substance shall be applied to the ball, except, under the supervision and control of
the umpire. Powdered rosin or any comparable drying agent may be used to dry
the hands. The pitcher shall not wear any item on the pitching hand, wrist, arm or
thighs which the umpire judges to be distracting to the batter.
ART. 6 ... The catcher must be in and remain within the boundaries of the
catcher's box until each pitch reaches home plate or is batted. The pitcher is not
considered in legal pitching position unless the catcher is in legal position to
receive the pitch.
PENAL TY: (Art. 6) An illegal pitch shall be declared a ball by the umpire. The
ball is dead until put in play again. Base runners do not advance. However, if
the batter strikes at any illegal pitch it shall be a strike, and there shall be no
penalty for such an illegal pitch. The ball shall remain in play if hit by the batter.
NOTE: An illegal pitch shall be called immediately when it becomes illegal. If called by
the plate umpire, it shall be called in a voice so that the catcher and the batter will hear it.
The base umpire also will give the delayed dead-ball signal. If called by a base umpire, it
shall be called so that the nearest fielder shall hear it. The plate umpire also shall give the
delayed dead-ball signal. Failure to hear the call shall not void the call.
Rule 6-5 2023 NFHS Softball Rules Page 56
ART. 7 ... The pitcher shall not deliberately drop, roll or bounce the ball while
in the pitching position in order to keep the batter from striking it.
ART. 8 ... The catcher shall return the ball directly to the pitcher after each
pitch except after a strikeout or putout made by the catcher. The pitcher has 20
seconds to release the next pitch.
PENALTY: (Art. 8) An additional "ball" is awarded to the batter.
ART. 9 . .. No pitch shall be declared when:
a. the pitcher pitches during the suspension of play.
b. the runner is called out for leaving the base too soon.
c. the pitcher attempts a quick return of the ball before the batter is in position
or is off balance as a result of the previous pitch.
d. the ball slips from the pitcher's hand during the windup or during the
e. the pitcher pitches before the base runner has retouched the base after a
foul ball has been declared and ball is dead.
PENAL TY: (Art. 9) The ball is dead and all subsequent action on that pitch is
ART. 10 ... At the beginning of each half-inning or when a pitcher relieves an-
other, not more than one minute may be used to deliver not more than five pitches
to the catcher or other teammate. Play shall be suspended during this time. For
excessive warm-up pitches, a pitcher shall be penalized by awarding a ball to the
batter for each pitch in excess of five.
NOTE: A pitcher returning in the same half inning will not be granted any warm-up pitches.
ART. 11 ... Legal pitch. A legal pitch is when the pitcher delivers the ball in
accordance with this pitching rule.
ART. 12 ... An illegal pitch is:
a. when a pitcher throws to a base while a foot is in contact with the pitcher's
b. delivery of the ball not in accordance with the pitching rule.
NOTE: The pitcher can move from the pitching position by stepping backwards off the
pitcher's plate. Stepping forward or sideways constitutes an illegal pitch.
ART. 13 ... No player, manager or coach shall call time or employ any other
word or phrase or commit any act while the ball is live and in play for the obvious
purpose of trying to make the pitcher commit an illegal pitch.
PENAL TY: (Art. 13) No pitch shall be declared and a warning issued to the of-
fending team. A repeat of this type of act by the team warned shall result in the
offender being restricted to the dugout/bench for the duration of the game. (3-6-9)
ART. 1 ... The pitcher has a choice of balls at the start of each half inning
unless both balls do not get put into play. In that case, the pitcher in the bottom
of the first inning must throw the unused ball. Thereafter, the ball in play should
be returned to the 16-foot circle after every half inning.
Page 57 2023 NFHS Softball Rules Rule 7-1
ART. 2 ... The pitcher may request the other ball before throwing a warm-up
pitch by returning the current ball to the plate umpire. The pitcher has now made
a choice and must pitch that ball until such time as the ball goes out of play or
becomes blocked.
1-1-2 NOTE By state association adoption (S.P.), the pitching distance shall be
50 feet when using a 12-inch ball.
3-3-7 (S.P.) By state association adoption, a team may use an 11th player
called an Extra Player, EP.
4-2-3 NOTE 2 By state association adoption, the number of innings for one or
both games in a doubleheader may be scheduled for less than
seven innings. Current state association game-ending procedures
still apply.
5-2-1b NOTE After 30 minutes, the umpire may declare the game ended or by
state association adoption, suspended.
2023 NFHS Softball Rules Page 86
A. Do not pitch 8, Play ball C. Time out/Foul ball/ D. Delayed dead ball
Signal toward pitcher Verbally calls 'Play ball' Verbally calls "Time,' Extend left arm out, fist
'Foul ball' or 'Dead ball' with palm down (or out)
Fist to hammer Verbally calls Verbally calls Point to fair territory with
at 90 degrees 'Infield fly' 'Safe' hand closest to infield.
No verbal call.
Fingers touch together, Left hand indicates balls, Right hand in the air, First two fingers in the air
chest high, followed followed by strikes rotate counterclockwise
by strike call on the right hand.
Verbally give count.
The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) serves its members by
providing leadership for the administration of education-based high school athletics and
activities through the writing of playing rules that emphasize health and safety, educational
programs that develop leaders, and administrative support to increase participation
opportunities and promote sportsmanship.
• Dazed or stunned appearance; • Headache or "pressure · in head;
• Confusion about assignment or position; • Nausea;
• Forgetfulness; • Balance problems or dizziness;
• Uncertainty of game, score, or opponent; • Double or blurry vision;
• Clumsy movements; • Sensitivity to light or noise;
• Slow response to questions; • Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy or groggy;
• Mood, behavior or personality changes; • Concentration or memory problems;
• Can't recall events prior to or after hit or fall; • Emotions of "not feeling right" or "feeling down."
Activate the Emergency Medical System or Call 9-1-1 if, after a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body, an
athlete has one or more of these danger signs:
• Dne pupil larger than the other; • Convulsions or seizures {shaking or twitching);
• Drowsiness or inability to wake up; • Unusual behavior, increased confusion,
• A headache that gets worse and does restlessness, or agitation;
not go away; • Loss of consciousness {passed out/knocked out).
• Slurred speech, weakness, numbness, or Even a brief loss of consciousness should be
decreased coordination; taken seriously.
• Repeated vomiting or nausea;
For further details, please see the " NFHS Suggested Guidelines for Management of Concussion
in Sports• at www.nfhs.org.
Revised and Approved February 2019
Page 93 2023 NFHS Softball Rules Appendix C
1. Each NFHS sports rules committee is responsible for recommending the official playing rules
to the NFHS Board of Directors for adoption. The committee is NQI responsible for testing
or approving playing equipment for use in interscholastic sports. Equipment manufacturers
are responsible for the development of playing equipment that meets the specifications
established by the committee, and that is otherwise of good design and quality. The NFHS
urges manufacturers to work with the various independent testing agencies to ensure
the production of safe products. Neither the NFHS nor the applicable NFHS sport rules
committee certifies the safety of any sport equipment. Non-compliant equipment is
inappropriate for use in competition under NFHS sports rules. While the committee does
not regulate the development of new equipment and does not set technical or scientific
standards for testing equipment, the committee may, from time to time, provide
manufacturers with guidance as to the equipment-performance levels it considers
consistent with the integrity of the game. The committee reserves the right to intercede
to protect and maintain that integrity.
2. Each NFHS sport rules committee suggests that manufacturers planning innovative changes
in sports equipment submit the equipment to the applicable NFHS sport rules editor and/or
rules committee for review before production.
3. Protective headgear is required by NFHS rules in some sports and is permissive in others.
Hard helmets can decrease the incidence of certain head trauma, such as skull fractures
and subdural hematomas. Soft headgear may protect against cuts and bruises to the scalp
and forehead. Coaches, athletes and parents/guardians should review the manufacturers'
warnings about proper usage and performance limits of such products. No helmet or
headgear can eliminate the risk of concussion and all sports should be played,
coached and officiated in recognition of that fact.
These guidelines provide a default policy to those responsible or sharing duties for making decisions
concerning the suspension and restarting of practices and contests based on the presence of lightning
or thunder. The preferred sources from which to request such a policy for your facility would include
your state high school activities association and the nearest office of the National Weather Service.
1. Assign staff to monitor local weather conditions before and during practices and contests.
2. Develop an evacuation plan, including identification of appropriate nearby safer areas and deter-
mine the amount of time needed to get everyone to a designated safer area:
a. A designated safer place is a substantial building with plumbing and wiring where people live
or work, such as a school. gymnasium or library. An alternate safer place from the threat of
lightning is a fully enclosed (not convertible or soft top) metal car or school bus.
3. Develop criteria for suspension and resumption of play:
a. When thunder is heard or lightning is seen*, the leading edge of the thunderstorm is close
enough to strike your location with lightning. Suspend play for at least 30 minutes and vacate
the outdoor activity to the previously designated safer location immediately.
b. 30-minute rule. Once play has been suspended, wait at least 30 minutes after the last thunder
is heard or lightning is witnessed* prior to resuming play.
c. Any subsequent thunder or lightning* after the beginning of the 30-minute count will reset
the clock and another 30-minute count should begin.
d. When independently validated lightning-detection devices or mobile phone apps are
available, this technology could be used to assist in making a decision to suspend play if a
lightning strike is noted to be within 10 miles of the event location. However, you should nev-
er depend on the reliability of these devices and, thus, hearing thunder or seeing lightning*
should always take precedence over information from a mobile app or lightning-detection
• -At night, under certain atmospheric conditions, lightning flashes may be seen from distant storms. In these cases,
it may be safe to continue an event. If no thunder can be heard and the flashes are low on the horizon, the storm
may not pose a threat. Independently verified lightning detection information would help eliminate any uncertainty.
4. Review the lightning safety policy annually with all administrators, coaches and game personnel
and train all personnel.
5. Inform student-athletes and their parents of the lightning policy at start of the season.
Revised and Approved January 2021
Appendix F 2023 NFHS Softball Rules Page 96
The function of a coach is to educate students through participation in interscholastic competition.
An interscholastic program should be designed to enhance academic achievement and should
never interfere with opportunities for academic success. Each student should be treated with the
utmost respect and the student's welfare should be considered in decisions by the coach at all
times. Accordingly, the following guidelines for coaches have been adopted by the NFHS Board of
• Coaches shall be aware that they have a tremendous influence, for either good or ill, on the
education of the student and, thus, shall never place the value of winning above the value of
instilling the highest ideals of character.
• Coaches shall uphold the honor and dignity of the profession. In all personal contact with
students, officials, athletic directors, school administrators, the state high school athletic
association, the media, and the public, coaches shall strive to set an example of the highest
ethical and moral conduct.
• Coaches shall take an active role in the prevention of drug, alcohol and tobacco abuse.
• Coaches shall avoid the use of alcohol and tobacco products when in contact with players.
• Coaches shall promote the entire interscholastic program of the school and direct the
program in harmony with the total school program.
• Coaches shall master the contest rules and shall teach the rules to their team members.
Coaches shall not seek an advantage by circumvention of the spirit or letter of the rules.
• Coaches shall exert their influence to enhance sportsmanship by spectators, both
directly and by working closely with cheerleaders, pep club sponsors, booster clubs and
• Coaches shall respect and support contest officials. Coaches shall not indulge in conduct which
would incite players or spectators against the officials. Public criticism of officials or players is
• Coaches should meet and exchange cordial greetings with the opposing coach to set the
correct tone for the event before and after the contest.
• Coaches shall not exert pressure on faculty members to give students special consideration.
• Coaches shall not scout opponents by any means other than those adopted by the league and/
or state high school association.
Page 97 2023 NFHS Softball Rules Appendix G
Officials at an interscholastic athletic event are participants in the educational development of
high school students. As such, they must exercise a high level of self-discipline, independence and
responsibility. The purpose of this Code is to establish guidelines for ethical standards of conduct
for all interscholastic officials.
• Officials shall master both the rules of the game and the mechanics necessary to enforce
the rules, and shall exercise authority in an impartial, firm and controlled manner.
• Officials shall work with each other and their state associations in a constructive and
cooperative manner.
• Officials shall uphold the honor and dignity of the profession in all interaction with
student-athletes, coaches, athletic directors, school administrators, colleagues, and the public.
• Officials shall avoid the use of alcohol and tobacco products beginning with the arrival at the
competition site until departure following the completion of the contest.
• Officials shall prepare themselves both physically and mentally, shall dress neatly and
appropriately, and shall comport themselves in a manner consistent with the high standards
of the profession.
• Officials shall be punctual and professional in the fulfillment of all contractual obligations.
• Officials shall remain mindful that their conduct influences the respect that student-athletes,
coaches and the public hold for the profession.
• Officials shall, while enforcing the rules of play, remain aware of the inherent risk of injury that
competition poses to student-athletes. Where appropriate, officials shall inform event manage-
ment of conditions or situations that appear unreasonably hazardous.
• Officials shall take reasonable steps to educate themselves in the recognition of emergency
conditions that might arise during the course of competition.
• Officials shall maintain an ethical approach while participating in forums, chat rooms and all
forms of social media.
Appendix H 2023 NFHS Softball Rules Page 98
National Federation of State High School Associations
1. The DP can never be on DEFENSE ONLY.
3. The DP and FLEX player can never be on offense at the same time.
4. The STARTER and the SUBSTITUTE cannot be in the game at the same time.
5. The starting DP and FLEX player have one re-entry just as any other player.
6. Once the game is started with the DP/FLEX positions in the lineup, those positions are avail-
able for the entire game.
7. The penalty for illegal re-entry of the DP or FLEX player is always restricted to the bench/
8. If the player is on offense, the player is called out. If the player is on defense, the team on
offense may have the choice of taking the result of the play or accepting the penalty.
9. The DP player is charged with a substitution only when the DP is withdrawn from the batting
order and the FLEX player is charged with a substitution only when the FLEX is no longer
listed as playing defense.
Index 2023 NFHS Softball Rules Page 110
Appeals ..................... 2-1 , 8-3-2 EFF., 8-8-16, 10-1-4 Awarded First Base ........... .............................. 8-1-2
Awards........... 2-65-1 , 2; 6-1-3 PEN. ; 8-1-1d EFF. (3); Becomes Runner........ ....................... 8-1 -1
................. 8-He PEN.; 8-1 -2 PEN.; 8-3-11 ; 8-4-3 Defined................... ................. ...... 2-5-1
Ball Delays... ................. ...7-2-1e, 7-3-1
Batted ................ ........................... ......... 2-2-2 Disconcerts Pitcher ................................... .. .... 7-4-3
Bounces Out of Play............................. ......... 8-4-3g On-Deck ............... ...............2-5-3, 7-5
Called ............................................................ 10-2-1 Batter-Runner .................................................... 2-5-2
Dead ....................... .. .................. 2-2-4, 5-1-1 , 5-2-2 Batter's Box .................................... DIA. 1, 1-1-4, 2-6
Dead-Ball Table ................................................... 5-1 Battery .......................................... ...... 2-23-2
Defined ............................................................ 2-2-1 Batting Helmet ............................... ........................ 1-6
Delayed Dead Ball ································2-2-5, 5-1-2, Batting Order. ............... 2-7-1 , 3-3-2, 4-1-2b, 7-1-1 ,2
........................................................ 8-1-1d, 8-4-3d Batting Out of Order ..................... 2-7-2, 7-1-2 PEN. 1
Fair ........................................2-20-1, 2-20-2, 5-1-11 Bench Conduct... ........................................... 3-6-1 :20
Fly .......................................... ......................... 2-2-6 Bleeding ........ ................................................... 3-3-1 O
Foul. ........................ .. 2-25-1, 7-2-1c, 7-2-1d , 7-2-3 Blocked Ball ........................................... 2-2-3, 5-1-1 g
Ground ............................................................ 2-2-7 Bunt .....................................2-8, 7-4-9, 8-2-10, 9-3-4
Hits Batter. ........................ 2-62 EXC., 2-62, 5-1-1 a, Casts ........................ ........................ .............. 3-2-13
................................................. 7-3-2 PEN., 8-1-2b Catch ............................................................ ..........2-9
Hits Umpire ........................ 2-20-1d , 5-1-1d, 5-1-11, Catcher
............................................ 8-1-2a, 8-4-1d, 8-4-11 Defined .......................................................... 2-10-1
Illegally Batted ........................5-1-1b, 7-4-8, 7-4-13 Equipment. ..........................................................1-7
In Flight ................. ............................. 2-20-1e, 2-28 Infractions (F.P.) ................................... ....... 6-3
Live. ...................... ....... ...... ...................... 5-1-4 Interference With ..................... 5-1 -2c, 7-4-4, 8-2-6
Passed ................. 2-2-8, 9-5-5 EXC. 4, 9-6-1 NOTE Obstruction ............ .......... ... 2-36, 5-1-2b,
Rotation ............................................................6-5 ........................................................8-1 -1d, 8-4-3b
Specifications .................................................. 1-3-3 Position .. .. .................... ....... ............................ 3-1-5
Thrown into Stands....................................... 8-4-3e Catcher's Box.... .. .1-1-4, 2-10-2, 1-1-4 DIA. 1-1
Touches Runner ............ ........ 5-1-1d, 5-1-11, 8-1-2a Checked Swing ............................. 2-11 , 10-1-4 NOTE
Base Coach
Dislodged ............................................ 8-3-5, 8-8-14 Box.... .. ..................... .......................... ..............2-13
Double ......................................... 1-2-1 NOTE, 8-10 Conduct .... .................. .. .......................... 3-6
Home Plate ................................................... 1-2-2 Interference By .........................3-5-4, 3-5-5, 8-6-16
Missed ...... ......... 8-3-8, 8-3-9, 8-8-16, 9-1-1 EXC. c Reporting Substitutions ......... 3-3-2
Retouch ................ .........6-2-4d, 8-3-9 Un iform ........................................................... 3-5-3
Specifications .................................................. 1-2-1 Conduct, Bench and Field. ...................3-6
Touch Requirements................. 8-3-1, 8-3-2, 8-3-3, Conferences
························· ..................... 8-3-8, 8-3-9, 8-3-10 Charged .... ....... .. 2-14-1 , 10-2-3j
Base Hits ................................... 9-3-1a, NOTE, 9-3-2a Defensive......... .. ...... ............................ 3-7-1
Base Line/Path Offensive.................. ....... 3-7-2
Abandoning ......................................... 8-2-4, 8-6-19 Pregame............. .. ............... 2-14-2, 3-5-1 , 4-1 -2
Defined .................... .. ..........................................2-3 Confines of the Field .. .........................................2-15
Runner Leaves ......................................8-2-5, 8-8-1 Courtesy Runners . .............. 8-9
Base on Balls .......................................... 2-65, 8-1 -1c Crow Hop ....................... ............ 2-16
Bat Dead Ball ................................. 2-2-4, Dead-Ball Table
Altered .. ...................................... 2-4-2a Delayed ................... .............................. 2-2-5
Damaged ..................................2-4-3, 7-4-14 NOTE Line ...................................... 5-1-1i, Dead-Ball Table
Illegal ......................................... ........ 2-4-2 Territory ................................................... ..... 2-22-4
On-Deck Devices ....................... ...... 1-5-3 Delay of Game
Specifications ....................................... 1-5-1, 1-5-2 By Batter ................................. ............ 7-2-1e, 7-3-1
Touched by Batted Ball ...... ................ 5-1-1b, 8-2-7 By Pitcher ......................... 6-2-3 (F.P.), 6-4-7 (S.P.)
Batter Forfeit. ........................................................ 4-3-1 a-d
Page 111 2023 NFHS Softball Rules Index
Designated Media Area ...................................... 1-1-7 Ground Ball .............................. ........................ 2-2-7
Designated Player ....................................3-1-1 , 3-3-6 Ground Ru les ...................... .................. .4-1-3, 10-2-3
Detached Equipment.... 1-4-4, 5-1-2b, 5-1-2e, 8-4-3d Illegal Pitch ...........2-43-2, 6-2-1, 6-2-2, 6-2-3, 6-2-7,
Doubleheaders ...................................... 4-2-3 NOTE 2 ............... 6-3-1 PEN. , 6-4-6, 6-4-9, 6-4-12a (S.P.),
Dugout/Bench Area ..............................................2-17 ........................................... 6-4-1 2b {S.P.), 6-4-13
Effect. ...................................................................2-18 Improper Batter. .............................. 7-1 -1, 7-1-2 PEN.
Ejection .......................................... 2-19, 3-6, 10-2-31 In Flight... ............................................................. 2-28
Equipment Infield ................................................................... 2-29
Loose ................................................. 1-8-3, 5-1-1g , Infield Fly Rule .......................................... 2-30, 8-2-9
..........................................8-4-3d , Dead-Ball Table Infielder. ........................................................... 2-23-2
Nontraditional .. ..................................... 1-8-1 Initial Play ························································ 2-47-3
Verification .. ...................................... 3-5-1, 10-2-3a Inning/Half Inning ................................................2-31
Fair Ball Intentional Walk .............................................. 2-65-2
Caught ..................................................... 2-9, 8-2-3 Interference
Defined .......................................................... 2-20-1 Double Play...........................................8-6-10 PEN .
Hits Runner............... 5-1-11, 8-1-2a, 8-4-11, 8-6-11 Offensive ..................... 2-32, 7-4-12, 8-6-10, 8-6-1 3
Fair Territory .............................................. .... 2-22-2 Ball Hits Runner ................ ................ 5-1-11, 8-1-2a,
Fake Tag ....................................... 2-21 , 3-6-2, 8-4-3b ........................................................ 8-4-1 g, 8-6-11
Fielder Ball HitTwice .................................... 5-1-lb, 7-4-13
Defined .............. .......................................... 2-23-1 Bat Hits Fielder. ............................................. 7-4-14
Falls Into Dugout... ............................. 5-1-1 i, 8-4-3h Batter Impedes Fielder ........... 5-1-1p, 7-4-4, 7-4-14
Intentionally Dropped Ball ..................5-1-1I, 8-2-10 Coach ................................................ 7-4-12, 8-6-16
Interfered With ..................... 8-6-10, 8-6-1 1, 8-6-12 Offensive Team Hinders .................... 8-6-15, 8-6-16
Obstruction ......................................... 2-36, 5-1-2c, Runner Impedes Fielder ....... 5-1-1e, 8-6-10, 8-6-14
.......................................................... 5-1 -3, 8-4-3b Runner Impedes Thrown Ball. ..................... 8-6-1 Od
Position ........................................................... 3-1-4 Spectator ............................ 5-1 -1g1, 8-2-12, 8-4-3j
Field of Play Umpire ................... ...................................... 5-1-111
Defined .......................................................... 2-22-1 Jewelry............................................................. 3-2-12
Layout... ......................................... 1-1, DIAS. 2 & 3 Leap .....................................................................2-33
New ...................................................1-1-10, 1-1 -11 Line Drive .............................................................2-34
Fighting ............................................................ 3-6-19 Lineup Cards .......................................... 3-1-3, 4-1-2b
Fly Ball ............................................................... 2-2-6 Malicious Contact ................................... 2-35, 8-6-14
Force Out ............. 2-1-11, 9-1-1 EXC. b, 9-1 -1 EXC. d Missed Base ................................8-3-8, 8-3-9, 8-8-16
Force Play ............................................................2-24 Obstruction ............................................. 2-36, 8-4-3b
Forfeit... ........................................ 2-26-4, 4-3, 10-2-2 Official Scorer .................................................... 9-2-2
Foul On-Deck Circle ......................................... 2-37, DIA. 1
Line ..................................................................... 1-1 Out ....................................................................... 2-38
Territory ........................................................ 2-22-3 Outfield ................................................................ 2-39
Foul Ball Outfielder ......................................................... 2-23-3
Bat Hit Second Time ..................................... 7-4-13 Overrunning/sliding Base .......................2-40, 8-4-2b,
Bunt .............................................................. 7-2-1d ················································· 8-6-8, 8-7-4, 8-8-9
Caught .................................... 5-1 -1i, 7-4-11 , 8-2-3 Passed Ball ..................... ....................... 2-2-8, 8-4-3c
Defined .......................................................... 2-25-1 Penalties .................. ................................2-41
Interference With .......................................... 7-4-12 Pinch
Not Caught .............................................. 8-3-2 EXC. Hitter ............................................................. 2-42-1
Tip..................................................... 2-25-2, 7-2-1d Runner .......................................................... 2-42-2
Game Pitch ................................................................. 2-43-1
Beginning ..............................................4-1 -1, 4-1-5 Pitcher
Called ....................................... 2-26-2, 4-2-3, 4-3-1 Changes Field Position .......................... 3-3-2 NOTE
Ending .................................................................4-2 Conferences ........................................ 2-14-1 , 3-7-1
Gloves/Mitts Defaces Ball ............................. ......... 6-2-2, 10-2-31
Illegal ..................................... 1-4-4, 5-1 -2d, 8-8-15 Defined ..............................................................2-44
Loose .............................................................. 1-8-3 Disconcerted ............... ............... 3-6-15, 7-4-3
Specifications ......................................................1-4 Fake Throw ............................................. 8-7-4 EXC.
Thrown .......................................................... 8-4-3d Foreign Substance ............6-2-2 {F.P.), 6-4-5 {S.P.)
Index 2023 NFHS Softball Rules Page 112
Illegal Equipment ......... ................... 3-2-9 Stolen Base (F.P.) ...................................... 2-55, 9-4
lnfractions ...........................................................6-2 Strike
Legal Pitch ................................. 6-1 -2, 6-1-3, 6-1-4 Called ................................ ................ 7-2-1a, 8-1-2b
Legal Position ................................................. 6-1-1 Defined .......................................................... 2-56-1
Pivot Foot... ............................... 2-46, 6-1-1 , 6-1-2c Penalty .......................................... ........ 7-2-1 , 7-3-1
Preparatory Pitcher (Warmups) ...................... 6-2-5 Swinging ....................................................... 7-2-1b
Pitching Circle .................................... 1-1-2, 2-45, 8-7 Zone .................................................. 2-56-3, 2-56-4
Pitching Regulations ................................... 6-1 (F.P.), Strikeout ....... ............ .............................2-56-2, 9-6-4
............................................. 6-2 (F.P.), 6-4 (S.P.) Substitutes
Player(s) Defined ............................................................. 2-57
Captain ................................... 2-14-2, 3-1-2, 10-1-4 Illegal ............................................... .. ................3-4
Conduct ............. .. ...............................................3-6 Pitcher ................... ...................... 3-3-2 NOTE
Positions ............................................. 3-1-6, DIA. 1 Procedure .......... ............... 3-3-3
Reduced Number .................. .. 4-3-11, 4-3-1g, 7-4-1 Suspended Games ...............................2-26-1 , 4-2-3
Play Ball ............................................................... 2-47 Suspension of Play ................. 5-2
Pregame Procedures ............................... 3-5-1 , 4-1-2, Tag OuVPlay ..... .. ..... ..........2-38-4, 8-6-3
............................................ ........... 4-1-3, 10-2-3a Team Members ........ .......................2-58
Protested Games ........................... 1-1-9, 4-4, 10-2-3i Team Personnel ..................................................2-59
Records ........................................... ........ 9-2 thru 9-7 Third Strike
Re-entry ..................................... ....... 2-57-2,3, 3-3-5 Bunted ...................................................7-4-9 (F.P.)
Regulation Game ....................................... 2-26-3, 4-2 Caught ............................................................ 7-4-5
Relief Pitcher.... ..............................6-2-5 (F.P.) Not Caught ...................... 7-4-7 (F.P.), 8-1-1b (F.P.)
Restricted to the Dugout ...................................... 2-48 ............................................................ 8-2-1, 8-2-4
Runner Three-Foot Lane ............................. 1-1-4, 2-60, 8-2-6
Advance ....................................... 8-1-1 , 8-2-4, 8-4, Tie Game ............................................................ 4-2-5
···························8·6·6, 8-6-7, 8-7, 8-8-11 , 8-8-12 Time at Bat ....................... ....................... 2-62, 9-3-1a
Awarded Base .................................... 8-1-1d EFF. 3, Time of Pitch........................ .. .. ........ 6-1-2 (F.P.)
.......................... .. ................ .... 8-1-1 e PEN., 8-1-2, Time-out .............. .. ... 2-61 , 5-1-1 h, 5-2-1
.................................... 8-2-12 PEN., 8-3-11 , 8-4-3 Timing Play ................. .............................. 2-63
Baseline .......................................................... 8-8-1 Tobacco Products ................................ 3-6-12, 10-1-6
Batter-Runner ............................ 8-1-1, 8-1-2, 8-2-6 Touching .................... ....... .. ................................. 2-64
Defined ................................................ .. ........ 2-50-1 Umpire
Hit by Batted Ball. ............................................. 2-64, Duties & Responsibilities ........................ 10-2, 10-3
....................................................... 5-1-11, 8-1-2a, Equipment and Apparel.............. .. ... 10-4
····································· .................. 8-4-11, 8-6-11 Field Umpire ...................................................... 10-3
Hit by Pitch .................................. 2-62 EXC., 5-1-1a Handles Live Ball.................... ...... 5-1-1 h
Interference by .................. .. .. ............ 5-1-1e, 8-6-10 Interference .............................. 5-1-11(1 ). 5-1-1 g(5)
Missed Base ............. 8-3-8.9. 8-8-16 ........................... 5-1-1h , 5-1-2c (F.P.)
Obstructed ................................ 2-36, 5-1-3, 8-4-3b Jurisdiction ........... ............................. 10-1-3
Out ................................................................ 2-38-1 Plate Umpire .....................................................10-2
Passes Preceding Runner ............................... 8-6-4 Touched by Thrown Ball .......... .. ............ 3-5-5 EXC.,
Retired .............................................. 2-50-2, 5-1-1e .......................................................5-1-19. 8-4-1d
Retouch ..... .. .....................................6-2-4d. 8-3-10 Unconscious Player ............................. 3-3-9, 10-2-3k
Stolen Base ......................................... .............. 2-55 Uniforms ................................................................3-2
Run(s) Unsporting Conduct ........................................ 3-6-13,
Defined ..............................................................2-49 .................. 10-2-31, 10-3-1
Scoring .................................................9-1-1 , 9-1-2 Video Equipment... ........................................... 3-6-11
Scorebook................................. 3-1-4, 9-2-2. 10-2-3a Visiting Team ................................4-1-2, 4-1-3, 4-1-4
Score of Game ............................. 4-2, 4-3-2, 10-2-3n Walk .......................... ........................................... 2-65
Scoring ............................................................. Rule 9 Warmup Pitches ................ 6-2-5 (F.P.), 6-4-10 (S.P.)
Shoes ............................................................... 3-2-11 Weather ............................. ...........4-1-1 , 4-2-2, 4-2-3
Slap Hit ................. .................................... ........... 2-51 Wild Pitch .................................... 8-4-3c (F.P.), 9-6-1
Sliding ................................................ 2-52, 8-6-13,14 Wild Throws .................................................... 8-4-3e
Squeeze Play .............................................. 2-53 (F.P.)
Starting Players ....................................................2-54