Critical Limb Ischemic
Critical Limb Ischemic
Critical Limb Ischemic
Dipresentasikan pada Surabaya Surgical Update 2017 : “Surgical Aspect of All Non Traumatic Emergency [S-ANTEM]”
Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Bedah Indonesia (IKABI) Kord.Wil. Surabaya, 11 – 12 Maret 2017, Hotel Shangri-La Surabaya
Critical limb ischemia (CLI)
• > 2 weeks of rest pain, ulcers, or tissue loss attributed to
arterial occlusive disease, is associated with great loss of limb
and life
• Pain description : stabbing, hot-burning, tender and cruel-punishing,
localized in the distal part of the foot or in the ischemic ulcer or
gangrenous toe, occurs at night, respond only to opiat or foot dependency
Limb-saving surgery
= Limb-salvage surgey
= Limb-sparing surgery
• Type of surgery primarily performed to avoid amputation
Unknown direction ?
Diabetic neuropathy
Complex regional pain syndrome
Nerve root compression
Peripheral sensory neuropathy other than diabetic neuropathy
Night cramps
Buerger’s disease (thrombangitis obliterans)
Local inflammatory diseases : gout, rheumatoid arthritis,
digital neuroma, tarsal tunnel nerve compression or plantar
Clinical presentation of CLI
Pathologies of CLI
pathophysiological processes :
atherosclerosis and thromboembolic
form :
stenotic, occlusive, and aneurysmal
• Surgical procedures
– Surgical removal of thrombus
– Primary surgical repair
– Endarterectomy, with or without patching
– Surgical bypass.
Limb Salvage Surgery for CLI
Inflow revascularization procedure
(Aortoiliac Occlusive Disease)
• Aortobiiliac disease :
– Aortobifemoral bypass
• Unilateral disease :
– Iliac endarterectomy, patch angioplasty, or aortoiliac or iliofemoral
bypass or femoral-femoral bypass
• Extensive aortoiliac disease :
– Axillofemoral-femoral bypass
Limb Salvage Surgery for CLI
Outflow revascularization procedure
(Infrainguinal Disease)
• Bypasses to the above-knee popliteal with autogenous saphenous vein
• Bypasses to the below-knee popliteal with autogenous saphenous vein
• Bypass to tibial or pedal artery ( continous flow without stenosis > 20%)
• Prosthetic femoral-tibial bypass (no autogenous vein is available)
Male , 67 yrs, rest pain, toe gangrene, DM
Fem-Pop bypass . Result : immediate pain relief
Timing for Limb Saving Surgery
Timing for Limb Saving Surgery
Not Fit
Technically not possible
No benefit
General Principle for Revascularization
Faglia at al (1998)
• Critical limb ischemia warrants aggressive
revascularization to reduce risk of amputation
• Early consultation or referal, early limb saving
• Pitfall for delayed surgery